def main(): if (len(sys.argv) > 1) and isinstance(sys.argv[1], str): filename = sys.argv[1] else: filename = 'challenge_video.mp4' print('Processing file ' + filename) white_output = 'processed_videos/' + filename clip1 = VideoFileClip('source_videos/' + filename) #.subclip(0,5) # calculate matrices for perspective transformation target_left_x = 300 target_right_x = 1002 target_top_y = 0 target_bottom_y = 690 src_points = np.float32([[283, 664], [548, 480], [736, 480], [1019, 664]]) dst_points = np.float32([[target_left_x, target_bottom_y], [target_left_x, target_top_y], [target_right_x, target_top_y], [target_right_x, target_bottom_y]]) # transformation to bird's eye view M = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(src_points, dst_points) # transformation back to normal view Mi = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(dst_points, src_points) # calculate or load camera calibration calCam = CalibrateCamera.load() if calCam == None: images = glob.glob('camera_cal/calibration*.jpg') calCam = CalibrateCamera() calCam.findCorners(images, (9, 6)) calCam.calibrateCamera() calCam.write() # class which will process the images, initialize with image size and # transformation matrices ld = ProcessImage(), 1280), M, Mi, calCam=calCam) white_clip = clip1.fl_image(ld.process_image) # color images white_clip.write_videofile(white_output, audio=False)
def fit(self, shape, M, MInverse, roi=None, calCam=None): """ First call before processing images """ self.shape = shape # region of interest if roi != None: self.roi = roi else: self.roi = { 'bottom_y': shape[0], 'bottom_x_left': int(shape[1] * 0.05), 'bottom_x_right': int(shape[1] * 0.95), 'top_y': int(shape[0] * 0.6), 'top_x_left': int(shape[1] * 0.45), 'top_x_right': int(shape[1] * 0.55), } self.roi.update({ 'top_center': int((self.roi['top_x_left'] + self.roi['top_x_right']) / 2) }) if calCam is not None: self.calCam = calCam else: self.calCam = CalibrateCamera.load() if self.calCam is None: images = glob.glob('camera_cal/calibration*.jpg') self.calCam = CalibrateCamera() self.calCam.findCorners(images, (9, 6)) self.calCam.calibrateCamera() self.calCam.write() self.laneFit = LaneFit() self.M = M self.MInverse = MInverse self.frame = 0 self.update = False
def main(args): #camera calibration calCam = CalibrateCamera.load() # if no precalculated data is available start calculation if calCam == None: images = glob.glob('data/camera_cal/*.jpg') calCam = CalibrateCamera() calCam.findCorners(images, (9, 6)) calCam.calibrateCamera() calCam.write() # create subscriber class ims = image_subscriber(calCam) rospy.init_node('show_robot_camera') rate = rospy.Rate(30) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): ims.show_image() rate.sleep() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
class ProcessImageLane(): def __init__(self): self.shape = None self.roi = None self.calCam = None self.laneFit = None self.image_cnt = 0 self.DEBUG_IMAGE = True self.DEBUG_IMAGE_FOLDER = 'challenge_debug' self.DEBUG_VIDEO = False self.segmentation = 1 def fit(self, shape, M, MInverse, roi=None, calCam=None): """ First call before processing images """ self.shape = shape # region of interest if roi != None: self.roi = roi else: self.roi = { 'bottom_y': shape[0], 'bottom_x_left': int(shape[1] * 0.05), 'bottom_x_right': int(shape[1] * 0.95), 'top_y': int(shape[0] * 0.6), 'top_x_left': int(shape[1] * 0.45), 'top_x_right': int(shape[1] * 0.55), } self.roi.update({ 'top_center': int((self.roi['top_x_left'] + self.roi['top_x_right']) / 2) }) if calCam is not None: self.calCam = calCam else: self.calCam = CalibrateCamera.load() if self.calCam is None: images = glob.glob('camera_cal/calibration*.jpg') self.calCam = CalibrateCamera() self.calCam.findCorners(images, (9, 6)) self.calCam.calibrateCamera() self.calCam.write() self.laneFit = LaneFit() self.M = M self.MInverse = MInverse self.frame = 0 self.update = False def writeInfo(self, img, laneparams): """ Writes information to the image """ # empty image box_img = np.zeros_like(img).astype(np.uint8) # draw rectangle and arrow for position deviation box_img = cv2.rectangle(box_img, (10, 