Пример #1
  def application_update(self, application_id, request_object):

    allowed_applications = self.allowed_applications('write')
    if not application_id in allowed_applications:
      logger.warning('User %d with Applications %s tried to update Application %d', \
          self.current_user.id, allowed_applications, application_id)
      return status_.status_401('You need to be logged in to access applications'), 401

    application_ = Application.query.get(application_id)

    application_content = json.loads(request_object.data)

    Part 2: Update the fields that we have data for
    if hasattr(application_, 'name'):
      application_.name = sanitize.sanitize_string(application_content.get('name', application_.name))

    if hasattr(application_, 'description'):
      application_.description = sanitize.sanitize_string(application_content.get('description', application_.description))

    if hasattr(application_, 'url'):
      application_.url = sanitize.sanitize_string(application_content.get('url', application_.url))


    return application_
Пример #2
  def permission_update(self, application_id, user_id, request_object):
    Before we update the User permissions for this application, we need to make sure that
    the user requesting them is authenticated and has the `is_admin` permission for the
    application_id being requested.
    allowed_applications = self.allowed_applications('is_admin')

    if not application_id in allowed_applications:
      logger.warning('User %d with Applications %s tried to access Users for Application %d', \
          self.current_user.id, allowed_applications, application_id)
      return status_.status_401('You are not allowed to view this User\'s permissions because you are not an administrator of this Application'), 401

    permissions = UserApplications.query.filter_by(application_id=application_id,user_id=user_id).first()

    altered_permissions = json.loads(request_object.data)

    if hasattr(permissions, 'read'):
      permissions.read = sanitize.sanitize_boolean(altered_permissions.get('read', permissions.read)),

    if hasattr(permissions, 'write'):
      permissions.write = sanitize.sanitize_boolean(altered_permissions.get('write', permissions.write)),
    if hasattr(permissions, 'is_admin'):
      permissions.is_admin = sanitize.sanitize_boolean(altered_permissions.get('is_admin', permissions.is_admin))


    return {
      'read': permissions.read,
      'write': permissions.write,
      'is_admin': permissions.is_admin
Пример #3
    def field_get(self, field_id, is_public=False):

      if not is_public:
        Make sure that we have everything we need to created the
        template successfully, including things like a Name, an associated
        Application, and a Storage mechanism
        if not field_id:
          logger.error('User %d update Field request failed because they didn\'t submit a Field ID with their request', \
          return status_.status_400('You didn\'t include a Field ID to update this field with'), 400

        Fields are directly tied to Templates and really have no life of their
        own outside of Templates. Because of that we need to instantiate a
        Template object that we can work with
        allowed_fields = self.allowed_fields(permission_type='read')

        public_fields_ = self.public_templates()

        if not field_id in allowed_fields + public_fields_:
          logger.warning('User %d with Fields %s tried to access Field %d', \
              self.current_user.id, allowed_fields, field_id)
          return status_.status_401('You can\'t edit this Field because it\'s not yours'), 401

      field_ = {}

      if field_id:
        field_ = Field.query.get(field_id)

      return field_
Пример #4
  def permission_get(self, template_id, user_id):
    Before we get the User permissions for this template, we need to make sure that
    the user requesting them is authenticated and has the `is_admin` permission for the
    template_id being requested.
    allowed_templates = self.allowed_templates('is_admin')

    if not user_id is self.current_user.id and not template_id in allowed_templates:
        logger.warning('User %d tried to access Users for Template %d', \
            self.current_user.id, template_id)
        return status_.status_401('You are not allowed to view this User\'s permissions because you are not an administrator of this Template'), 401

    permissions = UserTemplates.query.filter_by(template_id=template_id,user_id=user_id).first()

    if not permissions:
      return status_.status_404('We couldn\'t find the user permissions you were looking for. This user may have been removed from the Template or the Template may have been deleted.'), 404

    return {
      'read': permissions.read,
      'write': permissions.write,
      'is_moderator': permissions.is_moderator,
      'is_admin': permissions.is_admin
Пример #5
  def allowed_templates(self, application_id='', permission_type='read'):

    if application_id:

