def check_tree(request, NICK): if not slug_re.match(NICK): return HttpResponse("Invalid ColDoc %r." % (NICK, ), status=http.HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST) c = DColDoc.objects.filter(nickname=NICK).get() try: from helper import check_tree problems = check_tree(logger.warning, settings.COLDOC_SITE_ROOT, NICK) if problems: s = '<h3>Problems in tree of blobs</h3><ul>' for code, uuid, desc in problems: url = django.urls.reverse('UUID:index', kwargs={ 'NICK': NICK, 'UUID': uuid }) s += ('<li><a href="%s">' % (url, )) + uuid + '</a> →' + desc + '</li>' s += '</ul>' else: s = 'Tree is fine.' return HttpResponse(s) except Exception as e: logger.exception(repr(e)) return HttpResponse("Internal error", status=http.HTTPStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE)
def reparse(request, NICK): assert slug_re.match(NICK) coldoc = DColDoc.objects.filter(nickname=NICK).get() # request.user.associate_coldoc_blob_for_has_perm(coldoc, None) if not request.user.is_editor: raise SuspiciousOperation("Permission denied") # coldoc_dir = osjoin(settings.COLDOC_SITE_ROOT, 'coldocs', NICK) blobs_dir = osjoin(coldoc_dir, 'blobs') if not os.path.isdir(blobs_dir): raise SuspiciousOperation("No blobs for this ColDoc %r.\n" % (NICK, )) # if settings.USE_BACKGROUND_TASKS: from .tasks import reparse_all_sched reparse_all_sched(, NICK, verbose_name='reparse') messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, 'Reparsing scheduled') if messages.add_message( request, messages.INFO, 'Reparsing results will be sent to ' + str( else: from helper import reparse_all def writelog(s): messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, s) reparse_all(writelog, settings.COLDOC_SITE_ROOT, NICK) messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, 'Reparsing done') return redirect( django.urls.reverse('ColDoc:index', kwargs={ 'NICK': NICK, }))
def reparse_all(writelog, COLDOC_SITE_ROOT, coldoc_nick, lang=None, act=True): " returns (success, message, new_uuid)" # from ColDoc.utils import slug_re, get_blobinator_args assert isinstance(coldoc_nick, str) and slug_re.match(coldoc_nick), coldoc_nick assert ((isinstance(lang, str) and slug_re.match(lang)) or lang is None), lang # if lang is None: lang_ = '' else: lang_ = '_' + lang # coldoc_dir = osjoin(COLDOC_SITE_ROOT, 'coldocs', coldoc_nick) assert os.path.exists(coldoc_dir), ('Does not exist coldoc_dir=%r\n' % (coldoc_dir)) # blobs_dir = osjoin(coldoc_dir, 'blobs') # blobinator_args = get_blobinator_args(blobs_dir) # from ColDocApp.models import DColDoc coldoc = list(DColDoc.objects.filter(nickname=coldoc_nick)) coldoc = coldoc[0] #if not coldoc: # return HttpResponse("No such ColDoc %r." % (NICK,), status=http.HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND) from ColDoc.utils import reparse_blob, choose_blob from UUID.models import DMetadata for metadata in DMetadata.objects.filter(coldoc=coldoc, extension='.tex\n'): for avail_lang in metadata.get('lang'): try: filename, uuid, metadata, lang, ext = choose_blob( blobs_dir=blobs_dir, ext='.tex', lang=avail_lang, metadata=metadata) except ColDocException: pass else: def warn(msg): writelog('Parsing uuid %r lang %r : %s' % (uuid, lang, msg)) reparse_blob(filename, metadata, blobs_dir, warn, act=act)
def pdf(request, NICK, subpath=None): if not slug_re.match(NICK): return HttpResponse("Invalid ColDoc %r." % (NICK, ), status=http.HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST) c = DColDoc.objects.filter(nickname=NICK).get() return UUIDviews.view_(request, c, c.root_uuid, '.pdf', None, subpath, prefix='main')
