Пример #1
def getShortestIntersectionPath(surface, section1, section2):
    points1 = section1.pathConnectionPoints
    points2 = section2.pathConnectionPoints
    if not points1:
        points1.append(Point(section1.xMid, section1.zMid))
    if not points2:
        points2.append(Point(section2.xMid, section2.zMid))

    length = sys.maxint
    point1 = None
    point2 = None
    for p1 in points1:
        for p2 in points2:
            l = getDistance(p1.x, p1.z, p2.x, p2.z)
            if l < length:
                length = l
                point1 = p1
                point2 = p2
    path = getPath(surface, point1.x, point1.z, point2.x, point2.z)

    for point in path[:3]:

    for point in path[-1:-4:-1]:

    return path
Пример #2
def reconstructPath(node):
    path = []
    currentNode = node
    path.append(Point(currentNode.x, currentNode.z))
    while currentNode.cameFrom != None:
        currentNode = currentNode.cameFrom
        path.append(Point(currentNode.x, currentNode.z))
    return path
Пример #3
def getRandomPoint(surface, prop, points):
    x = random.randint(prop.xStart + 1, prop.xEnd - 2)
    z = random.randint(prop.zStart + 1, prop.zEnd - 2)
    p = Point(x, z)
    while contain(points, p):
        x = random.randint(prop.xStart + 1, prop.xEnd - 2)
        z = random.randint(prop.zStart + 1, prop.zEnd - 2)
        p = Point(x, z)
    return p
Пример #4
def getStraightPath(x1, z1, x2, z2):
    horizontalLength = abs(x2 - x1)
    verticalLength = abs(z2 - z1)
    straightPath = []
    if horizontalLength > verticalLength:
        xStart = 0
        zStart = 0
        zEnd = 0
        isIncreasing = True
        if x1 < x2:
            xStart = x1
            zStart = z1
            zEnd = z2
            xStart = x2
            zStart = z2
            zEnd = z1
        if zEnd < zStart:
            isIncreasing = False
        for i, x in enumerate(range(xStart, xStart + horizontalLength)):
            percentage = float(i + 1) / horizontalLength
            z = 0
            if isIncreasing:
                z = zStart + int(verticalLength * percentage)
                z = zStart - int(verticalLength * percentage)
            straightPath.append(Point(x, z))
        zStart = 0
        xStart = 0
        xEnd = 0
        isIncreasing = True
        if z1 < z2:
            zStart = z1
            xStart = x1
            xEnd = x2
            zStart = z2
            xStart = x2
            xEnd = x1
        if xEnd < xStart:
            isIncreasing = False
        for i, z in enumerate(range(zStart, zStart + verticalLength)):
            percentage = float(i + 1) / verticalLength
            x = 0
            if isIncreasing:
                x = xStart + int(horizontalLength * percentage)
                x = xStart - int(horizontalLength * percentage)
            straightPath.append(Point(x, z))
    return straightPath
Пример #5
def getShortestIntersectionPathLength(surface, section1, section2):
    points1 = section1.pathConnectionPoints
    points2 = section2.pathConnectionPoints
    if not points1:
        points1.append(Point(section1.xMid, section1.zMid))
    if not points2:
        points2.append(Point(section2.xMid, section2.zMid))

