def test_buildgrid(self): cA = CellularAutomata() grid = cA.buildGrid('1' * 8, 9) # Width of the grid is greater than the length of the start state self.assertEqual(len(grid[0]), 9) grid = cA.buildGrid('1' * 10, 9) # Width of the grid is less than the length of the start state self.assertEqual(len(grid[0]), 10) grid = cA.buildGrid('11', 10) self.assertTrue('11' in '%s' % ''.join(map(str, grid[0])))
def run2(options): rows = options.size columns = options.size enviroments = [CellularAutomata(rows, columns) for i in range(5)] for i in enviroments: i.drawCycle(options.radius, options.X_center, options.Y_center) enviroments[1].applyNoiseBoundary() enviroments[2].applyNoiseBoundary(noiseLevel = options.noise_level) enviroments[3].applyNoiseRandom() enviroments[4].applyNoiseRandom(noiseLevel = options.noise_level) for i in range(options.time_steps): print("Time Step: ",i) # env.printCA() for env in enviroments: env.step(timeStep=i) data = [env.getData() for env in enviroments] titles = [env.getTitle() for env in enviroments] for index, d in enumerate(data): plt.plot(d, label=titles[index]) plt.legend() plt.xlabel('Time Step') plt.ylabel('Non Zero Elements [Activated Cells]')
def run(options): rows = options.size columns = options.size env = CellularAutomata(rows, columns) currentV, currentT = getCurrentW2E(options.size, 35, 7) # currentV, currentT = getCurrentVοrtice(options.size) env.addIsland(options.R_island, options.X_island, options.Y_island) env.addSource(options.X_oil, options.Y_oil) env.addCurrent(currentV, currentT) for i in range(options.time_steps): if (i%15==0): # env.printCA(step = i) print("-- Time Step: ",i) env.step(step = i )
def run(options): #initiate enviroment atari = gym.make('BankHeist-v0') observation = atari.reset() # initiate class envCA = CellularAutomata(observation) for i in range(options.time_steps): atari.render() action = envCA.step(observation) observation, reward, done, info = atari.step( action) # take a random action time.sleep(0.1) # pdb.set_trace() # envCA.print() atari.close()
def start_match(name_game, n_players, raw_mode): #PARAMETRI flags = "W1B" list_mode = ["007", "kamikaze"] players_mode = [] if raw_mode == "R": players_mode = [ list_mode[random.randint(0, 1)] for elem in range(n_players) ] else: players_mode = (["007"] * raw_mode[0]) + (["kamikaze"] * raw_mode[1]) #INIZIALIZZAZIONE THREAD COMMUNICATION manager = multiprocessing.Manager() #OTHER_PLAYER_GAME_INTERFACE___________________________________________________________________ threads = [] for i in range(n_players): pl = GameInterface(name_game, name_game, "Garada" + str(i + 1), player_descr="AI9-v1.1", flags=flags) print(pl.interact("join")) pl.command_chat("name") pl.command_chat("join") manager_dict = manager.dict() ca = CellularAutomata(pl, manager_dict, debug=False, mode=players_mode[i]) # to Debug ca_chat = CellularAutomata_chat(pl, manager_dict, debug=False) t = multiprocessing.Process(target=start_game, args=(ca, )) c = multiprocessing.Process(target=start_chat, args=(ca_chat, )) threads.append(c) threads.append(t) #_______________________________________________________________________________ for n in range(0, len(threads)): threads[n].start() for n in range(len(threads)): threads[n].join()
