Пример #1
def spacing_error(coef):
    Hp_total = deepcopy(Hp[0])
    for n in range(1, len(Hp)):
        Hp_total = H_operations.add(Hp_total, Hp[n], np.array([1,
                                                               coef[n - 1]]))
    Hm = Hp_total.herm_conj()
    Hz = 1 / 2 * com(Hp_total.sector.matrix(k), Hm.sector.matrix(k))
    e, u = np.linalg.eigh(Hz)
    psi = u[:, 0]

    from Calculations import gen_fsa_basis, gram_schmidt
    fsa_dim = int(pxp.N)
    fsa_basis = gen_fsa_basis(Hp_total.sector.matrix(k), psi, fsa_dim)
    gs = gram_schmidt(fsa_basis)
    fsa_basis = gs.ortho_basis

    exp_vals = np.zeros(np.size(fsa_basis, axis=1))
    for n in range(0, np.size(exp_vals, axis=0)):
        exp_vals[n] = np.real(exp(Hz, fsa_basis[:, n]))
    exp_diff = np.zeros(np.size(exp_vals) - 1)
    for n in range(0, np.size(exp_diff, axis=0)):
        exp_diff[n] = exp_vals[n + 1] - exp_vals[n]

    M = np.zeros((np.size(exp_diff), np.size(exp_diff)))
    for n in range(0, np.size(M, axis=0)):
        for m in range(0, np.size(M, axis=1)):
            M[n, m] = np.abs(exp_diff[n] - exp_diff[m])
    error = np.power(np.trace(np.dot(M, np.conj(np.transpose(M)))), 0.5)
    return error
Пример #2
def subspace_variance(coef):
    Hp_total = deepcopy(Hp[0])
    for n in range(1, len(Hp)):
        Hp_total = H_operations.add(Hp_total, Hp[n], np.array([1,
                                                               coef[n - 1]]))
    Hm = Hp_total.herm_conj()

    H = H_operations.add(Hp_total, Hm, np.array([1, 1]))

    Hz = 1 / 2 * com(Hp_total.sector.matrix(k), Hm.sector.matrix(k))
    e, u = np.linalg.eigh(Hz)
    psi = u[:, 0]

    from Calculations import gen_fsa_basis, gram_schmidt
    fsa_dim = int(pxp.N)
    fsa_basis = gen_fsa_basis(Hp_total.sector.matrix(k), psi, fsa_dim)
    gs = gram_schmidt(fsa_basis)
    fsa_basis = gs.ortho_basis

    H2 = np.dot(H.sector.matrix(k), H.sector.matrix(k))
    H2_fsa = np.dot(np.conj(np.transpose(fsa_basis)), np.dot(H2, fsa_basis))
    H_fsa = np.dot(np.conj(np.transpose(fsa_basis)),
                   np.dot(H.sector.matrix(k), fsa_basis))
    subspace_variance = np.real(np.trace(H2_fsa - np.dot(H_fsa, H_fsa)))
    return subspace_variance
def var_error(coef, pxp_config, pxxxp_config):
    Hp = gen_Hp(pxp_config, pxxxp_config, coef)
    Hm = np.conj(np.transpose(Hp))

