Пример #1
 def __repr__(self):
     content = Seq.__str__(self)
     if len(content) > 15:
         content = (content[:5].lower() + ("(%d)" % len(content)) +
     return "(%s-%s-%s)" % (repr(
         self.left_end), content, repr(self.right_end))
def createAmbiguousProteinList(nucRecord, firstNucPosition):
    print "%s"%(nucRecord[firstNucPosition]+nucRecord[firstNucPosition + 1]
                                        +nucRecord[firstNucPosition + 2])
    nucleotideSequence = Seq("%s"%(nucRecord[firstNucPosition]+nucRecord[firstNucPosition + 1]
                                    +nucRecord[firstNucPosition + 2]))
    nucleotideSequence = Seq("AAK")
    altNucleotideSeqs = []
    altNucleotideString = ""
    for nucleotide in nucleotideSequence:    
        if nucleotide.lower() in NUCLEOTIDE_AMBIGUITY_MAPPING.keys():
            print "ambiguous nucleotide:", nucleotide
            #if there are no alternate nucleotide sequences yet, make them
            if altNucleotideSeqs == []:
                for ambiguousNucleotide in NUCLEOTIDE_AMBIGUITY_MAPPING.get(nucleotide.lower()):
                    altNucleotideString = nucleotideSequence.__str__()
                    altNucleotideString = altNucleotideString.replace(nucleotide, ambiguousNucleotide.upper())
                    print altNucleotideString
            else: #this is not hte first ambiguous nucleotide
                    tempAltNucleotideSeqs = []
                    for altNucleotideSeq in altNucleotideSeqs:
                        print "Existing seq:" + altNucleotideSeq.__str__()
                        for ambiguousNucleotide in NUCLEOTIDE_AMBIGUITY_MAPPING.get(nucleotide.lower()):
                            altNucleotideString = altNucleotideSeq.__str__()
                            altNucleotideString = altNucleotideString.replace(nucleotide, ambiguousNucleotide.upper())
                            print altNucleotideString
                        #remove the original altNucleotideSeq which has been replaced now
                    #replace the existing list with the new list
                    altNucleotideSeqs = tempAltNucleotideSeqs
    for altNucleotideSeq in altNucleotideSeqs:
        print altNucleotideSeq.translate() + "/",
Пример #3
 def __repr__(self):
     return "%s(%s)" % (Seq.__str__(self), {1: "+", -1: "-"}[self.strand])
from Bio.Seq import Seq
import re

f = open('file9.txt', 'r')
seq = Seq(f.read())
rev = seq.reverse_complement()
str = seq.__str__() + "      " + rev.__str__()

l = [[0], [-3]]
for i in range(0, len(str) + 1):
    a = str[(i):(i + 3)]
    if (a == 'TGA' or a == 'TAG' or a == 'TAA' or i == (len(str))):
        for j in range(i - 3, -1, -3):
            if (str[j:(j + 3)] == 'ATG'):
            if (str[j:(j + 3)] == 'TGA' or str[j:(j + 3)] == 'TAG'
                    or str[j:(j + 3)] == 'TAA' or str[j:(j + 3)] == '   '):

m = [b - a for a, b in zip(l[0], l[1])]
idx = m.index(max(m))
print(Seq(str[(l[0][idx + 1]):l[1][idx + 1]]).translate())