Пример #1
    def toMatrix(self, rows=None, cols=None):
        Make a matrix of the data of this tensor, given the labels or legs of rows and cols.

        rows : None or list of str or list of Leg
            The legs for the rows of the matrix. If None, deducted from cols.
        cols : None or list of str or list of Leg
            The legs for the cols of the matrix. If None, deducted from rows.

        2D ndarray of float
            The data of this tensor, in the form of (rows, cols).
        # print(rows, cols)
        # print(self.labels)
        # input two set of legs
        assert (not self.tensorLikeFlag), funcs.errorMessage(
            'TensorLike cannot be transferred to matrix since no data contained.',
        assert not (
            (rows is None) and (cols is None)
        ), "Error in Tensor.toMatrix: toMatrix must have at least row or col exist."
        if (rows is not None) and (isinstance(rows[0], str)):
            rows = [self.getLeg(label) for label in rows]
        if (cols is not None) and (isinstance(cols[0], str)):
            cols = [self.getLeg(label) for label in cols]
        if (cols is None):
            cols = funcs.listDifference(self.legs, rows)
        if (rows is None):
            rows = funcs.listDifference(self.legs, cols)
        assert (
            funcs.compareLists(rows + cols, self.legs)
        ), "Error Tensor.toMatrix: rows + cols must contain(and only contain) all legs of tensor."

        colIndices = self.getLegIndices(cols)
        rowIndices = self.getLegIndices(rows)

        colShape = tuple([self.shape[x] for x in colIndices])
        rowShape = tuple([self.shape[x] for x in rowIndices])
        colTotalSize = funcs.tupleProduct(colShape)
        rowTotalSize = funcs.tupleProduct(rowShape)

        moveFrom = rowIndices + colIndices
        moveTo = list(range(len(moveFrom)))

        data = xplib.xp.moveaxis(xplib.xp.copy(self.a), moveFrom, moveTo)
        data = xplib.xp.reshape(data, (rowTotalSize, colTotalSize))
        return data
Пример #2
 def getSize(tsA, tsB):
     contract self.contractRes[tsA] and self.contractRes[tsB]
     then give the size of the output tensor
     _, shape, _ = calculateContractRes(tsA, tsB)
     return funcs.tupleProduct(shape)
Пример #3
    def toMatrix(self, rows, cols):

        Make a matrix of the data of this diagonal tensor, given the labels or legs of rows and cols. 

        Deprecated since this function is time comsuming(O(n^d)), and for most of the cases there are much better ways to use the data rather than making a matrix. For details, see CTL.tensor.contract for more information.

        rows : None or list of str or list of Leg
            The legs for the rows of the matrix. If None, deducted from cols.
        cols : None or list of str or list of Leg
            The legs for the cols of the matrix. If None, deducted from rows.

        2D ndarray of float
            The data of this tensor, in the form of (rows, cols).
        assert (not self.tensorLikeFlag), funcs.errorMessage('DiagonalTensorLike cannot be transferred to matrix since no data contained.', 'DiagonalTensor.toMatrix')
        # print(rows, cols)
        # print(self.labels)
        # input two set of legs
        funcs.deprecatedFuncWarning(funcName = "DiagonalTensor.toMatrix", deprecateMessage = "Diagonal tensors should be used in a better way for linear algebra calculation rather than be made into a matrix.")
        assert not ((rows is None) and (cols is None)), "Error in Tensor.toMatrix: toMatrix must have at least row or col exist."
        if (rows is not None) and (isinstance(rows[0], str)):
            rows = [self.getLeg(label) for label in rows]
        if (cols is not None) and (isinstance(cols[0], str)):
            cols = [self.getLeg(label) for label in cols]
        if (cols is None):
            cols = funcs.listDifference(self.legs, rows)
        if (rows is None):
            rows = funcs.listDifference(self.legs, cols)
        assert (funcs.compareLists(rows + cols, self.legs)), "Error Tensor.toMatrix: rows + cols must contain(and only contain) all legs of tensor."

