def topteams(count): if get_config('view_scoreboard_if_authed') and not authed(): return redirect(url_for('auth.login', next=request.path)) if count > 20 or count < 0: count = 10 json = {'scores': {}} standings = get_standings(count=count) for team in standings: user_ids = [ for u in Users.query.with_entities( teamid=team.teamid) ] solves = Solves.query.filter(Solves.userid.in_(user_ids)).all() awards = Awards.query.filter(Awards.userid.in_(user_ids)).all() json['scores'][] = [] scores = [] for x in solves: json['scores'][].append({ 'chal': x.chalid, 'team': team.teamid, 'value': x.chal.value, 'time': unix_time( }) for award in awards: json['scores'][].append({ 'chal': None, 'team': team.teamid, 'value': award.value, 'time': unix_time( }) json['scores'][] = sorted(json['scores'][], key=lambda k: k['time']) return jsonify(json)
def solves(teamid=None): solves = None awards = None if teamid is None: if is_admin(): solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=session['id']).all() elif authed(): solves = Solves.query.join(Teams, Solves.teamid ==['id'], Teams.banned==None).all() else: return redirect(url_for('auth.login', next='solves')) else: solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=teamid).all() awards = Awards.query.filter_by(teamid=teamid).all() db.session.close() json = {'solves':[]} for solve in solves: json['solves'].append({ 'chal':, 'chalid': solve.chalid, 'team': solve.teamid, 'value': solve.chal.value, 'category': solve.chal.category, 'time': unix_time( }) for award in awards: json['solves'].append({ 'chal':, 'chalid': None, 'team': award.teamid, 'value': award.value, 'category': award.category, 'time': unix_time( }) json['solves'].sort(key=lambda k: k['time']) return jsonify(json)
def admin_solves(teamid="all"): if teamid == "all": solves = Solves.query.all() else: solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=teamid).all() awards = Awards.query.filter_by(teamid=teamid).all() db.session.close() json_data = {'solves': []} for x in solves: json_data['solves'].append({ 'id':, 'chal':, 'chalid': x.chalid, 'team': x.teamid, 'value': x.chal.value, 'category': x.chal.category, 'time': unix_time( }) for award in awards: json_data['solves'].append({ 'chal':, 'chalid': None, 'team': award.teamid, 'value': award.value, 'category': award.category, 'time': unix_time( }) json_data['solves'].sort(key=lambda k: k['time']) return jsonify(json_data)
def topteams(count): if get_config('view_scoreboard_if_authed') and not authed(): return redirect(url_for('auth.login', next=request.path)) try: count = int(count) except ValueError: count = 10 if count > 20 or count < 0: count = 10 json = {'scores': {}} standings = get_standings(count=count) for team in standings: solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=team.teamid).all() awards = Awards.query.filter_by(teamid=team.teamid).all() json['scores'][] = [] for x in solves: json['scores'][].append({ 'chal': x.chalid, 'team': x.teamid, 'value': x.chal.value, 'time': unix_time( }) for award in awards: json['scores'][].append({ 'chal': None, 'team': award.teamid, 'value': award.value, 'time': unix_time( }) json['scores'][] = sorted(json['scores'][], key=lambda k: k['time']) return jsonify(json)
def admin_solves(teamid="all"): if teamid == "all": solves = Solves.query.all() else: solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=teamid).all() awards = Awards.query.filter_by(teamid=teamid).all() db.session.close() json_data = {'solves':[]} for x in solves: json_data['solves'].append({ 'id':, 'chal':, 'chalid': x.chalid, 'team': x.teamid, 'value': x.chal.value, 'category': x.chal.category, 'time': unix_time( }) for award in awards: json_data['solves'].append({ 'chal':, 'chalid': None, 'team': award.teamid, 'value': award.value, 'category': award.category, 'time': unix_time( }) json_data['solves'].sort(key=lambda k:k['time']) return jsonify(json_data)
def topteams(count): if get_config('view_scoreboard_if_authed') and not authed(): return redirect(url_for('auth.login', next=request.path)) try: count = int(count) except: count = 10 if count > 20 or count < 0: count = 10 json = {'scores':{}} standings = get_standings(count=count) for team in standings: solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=team.teamid).all() awards = Awards.query.filter_by(teamid=team.teamid).all() json['scores'][] = [] scores = [] for x in solves: json['scores'][].append({ 'chal': x.chalid, 'team': x.teamid, 'value': x.chal.value, 'time': unix_time( }) for award in awards: json['scores'][].append({ 'chal': None, 'team': award.teamid, 'value': award.value, 'time': unix_time( }) json['scores'][] = sorted(json['scores'][], key=lambda k: k['time']) return jsonify(json)