    H = Hp + Hm
    Hz = 1 / 2 * com(Hp, Hm)
    z = zm_state(2, 1, pxp, 1)
    fsa_basis = gen_fsa_basis(Hp, z.prod_basis(), pxp.N)
    gs = gram_schmidt(fsa_basis)
    fsa_basis = gs.ortho_basis
    Hz_var = np.zeros(np.size(fsa_basis, axis=1))
    for n in range(0, np.size(Hz_var, axis=0)):
        Hz_var[n] = var(Hz, fsa_basis[:, n])
    # error = np.max(Hz_var)
    error = np.sum(Hz_var)
    print(coef, error)
    return error
Пример #4
def gen_krylov_basis(H, dim, init_state, system, orth=False):
    krylov_basis = init_state.prod_basis()
    current_state = krylov_basis
    for n in range(0, dim):
        next_state = np.dot(H, current_state)
        next_state = next_state / np.power(np.vdot(next_state, next_state),
        krylov_basis = np.vstack((krylov_basis, next_state))
        current_state = next_state
    krylov_basis = np.transpose(krylov_basis)
    if orth is False:
        return krylov_basis
        if orth == "qr":
            krylov_basis, temp = np.linalg.qr(krylov_basis)
            gs = gram_schmidt(krylov_basis)
            krylov_basis = gs.ortho_basis
    return krylov_basis
Пример #5
def max_variance(coef):
    Hp_total = deepcopy(Hp[0])
    for n in range(1,len(Hp)):
        Hp_total = H_operations.add(Hp_total,Hp[n],np.array([1,coef[n-1]]))
    Hm = Hp_total.herm_conj()
    Hz = 1/2 * com(Hp_total.sector.matrix(),Hm.sector.matrix())
    e,u = np.linalg.eigh(Hz)
    psi = u[:,0]

    from Calculations import gen_fsa_basis,gram_schmidt
    fsa_dim = int(pxp.N)
    fsa_basis = gen_fsa_basis(Hp_total.sector.matrix(),psi,fsa_dim)
    gs = gram_schmidt(fsa_basis)
    fsa_basis = gs.ortho_basis

    var_vals = np.zeros(np.size(fsa_basis,axis=1))
    for n in range(0,np.size(var_vals,axis=0)):
        var_vals[n] = np.real(var(Hz,fsa_basis[:,n]))
    error = np.max(var_vals)
    return error
def spacing_error(coef, pxp_config, pxxxp_config):
    Hp = gen_Hp(pxp_config, pxp_config, coef)
    Hm = np.conj(np.transpose(Hp))

    Hz = 1 / 2 * com(Hp, Hm)

    #find lowest weight state
    e, u = np.linalg.eigh(Hz)
    lowest_weight = u[:, 0]

    z = zm_state(2, 1, pxp, 1)
    fsa_basis = gen_fsa_basis(Hp, z.prod_basis(), pxp.N)
    gs = gram_schmidt(fsa_basis)
    fsa_basis = gs.ortho_basis

    if np.size(np.shape(fsa_basis)) == 2:
        Hz_exp = np.zeros(np.size(fsa_basis, axis=1))
        for n in range(0, np.size(Hz_exp, axis=0)):
            Hz_exp[n] = exp(Hz, fsa_basis[:, n])

        Hz_diff = np.zeros(np.size(Hz_exp) - 1)
        for n in range(0, np.size(Hz_diff, axis=0)):
            Hz_diff[n] = np.abs(Hz_exp[n + 1] - Hz_exp[n])

        #spacing error
        error_matrix = np.zeros((np.size(Hz_diff), np.size(Hz_diff)))
        for n in range(0, np.size(error_matrix, axis=0)):
            for m in range(0, np.size(error_matrix, axis=0)):
                error_matrix[n, m] = np.abs(Hz_diff[n] - Hz_diff[m])
        error = np.power(
                            np.conj(np.transpose(error_matrix)))), 0.5)
        print(coef, error)
        return error
        return 1000
Пример #7
        application_index_dual = np.vstack(
            (application_index_dual, np.array([Im_app, Lp_app])))
    current_state = np.dot(Lp.sector.matrix(k), tagged_state)
    current_state = current_state / np.power(
        np.vdot(current_state, current_state), 0.5)
    su3_basis_dual = np.vstack((su3_basis_dual, current_state))
    current_S = current_S - 1 / 2
    Im_app = 0
    Lp_app += 1
    application_index_dual = np.vstack(
        (application_index_dual, np.array([Im_app, Lp_app])))
su3_basis_dual = np.transpose(su3_basis_dual)

su3_basis = np.hstack((su3_basis, su3_basis_dual))
from Calculations import gram_schmidt
gs = gram_schmidt(su3_basis)
su3_basis = gs.ortho_basis

