async def get_shop_embed(self, shop_name, server): roles = self.shops_database.execute( "SELECT role_id, price FROM '%s' ORDER BY price DESC" % shop_name) # Convert [id1, cost1, id2, cost2, ...] to [[id1, cost1], [id2, cost2], ...] roles = [[roles[i * 2], str(roles[i * 2 + 1])] for i in range(len(roles) // 2)] embed = discord.Embed(title="[%s]" % shop_name, color=Utils.default_hex_color) if len(roles) > 0: for role_info in roles: role = Utils.get_role_by_id(server, role_info[0]) embed.add_field(name=str(role), value=role_info[1] + EconomyUtils.currency, inline=True) else: embed.description = "No roles currently available." return embed
async def give_role(self, server, user, role): old_role_id = self.users[][] # If the user has an old role -> Delete old role if old_role_id is not None: old_role = Utils.get_role_by_id(server, old_role_id) # If the role isn't what's needed -> Delete old role if is not await self.remove_role(server, user, old_role) # Give role to user await Utils.client.add_roles(user, role) # Save new user role to user's data self.users[][] = # Save user to the color's data # Color data exists -> Append user id # Color data doesn't exist -> Create and append it if in self.roles[].keys(): self.roles[][].append( else: self.roles[][] = []
async def command_called(self, message, command): split_message = message.content.split(" ") channel, author, server =,, message.guild try: # Adding a role if command is self.commands['Add Color Command']: # Check command format if len(split_message) > 1: # If the first parameter is hex if Utils.is_hex(split_message[1]): hex_color = split_message[1].upper() # If role hasn't been created and max color count hasn't been reached -> Create Role if len(self.roles[]) < self.config['Max Colors']: if self.get_role_by_hex(server, hex_color) is None: new_color_role = await self.create_role( server, hex_color) # Role already exists -> Get it else: new_color_role = self.get_role_by_hex( server, hex_color) # Give the user their color await self.give_role(server, author, new_color_role) await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Add Role]", "Added " + hex_color + " to your roles.", hex_color) else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Added Color]", "Max role count reached.", hex_color=hex_color) # First parameter is not a valid hex value -> Error else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply(channel, "[Error]", "Invalid hex value.", split_message[1]) # Hex parameter not supplied -> Error else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply(channel, "[Error]", "Missing color parameter.") # Removing a role elif command is self.commands["Remove Color Command"]: # Get current role info current_color_role_id = self.users[][] current_color_role = Utils.get_role_by_id( server, current_color_role_id) hex_color = # Remove the role await self.remove_role(server, author, current_color_role) # Reply await Utils.simple_embed_reply(channel, "[Removed Color]", "Removed " + hex_color + " from your roles.", hex_color=hex_color) # Deleting a role elif command is self.commands["Delete Color Command"]: # If the hex color was supplied if len(split_message) > 1: if Utils.is_hex(split_message[1]): hex_color = split_message[1].upper() color_role = self.get_role_by_hex(server, hex_color) # If the role doesn't exist -> Error if color_role is None: await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Error]", "Color not found.", hex_color) # Role found -> Delete it and let the user know else: await self.delete_role(server, color_role) # Reply await Utils.simple_embed_reply(channel, "[Deleted Color]", "Deleted " + hex_color + ".", hex_color=hex_color) # First parameter is not a valid hex value -> Error else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply(channel, "[Error]", "Invalid hex value.", split_message[1]) # Hex parameter not supplied -> Error else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply(channel, "[Error]", "Missing color parameter.") # Listing roles elif command is self.commands["List Colors Command"]: roles_text = "" # If roles exist if len(self.roles[]) > 0: # Build text from every role name for role in self.roles[]: roles_text += Utils.get_role_by_id(server, role).name + "\n" # No roles exist -> state so else: roles_text = "No roles exist." # Reply with the list await Utils.simple_embed_reply(channel, "[Color List]", roles_text) # Listing users equipped with role elif command is self.commands["Equipped Users Command"]: # If the hex color was supplied if len(split_message) > 1: if Utils.is_hex(split_message[1]): hex_color = split_message[1].upper() role = self.get_role_by_hex(server, hex_color) # If the role exists if role is not None: users_text = "" # Check if users are equipped with this role if len(self.roles[][]) > 0: for user_id in self.roles[][]: user = Utils.get_user_by_id( server, user_id) users_text += + "\n" # No users are equipped -> State so else: users_text = "No users are equipped with this role." # Reply with the equipped roles await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[" + + " Equipped List]", users_text, hex_color) # Hex parameter doesn't have an associated role -> Error else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Error]", "Color not found.", hex_color) # First parameter is not a valid hex value -> Error