Пример #1
def boxRegressionLoss(boxes, refBoxes, boxSizes):
    with tf.name_scope("boxRegressionLoss"):
        x, y, w, h = BoxUtils.x0y0x1y1_to_xywh(*tf.split(1, 4, boxes))
        boxH, boxW = tf.split(1, 2, boxSizes)
        ref_x, ref_y, ref_w, ref_h = BoxUtils.x0y0x1y1_to_xywh(
            *tf.split(1, 4, refBoxes))

        x = tf.reshape(x, [-1])
        y = tf.reshape(y, [-1])
        w = tf.reshape(w, [-1])
        h = tf.reshape(h, [-1])

        boxH = tf.reshape(boxH, [-1])
        boxW = tf.reshape(boxW, [-1])

        ref_x = tf.reshape(ref_x, [-1])
        ref_y = tf.reshape(ref_y, [-1])
        ref_w = tf.reshape(ref_w, [-1])
        ref_h = tf.reshape(ref_h, [-1])

        # Smooth L1 loss is defined on NN output values, which is not available here. However
        # we can transform the loss back in the NN output space (the same holds for y and h):
        # tx-tx' = (x-x')/wa
        # tw-tw' = log(w/w')

        return smooth_l1((x - ref_x) / boxW) + smooth_l1(
            (y - ref_y) / boxH) + smooth_l1(tf.log(w / ref_w)) + smooth_l1(
                tf.log(h / ref_h))
Пример #2
	def define(self, immediateSize, weightDecay):
		with tf.name_scope('RPN'):
			with slim.arg_scope([slim.conv2d], weights_regularizer=slim.l2_regularizer(weightDecay), padding='SAME'):
				#box prediction layers
				with tf.name_scope('NN'):
					net = slim.conv2d(self.input, immediateSize, 3, activation_fn=tf.nn.relu)
					scores = slim.conv2d(net, 2*self.nAnchors, 1, activation_fn=None)
					boxRelativeCoordinates = slim.conv2d(net, 4*self.nAnchors, 1, activation_fn=None)

				#split coordinates
				x_raw, y_raw, w_raw, h_raw = tf.split(boxRelativeCoordinates, 4, axis=3)

				#Save raw box sizes for loss
				self.rawSizes = BoxUtils.mergeBoxData([w_raw, h_raw])
				#Convert NN outputs to BBox coordinates
				self.boxes = BoxUtils.nnToImageBoxes(x_raw, y_raw, w_raw, h_raw, self.wA, self.hA, self.inputDownscale, self.offset)

				#store the size of every box
				with tf.name_scope('box_sizes'):
					boxSizes = tf.reshape(self.tfAnchors, [1,1,1,-1,2])
					boxSizes = tf.tile(boxSizes, tf.stack([1,self.hIn,self.wIn,1,1]))
					self.boxSizes = tf.reshape(boxSizes, [-1,2])

				self.scores = tf.reshape(scores, [-1,2])
Пример #3
    def filterOutputBoxes(self,
        with tf.name_scope("filter_output_boxes"):
            scores = tf.nn.softmax(scores)[:, 1]
            scores = tf.reshape(scores, [-1])

            #Clip boxes to edge
            boxes = self.clipBoxesToEdge(boxes)

            #Remove empty boxes
            boxes, scores = BoxUtils.filterSmallBoxes(boxes, [scores])
            scores, boxes = tf.cond(
                tf.shape(scores)[0] > preNmsCount, lambda: tf.tuple(
                    MultiGather.gatherTopK(scores, preNmsCount, [boxes])),
                lambda: tf.tuple([scores, boxes]))

            #NMS filter
            nmsIndices = tf.image.non_max_suppression(
            nmsIndices = tf.expand_dims(nmsIndices, axis=-1)

            return MultiGather.gather([boxes, scores] + others, nmsIndices)
Пример #4
        def getPositiveBoxes(boxes):
            with tf.name_scope('getPositiveBoxes'):
                iou = BoxUtils.iou(boxes, refBoxes)

                maxIou = tf.reduce_max(iou, axis=1)
                bestIou = tf.expand_dims(tf.cast(tf.argmax(iou, axis=1),

                bestAnchors = tf.argmax(iou, axis=0)
                #Box matching matrix
                boxMatches = tf.cast(iou > self.positiveIouThreshold,

                boxMatches = tf.minimum(
                    boxMatches + tf.transpose(
                                   tf.shape(boxMatches)[0])), 1.0)

                boxMatchMatrix = tf.stop_gradient(boxMatches)