10), (int(1280 / 2 - 10), 150), (0, 0, 100), thickness=cv2.FILLED) box_img = cv2.rectangle(box_img, (int(1280 / 2 - 10), 10), (1280 - 10, 150), (0, 0, 100), thickness=cv2.FILLED) box_img = cv2.arrowedLine( box_img, (500, 60), (int(500 + laneparams['middle_phys'] * 200), 60), (255, 0, 0), 5) img = cv2.addWeighted(img, 1.0, box_img, 1.0, 0.) font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX pos_str = 'Left curve: {:06.0f}'.format(laneparams['left_curverad']) pos_str2 = 'Right curve: {:06.0f}'.format(laneparams['right_curverad']) pos_str3 = 'Middle: {:.2f}m'.format(laneparams['middle_phys']) frame_str = 'Frame: {}'.format(self.frame) left_pos = 40 top_pos = 40 delta_height = 30 # write text to image cv2.putText(img, pos_str, (left_pos, top_pos), font, 0.8, (255, 255, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.putText(img, pos_str2, (left_pos, top_pos + delta_height), font, 0.8, (255, 255, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.putText(img, pos_str3, (400, top_pos), font, 0.8, (255, 255, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.putText(img, frame_str, (left_pos, top_pos + 3 * delta_height), font, 0.8, (255, 255, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) return img def process_image(self, img_orig): """ Processes an image """ t0 = time() img = self.calCam.undistort(img_orig) if self.DEBUG_IMAGE: img_savename = 'image{0:04d}.jpg'.format(self.image_cnt) cv2.imwrite(self.DEBUG_IMAGE_FOLDER + '/original/' + img_savename, cv2.cvtColor(img_orig, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) cv2.imwrite(self.DEBUG_IMAGE_FOLDER + '/undist/' + img_savename, cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) img_undist = img ksize = 9 # gray conversion gray = img2gray(img) # Apply each of the thresholding functions if self.segmentation == 0: # magnitude and direction of edges, color mag_binary = mag_thresh(gray, sobel_kernel=ksize, mag_thresh=(20, 255)) dir_binary = dir_threshold(gray, sobel_kernel=ksize, thresh=(np.pi / 4 * 0.9, np.pi / 4 * 1.5)) color_seg = color_segmentation(img) seg_img_raw = color_seg & mag_binary & dir_binary else: # color segmentation and canny edge detection color_seg = color_segmentation(img) kernel_size = 5 blur_gray = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (kernel_size, kernel_size), 0) canny = cv2.Canny(blur_gray, 40, 80).astype(np.uint8) * 255 kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (5, 5)) # dilate canny edges which are very sharp canny = cv2.dilate(canny, kernel, iterations=2) # segmented image with color and canny seg_img_raw = (color_seg & canny) if self.DEBUG_IMAGE: cv2.imwrite( self.DEBUG_IMAGE_FOLDER + '/seg_color/' + img_savename, color_seg.astype(np.uint8) * 255) cv2.imwrite( self.DEBUG_IMAGE_FOLDER + '/seg_canny/' + img_savename, canny.astype(np.uint8) * 255) cv2.imwrite( self.DEBUG_IMAGE_FOLDER + '/seg_comb/' + img_savename, seg_img_raw.astype(np.uint8) * 255) seg_img = seg_img_raw.astype(np.uint8) * 255 seg_img[690:, :] = 0 # mask image # region of interest not used #seg_img, vertices = mask_region_of_interest(seg_img, self.roi) seg_img = np.dstack((seg_img, seg_img, seg_img)) #visualization = np.dstack((np.zeros(dir_binary.shape), (dir_binary & mag_binary), color_seg)).astype(np.uint8) * 255 # warp to birds eye perspective seg_img_warped = cv2.warpPerspective( seg_img, self.M, (seg_img.shape[1], seg_img.shape[0]), flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) # thresholding for interpolated pixels seg_img_warped = (seg_img_warped > 100).astype(np.uint8) * 255 if self.DEBUG_IMAGE: cv2.imwrite( self.DEBUG_IMAGE_FOLDER + '/seg_warped/' + img_savename, seg_img_warped) #undist_img_warped = cv2.warpPerspective(img_undist, self.M, (img_undist.shape[1], img_undist.shape[0]), flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) #cv2.imwrite(self.DEBUG_IMAGE_FOLDER + '/undist_warped/'+img_savename, undist_img_warped) # do LaneFit algorithm on image laneparams = self.laneFit.procVideoImg(seg_img_warped, margin=60, numwin=20) lane_img = laneparams['img'] if self.DEBUG_IMAGE: comb = cv2.addWeighted(seg_img_warped, 0.5, lane_img, 0.8, 0) cv2.imwrite(self.DEBUG_IMAGE_FOLDER + '/combined/' + img_savename, cv2.cvtColor(comb, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) lane_img_unwarped = cv2.warpPerspective( lane_img, self.MInverse, (lane_img.shape[1], lane_img.shape[0]), flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) # combine original image with detection img = cv2.addWeighted(img, 1, lane_img_unwarped, 0.7, 0) # time measurement t1 = time()'process_image: runtime = ' + str(t1 - t0)) # debug video with different segmentations used in this algorithm if self.DEBUG_VIDEO: img = np.dstack( (np.zeros_like(seg_img_raw), canny, color_seg)).astype( np.uint8) * 255 img = cv2.addWeighted(img, 1, lane_img_unwarped, 0.9, 0) if self.DEBUG_IMAGE: cv2.imwrite(self.DEBUG_IMAGE_FOLDER + '/result/' + img_savename, cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) self.image_cnt += 1 # for number of debug image undist_img_warped = cv2.warpPerspective( img_undist, self.M, (img_undist.shape[1], img_undist.shape[0]), flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) # add smaller images of the segmented and warped image y_offset = 0 output_size = (720, 1280, 3) ret_img = np.zeros(output_size).astype(np.uint8) warped_smaller = cv2.resize(undist_img_warped, (0, 0), fx=0.15, fy=0.15) warped_semented_smaller = cv2.resize(comb, (0, 0), fx=0.15, fy=0.15) warped_combined_smaller = cv2.addWeighted(warped_smaller, 1, warped_semented_smaller, 0.7, 0) color_smaller = cv2.resize( color_seg.astype(np.uint8), (0, 0), fx=0.15, fy=0.15).reshape( (108, 192, 1)) * 255 canny_smaller = cv2.resize( canny.astype(np.uint8), (0, 0), fx=0.15, fy=0.15).reshape( (108, 192, 1)) * 255 combined_smaller = cv2.resize( (color_seg & canny).astype(np.uint8), (0, 0), fx=0.15, fy=0.15).reshape((108, 192, 1)) * 255 stacked_smaller = np.dstack( (combined_smaller, canny_smaller, color_smaller)).astype(np.uint8) ret_img[y_offset:img.shape[0] + y_offset, :img.shape[1], :] = img # write information to image ret_img = self.writeInfo(ret_img, laneparams) offset_small = 26 offset_x_small = 684 ret_img[offset_small:offset_small + 108, offset_x_small:offset_x_small + 192, :] = stacked_smaller ret_img[offset_small:offset_small + 108, offset_x_small + 200:offset_x_small + 392, :] = warped_combined_smaller self.frame += 1 return ret_img
def main(): calCam = CalibrateCamera.load() if calCam == None: images = glob.glob('camera_cal/calibration*.jpg') calCam = CalibrateCamera() calCam.findCorners(images, (9, 6)) calCam.calibrateCamera() calCam.write() print(calCam.mtx) print(calCam.dist) # Read in an image img_orig = mpimg.imread('test_images/straight_lines2.jpg') #img_orig = mpimg.imread('test_images/test6.jpg') #img_orig = (mpimg.imread('test_images/shadow_05.png') * 255).astype(np.uint8) #img_orig = (mpimg.imread('test_images/challenge_02.png') * 255).astype(np.uint8) #img_orig = mpimg.imread('camera_cal/calibration1.jpg') img = calCam.undistort(img_orig) # define region of interest roi = { 'bottom_y': img.shape[0], 'bottom_x_left': int(img.shape[1] * 0.05), 'bottom_x_right': int(img.shape[1] * 0.95), 'top_y': int(img.shape[0] * 0.6), 'top_x_left': int(img.shape[1] * 0.45), 'top_x_right': int(img.shape[1] * 0.55), } roi.update( {'top_center': int((roi['top_x_left'] + roi['top_x_right']) / 2)}) horizon = 425 if False: original_bottom_left_x = 283 target_left_x = 300 target_right_x = 1002 target_top_y = 0 target_bottom_y = 685 src_points = np.float32([[283, 664], [552, 480], [736, 480], [1015, 664]]) dst_points = np.float32([[target_left_x, target_bottom_y], [target_left_x, target_top_y], [target_right_x, target_top_y], [target_right_x, target_bottom_y]]) else: target_left_x = 300 target_right_x = 1002 target_top_y = 0 target_bottom_y = 690 src_points = np.float32([[283, 664], [548, 480], [736, 480], [1019, 664]]) dst_points = np.float32([[target_left_x, target_bottom_y], [target_left_x, target_top_y], [target_right_x, target_top_y], [target_right_x, target_bottom_y]]) M = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(src_points, dst_points) Mi = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(dst_points, src_points) ksize = 15 # Choose a larger odd number to smooth