      Before doing anything make sure the user is allowed to access the
      application in the first place.
      allowed_applications = self.allowed_applications('read')

      if not application_id in allowed_applications:
        logger.warning('User %d with Applications %s tried to access Application %d', \
            self.current_user.id, allowed_applications, application_id)
        return status_.status_401('You need to be logged in to access applications'), 401

      Collect all of the templates the current user has access to, including both
      explicitly allowed templates and public templates
      explicitly_allowed_templates_ = self.explicitly_allowed_templates(permission_type)
      logger.debug('All Templates user has permission to %s', explicitly_allowed_templates_)

      public_templates_ = self.public_templates()
      logger.debug('All Public Templates %s', public_templates_)

      combined_access = explicitly_allowed_templates_ + public_templates_

      All Templates belonging to the requested Application
      application_templates_ = self.applications_templates(application_id)
      logger.debug('All Templates for this Application %s', application_templates_)

      Using the `combined_template_access` filter the Application Templates (the
      Templates only for this Application that the user has access to)
      template_id_list_ = set(combined_access) & set(application_templates_)
      logger.debug('Templates to display %s', template_id_list_)


      Collect all of the templates the current user has access to, including both
      explicitly allowed templates and public templates
      explicitly_allowed_templates_ = self.explicitly_allowed_templates(permission_type)
      logger.debug('All Templates user has permission to %s', explicitly_allowed_templates_)

      public_templates_ = self.public_templates()
      logger.debug('All Public Templates %s', public_templates_)

      template_id_list_ = explicitly_allowed_templates_ + public_templates_

    return template_id_list_
Пример #6
  def application_users(self, application_id):

    allowed_applications = self.allowed_applications('is_admin')

    if not application_id in allowed_applications:
      logger.warning('User %d with Applications %s tried to access Users for Application %d', \
          self.current_user.id, allowed_applications, application_id)
      return status_.status_401('You are not allowed to view the Users of this Application because you do not have the permission to do so'), 401

    return self.application_user_list(application_id)
Пример #7
  def template_users(self, template_id):

    allowed_templates = self.allowed_templates('is_admin')

    if not template_id in allowed_templates:
      logger.warning('User %d tried to access Users for Template %d', \
          self.current_user.id, template_id)
      return status_.status_401('You are not allowed to view the Users of this Template because you do not have the permission to do so'), 401

    return self.template_user_list(template_id)
Пример #8
def feature_get_excel_template(oauth_request, storage, is_public):

    Feature_ = Feature()
    Feature_.current_user = oauth_request.user
    excel_template = Feature_.feature_get_excel_template(storage)

    logger.warning("excel_template %s", excel_template)

    # return status_.status_200(), 200

    return send_from_directory(excel_template.get("directory"), excel_template.get("filename"), as_attachment=True)
Пример #9
  def application_templates_get(self, application_id, is_public):

    logger.warning('is_public %s', is_public)

    if not hasattr(self.current_user, 'id'):
      template_id_list_ = self.applications_templates(application_id)
      templates_ = Template.query.filter(Template.id.in_(template_id_list_)).filter(Template.is_public).all()
      template_id_list_ = self.allowed_templates(application_id)
      templates_ = Template.query.filter(Template.id.in_(template_id_list_)).all()

    return templates_
Пример #10
    def allowed_templates(self, permission_type="read"):

        templates_ = []

        if not hasattr(self.current_user, "id"):
            logger.warning("User did't submit their information %s", self.current_user)
            return status_.status_401("You need to be logged in to access applications"), 401

        for template in self.current_user.templates:
            if permission_type and getattr(template, permission_type):

        return templates_
Пример #11
  def application_delete(self, application_id):

    allowed_applications = self.allowed_applications('is_admin')

    if not application_id in allowed_applications:
      logger.warning('User %d with Applications %s tried to delete Application %d', \
          self.current_user.id, allowed_applications, application_id)
      return status_.status_401('You need to be logged in to access applications'), 401

    application_ = Application.query.get(application_id)