    length = sys.maxint
    for p1 in points1:
        for p2 in points2:
            l = getDistance(p1.x, p1.z, p2.x, p2.z)
            if l < length:
                length = l
    return length
Пример #6
def tooCloseToOtherTowers(surface, sectionMid, towerSections):
    for towerSection in towerSections:
        towerSectionMid = Point(towerSection.xMid, towerSection.zMid)
        distance = getEuclideanDistance(surface, towerSectionMid, sectionMid)
        if distance < 100:
            return True
    return False
Пример #7
def findLayer(surfaceInfo, x, z, layer):
	queue = deque()
	queue.append(Point(x, z))
	while queue:
		point = queue.popleft()
		if addPointToLayer(surfaceInfo, point.x, point.z, layer):
			addNeighborPointsToQueue(surfaceInfo, point.x, point.z, layer, queue)
Пример #8
def getNeighboursToCheck(point, surface, isChecked):
    neighboursToCheck = []
    x = point.x
    z = point.z
    if (x + 1) < surface.xLength and not isChecked[x + 1][z]:
        isChecked[x + 1][z] = True
        neighboursToCheck.append(Point(x + 1, z))
    if (z + 1) < surface.zLength and not isChecked[x][z + 1]:
        isChecked[x][z + 1] = True
        neighboursToCheck.append(Point(x, z + 1))
    if (x - 1) >= 0 and not isChecked[x - 1][z]:
        isChecked[x - 1][z] = True
        neighboursToCheck.append(Point(x - 1, z))
    if (z - 1) >= 0 and not isChecked[x][z - 1]:
        isChecked[x][z - 1] = True
        neighboursToCheck.append(Point(x, z - 1))
    return neighboursToCheck
Пример #9
def addNeighborPointsToQueue(surfaceInfo, x, z, layer, queue):
	for xNeighbor in [x - 1, x, x + 1]:
		for zNeighbor in [z - 1, z, z + 1]:
			if xNeighbor == x and zNeighbor == z:
			if not surfaceInfo.surfaceMap[xNeighbor][zNeighbor].isComplete and surfaceInfo.surfaceMap[xNeighbor][zNeighbor].isCheckedByLayer != layer:
				surfaceInfo.surfaceMap[xNeighbor][zNeighbor].isCheckedByLayer = layer
				queue.append(Point(xNeighbor, zNeighbor))
Пример #10
def buildHouseProperties(level, surface, properties):
    for p in properties:
        biomeId = surface.surfaceMap[p.xStart][p.zStart].biomeId
        biome = getBiomeDict()[biomeId]
        point = Point(surface.xStart + p.xStart, surface.zStart + p.zStart)
        buildStructure(level, point, p.height, 'house', 'north', biome, prop=p)
        buildPathway(level, surface, p.xPathwayStart, p.zPathwayStart,
                     p.xPathwayEnd, p.zPathwayEnd)
Пример #11
def buildRoads(level, surface, roads):
	streetLightInterval = 8
	for road in roads:
		streetLightCounter = 0
		for i, point in enumerate(road):
			y = surface.surfaceMap[point.x][point.z].height
			point = Point(point.x + surface.xStart, point.z + surface.zStart)
			previousPoint = None
			nextPoint = None
			if i > 0:
				previousPoint = Point(road[i - 1].x + surface.xStart, road[i - 1].z + surface.zStart)
			if i + 1 < len(road):
				nextPoint = Point(road[i + 1].x + surface.xStart, road[i + 1].z + surface.zStart)
			pointAngle = angleOfPoints(previousPoint, point, nextPoint)
			buildPathPoint(level, surface, point, y)
			if streetLightCounter % streetLightInterval == 0:
				placeStreetLights(level, surface, point, y, pointAngle)
			streetLightCounter += 1
Пример #12
def buildTowers(level, surface, towerSections):
    for section in towerSections:
        height = surface.surfaceMap[section.xMid][section.zMid].height
        biomeId = surface.surfaceMap[section.xMid][section.zMid].biomeId
        biome = getBiomeDict()[biomeId]
            Point(surface.xStart + section.xMid - 5,
                  surface.zStart + section.zMid - 5), height, 'tower', 'north',
Пример #13
def addDoorStep(blockRegister, doorPoint, prop, height):
	direction = prop.doorDirection
	doorStepPoint = None
	if direction == 'NORTH':
		doorStepPoint = Point(doorPoint.x, doorPoint.z - 1)
		prop.xPathwayStart = prop.xStart + doorPoint.x
		prop.zPathwayStart = prop.zStart + doorPoint.z - 2
	elif direction == 'EAST':
		doorStepPoint = Point(doorPoint.x + 1, doorPoint.z)
		prop.xPathwayStart = prop.xStart + doorPoint.x + 2
		prop.zPathwayStart = prop.zStart + doorPoint.z
	elif direction == 'SOUTH':
		doorStepPoint = Point(doorPoint.x, doorPoint.z + 1)
		prop.xPathwayStart = prop.xStart + doorPoint.x
		prop.zPathwayStart = prop.zStart + doorPoint.z + 2
	elif direction == 'WEST':
		doorStepPoint = Point(doorPoint.x - 1, doorPoint.z)
		prop.xPathwayStart = prop.xStart + doorPoint.x - 2
		prop.zPathwayStart = prop.zStart + doorPoint.z
	blockRegister.append({'type': 'cobblestone', 'direction': None, 'verticalAllignment': 'bottom', 'id': 5, 'data': 0, 'x': doorStepPoint.x, 'y': height, 'z': doorStepPoint.z})
Пример #14
def perform(level, box, options):
    if min([box.maxx - box.minx, box.maxz - box.minz]) < 7:
    point = Point(box.minx, box.minz)
    property = Property(box.minx, box.minz, box.maxx, box.maxz, box.miny)
    property.doorDirection = options["Direction:"].upper()
Пример #15
def placeStreetLights(level, surface, point, height, angle):
	if angle == 0:
		placeStreetLight(level, surface, Point(point.x - 2, point.z), height)
		placeStreetLight(level, surface, Point(point.x + 2, point.z), height)
	elif angle == 1:
		placeStreetLight(level, surface, Point(
			point.x + 1, point.z - 1), height)
		placeStreetLight(level, surface, Point(
			point.x - 1, point.z + 1), height)
	elif angle == 2:
		placeStreetLight(level, surface, Point(point.x, point.z - 2), height)
		placeStreetLight(level, surface, Point(point.x, point.z + 2), height)
	elif angle == 3:
		placeStreetLight(level, surface, Point(
			point.x - 1, point.z - 1), height)
		placeStreetLight(level, surface, Point(
			point.x + 1, point.z + 1), height)
Пример #16
def calculateSections(surface, allowedSteepness=0, minSize=1):
    sections = []
    isChecked = getMatrix(
        surface.xLength, surface.zLength,
        False)  #A matrix that keeps track of which points are checked