else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply(channel, "[Error]", "Invalid hex value.", split_message[1]) # Hex parameter not supplied -> Error else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply(channel, "[Error]", "Missing color parameter.") # List all info known by this mod for current server elif command is self.commands["Color Info Command"]: # If roles exist if len(self.roles[]) > 0: # Begin reply crafting embed = discord.Embed(title="[Info]", Utils.default_hex_color) # Cycle all the roles, creating user list per role for role_id in self.roles[]: role = Utils.get_role_by_id(server, role_id) users_text = "" for user_id in self.roles[][role_id]: user = Utils.get_user_by_id(server, user_id) users_text += + "\n" # Create embed field per role embed.add_field(, value=users_text) # Reply await channel.send(embed=embed) # No used roles -> state so else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply(channel, "[Info]", "No color exist.") # Purge a given role elif command is self.commands["Clear Colors Command"]: for role_id in [role for role in self.roles[]]: role = Utils.get_role_by_id(server, role_id) # Delete the role await self.delete_role(server, role) # Let the user know all await Utils.simple_embed_reply(channel, "[Purged Color]", "Purged all colors.") # Bot isn't supplied with sufficient perms -> Error except discord.errors.Forbidden as e: await Utils.simple_embed_reply(channel, "[Error]", "Bot does not have enough perms.") logging.exception("An error occurred.") # Some error I don't know of occurred, PING ALIEN! except Exception as e: # Leave as a general exception! await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Error]", "Unknown error occurred (Ping Alien).") logging.exception("An error occurred.")
async def command_called(self, message, command): split_message = message.content.split(" ") server, channel, author = message.guild,, if command is self.commands["Set Shop Command"]: if len(split_message) > 1: shop_name = split_message[1] if is_valid_shop_name(shop_name): # Drop old shop table if needed self.delete_shop_by_channel_id( # Create new tables and rows self.shops_database.execute( """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '%s'(role_id TEXT UNIQUE, price NUMERIC, time_added REAL, duration REAL)""" % shop_name) self.shop_info_database.execute( "REPLACE INTO shops VALUES('%s', '%s', 0)" % (, shop_name)) await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Shop Created]", "`%s` has been assigned `%s.`" % (str(channel), shop_name)) else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Error]", "Shop parameter incorrect.") else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Error]", "Insufficient parameters supplied.") elif command is self.commands["List Shops Command"]: shop_names = [] info = self.shop_info_database.execute( "SELECT channel_id, shop_name FROM shops") known_channels = [ for channel in server.channels] for i in range(0, len(info), 2): if info[i] in known_channels: shop_names.append(info[i + 1]) if len(shop_names) > 0: shop_text = ''.join( [shop_name + "\n" for shop_name in shop_names])[:-1] await Utils.simple_embed_reply(channel, "[Shops]", shop_text) else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply(channel, "[Shops]", "No shops exist.") elif command is self.commands["Delete Shop Command"]: if len(split_message) > 1: shop_name = split_message[1] if is_valid_shop_name(shop_name): shop_names = self.shop_info_database.execute( "SELECT shop_name FROM shops") if len(shop_names) > 0: if shop_name in shop_names: self.shops_database.execute( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '%s'" % shop_name) self.shop_info_database.execute( "DELETE FROM shops WHERE shop_name='%s'" % shop_name) self.shop_info_database.execute( "DELETE FROM messages WHERE shop_name='%s'" % shop_name) await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Shops]", "Shop `%s` was deleted." % shop_name) else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Error]", "That shop doesn't exist.") else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply(channel, "[Error]", "No shops exist.") else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Error]", "Shop parameter incorrect.") else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Error]", "Insufficient parameters supplied.") elif command is self.commands["Set Shop Role Command"]: if len(split_message) > 4: shop_name, price, duration, role_text = split_message[1], split_message[2].lower(), split_message[3], \ split_message[4] if is_valid_shop_name(shop_name): if self.shop_exists(shop_name): if Utils.isfloat(duration) or duration == "permanent": duration = -1 if duration == "permanent" or 0 else float( duration) if price.isdigit(): price = int(price) role = Utils.get_role(server, role_text) if role is not None: role_ids = [ name.lower() for name in self.shops_database. execute("SELECT role_id FROM '%s'" % shop_name) ] role_names = [ str( Utils.get_role_by_id( server, role_id)) for role_id in role_ids ] if str(role).lower() not in role_names: self.shops_database.execute( "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO '%s' VALUES('%s', '%d', '%s', '%s')" % (shop_name,, int(price), time.time(), duration)) await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Shops]", "`%s` has been assigned to `%s` at the price of `%s` for `%s` hours." % (str(role), shop_name, str(price), str("infinite" if