def __init__(self): super(Pulley, self).__init__() y, L, a, b = 16.0, 12.0, 1.0, 2.0 # The ground ground = shapes=[edgeShape(vertices=[(-40, 0), (40, 0)]), circleShape(radius=2, pos=(-10.0, y + b + L)), circleShape(radius=2, pos=(10.0, y + b + L))] ) body_a = position=(-10, y), fixtures=fixtureDef(shape=polygonShape(box=(a, b)), density=5.0), ) body_b = position=(10, y), fixtures=fixtureDef(shape=polygonShape(box=(a, b)), density=5.0), ) self.pulley = body_a=body_a, body_b=body_b, anchorA=(-10.0, y + b), anchorB=(10.0, y + b), groundAnchorA=(-10.0, y + b + L), groundAnchorB=(10.0, y + b + L), ratio=1.5, )
def __init__(self, world, init_angle, init_x, init_y): = world self.hull = position = (init_x, init_y), angle = init_angle, fixtures = [ fixtureDef(shape = polygonShape(vertices=[ (x*SIZE,y*SIZE) for x,y in HULL_POLY1 ]), density=1.0), fixtureDef(shape = polygonShape(vertices=[ (x*SIZE,y*SIZE) for x,y in HULL_POLY2 ]), density=1.0), fixtureDef(shape = polygonShape(vertices=[ (x*SIZE,y*SIZE) for x,y in HULL_POLY3 ]), density=1.0), fixtureDef(shape = polygonShape(vertices=[ (x*SIZE,y*SIZE) for x,y in HULL_POLY4 ]), density=1.0) ] ) self.hull.color = (0.8,0.0,0.0) self.wheels = [] self.fuel_spent = 0.0 WHEEL_POLY = [ (-WHEEL_W,+WHEEL_R), (+WHEEL_W,+WHEEL_R), (+WHEEL_W,-WHEEL_R), (-WHEEL_W,-WHEEL_R) ] for wx,wy in WHEELPOS: front_k = 1.0 if wy > 0 else 1.0 w = position = (init_x+wx*SIZE, init_y+wy*SIZE), angle = init_angle, fixtures = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[ (x*front_k*SIZE,y*front_k*SIZE) for x,y in WHEEL_POLY ]), density=0.1, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001, restitution=0.0) ) w.wheel_rad = front_k*WHEEL_R*SIZE w.color = WHEEL_COLOR w.gas = 0.0 w.brake = 0.0 w.steer = 0.0 w.phase = 0.0 # wheel angle = 0.0 # angular velocity w.skid_start = None w.skid_particle = None rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=self.hull, bodyB=w, localAnchorA=(wx*SIZE,wy*SIZE), localAnchorB=(0,0), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=180*900*SIZE*SIZE, motorSpeed = 0, lowerAngle = -0.4, upperAngle = +0.4, ) w.joint = w.tiles = set() w.userData = w self.wheels.append(w) self.drawlist = self.wheels + [self.hull] self.particles = []
def _create_lander(self, lander, number_of_landers): initial_y = VIEWPORT_H/SCALE body_xpos = (lander.player_id + 1) * VIEWPORT_W/SCALE / (number_of_landers + 1) body_ypos = initial_y body = position = (body_xpos, body_ypos), angle=0.0, fixtures = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[ (x/SCALE,y/SCALE) for x,y in LANDER_POLY ]), density=5.0, friction=0.1, categoryBits=0x0010, maskBits=0x001, # collide only with ground restitution=0.0) # 0.99 bouncy ) body.color1 = (0.5,0.4,0.9) body.color2 = (0.3,0.3,0.5) body.ApplyForceToCenter( ( self.np_random.uniform(-INITIAL_RANDOM, INITIAL_RANDOM), self.np_random.uniform(-INITIAL_RANDOM, INITIAL_RANDOM) ), True) legs = [] for i in [-1,+1]: leg = position = (body_xpos - i*LEG_AWAY/SCALE, body_ypos), angle = (i*0.05), fixtures = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(box=(LEG_W/SCALE, LEG_H/SCALE)), density=1.0, restitution=0.0, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001) ) leg.ground_contact = False leg.color1 = (0.5,0.4,0.9) leg.color2 = (0.3,0.3,0.5) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=body, bodyB=leg, localAnchorA=(0, 0), localAnchorB=(i*LEG_AWAY/SCALE, LEG_DOWN/SCALE), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=LEG_SPRING_TORQUE, motorSpeed=+0.3*i # low enough not to jump back into the sky ) if i==-1: rjd.lowerAngle = +0.9 - 0.5 # Yes, the most esoteric numbers here, angles legs have freedom to travel within rjd.upperAngle = +0.9 else: rjd.lowerAngle = -0.9 rjd.upperAngle = -0.9 + 0.5 leg.joint = legs.append(leg) lander.body, lander.legs = body, legs
def __init__(self): self.trackWidth = 5.0 self.cartWidth = 0.3 self.cartHeight = 0.2 self.cartMass = 10 self.poleMass = 1 self.force = 0.2 self.trackThickness = self.cartHeight self.poleLength = 0.5 self.poleThickness = 0.04 self.screenSize = (640,480) #origin upper left self.worldSize = (float(self.trackWidth),float(self.trackWidth)) #origin at center =,-9.81),doSleep=True) self.framesPerSecond = 10 # used for dynamics update and for graphics update self.velocityIterations = 8 self.positionIterations = 6 # Make track bodies and fixtures self.trackColor = (100,100,100) poleCategory = 0x0002 f = b2.fixtureDef(shape=b2.polygonShape(box=(self.trackWidth/2,self.trackThickness/2)), friction=0.000, categoryBits=0x0001, maskBits=(0xFFFF & ~poleCategory)) self.track = = (0,0), fixtures=f, userData={'color': self.trackColor}) self.trackTop = = (0,self.trackThickness+self.cartHeight*1.1), fixtures = f) f = b2.fixtureDef(shape=b2.polygonShape(box=(self.trackThickness/2,self.trackThickness/2)), friction=0.000, categoryBits=0x0001, maskBits=(0xFFFF & ~poleCategory)) self.wallLeft = = (-self.trackWidth/2+self.trackThickness/2, self.trackThickness), fixtures=f, userData={'color': self.trackColor}) self.wallRight = = (self.trackWidth/2-self.trackThickness/2, self.trackThickness), fixtures=f,userData={'color': self.trackColor}) # Make cart body and fixture f = b2.fixtureDef(shape=b2.polygonShape(box=(self.cartWidth/2,self.cartHeight/2)), density=self.cartMass, friction=0.000, restitution=0.5, categoryBits=0x0001, maskBits=(0xFFFF & ~poleCategory)) self.cart =,self.trackThickness), fixtures=f, userData={'color':(20,200,0)}) # Make pole pody and fixture # Initially pole is hanging down, which defines the zero angle. f = b2.fixtureDef(shape=b2.polygonShape(box=(self.poleThickness/2, self.poleLength/2)), density=self.poleMass, categoryBits=poleCategory) self.pole =,self.trackThickness+self.cartHeight/2+self.poleThickness-self.poleLength/2), fixtures=f, userData={'color':(200,20,0)}) # Make pole-cart joint rj = = self.pole, bodyB = self.cart, anchor=(0,self.trackThickness+self.cartHeight/2+self.poleThickness))
def __init__(self): super(Chain, self).__init__() # The ground ground = shapes=edgeShape(vertices=[(-40, 0), (40, 0)]) ) plank = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(box=(0.6, 0.125)), density=20, friction=0.2, ) # Create one Chain (Only the left end is fixed) prevBody = ground y = 25 numPlanks = 30 for i in range(numPlanks): body = position=(0.5 + i, y), fixtures=plank, ) # You can try a WeldJoint for a slightly different effect. # bodyA=prevBody, bodyB=body, anchor=(i, y), ) prevBody = body
def __init__(self, world): super(Level1, self).__init__(world) layer = core.Layer() self.add_layer(layer) self.ground = world.CreateStaticBody( position=(0, -2), shapes=b2.polygonShape(box=(50, 5)) ) self.im0 = sf.Texture.load_from_file(b'princess.png') for x in range(100, 800, 200): sprite = sf.Sprite(self.im0) sprite.origin = (self.im0.width//2, self.im0.height//2) # sprite.position = (x, 300) body = world.CreateDynamicBody() body.linearDamping = 10.0 body.CreateCircleFixture(radius=2.5, density=10.0, friction=0.3) body.position = self.convert_coords_to_b2((x, 300)) body.fixedRotation = True actor = core.Actor(sprite, behavior=box2d.Box2DBehavior(body)) layer.add_actor(actor) actors = self.layers[0].actors act = actions.Chain([actions.Move(10.0, 400, -50), actions.Rotate(3.0, 360), actions.MoveTo(2.0, 100, 300), actions.MoveTo(10.0, 700, 300)]) actors[0].add_action(act) actors[1].add_action(actions.Move(5.0, -400, -50)) actors[2].add_action(actions.MoveTo(15.0, 10, 180)) act2 = actions.Chain([actions.Pause(5.0), actions.Kill()]) actors[3].add_action(act2)
def __init__(self): self.seed() self.viewer = None = Box2D.b2World() self.terrain = None self.hull = None self.prev_shaping = None self.fd_polygon = fixtureDef( shape = polygonShape(vertices= [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, -1), (0, -1)]), friction = FRICTION) self.fd_edge = fixtureDef( shape = edgeShape(vertices= [(0, 0), (1, 1)]), friction = FRICTION, categoryBits=0x0001, ) self.reset() high = np.array([np.inf]*24) self.action_space = spaces.Box(np.array([-1,-1,-1,-1]), np.array([+1,+1,+1,+1])) self.observation_space = spaces.Box(-high, high)
def example_world(): """Create an example Box2D world for testing Returns: tuple(world, bodies, configuration): - world is a Box2D world with multiple dynamic bodies - bodies is a dictionary mapping object names to their Box2D body - configuration is an example collision-free configuration """ get_triangles = metis.geometry.box2d_triangles_from_shapely obstacle_geometry =, 0, 10, 10) obstacle_geometry = obstacle_geometry.difference( obstacle_geometry.buffer(-.2)) obstacle_geometry = obstacle_geometry.union( shapely.geometry.LineString([(5, 0), (5, 10)]).buffer(.1, cap_style=2)) obstacle_geometry = obstacle_geometry.difference( shapely.geometry.Point(5, 2.5).buffer(1, cap_style=1)) obstacle_geometry = obstacle_geometry.difference( shapely.geometry.Point(5, 7.5).buffer(1, cap_style=1)) world = obstacles = world.CreateStaticBody() for triangle in get_triangles(obstacle_geometry): _ = obstacles.CreateFixture(shape=triangle) agent = world.CreateDynamicBody() agent_geometry = shapely.geometry.Polygon([ (2./3., 0.), (-1./3., .4), (-1./3., -.4)]) for triangle in get_triangles(agent_geometry): _ = agent.CreateFixture(shape=triangle) boxes = [world.CreateDynamicBody() for _ in xrange(2)] for box in boxes: box.CreateFixture(shape=b2.polygonShape(box=(.8, .8))) bodies = {'robot': agent, 'box1': boxes[0], 'box2': boxes[1]} sample_configuration = { 'robot': (1, 2, 0), 'box1': (3, 2, -.2), 'box2': (5, 2.5, 0.1)} return world, bodies, sample_configuration
def addPhysicsObject(self, physObj, color=None): ''' Adds a PhysicsObject to this SimulationEnvironment, adding it to the collision manager and to the renderables ''' if isinstance(physObj, StaticPhysicsObject): body =, shapes=b2.polygonShape(box=physObj.size)) elif isinstance(physObj,DynamicPhysicsObject): if len(physObj.size) != 2: raise ValueError("Size must be a two-tuple") body =, angle=physObj.angle) halfSize = tuple(x/2.0 for x in physObj.size) #box takes half size, not full size body.CreatePolygonFixture(box=halfSize, density=physObj.density, friction=physObj.friction) else: raise ValueError("Object was neither a StaticPhysicsObject nor a DynamicPhysicsObject. Unexpected") self.objectDict[physObj.identifier] = body return body
def __init__(self, world): super(Level1, self).__init__(world) layer = core.Layer() self.add_layer(layer) self.ground = world.CreateStaticBody( position=(0, -2), shapes=b2.polygonShape(box=(50, 5)) ) self.im0 = sf.Texture.load_from_file(b'princess.png') for y in range(0, 500, 120): for x in range(200, 700, 120): sprite = sf.Sprite(self.im0) sprite.origin = (self.im0.width//2, self.im0.height//2) sprite.position = (x, y) actor = core.Actor(sprite) body = world.CreateDynamicBody() body.CreateCircleFixture(radius=2.5, density=1.0, friction=0.3) actor.add_action(Updater(body), name='box2d') layer.add_actor(actor)
def __init__(self, world): super(Level1, self).__init__(world) layer = core.Layer() self.add_layer(layer) self.ground = world.CreateStaticBody( position=(0, -2), shapes=b2.polygonShape(box=(50, 5)) ) self.im0 = sf.Texture.load_from_file(b'princess.png') for x in range(100, 800, 300): sprite = sf.Sprite(self.im0) sprite.origin = (self.im0.width//2, self.im0.height//2) sprite.position = (x, 300) actor = core.Actor(sprite) body = world.CreateDynamicBody() body.CreateCircleFixture(radius=2.5, density=1.0, friction=0.3) actor.add_action(Updater(body), name='box2d') layer.add_actor(actor) actors = self.layers[0].actors actors[1].obstacle = True actors[0].add_action(actions.DefferedCall(1.0, self.test_los))
def __init__(self, world, name=None, size=(1, 1), exits=None, floor=None, contents=None): = world = name corners = [ (0, 0), (0, size[0] + 1), (size[1] + 1, size[0] + 1), (size[1] + 1, 0) ] exit_coords = [] for exit in exits: exit_pos = exit.values()[0] exit_coords.append((exit_pos[0]+1, exit_pos[1])) filled_tiles = [] filled_tiles.extend(tiles_for_wall(corners[0], corners[1], exit_coords)) filled_tiles.extend(tiles_for_wall(corners[1], corners[2], exit_coords)) filled_tiles.extend(tiles_for_wall(corners[2], corners[3], exit_coords)) filled_tiles.extend(tiles_for_wall(corners[3], corners[0], exit_coords)) self.exit_coords = exit_coords self.filled_tiles = filled_tiles self.floor = floor if exits is None: exits = [] exits.sort() self.exits = exits bodies = [] for tile in filled_tiles: position = (tile[0] + 0.5, tile[1] + 0.5) shape = b2.polygonShape(box=(0.5, 0.5)) bodies.append(, position=position, userData=self)) self.bodies = bodies #dictionary of {coords: object} if contents is None: contents = {} for i in contents.values(): i.location = self self.contents = contents
def _generate_terrain(self, hardcore): GRASS, STUMP, STAIRS, PIT, _STATES_ = range(5) state = GRASS velocity = 0.0 y = TERRAIN_HEIGHT counter = TERRAIN_STARTPAD oneshot = False self.terrain = [] self.terrain_x = [] self.terrain_y = [] for i in range(TERRAIN_LENGTH): x = i*TERRAIN_STEP self.terrain_x.append(x) if state==GRASS and not oneshot: velocity = 0.8*velocity + 0.01*np.sign(TERRAIN_HEIGHT - y) if i > TERRAIN_STARTPAD: velocity=0 #+= self.np_random.uniform(-1, 1)/SCALE #1 y += velocity #y = TERRAIN_HEIGHT elif state==PIT and oneshot: counter = self.np_random.randint(3, 5) poly = [ (x, y), (x+TERRAIN_STEP, y), (x+TERRAIN_STEP, y-4*TERRAIN_STEP), (x, y-4*TERRAIN_STEP), ] t = fixtures = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=poly), friction = FRICTION )) t.color1, t.color2 = (1,1,1), (0.6,0.6,0.6) self.terrain.append(t) t = fixtures = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(p[0]+TERRAIN_STEP*counter,p[1]) for p in poly]), friction = FRICTION )) t.color1, t.color2 = (1,1,1), (0.6,0.6,0.6) self.terrain.append(t) counter += 2 original_y = y elif state==PIT and not oneshot: y = original_y if counter > 1: y -= 4*TERRAIN_STEP elif state==STUMP and oneshot: counter = self.np_random.randint(1, 3) poly = [ (x, y), (x+counter*TERRAIN_STEP, y), (x+counter*TERRAIN_STEP, y+counter*TERRAIN_STEP), (x, y+counter*TERRAIN_STEP), ] t = fixtures = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=poly), friction = FRICTION )) t.color1, t.color2 = (1,1,1), (0.6,0.6,0.6) self.terrain.append(t) elif state==STAIRS and oneshot: stair_height = +1 if self.np_random.rand() > 0.5 else -1 stair_width = self.np_random.randint(4, 5) stair_steps = self.np_random.randint(3, 5) original_y = y for s in range(stair_steps): poly = [ (x+( s*stair_width)*TERRAIN_STEP, y+( s*stair_height)*TERRAIN_STEP), (x+((1+s)*stair_width)*TERRAIN_STEP, y+( s*stair_height)*TERRAIN_STEP), (x+((1+s)*stair_width)*TERRAIN_STEP, y+(-1+s*stair_height)*TERRAIN_STEP), (x+( s*stair_width)*TERRAIN_STEP, y+(-1+s*stair_height)*TERRAIN_STEP), ] t = fixtures = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=poly), friction = FRICTION )) t.color1, t.color2 = (1,1,1), (0.6,0.6,0.6) self.terrain.append(t) counter = stair_steps*stair_width elif state==STAIRS and not oneshot: s = stair_steps*stair_width - counter - stair_height n = s/stair_width y = original_y + (n*stair_height)*TERRAIN_STEP oneshot = False self.terrain_y.append(y) counter -= 1 if counter==0: counter = self.np_random.randint(TERRAIN_GRASS/2, TERRAIN_GRASS) if state==GRASS and hardcore: state = self.np_random.randint(1, _STATES_) oneshot = True else: state = GRASS oneshot = True self.terrain_poly = [] for i in range(TERRAIN_LENGTH-1): poly = [ (self.terrain_x[i], self.terrain_y[i]), (self.terrain_x[i+1], self.terrain_y[i+1]) ] t = fixtures = fixtureDef( shape=edgeShape(vertices=poly), friction = FRICTION, categoryBits=0x0001, )) color = (0.3, 1.0 if i%2==0 else 0.8, 0.3) t.color1 = color t.color2 = color self.terrain.append(t) color = (0.4, 0.6, 0.3) poly += [ (poly[1][0], 0), (poly[0][0], 0) ] self.terrain_poly.append( (poly, color) ) self.terrain.reverse()