def solves_public(teamid=None): solves = None awards = None if utils.authed() and session['id'] == teamid: solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=teamid) awards = Awards.query.filter_by(teamid=teamid) freeze = utils.get_config('freeze') if freeze: freeze = utils.unix_time_to_utc(freeze) if teamid != session.get('id'): solves = solves.filter( < freeze) awards = awards.filter( < freeze) solves = solves.all() awards = awards.all() elif utils.hide_scores(): # Use empty values to hide scores solves = [] awards = [] else: solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=teamid) awards = Awards.query.filter_by(teamid=teamid) freeze = utils.get_config('freeze') if freeze: freeze = utils.unix_time_to_utc(freeze) if teamid != session.get('id'): solves = solves.filter( < freeze) awards = awards.filter( < freeze) solves = solves.all() awards = awards.all() db.session.close() response = {'solves': []} for solve in solves: response['solves'].append({ 'chal':, 'chalid': solve.chalid, 'team': solve.teamid, 'value': solve.chal.value, 'category': solve.chal.category, 'time': utils.unix_time( }) if awards: for award in awards: response['solves'].append({ 'chal':, 'chalid': None, 'team': award.teamid, 'value': award.value, 'category': award.category or "Award", 'time': utils.unix_time( }) response['solves'].sort(key=lambda k: k['time']) return jsonify(response)
def topteams(count): json = {'places': {}} if utils.get_config('view_scoreboard_if_authed') and not utils.authed(): return redirect(url_for('auth.login', next=request.path)) if utils.hide_scores(): return jsonify(json) if count > 20 or count < 0: count = 10 standings = get_standings(count=count) for i, team in enumerate(standings): solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=team.teamid) awards = Awards.query.filter_by(teamid=team.teamid) freeze = utils.get_config('freeze') if freeze: solves = solves.filter( < utils.unix_time_to_utc(freeze)) awards = awards.filter( < utils.unix_time_to_utc(freeze)) solves = solves.all() awards = awards.all() json['places'][i + 1] = { 'id': team.teamid, 'name':, 'solves': [] } for x in solves: json['places'][i + 1]['solves'].append({ 'chal': x.chalid, 'team': x.teamid, 'value': x.chal.value, 'time': utils.unix_time( }) for award in awards: json['places'][i + 1]['solves'].append({ 'chal': None, 'team': award.teamid, 'value': award.value, 'time': utils.unix_time( }) json['places'][i + 1]['solves'] = sorted(json['places'][i + 1]['solves'], key=lambda k: k['time']) return jsonify(json)
def solves(teamid=None): solves = None awards = None if teamid is None: if utils.is_admin(): solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=session['id']).all() elif utils.user_can_view_challenges(): if utils.authed(): solves = Solves.query.join(Teams, Solves.teamid == Solves.teamid == session['id'], Teams.banned == False).all() else: return jsonify({'solves': []}) else: return redirect(url_for('auth.login', next='solves')) else: if utils.hide_scores(): # Use empty values to hide scores solves = [] awards = [] else: solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=teamid) awards = Awards.query.filter_by(teamid=teamid) freeze = utils.get_config('freeze') if freeze: freeze = utils.unix_time_to_utc(freeze) if teamid != session.get('id'): solves = solves.filter( < freeze) awards = awards.filter( < freeze) solves = solves.all() awards = awards.all() db.session.close() json = {'solves': []} for solve in solves: json['solves'].append({ 'chal':, 'chalid': solve.chalid, 'team': solve.teamid, 'value': solve.chal.value, 'category': solve.chal.category, 'time': utils.unix_time( }) if awards: for award in awards: json['solves'].append({ 'chal':, 'chalid': None, 'team': award.teamid, 'value': award.value, 'category': award.category or "Award", 'time': utils.unix_time( }) json['solves'].sort(key=lambda k: k['time']) return jsonify(json)
def topteams_endpoint(count): json = {'places': {}} if utils.get_config('view_scoreboard_if_authed') and not utils.authed(): return redirect(url_for('auth.login', next=request.path)) if utils.hide_scores(): return jsonify(json) if count > 20 or count < 0: count = 10 standings = get_standings_monkey_patch(count=count) team_ids = [team.teamid for team in standings] solves = Solves.query.filter(Solves.teamid.in_(team_ids)) awards = Awards.query.filter(Awards.teamid.in_(team_ids)) freeze = utils.get_config('freeze') if freeze: solves = solves.filter( < utils.unix_time_to_utc(freeze)) awards = awards.filter( < utils.unix_time_to_utc(freeze)) solves = solves.all() awards = awards.all() time_decay_solves = TimeDecaySolves.query.filter(Solves.teamid.in_(team_ids)).all() for i, team in enumerate(team_ids): json['places'][i + 1] = { 'id': standings[i].teamid, 'name': standings[i].name, 'solves': [] } for solve in solves: if solve.teamid == team: score = 0 for t in time_decay_solves: if t.chalid == solve.chalid and t.teamid == solve.teamid: score = t.decayed_value json['places'][i + 1]['solves'].append({ 'chal': solve.chalid, 'team': solve.teamid, 'value': score, 'time': utils.unix_time( }) for award in awards: if award.teamid == team: json['places'][i + 1]['solves'].append({ 'chal': None, 'team': award.teamid, 'value': award.value, 'time': utils.unix_time( }) json['places'][i + 1]['solves'] = sorted(json['places'][i + 1]['solves'], key=lambda k: k['time']) return jsonify(json)
