async def global_message(_, message): if len(message.command) > 1: msg = message.text.html[7:] logging.warning( f"{ADMINS[]} [{}] sent the following global message: {msg}" ) missed = 0 count = 0 for tg_id in itertools.chain(*get_users()): count += 1 result = await wrapper.send_message(tg_id, msg) if isinstance(result, Exception): logging.error( f"Could not deliver the global message to {tg_id} because of {type(result).__name__}: {result}" ) missed += 1 logging.warning( f"{count - missed}/{count} global messages were successfully delivered" ) await wrapper.send_message(, GLOBAL_MESSAGE_STATS.format(count=count, success=(count - missed), msg=msg)) else: await wrapper.send_message(, f"{INVALID_SYNTAX.format(correct='/global message')}\n<b>HTML and Markdown styling supported</b>" )
async def count_users(_, message): if len(message.command) > 1: await wrapper.send_message(, plate("no_parameters", command="/count")) else: logging.warning( f"{ADMINS[]} [{}] sent /count" ) users_count = len(get_users()) await wrapper.send_message(, plate("users_count", users_count=users_count))
async def count_users(_, message): if len(message.command) > 1: await wrapper.send_message(, NO_PARAMETERS.format(command='/count')) else: logging.warning( f"{ADMINS[]} [{}] sent /count" ) count = len(get_users()) await wrapper.send_message(, USERS_COUNT.format(count=count))
async def get_random_user(_, message): logging.warning( f"{ADMINS[]} [{}] sent /getranduser" ) if len(message.command) > 1: await wrapper.send_message(, plate("no_parameters", command="/getranduser")) else: user = random.choice(get_users()) result = get_user(*user) text = format_user(result) await wrapper.send_message(, text)
async def get_random_user(_, message): logging.warning( f"{ADMINS[]} [{}] sent /getranduser" ) if len(message.command) > 1: await wrapper.send_message(, NO_PARAMETERS.format(command='/getranduser')) else: user = random.choice(get_users()) result = get_user(*user) text = format_user(result) await wrapper.send_message(, text)
async def start_handler(_, update): """Simply handles the /start command sending a pre-defined greeting and saving new users to the database""" update_wrapper = MethodWrapper(update) if update.from_user.first_name: name = update.from_user.first_name elif update.from_user.username: name = update.from_user.username else: name = "Anonymous" if not in itertools.chain(*get_users()): logging.warning( f"New user detected ({}), adding to database") set_user(, update.from_user.username.lower() if update.from_user.username else None) if GREET: if isinstance(update, Message): await update_wrapper.reply(text=GREET.format( mention=f"[{name}](tg://user?id={})",, username=update.from_user.username), reply_markup=BUTTONS) elif isinstance(update, CallbackQuery): if CACHE[][0] == "AWAITING_ADMIN": data = CACHE[][-1] if isinstance(data, list): for chatid, message_ids in data: await wrapper.delete_messages(chatid, message_ids) for admin in ADMINS: await wrapper.send_message( chat_id=admin, text=USER_LEFT_QUEUE.format( user=f"[{name}]({NAME.format(})" )) await update_wrapper.edit_message_text(text=GREET.format( mention=f"[{name}](tg://user?id={})",, username=update.from_user.username), reply_markup=BUTTONS) del CACHE[] await update_wrapper.answer()
async def whisper(_, message): if len(message.command) < 2: return await wrapper.send_message(, plate("invalid_syntax", correct="/whisper ID") + "\n<b>HTML and Markdown styling supported</b>", ) if not message.command[1].isdigit(): return await wrapper.send_message(, plate("error") + ":" + plate("non_numeric_id")) logging.warning( f"{ADMINS[]} [{}] sent {message.text.html}" ) tg_id = int(message.command[1]) msg = message.text.html[9:] msg = msg[[1], msg).end():] if tg_id not in itertools.chain(*get_users()): return await wrapper.send_message(, plate("error") + ":" + plate("id_missing", tg_id=tg_id)) result = await wrapper.send_message( tg_id, plate( "whisper_from", admin= f"[{ADMINS[]}]({NAME.format(})", msg=msg, ), ) if isinstance(result, Exception): logging.error( f"Could not whisper to {tg_id} because of {type(result).__name__}: {result}" ) await wrapper.send_message(, plate("error") + f": {type(result).__name__} -> {result}") else: await wrapper.send_message(, plate("whisper_successful"))