def reset(self): self._destroy() = ContactDetector(self) = self.game_over = False self.prev_shaping = None self.throttle = 0 self.gimbal = 0.0 self.landed_ticks = 0 self.stepnumber = 0 self.smoke = [] self.episode_number += 1 # self.terrainheigth = self.np_random.uniform(H / 20, H / 10) self.terrainheigth = H / 20 self.shipheight = self.terrainheigth + SHIP_HEIGHT # ship_pos = self.np_random.uniform(0, SHIP_WIDTH / SCALE) + SHIP_WIDTH / SCALE ship_pos = W / 2 self.helipad_x1 = ship_pos - SHIP_WIDTH / 2 self.helipad_x2 = self.helipad_x1 + SHIP_WIDTH self.helipad_y = self.terrainheigth + SHIP_HEIGHT self.water = fixtures=fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape( vertices=( (0, 0), (W, 0), (W, self.terrainheigth), (0, self.terrainheigth), ) ), friction=0.1, restitution=0.0, ) ) self.water.color1 = rgb(70, 96, 176) self.ship = fixtures=fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape( vertices=( (self.helipad_x1, self.terrainheigth), (self.helipad_x2, self.terrainheigth), (self.helipad_x2, self.terrainheigth + SHIP_HEIGHT), (self.helipad_x1, self.terrainheigth + SHIP_HEIGHT), ) ), friction=0.5, restitution=0.0, ) ) self.containers = [] for side in [-1, 1]: self.containers.append( fixtures=fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape( vertices=( ( ship_pos + side * 0.95 * SHIP_WIDTH / 2, self.helipad_y, ), ( ship_pos + side * 0.95 * SHIP_WIDTH / 2, self.helipad_y + SHIP_HEIGHT, ), ( ship_pos + side * 0.95 * SHIP_WIDTH / 2 - side * SHIP_HEIGHT, self.helipad_y + SHIP_HEIGHT, ), ( ship_pos + side * 0.95 * SHIP_WIDTH / 2 - side * SHIP_HEIGHT, self.helipad_y, ), ) ), friction=0.2, restitution=0.0, ) ) ) self.containers[-1].color1 = rgb(206, 206, 2) self.ship.color1 = (0.2, 0.2, 0.2) def initial_rocket_pos(level): if level > 0: initial_x = W / 2 + W * np.random.uniform(-0.3, 0.3) initial_y = H * 0.95 else: initial_x = W / 2 + W * np.random.uniform(-0.03, 0.03) initial_y = H * 0.95 return initial_x, initial_y initial_x, initial_y = initial_rocket_pos(self.level_number) self.lander = position=(initial_x, initial_y), angle=0.0, fixtures=fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape( vertices=( (-ROCKET_WIDTH / 2, 0), (+ROCKET_WIDTH / 2, 0), (ROCKET_WIDTH / 2, +ROCKET_HEIGHT), (-ROCKET_WIDTH / 2, +ROCKET_HEIGHT), ) ), density=1.0, friction=0.5, categoryBits=0x0010, maskBits=0x001, restitution=0.0, ), ) self.lander.color1 = rgb(230, 230, 230) leg_length_modified = compute_leg_length(LEG_LENGTH, self.level_number) for i in [-1, +1]: leg = position=(initial_x - i * LEG_AWAY, initial_y + ROCKET_WIDTH * 0.2), angle=(i * BASE_ANGLE), fixtures=fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape( vertices=( (0, 0), (0, leg_length_modified / 25), (i * leg_length_modified, 0), (i * leg_length_modified, -leg_length_modified / 20), (i * leg_length_modified / 3, -leg_length_modified / 7), ) ), density=1, restitution=0.0, friction=0.2, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001, ), ) leg.ground_contact = False leg.color1 = (0.25, 0.25, 0.25) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=self.lander, bodyB=leg, localAnchorA=(i * LEG_AWAY, ROCKET_WIDTH * 0.2), localAnchorB=(0, 0), enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=2500.0, motorSpeed=-0.05 * i, enableMotor=True, ) djd = distanceJointDef( bodyA=self.lander, bodyB=leg, anchorA=(i * LEG_AWAY, ROCKET_HEIGHT / 8), anchorB=leg.fixtures[0].body.transform * (i * leg_length_modified, 0), collideConnected=False, frequencyHz=0.01, dampingRatio=0.9, ) if i == 1: rjd.lowerAngle = -SPRING_ANGLE rjd.upperAngle = 0 else: rjd.lowerAngle = 0 rjd.upperAngle = +SPRING_ANGLE leg.joint = leg.joint2 = self.legs.append(leg) def random_factor_velocity(INITIAL_RANDOM, level): if level > 1: return INITIAL_RANDOM + 0.2 else: return INITIAL_RANDOM random_velocity_factor = random_factor_velocity( INITIAL_RANDOM, self.level_number ) self.lander.linearVelocity = ( -self.np_random.uniform(0, random_velocity_factor) * START_SPEED * (initial_x - W / 2) / W, -START_SPEED, ) self.lander.angularVelocity = (1 + random_velocity_factor) * np.random.uniform( -1, 1 ) self.drawlist = ( self.legs + [self.water] + [self.ship] + self.containers + [self.lander] ) if self.continuous: return self.step([0, 0, 0])[0] else: return self.step(6)[0]
def _create_track(self): CHECKPOINTS = 12 # 12 = nombre de virages (11) + le départ (1) # Create checkpoints checkpoints = [] self.obstacles_positions = [] for c in range(CHECKPOINTS): noise = self.np_random.uniform(0, 2 * 3.14159 * 1 / CHECKPOINTS) alpha = 2 * 3.14159 * c / CHECKPOINTS + noise rad = self.np_random.uniform(TRACK_RAD / 3, TRACK_RAD) if c == 0: alpha = 0 rad = 1.5 * TRACK_RAD if c == CHECKPOINTS - 1: alpha = 2 * 3.14159 * c / CHECKPOINTS self.start_alpha = 2 * 3.14159 * (-0.5) / CHECKPOINTS rad = 1.5 * TRACK_RAD checkpoints.append( (alpha, rad * math.cos(alpha), rad * math.sin(alpha))) self.road = [] # Go from one checkpoint to another to create track x, y, beta = 1.5 * TRACK_RAD, 0, 0 dest_i = 0 laps = 0 track = [] no_freeze = 2500 visited_other_side = False while True: alpha = math.atan2(y, x) if visited_other_side and alpha > 0: laps += 1 visited_other_side = False if alpha < 0: visited_other_side = True alpha += 2 * 3.14159 while True: # Find destination from checkpoints failed = True while True: dest_alpha, dest_x, dest_y = checkpoints[dest_i % len(checkpoints)] if alpha <= dest_alpha: failed = False break dest_i += 1 if dest_i % len(checkpoints) == 0: break if not failed: break alpha -= 2 * 3.14159 continue r1x = math.cos(beta) r1y = math.sin(beta) p1x = -r1y p1y = r1x dest_dx = dest_x - x # vector towards destination dest_dy = dest_y - y # destination vector projected on rad: proj = r1x * dest_dx + r1y * dest_dy while beta - alpha > 1.5 * 3.14159: beta -= 2 * 3.14159 while beta - alpha < -1.5 * 3.14159: beta += 2 * 3.14159 prev_beta = beta proj *= SCALE if proj > 0.3: beta -= min(TRACK_TURN_RATE, abs(0.001 * proj)) if proj < -0.3: beta += min(TRACK_TURN_RATE, abs(0.001 * proj)) x += p1x * TRACK_DETAIL_STEP y += p1y * TRACK_DETAIL_STEP track.append((alpha, prev_beta * 0.5 + beta * 0.5, x, y)) if laps > 4: break no_freeze -= 1 if no_freeze == 0: break # Find closed loop range i1..i2, first loop should be ignored, second is OK i1, i2 = -1, -1 i = len(track) while True: i -= 1 if i == 0: return False # Failed pass_through_start = track[i][0] > self.start_alpha and track[ i - 1][0] <= self.start_alpha if pass_through_start and i2 == -1: i2 = i elif pass_through_start and i1 == -1: i1 = i break if self.verbose == 1: print("Track generation: %i..%i -> %i-tiles track" % (i1, i2, i2 - i1)) assert i1 != -1 assert i2 != -1 track = track[i1:i2 - 1] first_beta = track[0][1] first_perp_x = math.cos(first_beta) first_perp_y = math.sin(first_beta) # Length of perpendicular jump to put together head and tail well_glued_together = np.sqrt( np.square(first_perp_x * (track[0][2] - track[-1][2])) + np.square(first_perp_y * (track[0][3] - track[-1][3]))) if well_glued_together > TRACK_DETAIL_STEP: return False # Red-white border on hard turns border = [False] * len(track) for i in range(len(track)): good = True oneside = 0 for neg in range(BORDER_MIN_COUNT): beta1 = track[i - neg - 0][1] beta2 = track[i - neg - 1][1] good &= abs(beta1 - beta2) > TRACK_TURN_RATE * 0.2 oneside += np.sign(beta1 - beta2) good &= abs(oneside) == BORDER_MIN_COUNT border[i] = good for i in range(len(track)): for neg in range(BORDER_MIN_COUNT): border[i - neg] |= border[i] # Create tiles and obstacles last_obstacle = 15 # pour que le début de course se passe sans obstacle for i in range(len(track)): alpha1, beta1, x1, y1 = track[i] alpha2, beta2, x2, y2 = track[i - 1] road1_l = (x1 - TRACK_WIDTH * math.cos(beta1), y1 - TRACK_WIDTH * math.sin(beta1)) road1_r = (x1 + TRACK_WIDTH * math.cos(beta1), y1 + TRACK_WIDTH * math.sin(beta1)) road2_l = (x2 - TRACK_WIDTH * math.cos(beta2), y2 - TRACK_WIDTH * math.sin(beta2)) road2_r = (x2 + TRACK_WIDTH * math.cos(beta2), y2 + TRACK_WIDTH * math.sin(beta2)) vertices = [road1_l, road1_r, road2_r, road2_l] self.fd_tile.shape.vertices = vertices t = t.userData = t c = 0.01 * (i % 3) t.color = [0, 0.128, 0.624, 0.019] t.road_visited = False t.road_friction = 1.0 t.fixtures[0].sensor = True self.road_poly.append(([road1_l, road1_r, road2_r, road2_l], t.color)) self.road.append(t) if border[i]: side = np.sign(beta2 - beta1) b1_l = (x1 + side * TRACK_WIDTH * math.cos(beta1), y1 + side * TRACK_WIDTH * math.sin(beta1)) b1_r = (x1 + side * (TRACK_WIDTH + BORDER) * math.cos(beta1), y1 + side * (TRACK_WIDTH + BORDER) * math.sin(beta1)) b2_l = (x2 + side * TRACK_WIDTH * math.cos(beta2), y2 + side * TRACK_WIDTH * math.sin(beta2)) b2_r = (x2 + side * (TRACK_WIDTH + BORDER) * math.cos(beta2), y2 + side * (TRACK_WIDTH + BORDER) * math.sin(beta2)) self.road_poly.append(([b1_l, b1_r, b2_r, b2_l], (1, 1, 1) if i % 2 == 0 else (1, 0, 0))) self.random_obs += 1 self.seed(self.random_obs) if (self.np_random.uniform(0, 1) < OBSTACLE_PROB) and ( last_obstacle <= 0): # i > 15 pour que la course soit toujours faisable last_obstacle = 8 deriv_left = self.np_random.uniform(TRACK_WIDTH) deriv_right = TRACK_WIDTH - deriv_left obs1_l = (x1 - (TRACK_WIDTH - deriv_left) * math.cos(beta1), y1 - (TRACK_WIDTH - deriv_left) * math.sin(beta1)) obs1_r = (x1 + (TRACK_WIDTH - deriv_right) * math.cos(beta1), y1 + (TRACK_WIDTH - deriv_right) * math.sin(beta1)) obs2_l = (x2 - (TRACK_WIDTH - deriv_left) * math.cos(beta2), y2 - (TRACK_WIDTH - deriv_left) * math.sin(beta2)) obs2_r = (x2 + (TRACK_WIDTH - deriv_right) * math.cos(beta2), y2 + (TRACK_WIDTH - deriv_right) * math.sin(beta2)) self.obstacles_positions.append( (obs1_l, obs1_r, obs2_r, obs2_l)) vertices = [obs1_l, obs1_r, obs2_r, obs2_l] obstacle = fixtureDef(shape=polygonShape(vertices=vertices)) obstacle.userData = obstacle obstacle.color = [0.1568, 0.598, 0.2862, 0] self.road_poly.append(([obs1_l, obs1_r, obs2_r, obs2_l], obstacle.color)) last_obstacle -= 1 self.track = track return True
def _create_track(self): CHECKPOINTS = 12 # Create checkpoints checkpoints = [] for c in range(CHECKPOINTS): alpha = 2 * math.pi * c / CHECKPOINTS + self.np_random.uniform( 0, 2 * math.pi * 1 / CHECKPOINTS) rad = self.np_random.uniform(TRACK_RAD / 3, TRACK_RAD) if c == 0: alpha = 0 rad = 1.5 * TRACK_RAD if c == CHECKPOINTS - 1: alpha = 2 * math.pi * c / CHECKPOINTS self.start_alpha = 2 * math.pi * (-0.5) / CHECKPOINTS rad = 1.5 * TRACK_RAD checkpoints.append( (alpha, rad * math.cos(alpha), rad * math.sin(alpha))) #print "\n".join(str(h) for h in checkpoints) # self.road_poly = [ ( # uncomment this to see checkpoints # [ (tx,ty) for a,tx,ty in checkpoints ], # (0.7,0.7,0.9) ) ] self.road = [] # Go from one checkpoint to another to create track x, y, beta = 1.5 * TRACK_RAD, 0, 0 dest_i = 0 laps = 0 track = [] no_freeze = 2500 visited_other_side = False while 1: alpha = math.atan2(y, x) if visited_other_side and alpha > 0: laps += 1 visited_other_side = False if alpha < 0: visited_other_side = True alpha += 2 * math.pi while True: # Find destination from checkpoints failed = True while True: dest_alpha, dest_x, dest_y = checkpoints[dest_i % len(checkpoints)] if alpha <= dest_alpha: failed = False break dest_i += 1 if dest_i % len(checkpoints) == 0: break if not failed: break alpha -= 2 * math.pi continue r1x = math.cos(beta) r1y = math.sin(beta) p1x = -r1y p1y = r1x dest_dx = dest_x - x # vector towards destination dest_dy = dest_y - y proj = r1x * dest_dx + r1y * dest_dy # destination vector projected on rad while beta - alpha > 1.5 * math.pi: beta -= 2 * math.pi while beta - alpha < -1.5 * math.pi: beta += 2 * math.pi prev_beta = beta proj *= SCALE if proj > 0.3: beta -= min(TRACK_TURN_RATE, abs(0.001 * proj)) if proj < -0.3: beta += min(TRACK_TURN_RATE, abs(0.001 * proj)) x += p1x * TRACK_DETAIL_STEP y += p1y * TRACK_DETAIL_STEP track.append((alpha, prev_beta * 0.5 + beta * 0.5, x, y)) if laps > 4: break no_freeze -= 1 if no_freeze == 0: break #print "\n".join([str(t) for t in enumerate(track)]) # Find closed loop range i1..i2, first loop should be ignored, second is OK i1, i2 = -1, -1 i = len(track) while True: i -= 1 if i == 0: return False # Failed pass_through_start = track[i][0] > self.start_alpha and track[ i - 1][0] <= self.start_alpha if pass_through_start and i2 == -1: i2 = i elif pass_through_start and i1 == -1: i1 = i break print("Track generation: %i..%i -> %i-tiles track" % (i1, i2, i2 - i1)) assert i1 != -1 assert i2 != -1 track = track[i1:i2 - 1] first_beta = track[0][1] first_perp_x = math.cos(first_beta) first_perp_y = math.sin(first_beta) # Length of perpendicular jump to put together head and tail well_glued_together = np.sqrt( np.square(first_perp_x * (track[0][2] - track[-1][2])) + np.square(first_perp_y * (track[0][3] - track[-1][3]))) if well_glued_together > TRACK_DETAIL_STEP: return False # Red-white border on hard turns border = [False] * len(track) for i in range(len(track)): good = True oneside = 0 for neg in range(BORDER_MIN_COUNT): beta1 = track[i - neg - 0][1] beta2 = track[i - neg - 1][1] good &= abs(beta1 - beta2) > TRACK_TURN_RATE * 0.2 oneside += np.sign(beta1 - beta2) good &= abs(oneside) == BORDER_MIN_COUNT border[i] = good for i in range(len(track)): for neg in range(BORDER_MIN_COUNT): border[i - neg] |= border[i] # Create tiles for i in range(len(track)): alpha1, beta1, x1, y1 = track[i] alpha2, beta2, x2, y2 = track[i - 1] road1_l = (x1 - TRACK_WIDTH * math.cos(beta1), y1 - TRACK_WIDTH * math.sin(beta1)) road1_r = (x1 + TRACK_WIDTH * math.cos(beta1), y1 + TRACK_WIDTH * math.sin(beta1)) road2_l = (x2 - TRACK_WIDTH * math.cos(beta2), y2 - TRACK_WIDTH * math.sin(beta2)) road2_r = (x2 + TRACK_WIDTH * math.cos(beta2), y2 + TRACK_WIDTH * math.sin(beta2)) t = shape=polygonShape( vertices=[road1_l, road1_r, road2_r, road2_l]))) t.userData = t c = 0.1 * (i % 3) t.color = [ROAD_COLOR[0] + c, ROAD_COLOR[1] + c, ROAD_COLOR[2] + c] t.road_visited = False t.road_friction = 1.0 t.fixtures[0].sensor = True self.road_poly.append(([road1_l, road1_r, road2_r, road2_l], t.color)) self.road.append(t) if border[i]: side = np.sign(beta2 - beta1) b1_l = (x1 + side * TRACK_WIDTH * math.cos(beta1), y1 + side * TRACK_WIDTH * math.sin(beta1)) b1_r = (x1 + side * (TRACK_WIDTH + BORDER) * math.cos(beta1), y1 + side * (TRACK_WIDTH + BORDER) * math.sin(beta1)) b2_l = (x2 + side * TRACK_WIDTH * math.cos(beta2), y2 + side * TRACK_WIDTH * math.sin(beta2)) b2_r = (x2 + side * (TRACK_WIDTH + BORDER) * math.cos(beta2), y2 + side * (TRACK_WIDTH + BORDER) * math.sin(beta2)) self.road_poly.append(([b1_l, b1_r, b2_r, b2_l], (1, 1, 1) if i % 2 == 0 else (1, 0, 0))) self.track = track return True
def __init__(self, world, init_angle, init_x, init_y, userData, robot_id, group, color): = world self.hull = position=(init_x, init_y), angle=0, fixtures=[ fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x * SIZE, y * SIZE) for x, y in HULL_POLY]), density=1.0, restitution=1, userData=userData, friction=1), ]) # self.hull.color = (0.8,0.0,0.0) self.hull.color = color self.hull.userData = userData self.wheels = [] for wx, wy in WHEEL_POS: front_k = 1.0 if wy > 0 else 1.0 w = position=(init_x + wx * SIZE, init_y + wy * SIZE), angle=0, fixtures=fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x * front_k * SIZE, y * front_k * SIZE) for x, y in WHEEL_POLY]), density=0.1, restitution=1, userData=userData + "_wheel", friction=1)) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=self.hull, bodyB=w, localAnchorA=(wx * SIZE, wy * SIZE), localAnchorB=(0, 0), enableMotor=False, enableLimit=True, lowerAngle=-0.0, upperAngle=+0.0, ) w.joint = w.color = WHEEL_COLOR w.userData = userData self.wheels.append(w) self.gun = position=(init_x, init_y), angle=0, fixtures=[ fixtureDef(shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x * SIZE, y * SIZE) for x, y in GUN_POLY]), categoryBits=0x00, density=1e-6, userData=userData) ]) self.gun_joint = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=self.hull, bodyB=self.gun, localAnchorA=(0, 0), localAnchorB=(0, 0), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=False, maxMotorTorque=180 * 900 * SIZE * SIZE, motorSpeed=0.0, #lowerAngle = -math.pi, #upperAngle = +math.pi, )) self.gun.color = (0.1, 0.1, 0.1) self.gun.angle = init_angle self.hull.angle = init_angle * 1.04 self.drawlist = self.wheels + [self.hull, self.gun] = group self.robot_id = robot_id = 1000.0 self.buffLeftTime = 0 self.command = {"ahead": 0, "rotate": 0, "transverse": 0} self.bullets_num = 40 self.opportuniy_to_add_bullets = 2