def topteams(count): if get_config('view_scoreboard_if_authed') and not authed(): return redirect(url_for('auth.login', next=request.path)) try: count = int(count) except: count = 10 if count > 20 or count < 0: count = 10 json = {'scores':{}} score = db.func.sum(Challenges.value).label('score') scores = db.session.query(Solves.teamid.label('teamid'),'name'), score,'date')) \ .join(Teams) \ .join(Challenges) \ .filter(Teams.banned == None) \ .group_by(Solves.teamid) awards = db.session.query('teamid'),'name'), db.func.sum(Awards.value).label('score'),'date')) \ .filter( == Awards.teamid) \ .group_by( results = union_all(scores, awards) standings = db.session.query(results.columns.teamid,, db.func.sum(results.columns.score).label('score')) \ .group_by(results.columns.teamid) \ .order_by(db.func.sum(results.columns.score).desc(), db.func.max( \ .limit(count).all() for team in standings: solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=team.teamid).all() awards = Awards.query.filter_by(teamid=team.teamid).all() json['scores'][] = [] scores = [] for x in solves: json['scores'][].append({ 'chal': x.chalid, 'team': x.teamid, 'value': x.chal.value, 'time': unix_time( }) for award in awards: json['scores'][].append({ 'chal': None, 'team': award.teamid, 'value': award.value, 'time': unix_time( }) json['scores'][] = sorted(json['scores'][], key=lambda k: k['time']) return jsonify(json)
def solves(teamid=None): solves = None awards = None if teamid is None: if utils.is_admin(): solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=session['id']).all() elif utils.user_can_view_challenges(): if utils.authed(): solves = Solves.query.join(Teams, Solves.teamid == == session['id'], Teams.banned == False).all() else: return jsonify({'solves': []}) else: return redirect(url_for('auth.login', next='solves')) else: solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=teamid) awards = Awards.query.filter_by(teamid=teamid) freeze = utils.get_config('freeze') if freeze: freeze = utils.unix_time_to_utc(freeze) if teamid != session.get('id'): solves = solves.filter( < freeze) awards = awards.filter( < freeze) solves = solves.all() awards = awards.all() db.session.close() json = {'solves': []} for solve in solves: json['solves'].append({ 'chal':, 'chalid': solve.chalid, 'team': solve.teamid, 'value': solve.chal.value, 'category': solve.chal.category, 'time': utils.unix_time( }) if awards: for award in awards: json['solves'].append({ 'chal':, 'chalid': None, 'team': award.teamid, 'value': award.value, 'category': award.category or "Award", 'time': utils.unix_time( }) json['solves'].sort(key=lambda k: k['time']) return jsonify(json)
def topteams(count): try: count = int(count) except: count = 10 if count > 20 or count < 0: count = 10 json = {'scores': {}} score = db.func.sum(Challenges.value).label('score') quickest = db.func.max('quickest') teams = db.session.query(Solves.teamid,, score)\ .join(Teams)\ .join(Challenges)\ .filter(Teams.banned == None)\ .group_by(Solves.teamid).order_by(score.desc(), quickest)\ .limit(count) for team in teams: solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=team.teamid).all() json['scores'][] = [] for x in solves: json['scores'][].append({ 'id': x.teamid, 'chal': x.chalid, 'team': x.teamid, 'value': x.chal.value, 'time': unix_time( }) return jsonify(json)
def topteams(count): try: count = int(count) except: count = 10 if count > 20 or count < 0: count = 10 json = {'scores': {}} #teams = db.engine.execute("SELECT solves.teamid,,, SUM(value) as score, MAX( as quickest FROM solves JOIN teams ON INNER JOIN challenges ON WHERE teams.banned IS NULL GROUP BY solves.teamid ORDER BY score DESC, quickest ASC LIMIT {0};".format(count)) score = db.func.sum(Challenges.value).label('score') teams = db.session.query( Solves.teamid,, score, db.func.max('quickest')).join(Teams).join( Challenges).filter(Teams.banned == None).group_by( Solves.teamid).order_by(score.desc(), for team in teams: solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=team.teamid).all() json['scores'][] = [] for x in solves: json['scores'][].append({ 'id': x.teamid, 'chal': x.chalid, 'team': x.teamid, 'value': x.chal.value, 'time': unix_time( }) return jsonify(json)
def solves(teamid=None): if teamid is None: if is_admin(): solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=session['id']).all() elif authed(): solves = Solves.query.join(Teams, Solves.teamid == Solves.teamid == session['id'], Teams.banned == None).all() else: return redirect(url_for('auth.login', next='solves')) else: solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=teamid).all() db.session.close() json = {'solves': []} for x in solves: json['solves'].append({ 'chal':, 'chalid': x.chalid, 'team': x.teamid, 'value': x.chal.value, 'category': x.chal.category, 'time': unix_time( }) return jsonify(json)
def topteams(count): if get_config('view_scoreboard_if_authed') and not authed(): return redirect(url_for('auth.login', next=request.path)) try: count = int(count) except: count = 10 if count > 20 or count < 0: count = 10 json = {'scores':{}} score = db.func.sum(Challenges.value).label('score') quickest = db.func.max('quickest') teams = db.session.query(Solves.teamid,, score)\ .join(Teams)\ .join(Challenges)\ .filter(Teams.banned == None)\ .group_by(Solves.teamid).order_by(score.desc(), quickest)\ .limit(count) for team in teams: solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=team.teamid).all() json['scores'][] = [] for x in solves: json['scores'][].append({ 'id': x.teamid, 'chal': x.chalid, 'team': x.teamid, 'value': x.chal.value, 'time': unix_time( }) return jsonify(json)