        colIndices = self.getLegIndices(cols)
        rowIndices = self.getLegIndices(rows)

        colShape = tuple([self.shape[x] for x in colIndices])
        rowShape = tuple([self.shape[x] for x in rowIndices])
        colTotalSize = funcs.tupleProduct(colShape)
        rowTotalSize = funcs.tupleProduct(rowShape)

        data = funcs.diagonalNDTensor(self.a, self.dim)
        data = xplib.xp.reshape(data, (rowTotalSize, colTotalSize))
        return data
Пример #4
    def test_TensorGraph(self):
        shapeA = (300, 4, 5)
        shapeB = (300, 6)
        shapeC = (4, 6, 5)
        a = Tensor(shape=shapeA,
                   labels=['a300', 'b4', 'c5'],
        b = Tensor(shape=shapeB, labels=['a300', 'd6'], data=np.ones(shapeB))
        c = Tensor(shape=shapeC,
                   labels=['b4', 'd6', 'c5'],

        makeLink(a.getLeg('a300'), b.getLeg('a300'))
        makeLink(a.getLeg('b4'), c.getLeg('b4'))
        makeLink(a.getLeg('c5'), c.getLeg('c5'))
        makeLink(b.getLeg('d6'), c.getLeg('d6'))

        tensorList = [a, b, c]

        tensorGraph = makeTensorGraph(tensorList)

        # if we use typical dim, then contract between 0 and 2 first is preferred
        # and this is not true if we consider the real bond dimension 300

        seq = tensorGraph.optimalContractSequence(typicalDim=None)
        self.assertListEqual(seq, [(0, 1), (2, 0)])
        self.assertEqual(tensorGraph.optimalCostResult(), 36120)

        seq = tensorGraph.optimalContractSequence(typicalDim=None, bf=True)
        self.assertEqual(tensorGraph.optimalCostResult(), 36120)

        # res1 = contractWithSequence(tensorList, seq = seq)

        seq = tensorGraph.optimalContractSequence(typicalDim=10)
        self.assertListEqual(seq, [(0, 2), (1, 0)])
        self.assertEqual(tensorGraph.optimalCostResult(), 10100)

        seq = tensorGraph.optimalContractSequence(typicalDim=10, bf=True)
        self.assertEqual(tensorGraph.optimalCostResult(), 10100)

        res2 = contractWithSequence(tensorList, seq=seq)
            funcs.tupleProduct(shapeA) * funcs.tupleProduct(shapeB) *
Пример #5
    def checkShapeDataCompatible(self, shape, data):
        Check whether data is compatible with shape. For more information, check "Notes" of comments for Tensor.

        shape : tuple of int
            The expected shape of the tensor.
        data : None or ndarray of float
            The data to be put into the tensor.
            Whether the shape and data are compatible.
        # we know shape, and want to see if data is ok
        if (data is None):
            return True
        return (funcs.tupleProduct(data.shape) == funcs.tupleProduct(shape))
Пример #6
def contractCost(ta, tb):
    The cost of contraction of two tensors.

    ta, tb : Tensor
        Two tensors we want to contract.

    cost : int
        The exact cost for contraction of two tensors(e.g. for two matrices A * B & B * C, the cost is A * B * C. However, for diagonal tensors, the cost is just the size of output tensor).
    costLevel : int
        The order of the cost(how many dimensions). This is used when we want to decide the order of our calculation to a given bond dimension chi.
    diagonalA, diagonalB = ta.diagonalFlag, tb.diagonalFlag
    if (diagonalA and diagonalB):
        return ta.bondDimension(), 1

    diagonal = diagonalA or diagonalB

    bonds = shareBonds(ta, tb)
    intersectionShape = tuple([bond.legs[0].dim for bond in bonds])
    if (not diagonal):
        cost = funcs.tupleProduct(ta.shape) * funcs.tupleProduct(
            tb.shape) // funcs.tupleProduct(intersectionShape)
        costLevel = len(ta.shape) + len(tb.shape) - len(intersectionShape)
        cost = funcs.tupleProduct(ta.shape) * funcs.tupleProduct(
            tb.shape) // (funcs.tupleProduct(intersectionShape)**2)
        costLevel = len(ta.shape) + len(tb.shape) - 2 * len(intersectionShape)
    return cost, costLevel
Пример #7
 def totalSize(self):
     return funcs.tupleProduct(self.shape)
Пример #8
def SchimdtDecomposition(ta,
                         swapLabels=([], []),
    Schimdt decomposition between tensor ta and tb
    return ta, s, tb
    ta should be in canonical form, that is, a a^dagger = I
    to do this, first contract ta and tb, while keeping track of legs from a and legs from b
    then SVD over the matrix, take the required chi singular values
    take first chi eigenvectors for a and b, create a diagonal tensor for singular value tensor

