def divideElement(el):
	mid = el.size/2
	xList = el.bin[:mid]
	yList = el.bin[mid:]
	x = BinaryString(xList)
	y = BinaryString(yList)
	return [x,y]
def disturbPlusOne(x):
	xValue = x.binToInt()
	plusOne = BinaryString.newFromInt(xValue + 1)
	minusOne = BinaryString.newFromInt(xValue - 1)
	fitnessPlusOne = getElementFitness(plusOne)
	fitnessMinusOne = getElementFitness(minusOne)
	if fitnessMinusOne > fitnessPlusOne:
		return BinaryString.changeSize(minusOne, x.size)
	return BinaryString.changeSize(plusOne, x.size)
def getElementValueAndFitness(el):
	mid = el.size/2

	maxValueBS = BinaryString([0] + (mid-1)*[1])
	multiplier = 1.0/maxValueBS.binToInt()

	[x,y] = divideElement(el)
	xValue = abs(10 * x.binToInt() * multiplier) - 5
	yValue = abs(10 * y.binToInt() * multiplier) - 5

	value = f(xValue,yValue)

	return [xValue, yValue, value]
def populationFitnessCalculation(population):	
	fitnessList = []
	bestFitness = 0
	bestIndex = 0
	maxValueBS = BinaryString([0] + (population[0].size-1)*[1])
	multiplier = 1.0/maxValueBS.binToInt()	
	for i in range(len(population)):
		value = abs(population[i].binToInt() * multiplier)
		if fitnessList[i] > bestFitness:
			bestFitness = fitnessList[i]
			bestIndex = i

	return [fitnessList, bestIndex]
def fitnessCalculation(population):
    fitnessList = []
    bestFitness = 0
    bestIndex = 0
    for i in range(len(population)):
        fitnessList.append(zero.size -
                           BinaryString.hammingDistance(zero, population[i]))
        if fitnessList[i] >= bestFitness:
            bestFitness = fitnessList[i]
            bestIndex = i
    return [fitnessList, bestIndex]
def populationFitnessCalculation(population):	
	fitnessList = []
	bestFitness = float('inf')
	bestIndex = 0

	mid = population[0].size/2

	maxValueBS = BinaryString([0] + (mid-1)*[1])
	multiplier = 1.0/maxValueBS.binToInt()

	for i in range(len(population)):
		[x,y] = divideElement(population[i])
		xValue = abs(10 * x.binToInt() * multiplier) - 5
		yValue = abs(10 * y.binToInt() * multiplier) - 5
	 	value = f(xValue,yValue)
		if fitnessList[i] < bestFitness:
			bestFitness = fitnessList[i]
			bestIndex = i

	return [fitnessList, bestIndex]
def crossover2by2(population, fitnessList):
	#Retorna a população sem alteração caso não deva fazer o crossover
	if not shouldCrossover:
		return population

	newPopulation = population
	#Para cada 2 individuos da população faça
	for i in range(0, len(population), 2):
		#Verifica se deve aplicar crossover para o par
		should = random() <= crossoverProbability
		if should:
			#Se sim, gera um ponto e cruza os indivíduos
			[x1,y1] = divideElement(population[i])
			[x2,y2] = divideElement(population[i+1])

			point1 = randint(crossoverRangeStart, crossoverRangeEnd)
			point2 = randint(crossoverRangeStart, crossoverRangeEnd)

			[crossX1, crossX2] = BinaryString.crossover(x1,x2,point1)
			[crossY1, crossY2] = BinaryString.crossover(y1,y2,point2)

			newPopulation[i] = BinaryString(crossX1.bin + crossY1.bin)
			newPopulation[i+1] = BinaryString(crossX2.bin + crossY2.bin)
	return newPopulation
def crossover2by2(population, fitnessList):
	#Retorna a população sem alteração caso não deva fazer o crossover
	if not shouldCrossover:
		return population

	newPopulation = population
	#Para cada 2 individuos da população faça
	for i in range(0, len(population), 2):
		#Verifica se deve aplicar crossover para o par
		should = random() <= crossoverProbability
		if should:
			#Se sim, gera um ponto e cruza os indivíduos
			point = randint(crossoverRangeStart, crossoverRangeEnd)
			[newPopulation[i], newPopulation[i+1]] = BinaryString.crossover(population[i],population[i+1],point)
	return newPopulation
Пример #9
 def _Load(self, fobj):
     self._stream = BinaryString(, verbose=self._is_verbose)
     self._header = FileHeader(verbose=self._is_verbose)
     self._groundLevel = None
     self._rockLevel = None
     self._numTileOpts = -1
     self._tileOptMap = None
     self._tileOpts = None
     self._totalTileOpts = 0
     self._numWallOpts = -1
     self._wallOptMap = None
     self._wallOpts = None
     self._totalWallOpts = 0
     self._width = None
     self._height = None
     self.LoadMapTiles(self._maxTilesX, self._maxTilesY)
# encoding: utf-8