def topteams(count): try: count = int(count) except: count = 10 if count > 20 or count < 0: count = 10 json = {'scores':{}} score = db.func.sum(Challenges.value).label('score') quickest = db.func.max('quickest') teams = db.session.query(Solves.teamid,, score)\ .join(Teams)\ .join(Challenges)\ .filter(Teams.banned == None)\ .group_by(Solves.teamid).order_by(score.desc(), quickest)\ .limit(count) for team in teams: solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=team.teamid).all() json['scores'][] = [] for x in solves: json['scores'][].append({ 'id': x.teamid, 'chal': x.chalid, 'team': x.teamid, 'value': x.chal.value, 'time': unix_time( }) return jsonify(json)
def topteams(count): if get_config('view_scoreboard_if_authed') and not authed(): return redirect(url_for('auth.login', next=request.path)) try: count = int(count) except: count = 10 if count > 20 or count < 0: count = 10 json = {'scores': {}} score = db.func.sum(Challenges.value).label('score') quickest = db.func.max('quickest') teams = db.session.query(Solves.teamid,, score)\ .join(Teams)\ .join(Challenges)\ .filter(Teams.banned == None)\ .group_by(Solves.teamid).order_by(score.desc(), quickest)\ .limit(count) for team in teams: solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=team.teamid).all() json['scores'][] = [] for x in solves: json['scores'][].append({ 'id': x.teamid, 'chal': x.chalid, 'team': x.teamid, 'value': x.chal.value, 'time': unix_time( }) return jsonify(json)
def team_solves_view(teamid=None): solves = None awards = None if teamid is None: if is_admin(): solves = Solves.query.filter_by(userid=session['id']).all() elif authed(): user = Users.query.filter_by(id=session.get('id')).first_or_404() user_ids = [ for u in Users.query.with_entities( teamid=user.teamid) ] solves = Solves.query.filter(Solves.userid.in_(user_ids)).all() else: return redirect(url_for('auth.login', next='solves')) else: team = Teams.query.filter_by(id=teamid).first_or_404() user_ids = [ for u in Users.query.with_entities( ] solves = Solves.query.filter(Solves.userid.in_(user_ids)).all() awards = Awards.query.filter(Awards.userid.in_(user_ids)).all() db.session.close() json = {'solves': []} for solve in solves: json['solves'].append({ 'chal':, 'chalid': solve.chalid, 'team': solve.userid, 'value': solve.chal.value, 'category': solve.chal.category, 'time': unix_time( }) if awards: for award in awards: json['solves'].append({ 'chal':, 'chalid': None, 'team': award.userid, 'value': award.value, 'category': award.category, 'time': unix_time( }) json['solves'].sort(key=lambda k: k['time']) return jsonify(json)
def solves(teamid=None): solves = None awards = None if teamid is None: if is_admin(): solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=session['id']).all() elif user_can_view_challenges(): if authed(): solves = Solves.query.join(Teams, Solves.teamid == Solves.teamid == session['id'], Teams.banned == False).all() else: return jsonify({'solves': []}) else: return redirect(url_for('auth.login', next='solves')) else: solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=teamid).all() awards = Awards.query.filter_by(teamid=teamid).all() db.session.close() json = {'solves': []} for solve in solves: json['solves'].append({ 'chal':, 'chalid': solve.chalid, 'team': solve.teamid, 'value': solve.chal.value, 'category': solve.chal.category, 'time': unix_time( }) if awards: for award in awards: json['solves'].append({ 'chal':, 'chalid': None, 'team': award.teamid, 'value': award.value, 'category': award.category or "Award", 'time': unix_time( }) json['solves'].sort(key=lambda k: k['time']) return jsonify(json)
def solves_private(): solves = None awards = None if utils.is_admin(): solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=session['id']).all() elif utils.user_can_view_challenges(): if utils.authed(): solves = Solves.query\ .join(Teams, Solves.teamid ==\ .filter(Solves.teamid == session['id'])\ .all() else: return jsonify({'solves': []}) else: return redirect(url_for('auth.login', next='solves')) db.session.close() response = {'solves': []} for solve in solves: response['solves'].append({ 'chal':, 'chalid': solve.chalid, 'team': solve.teamid, 'value': solve.chal.value, 'category': solve.chal.category, 'time': utils.unix_time( }) if awards: for award in awards: response['solves'].append({ 'chal':, 'chalid': None, 'team': award.teamid, 'value': award.value, 'category': award.category or "Award", 'time': utils.unix_time( }) response['solves'].sort(key=lambda k: k['time']) return jsonify(response)