I3 = 1 / 2 * com(Ip_total.sector.matrix(k), Im_total.sector.matrix(k))
root3 = np.power(3, 0.5)
g8 = 1 / (2 *
          root3) * (com(Kp_total.sector.matrix(k), Km_total.sector.matrix(k)) +
                    com(Lp_total.sector.matrix(k), Lm_total.sector.matrix(k)))
e, u = np.linalg.eigh(I3)
lw = u[:, 0]

#generate new su3 rep
su3_basis = lw
for n in range(0, np.size(application_index, axis=0)):
    temp_state = lw
Пример #8
#need mapping from full basis to even/odd sub basis
for n in range(0, krylov_dim):
    next_state_half_rep = gsa_Hp(current_state_half_rep)
    next_state_full_rep = half_rep_to_full(next_state_half_rep, M_basis_map,
                                           pxp_half, pxp)
    gfsa_basis = np.vstack((gfsa_basis, next_state_full_rep))

    # gs = gram_schmidt(np.transpose(gfsa_basis))
    # gs.ortho()
    # gfsa_basis = np.transpose(gs.ortho_basis)

    current_state_half_rep = next_state_half_rep
gfsa_basis = np.transpose(gfsa_basis)
# gfsa_basis,temp = np.linalg.qr(gfsa_basis)
gs = gram_schmidt(gfsa_basis)
gfsa_basis = gs.ortho_basis

#project hamiltonians
H_krylov = np.dot(np.conj(np.transpose(krylov_basis)),
                  np.dot(H.sector.matrix(), krylov_basis))
H_fsa = np.dot(np.conj(np.transpose(fsa_basis)),
               np.dot(H.sector.matrix(), fsa_basis))
H_gfsa = np.dot(np.conj(np.transpose(gfsa_basis)),
                np.dot(H.sector.matrix(), gfsa_basis))

e_krylov, u_krylov = np.linalg.eigh(H_krylov)
e_fsa, u_fsa = np.linalg.eigh(H_fsa)
e_gfsa, u_gfsa = np.linalg.eigh(H_gfsa)
Пример #9
# basis = np.hstack((L_cube_basis,basis))
# basis = np.hstack((basis,R_cube_basis))

# basis = np.hstack((L_cube_basis,basis))
# basis = np.hstack((basis,R_cube_basis))

basis = np.hstack((L_cube_basis, basis))
basis = np.hstack((basis, R_cube_basis))

basis = np.unique(basis, axis=1)
# basis = np.hstack((basis,L_cube_basis))
# basis = np.hstack((basis,np.flip(R_cube_basis,axis=1)))

#gram schmidt, QR ruins particle hole
from Calculations import gram_schmidt
gs = gram_schmidt(basis)
basis = gs.ortho_basis

# include Neel fsa (orig)
#fsa Hamiltonian, H= H+ + H-
Hp1 = Hamiltonian(pxp)
Hp1.site_ops[1] = np.array([[0, 1], [0, 0]])
Hp1.model = np.array([[1]])
Hp1.model_coef = np.array([1])
Hp2 = Hamiltonian(pxp)
Hp2.site_ops[1] = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0]])
Hp2.model = np.array([[1]])
Hp2.model_coef = np.array([1])
Пример #10
def gen_su3Basis(coef):
    c = 0
    Ip_total = deepcopy(Ip[0])
    for n in range(1, len(Ip)):
        Ip_total = H_operations.add(Ip_total, Ip[n],
                                    np.array([1, coef[c + n - 1]]))
    Im_total = deepcopy(Im[0])
    for n in range(1, len(Im)):
        Im_total = H_operations.add(Im_total, Im[n],
                                    np.array([1, coef[c + n - 1]]))
    c += len(Ip) - 1
    Kp_total = deepcopy(Kp[0])
    for n in range(1, len(Kp)):
        Kp_total = H_operations.add(Kp_total, Kp[n],
                                    np.array([1, coef[c + n - 1]]))
    Km_total = deepcopy(Km[0])
    for n in range(1, len(Km)):
        Km_total = H_operations.add(Km_total, Km[n],
                                    np.array([1, coef[c + n - 1]]))
    c += len(Kp) - 1
    Lp_total = deepcopy(Lp[0])
    for n in range(1, len(Lp)):
        Lp_total = H_operations.add(Lp_total, Lp[n],
                                    np.array([1, coef[c + n - 1]]))
    Lm_total = deepcopy(Lm[0])
    for n in range(1, len(Lm)):
        Lm_total = H_operations.add(Lm_total, Lm[n],
                                    np.array([1, coef[c + n - 1]]))

