Пример #1
    def makeMETV(self, event):
        output = []

        # loop on the leptons
        leptons = filter(
            lambda x: (abs(x.pdgId()) == 11 and x.heepID) or
            (abs(x.pdgId()) == 13 and x.highPtIDIso), event.selectedLeptons)
        fatJets = self.selectJets(
            event.jetsAK8, lambda x: x.pt() > 200.0 and abs(x.eta()) < 2.4 and
            x.jetID('POG_PFID_Tight'), leptons, 1.0)

        if len(fatJets) < 1:
            return output

        VV = Pair(event.met, fatJets[0])

        # kinematics
        if VV.deltaPhi() < 2.0 or VV.leg1.pt() < 200:
            return output

        if self.cfg_comp.isMC:
            self.softDropGen(fatJets[0], event)
            VVGEN = Pair(event.met, Singlet(VV.leg2.genJet().p4()))
            VV.genPartialMass = VVGEN.mt()
            VV.genPartialMass = -1

        # topology
        satteliteJets = self.selectJets(
            event.jets, lambda x: x.pt() > 30.0 and x.jetID('POG_PFID_Tight'),
            leptons, 0.3, [VV.leg2], 0.8)
        self.topology(VV, satteliteJets, leptons)
        return output
Пример #2
    def makeMETV(self, event):
        output = []

        # loop on the leptons
        leptons = filter(
            lambda x: (abs(x.pdgId()) == 11 and x.heepID) or
            (abs(x.pdgId()) == 13 and x.highPtIDIso), event.selectedLeptons)
        fatJets = self.selectJets(
            event.jetsAK8, lambda x: x.pt() > 200.0 and abs(x.eta()) < 2.4 and
            x.jetID('POG_PFID_Tight'), leptons, 1.0)

        if len(fatJets) < 1:
            return output

        VV = Pair(event.met, fatJets[0])

        # kinematics
        if VV.deltaPhi() < 2.0 or VV.leg1.pt() < 200:
            return output

        self.substructure(VV.leg2, event)

        if not hasattr(VV.leg2, "substructure"):
            return output

        # substructure changes jet, so we need to recalculate the resonance
        # mass
        VV = Pair(event.met, fatJets[0])

        # check if there are subjets

        # if len(VV.leg2.substructure.prunedSubjets)<2:
        #     print 'No substructure'
        #     return output
        if self.cfg_comp.isMC:
            self.substructureGEN(VV.leg2, event)
            if hasattr(VV.leg2, 'substructureGEN'):
                VVGEN = Pair(event.met, Singlet(VV.leg2.substructureGEN.jet))
                VV.genPartialMass = VVGEN.mt()

        # topology
        satteliteJets = self.selectJets(
            event.jets, lambda x: x.pt() > 30.0 and x.jetID('POG_PFID_Tight'),
            leptons, 0.3, [VV.leg2], 0.8)
        self.topology(VV, satteliteJets, leptons)
        return output