def topteams(count): if get_config('view_scoreboard_if_authed') or not authed(): return redirect(url_for('auth.login', next=request.path)) try: count = int(count) except ValueError: count = 10 if count > 20 or count < 0: count = 10 user = Students.query.filter_by(id=session['id']).first() json = {'scores': {}} standings = get_standings(count=count) for team in standings: solves = db.session.query(Solves).join(Students).filter( Students.teamid == team.teamid, Students.sectionid == user.sectionid).all() awards = db.session.query(Awards).join(Students).filter( Students.teamid == team.teamid, Students.sectionid == user.sectionid).all() json['scores'][] = [] for x in solves: json['scores'][].append({ 'chal': x.chalid, '': x.studentid, 'value': x.chal.value, 'time': unix_time( }) for award in awards: json['scores'][].append({ 'chal': None, '': award.studentid, 'value': award.value, 'time': unix_time( }) json['scores'][] = sorted(json['scores'][], key=lambda k: k['time']) return jsonify(json)
def team_solves(compid, teamid): json = {'solves': []} if utils.get_config('view_scoreboard_if_authed') and not utils.authed(): return redirect(url_for('auth.login', next=request.path)) if utils.hide_scores(): return jsonify(json) chalids = [ chal.chalid for chal in Chalcomp.query.filter(Chalcomp.compid == compid) ] solves = Solves.query.filter(Solves.teamid == teamid) awards = Awards.query.filter(Awards.teamid == teamid) solves = solves.filter(Solves.chalid.in_(chalids)) freeze = utils.get_config('freeze') if freeze: solves = solves.filter( < utils.unix_time_to_utc(freeze)) awards = awards.filter( < utils.unix_time_to_utc(freeze)) solves = solves.all() awards = awards.all() for solve in solves: json['solves'].append({ 'chal': solve.chalid, 'team': solve.teamid, 'value': solve.chal.value, 'time': utils.unix_time( }) for award in awards: json['solves'].append({ 'chal': None, 'team': award.teamid, 'value': award.value, 'time': utils.unix_time( }) json['solves'] = sorted(json['solves'], key=lambda k: k['time']) return jsonify(json)
def last_announcement(): announcement = Announcements.query.join( Challenges, Announcements.chalid ==, isouter=True).order_by( if not announcement: return jsonify(False) elif announcement.chalid: return jsonify({ 'type': 'hint', 'title': announcement.title, 'description': announcement.description, 'date': unix_time(, 'chal_id':, 'chal_name':, }) else: return jsonify({ 'type': 'announcement', 'title': announcement.title, 'description': announcement.description, 'date': unix_time(, })
def admin_solves(teamid="all"): if teamid == "all": solves = Solves.query.all() else: solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=teamid).all() db.session.close() json = {'solves': []} for x in solves: json['solves'].append({ 'id':, 'chal':, 'chalid': x.chalid, 'team': x.teamid, 'value': x.chal.value, 'category': x.chal.category, 'time': unix_time( }) return jsonify(json)
def solves(teamid=None): if teamid is None: if authed(): solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=session['id']).all() else: abort(401) else: solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=teamid).all() db.session.close() json = {'solves': []} for x in solves: json['solves'].append({ 'chal':, 'chalid': x.chalid, 'team': x.teamid, 'value': x.chal.value, 'category': x.chal.category, 'time': unix_time( }) return jsonify(json)
def solves_public_endpoint(teamid): solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid = teamid) time_decay_solves = TimeDecaySolves.query.filter_by(teamid = teamid) db.session.close() response = {'solves': []} for solve in solves: value = 0 for v in time_decay_solves: if v.chalid == solve.chalid: value = v.decayed_value response['solves'].append({ 'chal':, 'chalid': solve.chalid, 'team': solve.teamid, 'value': value, 'category': solve.chal.category, 'time': utils.unix_time( }) response['solves'].sort(key=lambda k: k['time']) return jsonify(response)
def solves(teamid=None): if teamid is None: if is_admin() or user_can_view_challenges(): teamid = session['id'] else: return redirect(url_for('auth.login', next='solves')) teamid = int(teamid) user_solves = [] for solve, value in get_solves_and_value(is_admin=is_admin()): if solve.teamid == teamid: j = { 'team': solve.teamid, 'value': value, 'time': unix_time(, } if isinstance(solve, Solves) and solve.teamid == session['id']: mark = Marks.query.filter_by(teamid=session['id'], chalid=solve.chalid).first() if mark: j.update({'mark': mark.mark, 'feedback':}) else: j.update({'mark': None, 'feedback': None}) if isinstance(solve, Solves): j['chalid'] = solve.chalid j['chal'] = j['category'] = solve.chal.category elif isinstance(solve, Awards): j['chalid'] = None j['chal'] = j['category'] = solve.category else: raise RuntimeError("Objects returned by get_solves_and_value " "should be Solves or Awards") user_solves.append(j) user_solves = sorted(user_solves, key=operator.itemgetter('time')) return jsonify({'solves': user_solves})
def solves(teamid=None): if teamid is None: if authed(): solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=session["id"]).all() else: abort(401) else: solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=teamid).all() db.session.close() json = {"solves": []} for x in solves: json["solves"].append( { "id":, "chal":, "chalid": x.chalid, "team": x.teamid, "value": x.chal.value, "category": x.chal.category, "time": unix_time(, } ) return jsonify(json)
