Пример #1
def aplinvoice(mfile, mtext, mdate, invoco, sendto):

    fileToSend = ntpath.basename(mfile)
    shutil.copy(mfile, fileToSend)
    print(f'file to send is:{fileToSend}')

    if invoco == 'apl' and sendto == 'aplnow':
        emailfrom = usernames['mnix']
        #emailto = '*****@*****.**'
        emailto = '*****@*****.**'
        #emailto = '*****@*****.**'
        emailcc = usernames['info']
    elif invoco == 'cma' and sendto == 'cmanow':
        emailfrom = usernames['mnix']
        emailto = '*****@*****.**'
        #emailto = '*****@*****.**'
        emailcc = usernames['info']
        emailfrom = usernames['mnix']
        emailto = usernames['mnix']
        emailcc = usernames['expo']

    # fileToSend = tfile
    username = usernames['mnix']
    password = passwords['mnix']

    msg = MIMEMultipart()
    msg["From"] = emailfrom
    msg["To"] = emailto
    msg["Cc"] = emailcc
    if invoco == 'apl':
        msg["Subject"] = f'Account Payable Dept - SSINV to EDI -- First Eagle Logistics {mdate}'
        body = 'APL LARA Spreadsheet is Attached.' + mtext
    if invoco == 'cma':
        msg["Subject"] = f'Account Payable Dept CMA CMG - SSINV to EDI from First Eagle Logistics {mdate}'
        body = 'CMA LARA Spreadsheet is Attached.' + mtext

    cdata = companydata()
    body = body + f'<br>_________________<br>{cdata[2]}<br>{cdata[5]}<br>{cdata[6]}<br>{cdata[7]}'

    msg.attach(MIMEText(body, 'html'))

    attachment = open(fileToSend, "rb")

    part = MIMEBase('application', 'octet-stream')
                    f'attachment; filename= "{fileToSend}"')

    server = smtplib.SMTP(websites['mailserver'])
    # server.starttls()
    server.login(username, password)
    emailto = [emailto, emailcc]
    server.sendmail(emailfrom, emailto, msg.as_string())
Пример #2
def report_headers(file3, item):
    cdata = companydata()
    today = datetime.today().strftime('%m/%d/%Y')
    invodate = datetime.today().strftime('%m/%d/%Y')
    ltm, rtm, bump, tb, ctrall, left_ctr, right_ctr, dl, dh, tdl, hls, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7, n1, n2, n3 = reportsettings(

    dateline = m1 + 8.2 * dl
    mtmp = dateline - 3.5 * dl
    level1 = mtmp + 3.5 * dl

    c = canvas.Canvas(file3, pagesize=letter)

    c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 24, leading=None)
    c.drawCentredString(rtm - 75, dateline + 1.5 * dl, 'Report')
    c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 12, leading=None)
    c.drawString(ltm + bump * 3, level1 + bump * 2, f'{item.upper()} Report')
    c.setFont('Helvetica', 12, leading=None)
    c.drawCentredString(rtm - 50, dateline + bump, 'Created')
    #c.drawCentredString(rtm - 37.7, dateline + bump, 'Type')

    vdat = Vehicles.query.filter(Vehicles.DOTNum != None).first()
    dh = 13
    top = level1 - dh
    lft = ltm + bump * 3
    header = list(range(5))
    header[0] = f'This Report Page is the {item.upper()}'
    header[1] = 'Information List for'
    header[2] = f'{cdata[0]}'
    header[3] = f'DOT #{vdat.DOTNum}'
    header[4] = ''
    for ix in header:
        c.drawString(lft, top, ix)
        top = top - dh

    x = avg(rtm - 75, rtm)
    y = dateline - dh - bump
    #c.drawCentredString(x, y, f'{item.upper()}')
    x = avg(rtm - 75, rtm - 150)
    c.drawCentredString(rtm - 50, y, invodate)

Пример #3
from runmain import app, db
from models import Vehicles, Invoices, JO, Income, Bills, Accounts, OverSeas, Orders, Gledger, Adjusting
from models import Autos, People, Interchange, Drivers, ChalkBoard, Services, Drops, Divisions, LastMessage
from flask import session, logging, request
import datetime
import calendar
import re
import os
import shutil
import json
from CCC_system_setup import myoslist, addpath, addtxt, scac, companydata
from iso_B_worker import var_start, var_request, get_selections, cleanup, alterations, incoming_setup, modbill, \
    run_paybill, run_xfer, uploadsource, modpeeps, pay_init, multi_pay_init, install_pay_init, mod_init, newbill_init,\
    newbill_passthru, newbill_update, undolastpayment

compdata = companydata()
billexpcode = compdata[10] + 'B'
billxfrcode = compdata[10] + 'X'

def isoB(indat):

    if request.method == 'POST':

        from viewfuncs import nonone, numcheck, newjo
        from viewfuncs import calendar7_weeks, txtfile, numcheckvec, d2s, erud, dataget_B, hv_capture, docuploader, get_def_bank
        from gledger_write import gledger_write, gledger_app_write

        # Initialize variables used in the python code that require a value
        username, bill, peep, cache, modata, modlink, fdata, adata, cdat, pb, passdata, vdata, caldays, daylist,\
Пример #4
def writechecks(bdat, pdat, file1, sbdata, links, style):

    today = datetime.datetime.today().strftime('%m/%d/%Y')
    nbills = 1
    file1 = addpath(file1)

    if links == 0:
        amt = bdat.pAmount
        amt = amt.replace(',', '')
        amount = float(amt)
        amt = bdat.pMulti
        amt = amt.replace(',', '')
        amount = float(amt)

