Пример #1
def init_env(args, agent = None):
    This function loads the precomputed solutions in '../weno_solutions' and build the corresponding training/testing environments.
    Arg args(python namespace): storing all necessary arguments for the whole training procedure.
    Arg agent(class DDPG/DQN/etc object): needed for RK4 temporal scheme
    version 4 TODO: read different fluxes.

    solution_dir = '../weno_solutions/'
    solution_files = os.listdir(solution_dir)
    assert(len(solution_files) % 2 == 0)
    train_num = len(solution_files)
    print('train_num: ', train_num)

    argss = [copy.copy(args) for i in range(train_num)]
    train_env = []
    test_env = []

    ### traverse all the solution files and build corresponding training/testing environment
    i = 0
    while(i < train_num):
        print('load file No. ', i // 2)
        print('precise solution file: ', solution_files[i+1])
        print('weno coarse solution file: ', solution_files[i])

        precise_solution_file = solution_files[i+1]
        weno_solution_file = solution_files[i]

        precise_init_end = precise_solution_file.find('-precise')
        init = precise_solution_file[:precise_init_end]
        l = init.split(';')
        a = float(l[0])
        b = float(l[1])
        func = np.sin if l[2] == 'sin' else np.cos
        c = int(l[3])
        argss[i].init = '{0} + {1}{2}({3} * \\pi * x)'.format(round(a,3), round(b,3), l[2], c)

        ### different mode has different level of training difficulty, thus use different T.
        if args.mode == 'eno':
            argss[i].T = 0.5 
        elif args.mode == 'continuous_filter':
            argss[i].T = 0.2
        elif args.mode == 'compute_flux':
            argss[i].T = 0.3
        elif args.mode == 'weno_coef':
            argss[i].T = 0.3
        elif args.mode == 'weno_coef_four':
            argss[i].T = 0.8

        ### training envs evolving steps
        argss[i].dt = argss[i].dx * args.cfl
        precise_num_t = int(argss[i].T / (args.precise_dx * args.cfl)) + 10
        num_t = int(argss[i].T / argss[i].dt) + 10
        ### build the training envs
        init_condition = construct_init_condition(a, b, func, c)
        precise_solution = np.load(solution_dir + precise_solution_file)
        weno_solution = np.load(solution_dir + weno_solution_file)
        train_env.append(Burgers(args = argss[i], init_func=init_condition, agent = agent))
        train_env[-1].precise_weno_solutions = precise_solution[:precise_num_t]
        train_env[-1].weno_coarse_grid = weno_solution[:num_t]

        ### build the test envs
        precise_num_t = int(args.T / (args.precise_dx * args.cfl)) + 10
        num_t = int(args.T / argss[i].dt) + 10
        test_env.append(Burgers(args = argss[i], init_func=init_condition, agent = agent))
        test_env[-1].precise_weno_solutions = precise_solution[:precise_num_t]
        test_env[-1].weno_coarse_grid = weno_solution[:num_t]

        ### incresement 2, 1 for precise solution, 1 for weno solution under coarse grid.
        i += 2

    ### .mp4 stroing needs to remove special characters in the file name
    if args.animation:
        for x in test_env:
            init = x.args.init
            new_init = ''
            for s in init:
                if s == ' ' or s == '\\' or s == '(' or s == ')':
                elif s == '+':
                    new_init += 'p'
                elif s == '-':
                    new_init += 'm'
                elif s == '*':
                    new_init += '_'
                    new_init += s
            x.args.init = new_init

    args.num_train = len(train_env)
    args.num_test = len(test_env)
    return argss, train_env, test_env
    if args.forcing:
        vv['eta'] = 0.01
        vv['solution_data_path'] = 'data/local/solutions/9-24-50-eta-0.01-forcing-1'
elif args.flux == 'u4':
    vv['flux'] = 'u4'
    vv['solution_data_path'] = 'data/local/solutions/9-24-50-u4-eta-0-forcing-0'
    ran = range(0, 25)