from BinaryString import BinaryString
from InputMethods import readIntMin, readIntInterval, readFloatInterval, readIntInterval, readOption, readFloat, secondsToString
from NatureInspiredAlgorithms import geneticAlgorithm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
import math
from random import random, randint
from copy import deepcopy

zero = BinaryString([1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1])
withElitism = False
shouldCrossover = False
crossoverProbability = 0
crossoverRangeStart = 0
crossoverRangeEnd = zero.size - 1
shouldMutate = False
mutationProbability = 0



#Calculo da aptidão da população
def fitnessCalculation(population):
    fitnessList = []
    bestFitness = 0
    bestIndex = 0
Пример #11
 def LoadMapTiles(self, width, height):
     self.verbose("Offset: %s" % (self._stream.get_pos(),))
     data = zlib.decompress(self._stream.getContent(remainder=True), -15)
     stream = BinaryString(data)
     print(' '.join(hex(ord(c))[2:] for c in stream._content[stream._pos:stream._pos+32]))
     offsets = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
     x, y = 0, 0
     while y < height:
         while x < width:
             self.log(x, y, width, height, stream)
             assert x >= 0
             header1 = stream.readByte()
             header2 = stream.readByte() if (header1 & 1) == 1 else 0
             section = (header1 & 14) >> 1
             hasOwnType = (section in (1, 2, 7))
             tileIdx = 0
             if hasOwnType:
                 if (header1 & 16) != 16:
                     tileIdx = stream.readByte()
                     tileIdx = stream.readUInt16()
             light = 255 if (header1 & 32) != 32 else stream.readByte()
             rleType = ((header1 & 192) >> 6)
             rle = 0
             if rleType == 1:
                 rle = stream.readByte()
             elif rleType == 2:
                 rle = stream.readInt16()
                 rle = 0
             self.rawset(x, y, (header1, header2, tileIdx, light, rle, section))
             if section == 0:
                 x += rle
                 if section == 1:
                     # tileIdx += posTileOpts
                 elif section == 2:
                     # tileIdx += posWallOpts
                 elif section in (3, 4, 5):
                     # tileIdx += num22 + section - 3
                 elif section == 6:
                     #if y < self._groundLevel:
                     #    offset = num7 * y / self._groundLevel
                     #    tileIdx += num23 + offset;
                     #    y = num26
                 #tile = [self._tileTypes[tileIdx], light, (header2 >> 1) & 31]
                 tile = [tileIdx, light, (header2 >> 1) & 31]
                 self.rawset(x, y, (header1, header2, tileIdx, light, rle, section))
                 # SetTile(x, y, tile)
                 if light == 256:
                     while rle > 0:
                         x += 1
                         # SetTile(x, y, tile)
                         self.rawset(x, y, (header1, header2, tileIdx, light, rle, section))
                         rle -= 1
                     while rle > 0:
                         x += 1
                         tile[1] = stream.readByte()
                         self.rawset(x, y, (header1, header2, tileIdx, light, rle, section))
                         # SetTile(x, y, tile)
                         rle -= 1
             x += 1
         y += 1
Пример #12
class Map(object):
    LOOKUP_SKY = 4
    def __init__(self, fname=None, fobj=None, verbose=False):
        self._header = None
        self.HeaderEmpty = 0
        self.HeaderTile = 1
        self.HeaderWall = 2
        self.HeaderWater = 3
        self.HeaderLava = 4
        self.HeaderHoney = 5
        self.HeaderHeavenAndHell = 6
        self.HeaderBackground = 7
        self.MaxTileOpts = 12
        self.MaxWallOpts = 2
        self.MaxLiquidTypes = 3
        self.MaxSkyGradients = 256
        self.MaxDirtGradients = 256
        self.MaxRockGradients = 256
        self.tileOptionCounts = [0]*419
        self.tileLookup = [[None]*self.MaxTileOpts for _ in xrange(419)]
        self.liquidLookup = [None]*(self.MaxLiquidTypes+1)
        self.wallLookup = [[None]*self.MaxWallOpts for _ in xrange(225)]
        self.skyLookup = [None]*self.MaxSkyGradients
        self.dirtLookup = [None]*self.MaxDirtGradients
        self.rockLookup = [None]*self.MaxRockGradients
        self.colorLookup = []
        self.skyGradient = ((50, 40, 255), (145, 185, 255))
        self.dirtGradient = ((88, 61, 46), (37, 78, 123))
        self.rockGradient = ((74, 67, 60), (53, 70, 97))
        self.missingTiles = []
        self.missingWalls = []
        self._groundLevel = None
        self._rockLevel = None
        self._is_verbose = verbose
        self._raw_tiles = {}
        self._log = ''