    #billno = 'Bk:'+bdat.bCat
    billno = bdat.Jo

    # Create the Check Date:
    billdate = bdat.pDate
        datestr = billdate.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')
        datestr = datetime.datetime.today().strftime('%m/%d/%Y')

    if bdat.Memo is None:
        memo = ' '
        memo = bdat.Memo

    if bdat.Description is None:
        desc = ' '
        desc = bdat.Description

    payref = bdat.Ref
    # Check to see if we have the required data to make an invoice:
    company = pdat.Company
    addr1 = pdat.Addr1
    addr2 = pdat.Addr2
    email = pdat.Email
    phone = pdat.Telephone

    payee = company

    amount_num = "{:.2f}".format(amount)
    # amount_num=145.23
    bank = bdat.pAccount

    type = bdat.bType

    if links != 0:
        memo = ''
        nbills = 0
        for sb in sbdata:
            nbills = nbills + 1
            if len(memo) > 45:
                memo = memo + '\n'
            memo = memo + sb.Memo + ', '

        lm = len(memo)
        memo = memo[0:lm - 2]

    one = [
        '', 'One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four', 'Five', 'Six', 'Seven', 'Eight',
    tenp = [
        'Ten', 'Eleven', 'Twelve', 'Thirteen', 'Fourteen', 'Fifteen',
        'Sixteen', 'Seventeen', 'Eighteen', 'Nineteen'
    tenp2 = [
        '', '', 'Twenty', 'Thirty', 'Forty', 'Fifty', 'Sixty', 'Seventy',
        'Eighty', 'Ninety'

    def avg(in1, in2):
        out = (in1 + in2) / 2
        return out

    def once(num):
        one = [
            '', 'One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four', 'Five', 'Six', 'Seven', 'Eight',
        word = ''
        word = one[int(num)]
        word = word.strip()
        return word

    def ten(num):
        tenp = [
            'Ten', 'Eleven', 'Twelve', 'Thirteen', 'Fourteen', 'Fifteen',
            'Sixteen', 'Seventeen', 'Eighteen', 'Nineteen'
        tenp2 = [
            '', '', 'Twenty', 'Thirty', 'Forty', 'Fifty', 'Sixty', 'Seventy',
            'Eighty', 'Ninety'
        word = ''
        if num[0] == '1':
            word = tenp[int(num[1])]
            text = once(num[1])
            word = tenp2[int(num[0])]
            word = word + "-" + text
        word = word.strip()
        return word

    def hundred(num):
        one = [
            '', 'One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four', 'Five', 'Six', 'Seven', 'Eight',
        word = ''
        text = ten(num[1:])
        word = one[int(num[0])]
        if num[0] != '0':
            word = word + "-Hundred "
        word = word + text
        word = word.strip()
        return word

    def thousand(num):
        word = ''
        pref = ''
        text = ''
        length = len(num)
        if length == 6:
            text = hundred(num[3:])
            pref = hundred(num[:3])
        if length == 5:
            text = hundred(num[2:])
            pref = ten(num[:2])
        if length == 4:
            text = hundred(num[1:])
            word = one[int(num[0])]
        if num[0] != '0' or num[1] != '0' or num[2] != '0':
            word = word + "-Thousand "
        word = word + text
        if length == 6 or length == 5:
            word = pref + word
        word = word.strip()
        return word

    def million(num):
        word = ''
        pref = ''
        text = ''
        length = len(num)
        if length == 9:
            text = thousand(num[3:])
            pref = hundred(num[:3])
        if length == 8:
            text = thousand(num[2:])
            pref = ten(num[:2])
        if length == 7:
            text = thousand(num[1:])
            word = one[int(num[0])]
        if num[0] != '0' or num[1] != '0' or num[2] != '0':
            word = word + " Million "
        word = word + text
        if length == 9 or length == 8:
            word = pref + word
        word = word.strip()
        return word

    val1 = float(amount_num)
    val2 = math.floor(val1)
    val3 = val1 - val2
    val3 = round(val3 * 100)
    a = str(val2)
    leng = len(a)
    if leng == 1:
        if a == '0':
            num = 'Zero'
            num = once(a)
    if leng == 2:
        num = ten(a)
    if leng == 3:
        num = hundred(a)
    if leng > 3 and leng < 7:
        num = thousand(a)
    if leng > 6 and leng < 10:
        num = million(a)

    lnum = len(num)
    # print(num[lnum-1])
    if num[lnum - 1] == '-':
        num = num[0:lnum - 1]

    tval3 = "{0:0=2d}".format(val3)
    amount_text = num + ' and ' + tval3 + '/100 '
    # print(amount_text)

    # We need to add '*******' to back of this enough to fill up the rest of the block
    atlen = len(amount_text)
    # Guess that we need 120 chars total
    atremain = 90 - atlen
    b = '*'
    for i in range(atremain):
        b = b + '*'

    # print(atlen,atremain,b)
    amount_text = amount_text + b
    # print(amount_text)

    c = canvas.Canvas(file1, pagesize=letter)
    c.setFont('Helvetica', 12, leading=None)

    c.drawString(515, 720, datestr)
    c.drawString(70, 685, payee)
    # ____________________________________________________________________________
    c.drawString(500, 686, amount_num)

    c.drawString(30, 660, amount_text)

    image = addpath(f'tmp/{scac}/pics/ck_sigfile.png')
    c.drawImage(image, 374, 587, width=200, height=40)

    c.setFont('Helvetica', 12, leading=None)
    ltm = 15
    rtm = 590
    ctrall = 310
    left_ctr = 170
    right_ctr = 480
    dl = 17.6
    tdl = dl * 2
    hls = 530

    m1 = 510
    m2 = m1 - dl
    m3 = m2 - dl

    m4 = m3 - 10
    m5 = m4 - dl
    m6 = m5 - dl

    m7 = 265
    m8 = m7 - dl
    m9 = m8 - dl

    m10 = m9 - 10
    m11 = m10 - dl
    m12 = m11 - dl

    n1 = ltm + 90
    n2 = n1 + 150
    n3 = n2 + 80
    n4 = n3 + 80
    n5 = rtm - 90

    bump = 3

    btype = bdat.bType
    bcat = bdat.bCat
    bsubcat = bdat.bSubcat

    item11 = [
        'Date', 'Ck No.| Pay Ref', 'Type', 'Category', 'Subcategory',
        'Amount Paid'
    item12 = [datestr, payref, btype, bcat, bsubcat, amount_num]
    item21 = ['BillNo', 'Check Made Out To', 'From Acct']
    item22 = [billno, payee, bank]
    item3 = 'Memo on Check:'
    item41 = ['Address of Company:']

