def grammars(self): self.FG.pushGrammarPaths() gl = "" for g in locateGrammars(): gl += "%s : %s<br>" % (g[0], os.path.split(g[1])[0]) self.FG.popGrammarPaths() MSG.wInfo(self, 400, "Diag view:", """Checks performed using the following grammars:<br>%s""" % gl, again=False)
def formview(self): ix = self.treeview.modelCurrentIndex() node = self.modelData(ix) if (node is None): MSG.wInfo(self, 254, "Form view:", """You have to select a node to open its form view""", again=False) return if (node.sidsType() == CGK.CGNSTree_ts): return form = Q7Form(self._control, node, self.FG.index)
def about(self): MSG.wInfo(self, 100, "pyCGNS v%s" % OCTXT._ToolVersion, OCTXT._CopyrightNotice % self.versions, again=False)