def draw(self, world, init_x, init_y, force_to_center): head = world.CreateDynamicBody( position=(init_x, init_y + self.BODY_HEIGHT / self.SCALE / 2 + self.HEAD_HEIGHT / self.SCALE / 2 + 0.2), fixtures=fixtureDef(shape=polygonShape( vertices=[(x / self.SCALE, y / self.SCALE) for x, y in [(-5, +10), (+5, +10), (+5, -10), (-5, -10)]]), density=5.0, friction=0.1, categoryBits=0x20, maskBits=0x1)) head.color1 = (0.5, 0.4, 0.9) head.color2 = (0.3, 0.3, 0.5) head.ApplyForceToCenter((force_to_center, 0), True) head.userData = CustomBodyUserData(True, is_contact_critical=True, name="head") self.body_parts.append(head) self.reference_head_object = head body = world.CreateDynamicBody( position=(init_x, init_y), fixtures=fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape( vertices=[(x / self.SCALE, y / self.SCALE) for x, y in [(-12, +25), (+12, +25), (+8, -20), (-8, -20)]]), density=5.0, friction=0.1, categoryBits=0x20, maskBits=0x1 # collide only with ground )) body.color1 = (0.5, 0.4, 0.9) body.color2 = (0.3, 0.3, 0.5) body.userData = CustomBodyUserData(True, is_contact_critical=True, name="body") self.body_parts.append(body) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=head, bodyB=body, anchor=(init_x, init_y + self.BODY_HEIGHT / self.SCALE / 2), enableMotor=False, enableLimit=True, lowerAngle=-0.1 * np.pi, upperAngle=0.1 * np.pi, ) world.CreateJoint(rjd) UPPER_LIMB_FD = fixtureDef(shape=polygonShape(box=(self.LIMB_W / 2, self.LIMB_H / 2)), density=1.0, restitution=0.0, categoryBits=0x20, maskBits=0x1) LOWER_LIMB_FD = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(box=(0.8 * self.LIMB_W / 2, self.LIMB_H / 2)), density=1.0, restitution=0.0, categoryBits=0x20, maskBits=0x1) HAND_PART_FD = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(box=(self.HAND_PART_W / 2, self.HAND_PART_H / 2)), density=1.0, restitution=0.0, categoryBits=0x20, maskBits=0x1) # ARMS for j in [-1, -1]: upper = world.CreateDynamicBody( position=(init_x, init_y + self.LIMB_H / 2 + self.ARM_UP), # angle=(i * 0.05), fixtures=UPPER_LIMB_FD) upper.color1 = (0.6 - j / 10., 0.3 - j / 10., 0.5 - j / 10.) upper.color2 = (0.4 - j / 10., 0.2 - j / 10., 0.3 - j / 10.) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=body, bodyB=upper, anchor=(init_x, init_y + self.ARM_UP), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=self.MOTORS_TORQUE, motorSpeed=1, lowerAngle=-0.75 * 2 * np.pi, upperAngle=0, ) upper.userData = CustomBodyUserData(False, name="upper_arm") self.body_parts.append(upper) joint_motor = world.CreateJoint(rjd) joint_motor.userData = CustomMotorUserData(SPEED_HIP, False) self.motors.append(joint_motor) lower = world.CreateDynamicBody( position=(init_x, init_y + self.LIMB_H * 3 / 2 + self.ARM_UP), # angle=(i * 0.05), fixtures=LOWER_LIMB_FD) lower.color1 = (0.6 - j / 10., 0.3 - j / 10., 0.5 - j / 10.) lower.color2 = (0.4 - j / 10., 0.2 - j / 10., 0.3 - j / 10.) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=upper, bodyB=lower, anchor=(init_x, init_y + self.LIMB_H + self.ARM_UP), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=self.MOTORS_TORQUE, motorSpeed=1, lowerAngle=0, upperAngle=0.75 * np.pi, ) lower.userData = CustomBodyUserData(False, name="lower_arm") self.body_parts.append(lower) joint_motor = world.CreateJoint(rjd) joint_motor.userData = CustomMotorUserData(SPEED_HIP, False) self.motors.append(joint_motor) # hand prev_part = lower initial_y = init_y + self.LIMB_H * 2 + self.ARM_UP angle_boundaries = [[-0.5, 0.5]] nb_hand_parts = 1 for u in range(nb_hand_parts): hand_part = world.CreateDynamicBody( position=(init_x, initial_y + self.HAND_PART_H / 2 + self.HAND_PART_H * u), fixtures=HAND_PART_FD) hand_part.color1 = (0.6 - j / 10., 0.3 - j / 10., 0.5 - j / 10.) hand_part.color2 = (0.4 - j / 10., 0.2 - j / 10., 0.3 - j / 10.) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=prev_part, bodyB=hand_part, anchor=(init_x, initial_y + self.HAND_PART_H * u), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=self.MOTORS_TORQUE, motorSpeed=1, lowerAngle=angle_boundaries[u][0] * np.pi, upperAngle=angle_boundaries[u][1] * np.pi, ) hand_part.userData = CustomBodyUserData(True, name="hand") self.body_parts.append(hand_part) joint_motor = world.CreateJoint(rjd) joint_motor.userData = CustomMotorUserData( SPEED_HAND, True, contact_body=hand_part) self.motors.append(joint_motor) prev_part = hand_part hand_sensor_position = (init_x, initial_y + self.HAND_PART_H * nb_hand_parts) hand_sensor_part = world.CreateDynamicBody( position=hand_sensor_position, fixtures=self.SENSOR_FD, userData=CustomBodySensorUserData(True, False, "hand_sensor")) hand_sensor_part.color1 = ( 1, 0, 0) #(0.6 - j / 10., 0.3 - j / 10., 0.5 - j / 10.) hand_sensor_part.color2 = ( 1, 0, 0) #(0.4 - j / 10., 0.2 - j / 10., 0.3 - j / 10.) self.sensors.append(hand_sensor_part) world.CreateJoint( weldJointDef(bodyA=prev_part, bodyB=hand_sensor_part, anchor=hand_sensor_position))
def box2d_shapes_from_shapely(geometry): """Create Box2D shapes from shapely geometry""" return [b2.polygonShape(vertices=list(poly.exterior.coords)) for poly in getattr(geometry, "geoms", [geometry])]
pass def PreSolve(self, contact, oldManifold): pass def PostSolve(self, contact, impulse): pass # construct world world = world(gravity=(0, 0), doSleep=True, contactListener=myContactListener()) # add static body env_shape = polygonShape(vertices=metadata) # env_body = world.CreateStaticBody(position=(0,0), shapes=env_shape) # add borders (for debugging) border_shape_h = polygonShape(vertices=[(-0.75, 0), (-0.75, 0.01), (0.75, 0.01), (0.75, 0)]) border_shape_v = polygonShape(vertices=[(0, -0.6), (0.01, -0.6), (0.01, 0.6), (0, 0.6)]) # border_body1 = world.CreateStaticBody(position=(0,0.39), shapes=border_shape_h) # border_body2 = world.CreateStaticBody(position=(0,-0.4), shapes=border_shape_h) # border_body3 = world.CreateStaticBody(position=(0.59,0), shapes=border_shape_v)
SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT=640,480 # --- pygame setup --- screen=pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH,SCREEN_HEIGHT), 0, 32) pygame.display.set_caption('Simple pygame example') clock=pygame.time.Clock() # --- pybox2d world setup --- # Create the world,-0),doSleep=True) # And a static body to hold the ground shape ground_body=world.CreateStaticBody( position=(0,1), shapes=b2.polygonShape(box=(50,1)), ) # Create a dynamic body box1=world.CreateDynamicBody(position=(10,3+5), angle=0.0) box2=world.CreateDynamicBody(position=(14,5+5), angle=0.0) rj=world.CreateRevoluteJoint( bodyA=box1, bodyB=box2, anchor=(12,4+5), lowerAngle = -.5 * b2.pi, # -90 degrees upperAngle = .5 * b2.pi, # 45 degrees enableLimit = True, maxMotorTorque = -200.0,
] LEG_DOWN = -8 / SCALE LEG_W, LEG_H = 8 / SCALE, 34 / SCALE VIEWPORT_W = 600 VIEWPORT_H = 400 TERRAIN_STEP = 14 / SCALE TERRAIN_LENGTH = 200 # in steps TERRAIN_HEIGHT = VIEWPORT_H / SCALE / 4 TERRAIN_GRASS = 10 # low long are grass spots, in steps TERRAIN_STARTPAD = 20 # in steps FRICTION = 2.5 HULL_FD = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x / SCALE, y / SCALE) for x, y in HULL_POLY]), density=5.0, friction=0.1, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001, # collide only with ground restitution=0.0) # 0.99 bouncy LEG_FD = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(box=(LEG_W / 2, LEG_H / 2)), density=1.0, restitution=0.0, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001) LOWER_FD = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(box=(0.8 * LEG_W / 2, LEG_H / 2)),
PAD_RADIUS = 5 n_balls = -1 frames = 0 pygame.init() font = pygame.font.SysFont("monospace", 15) screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT), 0, 32) pygame.display.set_caption("SuperKoolt spel") clock = pygame.time.Clock() world =, -GRAVITY), doSleep=True) world.CreateStaticBody(position=(0, 0), shapes=b2d.polygonShape(box=(0.01, 100))) #Left wall world.CreateStaticBody(position=(float(WIDTH / PPM), 0), shapes=b2d.polygonShape(box=(0.01, 100))) #Right wall world.CreateStaticBody(position=(0, float(HEIGHT / PPM)), shapes=b2d.polygonShape(box=(100, 0.01))) #Ceiling pad_body = world.CreateKinematicBody(position=(WIDTH / (PPM * 2), 0.3 - PAD_RADIUS), shapes=b2d.circleShape(radius=PAD_RADIUS)) pad_body.mass = 10000 pad_body.fixedRotation = True pygame.key.set_repeat(10, 10) balls = []
def reset(self): if self.scores is None: self.scores = deque(maxlen=100) else: if self.achieve_goal: self.scores.append(1) else: self.scores.append(0) if self.verbose: self.verbosing() self.game_over = False self.prev_shaping = None self.achieve_goal = False self.strike_by_obstacle = False self.speed_table = np.zeros(len(OBSTACLE_POSITIONS)) # timer = 1 # clean up objects in the Box 2D world self._destroy() # create lidar objects self.lidar = [LidarCallback() for _ in range(self.num_beams)] = ContactDetector(self) = # create new world self.moon = vertices=[(0, 0), (W, 0)])) p1 = (1, 1) p2 = (W - 1, 1) self.moon.CreateEdgeFixture( vertices=[p1, p2], density=100, friction=0, restitution=1.0, ) self._build_wall() self.moon.color1 = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) self.moon.color2 = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) # create obstacles self._build_obstacles() # create controller object while True: drone_pos = (int(np.random.randint(1, 10)), int(np.random.randint(1, 5))) self.drone = position=drone_pos, angle=0.0, fixtures=fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x / SCALE, y / SCALE) for x, y in DRONE_POLY]), density=5.0, friction=0.1, categoryBits=0x0010, maskBits=0x003, # collide all but obs range object restitution=0.0) # 0.99 bouncy ) self.drone.color1 = (0.5, 0.4, 0.9) self.drone.color2 = (0.3, 0.3, 0.5) / FPS, 6 * 30, 2 * 30) if self.game_over: self.game_over = False else: break # create goal goal_pos = GOAL_POS[np.random.randint(len(GOAL_POS))] self.goal = position=goal_pos, angle=0.0, fixtures=fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x / SCALE, y / SCALE) for x, y in DRONE_POLY]), density=5.0, friction=0.1, categoryBits=0x002, maskBits=0x0010, # collide only with control device restitution=0.0) # 0.99 bouncy ) self.goal.color1 = (0., 0.5, 0) self.goal.color2 = (0., 0.5, 0) self.obs_range_plt = position=(self.drone.position[0], self.drone.position[1]), angle=0.0, fixtures=fixtureDef( shape=circleShape(radius=np.float64(self.max_obs_range), pos=(0, 0)), density=0, friction=0, categoryBits=0x0100, maskBits=0x000, # collide with nothing restitution=0.3)) self.obs_range_plt.color1 = (0.2, 0.2, 0.4) self.obs_range_plt.color2 = (0.6, 0.6, 0.6) self.drawlist = [self.obs_range_plt, self.drone, self.goal ] + self.walls + self.obstacles self._observe_lidar(drone_pos) / FPS, 6 * 30, 2 * 30) return np.copy(self.array_observation())
def _reset(self): self._destroy() = ContactDetector(self) = self.game_over = False self.prev_shaping = None self.scroll = 0.0 self.lidar_render = 0 # Create world self._generate_terrain(hardcore=False) self._generate_clouds() # Create body init_x = TERRAIN_STEP * TERRAIN_STARTPAD / 2 init_y = TERRAIN_HEIGHT + 2 * LEG_H self.hull = position=(init_x, init_y), fixtures=fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x / SCALE, y / SCALE) for x, y in HULL_POLY]), density=1.0, friction=0.1, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001, restitution=0.0)) self.hull.color1 = (0.3, 0.4, 0.9) self.hull.color2 = (0.3, 0.4, 0.7) # Create legs self.legs = [] self.joints = [] for i in [-1, 1]: # Upper leg leg = position=(init_x, init_y - LEG_H / 2 - LEG_DOWN), angle=(i * 0.01), fixtures=fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x / SCALE, y / SCALE) for x, y in LEG_POLY]), density=1.0, restitution=0.0, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001)) leg.color1 = (0.3 - i / 10, 0.4 - i / 10, 0.8 - i / 10) leg.color2 = (0.3, 0.4, 0.5) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=self.hull, bodyB=leg, localAnchorA=(0, LEG_DOWN), localAnchorB=(0, LEG_H / 2), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=MOTORS_TORQUE, motorSpeed=i, lowerAngle=-1.1, upperAngle=1.3, ) self.legs.append(leg) self.joints.append( # Lower leg lower = position=(init_x, init_y - LEG_H * 3 / 2 - LEG_DOWN), angle=(i * 0.01), fixtures=fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x / SCALE, y / SCALE) for x, y in LOWERLEG_POLY]), density=1.0, restitution=0.00, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001)) lower.color1 = (0.3 - i / 10., 0.4 - i / 10., 0.8 - i / 10.) lower.color2 = (0.3 - i / 10., 0.4 - i / 10., 0.5 - i / 10.) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=leg, bodyB=lower, localAnchorA=(0, -LEG_H / 2), localAnchorB=(0, LEG_H / 2), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=MOTORS_TORQUE, motorSpeed=1, lowerAngle=-2.8, upperAngle=0.2, ) lower.ground_contact = False self.legs.append(lower) self.joints.append( # Feet foot = position=(init_x, init_y), angle=0, fixtures=fixtureDef(shape=polygonShape(box=(LEG_H, LEG_W)), density=1.0, restitution=0.05, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001)) foot.color1 = (0.3 - i / 10., 0.3 - i / 10., 0.8 - i / 10.) foot.color2 = (0.3 - i / 10., 0.3 - i / 10., 0.8 - i / 10.) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=lower, bodyB=foot, localAnchorA=(0, -LEG_H / 2), localAnchorB=(-0.05, 0), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=MOTORS_TORQUE, motorSpeed=1, lowerAngle=-1.0, upperAngle=1.0, ) foot.ground_contact = False self.legs.append(foot) self.joints.append( # We render this self.drawlist = self.terrain + self.legs + [self.hull] # Lidar class LidarCallback(Box2D.b2.rayCastCallback): def ReportFixture(self, fixture, point, normal, fraction): if (fixture.filterData.categoryBits & 1) == 0: return 1 self.p2 = point self.fraction = fraction return 0 self.lidar = [LidarCallback() for _ in range(10)] # Start return self._step(np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]))[0]
def _reset(self): self.trajectory = [] self.actions = [] self.curr_step = 0 self.curr_obs = None = False self.fan_confs = [] self.at_site = [False for _ in range(LANDED_SLACK)] self.grounded = [False for _ in range(LANDED_SLACK)] self._destroy() = ContactDetector(self) = self.game_over = False self.prev_shaping = None W = VIEWPORT_W / SCALE H = VIEWPORT_H / SCALE # terrain CHUNKS = 11 height = self.np_random.uniform(0, H / 2, size=(CHUNKS + 1, )) chunk_x = [W / (CHUNKS - 1) * i for i in range(CHUNKS)] #helipad_chunk = CHUNKS // 2 # randomize helipad x coord helipad_chunk = self.goal if self.goal is not None else np.random.choice( range(1, CHUNKS - 1)) self.helipad_x1 = chunk_x[helipad_chunk - 1] self.helipad_x2 = chunk_x[helipad_chunk + 1] self.helipad_y = H / 4 height[helipad_chunk - 2] = self.helipad_y height[helipad_chunk - 1] = self.helipad_y height[helipad_chunk + 0] = self.helipad_y height[helipad_chunk + 1] = self.helipad_y height[helipad_chunk + 2] = self.helipad_y smooth_y = [ 0.33 * (height[i - 1] + height[i + 0] + height[i + 1]) for i in range(CHUNKS) ] self.moon = vertices=[(0, 0), (W, 0)])) self.sky_polys = [] for i in range(CHUNKS - 1): p1 = (chunk_x[i], smooth_y[i]) p2 = (chunk_x[i + 1], smooth_y[i + 1]) self.moon.CreateEdgeFixture(vertices=[p1, p2], density=0, friction=0.1) self.sky_polys.append([p1, p2, (p2[0], H), (p1[0], H)]) self.moon.color1 = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) self.moon.color2 = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) initial_y = VIEWPORT_H / SCALE #*0.75 self.lander = position=(VIEWPORT_W / SCALE / 2, initial_y), angle=0.0, fixtures=fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x / SCALE, y / SCALE) for x, y in LANDER_POLY]), density=5.0, friction=0.1, categoryBits=0x0010, maskBits=0x001, # collide only with ground restitution=0.0) # 0.99 bouncy ) self.lander.color1 = (0.5, 0.4, 0.9) self.lander.color2 = (0.3, 0.3, 0.5) self.lander.ApplyForceToCenter( (self.np_random.uniform(-INITIAL_RANDOM, INITIAL_RANDOM), self.np_random.uniform(-INITIAL_RANDOM, INITIAL_RANDOM)), True) self.legs = [] for i in [-1, +1]: leg = position=(VIEWPORT_W / SCALE / 2 - i * LEG_AWAY / SCALE, initial_y), angle=(i * 0.05), fixtures=fixtureDef(shape=polygonShape(box=(LEG_W / SCALE, LEG_H / SCALE)), density=1.0, restitution=0.0, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001)) leg.ground_contact = False leg.color1 = (0.5, 0.4, 0.9) leg.color2 = (0.3, 0.3, 0.5) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=self.lander, bodyB=leg, localAnchorA=(0, 0), localAnchorB=(i * LEG_AWAY / SCALE, LEG_DOWN / SCALE), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=LEG_SPRING_TORQUE, motorSpeed=+0.3 * i # low enough not to jump back into the sky ) if i == -1: rjd.lowerAngle = +0.9 - 0.5 # Yes, the most esoteric numbers here, angles legs have freedom to travel within rjd.upperAngle = +0.9 else: rjd.lowerAngle = -0.9 rjd.upperAngle = -0.9 + 0.5 leg.joint = self.legs.append(leg) self.drawlist = [self.lander] + self.legs return self._step(np.array([0, 0]) if self.continuous else 0)[0]