    if style == 1:
        fulllinesat = [m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7, m8, m9, m10, m11, m12]
        for i in fulllinesat:
            c.line(ltm, i, rtm, i)
        vlines1at = [ltm, n1, n2 - 40, n3 - 40, n4 - 40, n5, rtm]
        for i in vlines1at:
            c.line(i, m1, i, m3)
            c.line(i, m7, i, m9)
        p1 = n1
        p2 = n5 - 60
        vlines2at = [ltm, n1, p2 - 20, rtm]
        for i in vlines2at:
            c.line(i, m4, i, m6)
            c.line(i, m10, i, m12)
        fulllinesat = [m7, m8, m9, m10, m11, m12]
        for i in fulllinesat:
            c.line(ltm, i, rtm, i)
        vlines1at = [ltm, n1, n2 - 40, n3 - 40, n4 - 40, n5, rtm]
        for i in vlines1at:
            c.line(i, m7, i, m9)
        p1 = n1
        p2 = n5 - 60
        vlines2at = [ltm, n1, p2 - 20, rtm]
        for i in vlines2at:
            c.line(i, m10, i, m12)

    dx = 80
    xoff = 18
    stretch = [0, -5, 15, 10, 10, 0]

    if style == 1:
        for i in range(6):
            x = avg(vlines1at[i], vlines1at[i + 1])
            c.drawCentredString(x, m2 + bump, item11[i])
            c.drawCentredString(x, m3 + bump, str(item12[i]))
            c.drawCentredString(x, m8 + bump, item11[i])
            c.drawCentredString(x, m9 + bump, str(item12[i]))

        for i in range(3):
            x = avg(vlines2at[i], vlines2at[i + 1])
            c.drawCentredString(x, m5 + bump, item21[i])
            c.drawCentredString(x, m6 + bump, str(item22[i]))
            c.drawCentredString(x, m11 + bump, item21[i])
            c.drawCentredString(x, m12 + bump, str(item22[i]))

        for i in range(6):
            x = avg(vlines1at[i], vlines1at[i + 1])
            c.drawCentredString(x, m8 + bump, item11[i])
            c.drawCentredString(x, m9 + bump, str(item12[i]))

        for i in range(3):
            x = avg(vlines2at[i], vlines2at[i + 1])
            c.drawCentredString(x, m11 + bump, item21[i])
            c.drawCentredString(x, m12 + bump, str(item22[i]))

    mlev11 = m6 - dl
    mlev12 = mlev11 - dl
    mlev13 = mlev12 - dl * 1.5
    mlev14 = mlev13 - dl
    mlev15 = mlev14 - dl

    mlev21 = m12 - dl
    mlev22 = mlev21 - dl
    mlev23 = mlev22 - dl * 1.5
    mlev24 = mlev23 - dl
    mlev25 = mlev24 - dl

    c.setFont('Helvetica', 10, leading=None)

    if links != 0:
        memo2 = memo.splitlines()
        nlines = len(memo2)
        memoline = 592 + 13 * (nlines - 1)
        memoline2 = mlev12
        memoline3 = mlev22

        for line in memo2:
            c.setFont('Helvetica', 12, leading=None)
            c.drawString(52, memoline, line)
            memoline = memoline - 13

            c.setFont('Helvetica', 10, leading=None)
            if style == 1: c.drawString(ltm + 20, memoline2, line)
            memoline2 = memoline2 - 10
            c.drawString(ltm + 20, memoline3, line)
            memoline3 = memoline3 - 10

        c.drawString(52, 592, memo)

    c.setFont('Helvetica', 12, leading=None)
    if style == 1: c.drawString(ltm + 20, mlev11, item3)
    c.drawString(ltm + 20, mlev21, item3)

    c.setFont('Helvetica', 10, leading=None)
    if links == 0:
        if style == 1: c.drawString(ltm + 20, mlev12, memo)
        c.drawString(ltm + 20, mlev22, memo)
        memoline2 = mlev12
        memoline3 = mlev22

        pufrom = 'Pickup: ' + bdat.Link
        pufrom = 'Pickup: Unknown'
    c.setFont('Helvetica', 12, leading=None)
    if style == 1: c.drawString(ltm + 20, memoline2 - dl, 'Payee Address:')
    c.drawString(ltm + 20, memoline3 - dl, 'Payee Address:')
    c.setFont('Helvetica', 10, leading=None)
    if addr1 is None:
        addr1 = ''
    if addr2 is None:
        addr2 = ''
    if pufrom is None:
        pufrom = ''
    if style == 1:
        c.drawString(ltm + 20, memoline2 - dl * 2, company)
        c.drawString(ltm + 20, memoline2 - dl * 2 - 11, addr1)
        c.drawString(ltm + 20, memoline2 - dl * 2 - 22, addr2)
        c.drawString(ltm + 20, memoline2 - dl * 2 - 44, pufrom)
        cdata = companydata()
        c.setFont('Helvetica', 12, leading=None)
        offup = 5
        c.drawString(50, m2 + offup, cdata[2])
        c.drawString(50, m2 + offup - 14, cdata[5])
        c.drawString(50, m2 + offup - 28, cdata[6])
        memoline2 = memoline2 + 1
        c.drawString(ltm + 70, memoline2, company)
        c.drawString(ltm + 70, memoline2 - 14, addr1)
        c.drawString(ltm + 70, memoline2 - 28, addr2)
        zip = getzip(addr2)
        print('myzipcode is', zip)
        if zip != 0:
            barcode_usps = usps.POSTNET(zip)
            barcode_usps.drawOn(c, ltm + 70, memoline2 - 42)
        c.setFont('Helvetica', 10, leading=None)

    c.drawString(ltm + 20, memoline3 - dl * 2, company)
    c.drawString(ltm + 20, memoline3 - dl * 2 - 11, addr1)
    c.drawString(ltm + 20, memoline3 - dl * 2 - 22, addr2)
    c.drawString(ltm + 20, memoline3 - dl * 2 - 44, pufrom)