# vv['policy_hidden_layers'] = [64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64]
# vv['state_mode'] = 'normalize'
ddpg = DDPG(vv,
            GaussNoise(initial_sig=vv['noise_beg'], final_sig=vv['noise_end']))
agent = ddpg
agent.load(osp.join(path, epoch), actor_only=True)
# agent.load(osp.join('data/local', '6150'), actor_only=True)
env = Burgers(vv, agent=agent)

# ptu.set_gpu_mode(True)

dx = args.dx if not args.forcing else args.dx * np.pi
beg = time.time()
num_t = int(0.9 * 10 / dx) if not args.forcing else int(0.9 * np.pi * 10 / dx)
for solution_idx in ran:
    print("solution_idx: ", solution_idx)

    pre_state = env.reset(solution_idx=solution_idx, num_t=num_t, dx=dx)
    # pre_state = env.reset(solution_idx=solution_idx, num_t=200)
    horizon = env.num_t
    for t in range(1, horizon):
        # print(t)
        action = agent.action(
Пример #3
####init_idx, dx, dt ,Tscheme, flux, frame
for lines in param:
    data = lines.split(' ')
    init = init_funcs[int(data[0].replace('\n', ''))]
    init_name1 = init_name[int(data[0])]
    exp_args = copy.copy(args)
    exp_args.T = args.T
    exp_args.dx = float(data[1])
    exp_args.init = init_name1
    exp_args.dt = float(data[2])
    exp_args.Tscheme = data[3]
    exp_args.flux = data[4]
    exp_args.save_RL_weno_animation_path = args.save_figure_path + 'figure/'
    env = Burgers(exp_args, init, agent=agent)
    errors = DDPG_test(agent, [env], exp_args)
    save_figure(env, int(data[5].replace('\n', '')))
#for a sure dx dt Tscheme give error
for i in range(10):
Пример #4
    for dt in dt_set:
        RL_error_set = []
        coarse_error_set = []
        #if dt/dx>args.cfl:
        #    print("{} {} no".format(dx,dt))
        #    answerfile.write("RL {} {} no no coarse {} {} no no\n".format(dx,dt,dx,dt))
        #    continue

        for i in range(init_num):
            exp_args = copy.copy(args)
            exp_args.T = args.T
            exp_args.dx = dx
            exp_args.dt = dt
            exp_args.init = init_name[i]
            exp_args.Tscheme = args.Tscheme
            env = Burgers(exp_args, init_funcs[i], agent=agent)
            errors = DDPG_test(agent, [env], exp_args)
            coarse_error = np.zeros(env.num_t)
            RL_error = np.zeros(env.num_t)
            for i in range(env.num_t):
                coarse_error[i] = env.relative_error(
                    env.get_precise_value(i * env.dt), env.weno_coarse_grid[i])
                RL_error[i] = env.relative_error(
                    env.get_precise_value(i * env.dt), env.RLgrid[i])
            RL_mean_error = np.mean(RL_error)
            coarse_mean_error = np.mean(coarse_error)
        RL_error_set = np.array(RL_error_set)
Пример #5
def init_env(args, agent=None):
    This function initializes and returns the training and test Burgers environments.
    1) hand-set the initial function name, the solution plot y-axis limit, the training env grid size dx, evolving time T,
        and choose the training env idxes.
    2) For each enviroment, load pre-stored solutions or compute and store the solutions.  The solutions include the precise 
        solutions (computed using weno with dense grids), and the weno solutions computed under the same grid size as the RL  

    ### Arguments:
    args (python namespace variable):
        A namespace variable that stores all necessary parameters for the whole training procedure.
    agent (RL agent object, optional):
        A RL agent. It will be passed to the Burgers Env object, and will be used when the temporal scheme is RK4.

