Пример #1
class Engine:

  def __init__(self):
    self.updateRate = 1/300. # real-time between physics ticks in seconds. the lower this is the more accurete the physics is
    self.initialSpeed = 0.3
    #self.timestep = self.updateRate * self.initialSpeed # how much game time each simulation represents

    # groups of entities
    self.groups = {
      'all'       : set(),
      'updating'  : set(), # all that have a update function

    self.entityAddQueue = []
    self.entityDelQueue = []

    # layers specify the order in which they are drawn. (ordered back to front)
    self.drawLayerNames = [
      # UI ones from here on
      # UI Entities will be drawn in camera space

    # A dict from drawLayerNames to a Batch of entities. they are mutually exclusive
    self.drawLayers = { name : Batch()  for name in self.drawLayerNames }
    self.drawCalls =  { name : []       for name in self.drawLayerNames }

    self.levelStartTime = time.time()
    self.levelTime = 0. # TODO proper pausing (maybe move to gameState or some level class)

    self.accumulatedFrameTime = 0.

    # Window
    config = gl.Config(
      sample_buffers=1, samples=4   # antialiasing
    self.window = Window(
      config = config,
      #fullscreen = True,
      vsync = False,
      style = Window.WINDOW_STYLE_BORDERLESS,

    # opengl flags
    gl.glEnable(gl.GL_BLEND) #enables transparency
    # gl.glBlendFunc(gl.GL_SRC_ALPHA, gl.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)

    # mouse position
    self.windowCenter = Vec2d(self.window.get_size()) / 2
    self.mousePos = Vec2d(self.windowCenter)
    def on_mouse_motion(x, y, dx, dy):
      self.mousePos.x = x
      self.mousePos.y = y
    def on_mouse_drag(x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers):
      self.mousePos.x = x
      self.mousePos.y = y

    # DEBUG: drop us into a debug shell when
    def on_key_press(symbol, modifiers):
      if symbol==key.QUOTELEFT and modifiers & key.MOD_CTRL:
      elif symbol==key.UP:   self.initialSpeed *= 2.
      elif symbol==key.DOWN: self.initialSpeed *= 0.5

    self.fps_display = clock.ClockDisplay()

    # camera
    self.camera = Camera()

    # shedule our main loop so we don't need to manually deal with time

  # our main game loop
  def run(self, dt):
    self.timestep = self.updateRate * (self.initialSpeed*2**(self.levelTime*0.2))

    ## UPDATE ##
    # timestep ala http://gafferongames.com/game-physics/fix-your-timestep/
    if dt > .25: # avoid spiral of death (updating taking longer than framerate)
      dt = .25
    self.accumulatedFrameTime += dt
    while self.accumulatedFrameTime >= self.updateRate:
      self.accumulatedFrameTime -= self.updateRate
      self.levelTime = time.time() - self.levelStartTime
      shots = []
      for entity in self.groups['updating']:
        # update all entities, this should not change the state
        shot = entity.update(self.timestep)
        if shot:
          # self.entityAddQueue += response.get("add Entities", [])
          # self.entityDelQueue += response.get("del Entities", [])
          shots.append((entity, shot))

      # this will apply the actions generated by update
      for entity, shot in shots:
        self.entityAddQueue.append(physics.shoot(entity, shot))

      self.space.step(self.timestep) # this will do the physics and apply all actions

      if enablePhysicsTesting:
        # DEBUG: test for physics consistency. Disabled as bouncing off Walls changes momentum
        # momentum =                        sum([ e.body.mass * e.body.velocity for e in self.blobs.itervalues() ])
        assertClose(self.physCheck_mass,  sum([ e.body.mass                   for e in self.blobs.itervalues() ]))
        assertClose(self.physCheck_area,  sum([ math.pi * e.radius**2         for e in self.blobs.itervalues() ]))
        # assertClose(self.physCheck_mometum.x, momentum.x)
        # assertClose(self.physCheck_mometum.y, momentum.y)

    ## DRAW ##
    gl.glClearColor(0,0,0, 0)

    self.camera.track() # does camera work (such as what it focuses on)
    for name in self.drawLayerNames:
      for func in self.drawCalls[name]:
      shift = Vec2d() if name.startswith('UI') else None
      with self.camera.shiftView(shift):


  def loadLevel(self, levelName):
    # Initialize physics
    self.blobs = {}         # a dict from blob.id to blob
    self.highestBlobId = 0
    self.space = physics.createSpace(self)
    self.spaceView = SpaceView(self.space)

    # self.levelCreator = resources.loadEntities
    self.levelCreator = levelCreator.createLevel

    # load the entities
    for e in self.levelCreator(levelName):


    self.physCheck_mass     = sum([ e.body.mass                   for e in self.blobs.itervalues() ])
    self.physCheck_area     = sum([ math.pi * e.radius**2         for e in self.blobs.itervalues() ])
    self.physCheck_mometum  = sum([ e.body.mass * e.body.velocity for e in self.blobs.itervalues() ])

  def addEntity(   self, e):  self.entityAddQueue.append(e)
  def removeEntity(self, e):  self.entityDelQueue.append(e)

  def _processAdding(self):
    while len(self.entityAddQueue):
      e = self.entityAddQueue.pop(0)
      if Entities.isEntityKind_updating(e):   self.groups['updating'].add(e)
      if Entities.isEntityKind_physics(e):
        for shape in e.shapes:
          self.spaceView.shapeToEntity[shape] = e
        if e.body is not self.space.static_body:
      if Entities.isEntityKind_visible(e):
        if hasattr(e, 'initGraphics'):
        if hasattr(e, 'draw'):
      if isinstance(e, Blob):
        self.highestBlobId += 1
        e.controller = e.controller(e, self.blobs, self.spaceView)  # initialize the controller
        e.id = self.highestBlobId
        self.blobs[e.id] = e

  def _processRemoving(self):
    while len(self.entityDelQueue):
      e = self.entityDelQueue.pop(0)
      if e in self.groups['all']:
        # print "was told to delete entity but it was not in the 'all' group: " + repr(e) # DEBUG
      if Entities.isEntityKind_updating(e):   self.groups['updating'].remove(e)
      if Entities.isEntityKind_physics(e):
        for shape in e.shapes:
          del self.spaceView.shapeToEntity[shape]
        if e.body is not self.space.static_body:
      if Entities.isEntityKind_visible(e):
        # self.drawLayers[e.drawLayer].remove(e)
        if hasattr(e, 'draw'):
        if hasattr(e, 'sprite'):
        # for vertexList in e.vertexLists:
        #   vertexList.delete()
      if isinstance(e, Blob):
        del self.blobs[e.id]