gradient measurements #hls = cv2.cvtColor(img[roi['top_y']:,:,:], cv2.COLOR_RGB2HLS) hls = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HLS) clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=2.0, tileGridSize=(32, 32)) hls[:, :, 1] = clahe.apply(hls[:, :, 1]) #hls[:,:,1] = cv2.equalizeHist(hls[:,:,1]) claheimg = cv2.cvtColor(hls, cv2.COLOR_HLS2RGB) gray = img2gray(img) # Apply each of the thresholding functions gradx = abs_sobel_thresh(gray, orient='x', sobel_kernel=ksize, thresh=(20, 255)) grady = abs_sobel_thresh(gray, orient='y', sobel_kernel=ksize, thresh=(30, 255)) mag_binary = mag_thresh(gray, sobel_kernel=ksize, mag_thresh=(30, 255)) color_mag = mag_thresh(gray, sobel_kernel=ksize, mag_thresh=(5, 255)) dir_binary = dir_threshold( gray, sobel_kernel=ksize, thresh=(1.0, 1.3)) #thresh=(np.pi/4*1.0, np.pi/4*1.2)) kernel_size = 5 blur_gray = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (kernel_size, kernel_size), 0) #canny = cv2.Canny(blur_gray, 120, 200) canny = cv2.Canny(blur_gray, 40, 80) canny[670:, :] = 0 canny = np.dstack((canny, canny, canny)) #print(src_points.reshape((-1,1,2)).astype(np.int32)) #pts = np.array([[10,5],[20,30],[70,20],[50,10]], np.int32) #src_points = pts.reshape((-1,1,2)) #print(src_points) canny = cv2.polylines(canny, [src_points.reshape((-1, 1, 2)).astype(np.int32)], True, (0, 255, 255), thickness=1) canny_warped = cv2.warpPerspective(canny, M, (canny.shape[1], canny.shape[0]), flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) #canny_warped = (canny_warped > 120).astype(np.uint8) * 255 #kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE,(5,5)) #canny_warped = cv2.dilate(canny_warped, kernel, iterations=1) #canny_warped = cv2.erode(canny_warped, kernel, iterations=1) plt.imshow(canny) return color_seg = color_segmentation(img, l_thresh=[30, 255], s_thresh=[160, 255]) seg_img_raw = ( (color_seg & color_mag & dir_binary) | (dir_binary & mag_binary) ) #(color_seg | (dir_binary & mag_binary)).astype(np.uint8) * 255 # mask image seg_img, vertices = mask_region_of_interest( seg_img_raw.astype(np.uint8) * 255, roi) seg_img_roi = seg_img #visualization = np.dstack((seg_img_raw, (dir_binary & mag_binary), color_seg)).astype(np.uint8) * 255 visualization = np.dstack( (seg_img_raw, color_seg, (dir_binary & mag_binary))).astype(np.uint8) * 255 seg_img = np.dstack((seg_img, seg_img, seg_img)) seg_img_warped = cv2.warpPerspective(seg_img, M, (seg_img.shape[1], seg_img.shape[0]), flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) histogram = np.sum(seg_img_warped[gradx.shape[0] // 2:, :-2, 0], axis=0) midpoint =[0] / 2) print('Midpoint = ' + str(midpoint)) leftx_base = np.argmax(histogram[:midpoint]) rightx_base = np.argmax(histogram[midpoint:]) + midpoint print('Bases = ' + str((leftx_base, rightx_base))) laneFit = LaneFit() left_fit, right_fit, lane_img, _, _, _ = laneFit.fitLanes(seg_img_warped, leftx_base, rightx_base, margin=60) lane_img_unwarped = cv2.warpPerspective( lane_img, Mi, (lane_img.shape[1], lane_img.shape[0]), flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) # Plot the result gs = grd.GridSpec(3, 2, height_ratios=[10, 10, 10], width_ratios=[1, 1], wspace=0.1) ax = plt.subplot(gs[0, 0]) ax.imshow(img_orig) ax.set_title('Original Image', fontsize=10) ax = plt.subplot(gs[0, 1]) ax.imshow(img) ax.set_title('Undistorted Image', fontsize=10) if False: ax = plt.subplot(gs[1, 0]) ploty = np.linspace(0, lane_img.shape[0] - 1, lane_img.shape[0]) left_fitx = left_fit[0] * ploty**2 + left_fit[1] * ploty + left_fit[2] right_fitx = right_fit[0] * ploty**2 + right_fit[ 1] * ploty + right_fit[2] ax.imshow(lane_img) ax.plot(left_fitx, ploty, color='yellow') ax.plot(right_fitx, ploty, color='yellow') ax.set_title('Lane fit', fontsize=10) else: ax = plt.subplot(gs[1, 0]) #ax.imshow(claheimg) ax.imshow(canny, cmap='gray') ax = plt.subplot(gs[1, 1]) ax.imshow(blur_gray, cmap='gray') ax.set_title('Combined', fontsize=10) ax = plt.subplot(gs[2, 0]) ax.imshow(visualization) ax.set_title('Visualization', fontsize=10) ax = plt.subplot(gs[2, 1]) #ax.plot(histogram) ax.imshow(lane_img_unwarped) ax.set_title('Histogram', fontsize=10)