    if squareRootSeparation is True: then divide s into two square root diagonal tensors
    and contract each into ta and tb, return ta, None, tb

    if swapLabels is not ([], []): swap the two set of labels for output, so we swapped the locations of two tensors on MPS
    e.g. t[i], t[i + 1] = SchimdtDecomposition(t[i], t[i + 1], chi = chi, squareRootSeparation = True, swapLabels = (['o'], ['o']))
    we can swap the two tensors t[i] & t[i + 1], both have an "o" leg connected to outside
    while other legs(e.g. internal legs in MPS, usually 'l' and 'r') will not be affected

    funcName = 'CTL.examples.Schimdt.SchimdtDecomposition'
    sb = shareBonds(ta, tb)
    assert (len(sb) > 0), funcs.errorMessage(
        "Schimdt Decomposition cannot accept two tensors without common bonds, {} and {} gotten."
        .format(ta, tb),
    assert (ta.tensorLikeFlag == tb.tensorLikeFlag), funcs.errorMessage(
        "Schimdt Decomposition must havge two objects being either Tensor or TensorLike simultaneously, but {} and {} obtained."
        .format(ta, tb),

    TLFlag = ta.tensorLikeFlag
    sbDim = funcs.tupleProduct(tuple([bond.legs[0].dim for bond in sb]))

    sharedLabelA = sb[0].sideLeg(ta).name
    sharedLabelB = sb[0].sideLeg(tb).name
    # if (sharedLabelA.startswith('a-')):
    #     raise ValueError(funcs.errorMessage(err = "shared label {} of tensor A starts with 'a-'.".format(sharedLabelA), location = funcName))
    # if (sharedLabelB.startswith('b-')):
    #     raise ValueError(funcs.errorMessage(err = "shared label {} of tensor B starts with 'b-'.".format(sharedLabelB), location = funcName))

    # assert (ta.xp == tb.xp), funcs.errorMessage("Schimdt Decomposition cannot accept two tensors with different xp: {} and {} gotten.".format(ta.xp, tb.xp), location = funcName)

    assert (len(swapLabels[0]) == len(swapLabels[1])), funcs.errorMessage(
        err="invalid swap labels {}.".format(swapLabels), location=funcName)
    assert ta.labelsInTensor(swapLabels[0]), funcs.errorMessage(
        err="{} not in tensor {}.".format(swapLabels[0], ta),
    assert tb.labelsInTensor(swapLabels[1]), funcs.errorMessage(
        err="{} not in tensor {}.".format(swapLabels[1], tb),

    for swapLabel in swapLabels[0]:
        ta.renameLabel('a-' + swapLabel, 'b-' + swapLabel)
    for swapLabel in swapLabels[1]:
        tb.renameLabel('b-' + swapLabel, 'a-' + swapLabel)

    tot = contractTwoTensors(ta, tb)

    legA = [leg for leg in tot.legs if leg.name.startswith('a-')]
    legB = [leg for leg in tot.legs if leg.name.startswith('b-')]

    labelA = [leg.name for leg in legA]
    labelB = [leg.name for leg in legB]
    # not remove a- and b- here, since we need to add an internal leg, and we need to distinguish it from others

    shapeA = tuple([leg.dim for leg in legA])
    shapeB = tuple([leg.dim for leg in legB])

    totShapeA = funcs.tupleProduct(shapeA)
    totShapeB = funcs.tupleProduct(shapeB)

    if (TLFlag):
        u = None
        vh = None
        s = None
        chi = min([chi, totShapeA, totShapeB, sbDim])
        mat = tot.toMatrix(rows=labelA, cols=labelB)