    id = 0
    for x in range(surface.xLength):
        for z in range(surface.zLength):
            if isChecked[x][z]:
            if surface.surfaceMap[x][z].steepness <= allowedSteepness:
                section = calculateSection(id, Point(x, z), surface, isChecked,
                if section.size >= minSize:
                    registerIdsOnSurface(surface, section)
                    id += 1
            isChecked[x][z] = True
    return sections
Пример #17
def getTowerSections(surface, averageSurfaceHeight, bigLandSections,
                     mediumLandSections, smallLandSections):
    maxAmount = (surface.xLength * surface.zLength) / 25000 + 1
    sectionHeap = heapifySectionsByAverageHeight(smallLandSections)
    towerSections = []
    for i, element in enumerate(sectionHeap):
        if i >= maxAmount:
        section = element[1]
        averageSectionHeight = section.averageHeight
        if averageSectionHeight < averageSurfaceHeight:
        sectionMid = Point(section.xMid, section.zMid)
        if tooCloseToOtherTowers(
                surface, sectionMid,
                towerSections) or tooCloseToBiggerHigherSections(
                    surface, sectionMid, averageSectionHeight, bigLandSections,
    return towerSections
Пример #18
def getPathsInSection(surface, section):
    attempts = 5
    points = [Point(section.xMid, section.zMid)]
    pointPool = section.points
    poolSize = len(pointPool)
    expectedPoints = poolSize / 2500 - 1

    if expectedPoints < 1:
        return []

    for _ in range(expectedPoints):
        greatestLength = 0
        nextPoint = None
        for _ in range(attempts):
            point = getRandomPoint(pointPool, poolSize, points)
            length = getLengthToNearestPoint(surface, points, point)
            if length > greatestLength:
                greatestLength = length
                nextPoint = point