def list_authors(warn, COLDOC_SITE_ROOT, coldoc_nick, as_django_user=True): " if as_django_user is true, authors will be returned as django user whenever possible" # from ColDoc.utils import slug_re assert isinstance(coldoc_nick, str) and slug_re.match(coldoc_nick), coldoc_nick # coldoc_dir = osjoin(COLDOC_SITE_ROOT, 'coldocs', coldoc_nick) assert os.path.exists(coldoc_dir), ('Does not exist coldoc_dir=%r\n' % (coldoc_dir)) # blobs_dir = osjoin(coldoc_dir, 'blobs') # from ColDocApp.models import DColDoc coldoc = list(DColDoc.objects.filter(nickname=coldoc_nick)) coldoc = coldoc[0] # from UUID.models import DMetadata # authors = {} # def smartappend(user_, uuid_): if user_ not in authors: authors[user_] = [uuid_] else: authors[user_].append(uuid_) # from itertools import chain for metadata in DMetadata.objects.filter(coldoc=coldoc): uuid = metadata.uuid m1 = metadata.get('M_author') if as_django_user: m2 = else: m2 = metadata.get( 'author') #[a.username for a in metadata.get('author')] for u in chain(m1, m2): smartappend(u, uuid) if not m1 and not m2: smartappend(None, uuid) return authors
def post_coldoc_edit(request, NICK): assert slug_re.match(NICK) if request.method != 'POST': return redirect( django.urls.reverse('ColDoc:index', kwargs={ 'NICK': NICK, })) # coldoc = DColDoc.objects.filter(nickname=NICK).get() # request.user.associate_coldoc_blob_for_has_perm(coldoc, None) if not request.user.has_perm('ColDocApp.change_dcoldoc'): logger.error('Hacking attempt %r', request.META) raise SuspiciousOperation("Permission denied") # form = ColDocForm(request.POST, instance=coldoc) # if not form.is_valid(): return HttpResponse("Invalid form: " + repr(form.errors), status=http.HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST) messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, 'Changes saved') return index(request, NICK)
def check_tree(warn, COLDOC_SITE_ROOT, coldoc_nick, lang=None): " returns `problems`, a list of problems found in tree" # TODO implement some tree check regarding `lang` # from functools import partial from ColDoc.utils import recurse_tree from UUID.models import DMetadata # from ColDoc.utils import slug_re assert isinstance(coldoc_nick, str) and slug_re.match(coldoc_nick), coldoc_nick assert ((isinstance(lang, str) and slug_re.match(lang)) or lang is None), lang # coldoc_dir = osjoin(COLDOC_SITE_ROOT, 'coldocs', coldoc_nick) assert os.path.exists(coldoc_dir), ('Does not exist coldoc_dir=%r\n' % (coldoc_dir)) # blobs_dir = osjoin(coldoc_dir, 'blobs') # from ColDoc.utils import tree_environ_helper teh = tree_environ_helper(blobs_dir=blobs_dir) # from ColDocApp.models import DColDoc coldoc = DColDoc.objects.get(nickname=coldoc_nick) # from ColDoc.latex import prepare_options_for_latex options = prepare_options_for_latex(coldoc_dir, blobs_dir, DMetadata, coldoc) # from UUID.models import DMetadata # seen = set() available = set() all_metadata = {} problems = [] # for metadata in DMetadata.objects.filter(coldoc=coldoc): available.add(metadata.uuid) all_metadata[metadata.uuid] = metadata # each one of those is equivalent load_by_uuid = partial(DMetadata.load_by_uuid, coldoc=coldoc) load_by_uuid = lambda uuid: all_metadata[uuid] # def actor(teh, seen, available, warn, problems, uuid, branch, *v, **k): if uuid in branch: a = "loop detected along branch %r" % (branch + [uuid], ) warn(a) problems.append(("LOOP", uuid, a)) ret = True if uuid in seen: ret = False a = "duplicate node %r in