def load_plugins(): dn = NSBundle.mainBundle().objectForInfoDictionaryKey_( 'CFBundleExecutable') system_paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains( NSApplicationSupportDirectory, NSUserDomainMask | NSLocalDomainMask, YES) for search_path in system_paths: plugins = os.path.join(search_path, dn, 'PlugIns') if os.path.isdir(plugins): load_plugins_in_path(plugins) load_plugins_in_path(NSBundle.mainBundle().builtInPlugInsPath())
def open_app_at_startup(enabled=True): """ This function adds/removes the current app bundle from Login items in macOS """ if sys.platform == 'darwin': from Foundation import NSDictionary from Cocoa import NSBundle, NSURL from CoreFoundation import kCFAllocatorDefault # CF = CDLL(find_library('CoreFoundation')) from LaunchServices import (LSSharedFileListCreate, kLSSharedFileListSessionLoginItems, LSSharedFileListInsertItemURL, kLSSharedFileListItemHidden, kLSSharedFileListItemLast, LSSharedFileListItemRemove) app_path = NSBundle.mainBundle().bundlePath() url = NSURL.alloc().initFileURLWithPath_(app_path) login_items = LSSharedFileListCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, kLSSharedFileListSessionLoginItems, None) props = NSDictionary.dictionaryWithObject_forKey_( True, kLSSharedFileListItemHidden) new_item = LSSharedFileListInsertItemURL(login_items, kLSSharedFileListItemLast, None, None, url, props, None) if not enabled: LSSharedFileListItemRemove(login_items, new_item)
def asyncinteract(self, write=None, banner=None): if self.lock: raise ValueError("Can't nest") self.lock = True if write is None: write = self.write cprt = 'Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.' if banner is None: write("Python %s in %s\n%s\n" % ( sys.version, NSBundle.mainBundle().objectForInfoDictionaryKey_( "CFBundleName"), cprt, )) else: write(banner + "\n") more = 0 _buff = [] try: while True: if more: prompt = sys.ps2 else: prompt = sys.ps1 write(prompt) # yield the kind of prompt we have yield more # next input function yield _buff.append more = self.push(_buff.pop()) except: self.lock = False raise self.lock = False
def asyncinteract(self, write=None, banner=None): if self.lock: raise ValueError("Can't nest") self.lock = True if write is None: write = self.write cprt = 'Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.' if banner is None: write("Python %s in %s\n%s\n" % ( sys.version, NSBundle.mainBundle().objectForInfoDictionaryKey_('CFBundleName'), cprt, )) else: write(banner + '\n') more = 0 _buff = [] try: while True: if more: prompt = sys.ps2 else: prompt = sys.ps1 write(prompt) # yield the kind of prompt we have yield more # next input function yield _buff.append more = self.push(_buff.pop()) except: self.lock = False raise self.lock = False
def LoadDatabase(): """Load the database from stored-data.txt. Returns: The loaded database. """ textResourcesFilePaths = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathsForResourcesOfType_inDirectory_("txt", None) databaseFilePath = textResourcesFilePaths[0] NSLog ( "LoadDatabase: databaseFilePath is: %s " % (databaseFilePath, ) ) #fn = "database.pickle.txt" try: f = open( databaseFilePath , "r" ) #StoredData = cPickle.load(f) r = f.close() #print "read %d bytes from %s" % ( len(r), fn ) except (IOError, ValueError): print "Could not read from file: %r." % ( databaseFilePath, ) StoredData = None f.close() return StoredData try: StoredData = eval(r) except (IOError, ValueError): StoredData = None return StoredData
def get_system(attribute): """A helper function to get specific system attributes. Args: attribute: The system attribute desired. Returns: stdout: The system attribute value. """ IOKit_bundle = NSBundle.bundleWithIdentifier_('') functions = [("IOServiceGetMatchingService", b"II@"), ("IOServiceMatching", b"@*"), ("IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty", b"@I@@I"),] objc.loadBundleFunctions(IOKit_bundle, globals(), functions) def io_key(keyname): return IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty(IOServiceGetMatchingService(0, IOServiceMatching("IOPlatformExpertDevice".encode("utf-8"))), keyname, None, 0) def get_hardware_uuid(): return io_key("IOPlatformUUID".encode("utf-8")) def get_hardware_serial(): return io_key("IOPlatformSerialNumber".encode("utf-8")) # def get_board_id(): # return str(io_key("board-id".encode("utf-8"))).rstrip('\x00') options = {'serial' : get_hardware_serial #, # 'uuid' : get_hardware_uuid, # 'boardID' : get_board_id } return options[attribute]()