def _reset(self): self._destroy() = ContactDetector(self) self.game_over = False self.prev_shaping = None self.scroll = 0.0 self.lidar_render = 0 W = VIEWPORT_W/SCALE H = VIEWPORT_H/SCALE self._generate_terrain(self.hardcore) self._generate_clouds() init_x = TERRAIN_STEP*TERRAIN_STARTPAD/2 init_y = TERRAIN_HEIGHT+2*LEG_H self.hull = position = (init_x, init_y), fixtures = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[ (x/SCALE,y/SCALE) for x,y in HULL_POLY ]), density=5.0, friction=0.1, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001, # collide only with ground restitution=0.0) # 0.99 bouncy ) self.hull.color1 = (0.5,0.4,0.9) self.hull.color2 = (0.3,0.3,0.5) self.hull.ApplyForceToCenter((np.random.uniform(-INITIAL_RANDOM, INITIAL_RANDOM), 0), True) self.legs = [] self.joints = [] for i in [-1,+1]: leg = position = (init_x, init_y - LEG_H/2 - LEG_DOWN), angle = (i*0.05), fixtures = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(box=(LEG_W/2, LEG_H/2)), density=1.0, restitution=0.0, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001) ) leg.color1 = (0.6-i/10., 0.3-i/10., 0.5-i/10.) leg.color2 = (0.4-i/10., 0.2-i/10., 0.3-i/10.) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=self.hull, bodyB=leg, localAnchorA=(0, LEG_DOWN), localAnchorB=(0, LEG_H/2), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=MOTORS_TORQUE, motorSpeed = i, lowerAngle = -0.8, upperAngle = 1.1, ) self.legs.append(leg) self.joints.append( lower = position = (init_x, init_y - LEG_H*3/2 - LEG_DOWN), angle = (i*0.05), fixtures = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(box=(0.8*LEG_W/2, LEG_H/2)), density=1.0, restitution=0.0, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001) ) lower.color1 = (0.6-i/10., 0.3-i/10., 0.5-i/10.) lower.color2 = (0.4-i/10., 0.2-i/10., 0.3-i/10.) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=leg, bodyB=lower, localAnchorA=(0, -LEG_H/2), localAnchorB=(0, LEG_H/2), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=MOTORS_TORQUE, motorSpeed = 1, lowerAngle = -1.6, upperAngle = -0.1, ) lower.ground_contact = False self.legs.append(lower) self.joints.append( self.drawlist = self.terrain + self.legs + [self.hull] class LidarCallback(Box2D.b2.rayCastCallback): def ReportFixture(self, fixture, point, normal, fraction): if (fixture.filterData.categoryBits & 1) == 0: return 1 self.p2 = point self.fraction = fraction return 0 self.lidar = [LidarCallback() for _ in range(10)] return self._step(np.array([0,0,0,0]))[0]
def _create_track(self): # Offset parameters to get the track correctly on the playfield self.off_params = (-WINDOW_H//4, -WINDOW_W//2.5) # Construct a lattice using a random node initialization followed # by a random edge deletion, ensuring everything is connected and # lattice constraints are met if "lattice" not in self.__dict__: self.lattice = construct_lattice(GRID_ROWS, GRID_COLS, PROB_EDGE, LATTICE_CONSTRAINTS, RANDOM_DELETIONS, self.pre_provided_lattice, self.delete_edges) # Create polygons for the lattice road pieces and lane separators # Also store directions for each of the road piece if "track" not in self.__dict__: self.normal_polygons, self.special_polygons, self.ls_polygons, self.directions, \ self.relevant_nodes, self.special_relevant_nodes = \ construct_grid(self.lattice, LANE_WIDTH, EDGE_WIDTH, self.off_params, LANE_SEP) self.track = self.normal_polygons+self.special_polygons self.directions += "n"*len(self.special_polygons) # Each special_polygon is junction self.relevant_nodes += self.special_relevant_nodes assert(len(self.track) == len(self.directions) == len(self.relevant_nodes)) # Start with a blank list of road objects self.road = [] # Draw track with varying shade so road pieces can be differentiated i = 0 for polygon in self.track: # Create static body t = = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=list(polygon)) )) t.userData = t # Assign direction t.direction = self.directions[i] # Assign colors # USEFUL: Change colors when debugging directions! c = 0.01*(i%3) i += 1 t.color = [ROAD_COLOR[0] + c, ROAD_COLOR[1] + c, ROAD_COLOR[2] + c] # Assign properties and set contact true t.boxtype = "road" t.road_friction = 1.0 t.fixtures[0].sensor = True # Add to list for rendering, and keep track by adding to self.road self.road_poly.append(( list(polygon), t.color )) self.road.append(t) # Which vertices are in the lattice? h, w = self.lattice.shape[:2] self.which_points = [] self.neighbors = [] for i in range(h): for j in range(w): if self.lattice[i, j, 0]: self.which_points += [(i, j)] self.neighbors += [self.lattice[i, j, 1:]] # Construct traffic lights self.lights = [] for neighbor in self.neighbors: self.lights += [construct_traffic_lights(neighbor, LANE_WIDTH, TRAFFIC_LIGHT_R, TRAFFIC_LIGHT_R2)] return True
# --- pybox2d world setup --- # Create the world world =, -10), doSleep=True) # --- pybox2d static body setup --- bodyDef = Box2D.b2BodyDef() bodyDef.position = (22.5, 12) # the center of object body = world.CreateBody( bodyDef) # The default bodies are static. # The default density is zero. groundBody = Box2D.b2PolygonShape(box=(1, 7)) groundBoxFixture = Box2D.b2FixtureDef(shape=groundBody) body.CreateFixture(groundBoxFixture) # above is equal in this: ground_body = world.CreateStaticBody( position=(3, 1), shapes=b2.polygonShape(box=(10, 1)), ) # circle shape body1 = world.CreateStaticBody(position=(30, 12)) circle = body1.CreateCircleFixture(radius=0.1, density=1, friction=0.3) # other shape:create by offering vertices body = world.CreateStaticBody(position=(30, 12), angle=math.pi * 90 / 180) box = body.CreatePolygonFixture(vertices=[(1, 1), (2, 3), (1, 0), (0, 2)], density=1, friction=0.3, restitution=0.9) # --- pygame draw function setup --- colors = { b2.staticBody: (255, 255, 255), # white
def box2d_triangles_from_shapely(geometry): """Create Box2D shapes by triangulating shapely geometry""" for face in triangulate(geometry): yield b2.polygonShape(vertices=list(face.exterior.coords))
def _reset(self): self._destroy() init_x = self.init_x init_y = self.init_y self.hull = position=(init_x, init_y), fixtures=fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x / SCALE, y / SCALE) for x, y in HULL_POLY]), density=5.0, friction=0.1, categoryBits=0x002, # maskBits=(0x001 & 0x002), # collide only with ground restitution=0.0) # 0.99 bouncy ) self.hull.color1 = (0.5, 0.4, 0.9) self.hull.color2 = (0.3, 0.3, 0.5) self.hull.ApplyForceToCenter( (self.np_random.uniform(-INITIAL_RANDOM, INITIAL_RANDOM), 0), True) self.legs = [] self.joints = [] for i in [-1, +1]: leg = position=(init_x, init_y - LEG_H / 2 - LEG_DOWN), angle=(i * 0.05), fixtures=fixtureDef(shape=polygonShape(box=(LEG_W / 2, LEG_H / 2)), density=1.0, restitution=0.0, categoryBits=0x002, maskBits=0x001) # collide with ground only ) leg.color1 = (0.6 - i / 10., 0.3 - i / 10., 0.5 - i / 10.) leg.color2 = (0.4 - i / 10., 0.2 - i / 10., 0.3 - i / 10.) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=self.hull, bodyB=leg, localAnchorA=(0, LEG_DOWN), localAnchorB=(0, LEG_H / 2), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=MOTORS_TORQUE, motorSpeed=i, lowerAngle=-0.8, upperAngle=1.1, ) self.legs.append(leg) self.joints.append( lower = position=(init_x, init_y - LEG_H * 3 / 2 - LEG_DOWN), angle=(i * 0.05), fixtures=fixtureDef(shape=polygonShape(box=(0.8 * LEG_W / 2, LEG_H / 2)), density=1.0, restitution=0.0, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001)) lower.color1 = (0.6 - i / 10., 0.3 - i / 10., 0.5 - i / 10.) lower.color2 = (0.4 - i / 10., 0.2 - i / 10., 0.3 - i / 10.) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=leg, bodyB=lower, localAnchorA=(0, -LEG_H / 2), localAnchorB=(0, LEG_H / 2), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=MOTORS_TORQUE, motorSpeed=1, lowerAngle=-1.6, upperAngle=-0.1, ) lower.ground_contact = False self.legs.append(lower) self.joints.append( self.drawlist = self.legs + [self.hull] class LidarCallback(Box2D.b2.rayCastCallback): def ReportFixture(self, fixture, point, normal, fraction): if (fixture.filterData.categoryBits & 1) == 0: return 1 self.p2 = point self.fraction = fraction return 0 self.lidar = [LidarCallback() for _ in range(10)]
class World(): def create_world_grid(): ##---Create dictionary to store world cells---## my_world = {} key = 0 for x in range(600): my_world[key] = [-100, -100] key += 1 ##---Store x and y coordinates for each cell---## key = 0 for y in xrange(1, 40, 2): for x in xrange(1, 60, 2): my_world[key] = [x, y] key += 1 return my_world def create_graph(): ##---BUILD A FULLY CONNECTED GRAPH OF THE WORLD: AT THE BEGINNING EVERY CELL IS---## ##---CONSIDERED TO BE FREE---## my_graph = {} for key in range(600): my_graph[key] = { key + 30: 1, key + 31: 1.4, key + 1: 1, key - 29: 1.4, key - 30: 1, key - 31: 1.4, key - 1: 1, key + 29: 1.4 } ##---Define list of cells for each side (corner cells not included!)---## left_side = [ 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270, 300, 330, 360, 390, 420, 450, 480, 510, 540 ] right_side = [ 59, 89, 119, 149, 179, 209, 239, 269, 299, 329, 359, 389, 419, 449, 479, 509, 539, 569 ] bottom_side = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 ] top_side = [ 571, 572, 573, 574, 575, 576, 577, 578, 579, 580, 581, 582, 583, 584, 585, 586, 587, 588, 589, 590, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598 ] for key in range(600): ##---Set connected cells of side cells (corner cells not included)---## if (key in left_side): my_graph[key] = { key + 30: 1, key + 31: 1.4, key + 1: 1, key - 29: 1.4, key - 30: 1 } if (key in right_side): my_graph[key] = { key + 30: 1, key - 30: 1, key - 31: 1.4, key - 1: 1, key + 29: 1.4 } if (key in bottom_side): my_graph[key] = { key + 30: 1, key + 31: 1.4, key + 1: 1, key - 1: 1, key + 29: 1.4 } if (key in top_side): my_graph[key] = { key + 1: 1, key - 29: 1.4, key - 30: 1, key - 31: 1.4, key - 1: 1 } ##---Set connections of corner cells---## if (key == 0): my_graph[key] = {key + 30: 1, key + 31: 1.4, key + 1: 1} if (key == 29): my_graph[key] = {key + 30: 1, key - 1: 1, key + 29: 1.4} if (key == 570): my_graph[key] = {key + 1: 1, key - 29: 1.4, key - 30: 1} if (key == 599): my_graph[key] = {key - 30: 1, key - 31: 1.4, key - 1: 1} return my_graph ##---Constants---## PPM = 20.0 # pixels per meter TARGET_FPS = 60 TIME_STEP = 1.0 / TARGET_FPS vel_iters, pos_iters = 6, 2 SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT = 1200, 800 ##---pygame setup---## screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT), 0, 32) pygame.display.set_caption('Path finding: robot body of any shape') clock = pygame.time.Clock() start_time = ##---Create the world---## my_world = world(gravity=(0, 0), doSleep=True) # ##---Static obstacles of the environment---## # wall_bottom = my_world.CreateStaticBody(position=(30, 0.1), shapes=polygonShape(box=(30, 0.1)), ) # wall_top = my_world.CreateStaticBody(position=(30, 40), shapes=polygonShape(box=(30, 0.1)), ) # wall_left = my_world.CreateStaticBody(position=(0, 20), shapes=polygonShape(box=(20, 0.1)), angle=math.pi/2) # wall_right = my_world.CreateStaticBody(position=(60, 20), shapes=polygonShape(box=(20, 0.1)), angle=math.pi/2) # wall_bottom.userData = {'color': 'obstacle'} # wall_top.userData = {'color': 'obstacle'} # wall_left.userData = {'color': 'obstacle'} # wall_right.userData = {'color': 'obstacle'} obstacle_1 = my_world.CreateStaticBody(position=(5, 12.5), shapes=polygonShape(box=(5, 2.5))) obstacle_2 = my_world.CreateStaticBody(position=(40, 25), shapes=polygonShape(box=(6, 2)), angle=math.pi / 4) obstacle_3 = my_world.CreateStaticBody(position=(30, 25), shapes=polygonShape(box=(6, 2)), angle=-math.pi / 4) obstacle_1.userData = {'color': 'obstacle'} obstacle_2.userData = {'color': 'obstacle'} obstacle_3.userData = {'color': 'obstacle'} # ##---TO BE USED TO TEST AND COMPARE DIJKSTRA'S AND A* ALGORITHMS---## # obstacle_1 = my_world.CreateStaticBody(position=(12, 12), shapes=polygonShape(box=(8, 0.5)), angle=-math.pi/4) # obstacle_1.userData = {'color': 'obstacle'} # obstacle_2 = my_world.CreateStaticBody(position=(24, 8), shapes=polygonShape(box=(8, 0.5)), angle=-math.pi/4) # obstacle_2.userData = {'color': 'obstacle'} # obstacle_3 = my_world.CreateStaticBody(position=(18, 20), shapes=polygonShape(box=(8, 0.5)), angle=-math.pi/4) # obstacle_3.userData = {'color': 'obstacle'} # obstacle_4 = my_world.CreateStaticBody(position=(22, 31), shapes=polygonShape(box=(14, 1.0)), angle=-math.pi/4) # obstacle_4.userData = {'color': 'obstacle'} # obstacle_5 = my_world.CreateStaticBody(position=(37, 25), shapes=polygonShape(box=(12, 1.0)), angle=-math.pi/2) # obstacle_5.userData = {'color': 'obstacle'} # obstacle_6 = my_world.CreateStaticBody(position=(44, 14), shapes=polygonShape(box=(6, 3.0)), angle=-math.pi/4) # obstacle_6.userData = {'color': 'obstacle'} # obstacle_7 = my_world.CreateStaticBody(position=(54, 26), shapes=polygonShape(box=(10, 1.0))) # obstacle_7.userData = {'color': 'obstacle'} ##---Data structures---## my_grid = create_world_grid() my_graph = create_graph() ##---Check if cells are free or occupied---## key = 0 occupied_counter = 0 occupied_list = [] free_cell_list = [] for y in xrange(1, 40, 2): for x in xrange(1, 60, 2): start_position = (x, y) ##---Create robot---## body = my_world.CreateDynamicBody(position=start_position) box = body.CreatePolygonFixture(box=(0.98, 1.98), density=1, friction=0.3) free_cell_list.append(key) for i in range(3): ##---Instruct the world to perform a single step of simulation---## my_world.Step(TIME_STEP, vel_iters, pos_iters) ##---If the position of the robot changes, the cell must be occupied---## if (start_position != body.position): occupied_counter += 1 occupied_list.append(key) ##---Add some fictional high values for occupied cell x and y coordinates---## my_grid[key] = [1000, 1000] del my_graph[key] ##---Destroy robot body---## free_cell_list.remove(key) my_world.DestroyBody(body) key += 1 print("occupied_counter: %d" % occupied_counter) ##---count number of cells in the graph---## counter = 0 for key, value in my_graph.items(): counter += 1 print("Number of free cells in graph: %d" % counter) print("occupied cells: %s" % occupied_list) ##---Count edges in graph so far---## edge_count = 0 for key, value in my_graph.items(): for x in value: edge_count += 1 print("edgecount: %d" % edge_count) ##---Delete edges which are connected to occupied cells---## for number in occupied_list: for key, value in my_graph.items(): for x, y in value.items(): if (x == number): del value[x] ##---Delete diagonal edges at the corners of occupied cells---## ##---Those edges which connect two free cell diagonally but there is an occupied cells next to them---## for number in occupied_list: ##---Delete edges at the top-right corner of the occupied cell---## if (number + 1 in my_graph.keys() and number + 30 in my_graph.keys()): if (number + 30 in my_graph[number + 1].keys()): del my_graph[number + 1][number + 30] if (number + 1 in my_graph[number + 30].keys()): del my_graph[number + 30][number + 1] ##---Delete edges at the top-left corner of the occupied cell---## if (number - 1 in my_graph.keys() and number + 30 in my_graph.keys()): if (number + 30 in my_graph[number - 1].keys()): del my_graph[number - 1][number + 30] if (number - 1 in my_graph[number + 30].keys()): del my_graph[number + 30][number - 1] ##---Delete edges at the bottom-left corner of the occupied cell---## if (number - 1 in my_graph.keys() and number - 30 in my_graph.keys()): if (number - 30 in my_graph[number - 1].keys()): del my_graph[number - 1][number - 30] if (number - 1 in my_graph[number - 30].keys()): del my_graph[number - 30][number - 1] ##---Delete edges at the bottom-right corner of the occupied cell---## if (number + 1 in my_graph.keys() and number - 30 in my_graph.keys()): if (number - 30 in my_graph[number + 1].keys()): del my_graph[number + 1][number - 30] if (number + 1 in my_graph[number - 30].keys()): del my_graph[number - 30][number + 1] ##---Turn the robot counterclockwise and check for collision at every 9 degrees---## start_key = 0 for y in xrange(1, 40, 2): for x in xrange(1, 60, 2): start_position3 = (x, y) ##---40 iterations, 9 degrees/iteration = 360 degrees checked---## for i in xrange(0, 39, 1): body3 = my_world.CreateDynamicBody( position=start_position3, angle=i * math.pi / 20) ##Step size: 9 degrees (180/20) box = body3.CreatePolygonFixture(box=(0.98, 1.98), density=1, friction=0.3) for j in range(3): ##---Instruct the world to perform a single step of simulation---## my_world.Step(TIME_STEP, vel_iters, pos_iters) ##---If the robot body was in collision with any object of the environment---## if (start_position3 != body3.position): ##---Check how much the robot was rotated when the collision happened---## ##---And delete all the edges which come after this rotation---## if (i < 35): # 35*9=315 degrees for key, value in my_graph.items(): if (key == start_key): for inner_key, inner_value in value.items(): if (key + 31 == inner_key): del value[key + 31] if (i < 30): # 30*9=270 degrees for key, value in my_graph.items(): if (key == start_key): for inner_key, inner_value in value.items(): if (key + 1 == inner_key): del value[key + 1] if (i < 25): # 25*9=225 degrees for key, value in my_graph.items(): if (key == start_key): for inner_key, inner_value in value.items(): if (key - 29 == inner_key): del value[key - 29] if (i < 20): # 20*9=180 degrees for key, value in my_graph.items(): if (key == start_key): for inner_key, inner_value in value.items(): if (key - 30 == inner_key): del value[key - 30] if (i < 15): # 15*9=135 degrees for key, value in my_graph.items(): if (key == start_key): for inner_key, inner_value in value.items(): if (key - 31 == inner_key): del value[key - 31] if (i < 10): # 10*9=00 degrees for key, value in my_graph.items(): if (key == start_key): for inner_key, inner_value in value.items(): if (key - 1 == inner_key): del value[key - 1] if (i < 5): # 5*9=45 degrees for key, value in my_graph.items(): if (key == start_key): for inner_key, inner_value in value.items(): if (key + 29 == inner_key): del value[key + 29] my_world.DestroyBody(body3) start_key += 1 ##---count edges again---## new_edge_count = 0 for key, value in my_graph.items(): for x in value: new_edge_count += 1 print("new edgecount: %d" % new_edge_count) ##---Set start and goal node numbers---## start_number = 31 goal_number = 437 ##---Use Dijkstra's algorithm to find shortest path---## start_time_dijkstra = shortest_path_1, cost_1, counter_1 = dijkstra(my_graph, start_number, goal_number, 0) shortest_path_1.reverse() print("Shortest path using Dijkstra's algorithm: ") print(shortest_path_1) print("cost: %f" % cost_1) print("Number of nodes expanded: %d" % counter_1) end_time_dijkstra = time_needed_dijkstra = end_time_dijkstra - start_time_dijkstra print("Time needed for Dijkstra's algorithm: %s s." % str(time_needed_dijkstra)) ##---Use A* algorithm to find shortest path---## start_time_A_star = shortest_path_2, cost_2, counter_2 = A_star(my_grid, my_graph, start_number, goal_number, 0) shortest_path_2.reverse() print("Shortest path using A* algorithm: ") print(shortest_path_2) print("cost: %f" % cost_2) print("Number of nodes expanded: %d" % counter_2) end_time_A_star = time_needed_A_star = end_time_A_star - start_time_A_star print("Time needed for A* algorithm: %s s." % str(time_needed_A_star)) ##---Create static bodies to mark the nodes in the tree with small "dots"---## for key, value in my_grid.items(): x = value[0] y = value[1] body3 = my_world.CreateStaticBody(position=(x, y)) box3 = body3.CreatePolygonFixture(box=(0.098, 0.098), density=1) box3.sensor = True body3.userData = {'color': 'node_marker'} ##---Draw small 'dots' along the shortest path---## for number in shortest_path_1: ##---To be used with Dijkstra's algorithm---## #for number in shortest_path_2: ##---To be used with the A* algorithm---## x = my_grid[number][0] y = my_grid[number][1] body = my_world.CreateKinematicBody(position=(x, y)) box = body.CreatePolygonFixture(box=(0.098, 0.098), density=1, friction=0.3) box.sensor = True body.userData = {'color': 'shortest_path'} ##---Define vertices for start and goal positions and for the robot---## vertices2 = [(-0.5, -0.2), (-0.2, -0.5), (0.2, -0.5), (0.5, -0.2), (0.5, 0.2), (0.2, 0.5), (-0.2, 0.5), (-0.5, 0.2)] ##---Create static body to mark the start position---## body1 = my_world.CreateStaticBody(position=(my_grid[start_number][0], my_grid[start_number][1])) box1 = body1.CreatePolygonFixture(vertices=vertices2, density=1) box1.sensor = True body1.userData = {'color': 'start_position'} ##---Create static body to mark the goal position---## body2 = my_world.CreateStaticBody(position=(my_grid[goal_number][0], my_grid[goal_number][1])) box2 = body2.CreatePolygonFixture(vertices=vertices2, density=1) box2.sensor = True body2.userData = {'color': 'goal_position'} # Create a dynamic body for the robot dynamic_body = my_world.CreateDynamicBody( position=(my_grid[start_number][0], my_grid[start_number][1]), angle=0 * math.pi / 2) box = dynamic_body.CreatePolygonFixture(box=(0.5, 0.8), density=1, friction=0.3) dynamic_body.userData = {'color': 'robot'} ##---Define colours for robot, obstacles, start- and goal positions, node position markers---## colors = { 'obstacle': (115, 115, 115), 'robot': (165, 0, 0), 'moveable_obstacle': (77, 166, 255), 'start_position': (255, 140, 26), 'goal_position': (204, 255, 153), 'node_marker': (0, 77, 0), 'shortest_path': (255, 128, 223), } ##---Calculate and print runtime---## end_time = total_runtime = end_time - start_time print("total_runtime: %s" % (total_runtime))
def draw(self, world, init_x, init_y, force_to_center): MAIN_BODY_FIXTURES = [ fixtureDef(shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x / self.SCALE, y / self.SCALE) for x, y in polygon]), density=5.0, friction=0.1, categoryBits=0x20, maskBits=0x000F) for polygon in MAIN_BODY_POLYGONS ] LEG_FD = fixtureDef(shape=polygonShape(box=(self.LEG_W / 2, self.LEG_H / 2)), density=1.0, restitution=0.0, categoryBits=0x20, maskBits=0x000F) LOWER_FD = fixtureDef(shape=polygonShape(box=(0.8 * self.LEG_W / 2, self.LEG_H / 2)), density=1.0, restitution=0.0, categoryBits=0x20, maskBits=0x000F) init_x = init_x - MAIN_BODY_BOTTOM_WIDTH / self.SCALE * self.nb_of_bodies / 2 # initial init_x is the middle of the whole body previous_main_body = None for j in range(self.nb_of_bodies): main_body_x = init_x + j * (MAIN_BODY_BOTTOM_WIDTH / self.SCALE) main_body = world.CreateDynamicBody(position=(main_body_x, init_y), fixtures=MAIN_BODY_FIXTURES) main_body.color1 = (0.5, 0.4, 0.9) main_body.color2 = (0.3, 0.3, 0.5) main_body.ApplyForceToCenter((force_to_center, 0), True) # self.body_parts.append(BodyPart(main_body, True, True)) main_body.userData = CustomBodyUserData(True, is_contact_critical=False, name="body") self.body_parts.append(main_body) for i in [-1, +1]: leg = world.CreateDynamicBody( position=(main_body_x, init_y - self.LEG_H / 2 - self.LEG_DOWN), #angle=(i * 0.05), fixtures=LEG_FD) leg.color1 = (0.6 - i / 10., 0.3 - i / 10., 0.5 - i / 10.) leg.color2 = (0.4 - i / 10., 0.2 - i / 10., 0.3 - i / 10.) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=main_body, bodyB=leg, anchor=(main_body_x, init_y - self.LEG_DOWN), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=self.MOTORS_TORQUE, motorSpeed=i, lowerAngle=-0.8, upperAngle=1.1, ) leg.userData = CustomBodyUserData(False, name="leg") self.body_parts.append(leg) joint_motor = world.CreateJoint(rjd) joint_motor.userData = CustomMotorUserData(SPEED_HIP, False) self.motors.append(joint_motor) lower = world.CreateDynamicBody( position=(main_body_x, init_y - self.LEG_H * 3 / 2 - self.LEG_DOWN), #angle=(i * 0.05), fixtures=LOWER_FD) lower.color1 = (0.6 - i / 10., 0.3 - i / 10., 0.5 - i / 10.) lower.color2 = (0.4 - i / 10., 0.2 - i / 10., 0.3 - i / 10.) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=leg, bodyB=lower, anchor=(main_body_x, init_y - self.LEG_DOWN - self.LEG_H), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=self.MOTORS_TORQUE, motorSpeed=1, lowerAngle=-1.6, upperAngle=-0.1, ) lower.userData = CustomBodyUserData(True, name="lower") self.body_parts.append(lower) joint_motor = world.CreateJoint(rjd) joint_motor.userData = CustomMotorUserData( SPEED_KNEE, True, contact_body=lower, angle_correction=1.0) self.motors.append(joint_motor) if previous_main_body is not None: rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=previous_main_body, bodyB=main_body, anchor=(main_body_x - MAIN_BODY_BOTTOM_WIDTH / self.SCALE / 2, init_y), enableMotor=False, enableLimit=True, lowerAngle=-0.05 * np.pi, upperAngle=0.05 * np.pi, ) world.CreateJoint(rjd) previous_main_body = main_body self.reference_head_object = previous_main_body # set as head the rightmost body self.reference_head_object.is_contact_critical = self.reference_head_object
def _create_rocket(self, initial_coordinates=(W / 2, H / 1.2)): body_color = (1, 1, 1) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # LANDER initial_x, initial_y = initial_coordinates self.lander = position=(initial_x, initial_y), angle=0, fixtures=fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x / SCALE, y / SCALE) for x, y in LANDER_POLY]), density=5.0, friction=0.1, categoryBits=0x0010, maskBits=0x001, # collide only with ground restitution=0.0) # 0.99 bouncy ) self.lander.color1 = body_color self.lander.color2 = (0, 0, 0) if isinstance(self.settings['Initial Force'], str): self.lander.ApplyForceToCenter( (self.np_random.uniform(-INITIAL_RANDOM * 0.3, INITIAL_RANDOM * 0.3), self.np_random.uniform(-1.3 * INITIAL_RANDOM, -INITIAL_RANDOM)), True) else: self.lander.ApplyForceToCenter(self.settings['Initial Force'], True) # COG is set in the middle of the polygon by default. x = 0 = middle. # self.lander.mass = 25 # self.lander.localCenter = (0, 3) # COG # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # LEGS self.legs = [] for i in [-1, +1]: leg = position=(initial_x - i * LEG_AWAY / SCALE, initial_y), angle=(i * 0.05), fixtures=fixtureDef(shape=polygonShape(box=(LEG_W / SCALE, LEG_H / SCALE)), density=5.0, restitution=0.0, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x005)) leg.ground_contact = False leg.color1 = body_color leg.color2 = (0, 0, 0) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=self.lander, bodyB=leg, localAnchorA=(-i * 0.3 / LANDER_CONSTANT, 0), localAnchorB=(i * 0.5 / LANDER_CONSTANT, LEG_DOWN), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=LEG_SPRING_TORQUE, motorSpeed=+0.3 * i # low enough not to jump back into the sky ) if i == -1: rjd.lowerAngle = 40 * DEGTORAD rjd.upperAngle = 45 * DEGTORAD else: rjd.lowerAngle = -45 * DEGTORAD rjd.upperAngle = -40 * DEGTORAD leg.joint = self.legs.append(leg) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOZZLE self.nozzle = position=(initial_x, initial_y), angle=0.0, fixtures=fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x / SCALE, y / SCALE) for x, y in NOZZLE_POLY]), density=5.0, friction=0.1, categoryBits=0x0040, maskBits=0x003, # collide only with ground restitution=0.0) # 0.99 bouncy ) self.nozzle.color1 = (0, 0, 0) self.nozzle.color2 = (0, 0, 0) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=self.lander, bodyB=self.nozzle, localAnchorA=(0, 0), localAnchorB=(0, 0.2), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=NOZZLE_TORQUE, motorSpeed=0, referenceAngle=0, lowerAngle=-13 * DEGTORAD, # +- 15 degrees limit applied in practice upperAngle=13 * DEGTORAD) # The default behaviour of a revolute joint is to rotate without resistance. self.nozzle.joint = # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # self.drawlist = [self.nozzle] + [self.lander] + self.legs self.drawlist = self.legs + [self.nozzle] + [self.lander] self.initial_mass = self.lander.mass self.remaining_fuel = INITIAL_FUEL_MASS_PERCENTAGE * self.initial_mass return
] LEG_DOWN = -8/SCALE LEG_W, LEG_H = 8/SCALE, 34/SCALE VIEWPORT_W = 600 VIEWPORT_H = 400 TERRAIN_STEP = 14/SCALE TERRAIN_LENGTH = 200 # in steps TERRAIN_HEIGHT = VIEWPORT_H/SCALE/4 TERRAIN_GRASS = 10 # low long are grass spots, in steps TERRAIN_STARTPAD = 20 # in steps FRICTION = 2.5 HULL_FD = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(box=(28/SCALE/2, 28/SCALE/2)), density=5.0, friction=0.1, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001, # collide only with ground restitution=0.0) # 0.99 bouncy NECK1_FD = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(box=(20/SCALE/2, 20/SCALE/2)), density=5.0, friction=0.1, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001, # collide only with ground restitution=0.0) # 0.99 bouncy NECK2_FD = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(box=(10/SCALE/2, 15/SCALE/2)),
def _reset(self): self._destroy() # = ContactDetector(self) # = = ContactDetector(self) = self.game_over = False self.prev_shaping = None self.scroll = 0.0 self.lidar_render = 0 W = VIEWPORT_W / SCALE H = VIEWPORT_H / SCALE self._generate_terrain(self.hardcore) self._generate_clouds() init_x = TERRAIN_STEP * TERRAIN_STARTPAD / 2 init_y = TERRAIN_HEIGHT + 2 * LEG_H self.hull = position=(init_x, init_y), fixtures=fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x / SCALE, y / SCALE) for x, y in HULL_POLY]), density=5.0, friction=0.1, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001, # collide only with ground restitution=0.0) # 0.99 bouncy ) self.hull.color1 = (0.5, 0.4, 0.9) self.hull.color2 = (0.3, 0.3, 0.5) self.hull.ApplyForceToCenter( (self.np_random.uniform(-INITIAL_RANDOM, INITIAL_RANDOM), 0), True) self.head = position=(init_x - 0 / SCALE, init_y + (HULL_H + 10) / SCALE), fixtures=fixtureDef( shape=circleShape(pos=[0, 0], radius=7.0 / SCALE), density=5.0, friction=0.1, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001, # collide only with ground restitution=0.0) # 0.99 bouncy ) self.head.color1 = (1.0, 0.4, 0.9) self.head.color2 = (0.3, 1.0, 0.5) #self.head.ApplyForceToCenter((self.np_random.uniform(-INITIAL_RANDOM, INITIAL_RANDOM), 0), True) self.legs = [] self.arms = [] self.joints = [] rjd1 = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=self.head, bodyB=self.hull, localAnchorA=(0, 0), localAnchorB=(0, +(HULL_H) / SCALE), # enableMotor=True, # enableLimit=True, # maxMotorTorque=MOTORS_TORQUE, # motorSpeed = -1, # lowerAngle = -0.8, # upperAngle = 1.1, ) for i in [-1, +1]: leg = position=(init_x, init_y - LEG_H / 2 - LEG_DOWN), angle=(i * 0.05), fixtures=fixtureDef(shape=polygonShape(box=(LEG_W / 2, LEG_H / 2)), density=1.0, restitution=0.0, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001)) leg.color1 = (0.6 - i / 10., 0.3 - i / 10., 0.5 - i / 10.) leg.color2 = (0.4 - i / 10., 0.2 - i / 10., 0.3 - i / 10.) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=self.hull, bodyB=leg, localAnchorA=(0, LEG_DOWN), localAnchorB=(0, LEG_H / 2), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=MOTORS_TORQUE, motorSpeed=i, lowerAngle=-0.8, upperAngle=1.1, ) self.legs.append(leg) self.joints.append( lower = position=(init_x, init_y - LEG_H * 3 / 2 - LEG_DOWN), angle=(i * 0.05), fixtures=fixtureDef(shape=polygonShape(box=(0.8 * LEG_W / 2, LEG_H / 2)), density=1.0, restitution=0.0, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001)) lower.color1 = (0.6 - i / 10., 0.3 - i / 10., 0.5 - i / 10.) lower.color2 = (0.4 - i / 10., 0.2 - i / 10., 0.3 - i / 10.) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=leg, bodyB=lower, localAnchorA=(0, -LEG_H / 2), localAnchorB=(0, LEG_H / 2), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=MOTORS_TORQUE, motorSpeed=1, lowerAngle=-1.6, upperAngle=-0.1, ) lower.ground_contact = False self.legs.append(lower) self.joints.append( for i in [-1, +1]: arm = position=(init_x, init_y - arm_H / 2 + (HULL_H) / SCALE), angle=(i * 0.05), fixtures=fixtureDef(shape=polygonShape(box=(arm_W / 2, arm_H / 2)), density=1.0, restitution=0.0, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001)) arm.color1 = (0.6 - i / 10., 0.3 - i / 10., 0.5 - i / 10.) arm.color2 = (0.4 - i / 10., 0.2 - i / 10., 0.3 - i / 10.) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=self.hull, bodyB=arm, localAnchorA=(0, (HULL_H) / SCALE), localAnchorB=(0, arm_H / 2), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=MOTORS_TORQUE, motorSpeed=-i, lowerAngle=-0.8, upperAngle=0.8, ) self.arms.append(arm) self.joints.append( # lower_arm = # position = (init_x, init_y - arm_H*3/2 + (HULL_H)/SCALE), # angle = (i*0.05), # fixtures = fixtureDef( # shape=polygonShape(box=(0.8*arm_W/2, arm_H/2)), # density=1.0, # restitution=0.0, # categoryBits=0x0020, # maskBits=0x001) # ) # lower_arm.color1 = (0.6-i/10., 0.3-i/10., 0.5-i/10.) # lower_arm.color2 = (0.4-i/10., 0.2-i/10., 0.3-i/10.) # rjd = revoluteJointDef( # bodyA=arm, # bodyB=lower_arm, # localAnchorA=(0, -arm_H/2), # localAnchorB=(0, arm_H/2), # enableMotor=True, # enableLimit=True, # maxMotorTorque=MOTORS_TORQUE, # motorSpeed = 1, # lowerAngle = -1.6, # upperAngle = -0.1, # ) # lower_arm.ground_contact = False # self.arms.append(lower_arm) # self.joints.append( self.joints.append( self.drawlist = self.terrain + self.legs + self.arms + [self.hull] + [ self.head ] class LidarCallback(Box2D.b2.rayCastCallback): def ReportFixture(self, fixture, point, normal, fraction): if (fixture.filterData.categoryBits & 1) == 0: return 1 self.p2 = point self.fraction = fraction return 0 self.lidar = [LidarCallback() for _ in range(10)] self.a = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0]) return self._step(0)
def draw(self, world, init_x, init_y, force_to_center): HULL_FIXTURES = [ fixtureDef(shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x / self.SCALE, y / self.SCALE) for x, y in polygon]), density=self.DENSITY * 1.25, friction=0.1, categoryBits=0x20, maskBits=0x000F) # 0.99 bouncy for polygon in HULL_POLYGONS ] LEG_FD = fixtureDef(shape=polygonShape(box=(self.LEG_W / 2, self.LEG_H / 2)), density=self.DENSITY * 0.25, restitution=0.0, categoryBits=0x20, maskBits=0x000F) LOWER_FD = fixtureDef(shape=polygonShape(box=(0.8 * self.LEG_W / 2, self.LEG_H / 2)), density=self.DENSITY * 0.25, restitution=0.0, categoryBits=0x20, maskBits=0x000F) hull = world.CreateDynamicBody(position=(init_x, init_y), fixtures=HULL_FIXTURES) hull.color1 = (0.44, 0.81, 0.14) hull.color2 = (0.36, 0.66, 0.11) hull.ApplyForceToCenter((force_to_center, 0), True) hull.userData = CustomBodyUserData(True, is_contact_critical=False, name="hull") self.body_parts.append(hull) self.reference_head_object = hull for i in [-1, +1]: leg = world.CreateDynamicBody( position=(init_x, init_y - self.LEG_H / 2 - self.LEG_DOWN), #angle=(i * 0.05),#2° fixtures=LEG_FD) leg.color1 = (0.44, 0.81, 0.14) leg.color2 = (0.36, 0.66, 0.11) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=hull, bodyB=leg, anchor=(init_x, init_y - self.LEG_DOWN), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=self.MOTORS_TORQUE, motorSpeed=i, lowerAngle=-0.8, upperAngle=1.1, ) leg.userData = CustomBodyUserData(False, name="leg") self.body_parts.append(leg) joint_motor = world.CreateJoint(rjd) joint_motor.userData = CustomMotorUserData(SPEED_HIP, False) self.motors.append(joint_motor) lower = world.CreateDynamicBody( position=(init_x, init_y - self.LEG_H * 3 / 2 - self.LEG_DOWN), #angle=(i * 0.05), #2° fixtures=LOWER_FD) lower.color1 = (1.0, 0.25, 0.04) lower.color2 = (0.86, 0.29, 0.12) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=leg, bodyB=lower, anchor=(init_x, init_y - self.LEG_DOWN - self.LEG_H), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=self.MOTORS_TORQUE, motorSpeed=1, lowerAngle=-1.6, upperAngle=-0.1, ) lower.userData = CustomBodyUserData(True, name="lower") self.body_parts.append(lower) joint_motor = world.CreateJoint(rjd) joint_motor.userData = CustomMotorUserData(SPEED_KNEE, True, contact_body=lower, angle_correction=1.0) self.motors.append(joint_motor)