tree" % (uuid, ) warn(a) problems.append(("DUPLICATE", uuid, a)) if uuid in available: available.discard(uuid) else: ret = False warn("already deleted from queue %r" % uuid) seen.add(uuid) if len(branch) > 1: c = load_by_uuid(branch[-1]) p = load_by_uuid(branch[-2]) if not teh.child_is_allowed(c.environ, p.environ, c.get('extension')): a = "The node %r %r cannot be a child of %r %r" % ( c.uuid, c.environ, p.uuid, p.environ) problems.append(("WRONG_LINK", uuid, a)) warn(a) ret = False #else: # warn("The node %r %r can be a child of %r %r" %(c.uuid,c.environ,p.uuid,p.environ)) return ret # action = partial(actor, teh=teh, seen=seen, available=available, warn=warn, problems=problems) ret = recurse_tree(load_by_uuid, action) # self check assert bool(problems) ^ (bool(ret)), (ret, problems, bool(ret), bool(problems)) # if available: a = ("Disconnected nodes %r" % available) warn(a) for j in available: problems.append(('DISCONNECTED', j, a)) # load back_maps from ColDoc.utils import uuid_to_dir, parent_cmd_env_child back_maps = {} for uuid in all_metadata: a = osjoin(blobs_dir, uuid_to_dir(uuid), '.back_map.pickle') if os.path.exists(a): back_maps[uuid] = pickle.load(open(a, 'rb')) else: M = all_metadata[uuid] if M.get('extension') == ['.tex']: logger.warning('UUID %r does not have back_map', uuid) # check environ environments = {} for uuid in all_metadata: M = all_metadata[uuid] env = M.get('environ') if len(env) != 1: a = 'UUID %r environ %r' % (uuid, env) logger.error(a) problems.append(("WRONG environ", uuid, a)) continue environments[uuid] = env[0] # check protection private_environment = options.get("private_environment", []) if private_environment: for uuid in all_metadata: env = environments.get(uuid) M = all_metadata[uuid] if (env[:2] == 'E_') and (bool(env[2:] in private_environment) != bool(M.access == 'private')): a = 'UUID %r environ %r access %r' % (uuid, env, M.access) logger.warning(a) problems.append(('WRONG access', uuid, a)) # check that the environment of the child corresponds to the LaTex \begin/\end used in the parent split_graphic = options.get("split_graphic", []) allowed_parenthood = options.get("allowed_parenthood", {}) for uuid in all_metadata: M = all_metadata[uuid] parents = M.get('parent_uuid') child_env = environments.get(uuid) if child_env is None: continue for parent_uuid in parents: back_map = back_maps.get(parent_uuid) if back_map is None: logger.error('Parent %r of %r does not have back_map', parent_uuid, uuid) continue cmd, file, parent_uses_env = back_map[uuid] wrong = parent_cmd_env_child(parent_uses_env, cmd, child_env, split_graphic, allowed_parenthood) if wrong: #a = 'child env %r parent_env %r parent_cmd %r' %(child_env,parent_uses_env,cmd)) a = 'Parent %r includes child %r using cmd %r environ %r but child %r thinks it is environ %r' %\ (parent_uuid, uuid, cmd, parent_uses_env, uuid , child_env) logger.warning(a) problems.append(('CMD_PARENT_CHILD', uuid, a)) # check that header is consistent from ColDoc.config import ColDoc_environments_sectioning for uuid in all_metadata: M = all_metadata[uuid] env = environments.get(uuid) if env and env in ColDoc_environments_sectioning: D = osjoin(blobs_dir, uuid_to_dir(uuid, blobs_dir)) try: for j in os.listdir(D): if j.startswith('blob') and j.endswith('.tex'): l = open(osjoin(D, j)).readline(32) if not l.startswith('\\' + env): a = 'UUID %r file %r environ %r first line %r' % ( uuid, j, env, l) logger.warning(a) problems.append(('WRONG_HEADER', uuid, a)) except: logger.exception('while checking headers in %r', uuid) return problems