def evaluate(individual): p_trans = individual[0] p_mutat = individual[1] print('P(I)={:4.3f} \t P(M)={:4.3f}'.format(p_trans, p_mutat)) ca = CA(rule=lambda n_states, c_state: rule(n_states, c_state, p_trans, p_mutat), graph=grid(40, 40), node_states=['S', 'I', 'R']) Tot_S, Tot_I, Tot_R = 0, 0, 0 num_samples = 10 max_steps = 40 for n in range(num_samples): inital_state = {node: 'S' for node in ca.graph} for node in random.sample(list(ca.graph), 5): inital_state[node] = 'I' ca.setNodeStates(inital_state) ca.step(max_steps) num_steps = len(ca.state_count) - 1 print('\t{}:{}/{}'.format(n + 1, num_steps, max_steps), end='') N_S, N_I, N_R = ca.state_count[-1] Tot_S += N_S / (N_S + N_I + N_R) Tot_I += N_I / (N_S + N_I + N_R) Tot_R += N_R / (N_S + N_I + N_R) print() print('\tS:{:4.3}\tI:{:4.3}\tR:{:4.3}\t'.format( Tot_S / num_samples, Tot_I / num_samples, Tot_R / num_samples, )) print('Score:', Tot_I / num_samples - p_mutat) return Tot_I / num_samples,
#Creazione Gioco if (i == 0): pl.manage_game("new") print(pl.interact("join")) pl.command_chat("name") pl.command_chat("join") # Aggiunta log if (i == 0 and "l" in flags): pl.command_chat("join_log") manager_dict = manager.dict() if (i == 0): ca = CellularAutomata(pl, manager_dict, debug=False, mode="007") # to Debug else: if (i % 2 == 1): ca = CellularAutomata(pl, manager_dict, debug=False, mode="007") # to Debug else: ca = CellularAutomata(pl, manager_dict, debug=False, mode="007") # to Debug ca_chat = CellularAutomata_chat(pl, manager_dict, debug=False) if (i == 0):
def single_match(): #PARAMETRI NAME_GAME = "ai9_" + "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") #"Species" n_players = randint(4, 8) flags = "T" if (randint(0, 1) == 1): flags += "Q" else: flags += "W" flags += str(randint(1, 3)) if (randint(0, 1) == 1): flags += "B" print(NAME_GAME) print(flags) print(n_players) #INIZIALIZZAZIONE THREAD COMMUNICATION manager = multiprocessing.Manager() #OTHER_PLAYER_GAME_INTERFACE___________________________________________________________________ threads = [] for i in range(n_players): #Game Interface pl = GameInterface(NAME_GAME, NAME_GAME, "Garada" + str(i + 1), player_descr="AI9-v1.1", flags=flags) if (i == 0): pl.manage_game("new") #Join game and chat print(pl.interact("join")) pl.command_chat("name") pl.command_chat("join") manager_dict = manager.dict() #Cellular automata if (i == 0): ca = CellularAutomata(pl, manager_dict, debug=False, mode="007", save_maps=True) # to Debug else: if (i % 2 == 1): ca = CellularAutomata(pl, manager_dict, debug=False, mode="007", save_maps=True) # to Debug else: ca = CellularAutomata(pl, manager_dict, debug=False, mode="007", save_maps=True) # to Debug # Cellula automata chat if (i == 0): ca_chat = CellularAutomata_chat(pl, manager_dict, debug=False) else: ca_chat = CellularAutomata_chat(pl, manager_dict, debug=False) # Multiprocessing if (i == 0): t = multiprocessing.Process(target=start_game, args=(ca, True)) else: t = multiprocessing.Process(target=start_game, args=(ca, )) c = multiprocessing.Process(target=start_chat, args=(ca_chat, )) threads.append(c) threads.append(t) #_______________________________________________________________________________ for n in range(0, len(threads)): threads[n].start() for n in range(len(threads)): threads[n].join()