def add_static_body(self, p, size): return, \ shapes=polygonShape(box=self.size_to_pybox2d(size)))
def _create_decoration(): objs = [] objs.append( position=(W / 2, H / 2), angle=0.0, fixtures=fixtureDef(shape=circleShape(radius=100 / SCALE, pos=(0, 0)), categoryBits=0x0, maskBits=0x0))) objs[-1].color1 = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8) objs[-1].color2 = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8) objs.append( position=(W / 2, H / 2), angle=0.0, fixtures=fixtureDef(shape=circleShape(radius=100 / SCALE, pos=(0, 0)), categoryBits=0x0, maskBits=0x0))) objs[-1].color1 = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8) objs[-1].color2 = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8) objs.append( position=(W / 2 - 250 / SCALE, H / 2), angle=0.0, fixtures=fixtureDef(shape=circleShape(radius=70 / SCALE, pos=(0, 0)), categoryBits=0x0, maskBits=0x0))) objs[-1].color1 = (255. / 255, 204. / 255, 191. / 255) objs[-1].color2 = (255. / 255, 204. / 255, 191. / 255) poly = [(0, 100), (100, 100), (100, -100), (0, -100)] objs.append( position=(W / 2 - 240 / SCALE, H / 2), angle=0.0, fixtures=fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x / SCALE, y / SCALE) for x, y in poly]), categoryBits=0x0, maskBits=0x0))) objs[-1].color1 = (1, 1, 1) objs[-1].color2 = (1, 1, 1) objs.append( position=(W / 2 + 250 / SCALE, H / 2), angle=0.0, fixtures=fixtureDef(shape=circleShape(radius=70 / SCALE, pos=(0, 0)), categoryBits=0x0, maskBits=0x0))) objs[-1].color1 = (255. / 255, 204. / 255, 191. / 255) objs[-1].color2 = (255. / 255, 204. / 255, 191. / 255) poly = [(100, 100), (0, 100), (0, -100), (100, -100)] objs.append( position=(W / 2 + 140 / SCALE, H / 2), angle=0.0, fixtures=fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x / SCALE, y / SCALE) for x, y in poly]), categoryBits=0x0, maskBits=0x0))) objs[-1].color1 = (1, 1, 1) objs[-1].color2 = (1, 1, 1) return objs
def draw(self, world, init_x, init_y, force_to_center): head = world.CreateDynamicBody( position=(init_x, init_y + self.BODY_HEIGHT / self.SCALE / 2 + self.HEAD_HEIGHT / self.SCALE / 2 + 0.2), fixtures=fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x / self.SCALE, y / self.SCALE) for x, y in [ (-5, +10), (+5, +10), (+5, -10), (-5, -10)]]), density=5.0, friction=0.1, categoryBits=0x20, maskBits=0x1 ) ) head.color1 = (0.5, 0.4, 0.9) head.color2 = (0.3, 0.3, 0.5) head.ApplyForceToCenter((force_to_center, 0), True) head.userData = CustomBodyUserData(True, is_contact_critical=self.reset_on_hull_critical_contact, name="head") self.body_parts.append(head) self.reference_head_object = head body = world.CreateDynamicBody( position=(init_x, init_y), fixtures=fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x / self.SCALE, y / self.SCALE) for x, y in [ (-8, +25), (+8, +25), (+8, -20), (-8, -20)]]), density=5.0, friction=0.1, categoryBits=0x20, maskBits=0x1 # collide only with ground ) ) body.color1 = (0.5, 0.4, 0.9) body.color2 = (0.3, 0.3, 0.5) body.userData = CustomBodyUserData(True, is_contact_critical=True, name="body") self.body_parts.append(body) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=head, bodyB=body, anchor=(init_x, init_y + self.BODY_HEIGHT / self.SCALE / 2), enableMotor=False, enableLimit=True, lowerAngle=-0.1 * np.pi, upperAngle=0.1 * np.pi, ) world.CreateJoint(rjd) UPPER_LIMB_FD = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(box=(self.LIMB_W / 2, self.LIMB_H / 2)), density=1.0, restitution=0.0, categoryBits=0x20, maskBits=0x1 ) LOWER_LIMB_FD = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(box=(0.8 * self.LIMB_W / 2, self.LIMB_H / 2)), density=1.0, restitution=0.0, categoryBits=0x20, maskBits=0x1 ) # LEGS for i in [+1, +1]: upper = world.CreateDynamicBody( position=(init_x, init_y - self.LIMB_H / 2 - self.LEG_DOWN), # angle=(i * 0.05), fixtures=UPPER_LIMB_FD ) upper.color1 = (0.6 - i / 10., 0.3 - i / 10., 0.5 - i / 10.) upper.color2 = (0.4 - i / 10., 0.2 - i / 10., 0.3 - i / 10.) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=body, bodyB=upper, anchor=(init_x, init_y - self.LEG_DOWN), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=self.MOTORS_TORQUE, motorSpeed=1, lowerAngle=-0.3 * np.pi, upperAngle=0.6 * np.pi, ) upper.userData = CustomBodyUserData(False, name="upper_leg") self.body_parts.append(upper) joint_motor = world.CreateJoint(rjd) joint_motor.userData = CustomMotorUserData(SPEED_HIP, False) self.motors.append(joint_motor) lower = world.CreateDynamicBody( position=(init_x, init_y - self.LIMB_H * 3 / 2 - self.LEG_DOWN), # angle=(i * 0.05), fixtures=LOWER_LIMB_FD ) lower.color1 = (0.6 - i / 10., 0.3 - i / 10., 0.5 - i / 10.) lower.color2 = (0.4 - i / 10., 0.2 - i / 10., 0.3 - i / 10.) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=upper, bodyB=lower, anchor=(init_x, init_y - self.LIMB_H - self.LEG_DOWN), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=self.MOTORS_TORQUE, motorSpeed=1, lowerAngle=-0.75 * np.pi, upperAngle=-0.1, ) lower.userData = CustomBodyUserData(True, name="lower_leg") self.body_parts.append(lower) joint_motor = world.CreateJoint(rjd) joint_motor.userData = CustomMotorUserData(SPEED_KNEE, True, angle_correction=1.0, contact_body=lower) self.motors.append(joint_motor) # ARMS for j in [-1, -1]: upper = world.CreateDynamicBody( position=(init_x, init_y - self.LIMB_H / 2 + self.ARM_UP), # angle=(i * 0.05), fixtures=UPPER_LIMB_FD ) upper.color1 = (0.6 - j / 10., 0.3 - j / 10., 0.5 - j / 10.) upper.color2 = (0.4 - j / 10., 0.2 - j / 10., 0.3 - j / 10.) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=body, bodyB=upper, anchor=(init_x, init_y + self.ARM_UP), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=self.MOTORS_TORQUE, motorSpeed=1, lowerAngle=-0.5 * np.pi, upperAngle=0.8 * np.pi, ) upper.userData = CustomBodyUserData(False, name="upper_arm") self.body_parts.append(upper) joint_motor = world.CreateJoint(rjd) joint_motor.userData = CustomMotorUserData(SPEED_HIP, False) self.motors.append(joint_motor) lower = world.CreateDynamicBody( position=(init_x, init_y - self.LIMB_H * 3 / 2 + self.ARM_UP), # angle=(i * 0.05), fixtures=LOWER_LIMB_FD ) lower.color1 = (0.6 - j / 10., 0.3 - j / 10., 0.5 - j / 10.) lower.color2 = (0.4 - j / 10., 0.2 - j / 10., 0.3 - j / 10.) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=upper, bodyB=lower, anchor=(init_x, init_y - self.LIMB_H + self.ARM_UP), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=self.MOTORS_TORQUE, motorSpeed=1, lowerAngle=0, upperAngle=0.75 * np.pi, ) lower.userData = CustomBodyUserData(True, name="lowar_arm") self.body_parts.append(lower) joint_motor = world.CreateJoint(rjd) joint_motor.userData = CustomMotorUserData(SPEED_KNEE, True, contact_body=lower) self.motors.append(joint_motor)
def reset(self): self.obj_type = 5 self.timer = 0 self.trigger = 'stop' self.curr_grab = 1000 self.curr_right = 0 self.consecutive_wait = 0 self.dist_from_obj = 0 self.dist_from_pos = 0 self.colour_list = [] self.obj_type = random.randint(1, 5) self.lift_reward = [0.1] * 10 self.max_height = 200 for i_body in range(len(self.body_list)): if i_body != 0:[i_body]) self.body_list = [] self.ground_body = position=(160, 0), shapes=polygonShape(box=(160, 7.5)), angle=0) self.wall_body1 = position=(320, 80), shapes=polygonShape(box=(7.5, 320)), angle=0) self.wall_body2 = position=(0, 80), shapes=polygonShape(box=(7.5, 320)), angle=0) self.wall_body3 = position=(100000, 0), shapes=polygonShape(box=(5, 70)), angle=0) self.roof =, 320), shapes=polygonShape(box=(160, 7.5)), angle=0) pos1 = np.random.uniform(15, 130) pos2 = np.random.uniform(280, 310) self.arm =, 315), shapes=polygonShape(box=(6, 12)), angle=0) self.grab = position=(pos1, pos2), shapes=polygonShape(box=(6, 6)), angle=0, fixedRotation=True, ) self.grab.CreatePolygonFixture(box=(6, 6), density=0.1, friction=0) self.stick = position=(pos1, pos2), shapes=polygonShape(box=(40, 6)), angle=0, ) self.stick.CreatePolygonFixture(box=(40, 6), density=0.1, friction=0) offset = 2.5 DENSITY_2 = 0.1 FRICTION = 10 if self.obj_type in [2, 3, 5]: OBJ_2 = [(-40, 30), (-10, 30), (-10, 20), (-40, 20)] OBJ_3 = [(-40, -20), (-10, -20), (-10, -30), (-40, -30)] else: OBJ_2 = [(-40, 30), (-10, 30), (-10, 10), (-40, 10)] OBJ_3 = [(-40, -10), (-10, -10), (-10, -30), (-40, -30)] OBJ_1 = [(-10, 30), (10, 30), (10, -30), (-10, -30)] OBJ_4 = [(10, 10), (40, 10), (40, -10), (10, -10)] OBJ_5 = [(-40, -5), (-10, -5), (-10, 5), (-40, 5)] definedFixturesObj_1 = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x / SCALE, y / SCALE) for x, y in OBJ_1]), density=DENSITY_2, friction=FRICTION, restitution=0.0) definedFixturesObj_2 = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x / SCALE, y / SCALE) for x, y in OBJ_2]), density=DENSITY_2, friction=FRICTION, restitution=0.0) definedFixturesObj_3 = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x / SCALE, y / SCALE) for x, y in OBJ_3]), density=DENSITY_2, friction=FRICTION, restitution=0.0) definedFixturesObj_4 = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x / SCALE, y / SCALE) for x, y in OBJ_4]), density=DENSITY_2, friction=FRICTION, restitution=0.0) definedFixturesObj_5 = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x / SCALE, y / SCALE) for x, y in OBJ_5]), density=DENSITY_2, friction=FRICTION, restitution=0.0) if self.obj_type == 1: fixturesListObj = [ definedFixturesObj_1, definedFixturesObj_2, definedFixturesObj_3, definedFixturesObj_4 ] elif self.obj_type == 2: fixturesListObj = [ definedFixturesObj_1, definedFixturesObj_3, definedFixturesObj_5 ] elif self.obj_type == 3: fixturesListObj = [ definedFixturesObj_1, definedFixturesObj_2, definedFixturesObj_5 ] elif self.obj_type == 4: fixturesListObj = [ definedFixturesObj_1, definedFixturesObj_2, definedFixturesObj_3 ] elif self.obj_type == 5: fixturesListObj = [ definedFixturesObj_1, definedFixturesObj_2, definedFixturesObj_3, definedFixturesObj_5 ] self.object = 140, 280), 40), angle=0, angularDamping=10, linearDamping=1, fixtures=fixturesListObj) self.object.mass = 1000 self.prev_grab_pos = self.grab.position.copy() self.h_pj = bodyA=self.wall_body2, bodyB=self.arm, anchor=(self.wall_body2.worldCenter[0], self.wall_body2.worldCenter[1]), axis=(1, 0), lowerTranslation=-100000, upperTranslation=1000000, enableLimit=True, motorSpeed=0, maxMotorForce=5000000000000000000000, enableMotor=True, ) self.v_pj = bodyA=self.arm, bodyB=self.grab, anchor=(self.grab.worldCenter[0], self.grab.worldCenter[1]), axis=(0, 1), lowerTranslation=-100000, upperTranslation=0, enableLimit=True, motorSpeed=0, maxMotorForce=5000000000000000000000, enableMotor=True, ) self.a_rj = bodyA=self.grab, bodyB=self.stick, anchor=self.stick.worldCenter, maxMotorTorque=100000000, motorSpeed=0, enableMotor=True, collideConnected=False, ) self.colour_list.append((255, 255, 255, 255)) self.colour_list.append((255, 255, 255, 255)) self.colour_list.append((255, 255, 255, 255)) self.colour_list.append((255, 255, 255, 255)) self.colour_list.append((255, 255, 255, 255)) self.colour_list.append((150, 200, 150, 200)) self.colour_list.append((200, 150, 200, 150)) self.colour_list.append((200, 150, 200, 150)) self.body_list = [ self.ground_body, self.wall_body1, self.wall_body2, self.roof, self.arm, self.grab, self.object, self.stick ] self.reward_list = [1] * len(self.body_list) self.update_screen() self.state1 = get_game_screen(screen) return self.state1
def _reset(self): self._destroy() = ContactDetector(self) = self.game_over = False self.prev_shaping = None self.scroll = 0.0 self.lidar_render = 0 W = VIEWPORT_W/SCALE H = VIEWPORT_H/SCALE self._generate_terrain(self.hardcore) self._generate_clouds() self.hull = position = (hull_x, hull_y), fixtures = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[ (x/SCALE,y/SCALE) for x,y in HULL_POLY ]), density=5.0, friction=0.1, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001, # collide only with ground restitution=0.0) # 0.99 bouncy ) self.hull.color1 = (0.5,0.4,0.9) self.hull.color2 = (0.3,0.3,0.5) #self.hull.ApplyForceToCenter((self.np_random.uniform(-INITIAL_RANDOM, INITIAL_RANDOM), 0), True) #self.hull.ApplyForceToCenter((0, 10*10.0*5.0*(20/SCALE)**2), False) self.legs = [] self.joints = [] for i in [-1,+1]: leg = position = (leg_x, leg_y), angle = gamma_i, fixtures = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(box=(LEG_W/2, LEG_H/2)), density=1.0, restitution=0.0, friction=0.1, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001) ) leg.color1 = (0.6-i/10., 0.3-i/10., 0.5-i/10.) leg.color2 = (0.4-i/10., 0.2-i/10., 0.3-i/10.) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=self.hull, bodyB=leg, localAnchorA=(0, 0), localAnchorB=(0, LEG_H/2), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=MOTORS_TORQUE, motorSpeed = 0.0, referenceAngle = 0.0, lowerAngle = -1.4, # -80 degree upperAngle = 1.4, # 80 degree ) self.legs.append(leg) self.joints.append( lower = position = (lower_x, lower_y), angle = (-math.pi/2+a_i), fixtures = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(box=(LEG_W/2, LEG_H/2)), density=1.0, friction=0.1, restitution=0.0, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001) ) lower.color1 = (0.6-i/10., 0.3-i/10., 0.5-i/10.) lower.color2 = (0.4-i/10., 0.2-i/10., 0.3-i/10.) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=leg, bodyB=lower, localAnchorA=(0, -LEG_H/2), localAnchorB=(0, LEG_H/2), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=MOTORS_TORQUE, motorSpeed = 0.0, referenceAngle = -1*math.pi, lowerAngle = 0.35, # 20 degree upperAngle = 3.14 # 180 degree ) lower.ground_contact = False # foot.ground_contact = False self.legs.append(lower) # self.legs.append(foot) self.joints.append( # self.joints.append( self.drawlist = self.terrain + self.legs + [self.hull] class LidarCallback(Box2D.b2.rayCastCallback): def ReportFixture(self, fixture, point, normal, fraction): if (fixture.filterData.categoryBits & 1) == 0: return 1 self.p2 = point self.fraction = fraction return 0 self.lidar = [LidarCallback() for _ in range(10)] #self.hull.ApplyForceToCenter((0, 10.0 * (5.0 * (20 / SCALE) ** 2)), True) #self.legs[0].ApplyForceToCenter((0, 10.0 * 1.0 * LEG_H * LEG_W), True) #self.legs[1].ApplyForceToCenter((0, 10.0 * 1.0 * LEG_H * LEG_W), True) #self.legs[2].ApplyForceToCenter((0, 10.0 * 1.0 * LEG_H * LEG_W), True) #self.legs[3].ApplyForceToCenter((0, 10.0 * 1.0 * LEG_H * LEG_W), True) return self._step(np.array([0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]))[0]
# --- constants --- # Box2D deals with meters, but we want to display pixels, # so define a conversion factor: PPM=20.0 # pixels per meter TARGET_FPS=30 TIME_STEP=1.0/TARGET_FPS # --- pybox2d world setup --- # Create the world world=world(gravity=(0,-10),doSleep=True) # And a static body to hold the ground shape ground_body=world.CreateStaticBody( position=(0,0), shapes=polygonShape(box=(70,1)), ) for idx, poly in enumerate(polys): print idx vecs = [vec2(p[0], HT-p[1]) / PPM for p in poly] mn = sum(vecs, vec2(0,0)) / len(vecs) if mn[1] > 17: continue try: ps = polygonShape(vertices=[1.02 * (v-mn) for v in vecs]) except: vecs.reverse() try: ps = polygonShape(vertices=[v-mn for v in vecs]) except:
TIME_STEP = 1.0 / TARGET_FPS SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT = 640, 480 # --- pygame setup --- screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT), 0, 32) pygame.display.set_caption('Simple pygame example') clock = pygame.time.Clock() # --- pybox2d world setup --- # Create the world world = world(gravity=(0, -10), doSleep=True) # And a static body to hold the ground shape ground_body = world.CreateStaticBody( position=(0, 0), shapes=polygonShape(box=(50, 1)), ) # Create a couple dynamic bodies body = world.CreateDynamicBody(position=(20, 15)) circle = body.CreateCircleFixture(radius=0.5, density=1, friction=0.3) colors = { staticBody: (255, 255, 255, 255), dynamicBody: (127, 127, 127, 255), } # Let's play with extending the shape classes to draw for us.