        # np = ta.xp # default numpy

        u, s, vh = xplib.xp.linalg.svd(mat)

        chi = min([
            chi, totShapeA, totShapeB,
            funcs.nonZeroElementN(s, singularValueEps)
        u = u[:, :chi]
        s = s[:chi]
        vh = vh[:chi]

    if (squareRootSeparation):
        if (TLFlag):
            uS = None
            vS = None
            sqrtS = xplib.xp.sqrt(s)
            uS = funcs.rightDiagonalProduct(u, sqrtS)
            vS = funcs.leftDiagonalProduct(vh, sqrtS)

        outLegForU = Leg(None, chi, name=sharedLabelA)
        # inLegForU = Leg(None, chi, name = sharedLabelB)
        # internalLegForS1 = Leg(None, chi, name = 'o')
        # internalLegForS2 = Leg(None, chi, name = 'o')
        # inLegForV = Leg(None, chi, name = sharedLabelA)
        outLegForV = Leg(None, chi, name=sharedLabelB)

        uTensor = Tensor(data=uS,
                         legs=legA + [outLegForU],
                         shape=shapeA + (chi, ),
        # s1Tensor = DiagonalTensor(data = xplib.xp.sqrt(s), legs = [inLegForU, internalLegForS1], shape = (chi, chi))
        # s2Tensor = DiagonalTensor(data = xplib.xp.sqrt(s), legs = [internalLegForS2, inLegForV], shape = (chi, chi))
        vTensor = Tensor(data=vS,
                         legs=[outLegForV] + legB,
                         shape=(chi, ) + shapeB,

        # legs should be automatically set by Tensor / DiagonalTensor, so no need for setTensor

        # outLegForU.setTensor(uTensor)
        # outLegForV.setTensor(vTensor)

        # inLegForU.setTensor(sTensor)
        # inLegForV.setTensor(sTensor)

        # remove a- and b-
        for leg in legA:
            if (leg.name.startswith('a-')):
                leg.name = leg.name[2:]

        for leg in legB:
            if (leg.name.startswith('b-')):
                leg.name = leg.name[2:]

        makeLink(outLegForU, outLegForV)

        # makeLink(outLegForU, inLegForU)
        # makeLink(outLegForV, inLegForV)
        # makeLink(internalLegForS1, internalLegForS2)
        # uTensor = contractTwoTensors(uTensor, s1Tensor)
        # vTensor = contractTwoTensors(vTensor, s2Tensor)
        return uTensor, None, vTensor

    outLegForU = Leg(None, chi, name=sharedLabelA)
    inLegForU = Leg(None, chi, name=sharedLabelB)
    inLegForV = Leg(None, chi, name=sharedLabelA)
    outLegForV = Leg(None, chi, name=sharedLabelB)

    uTensor = Tensor(data=u,
                     legs=legA + [outLegForU],
                     shape=shapeA + (chi, ),
    sTensor = DiagonalTensor(data=s,
                             legs=[inLegForU, inLegForV],
                             shape=(chi, chi),
    vTensor = Tensor(data=vh,
                     legs=[outLegForV] + legB,
                     shape=(chi, ) + shapeB,

    # legs should be automatically set by Tensor / DiagonalTensor, so no need for setTensor

    # outLegForU.setTensor(uTensor)
    # outLegForV.setTensor(vTensor)

    # inLegForU.setTensor(sTensor)
    # inLegForV.setTensor(sTensor)

    # remove a- and b-
    for leg in legA:
        if (leg.name.startswith('a-')):
            leg.name = leg.name[2:]

    for leg in legB:
        if (leg.name.startswith('b-')):
            leg.name = leg.name[2:]

    makeLink(outLegForU, inLegForU)
    makeLink(outLegForV, inLegForV)

    return uTensor, sTensor, vTensor
Пример #9
 def test_tupleProduct(self):
     self.assertEqual(funcs.tupleProduct((2, 3)), 6)
Пример #10
 def checkShapeDataCompatible(self, shape, data):
     For information, check Tensor.checkShapeDataCompatible.
     # we know shape, and want to see if data is ok
     if (data is None):
         return True 
     if (isinstance(shape, int)):
         shape = tuple([shape] * len(data.shape))
     return ((len(data.shape) == 1) and (len(shape) > 0) and (len(data) == shape[0])) or (funcs.tupleProduct(data.shape) == funcs.tupleProduct(shape))