    acct = bdat.bAccount
    comp = bdat.Co
    if acct is None:
        acct = ' '
    if comp is None:
        comp = ' '

    if nbills == 0:
        if btype == 'Expense':
            if style == 1:
                    ltm + 230, mlev11,
                    'Expensed Account Name: ' + acct + ' (' + comp + ')')
            c.drawString(ltm + 230, mlev21,
                         'Expensed Account Name: ' + acct + ' (' + comp + ')')
            mlev21 = mlev21 - 2 * dl
            mlev11 = mlev11 - 2 * dl

        if style == 1: c.drawString(ltm + 230, mlev11, 'Full Description:')
        c.drawString(ltm + 230, mlev21, 'Full Description:')
        for i, line in enumerate(desc.splitlines()):
            mlev21 = mlev21 - dl
            mlev11 = mlev11 - dl
            if style == 1: c.drawString(ltm + 230, mlev11, line)
            c.drawString(ltm + 230, mlev21, line)

    if nbills > 1:
        dl = .9 * dl
    if nbills > 5:
        dl = .9 * dl
    mlevtop = mlev14 + 80 - dl - dl
    mlevbot = mlev24 + 80 - dl - dl
    if links != 0:
        s1 = ltm + 200
        s2 = ltm + 240
        s3 = ltm + 310
        s4 = ltm + 480
        if btype == 'Expense':
            if style == 1:
                    ltm + 230, mlev11,
                    'Expensed Account Name: ' + acct + ' (' + comp + ')')
            c.drawString(ltm + 230, mlev21,
                         'Expensed Account Name: ' + acct + ' (' + comp + ')')
            mlevtop = mlev11 - 2 * dl
            mlevbot = mlev21 - 2 * dl
        c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 10, leading=None)

        if style == 1:
            c.drawString(s1, mlevtop, 'ID')
            c.drawString(s2, mlevtop, 'Bill No')
            c.drawString(s3, mlevtop, 'Reference/BkNo.')
            c.drawString(s4, mlevtop, 'Amount')

        c.drawString(s1, mlevbot, 'ID')
        c.drawString(s2, mlevbot, 'Bill No')
        c.drawString(s3, mlevbot, 'Reference/BkNo.')
        c.drawString(s4, mlevbot, 'Amount')
        c.setFont('Helvetica', 10, leading=None)

        for data in sbdata:
            mlevtop = mlevtop - dl
            mlevbot = mlevbot - dl
            id = str(data.id)
            billno = data.Jo
            ref = data.Memo
            # if memo long
            ref = ref.replace('For booking ', '')
            amt = dollar(float(data.pAmount))
            if style == 1: c.drawString(s1, mlevtop, id)
            c.drawString(s1, mlevbot, id)
                if style == 1: c.drawString(s2, mlevtop, billno)
                c.drawString(s2, mlevbot, billno)
                err = '1'
            if style == 1: c.drawString(s3, mlevtop, ref)
            if style == 1: c.drawString(s4, mlevtop, amt)

            c.drawString(s3, mlevbot, ref)
            c.drawString(s4, mlevbot, amt)

Пример #5
def email_app_exporter(pdata):

    ourserver = websites['mailserver']
    cdat = companydata()

    for pdat in pdata:
        ptype = pdat.Ptype
        if ptype == 'exporter':
            emailin = pdat.Email
            print('Eporter email=', emailin)
            exporter = pdat.First + ' ' + pdat.Middle + ' ' + pdat.Last
            exporter = exporter.replace('  ', ' ')
            idn = pdat.id

    if emailin is None or emailin == 'None' or len(
            emailin) < 5 or '@' not in emailin:
        emailin = usernames['expo']
        code = 'Either no email or a bad email was provided'

    #emailto = "*****@*****.**"
    emailfrom = emails['expo']
    emailto = emailin
    #emailcc = "*****@*****.**"
    emailcc1 = emails['info']
    emailcc2 = emails['serv']

    #fileToSend = absdocref
    username = emails[2]
    password = passwords['expo']

    msg = MIMEMultipart()
    msg["From"] = emailfrom
    msg["To"] = emailto
    msg["Cc"] = emailcc1
    msg["Cc"] = emailcc2
    msg["Subject"] = f'{cdat[0]} Application Received'

    body = 'Dear ' + exporter + ':\n\nThis email confirms receipt of your international shipping application with confirmation code Fapp' + str(
    body = body + ', and the following summarizes the information we received from you:\n\n'
    for pdat in pdata:
        ptype = pdat.Ptype
        if ptype == 'exporter':

            body = body + 'Exporter: ' + pdat.First + ' ' + pdat.Middle + ' ' + pdat.Last + '\n'
            body = body + 'Address:' + pdat.Addr1 + ' ' + pdat.Addr2 + ' ' + pdat.Addr3 + '\n'
            body = body + 'ID:' + pdat.Idtype + ' ' + pdat.Idnumber + '\n'
            body = body + 'Telephone:' + pdat.Telephone + '\n'
            body = body + 'Email: ' + pdat.Email + '\n\n'

        if ptype == 'consignee':

            body = body + 'Consignee: ' + pdat.First + ' ' + pdat.Middle + ' ' + pdat.Last + '\n'
            body = body + 'Address:' + pdat.Addr1 + ' ' + pdat.Addr2 + ' ' + pdat.Addr3 + '\n'
            body = body + 'Telephone:' + pdat.Telephone + '\n'
            body = body + 'Email: ' + pdat.Email + '\n\n'

        if ptype == 'notify':

            body = body + 'Notify Party: ' + pdat.First + ' ' + pdat.Middle + ' ' + pdat.Last + '\n'
            body = body + 'Address:' + pdat.Addr1 + ' ' + pdat.Addr2 + ' ' + pdat.Addr3 + '\n'
            body = body + 'Telephone:' + pdat.Telephone + '\n'
            body = body + 'Email: ' + pdat.Email + '\n\n'

    body = body + '\n\nSincerely,\n\nNorma Ghanem\nFirst Eagle Logistics, Inc.\n505 Hampton Park Blvd Unit O\nCapitol Heights,MD 20743\n301 516 3000'
    msg.attach(MIMEText(body, 'plain'))