    H = H_operations.add(Ip_total, Im_total, np.array([1j, -1j]))
    H = H_operations.add(H, Kp_total, np.array([1, -1j]))
    H = H_operations.add(H, Km_total, np.array([1, 1j]))
    H = H_operations.add(H, Lp_total, np.array([1, 1j]))
    H = H_operations.add(H, Lm_total, np.array([1, -1j]))

    #su3 rep
    #0th order rep (no perts)
    root3 = np.power(3, 0.5)
    I3 = 1 / 2 * com(Ip[0].sector.matrix(k), Im[0].sector.matrix(k))
    g8 = 1 / (2 *
              root3) * (com(Kp[0].sector.matrix(k), Km[0].sector.matrix(k)) +
                        com(Lp[0].sector.matrix(k), Lm[0].sector.matrix(k)))

    def exp(Q, psi):
        return np.real(np.vdot(psi, np.dot(Q, psi)))

    def var(Q, psi):
        Q2 = np.dot(Q, Q)
        return exp(Q2, psi) - (exp(Q, psi))**2

    e, u = np.linalg.eigh(I3)
    lw = u[:, 0]
    hw = u[:, np.size(u, axis=1) - 1]
    #generate su3 representation by applying I+,L- to lw state
    su3_basis_states = dict()
    su3_basis = lw
    current_state = su3_basis
    i3_lw = exp(I3, lw)
    g8_hw = exp(g8, lw)
    current_S = np.abs(i3_lw)
    Ip_app = 0
    Lm_app = 0
    application_index = np.zeros(2)
    while np.abs(current_S) > 1e-5:
        no_ip_apps = int(2 * current_S)
        tagged_state = current_state
        for n in range(0, no_ip_apps):
            Ip_app = Ip_app + 1
            next_state = np.dot(Ip[0].sector.matrix(k), current_state)
            next_state = next_state / np.power(np.vdot(next_state, next_state),
            su3_basis = np.vstack((su3_basis, next_state))
            current_state = next_state
            application_index = np.vstack(
                (application_index, np.array([Ip_app, Lm_app])))
        current_state = np.dot(Lm[0].sector.matrix(k), tagged_state)
        current_state = current_state / np.power(
            np.vdot(current_state, current_state), 0.5)
        su3_basis = np.vstack((su3_basis, current_state))
        current_S = current_S - 1 / 2
        Ip_app = 0
        Lm_app += 1
        application_index = np.vstack(
            (application_index, np.array([Ip_app, Lm_app])))
    su3_basis = np.transpose(su3_basis)

    #generate su3 dual representation (starting from highest weight state) representation by applying I-,L+ to lw state
    su3_basis_dual = hw
    current_state = su3_basis_dual
    i3_hw = exp(I3, hw)
    g8_lw = exp(g8, hw)
    current_S = np.abs(i3_hw)
    Im_app = 0
    Lp_app = 0
    application_index_dual = np.zeros(2)
    while np.abs(current_S) > 1e-5:
        no_im_apps = int(2 * current_S)
        tagged_state = current_state
        for n in range(0, no_im_apps):
            Im_app = Im_app + 1
            next_state = np.dot(Im[0].sector.matrix(k), current_state)
            next_state = next_state / np.power(np.vdot(next_state, next_state),
            su3_basis_dual = np.vstack((su3_basis_dual, next_state))
            current_state = next_state
            application_index_dual = np.vstack(
                (application_index_dual, np.array([Im_app, Lp_app])))
        current_state = np.dot(Lp[0].sector.matrix(k), tagged_state)
        current_state = current_state / np.power(
            np.vdot(current_state, current_state), 0.5)
        su3_basis_dual = np.vstack((su3_basis_dual, current_state))
        current_S = current_S - 1 / 2
        Im_app = 0
        Lp_app += 1
        application_index_dual = np.vstack(
            (application_index_dual, np.array([Im_app, Lp_app])))
    su3_basis_dual = np.transpose(su3_basis_dual)

