Пример #1
def boxRatioIsEqual(box: BoundingBox, aspectRatio: float):
    """Checks if a boxes aspect ratio is equal to the given aspect ratio.
        box (BoundingBox): box to check aspect ratio for
        aspectRatio (Tuple[int,int]): aspect ratio to check box against (width, height)

    diff = abs(box.aspectRatio() - aspectRatio)
    return diff < epsilon
Пример #2
def getSizeFromRatio(boundingBox: BoundingBox,
                     aspectRatio: float) -> Tuple[float, float, bool]:
    """Given a bounding box and desired aspect ratio, this function calculates the closest pixel size (width and height) that
    that is larger than the bounding box and at the correct aspect ratio.

    Returns the width, height, and a boolean value indicating wheter the new aspect ratio is wider or not
        BoundingBox (BoundingBox): bounding box representing the smallest size
        aspectRatio (float): desired aspect ratio

        Tuple[float,float,bool]: width, height, isWider

    if boundingBox.aspectRatio(
    ) > aspectRatio:  # The box is wider than we need
        height = boundingBox.width() / aspectRatio
        return boundingBox.width(), height, False
    elif boundingBox.aspectRatio(
    ) < aspectRatio:  # The box is taller than we need
        width = boundingBox.height() * aspectRatio
        return width, boundingBox.height(), True