def topteams(count): try: count = int(count) except: count = 10 if count > 20 or count < 0: count = 10 json = {"scores": {}} score = db.func.sum(Challenges.value).label("score") quickest = db.func.max("quickest") teams = ( db.session.query(Solves.teamid,, score) .join(Teams) .join(Challenges) .filter(Teams.banned == None) .group_by(Solves.teamid) .order_by(score.desc(), quickest) .limit(count) ) for team in teams: solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=team.teamid).all() json["scores"][] = [] for x in solves: json["scores"][].append( { "id": x.teamid, "chal": x.chalid, "team": x.teamid, "value": x.chal.value, "time": unix_time(, } ) return jsonify(json)
def admin_config(): if request.method == "POST": start = None end = None if request.form.get('start'): start = int(request.form['start']) if request.form.get('end'): end = int(request.form['end']) if end < unix_time( end = None try: view_challenges_unregistered = bool( request.form.get('view_challenges_unregistered', None)) view_scoreboard_if_authed = bool( request.form.get('view_scoreboard_if_authed', None)) prevent_registration = bool( request.form.get('prevent_registration', None)) prevent_name_change = bool( request.form.get('prevent_name_change', None)) view_after_ctf = bool(request.form.get('view_after_ctf', None)) verify_emails = bool(request.form.get('verify_emails', None)) mail_tls = bool(request.form.get('mail_tls', None)) mail_ssl = bool(request.form.get('mail_ssl', None)) except (ValueError, TypeError): view_challenges_unregistered = None view_scoreboard_if_authed = None prevent_registration = None prevent_name_change = None view_after_ctf = None verify_emails = None mail_tls = None mail_ssl = None finally: view_challenges_unregistered = set_config( 'view_challenges_unregistered', view_challenges_unregistered) view_scoreboard_if_authed = set_config('view_scoreboard_if_authed', view_scoreboard_if_authed) prevent_registration = set_config('prevent_registration', prevent_registration) prevent_name_change = set_config('prevent_name_change', prevent_name_change) view_after_ctf = set_config('view_after_ctf', view_after_ctf) verify_emails = set_config('verify_emails', verify_emails) mail_tls = set_config('mail_tls', mail_tls) mail_ssl = set_config('mail_ssl', mail_ssl) mail_server = set_config("mail_server", request.form.get('mail_server', None)) mail_port = set_config("mail_port", request.form.get('mail_port', None)) mail_username = set_config("mail_username", request.form.get('mail_username', None)) mail_password = set_config("mail_password", request.form.get('mail_password', None)) ctf_name = set_config("ctf_name", request.form.get('ctf_name', None)) ctf_theme = set_config("ctf_theme", request.form.get('ctf_theme', None)) mailfrom_addr = set_config("mailfrom_addr", request.form.get('mailfrom_addr', None)) mg_base_url = set_config("mg_base_url", request.form.get('mg_base_url', None)) mg_api_key = set_config("mg_api_key", request.form.get('mg_api_key', None)) max_tries = set_config("max_tries", request.form.get('max_tries', None)) db_start = Config.query.filter_by(key='start').first() db_start.value = start db_end = Config.query.filter_by(key='end').first() db_end.value = end db.session.add(db_start) db.session.add(db_end) db.session.commit() db.session.close() with app.app_context(): cache.clear() return redirect(url_for('admin.admin_config')) with app.app_context(): cache.clear() ctf_name = get_config('ctf_name') ctf_theme = get_config('ctf_theme') max_tries = get_config('max_tries') mail_server = get_config('mail_server') mail_port = get_config('mail_port') mail_username = get_config('mail_username') mail_password = get_config('mail_password') mailfrom_addr = get_config('mailfrom_addr') mg_api_key = get_config('mg_api_key') mg_base_url = get_config('mg_base_url') if not max_tries: set_config('max_tries', 0) max_tries = 0 view_after_ctf = get_config('view_after_ctf') start = get_config('start') end = get_config('end') mail_tls = get_config('mail_tls') mail_ssl = get_config('mail_ssl') view_challenges_unregistered = get_config('view_challenges_unregistered') view_scoreboard_if_authed = get_config('view_scoreboard_if_authed') prevent_registration = get_config('prevent_registration') prevent_name_change = get_config('prevent_name_change') verify_emails = get_config('verify_emails') db.session.commit() db.session.close() months = [ 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December' ] curr_year = start_days = 0 end_days = 0 if start: start = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(start)) start_days = calendar.monthrange(start.year, start.month)[1] if end: end = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(end)) end_days = calendar.monthrange(end.year, end.month)[1] themes = get_themes() themes.remove(ctf_theme) return render_template( 'admin/config.html', ctf_name=ctf_name, ctf_theme_config=ctf_theme, start=start, end=end, max_tries=max_tries, mail_server=mail_server, mail_port=mail_port, mail_username=mail_username, mail_password=mail_password, mail_tls=mail_tls, mail_ssl=mail_ssl, view_challenges_unregistered=view_challenges_unregistered, view_scoreboard_if_authed=view_scoreboard_if_authed, prevent_registration=prevent_registration, mailfrom_addr=mailfrom_addr, mg_base_url=mg_base_url, mg_api_key=mg_api_key, prevent_name_change=prevent_name_change, verify_emails=verify_emails, view_after_ctf=view_after_ctf, months=months, curr_year=curr_year, start_days=start_days, end_days=end_days, themes=themes)