    su3_basis = np.hstack((su3_basis, su3_basis_dual))
    from Calculations import gram_schmidt
    gs = gram_schmidt(su3_basis)
    su3_basis = gs.ortho_basis
    return su3_basis
def subspace_variance(coef):
    Ip_total = deepcopy(Ip[0])
    for n in range(1,len(Ip)):
        Ip_total = H_operations.add(Ip_total,Ip[n],np.array([1,coef[c+n-1]]))
    Im_total = deepcopy(Im[0])
    for n in range(1,len(Im)):
        Im_total = H_operations.add(Im_total,Im[n],np.array([1,coef[c+n-1]]))
    c += len(Ip)-1
    Kp_total = deepcopy(Kp[0])
    for n in range(1,len(Kp)):
        Kp_total = H_operations.add(Kp_total,Kp[n],np.array([1,coef[c+n-1]]))
    Km_total = deepcopy(Km[0])
    for n in range(1,len(Km)):
        Km_total = H_operations.add(Km_total,Km[n],np.array([1,coef[c+n-1]]))
    c += len(Kp)-1
    Lp_total = deepcopy(Lp[0])
    for n in range(1,len(Lp)):
        Lp_total = H_operations.add(Lp_total,Lp[n],np.array([1,coef[c+n-1]]))
    Lm_total = deepcopy(Lm[0])
    for n in range(1,len(Lm)):
        Lm_total = H_operations.add(Lm_total,Lm[n],np.array([1,coef[c+n-1]]))

    #su3 rep
    #0th order rep (no perts)
    root3 = np.power(3,0.5)
    I3 = 1/2 * com(Ip[0].sector.matrix(k),Im[0].sector.matrix(k))
    g8 = 1/(2*root3) * ( com(Kp[0].sector.matrix(k),Km[0].sector.matrix(k)) + com(Lp[0].sector.matrix(k),Lm[0].sector.matrix(k)) )

    def exp(Q,psi):
        return np.real(np.vdot(psi,np.dot(Q,psi)))
    def var(Q,psi):
        Q2 = np.dot(Q,Q)
        return exp(Q2,psi)-(exp(Q,psi))**2

    e,u = np.linalg.eigh(I3)
    lw = u[:,0]
    hw = u[:,np.size(u,axis=1)-1]
    #generate su3 representation by applying I+,L- to lw state
    su3_basis_states = dict()
    su3_basis = lw
    current_state = su3_basis
    i3_lw = exp(I3,lw)
    g8_hw = exp(g8,lw)
    current_S = np.abs(i3_lw)
    Ip_app= 0
    Lm_app= 0
    application_index = np.zeros(2)
    while np.abs(current_S)>1e-5:
        no_ip_apps = int(2*current_S)
        tagged_state = current_state
        for n in range(0,no_ip_apps):
            Ip_app = Ip_app + 1
            next_state = np.dot(Ip[0].sector.matrix(k),current_state)
            next_state = next_state / np.power(np.vdot(next_state,next_state),0.5)
            su3_basis = np.vstack((su3_basis,next_state))
            current_state = next_state
            application_index = np.vstack((application_index,np.array([Ip_app,Lm_app])))
        current_state = np.dot(Lm[0].sector.matrix(k),tagged_state)
        current_state = current_state / np.power(np.vdot(current_state,current_state),0.5)
        su3_basis = np.vstack((su3_basis,current_state))
        current_S = current_S - 1/2
        Ip_app = 0
        Lm_app += 1
        application_index = np.vstack((application_index,np.array([Ip_app,Lm_app])))
    su3_basis = np.transpose(su3_basis)