        tileColors = list(csv.reader(open("MapTile_Colors.csv")))
        for t,o,r,g,b in tileColors[1:]:
            t, o = int(t), int(o)
            r, g, b = int(r), int(g), int(b)
            self.tileLookup[t][o] = (r, g, b)

        liquidColors = list(csv.reader(open("MapTile_LiquidColors.csv")))
        for t, r, g, b in liquidColors[1:]:
            t = int(t)
            r, g, b = int(r), int(g), int(b)
            self.liquidLookup[t+1] = (r, g, b)

        wallColors = list(csv.reader(open("MapTile_WallColors.csv")))
        for t,o,r,g,b in wallColors[1:]:
            t, o = int(t), int(o)
            r, g, b = int(r), int(g), int(b)
            self.wallLookup[t][o] = (r, g, b)

        for i in range(1, IDs.Tile.Count):
            if set(self.tileLookup[i]) == set([None]):

        for i in range(1, IDs.Wall.Count):
            if set(self.wallLookup[i]) == set([None]):

        if fname is not None and fobj is not None:
            raise ValueError("fname and fobj are mutually exclusive")
        if fname is None and fobj is not None:
        if fname is not None and fobj is None:
            self.Load(open(fname, 'r'))

    def GetLookup(self, lookup_id):
        lookups = {
            Map.LOOKUP_TILE: self.tileLookup,
            Map.LOOKUP_LIQUID: self.liquidLookup,
            Map.LOOKUP_WALL: self.wallLookup,
            Map.LOOKUP_SKY: self.skyLookup,
            Map.LOOKUP_DIRT: self.dirtLookup,
            Map.LOOKUP_ROCK: self.rockLookup}
        if lookup_id in lookups:
            return lookups[lookup_id]
        raise IndexError("Lookup ID %s invalid" % (lookup_id,))