def simulate(cmd, trj): import Box2D # The main library # Box2D.b2 maps Box2D.b2Vec2 to vec2 (and so on) from Box2D.b2 import (world, polygonShape, circleShape, staticBody, dynamicBody, vec2) # --- constants --- # Box2D deals with meters, but we want to display pixels, # so define a conversion factor: PPM = 20.0 # pixels per meter TIME_STEP = 1.0 / TARGET_FPS SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT = 640, 480 # --- pygame setup --- screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT), 0, 32) pygame.display.set_caption('Simple pygame example') clock = pygame.time.Clock() # --- pybox2d world setup --- # Create the world world = world(gravity=(0, 0), doSleep=True) # Add a static body to hold the ground shape ground_body = world.CreateStaticBody( position=(0, 1), shapes=polygonShape(box=(50, 1)), ) # Create dynamic bodies des_body = world.CreateDynamicBody(position=(15, 12), angle=0, linearDamping = 0.5*4*9.8, angularDamping = 0.3*1/12*9.8) obs1_body = world.CreateDynamicBody(position=(18, 12), angle=0, linearDamping = 0.5*16*9.8, angularDamping = 0.3*4/12*9.8) obs2_body = world.CreateDynamicBody(position=(11,11), angle=0, linearDamping = 0.5*36*9.8, angularDamping = 0.3*4/12*9.8) # Create fingers as kinematic bodies (infinite masses and directly controls velocity) width = 2.5 fng1 = world.CreateKinematicBody(position=(16, 5), angle = 0) fng2 = world.CreateKinematicBody(position=(16+width,5), angle = 0) # And add box fixtures onto it (with a nonzero density, so it will move) des_box = des_body.CreatePolygonFixture(box=(1, 1), density=1, friction=0.3, restitution = 0.8) obs1_box = obs1_body.CreatePolygonFixture(box=(2, 2), density=1, friction=0.3, restitution = 0.8) obs2_box = obs2_body.CreatePolygonFixture(box=(3, 3), density=1, friction=0.3, restitution = 0.8) # Add sensors for the contact points # print vec2(-1,0) cnt1 = des_body.CreatePolygonFixture(box=(0.05, 0.05, vec2(-1,0), 0), density=0, isSensor = True) cnt2 = des_body.CreatePolygonFixture(box=(0.05, 0.05, vec2( 1,0), 0), density=0, isSensor = True) printflag = True # Model fingers as small circular cross sections # circle = circleShape(radius=0.1) fng1_cir = fng1.CreatePolygonFixture(box = (0.1, 0.1), density = 5, friction = 0.3) fng2_cir = fng2.CreatePolygonFixture(box = (0.1, 0.1), density = 5, friction = 0.3) # Mass and Moment of Inertia data # print "des_body: " + str(des_body.mass) + " kg , " + str(des_body.inertia) + " kg*m^2" # print "obs_body1: " + str(obs_body1.mass) + " kg , " + str(obs_body1.inertia) + " kg*m^2" # print fng1.linearVelocity colors = [(255, 255, 255, 255), (255, 50, 50, 255), (124,252,0), (124,252,0), (50, 50, 255, 255), (50, 50, 255, 255), (255, 255, 255, 255), (255, 255, 255, 255)] bodies = [ground_body, des_body, obs1_body, obs2_body, fng1, fng2] # LOAD DESIRED VELOCITY PROFILE if cmd == 'naive': v_prof = np.loadtxt('examples/vel_prof1.txt', delimiter=';') v_x = v_prof[:,0] v_y = v_prof[:,1] psi_prof = np.loadtxt('examples/pos_prof1.txt', delimiter=';') xfng = np.reshape(np.matrix(psi_prof[:,0]),(N,1)) yfng = np.reshape(np.matrix(psi_prof[:,1]),(N,1)) # print xfng # print v_y/TARGET_FPS else: v_prof = np.gradient(trj, axis=0)*TARGET_FPS v_x = v_prof[:,0] v_y = v_prof[:,1] xfng = trj[:,0] yfng = trj[:,1] # print 'something else', v_x # GATHER ACTUAL FNG POSITIONS # xfng = np.zeros((N, 1)) # yfng = np.zeros((N, 1)) # INTIALIZE THE COST FUNCTION fx = 0 fy = 0 LQ = 1 xdes = np.zeros((N,1)) ydes = np.zeros((N,1)) hits = 0 cnt_reward = 0 # --- main game loop --- # while True: for k in range(N): # Check the event queue for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE): # The user closed the window or pressed escape running = False screen.fill((0, 0, 0, 0)) # Draw the world i = 0 # Cast a ray from the center of the fingers to the desired object x_ray = fng1.worldCenter[0] + width/2 y_ray = fng1.worldCenter[1] x_db = des_body.worldCenter[0] y_db = des_body.worldCenter[1] input = rayCastInput(p1=(x_ray,y_ray), p2=(x_db,y_db), maxFraction=1) output = rayCastOutput() for body in bodies: # or: world.bodies # The body gives us the position and angle of its shapes for fixture in body.fixtures: # The fixture holds information like density and friction, # and also the shape. shape = fixture.shape # Naively assume that this is a polygon shape. (not good normally!) # We take the body's transform and multiply it with each # vertex, and then convert from meters to pixels with the scale # factor. vertices = [(body.transform * v) * PPM for v in shape.vertices] # But wait! It's upside-down! Pygame and Box2D orient their # axes in different ways. Box2D is just like how you learned # in high school, with positive x and y directions going # right and up. Pygame, on the other hand, increases in the # right and downward directions. This means we must flip # the y components. vertices = [(v[0], SCREEN_HEIGHT - v[1]) for v in vertices] if body != des_body: hit = shape.RayCast(output, input, body.transform, 0) if hit: hits = 1 + hits pygame.draw.polygon(screen, colors[i], vertices) i = i + 1 # print i vd = vec2((float)(v_x[k]), (float)(v_y[k])) fng1.linearVelocity = vd fng2.linearVelocity = vd # print fng1.linearVelocity # print fng2.linearVelocity if hits > 0: cnt_reward = 0 else: cnt_reward = 1*LQ print cnt_reward # Collect data from these bodies KEx_des, KEy_des = KE(des_body) KEx_obs1, KEy_obs1 = KE(obs1_body) KEx_obs2, KEy_obs2 = KE(obs2_body) KEx_obs = KEx_obs1 + KEx_obs2 KEy_obs = KEy_obs1 + KEy_obs2 psi_des = des_body.GetWorldPoint(des_body.localCenter + [-width/2,0]) xdes[k] = psi_des[0] ydes[k] = psi_des[1] # xdes[k] = 13.75 # (CONSTANT) # ydes[k] = 12 # (CONSTANT)12 # Collect data from the fingers KEx_fng1, KEy_fng1 = KE_fng(fng1, mfng) KEx_fng2, KEy_fng2 = KE_fng(fng2, mfng) # xfng[k] = fng1.worldCenter[0] # yfng[k] = fng1.worldCenter[1] # # Check contacts # cnt_reward = 0 # for c in des_body.contacts: # # if printflag: # # print # # printflag = False # if : # # print "sensor triggered" # cnt_reward = 0 # else: # # print "contacts points are free" # cnt_reward = 1*LQ # Integrate the Cost function # print cnt_reward fx = C1*KEx_fng1+ C2*mfng*np.abs(xfng[k]-xdes[k])**2 + C3*KEx_des + C4*KEx_obs - C5*cnt_reward + fx fy = C1*KEy_fng1+ C2*mfng*np.abs(yfng[k]-ydes[k])**2 + C3*KEy_des + C4*KEy_obs - C5*cnt_reward + fy # print "KEx: " + str(KEx_fng1) + ", KEy: " + str(KEy_fng1) # Make Box2D simulate the physics of our world for one step. # Instruct the world to perform a single step of simulation. It is # generally best to keep the time step and iterations fixed. # See the manual (Section "Simulating the World") for further discussion # on these parameters and their implications. world.Step(TIME_STEP, 10, 10) # Flip the screen and try to keep at the target FPS if cmd == "naive" or cmd == "show": pygame.display.flip() clock.tick(TARGET_FPS) else: pass pygame.quit() print('Simulation Done!') # print 'xdes', xdes # print 'xfng', xfng return xfng, yfng, xdes, ydes, fx, fy
def create_wall_tile(self, position, size=(0.5, 0.5), **kwargs): shape = b2.polygonShape(box=size) self.bodies.append(, position=position, userData=self, **kwargs))
def draw(self, world, init_x, init_y, force_to_center): ''' Circular body MAIN_BODY_FIXTURES = fixtureDef( shape=circleShape(radius=0.4), density=1.0, restitution=0.0, categoryBits=0x20, maskBits=0x000F ) ''' MAIN_BODY_FIXTURES = [ fixtureDef(shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x / self.SCALE, y / self.SCALE) for x, y in polygon]), density=5.0, friction=0.1, categoryBits=0x20, maskBits=0x000F) for polygon in MAIN_BODY_POLYGONS ] LEG_FD = fixtureDef(shape=polygonShape(box=(self.LEG_W / 2, self.LEG_H / 2)), density=1.0, restitution=0.0, categoryBits=0x20, maskBits=0x000F) LOWER_FD = fixtureDef(shape=polygonShape(box=(0.8 * self.LEG_W / 2, self.LEG_H / 2)), density=1.0, restitution=0.0, categoryBits=0x20, maskBits=0x000F) main_body = world.CreateDynamicBody(position=(init_x, init_y), fixtures=MAIN_BODY_FIXTURES) basis_color1 = (0.6, 0.3, 0.5) basis_color2 = (0.4, 0.2, 0.3) main_body.color1 = tuple([c - 0.1 for c in basis_color1]) main_body.color2 = tuple([c - 0.1 for c in basis_color2]) leg_color1 = tuple([c + 0.1 for c in basis_color1]) leg_color2 = tuple([c + 0.1 for c in basis_color2]) main_body.ApplyForceToCenter((force_to_center, 0), True) main_body.userData = CustomBodyUserData(True, is_contact_critical=True, name="main_body") self.body_parts.append(main_body) self.reference_head_object = main_body for i in [+1, -1] * self.nb_pairs_of_legs: ##### First part of the leg ##### upper_leg_angle = 0.25 * np.pi * i upper_leg_x_distance = np.sin(upper_leg_angle) * self.LEG_H / 2 upper_leg_y_distance = np.cos(upper_leg_angle) * self.LEG_H / 2 upper_leg_x = init_x - i * MAIN_BODY_BOTTOM_WIDTH / self.SCALE / 2 - upper_leg_x_distance upper_leg_y = init_y + upper_leg_y_distance - self.LEG_DOWN upper_leg = world.CreateDynamicBody(position=(upper_leg_x, upper_leg_y), angle=upper_leg_angle, fixtures=LEG_FD) upper_leg.color1 = leg_color1 upper_leg.color2 = leg_color2 rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=main_body, bodyB=upper_leg, anchor=(init_x - i * MAIN_BODY_BOTTOM_WIDTH / self.SCALE / 2, init_y - self.LEG_DOWN), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=self.MOTORS_TORQUE, motorSpeed=1, lowerAngle=-0.1 * np.pi, upperAngle=0.1 * np.pi, ) upper_leg.userData = CustomBodyUserData(False, name="upper_leg") self.body_parts.append(upper_leg) joint_motor = world.CreateJoint(rjd) joint_motor.userData = CustomMotorUserData(SPEED_HIP, False) self.motors.append(joint_motor) ##### Second part of the leg ##### middle_leg_angle = 0.7 * np.pi * i middle_leg_x_distance = np.sin(middle_leg_angle) * self.LEG_H / 2 middle_leg_y_distance = -np.cos(middle_leg_angle) * self.LEG_H / 2 middle_leg_x = upper_leg_x - upper_leg_x_distance - middle_leg_x_distance middle_leg_y = upper_leg_y + upper_leg_y_distance - middle_leg_y_distance middle_leg = world.CreateDynamicBody(position=(middle_leg_x, middle_leg_y), angle=middle_leg_angle, fixtures=LEG_FD) middle_leg.color1 = leg_color1 middle_leg.color2 = leg_color2 rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=upper_leg, bodyB=middle_leg, anchor=(upper_leg_x - upper_leg_x_distance, upper_leg_y + upper_leg_y_distance), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=self.MOTORS_TORQUE, motorSpeed=1, lowerAngle=-0.15 * np.pi, upperAngle=0.15 * np.pi, ) middle_leg.userData = CustomBodyUserData(False, name="middle_leg") self.body_parts.append(middle_leg) joint_motor = world.CreateJoint(rjd) joint_motor.userData = CustomMotorUserData(SPEED_HIP, False) self.motors.append(joint_motor) ##### Third part of the leg ##### lower_leg_angle = 0.9 * np.pi * i lower_leg_x_distance = np.sin(lower_leg_angle) * self.LEG_H / 2 lower_leg_y_distance = -np.cos(lower_leg_angle) * self.LEG_H / 2 lower_leg_x = middle_leg_x - middle_leg_x_distance - lower_leg_x_distance lower_leg_y = middle_leg_y - middle_leg_y_distance - lower_leg_y_distance lower_leg = world.CreateDynamicBody(position=(lower_leg_x, lower_leg_y), angle=lower_leg_angle, fixtures=LOWER_FD) lower_leg.color1 = leg_color1 lower_leg.color2 = leg_color2 rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=middle_leg, bodyB=lower_leg, anchor=(middle_leg_x - middle_leg_x_distance, middle_leg_y - middle_leg_y_distance), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=self.MOTORS_TORQUE, motorSpeed=1, lowerAngle=-0.2 * np.pi, upperAngle=0.2 * np.pi, ) lower_leg.userData = CustomBodyUserData(True, name="lower_leg") self.body_parts.append(lower_leg) joint_motor = world.CreateJoint(rjd) joint_motor.userData = CustomMotorUserData(SPEED_KNEE, True, contact_body=lower_leg) self.motors.append(joint_motor)
def _reset(self): self._destroy() self.game_over = False self.prev_shaping = None W = VIEWPORT_W/SCALE H = VIEWPORT_H/SCALE # terrain CHUNKS = 11 height = np.random.uniform(0, H/2, size=(CHUNKS+1,) ) chunk_x = [W/(CHUNKS-1)*i for i in xrange(CHUNKS)] self.helipad_x1 = chunk_x[CHUNKS//2-1] self.helipad_x2 = chunk_x[CHUNKS//2+1] self.helipad_y = H/4 height[CHUNKS//2-2] = self.helipad_y height[CHUNKS//2-1] = self.helipad_y height[CHUNKS//2+0] = self.helipad_y height[CHUNKS//2+1] = self.helipad_y height[CHUNKS//2+2] = self.helipad_y smooth_y = [0.33*(height[i-1] + height[i+0] + height[i+1]) for i in xrange(CHUNKS)] self.moon = shapes=edgeShape(vertices=[(0, 0), (W, 0)]) ) self.sky_polys = [] for i in xrange(CHUNKS-1): p1 = (chunk_x[i], smooth_y[i]) p2 = (chunk_x[i+1], smooth_y[i+1]) self.moon.CreateEdgeFixture( vertices=[p1,p2], density=0, friction=0.1) self.sky_polys.append( [p1, p2, (p2[0],H), (p1[0],H)] ) self.moon.color1 = (0.0,0.0,0.0) self.moon.color2 = (0.0,0.0,0.0) initial_y = VIEWPORT_H/SCALE self.lander = position = (VIEWPORT_W/SCALE/2, initial_y), angle=0.0, fixtures = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[ (x/SCALE,y/SCALE) for x,y in LANDER_POLY ]), density=5.0, friction=0.1, categoryBits=0x0010, maskBits=0x001, # collide only with ground restitution=0.0) # 0.99 bouncy ) self.lander.color1 = (0.5,0.4,0.9) self.lander.color2 = (0.3,0.3,0.5) self.lander.ApplyForceToCenter( ( np.random.uniform(-INITIAL_RANDOM, INITIAL_RANDOM), np.random.uniform(-INITIAL_RANDOM, INITIAL_RANDOM) ), True) self.legs = [] for i in [-1,+1]: leg = position = (VIEWPORT_W/SCALE/2 - i*LEG_AWAY/SCALE, initial_y), angle = (i*0.05), fixtures = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(box=(LEG_W/SCALE, LEG_H/SCALE)), density=1.0, restitution=0.0, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001) ) leg.color1 = (0.5,0.4,0.9) leg.color2 = (0.3,0.3,0.5) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=self.lander, bodyB=leg, localAnchorA=(0, 0), localAnchorB=(i*LEG_AWAY/SCALE, LEG_DOWN/SCALE), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=LEG_SPRING_TORQUE, motorSpeed=+0.3*i # low enough not to jump back into the sky ) if i==-1: rjd.lowerAngle = +0.9 - 0.5 # Yes, the most esoteric numbers here, angles legs have freedom to travel within rjd.upperAngle = +0.9 else: rjd.lowerAngle = -0.9 rjd.upperAngle = -0.9 + 0.5 leg.joint = self.legs.append(leg) self.drawlist = [self.lander] + self.legs return self._step(0)[0]