    #generate su3 dual representation (starting from highest weight state) representation by applying I-,L+ to lw state
    su3_basis_dual = hw
    current_state = su3_basis_dual
    i3_hw = exp(I3,hw)
    g8_lw = exp(g8,hw)
    current_S = np.abs(i3_hw)
    Im_app= 0
    Lp_app= 0
    application_index_dual = np.zeros(2)
    while np.abs(current_S)>1e-5:
        no_im_apps = int(2*current_S)
        tagged_state = current_state
        for n in range(0,no_im_apps):
            Im_app = Im_app + 1
            next_state = np.dot(Im[0].sector.matrix(k),current_state)
            next_state = next_state / np.power(np.vdot(next_state,next_state),0.5)
            su3_basis_dual = np.vstack((su3_basis_dual,next_state))
            current_state = next_state
            application_index_dual = np.vstack((application_index_dual,np.array([Im_app,Lp_app])))
        current_state = np.dot(Lp[0].sector.matrix(k),tagged_state)
        current_state = current_state / np.power(np.vdot(current_state,current_state),0.5)
        su3_basis_dual = np.vstack((su3_basis_dual,current_state))
        current_S = current_S - 1/2
        Im_app = 0
        Lp_app += 1
        application_index_dual = np.vstack((application_index_dual,np.array([Im_app,Lp_app])))
    su3_basis_dual = np.transpose(su3_basis_dual)

    su3_basis = np.hstack((su3_basis,su3_basis_dual))
    from Calculations import gram_schmidt
    gs = gram_schmidt(su3_basis)
    su3_basis = gs.ortho_basis

    I3 = 1/2 * com(Ip_total.sector.matrix(k),Im_total.sector.matrix(k))
    g8 = 1/(2*root3)*( com(Kp_total.sector.matrix(k),Km_total.sector.matrix(k)) + com(Lp_total.sector.matrix(k),Lm_total.sector.matrix(k)) )
    e,u = np.linalg.eigh(I3)
    lw = u[:,0]

    #generate new su3 rep
    su3_basis= lw
    for n in range(0,np.size(application_index,axis=0)):
        temp_state = lw
        for u in range(0,int(application_index[n,1])):
            temp_state = np.dot(Lm_total.sector.matrix(k),temp_state)
        for u in range(0,int(application_index[n,0])):
            temp_state = np.dot(Ip_total.sector.matrix(k),temp_state)
        temp_state = temp_state / np.power(np.vdot(temp_state,temp_state),0.5)
        su3_basis = np.vstack((su3_basis,temp_state))
    su3_basis = np.transpose(su3_basis)

    #generate new su3 rep dual
    su3_basis_dual= hw
    for n in range(0,np.size(application_index_dual,axis=0)):
        temp_state = hw
        for u in range(0,int(application_index_dual[n,1])):
            temp_state = np.dot(Lp_total.sector.matrix(k),temp_state)
        for u in range(0,int(application_index_dual[n,0])):
            temp_state = np.dot(Im_total.sector.matrix(k),temp_state)
        temp_state = temp_state / np.power(np.vdot(temp_state,temp_state),0.5)
        su3_basis_dual = np.vstack((su3_basis_dual,temp_state))
    su3_basis_dual = np.transpose(su3_basis_dual)

    su3_basis = np.hstack((su3_basis,su3_basis_dual))
    from Calculations import gram_schmidt
    gs = gram_schmidt(su3_basis)
    su3_basis = gs.ortho_basis

    H2 = np.dot(H.sector.matrix(k),H.sector.matrix(k))
    H2_fsa = np.dot(np.conj(np.transpose(su3_basis)),np.dot(H2,su3_basis))
    H_fsa = np.dot(np.conj(np.transpose(su3_basis)),np.dot(H.sector.matrix(k),su3_basis))
    subspace_variance = np.real(np.trace(H2_fsa-np.dot(H_fsa,H_fsa)))
    error = subspace_variance / np.size(su3_basis,axis=1)
    e,u = np.linalg.eigh(H_fsa)
    # np.save("pcp,2ndOrderSU3,coef,"+str(pxp.N),coef)
    # if (np.abs(coef)>0.5).any():
        # return 1000
    # else:
    return error