    def TileToLookup(self, tile, i=None, j=None, light=255,
        Returns which lookup table (see Map.LOOKUP_* constants), lookup
        index, and lookup option for the tile object given
        lookup, option = 0, 0
        type = tile.Type
        wall = tile.Wall
        extra = 0
        if tile.IsActive and \
                type not in self.missingTiles and \
                not transparentTiles:
            # Case 1: active tiles
            if type == IDs.Tile.RainbowBrick:
                extra = tile.TileColor
            if type == IDs.Tile.DemonAltar:
                if tile.U >= 54:
                    option = 1
            elif type == IDs.Tile.Sunflower:
                if tile.U < 34:
                    option = 1
            elif type == IDs.Tile.Pots:
                # these can't be factored by more than 2 (trust me, I tried)
                if tile.V < 144:
                    option = 0
                elif tile.V < 252:
                    option = 1
                elif tile.V < 360 or 900 < tile.V < 1008:
                    option = 2
                elif tile.V < 468:
                    option = 3
                elif tile.V < 576:
                    option = 4
                elif tile.V < 648:
                    option = 5
                elif tile.V < 792:
                    option = 6
                elif tile.V < 898:
                    option = 8
                elif tile.V < 1006:
                    option = 7
                elif tile.V < 1114:
                    option = 0
                elif tile.V < 1222:
                    option = 3
                    option = 7
            elif type == IDs.Tile.ShadowOrbs:
                if tile.U >= 36:
                    option = 1
            elif type == IDs.Tile.LongMoss:
                option = _clamp(tile.U / 22, 0, 5)
            elif type == IDs.Tile.SmallPiles:
                if tile.V < 18:
                    u = tile.U / 18
                    if u < 6 or 28 <= u <= 32:
                        option = 0
                    elif u < 22 or 33 <= u <= 35:
                        option = 1
                    elif u < 28:
                        option = 2
                    elif u < 48:
                        option = 3
                    elif u < 54:
                        option = 4
                    u = tile.U / 36
                    if u < 6 or 19 <= u <= 24 or u == 33 or 38 <= u <= 40:
                        option = 0
                    elif u < 16:
                        option = 2
                    elif u < 19 or 31 <= u <= 32:
                        option = 1
                    elif u < 31:
                        option = 3
                    elif u < 38:
                        option = 4
            elif type == IDs.Tile.LargePiles:
                u = tile.U / 54
                if u < 7:
                    option = 2
                elif u < 22 or u in (33, 34, 35):
                    option = 0
                elif u < 25:
                    option = 1
                elif u == 25:
                    option = 5
                elif u < 32:
                    option = 3
            elif type == IDs.Tile.LargePiles2:
                u = tile.U / 54
                if u < 3 or u in (14, 15, 16):
                    option = 0
                elif u < 6:
                    option = 6
                elif u < 9:
                    option = 7
                elif u < 14:
                    option = 4  # the code literally has these two
                elif u < 18:
                    option = 4  # the code literally has these two
                elif u < 23:
                    option = 8
                elif u < 25:
                    option = 0
                elif u < 29:
                    option = 1
            elif type in (IDs.Tile.ImmatureHerbs, IDs.Tile.MatureHerbs,
                option = _clamp(tile.U / 18, 0, 6)
            elif type == IDs.Tile.AdamantiteForge:
                option = 1 if tile.U >= 52 else 0
            elif type == IDs.Tile.MythrilAnvil:
                option = 1 if tile.U >= 28 else 0
            elif type == IDs.Tile.PressurePlates:
                option = 1 if tile.U != 0 else 0
            elif type == IDs.Tile.Painting3X3:
                u = tile.U / 54 + tile.V / 54 * 36
                if 0 <= u <= 11 or 47 <= u <= 53:
                    option = 0
                elif 12 <= u <= 15 or 18 <= u <= 35:
                    option = 1
                elif 16 <= u <= 17:
                    option = 2
                elif 41 <= u <= 45:
                    option = 3
                elif u == 46:
                    option = 4
            elif type == IDs.Tile.Painting6X4:
                if 22 <= tile.V / 72 <= 24:
                    option = 1
            elif type == IDs.Tile.Torches:
                if tile.U < 66:
                    pass    # the decompiled code literally has this
                option = 0
            elif type == IDs.Tile.Containers:
                u = tile.U / 36
                if u in (1, 2, 10, 13, 15): # Gold Chest
                    option = 1
                elif u in (3, 4):   # Shadow
                    option = 2
                elif u == 6:        # Unknown
                    option = 3
                elif u in (11, 17): # Water
                    option = 4
            elif type == IDs.Tile.Statues:
                if 1548 <= tile.U <= 1654:
                    option = 1
                elif 1656 <= tile.U <= 1798:
                    option = 2
            elif type == IDs.Tile.HolidayLights:
                if j is not None:
                    option = j % 3
            elif type == IDs.Tile.RainbowBrick:
                if j is not None:
                    option = j % 3
            elif type == IDs.Tile.Stalactite:
                if tile.U < 54:
                    option = 0
                elif tile.U < 106 or tile.U >= 216:
                    option = 1
                elif tile.U >= 162:
                    option = 3
                    option = 2
            elif type == IDs.Tile.ExposedGems:
                option = _clamp(tile.U / 18, 0, 6)
            elif type == IDs.Tile.DyePlants:
                option = tile.U / 34;
                option = 0
            assert option < len(self.tileLookup[tile.Type])
            return Map.LOOKUP_TILE, tile.Type, option
        elif tile.LiquidType != Tile.LiquidType.None_ and \
                tile.LiquidAmount > 32 and not transparentLiquid:
            # Case 2: inactive tiles with liquid
            return Map.LOOKUP_LIQUID, tile.LiquidType, 0
        elif wall != 0 and \
                wall not in self.missingWalls and \
                not transparentWalls:
            # Case 3: walls
            extra = tile.WallColor
            if wall == IDs.Wall.Planked and i is not None:
               option = i % 2
            elif wall in (IDs.Wall.PurpleStainedGlass,
               extra = 0
               option = 0
            return Map.LOOKUP_WALL, wall, option
        elif i is not None and j is not None and not transparentBg:
            # Case 4: inactive tiles with a gradient
            if j < self._groundLevel:
                return Map.LOOKUP_SKY, 0, 0
            elif j < self._rockLevel:
                return Map.LOOKUP_DIRT, 0, 0
            elif j < self._height - 204:
                return Map.LOOKUP_ROCK, 0, 0
                return Map.LOOKUP_ROCK, 1, 0
        return Map.LOOKUP_NONE, 0, 0