def report_webkit_version(): path = ctypes.macholib.dyld.framework_find('JavaScriptCore') if not path: return bundle = NSBundle.bundleWithPath_(os.path.dirname(path)) if bundle is None: return version = bundle.infoDictionary()['CFBundleVersion'] report('webkit-version', version=version)
def get_marketing_name(): # get_marketing_name gets the marketing name for the model of the Mac # in the form of '13" MacBook Pro with Retina display (Early 2015)' ServerInformation = NSBundle.bundleWithPath_( '/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ServerInformation.framework') ServerCompatibility = NSBundle.bundleWithPath_( '/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ServerCompatibility.framework') ServerInformationComputerModelInfo = ServerInformation.classNamed_( 'ServerInformationComputerModelInfo') SVCSystemInfo = ServerCompatibility.classNamed_('SVCSystemInfo') info = SVCSystemInfo.currentSystemInfo() extended_info = ServerInformationComputerModelInfo.attributesForModelIdentifier_( info.computerModelIdentifier()) if extended_info: marketing_name = extended_info['marketingModel'] return marketing_name else: return "-"
def open_app_at_startup(enabled=True): """ This function adds/removes the current app bundle from Login items in macOS or most Linux desktops """ if sys.platform == 'darwin': from Foundation import NSDictionary from Cocoa import NSBundle, NSURL from CoreFoundation import kCFAllocatorDefault # CF = CDLL(find_library('CoreFoundation')) from LaunchServices import (LSSharedFileListCreate, kLSSharedFileListSessionLoginItems, LSSharedFileListInsertItemURL, kLSSharedFileListItemHidden, kLSSharedFileListItemLast, LSSharedFileListItemRemove) app_path = NSBundle.mainBundle().bundlePath() url = NSURL.alloc().initFileURLWithPath_(app_path) login_items = LSSharedFileListCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, kLSSharedFileListSessionLoginItems, None) props = NSDictionary.dictionaryWithObject_forKey_( True, kLSSharedFileListItemHidden) new_item = LSSharedFileListInsertItemURL(login_items, kLSSharedFileListItemLast, None, None, url, props, None) if not enabled: LSSharedFileListItemRemove(login_items, new_item) elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'): autostart_path = Path.home() / '.config' / 'autostart' if not autostart_path.exists(): autostart_path.mkdir() autostart_file_path = autostart_path / 'vorta.desktop' if enabled: if Path('/.flatpak-info').exists(): # Vorta runs as flatpak autostart_file_path.write_text( LINUX_STARTUP_FILE.format( 'flatpak run com.borgbase.vorta')) else: autostart_file_path.write_text( LINUX_STARTUP_FILE.format('vorta')) else: if autostart_file_path.exists(): autostart_file_path.unlink()
def awakeFromNib(self): # we're only using the AMWorkflowView for display self.workflowView.setEditable_(False) # set up the data for NSTableView. We'll store a list of # NSDictonary records each containing some information about the # workflow. We'll display the name of the workflow's file in the # window. # set up an array for storing the table information theWorkflows = NSMutableArray.alloc().initWithCapacity_(20) # retrieve a list of all of the workflows stored in the application's # resourced folder. workflowPaths = NSBundle.mainBundle( ).pathsForResourcesOfType_inDirectory_("workflow", "workflows") # iterate through the paths, adding them to our table information # as we go. for nthWorkflowPath in workflowPaths: wfError = None # convert the path into an URL nthWorkflowURL = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_isDirectory_( nthWorkflowPath, False) # allocate and initialize the workflow nthWorkflow, wfError = AMWorkflow.alloc( ).initWithContentsOfURL_error_(nthWorkflowURL, None) if nthWorkflow: # calculate the file name without path or extension nthFileName = nthWorkflowPath.componentsSeparatedByString_( "/")[-1] nthDisplayName = nthFileName[:-9] # add the workflow to the list theWorkflows.append({ "name": nthDisplayName, "path": nthWorkflowPath, "workflow": nthWorkflow, }) # set the workflows self._.workflows = theWorkflows # if there are any workflows in the list, then select and display the first one */ if len(self._.workflows): self.workflowTable.selectRowIndexes_byExtendingSelection_( NSIndexSet.indexSetWithIndex_(0), False) self.displaySelectedWorkflow()