duration == -1 else duration))) await self.update_messages() else: if in role_ids: self.shops_database.execute( "REPLACE INTO '%s' VALUES('%s', '%d', '%s', '%s')" % (shop_name,, int(price), time.time(), duration)) await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Shops]", "The role `%s` within `%s` now has a price of `%s` for `%s` hours." % (str(role), shop_name, str(price), str("infinite" if duration == -1 else duration))) await self.update_messages() else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Error]", "Duplicate role names not allowed. (lowercase-checked)" ) else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Error]", "That role doesn't exist.") else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Error]", "Price parameter incorrect.") else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Error]", "Duration parameter incorrect.") else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Error]", "That shop doesn't exist.") else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Error]", "Shop parameter incorrect.") else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Error]", "Insufficient parameters supplied.") elif command is self.commands["Toggle Shop Autodelete Command"]: if len(split_message) > 1: shop_name = split_message[1] if is_valid_shop_name(shop_name): if self.shop_exists(shop_name): new_value = int( self.shop_info_database.execute( "SELECT is_purge FROM shops WHERE shop_name='%s'" % shop_name)[0]) ^ 1 self.shop_info_database.execute( "UPDATE shops SET is_purge='%d' WHERE shop_name='%s'" % (new_value, shop_name)) await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Shops]", "`%s`'s delete mode set to `%r`" % (shop_name, bool(new_value))) else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Error]", "That shop doesn't exist.") else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Error]", "Shop parameter incorrect.") else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Error]", "Insufficient parameters supplied.") elif command is self.commands["Shop Command"]: if len(split_message) > 1: shop_name = split_message[1] if self.shop_exists(shop_name): embed = await self.get_shop_embed(shop_name, server) shop_message = await channel.send(embed=embed) self.shop_info_database.execute( "REPLACE INTO messages VALUES('%s', '%s', '%s')" % (shop_name,, else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply(channel, "[Error]", "That shop doesn't exist.") else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Error]", "Insufficient parameters supplied.") elif command is self.commands["Buy Command"]: if len(split_message) > 1: given_name = ' '.join(split_message[1:]).lower() shop = self.shop_info_database.execute( "SELECT shop_name FROM shops where channel_id='%s'" % if len(shop) > 0: shop = shop[0] role_ids = self.shops_database.execute( "SELECT role_id FROM '%s'" % shop) role_costs = self.shops_database.execute( "SELECT price FROM '%s'" % shop) if len(role_ids) > 0: role_names = [ str(Utils.get_role_by_id(server, role_id)) for role_id in role_ids ] if given_name in [ str(name).lower() for name in role_names ]: for i in range(len(role_ids)): role_id, role_name, role_cost = role_ids[ i], role_names[i], role_costs[i] if role_name.lower() == given_name: user_cash = EconomyUtils.get_cash(, if user_cash >= role_cost: EconomyUtils.set_cash(,, user_cash - role_cost) role = Utils.get_role_by_id( server, role_id) if role not in author.roles: await Utils.client.add_roles( author, role) await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[%s]" % shop, "You have purchased `%s`." % role_name) else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Error]", "You already have that role.") else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Error]", "You don't have enough cash to do that." ) else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Error]", "Role not found.") else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply(channel, "[Error]", "No roles found.") else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Error]", "Shop not found for this channel.") else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Error]", "Insufficient parameters supplied.") elif command is self.commands["Delete Shop Role Command"]: if len(split_message) > 1: given_name = ' '.join(split_message[1:]).lower() shop = self.shop_info_database.execute( "SELECT shop_name FROM shops where channel_id='%s'" % if len(shop) > 0: shop = shop[0] role_ids = self.shops_database.execute( "SELECT role_id FROM '%s'" % shop) if len(role_ids) > 0: role_names = [ str(Utils.get_role_by_id(server, role_id)) for role_id in role_ids ] if given_name in [ str(name).lower() for name in role_names ]: for i in range(len(role_ids)): self.shops_database.execute( "DELETE FROM '%s' WHERE role_name='%s'" % (shop, role_names[i])) await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[%s]" % shop, "Role `%s` has been deleted from `%s`." % (role_names[i], shop)) else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Error]", "Role not found.") else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply(channel, "[Error]", "No roles found.") else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Error]", "Shop not found for this channel.") else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Error]", "Insufficient parameters supplied.")