                #Find positive boxes
                oneIfPositive = tf.reduce_max(boxMatchMatrix, axis=1)
                oneIfPositive = tf.stop_gradient(oneIfPositive)

                return oneIfPositive, maxIou, bestIou
Пример #5
    def refineBoxes(self, boxes):
        with tf.name_scope("refineBoxes"):
            boxFineData = self.roiMean(self.regressionMap, boxes)

            x, y, w, h = BoxUtils.x0y0x1y1_to_xywh(*tf.unpack(boxes, axis=1))
            x_rel, y_rel, w_rel, h_rel = tf.unpack(boxFineData, axis=1)

            refSizes = tf.pack([h, w], axis=1)

            x = x + x_rel * w
            y = y + y_rel * h

            w = w * tf.exp(w_rel)
            h = h * tf.exp(h_rel)

            return tf.pack(BoxUtils.xywh_to_x0y0x1y1(x, y, w, h),
                           axis=1), refSizes
Пример #6
def boxRegressionLoss(boxes, rawSizes, refBoxes, boxSizes):
    with tf.name_scope("rawBoxRegressionLoss"):
        x, y, w, h = BoxUtils.x0y0x1y1_to_xywh(*tf.unstack(boxes, axis=1))
        wRel, hRel = tf.unstack(rawSizes, axis=1)
        boxH, boxW = tf.unstack(boxSizes, axis=1)
        ref_x, ref_y, ref_w, ref_h = BoxUtils.x0y0x1y1_to_xywh(
            *tf.unstack(refBoxes, axis=1))

        x, y, wRel, hRel, boxH, boxW, ref_x, ref_y, ref_w, ref_h = reshapeAll(
            [x, y, wRel, hRel, boxH, boxW, ref_x, ref_y, ref_w, ref_h])

        wrelRef = tf.log(ref_w / boxW)
        hrelRef = tf.log(ref_h / boxH)

        # Smooth L1 loss is defined on NN output values, but only the box sizes are available here. However
        # we can transform back the coordinates in a numerically stable way in the NN output space:
        # tx-tx' = (x-x')/wa

        return smooth_l1((x - ref_x) / boxW) + smooth_l1(
            (y - ref_y) /
            boxH) + smooth_l1(wRel - wrelRef) + smooth_l1(hRel - hrelRef)
Пример #7
			def getRefinementLoss():
				with tf.name_scope("getRefinementLoss"):
					iou = BoxUtils.iou(proposals, refBoxes)
					maxIou = tf.reduce_max(iou, axis=1)
					bestIou = tf.expand_dims(tf.cast(tf.argmax(iou, axis=1), tf.int32), axis=-1)

					#Find positive and negative indices based on their IOU
					posBoxIndices = tf.cast(tf.where(maxIou > self.posIouTheshold), tf.int32)
					negBoxIndices = tf.cast(tf.where(tf.logical_and(maxIou < self.negIouThesholdHi, maxIou > self.negIouThesholdLo)), tf.int32)

					#Split the boxes and references
					posBoxes, posRefIndices = MultiGather.gather([proposals, bestIou], posBoxIndices)
					negBoxes = tf.gather_nd(proposals, negBoxIndices)

					#Add GT boxes
					posBoxes = tf.concat([posBoxes,refBoxes], 0)
					posRefIndices = tf.concat([posRefIndices, tf.reshape(tf.range(tf.shape(refClasses)[0]), [-1,1])], 0)

					#Call the loss if the box collection is not empty
					nPositive = tf.shape(posBoxes)[0]
					nNegative = tf.shape(negBoxes)[0]

					if self.hardMining:
						posLoss = tf.cond(nPositive > 0, lambda: getPosLoss(posBoxes, posRefIndices, 0)[0], lambda: tf.zeros((0,), tf.float32))
						negLoss = tf.cond(nNegative > 0, lambda: getNegLoss(negBoxes, 0), lambda: tf.zeros((0,), tf.float32))

						allLoss = tf.concat([posLoss, negLoss], 0)
						return tf.cond(tf.shape(allLoss)[0]>0, lambda: tf.reduce_mean(Utils.MultiGather.gatherTopK(allLoss, self.nTrainBoxes)), lambda: tf.constant(0.0))
						posLoss, posCount = tf.cond(nPositive > 0, lambda: getPosLoss(posBoxes, posRefIndices, self.nTrainPositives), lambda: tf.tuple([tf.constant(0.0), tf.constant(0,tf.int32)]))
						negLoss = tf.cond(nNegative > 0, lambda: getNegLoss(negBoxes, self.nTrainBoxes-posCount), lambda: tf.constant(0.0))

						nPositive = tf.cast(tf.shape(posLoss)[0], tf.float32)
						nNegative = tf.cond(nNegative > 0, lambda: tf.cast(tf.shape(negLoss)[0], tf.float32), lambda: tf.constant(0.0))
						return (tf.reduce_mean(posLoss)*nPositive + tf.reduce_mean(negLoss)*nNegative)/(nNegative+nPositive)
Пример #8
	def genAllAnchors(self):
		with tf.name_scope('genAllAnchors'):
			z = tf.zeros([1, self.hIn, self.wIn, self.nAnchors], tf.float32)
			return BoxUtils.nnToImageBoxes(z, z, z, z, self.wA, self.hA, self.inputDownscale, self.offset)