    ### Return:
    argss (list of python namespace variables):
        A list that contains the args of each training/test environment. argss[i] is almost the same as the input args, except 
        these domains are modified: .init, .dx, .dt, .T, for training purposes.
    train_env (list of class Burgers objects):
        A list of the well-initialized Burgers Training environments. Each has different initial conditions, dx, dt, T.
    test_env (list of class Burgers objects):
        A list of the well-initialized Burgers Test environments. Each has different initial conditions, but the same dx, dt, T
        as the command line argument.
    argss = [copy.copy(args) for i in range(15)]

    ### set the name of the initial conditions of each training/test environment.
    argss[0].init = '1;1;cos;6'  #'2_2cos2'##'0.5_m2cos4'
    argss[1].init = '-1;1;cos;6'  #'m1_m3sin2'##'-1_p2sin4'
    argss[2].init = '-1.5;2;sin;6'
    argss[3].init = '1.5;-1.5;sin;6'
    argss[4].init = '-1.5;2;cos;6'
    argss[5].init = '1.5;-1.5;cos;6'
    argss[6].init = 'twobreak'

    argss[7].init = '0.5_sin2'
    argss[8].init = '-1_sin2'
    argss[9].init = '-1_2.5cos4'
    argss[10].init = '0.2_m2sin4'
    argss[11].init = 'rarefraction'

    ### set the y-axis limit when plotting the solution.
    argss[0].plot_y_low, argss[1].plot_y_low, argss[2].plot_y_low, argss[
        3].plot_y_low = -2, -4.5, -4, -0.5
    argss[4].plot_y_low, argss[5].plot_y_low, argss[6].plot_y_low, argss[
        7].plot_y_low = -5, -1.5, -1, -6
    argss[8].plot_y_low, argss[9].plot_y_low, argss[
        10].plot_y_low = -1.5, 0, -2.5

    argss[0].plot_y_high, argss[1].plot_y_high, argss[2].plot_y_high, argss[
        3].plot_y_high = 3, 1, 1, 3.5
    argss[4].plot_y_high, argss[5].plot_y_high, argss[6].plot_y_high, argss[
        7].plot_y_high = 1, 5.5, 3, 1
    argss[8].plot_y_high, argss[9].plot_y_high, argss[
        10].plot_y_high = 3.5, 4, 0.5

    train_env = []
    test_env = []

    if not os.path.exists('../weno_solutions/'):

    ### set the test environments
    ### version 4 TODO: add the test environment idxes, similar to the train_idxes.
    for i in range(args.num_test):
        argss[i].initial_t = args.initial_t
        argss[i].T = args.T
        if args.test:  ### at testing, set grid size following the command line args
            argss[i].dx = args.dx
            argss[i].dt = args.dx * args.cfl
            Burgers(args=argss[i], init_func=init_funcs[i], agent=agent))

        ### first try to load the pre-stored solutions if there exist, otherwise compute and store the solutions.
        # precise solutions
            dense_solutions = np.load(
                    argss[i].init, args.flux, args.cfl))
            precise_num_t = int(argss[i].T /
                                (argss[i].precise_dx * args.cfl)) + 1
                -1].precise_weno_solutions = dense_solutions[:precise_num_t]
        except FileNotFoundError:
            print('{} build precise weno solutions, flux {} cfl {}'.format(
                argss[i].init, args.flux, args.cfl))
            # test_env[-1].save_weno_precise() ### version 4 TODO, move the save parts in Burgers Env here.
                    argss[i].init, args.flux, args.cfl),

        # weno solutions with the same grid size
            coarse_solutions = np.load(
                    argss[i].init, args.Tscheme, args.dx, args.flux, args.cfl))
            coarse_num_t = int(argss[i].T / (argss[i].dx * args.cfl)) + 1
            test_env[-1].weno_coarse_grid = coarse_solutions[:coarse_num_t]
        except FileNotFoundError:
                '{} build coarse weno solutions with time scheme {} dx {} flux {} cfl {}'
                .format(argss[i].init, args.Tscheme, args.dx, args.flux,
            # test_env[-1].save_weno_coarse() ### version 4 TODO, move the save parts in Burgers Env here.
                    argss[i].init, args.Tscheme, args.dx, args.flux, args.cfl),