def awakeFromNib(self): # we're only using the AMWorkflowView for display self.workflowView.setEditable_(False) # set up the data for NSTableView. We'll store a list of # NSDictonary records each containing some information about the # workflow. We'll display the name of the workflow's file in the # window. # set up an array for storing the table information theWorkflows = NSMutableArray.alloc().initWithCapacity_(20) # retrieve a list of all of the workflows stored in the application's # resourced folder. workflowPaths = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathsForResourcesOfType_inDirectory_( "workflow", "workflows") # iterate through the paths, adding them to our table information # as we go. for nthWorkflowPath in workflowPaths: wfError = None # convert the path into an URL nthWorkflowURL = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_isDirectory_(nthWorkflowPath, False) # allocate and initialize the workflow nthWorkflow, wfError = AMWorkflow.alloc().initWithContentsOfURL_error_(nthWorkflowURL, None) if nthWorkflow: # calculate the file name without path or extension nthFileName = nthWorkflowPath.componentsSeparatedByString_("/")[-1] nthDisplayName = nthFileName[:-9] # add the workflow to the list theWorkflows.append(dict( name=nthDisplayName, path=nthWorkflowPath, workflow=nthWorkflow, )) # set the workflows self._.workflows = theWorkflows # if there are any workflows in the list, then select and display the first one */ if len(self._.workflows): self.workflowTable.selectRowIndexes_byExtendingSelection_( NSIndexSet.indexSetWithIndex_(0), False) self.displaySelectedWorkflow()
def fact(): """Returns the marketing name""" result = "None" model = subprocess.check_output(["/usr/sbin/sysctl", "-n", "hw.model"]).strip() serverInfoBundle = NSBundle.bundleWithPath_( "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ServerInformation.framework/") sysinfofile = serverInfoBundle.URLForResource_withExtension_subdirectory_( "SIMachineAttributes", "plist", "") d = plistlib.readPlist(sysinfofile.path()) if d.get(model, False): result = d[model]["_LOCALIZABLE_"]["marketingModel"] return {factoid: result.strip()}
def MachineName(): if platform.system() == 'Linux': cpu = '' itemsUsed = [] procinfo = Execute('cat /proc/cpuinfo') for line in procinfo.split('\n'): if ':' in line: k, v = line.split(':')[:2] if k.strip() == 'model name' and not k in itemsUsed: cpu += v.strip() itemsUsed.append(k) return '%s %s with %s' % (Execute('cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/sys_vendor'), Execute('cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name'), cpu) elif platform.system() == 'Darwin': name = None # Approach 1 import sys import plistlib import subprocess from Cocoa import NSBundle data = plistlib.readPlistFromString(Execute('system_profiler -xml SPHardwareDataType')) if (len(sys.argv) == 2): model = sys.argv[1] else: model = subprocess.check_output(["/usr/sbin/sysctl", "-n", "hw.model"]).strip() serverInfoBundle=NSBundle.bundleWithPath_("/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ServerInformation.framework/") sysinfofile=serverInfoBundle.URLForResource_withExtension_subdirectory_("SIMachineAttributes", "plist", "") plist = plistlib.readPlist(sysinfofile.path()) if (model in plist): name = plist[model]["_LOCALIZABLE_"]["marketingModel"] # Approach 2 if not name: name = data[0]['_items'][0]['machine_name'] return 'Apple %s (%s) with %s %s, %s memory' % (name, data[0]['_items'][0]['machine_model'], data[0]['_items'][0]['cpu_type'], data[0]['_items'][0]['current_processor_speed'], data[0]['_items'][0]['physical_memory'])
def fact(): '''Returns the marketing name''' result = 'None' model = subprocess.check_output( ['/usr/sbin/sysctl', '-n', 'hw.model'] ).strip() serverInfoBundle = NSBundle.bundleWithPath_( '/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ServerInformation.framework/' ) sysinfofile = serverInfoBundle.URLForResource_withExtension_subdirectory_( 'SIMachineAttributes', 'plist', '' ) d = plistlib.readPlist(sysinfofile.path()) if d.get(model, False): result = d[model]['_LOCALIZABLE_']['marketingModel'] return {factoid: result.strip()}