    def DoColorLookup(self, key, lookup, option=0):
        "Usage: m.DoColorLookup(*m.TileToLookup(t, i, j))"
        result = None
        if key == Map.LOOKUP_NONE:
            result = None
        elif key == Map.LOOKUP_TILE:
            result = self.tileLookup[lookup][option]
        elif key == Map.LOOKUP_LIQUID:
            result = self.liquidLookup[lookup]
        elif key == Map.LOOKUP_WALL:
            result = self.wallLookup[lookup][option]
        elif key == Map.LOOKUP_SKY:
            result = self.skyGradient[lookup]
        elif key == Map.LOOKUP_DIRT:
            result = self.dirtGradient[lookup]
        elif key == Map.LOOKUP_ROCK:
            result = self.rockGradient[lookup]
            print("Invalid lookup: %s %s %s" % (key, lookup, option))
            result = (255, 255, 255)
        return result

    def rawget(self):
        return self._raw_tiles

    def rawset(self, x, y, tile):
        self._raw_tiles[(x, y)] = tile

    def log(self, x, y, w, h, stream):
        self._log = "x:%d y:%d wxh: %dx%d pos: %d" % (x, y, w, h, stream.get_pos())

    def verbose(self, *args):
        if self._is_verbose:
            for arg in args:
                sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % (arg,))

    def Load(self, fobj):
        except (IOError, EOFError, IndexError, AssertionError) as e:

    def _Load(self, fobj):
        self._stream = BinaryString(, verbose=self._is_verbose)
        self._header = FileHeader(verbose=self._is_verbose)
        self._groundLevel = None
        self._rockLevel = None
        self._numTileOpts = -1
        self._tileOptMap = None
        self._tileOpts = None
        self._totalTileOpts = 0
        self._numWallOpts = -1
        self._wallOptMap = None
        self._wallOpts = None
        self._totalWallOpts = 0
        self._width = None
        self._height = None
        self.LoadMapTiles(self._maxTilesX, self._maxTilesY)

    def LoadMetadata(self):
        self._header.Version = self._stream.readUInt32()
        self._header.MetaMagic = self._stream.readUInt64()
        self._header.MetaRevision = self._stream.readUInt32()
        self._header.WorldBits = self._stream.readUInt64()

    def LoadCounts(self):
        self._worldName = self._stream.readString()
        self._worldID = self._stream.readInt32()
        self._maxTilesY = self._stream.readInt32()
        self._maxTilesX = self._stream.readInt32()
        self._numTileOpts = self._stream.readInt16()
        self._numWallOpts = self._stream.readInt16()
        self._numLiquidOpts = self._stream.readInt16()
        self._numSkyOpts = self._stream.readInt16()
        self._numDirtOpts = self._stream.readInt16()
        self._numRockOpts = self._stream.readInt16()
        self._tileOptMap = self._stream.readBitArray(self._numTileOpts)
        self._wallOptMap = self._stream.readBitArray(self._numWallOpts)

    def LoadOpts(self):
        self._tileOpts = [1]*self._numTileOpts
        self._wallOpts = [1]*self._numWallOpts
        for i in range(self._numTileOpts):
            if self._tileOptMap[i]:
                self._tileOpts[i] = self._stream.readByte()
                self._totalTileOpts += self._tileOpts[i]
        self.verbose("read all tile opts")
        for i in range(self._numWallOpts):
            if self._wallOptMap[i]:
                self._wallOpts[i] = self._stream.readByte()
                self._totalWallOpts += self._wallOpts[i]
        self.verbose("read all wall opts")

    def FromWorld(self, world):
        self._world = world
        self._groundLevel = world.GetFlag('GroundLevel')
        self._rockLevel = world.GetFlag('RockLevel')
        self._width = world.Width()
        self._height = world.Height()

    def LoadReferencedWorld(self):
        w = World.World(load_tiles=False, load_chests=False, load_signs=False,
                        load_npcs=False, load_tents=False)
        self._world = w
        self._groundLevel = w.GetFlag('GroundLevel')
        self._rockLevel = w.GetFlag('RockLevel')
        self._width = w.Width()
        self._height = w.Height()