async def command_called(self, message, command): # Slip the message on space to help parse the command split_message = message.content.split(" ") # Extract the server, channel and author from the message server, channel, author = message.guild,, if command is self.commands["I Am Command"]: if len(split_message) > 1: given_name = split_message[1].lower() if is_valid_name(given_name): role_id = self.roles_db.execute( "SELECT role_id FROM '%s' where name='%s'" % (, given_name)) if len(role_id) > 0: role = Utils.get_role_by_id(server, role_id[0]) if role is not None: await Utils.client.add_roles(author, role) await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[SelfRoles]", "You now have the `%s` role!" % given_name) else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Error]", "Role not found.") else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply(channel, "[Error]", "Role not found.") else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply(channel, "[Error]", "Invalid role supplied.") else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply(channel, "[Error]", "Invalid parameters supplied.") elif command is self.commands["I Am Not Command"]: if len(split_message) > 1: given_name = split_message[1].lower() if is_valid_name(given_name): role_id = self.roles_db.execute( "SELECT role_id FROM '%s' where name='%s'" % (, given_name)) if len(role_id) > 0: role = Utils.get_role_by_id(server, role_id[0]) if role is not None: await Utils.client.remove_roles(author, role) await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[SelfRoles]", "You no longer have the `%s` role!" % given_name) else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Error]", "Role not found.") else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply(channel, "[Error]", "Role not found.") else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply(channel, "[Error]", "Invalid role supplied.") else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply(channel, "[Error]", "Invalid parameters supplied.") elif command is self.commands["Add Self Role Command"]: if len(split_message) > 2: role_name = split_message[1].lower() if is_valid_name(role_name): role = Utils.get_role(server, split_message[2]) if role is not None: self.roles_db.execute( "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO '%s' VALUES ('%s', '%s')" % (,, role_name)) await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[SelfRoles]", "Role `%s` was added as `%s`." % (, role_name)) else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply(channel, "[Error]", "Role not found.") else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply(channel, "[Error]", "Invalid name supplied.") else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply(channel, "[Error]", "Invalid parameters supplied.") elif command is self.commands["Delete Self Role Command"]: if len(split_message) > 1: role_name = split_message[1].lower() if is_valid_name(role_name): if len( self.roles_db.execute( "SELECT name FROM `%s` WHERE name='%s'" % (, role_name))) > 0: self.roles_db.execute( "DELETE FROM '%s' where name='%s'" % (, role_name)) await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[SelfRoles]", "Role `%s` was deleted." % role_name) else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply(channel, "[Error]", "Role not found.") else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply(channel, "[Error]", "Invalid name supplied.") else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply(channel, "[Error]", "Invalid parameters supplied.") elif command is self.commands["List Self Roles Command"]: role_names = self.roles_db.execute("SELECT name from '%s'" % if len(role_names) > 0: roles_string = ''.join([i + "\n" for i in role_names]) # TODO: Add role listing cap (to not break the embed max) # List the roles await channel.send( embed=discord.Embed(title="[Self Roles]", description=roles_string[0:-1], color=self.embed_color)) else: await Utils.simple_embed_reply( channel, "[Self Roles]", "There are currently no self roles.")