def open_app_at_startup(enabled=True): """ This function adds/removes the current app bundle from Login items in macOS or most Linux desktops """ if sys.platform == 'darwin': from Foundation import NSDictionary from Cocoa import NSBundle, NSURL from CoreFoundation import kCFAllocatorDefault # CF = CDLL(find_library('CoreFoundation')) from LaunchServices import (LSSharedFileListCreate, kLSSharedFileListSessionLoginItems, LSSharedFileListInsertItemURL, kLSSharedFileListItemHidden, kLSSharedFileListItemLast, LSSharedFileListItemRemove) app_path = NSBundle.mainBundle().bundlePath() url = NSURL.alloc().initFileURLWithPath_(app_path) login_items = LSSharedFileListCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, kLSSharedFileListSessionLoginItems, None) props = NSDictionary.dictionaryWithObject_forKey_( True, kLSSharedFileListItemHidden) new_item = LSSharedFileListInsertItemURL(login_items, kLSSharedFileListItemLast, None, None, url, props, None) if not enabled: LSSharedFileListItemRemove(login_items, new_item) elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'): config_path = QtCore.QStandardPaths.writableLocation( QtCore.QStandardPaths.ConfigLocation) autostart_file_path = Path(config_path) / 'autostart' / 'vorta.desktop' if enabled: dir_entry_point = get_setuptools_script_dir() autostart_file_path.write_text( LINUX_STARTUP_FILE.format(dir_entry_point)) else: if autostart_file_path.exists(): autostart_file_path.unlink()
def nsBundleRename(title, match='Python'): '''Change the bundle title if the current title matches. @param title: New bundle title (C{str}). @keyword match: Optional, previous title to match (C{str}). @return: The previous bundle title (C{str}) or None. @note: Used to mimick C{NSApplication.setTitle_(ns_title)}, the application name shown in the menu bar. ''' # < # foundation/nsbundle/1495012-bundlewithpath> # ns = NSBundle.bundleWithPath_(os.path.abspath(match)) p, ns = None, NSBundle.mainBundle() if ns: ns = ns.localizedInfoDictionary() or ns.infoDictionary() if ns: k = NSStr('CFBundleName') p = ns.objectForKey_(k) or None if title and match in (p, '', None): # can't be empty ns.setObject_forKey_(NSStr(title), k) return p
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function from Cocoa import NSBundle, NSTimer, NSRunLoop, NSDefaultRunLoopMode, NSApp from objc import lookUpClass, YES, NO, signature import os import sys import traceback import cStringIO # load the root classes sys.path.append(NSBundle.mainBundle().resourcePath()) from plugin import load_plugins, Plugin, Formatter # load any python plugins in the users directory load_plugins() sys.path.append(NSBundle.mainBundle().builtInPlugInsPath()) sys.path.append( '/Applications/' ) import lldb # == Enhancements == # 'process interrupt' to break in # stdin support # different core modules? # menu items # draw anywhere 'terminal' view
def open_app_at_startup(enabled=True): """ On macOS, this function adds/removes the current app bundle from Login items while on Linux it adds a .desktop file at ~/.config/autostart """ if sys.platform == 'darwin': from Foundation import NSDictionary from Cocoa import NSBundle, NSURL from CoreFoundation import kCFAllocatorDefault # CF = CDLL(find_library('CoreFoundation')) from LaunchServices import (LSSharedFileListCreate, kLSSharedFileListSessionLoginItems, LSSharedFileListInsertItemURL, kLSSharedFileListItemHidden, kLSSharedFileListItemLast, LSSharedFileListItemRemove) app_path = NSBundle.mainBundle().bundlePath() url = NSURL.alloc().initFileURLWithPath_(app_path) login_items = LSSharedFileListCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, kLSSharedFileListSessionLoginItems, None) props = NSDictionary.dictionaryWithObject_forKey_( True, kLSSharedFileListItemHidden) new_item = LSSharedFileListInsertItemURL(login_items, kLSSharedFileListItemLast, None, None, url, props, None) if not enabled: LSSharedFileListItemRemove(login_items, new_item) elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'): from appdirs import user_config_dir from pathlib import Path is_flatpak = Path('/.flatpak-info').exists() with open( Path(__file__).parent / "assets/metadata/com.borgbase.Vorta.desktop") as desktop_file: desktop_file_text = # Find XDG_CONFIG_HOME unless when running in flatpak if is_flatpak: autostart_path = Path.home() / '.config' / 'autostart' else: autostart_path = Path(user_config_dir("autostart")) if not autostart_path.exists(): autostart_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) autostart_file_path = autostart_path / 'vorta.desktop' if enabled: # Replace command for flatpak if appropriate and start in background desktop_file_text = desktop_file_text.replace( "Exec=vorta", "Exec=flatpak run com.borgbase.Vorta --daemonize" if is_flatpak else "Exec=vorta --daemonize") # Add autostart delay desktop_file_text += (AUTOSTART_DELAY) autostart_file_path.write_text(desktop_file_text) elif autostart_file_path.exists(): autostart_file_path.unlink()