    def GenerateTileTypes(self):
        self._tileTypes = [0]*(self._totalTileOpts + self._totalWallOpts +
                               self._numLiquidOpts + self._numSkyOpts +
                               self._numDirtOpts + self._numRockOpts + 2)
        self._tileTypes[0] = 0
        self._posTileOpts = 0
        self._posWallOpts = 0
        self._posLiquidOpts = 0
        self._posSkyOpts = 0
        self._posDirtOpts = 0
        self._posRockOpts = 0
        #self._colorTypes = [(0, 0, 0, 0)]*len(self._numColors)
        self.verbose("Total tile types: %s" % (len(self._tileTypes),))

    def LoadMapTiles(self, width, height):
        self.verbose("Offset: %s" % (self._stream.get_pos(),))
        data = zlib.decompress(self._stream.getContent(remainder=True), -15)
        stream = BinaryString(data)
        print(' '.join(hex(ord(c))[2:] for c in stream._content[stream._pos:stream._pos+32]))
        offsets = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        x, y = 0, 0
        while y < height:
            while x < width:
                self.log(x, y, width, height, stream)
                assert x >= 0
                header1 = stream.readByte()
                header2 = stream.readByte() if (header1 & 1) == 1 else 0
                section = (header1 & 14) >> 1
                hasOwnType = (section in (1, 2, 7))
                tileIdx = 0
                if hasOwnType:
                    if (header1 & 16) != 16:
                        tileIdx = stream.readByte()
                        tileIdx = stream.readUInt16()
                light = 255 if (header1 & 32) != 32 else stream.readByte()
                rleType = ((header1 & 192) >> 6)
                rle = 0
                if rleType == 1:
                    rle = stream.readByte()
                elif rleType == 2:
                    rle = stream.readInt16()
                    rle = 0
                self.rawset(x, y, (header1, header2, tileIdx, light, rle, section))
                if section == 0:
                    x += rle
                    if section == 1:
                        # tileIdx += posTileOpts
                    elif section == 2:
                        # tileIdx += posWallOpts
                    elif section in (3, 4, 5):
                        # tileIdx += num22 + section - 3
                    elif section == 6:
                        #if y < self._groundLevel:
                        #    offset = num7 * y / self._groundLevel
                        #    tileIdx += num23 + offset;
                        #    y = num26
                    #tile = [self._tileTypes[tileIdx], light, (header2 >> 1) & 31]
                    tile = [tileIdx, light, (header2 >> 1) & 31]
                    self.rawset(x, y, (header1, header2, tileIdx, light, rle, section))
                    # SetTile(x, y, tile)
                    if light == 256:
                        while rle > 0:
                            x += 1
                            # SetTile(x, y, tile)
                            self.rawset(x, y, (header1, header2, tileIdx, light, rle, section))
                            rle -= 1
                        while rle > 0:
                            x += 1
                            tile[1] = stream.readByte()
                            self.rawset(x, y, (header1, header2, tileIdx, light, rle, section))
                            # SetTile(x, y, tile)
                            rle -= 1
                x += 1
            y += 1
maxIt = readIntMin('\nNumero maximo de iteracoes do algoritmo: ', 1)

maxItNoImprove = readIntMin('\nNumero maximo de iteracoes do algoritmo sem evoluir a aptidao: ', 1)

multipleExecutions = readOption('\nDeseja executar diversas vezes com esse parametros para obter estatisticas? (s/n)\n','s','n')

#Dobra o tamanho para considerar dois valores em um individuo
stringSize = stringSize * 2

if multipleExecutions:
	n = readIntMin('Numero de execucoes do algoritmo: ', 1)
	itCountList = []
	itAvgBestFitnessList = []
	itFitnnesList = []
	bestGeneAmongIts = BinaryString([0,1,0,1])
	bestFitnessAmongIts = float('inf')
	gotToLimitIt = 0
	start = time.time()
	nextPoint = 0
	for i in range(n):	
		population = []
		for j in range(popSize):

		[population, bestGene, bestFitness, lastFitnessList, lastBestGeneIndex, generationCount, avgFitnessList, bestFitnessList] = geneticAlgorithm(population, maxIt,rouletteWheelSelection, crossover2by2, mutate, populationFitnessCalculation, shouldStop, newFitnessIsBetter, maxItNoImprove)

def getElementValueAndFitness(x):	
	maxValueBS = BinaryString([0] + (x.size-1)*[1])
	multiplier = 1.0/maxValueBS.binToInt()	
	value = abs(x.binToInt() * multiplier)
	return [value, g(value)]
def disturbMutating(x):
	newBinStr = BinaryString(x.bin)
	return newBinStr