    ### For training environment, individually set the grid size for each initial condition
    argss[0].T, argss[1].T, argss[2].T, argss[3].T, argss[4].T, argss[5].T, argss[6].T = 0.8, \
         0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8
    argss[7].T, argss[8].T, argss[9].T, argss[10].T = 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4
    argss[0].dx, argss[1].dx, argss[2].dx, argss[3].dx, argss[4].dx, argss[5].dx, argss[6].dx = 0.02, \
            0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02
    argss[7].dx, argss[8].dx, argss[9].dx, argss[
        10].dx = 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02
    for i in range(len(init_funcs)):
        argss[i].dt = argss[i].dx * args.cfl

    ### set the training environment
    if not args.test:
        train_idxes = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
                       5]  # hand-choose the training environment idxes.
        for i in train_idxes:
                Burgers(args=argss[i], init_func=init_funcs[i], agent=agent))

            ### load the solutions if they are pre-computed and stored, otherwise compute and store them.
                dense_solutions = np.load(
                        argss[i].init, args.flux, args.cfl))
                precise_num_t = int(argss[i].T /
                                    (argss[i].precise_dx * args.cfl)) + 1
                    -1].precise_weno_solutions = dense_solutions[:
            except FileNotFoundError:

                coarse_solutions = np.load(
                        argss[i].init, args.Tscheme, args.dx, args.flux,
                coarse_num_t = int(argss[i].T / (argss[i].dx * args.cfl)) + 1
                    -1].weno_coarse_grid = coarse_solutions[:coarse_num_t]
            except FileNotFoundError:

    args.num_train = len(train_env)
    return argss, train_env, test_env
Пример #6
def run_task(vv, log_dir, exp_name):
    import torch
    import numpy as np
    import copy
    import os, sys
    import time
    import math
    import random
    import json

    from get_args import get_args
    from DDPG.train_util import DDPG_train, DDPG_test
    from DDPG.DDPG_new import DDPG
    from DDPG.util import GaussNoise
    from chester import logger
    from BurgersEnv.Burgers import Burgers
    import utils.ptu as ptu

    if torch.cuda.is_available():

    ### dump vv
    logger.configure(dir=log_dir, exp_name=exp_name)
    with open(os.path.join(logger.get_dir(), 'variant.json'), 'w') as f:
        json.dump(vv, f, indent=2, sort_keys=True)

    ### load vv
    ddpg_load_epoch = None
    if vv['load_path'] is not None:
        solution_data_path = vv['solution_data_path']
        dx = vv['dx']
        test_interval = vv['test_interval']
        load_path = os.path.join('data/local', vv['load_path'])
        ddpg_load_epoch = str(vv['load_epoch'])
        with open(os.path.join(load_path, 'variant.json'), 'r') as f:
            vv = json.load(f)
        vv['noise_beg'] = 0.1
        vv['solution_data_path'] = solution_data_path
        vv['test_interval'] = test_interval
        if vv.get('dx') is None:
            vv['dx'] = dx

    ### Important: fix numpy and torch seed!
    seed = vv['seed']
    torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
    torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False

    ### Initialize RL agents
    ddpg = DDPG(
        vv, GaussNoise(initial_sig=vv['noise_beg'], final_sig=vv['noise_end']))
    agent = ddpg
    if ddpg_load_epoch is not None:
        print("load ddpg models from {}".format(
            os.path.join(load_path, ddpg_load_epoch)))
        agent.load(os.path.join(load_path, ddpg_load_epoch))

    ### Initialize training and testing encironments
    env = Burgers(vv, agent=agent)

    ### train models
    print('begining training!')
    DDPG_train(vv, env, agent)