    #attachment = open(fileToSend, "rb")

    #part = MIMEBase('application', 'octet-stream')
    #part.add_header('Content-Disposition', "attachment; filename= %s" % fileToSend)


    server = smtplib.SMTP(ourserver)
    server.login(username, password)
    emailto = [emailto, emailcc1, emailcc2]
    server.sendmail(emailfrom, emailto, msg.as_string())
Пример #6
def etemplate_truck(viewtype, eprof, odat):
    cdata = companydata()
    bid = odat.Bid
    jo = odat.Jo
    order = odat.Order
    signature = cdata[2] + '\n' + cdata[5] + '\n' + cdata[6] + '\n' + cdata[7]

    print('templated to:', viewtype, eprof)

    od, bol, con, bk = odat.Order, odat.BOL, odat.Container, odat.Booking
    od, bol, con, bk = stripper(od), stripper(bol), stripper(con), stripper(bk)
    if bol is None:
        keyval = bk
        if len(bol) < 5:
            keyval = bk
            keyval = bol
    dblk = odat.Dropblock2
    if dblk is not None:
        dblk = dblk.splitlines()
        dblk = ['', '', '', '', '']
    pdat = People.query.get(bid)
    estatus, epod, eaccts = pdat.Email, pdat.Associate1, pdat.Associate2
    estatus, epod, eaccts = stripper(estatus), stripper(epod), stripper(eaccts)

    if eprof == 'eprof1':
        etitle = f'Update on Order: {od} | {keyval} | {con}'
        ebody = f'Dear {odat.Shipper},\n\nOur trucker is at the delivery site:\n\t\t{dblk[0]}\n\t\t{dblk[1]}\n\t\t{dblk[2]}\nWe will send a POD as soon as one can be obtained.\n\nSincerely,\n\n{signature}'
        aname = 'none'
        emailin1 = estatus
        emailin2 = ''
        emailcc1 = em['info']
        emailcc2 = ''
        emaildata = [
            etitle, ebody, emailin1, emailin2, emailcc1, emailcc2, aname
        return emaildata

    elif eprof == 'eprof2':
        etitle = f'Update on Order: {od} | {keyval} | {con}'
        ebody = f'Dear {odat.Shipper},\n\nThe subject container has been pulled from the port. Delivery is scheduled for {odat.Date2} to:\n\t\t{dblk[0]}\n\t\t{dblk[1]}\n\t\t{dblk[2]}\nWe will send a POD as soon as delivery is complete.\n\nSincerely,\n\n{signature}'
        aname = odat.Gate
        emailin1 = estatus
        emailin2 = ''
        emailcc1 = em['info']
        emailcc2 = ''
        emaildata = [
            etitle, ebody, emailin1, emailin2, emailcc1, emailcc2, aname
        return emaildata

    elif eprof == 'eprof3':
        etitle = f'Invoice for Completed Order: {od} | {keyval} | {con}'
        ebody = f'Dear {odat.Shipper},\n\nThe subject order has been completed, and your invoice for services is attached.\n\nWe greatly appreciate your business.\n\nSincerely,\n\n{signature}'
        aname = odat.Invoice
        aname = aname.replace('INV', 'Invoice_')
        emailin1 = estatus
        emailin2 = eaccts
        emailcc1 = em['info']
        emailcc2 = em['expo']
        emaildata = [
            etitle, ebody, emailin1, emailin2, emailcc1, emailcc2, aname
        return emaildata

    elif eprof == 'eprof4':
        etitle = f'Proof for Completed Order: {od} | {keyval} | {con}'
        ebody = f'Dear {odat.Shipper},\n\nThe subject order has been completed, and your proof of delivery is attached.\n\nPlease do not hesitate to respond if you have any questions.\n\nSincerely,\n\n{signature}'
        aname = odat.Proof
        emailin1 = estatus
        emailin2 = epod
        emailcc1 = em['info']
        emailcc2 = em['expo']
        emaildata = [
            etitle, ebody, emailin1, emailin2, emailcc1, emailcc2, aname
        return emaildata

    elif eprof == 'eprof5':
        etitle = f'Invoice & Proof for Completed Order: {od} | {keyval} | {con}'
        ebody = f'Dear {odat.Shipper},\n\nThe subject order has been completed, and your invoice with proof of delivery is attached.\n\nPlease do not hesitate to respond if you have any questions.\n\nSincerely,\n\n{signature}'
        aname = f'Package_{odat.Jo}.pdf'
        emailin1 = estatus
        emailin2 = eaccts
        emailcc1 = em['info']
        emailcc2 = em['expo']
        emaildata = [
            etitle, ebody, emailin1, emailin2, emailcc1, emailcc2, aname
        return emaildata

    elif eprof == 'eprof6':
        etitle = f'Invoice Package for Completed Order: {od} | {keyval} | {con}'
        ebody = f'Dear {odat.Shipper},\n\nThe subject order has been completed, and your invoice package is attached.\n\nPlease do not hesitate to respond if you have any questions.\n\nSincerely,\n\n{signature}'
        aname = f'Package_{odat.Jo}.pdf'
        emailin1 = estatus
        emailin2 = eaccts
        emailcc1 = em['info']
        emailcc2 = em['expo']
        emaildata = [
            etitle, ebody, emailin1, emailin2, emailcc1, emailcc2, aname
        return emaildata

    elif viewtype == 'invoice':
        etitle = f'Invoice for Completed Order: {od} | {keyval} | {con}'
        ebody = f'Dear {odat.Shipper},\n\nThe subject order has been completed, and your invoice for services is attached.\n\nWe greatly appreciate your business.\n\nSincerely,\n\n{signature}'
        aname = odat.Invoice
        aname = aname.replace('INV', 'Invoice_')
        emailin1 = estatus
        emailin2 = eaccts
        emailcc1 = em['info']
        emailcc2 = em['expo']
        emaildata = [
            etitle, ebody, emailin1, emailin2, emailcc1, emailcc2, aname
        return emaildata