#grid = Grid() if simulation: # generate random grid with size m grid1.rndGenerator(grid_size=250, savePlots=False, name='rnd_simulation') else: # load Image to grid grid1.image2Grid(fname, path='Images\\', mode='yuv', output=False, ext_colors=False) grid2.image2Grid(fname, path='Images\\', mode='yuv', output=False, ext_colors=True) prob_grid1.image2Grid(fname, path='Images\\', mode='yuv', output=False, ext_colors=False) prob_grid2.image2Grid(fname, path='Images\\', mode='yuv', output=False, ext_colors=True) # save initial state #init = grid.grid.copy() # Create CA with reference image ca = CellularAutomata(prob_grid2, neighbourhood='Moore', rules='Conway', ref_name=ref_name) #ca2 = CellularAutomata(grid2, neighbourhood='Moore', rules='Probabilistic', ref_name=ref_name) #ca3 = CellularAutomata(prob_grid1, neighbourhood='Moore', rules='Conway', ref_name=ref_name) #ca4 = CellularAutomata(prob_grid2, neighbourhood='Moore', rules='Probabilistic', ref_name=ref_name) print 'intial state: ' ca.grid.visualize() #ca1.grid.saveImage(path='EMDimages\\') #ca2.grid.saveImage(path='EMDimages\\') #ca3.grid.saveImage(path='EMDimages\\') #ca4.grid.saveImage(path='EMDimages\\') for gen in range(1,generations+1): # update grid and save number of changes curr = ca.grid.grid.copy();
simulation = False; # generate grid grid = Grid() if simulation: # generate random grid with size m grid.rndGenerator(grid_size=250, savePlots=False, name='rnd_simulation') else: # load Image to grid grid.image2Grid(fname, path='Images\\', mode='yuv', output=False, ext_colors=True) # save initial state init = grid.grid.copy() # Create CA with reference image ca = CellularAutomata(grid, neighbourhood='Moore', rules='Conway', ref_name=ref_name) print 'intial state: ' ca.grid.visualize() for gen in range(1,generations+1): # update grid and save number of changes curr = ca.grid.grid.copy(); ca.update() ca.gridDifference(curr) ca.rmsd_dist() if gen%5==0: # compute distance between current image and target
value = tournament + "-" + str(i) + "-1" print("Start game on: " + value) input('wait') SAME_NAME = value NAME_GAME = SAME_NAME"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") NAME_CHAT = SAME_NAME debug = False debug_chat = False pl1 = GameInterface(game_name=NAME_GAME, chat_name=NAME_CHAT, player_name="ai9_pl1", player_descr="ai9_1.0") print(pl1.interact("join")) ai_dict = manager.dict() ca = CellularAutomata(pl1, ai_dict, debug=debug, mode='007') ca_chat = CellularAutomata_chat(pl1, ai_dict, debug=debug_chat) pl1.command_chat("join") t_pl1 = multiprocessing.Process(target=start_game, args=(ca, )) c_pl1 = multiprocessing.Process(target=start_chat, args=(ca_chat, )) pl2 = GameInterface(game_name=NAME_GAME, chat_name=NAME_CHAT, player_name="ai9_pl2", player_descr="ai9_1.0") print(pl2.interact("join")) ai_dict = manager.dict() ca2 = CellularAutomata(pl2, ai_dict, debug=debug, mode='kamikaze') ca2_chat = CellularAutomata_chat(pl2, ai_dict, debug=debug_chat) t_pl2 = multiprocessing.Process(target=start_game, args=(ca2, )) c_pl2 = multiprocessing.Process(target=start_chat, args=(ca2_chat, ))
def test_rowsarecorrect(self): cA = CellularAutomata() grid = cA.buildGrid('1', 100) cA.buildRules(30) grid = cA.mutate(grid, int(3)) self.assertTrue('0110010' in '%s' % ''.join(map(str, grid[2])))
result = temp.manage_game("new").lower() print(result) if (result.find("error") != -1): print("ERRORE CREAZIONE") exit() else: creation_game = False created = True manager_game = temp print(temp.interact("join")) temp.command_chat("name") temp.command_chat("join") manager_dict = manager.dict() ca = CellularAutomata(temp, manager_dict, debug=debug, mode=mode) # to Debug if (i == 0): ca_chat = CellularAutomata_chat(temp, manager_dict, debug=True) else: ca_chat = CellularAutomata_chat(temp, manager_dict, debug=False) t_player = multiprocessing.Process(target=start_game, args=(ca, )) chat_player = multiprocessing.Process(target=start_chat, args=(ca_chat, )) threads_player.append(t_player) threads_chat.append(chat_player)