async def whisper(_, message): if len(message.command) < 2: return await wrapper.send_message(, f"{INVALID_SYNTAX.format(correct='/whisper ID')}\n<b>HTML and Markdown styling supported</b>" ) if not message.command[1].isdigit(): return await wrapper.send_message(, f"{ERROR}: {NON_NUMERIC_ID}") logging.warning( f"{ADMINS[]} [{}] sent {message.text.html}" ) tg_id = int(message.command[1]) msg = message.text.html[9:] msg = msg[[1], msg).end():] if tg_id not in itertools.chain(*get_users()): return await wrapper.send_message(, f"{ERROR}: {ID_MISSING.format(tg_id=tg_id)}") result = await wrapper.send_message( tg_id, WHISPER_FROM.format( admin= f"[{ADMINS[]}]({NAME.format(})", msg=msg)) if isinstance(result, Exception): logging.error( f"Could not whisper to {tg_id} because of {type(result).__name__}: {result}" ) await wrapper.send_message(, f"{ERROR}: {type(result).__name__} -> {result}") else: await wrapper.send_message(, WHISPER_SUCCESSFUL)
async def global_message(_, message): if len(message.command) > 1: msg = message.text.html[7:] logging.warning( f"{ADMINS[]} [{}] sent the following global message: {msg}" ) missed = 0 attempts = 0 for tg_id in itertools.chain(*get_users()): attempts += 1 result = await wrapper.send_message(tg_id, msg) if isinstance(result, Exception): logging.error( f"Could not deliver the global message to {tg_id} because of {type(result).__name__}: {result}" ) missed += 1 logging.warning( f"{attempts - missed}/{attempts} global messages were successfully delivered" ) await wrapper.send_message(, plate("global_message_stats", attempts=attempts, success=(attempts - missed), msg=msg), ) else: await wrapper.send_message(, plate("invalid_syntax", correct="/global message") + "\n<b>HTML and Markdown styling supported</b>", )
async def start_handler(_, update): """Simply handles the /start command sending a pre-defined greeting and saving new users to the database""" update_wrapper = MethodWrapper(update) if update.from_user.first_name: name = update.from_user.first_name elif update.from_user.username: name = update.from_user.username else: name = "Anonymous" if not in itertools.chain(*get_users()): logging.warning( f"New user detected ({}), adding to database" ) set_user(, update.from_user.username.lower() if update.from_user.username else None, ) if GREET: if isinstance(update, Message): await update_wrapper.reply( text=plate( "greet", mention=f"[{name}](tg://user?id={})",, username=update.from_user.username, website_status="Online" if await get_website_status() else "Offline", qr_code_api_status="Online" if await get_qr_api_status() else "Offline", api_status="Online" if await get_api_status() else "Offline", api_docs_status="Online" if await get_api_docs_status() else "Offline", internal_api_status="Online" if await get_internal_api_status() else "Offline", ), reply_markup=BUTTONS, ) elif isinstance(update, CallbackQuery): if CACHE[][0] == "AWAITING_ADMIN": data = CACHE[][-1] if isinstance(data, list): for chatid, message_ids in data: await wrapper.delete_messages(chatid, message_ids) for admin in ADMINS: await wrapper.send_message( chat_id=admin, text=plate( "user_left_queue", user=f"[{name}]({NAME.format(})", ), ), await update_wrapper.edit_message_text( text=plate( "greet", mention=f"[{name}](tg://user?id={})",, username=update.from_user.username, website_status="Online" if await get_website_status() else "Offline", qr_code_api_status="Online" if await get_qr_api_status() else "Offline", api_status="Online" if await get_api_status() else "Offline", api_docs_status="Online" if await get_api_docs_status() else "Offline", internal_api_status="Online" if await get_internal_api_status() else "Offline", ), reply_markup=BUTTONS, ) del CACHE[] await update_wrapper.answer()