    elif viewtype == 'paidinvoice':
        etitle = f'Payment Received on Invoice {odat.Jo} for Completed Order: {od} | {keyval} | {con}'
        ebody = f'Dear {odat.Shipper},\n\nYour payment has been received, and your stamped invoice is attached.\n\nWe greatly appreciate your business.\n\nSincerely,\n\n{signature}'
        aname = odat.Invoice
        aname = aname.replace('INV', 'Paid_Invoice_')
        emailin1 = estatus
        emailin2 = eaccts
        emailcc1 = em['info']
        emailcc2 = em['expo']
        emaildata = [
            etitle, ebody, emailin1, emailin2, emailcc1, emailcc2, aname
        return emaildata

    elif viewtype == 'packages':
        etitle = f'{scac} Invoice Package for Completed Orders: {od} | {keyval} | {con}'
        ebody = f'Dear {odat.Shipper},\n\nAn invoice package is enclosed for your review.\nWe greatly appreciate your business.\n\nSincerely,\n\n{signature}'
        aname = f'Package_{odat.Jo}.pdf'
        emailin1 = estatus
        emailin2 = eaccts
        emailcc1 = em['info']
        emailcc2 = em['expo']
        emaildata = [
            etitle, ebody, emailin1, emailin2, emailcc1, emailcc2, aname
        return emaildata

    elif viewtype == 'invopackage':
        etitle = f'{scac} Invoice Package {odat.Package}'
        ebody = f'Dear {odat.Shipper},\n\nAn invoice package is enclosed for your review.\nWe greatly appreciate your business.\n\nSincerely,\n\n{signature}'
        aname = odat.Package
        emailin1 = estatus
        emailin2 = eaccts
        emailcc1 = em['info']
        emailcc2 = em['expo']
        emaildata = [
            etitle, ebody, emailin1, emailin2, emailcc1, emailcc2, aname
        return emaildata

    elif viewtype == 'quote':
        etitle = cdata[2] + ' Quote: ' + jo
        ebody = 'Dear Customer:\n\nYour quote is attached. Please sign and return at your earliest convenience.\n\nWe look forward to doing business with you.\n\nSincerely,\n\n' + \
                cdata[3] + '\n\n\n' + cdata[4] + '\n' + cdata[2] + '\n' + cdata[5] + '\n' + cdata[6] + '\n' + cdata[7]

        etitle = 'Unknown'
        ebody = 'Could not determine the type of package being emailed here.'

        pdat = People.query.get(bid)
        emailin1 = str(pdat.Email)
        emailin1 = 'Not Found'
    emailin2 = ''
    emailcc1 = em['info']
    emailcc2 = em['serv']
    emaildata = [etitle, ebody, emailin1, emailin2, emailcc1, emailcc2, '']

    return emaildata
Пример #7
# These are dictionary setups that control the look, feel, and functionality of the class8 view screens
from CCC_system_setup import companydata
co = companydata()

genre = 'Trucking'
jobcode = co[10] + genre[0]
Trucking_genre = {'table': 'Orders',
                  'genre_tables': ['Orders', 'Interchange', 'Customers', 'Services'],
                  'genre_tables_on': ['on', 'off', 'off', 'off'],
                  'quick_buttons': ['New', 'Mod', 'Inv', 'Rec'],
                  'table_filters': [{'Date Filter': ['Last 60 Days', 'Last 120 Days', 'Last 180 Days', 'Show All']},
                                    {'Pay Filter': ['Uninvoiced', 'Unrecorded', 'Unpaid', 'Show All']},
                                    {'Haul Filter': ['Not Started', 'In-Progress', 'Incomplete', 'Completed',
                                                     'Show All']},
                                    {'Color Filter': ['Haul', 'Invoice', 'Both']}],
                  'task_boxes': [{'Add Items': ['New Job', 'New Customer', 'New Interchange', 'New Service', 'New From Copy',
                                                'Upload Source', 'Upload Proof', 'Make Manifest']},
                                 {'Edit Items': ['Edit', 'Match', 'Accept', 'Haul+1', 'Haul-1', 'Haul Done', 'Inv+1',
                                                 'Inv-1', 'Inv Emailed', 'Set Col To']},
                                 {'Money Items': ['Inv Edit', 'Quote Edit', 'Package Send', 'Rec Payment',
                                                  'Rec by Acct']},
                                 {'View Docs': ['Source', 'Proof', 'Manifest', 'Interchange', 'Invoice',
                                                'Paid Invoice']},
                                 {'Undo': ['Delete Item', 'Undo Invoice', 'Undo Payment']},
                                 {'Tasks': ['Street Turn', 'Unpulled Containers', 'Assign Drivers', 'Driver Hours',
                                            'Driver Payroll', 'Truck Logs', 'Text Output']}],
                  'container_types': ['40\' GP 9\'6\"', '40\' RS 9\'6\"', '40\' GP 8\'6\"', '40\' RS 8\'6\"',
                                      '20\' GP 8\'6\"', '20\' VH 8\'6\"', '45\' GP 9\'6\"', '45\' VH 9\'6\"',
                                      '53\' Dry', 'LCL', 'RORO'],
                  'load_types': ['Load In', 'Load Out', 'Empty In', 'Empty Out'],
                  'task_mapping': {'Job':'Orders', 'Customer':'Customers', 'Service':'Services', 'Interchange':'Interchange'}
Пример #8
def isoQuote():
    username = session['username'].capitalize()
    quot = 0
    tbox = [0] * 4
    qdat = None
    from viewfuncs import dataget_Q, nonone, numcheck
    if request.method == 'POST':
        emailgo = request.values.get('Email')
        updatego = request.values.get('GetQuote')
        updatebid = request.values.get('Update')
        updateE = request.values.get('UpdateE')
        returnhit = request.values.get('Return')
        bidname = request.values.get('bidname')
        bidthis = request.values.get('bidthis')
        bidthis = d2s(bidthis)
        locfrom = request.values.get('locfrom')
        thismuch = request.values.get('thismuch')
        taskbox = request.values.get('taskbox')
        taskbox = nonone(taskbox)
        quotbut = request.values.get('optradio')