    return getPathBetweenPoints(surface, points)
Пример #19
def buildPathPoint(level, surface, point, height):
	buildCenterPathTile(level, surface, point, height)
	for p in [(point.x - 1, point.z), (point.x + 1, point.z), (point.x, point.z - 1), (point.x, point.z + 1)]:
		buildOuterPathTile(level, surface, Point(p[0], p[1]), height)
Пример #20
def addWalls(point, prop, blockRegister):
	y = 0
	isDoorPlaced = False
	doorPoint = None
	# North and South default wall segments
	segmentRegister = loadSegmentRegister('wall_default')
	for x in range(2, prop.xLength - 2, 2):
		for block in segmentRegister:
			appendAdjustedBlockToRegister(blockRegister, block, x, y, 1)
			appendAdjustedBlockToRegister(blockRegister, block, prop.xLength - 1 - x, y, prop.zLength - 2)
			if x == prop.xLength - 4:
				appendAdjustedBlockToRegister(blockRegister, block, x + 1, y, 1)
				appendAdjustedBlockToRegister(blockRegister, block, prop.xLength - 2 - x, y, prop.zLength - 2)
	segmentRegister = rotateRegister(segmentRegister, directions.index('EAST'))
	# East and West default wall segments
	for z in range(2, prop.zLength - 2, 2):
		for block in segmentRegister:
			appendAdjustedBlockToRegister(blockRegister, block, 1, y, z)
			appendAdjustedBlockToRegister(blockRegister, block, prop.xLength - 2, y, prop.zLength - 1 - z)
			if z == prop.zLength - 4:
				appendAdjustedBlockToRegister(blockRegister, block, 1, y, z + 1)
				appendAdjustedBlockToRegister(blockRegister, block, prop.xLength - 2, y, prop.zLength - 2 - z)
	segmentRegister = loadSegmentRegister('wall_window')
	# North and South windows and maybe door
	for x in range(3, prop.xLength - 3, 2):
		skipNorth = False
		skipSouth = False
		if not isDoorPlaced:
			if prop.doorDirection == 'NORTH':
				skipNorth = True
			if prop.doorDirection == 'SOUTH':
				skipSouth = True
		if skipNorth:
			doorPoint = Point(x, 1)
			isDoorPlaced = True
		if skipSouth:
			doorPoint = Point(prop.xLength - 1 - x, prop.zLength - 2)
			isDoorPlaced = True
		for block in segmentRegister:
			if not skipNorth:
				appendAdjustedBlockToRegister(blockRegister, block, x, y, 1)
			if not skipSouth:
				appendAdjustedBlockToRegister(blockRegister, block, prop.xLength - 1 - x, y, prop.zLength - 2)
	segmentRegister = rotateRegister(segmentRegister, directions.index('EAST'))
	# East and West windows and maybe door
	for z in range(3, prop.zLength - 3, 2):
		skipEast = False
		skipWest = False
		if not isDoorPlaced:
			if prop.doorDirection == 'EAST':
				skipEast = True
			if prop.doorDirection == 'WEST':
				skipWest = True
		if skipEast:
			doorPoint = Point(prop.xLength - 2, prop.zLength - 1 - z)
			isDoorPlaced = True
		if skipWest:
			doorPoint = Point(1, z)
			isDoorPlaced = True
		for block in segmentRegister:
			if not skipWest:
				appendAdjustedBlockToRegister(blockRegister, block, 1, y, z)
			if not skipEast:
				appendAdjustedBlockToRegister(blockRegister, block, prop.xLength - 2, y, prop.zLength - 1 - z)
	# Corners
	segmentRegister = loadSegmentRegister('wall_corner')
	for block in segmentRegister:
		appendAdjustedBlockToRegister(blockRegister, block, 1, y, 1)
		appendAdjustedBlockToRegister(blockRegister, block, prop.xLength - 2, y, 1)
		appendAdjustedBlockToRegister(blockRegister, block, 1, y, prop.zLength - 2)
		appendAdjustedBlockToRegister(blockRegister, block, prop.xLength - 2, y, prop.zLength - 2)
	# Door
	segmentRegister = loadSegmentRegister('wall_door')
	segmentRegister = rotateRegister(segmentRegister, directions.index(prop.doorDirection))
	for block in segmentRegister:
		appendAdjustedBlockToRegister(blockRegister, block, doorPoint.x, y, doorPoint.z)
	addDoorStep(blockRegister, doorPoint, prop, y)