def add_blob(logger, user, COLDOC_SITE_ROOT, coldoc_nick, parent_uuid, environ, lang, selection_start=None, selection_end=None, add_beginend=True): " returns (success, message, new_uuid)" # from django.core.exceptions import MultipleObjectsReturned, ObjectDoesNotExist # from ColDoc.utils import slug_re assert isinstance(coldoc_nick, str) and slug_re.match(coldoc_nick), coldoc_nick assert ((isinstance(lang, str) and slug_re.match(lang)) or lang is None), lang assert isinstance(parent_uuid, str) and slug_re.match(parent_uuid), parent_uuid assert isinstance(environ, str), environ if isinstance(selection_end, int) and selection_end < 0: selection_end = None if isinstance(selection_start, int) and selection_start < 0: selection_start = None # import ColDoc.config as CC # if lang is None: lang_ = '' else: lang_ = '_' + lang # if environ.startswith('E_'): extension = '.tex' elif environ == 'graphic_file': extension = '.png' else: extension = None for k in CC.ColDoc_latex_mime: if environ in CC.ColDoc_latex_mime[k]: extension = k # coldoc_dir = osjoin(COLDOC_SITE_ROOT, 'coldocs', coldoc_nick) assert os.path.exists(coldoc_dir), ('Does not exist coldoc_dir=%r\n' % (coldoc_dir)) # blobs_dir = osjoin(coldoc_dir, 'blobs') # blobinator_args = get_blobinator_args(blobs_dir) # if environ[:2] == 'E_': if environ[2:] not in (blobinator_args['split_environment'] + blobinator_args['split_list']): a = 'The environ %r was never splitted when the document was first created ' % environ logger.error(a) return False, a, None else: if environ not in CC.ColDoc_environments: a = "Cannot add a child with unknown environ %r" % environ logger.error(a) return False, a, None # if selection_start is not None and selection_end != selection_start: if extension is None or environ == 'graphic_file': a = ("cannot select region when adding a non-TeX file") logger.error(a) return False, a, None # if isinstance(user, str): import django.contrib.auth as A M = A.get_user_model() try: user_ = M.objects.get(username=user) except ObjectDoesNotExist: logger.error('No such user %r', user) return False, 'No such user', None user = user_ logger.debug("Resolved user as %r", user) # from ColDoc import utils import ColDocApp.models as coldocapp_models import UUID.models as blob_models metadata_class = blob_models.DMetadata # #try: parent_uuid_, parent_uuid_dir, parent_metadata = utils.resolve_uuid( uuid=parent_uuid, uuid_dir=None, blobs_dir=blobs_dir, coldoc=coldoc_nick, metadata_class=metadata_class) logger.debug('Resolved parent as %r', parent_uuid_dir) # if '.tex' not in parent_metadata.get('extension'): a = "Only '.tex' blobs can have children" logger.error(a) return False, a, None # from ColDoc.utils import tree_environ_helper parent_environ = parent_metadata.environ teh = tree_environ_helper(parent=parent_environ, blobs_dir=blobs_dir) if not teh.child_is_allowed(environ, extension=extension): if environ[:2] == 'E_': a = "Cannot add a \\begin{%s}..\\end{%s} to a blob that has environ=%r " % ( environ[2:], environ[2:], parent_environ) else: a = "Cannot add a child with environ %r extension %r to a parent with environ %r" % ( parent_environ, extension, environ) logger.error(a) return False, a, None # #from ColDocDjango.users import user_has_perm user.associate_coldoc_blob_for_has_perm(parent_metadata.coldoc, parent_metadata) if not user.has_perm('UUID.view_blob', parent_metadata): logger.error("Permission denied (view_blob)") return False, "Permission denied (view_blob)", None try: except ObjectDoesNotExist: logger.debug("User %r is not an author of %r", user, parent_uuid) if not user.has_perm('ColDocApp.add_blob'): a = ( "Permission denied (add_blob) and %s is not an author of %s " % (user, parent_uuid)) logger.error(a) return False, a, None else: logger.debug("User %r is an author of %r", user, parent_uuid) # # FIXME TODO maybe we should insert the "input" for all languages available? parent_abs_filename = os.path.join(blobs_dir, parent_uuid_dir, 'blob' + lang_ + '.tex') if not os.path.exists(parent_abs_filename): a = "Parent does not exists %r" % parent_abs_filename logger.error(a) return False, a, None # filename = None while not filename: new_uuid = utils.new_uuid(blobs_dir=blobs_dir) new_dir = utils.uuid_to_dir(new_uuid, blobs_dir=blobs_dir, create=True) filename = osjoin(new_dir, 'blob' + lang_ + extension) if os.path.exists(osjoin(blobs_dir, filename)): logger.error(' output exists %r, trying next UUID' % filename) filename = None # child_metadata = metadata_class(coldoc=parent_metadata.coldoc, uuid=new_uuid) #child_metadata.add('uuid', new_uuid) if extension is not None: child_metadata.add('extension', extension) child_metadata.add('environ', environ) if lang is not None: child_metadata.add('lang', lang) if environ[:2] == 'E_' and environ[2:] in blobinator_args[ 'private_environment']: child_metadata.add('access', 'private') child_metadata.add('author', user) parent_metadata.add('child_uuid', new_uuid) # placeholder = 'placeholder' parent_file = open(parent_abs_filename).read() if selection_start is not None and selection_end != selection_start: placeholder = parent_file[selection_start:selection_end] if environ in CC.ColDoc_environments_sectioning: from ColDoc.blob_inator import _rewrite_section sources = ['', '', '{placeholder}'] _, src = _rewrite_section(sources, new_uuid, environ) placeholder = src + '\n' + placeholder child_metadata.add('optarg', json.dumps(sources)) else: placeholder = ("\\uuid{%s}%%\n" % (new_uuid, )) + placeholder with open(parent_abs_filename, 'w') as f: if selection_start is None: f.write(parent_file) else: f.write(parent_file[:selection_start]) f.write("%\n") #utils.environ_stub(environ) if environ[:2] == 'E_': if add_beginend: f.write("\\begin{" + environ[2:] + "}") if environ[2:] in blobinator_args['split_list']: f.write("\\item") if environ == 'graphic_file': f.write("\\includegraphics{" + filename + "}") else: f.write("\\input{" + filename + "}") if environ[:2] == 'E_' and add_beginend: f.write("\\end{" + environ[2:] + "}") f.write("\n") if selection_start is not None: f.write(parent_file[selection_end:]) # if environ == 'graphic_file': import shutil child_metadata.original_filename = child_metadata.uuid + '.png' shutil.copy( osjoin(os.environ['COLDOC_SRC_ROOT'], 'ColDocDjango/assets/placeholder.png'), osjoin(blobs_dir, filename)) else: with open(osjoin(blobs_dir, filename), 'w') as f: f.write(placeholder + '\n') # # write the metadata (including, a a text copy in filesytem) return True, ( "Created blob with UUID %r, please edit %r to properly input it (a stub \\input was inserted for your convenience)" % (new_uuid, parent_uuid)), new_uuid