def topteams(count): try: count = int(count) except: count = 10 if count > 20 or count < 0: count = 10 json = {'scores':{}} #teams = db.engine.execute("SELECT solves.teamid,,, SUM(value) as score, MAX( as quickest FROM solves JOIN teams ON INNER JOIN challenges ON WHERE teams.banned IS NULL GROUP BY solves.teamid ORDER BY score DESC, quickest ASC LIMIT {0};".format(count)) score = db.func.sum(Challenges.value).label('score') teams = db.session.query(Solves.teamid,, score, db.func.max('quickest')).join(Teams).join(Challenges).filter(Teams.banned == None).group_by(Solves.teamid).order_by(score.desc(), for team in teams: solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=team.teamid).all() json['scores'][] = [] for x in solves: json['scores'][].append({'id':x.teamid, 'chal':x.chalid, 'team':x.teamid, 'value': x.chal.value, 'time':unix_time(}) return jsonify(json)
def solves(teamid=None): if teamid is None: if authed(): solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=session['id']).all() else: abort(401) else: solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=teamid).all() db.session.close() json = {'solves':[]} for x in solves: json['solves'].append({ 'chal', 'chalid':x.chalid,'team':x.teamid, 'value': x.chal.value, 'category':x.chal.category, 'time':unix_time(}) return jsonify(json)
def admin_config(): if request.method == "POST": start = None end = None if request.form.get('start'): start = int(request.form['start']) if request.form.get('end'): end = int(request.form['end']) if end < unix_time( end = None try: view_challenges_unregistered = bool(request.form.get('view_challenges_unregistered', None)) view_scoreboard_if_authed = bool(request.form.get('view_scoreboard_if_authed', None)) prevent_registration = bool(request.form.get('prevent_registration', None)) prevent_name_change = bool(request.form.get('prevent_name_change', None)) view_after_ctf = bool(request.form.get('view_after_ctf', None)) verify_emails = bool(request.form.get('verify_emails', None)) mail_tls = bool(request.form.get('mail_tls', None)) mail_ssl = bool(request.form.get('mail_ssl', None)) except (ValueError, TypeError): view_challenges_unregistered = None view_scoreboard_if_authed = None prevent_registration = None prevent_name_change = None view_after_ctf = None verify_emails = None mail_tls = None mail_ssl = None finally: view_challenges_unregistered = set_config('view_challenges_unregistered', view_challenges_unregistered) view_scoreboard_if_authed = set_config('view_scoreboard_if_authed', view_scoreboard_if_authed) prevent_registration = set_config('prevent_registration', prevent_registration) prevent_name_change = set_config('prevent_name_change', prevent_name_change) view_after_ctf = set_config('view_after_ctf', view_after_ctf) verify_emails = set_config('verify_emails', verify_emails) mail_tls = set_config('mail_tls', mail_tls) mail_ssl = set_config('mail_ssl', mail_ssl) mail_server = set_config("mail_server", request.form.get('mail_server', None)) mail_port = set_config("mail_port", request.form.get('mail_port', None)) mail_username = set_config("mail_username", request.form.get('mail_username', None)) mail_password = set_config("mail_password", request.form.get('mail_password', None)) ctf_name = set_config("ctf_name", request.form.get('ctf_name', None)) mg_base_url = set_config("mg_base_url", request.form.get('mg_base_url', None)) mg_api_key = set_config("mg_api_key", request.form.get('mg_api_key', None)) max_tries = set_config("max_tries", request.form.get('max_tries', None)) db_start = Config.query.filter_by(key='start').first() db_start.value = start db_end = Config.query.filter_by(key='end').first() db_end.value = end db.session.add(db_start) db.session.add(db_end) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('admin.admin_config')) ctf_name = get_config('ctf_name') max_tries = get_config('max_tries') mail_server = get_config('mail_server') mail_port = get_config('mail_port') mail_username = get_config('mail_username') mail_password = get_config('mail_password') mg_api_key = get_config('mg_api_key') mg_base_url = get_config('mg_base_url') if not max_tries: set_config('max_tries', 0) max_tries = 0 view_after_ctf = get_config('view_after_ctf') start = get_config('start') end = get_config('end') mail_tls = get_config('mail_tls') mail_ssl = get_config('mail_ssl') view_challenges_unregistered = get_config('view_challenges_unregistered') view_scoreboard_if_authed = get_config('view_scoreboard_if_authed') prevent_registration = get_config('prevent_registration') prevent_name_change = get_config('prevent_name_change') verify_emails = get_config('verify_emails') db.session.commit() db.session.close() months = [ 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December' ] curr_year = start_days = 0 end_days = 0 if start: start = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(start)) start_days = calendar.monthrange(start.year, start.month)[1] if end: end = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(end)) end_days = calendar.monthrange(end.year, end.month)[1] return render_template('admin/config.html', ctf_name=ctf_name, start=start, end=end, max_tries=max_tries, mail_server=mail_server, mail_port=mail_port, mail_username=mail_username, mail_password=mail_password, mail_tls=mail_tls, mail_ssl=mail_ssl, view_challenges_unregistered=view_challenges_unregistered, view_scoreboard_if_authed=view_scoreboard_if_authed, prevent_registration=prevent_registration, mg_base_url=mg_base_url, mg_api_key=mg_api_key, prevent_name_change=prevent_name_change, verify_emails=verify_emails, view_after_ctf=view_after_ctf, months=months, curr_year=curr_year, start_days=start_days, end_days=end_days)
def admin_config(): if request.method == "POST": start = None end = None if request.form.get('start'): start = int(request.form['start']) if request.form.get('end'): end = int(request.form['end']) if end < unix_time( end = None try: view_challenges_unregistered = bool( request.form.get('view_challenges_unregistered', None)) prevent_registration = bool( request.form.get('prevent_registration', None)) prevent_name_change = bool( request.form.get('prevent_name_change', None)) view_after_ctf = bool(request.form.get('view_after_ctf', None)) except (ValueError, TypeError): view_challenges_unregistered = None prevent_registration = None prevent_name_change = None view_after_ctf = None finally: view_challenges_unregistered = set_config( 'view_challenges_unregistered', view_challenges_unregistered) prevent_registration = set_config('prevent_registration', prevent_registration) prevent_name_change = set_config('prevent_name_change', prevent_name_change) view_after_ctf = set_config('view_after_ctf', view_after_ctf) ctf_name = set_config("ctf_name", request.form.get('ctf_name', None)) mg_api_key = set_config("mg_api_key", request.form.get('mg_api_key', None)) max_tries = set_config("max_tries", request.form.get('max_tries', None)) db_start = Config.query.filter_by(key='start').first() db_start.value = start db_end = Config.query.filter_by(key='end').first() db_end.value = end db.session.add(db_start) db.session.add(db_end) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('admin.admin_config')) ctf_name = get_config('ctf_name') if not ctf_name: set_config('ctf_name', None) mg_api_key = get_config('mg_api_key') if not mg_api_key: set_config('mg_api_key', None) max_tries = get_config('max_tries') if not max_tries: set_config('max_tries', 0) max_tries = 0 view_after_ctf = get_config('view_after_ctf') == '1' if not view_after_ctf: set_config('view_after_ctf', 0) view_after_ctf = 0 start = get_config('start') if not start: set_config('start', None) end = get_config('end') if not end: set_config('end', None) view_challenges_unregistered = get_config( 'view_challenges_unregistered') == '1' if not view_challenges_unregistered: set_config('view_challenges_unregistered', None) prevent_registration = get_config('prevent_registration') == '1' if not prevent_registration: set_config('prevent_registration', None) prevent_name_change = get_config('prevent_name_change') == '1' if not prevent_name_change: set_config('prevent_name_change', None) db.session.commit() db.session.close() months = [ 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December' ] curr_year = start_days = 0 end_days = 0 if start: start = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(start)) start_days = calendar.monthrange(start.year, start.month)[1] if end: end = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(end)) end_days = calendar.monthrange(end.year, end.month)[1] return render_template( 'admin/config.html', ctf_name=ctf_name, start=start, end=end, max_tries=max_tries, view_challenges_unregistered=view_challenges_unregistered, prevent_registration=prevent_registration, mg_api_key=mg_api_key, prevent_name_change=prevent_name_change, view_after_ctf=view_after_ctf, months=months, curr_year=curr_year, start_days=start_days, end_days=end_days)
def solves(teamid=None): if teamid is None: if is_admin(): solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=session['id']).all() elif authed(): solves = Solves.query.join(Teams, Solves.teamid ==['id'], Teams.banned==None).all() else: return redirect(url_for('auth.login', next='solves')) else: solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=teamid).all() db.session.close() json = {'solves':[]} for x in solves: json['solves'].append({ 'chal', 'chalid':x.chalid,'team':x.teamid, 'value': x.chal.value, 'category':x.chal.category, 'time':unix_time(}) return jsonify(json)
def admin_solves(teamid="all"): if teamid == "all": solves = Solves.query.all() else: solves = Solves.query.filter_by(teamid=teamid).all() db.session.close() json_data = {'solves':[]} for x in solves: json_data['solves'].append({'id', 'chal', 'chalid':x.chalid,'team':x.teamid, 'value': x.chal.value, 'category':x.chal.category, 'time':unix_time(}) return jsonify(json_data)