        qdata = dataget_Q(thismuch)
        #quot, numchecked = numcheck(1, qdata, 0, 0, 0, 0, ['quot'])

        if quotbut is not None:
            quot = nonone(quotbut)
        if quot == 0:
            quot = request.values.get('quotpass')
            quot = nonone(quot)
        qdat = Quotes.query.get(quot)
        print(quot, quotbut, username)

        if returnhit is not None:
            taskbox = 0
            quot = 0

        if taskbox == 2:
            qdat.Status = -1
            taskbox = 0

        if taskbox == 3:
            qdat.Status = 0
            taskbox = 0

        if taskbox == 4:
            qdat.Status = 3
            taskbox = 0

        if taskbox == 6:

        if taskbox == 1 or taskbox == 5:
            if quot > 0 and qdat is not None:
                locto = qdat.Location
                if locto is None:
                    locto = get_place(qdat.Body)
                    qdat.Location = locto
                emailto = qdat.From
                if emailto is None:
                    emailto = qdat.From
                    qdat.From = emailto
                comdata = companydata()
                locto = comdata[6]
                emailto = usernames['expo']

            if quot > 0 or taskbox == 5:
                if qdat is not None:
                    locfrom = qdat.Start
                    if locfrom is None:
                        locfrom = 'Seagirt Marine Terminal, Baltimore, MD 21224'
                    locfrom = 'Seagirt Marine Terminal, Baltimore, MD 21224'

                if updatego is not None or updatebid is not None or emailgo is not None or updateE is not None:
                    locto = request.values.get('locto')
                    if locto is None:
                        locto = 'Capitol Heights, MD  20743'
                    locfrom = request.values.get('locfrom')
                    emailto = request.values.get('edat2')
                    respondnow = datetime.datetime.now()
                    if taskbox == 1:
                        qdat.Start = locfrom
                        qdat.Location = locto
                        qdat.From = emailto
                        qdat.Amount = bidthis
                        qdat.Person = bidname
                        qdat.Responder = username
                        qdat.RespDate = respondnow
                        qdat.Status = 1

                if emailgo is not None:
                    if taskbox == 1:
                        qdat.Status = 2
                    emaildata = sendquote(bidthis)
                    taskbox = 0
                    quot = 0

                print('Running Directions:', locfrom, locto, bidthis, bidname,
                      taskbox, quot)
                    ####################################  Directions Section  ######################################
                    miles, hours, lats, lons, dirdata, tot_dist, tot_dura = get_directions(
                        locfrom, locto)
                    #print(f'Total distance {d1s(tot_dist)} miles and total duration {d1s(tot_dura)} hours')

                    #Calculate road tolls
                    tollroadlist = ['I-76', 'NJ Tpke']
                    tollroadcpm = [.784, .275]
                    legtolls = len(dirdata) * [0.0]
                    legcodes = len(dirdata) * ['None']
                    for lx, mi in enumerate(miles):
                        for nx, tollrd in enumerate(tollroadlist):
                            if tollrd in dirdata[lx]:
                                legtolls[lx] = tollroadcpm[nx] * mi
                                legcodes[lx] = tollrd

                    #Calculate plaza tolls
                    fm_tollbox = [39.267757, -76.610192, 39.261248, -76.563158]
                    bht_tollbox = [
                        39.259962, -76.566240, 39.239063, -76.603324
                    fsk_tollbox = [
                        39.232770, -76.502453, 39.202279, -76.569906
                    bay_tollbox = [
                        39.026893, -76.417512, 38.964938, -76.290104
                    sus_tollbox = [
                        39.585193, -76.142883, 39.552328, -76.033975
                    new_tollbox = [
                        39.647121, -75.774523, 39.642613, -75.757187
                    ]  #Newark Delaware Toll Center
                    dmb_tollbox = [
                        39.702146, -75.553479, 39.669730, -75.483284
                    tollcodes = [
                        'FM', 'BHT', 'FSK', 'BAY', 'SUS', 'NEW', 'DMB'
                    tollboxes = [
                        fm_tollbox, bht_tollbox, fsk_tollbox, bay_tollbox,
                        sus_tollbox, new_tollbox, dmb_tollbox

                    for jx, lat in enumerate(lats):
                        stat1 = 'ok'
                        stat2 = 'ok'
                        stat3 = 0
                        stat4 = 0
                        tollcode = 'None'
                        la = float(lat)
                        lo = float(lons[jx])
                        for kx, tollbox in enumerate(tollboxes):
                            lah = max([tollbox[0], tollbox[2]])
                            lal = min([tollbox[0], tollbox[2]])
                            loh = max([tollbox[1], tollbox[3]])
                            lol = min([tollbox[1], tollbox[3]])
                            if la > lal and la < lah:
                                stat1 = 'toll'
                                if lo > lol and lo < loh:
                                    stat2 = 'toll'
                                    tollcode = tollcodes[kx]
                                    legtolls[jx] = 24.00
                                    legcodes[jx] = tollcode
                            if jx > 0:
                                lam = (lah + lal) / 2.0
                                lom = (loh + lol) / 2.0
                                la_last = float(lats[jx - 1])
                                lo_last = float(lons[jx - 1])
                                stat3, stat4 = checkcross(
                                    lam, la_last, la, lom, lo_last, lo)
                                if stat3 == 1 and stat4 == 1:
                                    tollcode = tollcodes[kx]
                                    legtolls[jx] = 24.00
                                    legcodes[jx] = tollcode
                        ##print(lat,lons[jx],stat1, stat2, stat3, stat4, tollcode)

                    tot_tolls = 0.00
                    ex_drv = 27.41
                    ex_fuel = .48
                    ex_toll = 24.00
                    ex_insur = 4.00
                    ex_rm = .22
                    ex_misc = .04
                    ex_ga = 15
                    expdata = [

                    porttime = 1.4
                    loadtime = 2.0
                    triptime = tot_dura * 2.0
                    glidetime = 1.0 + triptime * .01
                    tottime = porttime + loadtime + triptime + glidetime
                    timedata = [