def index(request, NICK): if not slug_re.match(NICK): return HttpResponse("Invalid ColDoc %r." % (NICK, ), status=http.HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST) #coldoc_dir = osjoin(settings.COLDOC_SITE_ROOT,NICK) try: c = DColDoc.objects.filter(nickname=NICK).get() except DColDoc.DoesNotExist: return HttpResponse("No such ColDoc %r.\n" % (NICK, ), status=http.HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND) # request.user.associate_coldoc_blob_for_has_perm(c, None) # if request.user.has_perm('UUID.view_view'): whole_button_class = 'btn-outline-success' else: whole_button_class = 'btn-outline-primary' # coldocform = None if request.user.has_perm('ColDocApp.view_dcoldoc'): coldocform = ColDocForm(instance=c) coldocform.htmlid = 'id_coldocform' for a in 'nickname', 'root_uuid': coldocform.fields[a].widget.attrs['readonly'] = True # latex_error_logs = [] failed_blobs = [] tasks = [] completed_tasks = [] if request.user.is_editor: from ColDocDjango.utils import convert_latex_return_codes latex_error_logs = convert_latex_return_codes(c.latex_return_codes, c.nickname, c.root_uuid) # failed_blobs = map( lambda x: (x, django.urls.reverse('UUID:index', kwargs={ 'NICK': NICK, 'UUID': x })), DMetadata.objects.exclude( latex_return_codes__exact='').values_list('uuid', flat=True)) # if Task is not None: tasks = [TaskForm(instance=j) for j in Task.objects.all()] completed_tasks = [ CompletedTaskForm(instance=j) for j in CompletedTask.objects.all() ] # check_tree_url = django.urls.reverse('ColDoc:check_tree', kwargs={ 'NICK': NICK, }) return render( request, 'coldoc.html', { 'coldoc': c, 'NICK': c.nickname, 'coldocform': coldocform, 'failedblobs': failed_blobs, 'check_tree_url': check_tree_url, 'whole_button_class': whole_button_class, 'tasks': tasks, 'completed_tasks': completed_tasks, 'latex_error_logs': latex_error_logs })
def search(request, NICK): if not slug_re.match(NICK): return HttpResponse("Invalid ColDoc %r." % (NICK, ), status=http.HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST) if request.method == 'POST': searchtoken = request.POST.get('searchtoken') if searchtoken is None: logger.error( 'Search POST with not "searchtoken" : hacking attemp?') return HttpResponse("Bad ... bad ..." % (request.method, ), status=http.HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST) else: assert request.method == 'GET' searchtoken = request.GET.get('searchtoken') if searchtoken is None: # this happens when the user logs in or logs out while on the search page return redirect( django.urls.reverse('ColDoc:index', kwargs={ 'NICK': NICK, })) #return HttpResponse("Method %r not allowed"%(request.method,),status=http.HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST) # if len(searchtoken) <= 1: messages.add_message(request, messages.WARNING, "Search key is too short.") return index(request, NICK) # coldoc = DColDoc.objects.filter(nickname=NICK).get() # request.user.associate_coldoc_blob_for_has_perm(coldoc, None) # UUID if len(searchtoken) <= 8 and len(searchtoken) >= 3: maybe_uuid = True try: uuid_ = ColDoc.utils.uuid_check_normalize(searchtoken) except ValueError: uuid_list = [] maybe_uuid = False else: uuid_list = DMetadata.objects.filter(coldoc=coldoc, uuid=uuid_) else: maybe_uuid = False uuid_list = [] # if request.user.is_authenticated and coldoc.anonymous_can_view: # FIXME , would like to use `has_perm('UUID.view_view')` # but this currently works only on a per-blob basis: # so we should filter this list accordingly index_list = ExtraMetadata.objects.filter( Q(key__contains='M_index') & Q(blob__coldoc=coldoc) & Q(value__contains=searchtoken)) else: index_list = [] if request.user.has_perm('UUID.view_blob'): label_list = ExtraMetadata.objects.filter( Q(key__endswith='M_label') & Q(blob__coldoc=coldoc) & Q(value__contains=searchtoken)) ref_list = ExtraMetadata.objects.filter( (Q(key__endswith='M_ref') | Q(key__endswith='M_eqref') | Q(key__endswith='M_pageref')) & Q(blob__coldoc=coldoc) & Q(value__contains=searchtoken)) else: label_list = ref_list = [] # meta_list = [] if request.user.is_authenticated and coldoc.anonymous_can_view: # FIXME , would like to use `has_perm('UUID.view_view')` # but this currently works only on a per-blob basis: # so we should filter this list accordingly blobs_dir = osjoin(settings.COLDOC_SITE_ROOT, 'coldocs', NICK, 'blobs') blobinator_args = get_blobinator_args(blobs_dir) for j in blobinator_args["metadata_command"]: if j not in ('label', 'ref', 'eqref', 'pageref', 'index'): meta_list += list( ExtraMetadata.objects.filter( Q(key__endswith=('M_' + j)) & Q(blob__coldoc=coldoc) & Q(value__contains=searchtoken))) # TODO search in text # shortcut if len( uuid_list ) == 1 and not label_list and not index_list and not ref_list and not meta_list: return redirect( django.urls.reverse('UUID:index', kwargs={ 'NICK': NICK, 'UUID': uuid_list[0].uuid })) return render( request, 'search.html', { 'coldoc': coldoc, 'NICK': coldoc.nickname, 'maybe_uuid': maybe_uuid, 'uuid_list': uuid_list, 'label_list': label_list, 'ref_list': ref_list, 'index_list': index_list, 'meta_list': meta_list, })
def latex(request, NICK): assert slug_re.match(NICK) coldoc = DColDoc.objects.filter(nickname=NICK).get() # request.user.associate_coldoc_blob_for_has_perm(coldoc, None) if not request.user.is_editor: raise SuspiciousOperation("Permission denied") # coldoc_dir = osjoin(settings.COLDOC_SITE_ROOT, 'coldocs', NICK) blobs_dir = osjoin(coldoc_dir, 'blobs') if not os.path.isdir(blobs_dir): raise SuspiciousOperation("No blobs for this ColDoc %r.\n" % (NICK, )) # q = request.GET typ_ = q.get('type') if typ_ not in ('main', 'anon', 'tree'): messages.add_message(request, messages.WARNING, 'Wrong request') return index(request, NICK) # assert slug_re.match(typ_) # from ColDoc.latex import prepare_options_for_latex options = {} # prepare_options_for_latex() will be called by latex_main # url = django.urls.reverse('UUID:index', kwargs={ 'NICK': coldoc.nickname, 'UUID': '000' })[:-4] url = request.build_absolute_uri(url) # used for PDF options['url_UUID'] = url options['coldoc'] = coldoc options['metadata_class'] = DMetadata # used to dedup plastex stuff options['coldoc_site_root'] = settings.COLDOC_SITE_ROOT options['dedup_root'] = settings.DEDUP_ROOT options['dedup_url'] = settings.DEDUP_URL # needed by `latex_tree` if typ_ == 'tree': import functools from ColDocDjango.transform import squash_helper_ref options["squash_helper"] = functools.partial(squash_helper_ref, coldoc) # this signals `latex_main` to run `prepare_options_for_latex()` options['coldoc_dir'] = coldoc_dir options = base64.b64encode(pickle.dumps(options)).decode() # ret = False if typ_ == 'tree': ret = latex_tree_sched(blobs_dir, uuid=coldoc.root_uuid, options=options, verbose_name="latex_tree", elif typ_ == 'main': ret = latex_main_sched(blobs_dir, uuid=coldoc.root_uuid, options=options, access='private', verbose_name="latex_main:private", else: ret = latex_anon_sched(coldoc_dir, uuid=coldoc.root_uuid, options=options, access='public', verbose_name="latex_main:public", if settings.USE_BACKGROUND_TASKS: messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, 'Compilation scheduled for ' + typ_) elif ret: messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, 'Compilation finished for ' + typ_) else: messages.add_message(request, messages.WARNING, 'Compilation failed for ' + typ_) return redirect( django.urls.reverse('ColDoc:index', kwargs={ 'NICK': NICK, }))