def __init__(self, world, init_angle, init_x, init_y): = world self.hull = position=(init_x, init_y), angle=init_angle, fixtures=[ fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x * SIZE, y * SIZE) for x, y in HULL_POLY1]), density=1.0, ), fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x * SIZE, y * SIZE) for x, y in HULL_POLY2]), density=1.0, ), fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x * SIZE, y * SIZE) for x, y in HULL_POLY3]), density=1.0, ), fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x * SIZE, y * SIZE) for x, y in HULL_POLY4]), density=1.0, ), ], ) self.hull.color = (0.8, 0.0, 0.0) self.wheels = [] self.fuel_spent = 0.0 WHEEL_POLY = [ (-WHEEL_W, +WHEEL_R), (+WHEEL_W, +WHEEL_R), (+WHEEL_W, -WHEEL_R), (-WHEEL_W, -WHEEL_R), ] for wx, wy in WHEELPOS: front_k = 1.0 if wy > 0 else 1.0 w = position=(init_x + wx * SIZE, init_y + wy * SIZE), angle=init_angle, fixtures=fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x * front_k * SIZE, y * front_k * SIZE) for x, y in WHEEL_POLY]), density=0.1, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001, restitution=0.0, ), ) w.wheel_rad = front_k * WHEEL_R * SIZE w.color = WHEEL_COLOR w.gas = 0.0 w.brake = 0.0 w.steer = 0.0 w.phase = 0.0 # wheel angle = 0.0 # angular velocity w.skid_start = None w.skid_particle = None rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=self.hull, bodyB=w, localAnchorA=(wx * SIZE, wy * SIZE), localAnchorB=(0, 0), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=180 * 900 * SIZE * SIZE, motorSpeed=0, lowerAngle=-0.4, upperAngle=+0.4, ) w.joint = w.tiles = set() w.userData = w self.wheels.append(w) self.drawlist = self.wheels + [self.hull] self.particles = []
def convex_box2d_shape_from_shapely(geometry): """Create a Box2D shape from the convex hull of shapely geometry""" return b2.polygonShape( vertices=list(geometry.convex_hull.exterior.coords))
VIEWPORT_W = 600 VIEWPORT_H = 400 TERRAIN_STEP = 14 / SCALE TERRAIN_LENGTH = 200 # in steps TERRAIN_HEIGHT = VIEWPORT_H / SCALE / 4 TERRAIN_GRASS = 10 # low long are grass spots, in steps TERRAIN_STARTPAD = 20 # in steps FRICTION = 2.5 BIPED_LIMIT = 1600 BIPED_HARDCORE_LIMIT = 2000 HULL_FD = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x / SCALE, y / SCALE) for x, y in HULL_POLY]), density=5.0, friction=0.1, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001, # collide only with ground restitution=0.0) # 0.99 bouncy LEG_FD = fixtureDef(shape=polygonShape(box=(LEG_W / 2, LEG_H / 2)), density=1.0, restitution=0.0, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001) LOWER_FD = fixtureDef(shape=polygonShape(box=(0.8 * LEG_W / 2, LEG_H / 2)), density=1.0, restitution=0.0,
def _generate_terrain(self, hardcore): GRASS, STUMP, STAIRS, PIT, _STATES_ = range(5) state = GRASS velocity = 0.0 y = TERRAIN_HEIGHT counter = TERRAIN_STARTPAD oneshot = False self.terrain = [] self.terrain_x = [] self.terrain_y = [] for i in range(TERRAIN_LENGTH): x = i*TERRAIN_STEP self.terrain_x.append(x) if state==GRASS and not oneshot: velocity = 0.8*velocity + 0.01*np.sign(TERRAIN_HEIGHT - y) if i > TERRAIN_STARTPAD: velocity += np.random.uniform(-1, 1)/SCALE #1 y += velocity elif state==PIT and oneshot: counter = np.random.randint(3, 5) poly = [ (x, y), (x+TERRAIN_STEP, y), (x+TERRAIN_STEP, y-4*TERRAIN_STEP), (x, y-4*TERRAIN_STEP), ] t = fixtures = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=poly), friction = FRICTION )) t.color1, t.color2 = (1,1,1), (0.6,0.6,0.6) self.terrain.append(t) t = fixtures = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(p[0]+TERRAIN_STEP*counter,p[1]) for p in poly]), friction = FRICTION )) t.color1, t.color2 = (1,1,1), (0.6,0.6,0.6) self.terrain.append(t) counter += 2 original_y = y elif state==PIT and not oneshot: y = original_y if counter > 1: y -= 4*TERRAIN_STEP elif state==STUMP and oneshot: counter = np.random.randint(1, 3) poly = [ (x, y), (x+counter*TERRAIN_STEP, y), (x+counter*TERRAIN_STEP, y+counter*TERRAIN_STEP), (x, y+counter*TERRAIN_STEP), ] t = fixtures = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=poly), friction = FRICTION )) t.color1, t.color2 = (1,1,1), (0.6,0.6,0.6) self.terrain.append(t) elif state==STAIRS and oneshot: stair_height = +1 if np.random.ranf() > 0.5 else -1 stair_width = np.random.randint(4, 5) stair_steps = np.random.randint(3, 5) original_y = y for s in range(stair_steps): poly = [ (x+( s*stair_width)*TERRAIN_STEP, y+( s*stair_height)*TERRAIN_STEP), (x+((1+s)*stair_width)*TERRAIN_STEP, y+( s*stair_height)*TERRAIN_STEP), (x+((1+s)*stair_width)*TERRAIN_STEP, y+(-1+s*stair_height)*TERRAIN_STEP), (x+( s*stair_width)*TERRAIN_STEP, y+(-1+s*stair_height)*TERRAIN_STEP), ] t = fixtures = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=poly), friction = FRICTION )) t.color1, t.color2 = (1,1,1), (0.6,0.6,0.6) self.terrain.append(t) counter = stair_steps*stair_width elif state==STAIRS and not oneshot: s = stair_steps*stair_width - counter - stair_height n = s/stair_width y = original_y + (n*stair_height)*TERRAIN_STEP oneshot = False self.terrain_y.append(y) counter -= 1 if counter==0: counter = np.random.randint(TERRAIN_GRASS/2, TERRAIN_GRASS) if state==GRASS and hardcore: state = np.random.randint(1, _STATES_) oneshot = True else: state = GRASS oneshot = True self.terrain_poly = [] for i in range(TERRAIN_LENGTH-1): poly = [ (self.terrain_x[i], self.terrain_y[i]), (self.terrain_x[i+1], self.terrain_y[i+1]) ] t = fixtures = fixtureDef( shape=edgeShape(vertices=poly), friction = FRICTION, categoryBits=0x0001, )) color = (0.3, 1.0 if i%2==0 else 0.8, 0.3) t.color1 = color t.color2 = color self.terrain.append(t) color = (0.4, 0.6, 0.3) poly += [ (poly[1][0], 0), (poly[0][0], 0) ] self.terrain_poly.append( (poly, color) ) self.terrain.reverse()
def __init__(self, world, init_angle, init_x, init_y, variable_speed=False): = world self.grass_friction = 1.0 self.variable_speed = variable_speed # Create car hull self.hull = position=(init_x, init_y), angle=(init_angle), fixtures=[ fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x * SIZE, y * SIZE) for x, y in HULL_POLY1]), density=1.0), fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x * SIZE, y * SIZE) for x, y in HULL_POLY2]), density=1.0), fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x * SIZE, y * SIZE) for x, y in HULL_POLY3]), density=1.0), fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x * SIZE, y * SIZE) for x, y in HULL_POLY4]), density=1.0) ]) self.hull.color = (0.8, 0, 0) # Create wheels self.wheels = [] for wx, wy in WHEELPOS: # First two wheels are front wheels # Next two are rear wheels w = position=(init_x + wx * SIZE, init_y + wy * SIZE), angle=init_angle, fixtures=fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x * SIZE, y * SIZE) for x, y in WHEEL_POLY]), density=0.1, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001, restitution=0.0)) w.front = True if wy > 0 else False w.wheel_rad = WHEEL_R * SIZE w.color = WHEEL_COLOR w.speed = 0.0 # linear speed w.steering_angle = 0.0 # steering angle = 0.0 # angular speed # Skid w.skid_particle = None w.skid_start = None # Revolute joint to model steering rjd = revoluteJointDef(bodyA=self.hull, bodyB=w, localAnchorA=(wx * SIZE, wy * SIZE), localAnchorB=(0, 0), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=180 * 900 * SIZE**2, motorSpeed=0, lowerAngle=-0.4, upperAngle=+0.4) w.joint = w.tiles = set() w.userData = w self.wheels.append(w) self.drawlist = self.wheels + [self.hull] self.particles = []
def _create_track(self): CHECKPOINTS = 12 # Create checkpoints checkpoints = [] for c in range(CHECKPOINTS): alpha = 2*math.pi*c/CHECKPOINTS + self.np_random.uniform(0, 2*math.pi*1/CHECKPOINTS) rad = self.np_random.uniform(TRACK_RAD/3, TRACK_RAD) if c==0: alpha = 0 rad = 1.5*TRACK_RAD if c==CHECKPOINTS-1: alpha = 2*math.pi*c/CHECKPOINTS self.start_alpha = 2*math.pi*(-0.5)/CHECKPOINTS rad = 1.5*TRACK_RAD checkpoints.append( (alpha, rad*math.cos(alpha), rad*math.sin(alpha)) ) #print "\n".join(str(h) for h in checkpoints) #self.road_poly = [ ( # uncomment this to see checkpoints # [ (tx,ty) for a,tx,ty in checkpoints ], # (0.7,0.7,0.9) ) ] self.road = [] # Go from one checkpoint to another to create track x, y, beta = 1.5*TRACK_RAD, 0, 0 dest_i = 0 laps = 0 track = [] no_freeze = 2500 visited_other_side = False while 1: alpha = math.atan2(y, x) if visited_other_side and alpha > 0: laps += 1 visited_other_side = False if alpha < 0: visited_other_side = True alpha += 2*math.pi while True: # Find destination from checkpoints failed = True while True: dest_alpha, dest_x, dest_y = checkpoints[dest_i % len(checkpoints)] if alpha <= dest_alpha: failed = False break dest_i += 1 if dest_i % len(checkpoints) == 0: break if not failed: break alpha -= 2*math.pi continue r1x = math.cos(beta) r1y = math.sin(beta) p1x = -r1y p1y = r1x dest_dx = dest_x - x # vector towards destination dest_dy = dest_y - y proj = r1x*dest_dx + r1y*dest_dy # destination vector projected on rad while beta - alpha > 1.5*math.pi: beta -= 2*math.pi while beta - alpha < -1.5*math.pi: beta += 2*math.pi prev_beta = beta proj *= SCALE if proj > 0.3: beta -= min(TRACK_TURN_RATE, abs(0.001*proj)) if proj < -0.3: beta += min(TRACK_TURN_RATE, abs(0.001*proj)) x += p1x*TRACK_DETAIL_STEP y += p1y*TRACK_DETAIL_STEP track.append( (alpha,prev_beta*0.5 + beta*0.5,x,y) ) if laps > 4: break no_freeze -= 1 if no_freeze==0: break #print "\n".join([str(t) for t in enumerate(track)]) # Find closed loop range i1..i2, first loop should be ignored, second is OK i1, i2 = -1, -1 i = len(track) while True: i -= 1 if i==0: return False # Failed pass_through_start = track[i][0] > self.start_alpha and track[i-1][0] <= self.start_alpha if pass_through_start and i2==-1: i2 = i elif pass_through_start and i1==-1: i1 = i break if self.verbose == 1: print("Track generation: %i..%i -> %i-tiles track" % (i1, i2, i2-i1)) assert i1!=-1 assert i2!=-1 track = track[i1:i2-1] first_beta = track[0][1] first_perp_x = math.cos(first_beta) first_perp_y = math.sin(first_beta) # Length of perpendicular jump to put together head and tail well_glued_together = np.sqrt( np.square( first_perp_x*(track[0][2] - track[-1][2]) ) + np.square( first_perp_y*(track[0][3] - track[-1][3]) )) if well_glued_together > TRACK_DETAIL_STEP: return False # Red-white border on hard turns border = [False]*len(track) for i in range(len(track)): good = True oneside = 0 for neg in range(BORDER_MIN_COUNT): beta1 = track[i-neg-0][1] beta2 = track[i-neg-1][1] good &= abs(beta1 - beta2) > TRACK_TURN_RATE*0.2 oneside += np.sign(beta1 - beta2) good &= abs(oneside) == BORDER_MIN_COUNT border[i] = good for i in range(len(track)): for neg in range(BORDER_MIN_COUNT): border[i-neg] |= border[i] # Create tiles for i in range(len(track)): alpha1, beta1, x1, y1 = track[i] alpha2, beta2, x2, y2 = track[i-1] road1_l = (x1 - TRACK_WIDTH*math.cos(beta1), y1 - TRACK_WIDTH*math.sin(beta1)) road1_r = (x1 + TRACK_WIDTH*math.cos(beta1), y1 + TRACK_WIDTH*math.sin(beta1)) road2_l = (x2 - TRACK_WIDTH*math.cos(beta2), y2 - TRACK_WIDTH*math.sin(beta2)) road2_r = (x2 + TRACK_WIDTH*math.cos(beta2), y2 + TRACK_WIDTH*math.sin(beta2)) t = fixtures = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[road1_l, road1_r, road2_r, road2_l]) )) t.userData = t c = 0.01*(i%3) t.color = [ROAD_COLOR[0] + c, ROAD_COLOR[1] + c, ROAD_COLOR[2] + c] t.road_visited = False t.road_friction = 1.0 t.fixtures[0].sensor = True self.road_poly.append(( [road1_l, road1_r, road2_r, road2_l], t.color )) self.road.append(t) if border[i]: side = np.sign(beta2 - beta1) b1_l = (x1 + side* TRACK_WIDTH *math.cos(beta1), y1 + side* TRACK_WIDTH *math.sin(beta1)) b1_r = (x1 + side*(TRACK_WIDTH+BORDER)*math.cos(beta1), y1 + side*(TRACK_WIDTH+BORDER)*math.sin(beta1)) b2_l = (x2 + side* TRACK_WIDTH *math.cos(beta2), y2 + side* TRACK_WIDTH *math.sin(beta2)) b2_r = (x2 + side*(TRACK_WIDTH+BORDER)*math.cos(beta2), y2 + side*(TRACK_WIDTH+BORDER)*math.sin(beta2)) self.road_poly.append(( [b1_l, b1_r, b2_r, b2_l], (1,1,1) if i%2==0 else (1,0,0) )) self.track = track return True
] LEG_DOWN = -8/SCALE LEG_W, LEG_H = 8/SCALE, 34/SCALE VIEWPORT_W = 600 VIEWPORT_H = 400 TERRAIN_STEP = 14/SCALE TERRAIN_LENGTH = 200 # in steps TERRAIN_HEIGHT = VIEWPORT_H/SCALE/4 TERRAIN_GRASS = 10 # low long are grass spots, in steps TERRAIN_STARTPAD = 20 # in steps FRICTION = 2.5 HULL_FD = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[ (x/SCALE,y/SCALE) for x,y in HULL_POLY ]), density=5.0, friction=0.1, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001, # collide only with ground restitution=0.0) # 0.99 bouncy LEG_FD = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(box=(LEG_W/2, LEG_H/2)), density=1.0, restitution=0.0, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001) LOWER_FD = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(box=(0.8*LEG_W/2, LEG_H/2)),