                    tripmiles = tot_dist * 2.0
                    portmiles = .4
                    glidemiles = 10 + .005 * tripmiles
                    totmiles = tripmiles + portmiles + glidemiles
                    distdata = [
                        d1s(portmiles), '0.0',

                    newdirdata = []
                    for lx, aline in enumerate(dirdata):
                        tot_tolls += legtolls[lx]
                        aline = aline.replace(
                            '<div style="font-size:0.9em">Toll road</div>', '')
                        aline = aline.strip()
                        #print(f'Dist:{d1s(miles[lx])}, Time:{d1s(hours[lx])}, ')
                        if legtolls[lx] < .000001:
                                f'{d1s(miles[lx])} MI {d2s(hours[lx])} HRS {aline}'
                                f'{d1s(miles[lx])} MI {d2s(hours[lx])} HRS {aline} Tolls:${d2s(legtolls[lx])}, TollCode:{legcodes[lx]}'

                    # Cost Analysis:
                    cost_drv = tottime * ex_drv
                    cost_fuel = totmiles * ex_fuel
                    cost_tolls = 2.0 * tot_tolls

                    cost_insur = tottime * ex_insur
                    cost_rm = totmiles * ex_rm
                    cost_misc = totmiles * ex_misc

                    cost_direct = cost_drv + cost_fuel + cost_tolls + cost_insur + cost_rm + cost_misc
                    cost_ga = cost_direct * ex_ga / 100.0
                    cost_total = cost_direct + cost_ga
                    costdata = [

                    bid = cost_total * 1.2
                    cma_bid = bid / 1.13
                    std_bid = 250. + 2.1 * totmiles

                    biddata = [
                    if updatego is not None or quotbut is not None or (
                            taskbox == 5 and updatebid is None):
                        bidthis = d2s(roundup(bid))

                    costdata = None
                    biddata = None
                    newdirdata = None
                    bidthis = None
                    bidname = None
                    ex_drv = 27.41
                    ex_fuel = .48
                    ex_toll = 24.00
                    ex_insur = 4.00
                    ex_rm = .22
                    ex_misc = .04
                    ex_ga = 15
                    expdata = [
                    timedata = []
                    distdata = []

                if quotbut is not None:
                    #Set the email data:
                    etitle = f'{cdata[0]} Quote to {locto} from {locfrom}'
                    if qdat is not None:
                        customer = qdat.Person
                        if customer is None:
                            customer = friendly(emailto)
                        customer = friendly(emailto)
                    qdat.Person = customer
                    bidname = customer
                    ebody, tbox = bodymaker(bidname, cdata, bidthis, locto,
                    ebody = ebody + maketable()
                    emailin1 = request.values.get('edat2')
                    if updatego is None:
                        emailin1 = emailonly(emailto)
                    emailin2 = ''
                    emailcc1 = usernames['info']
                    emailcc2 = usernames['expo']
                    emaildata = [
                        etitle, ebody, emailin1, emailin2, emailcc1, emailcc2
                    #Set the email data:
                    if updatebid is not None or updatego is not None:
                        etitle = f'{cdata[0]} Quote to {locto} from {locfrom}'
                        ebody, tbox = bodymaker(bidname, cdata, bidthis, locto,
                        ebody = ebody + maketable()
                        etitle = request.values.get('edat0')
                        ebody = request.values.get('edat1')
                    emailin1 = request.values.get('edat2')
                    emailin2 = request.values.get('edat3')
                    emailcc1 = request.values.get('edat4')
                    emailcc2 = request.values.get('edat5')
                    emaildata = [
                        etitle, ebody, emailin1, emailin2, emailcc1, emailcc2
                    #qdat.Response = ebody

            qdata = dataget_Q(thismuch)
            quot = request.values.get('optradio')
            if quot is not None:
                qdat = Quotes.query.get(quot)
            locto = 'Capitol Heights, MD  20743'
            locfrom = 'Baltimore Seagirt'
            etitle = f'{cdata[0]} Quote for Drayage to {locto} from {locfrom}'
            if qdat is not None:
                ebody = qdat.Body
                ebody = f'Regirgitation from the input'
            efrom = usernames['quot']
            eto1 = 'unknown'
            eto2 = ''
            ecc1 = usernames['expo']
            ecc2 = usernames['info']
            emaildata = [etitle, ebody, eto1, eto2, ecc1, ecc2, efrom]
            costdata = None
            biddata = None
            newdirdata = None
            bidthis = None
            bidname = None

            ex_drv = 27.41
            ex_fuel = .48
            ex_toll = 24.00
            ex_insur = 4.00
            ex_rm = .22
            ex_misc = .04
            ex_ga = 15
            expdata = [
            timedata = []
            distdata = []

        print('Entering Quotes1', flush=True)
        username = session['username'].capitalize()
        tbox = []
        qdat = None
        locto = 'Upper Marlboro, MD  20772'
        locfrom = 'Baltimore Seagirt'
        etitle = f'{cdata[0]} Quote for Drayage to {locto} from {locfrom}'
        ebody = f'Regirgitation from the input'
        efrom = usernames['quot']
        eto1 = 'unknown'
        eto2 = ''
        ecc1 = usernames['expo']
        ecc2 = usernames['info']
        emaildata = [etitle, ebody, eto1, eto2, ecc1, ecc2, efrom]
        costdata = None
        biddata = None
        newdirdata = None
        bidthis = None
        bidname = None

        print('Entering Quotes2', flush=True)

        ex_drv = 27.41
        ex_fuel = .48
        ex_toll = 24.00
        ex_insur = 4.00
        ex_rm = .22
        ex_misc = .04
        ex_ga = 15
        expdata = [
        timedata = []
        distdata = []
        thismuch = '1'
        taskbox = 0
        quot = 0
        print('Entering Quotes3', flush=True)

    print('Getting qdata', flush=True)
    qdata = dataget_Q(thismuch)
    return bidname, costdata, biddata, expdata, timedata, distdata, emaildata, locto, locfrom, newdirdata, qdata, bidthis, taskbox, thismuch, quot, qdat, tbox