Пример #12
    def explicitly_allowed_templates(self, permission_type='read'):

        templates_ = []

        if not hasattr(self.current_user, 'id'):
          logger.warning('User did\'t submit their information %s', \
          return status_.status_401('You need to be logged in to access applications'), 401

        for template in self.current_user.templates:
          if permission_type and getattr(template, permission_type):

        return templates_
Пример #13
    def explicitly_allowed_fields(self, permission_type='read'):

        fields_ = []

        if not hasattr(self.current_user, 'id'):
          logger.warning('User did\'t submit their information %s', \
          return status_.status_401('You need to be logged in to access applications'), 401

        for field in self.current_user.fields:
          if permission_type and getattr(field, permission_type):

        return fields_
Пример #14
  def permission_delete(self, template_id, user_id):
    Before we get the User permissions for this template, we need to make sure that
    the user requesting them is authenticated and has the `is_admin` permission for the
    template_id being requested.
    allowed_templates = self.allowed_templates('is_admin')

    if not template_id in allowed_templates:
      logger.warning('User %d tried to access Users for Template %d', \
          self.current_user.id, template_id)
      return status_.status_401('You are not allowed to view this User\'s permissions because you are not an administrator of this Template'), 401

    permissions = UserTemplates.query.filter_by(template_id=template_id, user_id=user_id).first()

Пример #15
  def permission_delete(self, application_id, user_id):
    Before we delete the User permissions for this application, we need to make sure that
    the user requesting them is authenticated and has the `is_admin` permission for the
    application_id being requested.
    allowed_applications = self.allowed_applications('is_admin')

    if not application_id in allowed_applications:
      logger.warning('User %d with Applications %s tried to access Users for Application %d', \
          self.current_user.id, allowed_applications, application_id)
      return status_.status_401('You are not allowed to view this User\'s permissions because you are not an administrator of this Application'), 401

    permissions = UserApplications.query.filter_by(application_id=application_id, user_id=user_id).first()

Пример #16
    def template_fields_get(self, template_id, is_public=False):

        Make sure that we have everything we need to created the
        template successfully, including things like a Name, an associated
        Application, and a Storage mechanism
        if not template_id:
          logger.error('User %d update Field request failed because they didn\'t submit a Template ID with their request', \
          return status_.status_400('You didn\'t include a Template ID to get a list of fields with'), 400

        template_ = Template.query.get(template_id)
        fields_ = []

        if not is_public:

          Fields are directly tied to Templates and really have no life of their
          own outside of Templates. Because of that we need to instantiate a
          Template object that we can work with
          allowed_templates = self.allowed_fields(template_id=template_id)

          if not template_id in allowed_templates:
            logger.warning('User %d with Templates %s tried to access Template Fields %d', \
                self.current_user.id, allowed_templates, template_id)
            return status_.status_401('You can\'t edit this Template because it\'s not yours'), 401

          # allowed_fields = self.allowed_fields()
          # public_fields_ = self.public_templates()

          # allowed_fields_list = allowed_fields + public_fields_

          for field in template_.fields:
              # if field.id in allowed_fields_list:

          for field in template_.fields:

        return fields_
Пример #17
  def create(self):

    today = datetime.utcnow()

    expires_ = self.extras.get('expires', today + timedelta(+364))
    max_age_ = self.extras.get('max_age', 'max-age=2592000')
    last_modified_ = self.extras.get('last_modified', today)

    # logger.warning('self.the_content %s', self.the_content.keys())

    if 'features' in self.the_content.keys():

        features = []

        for feature in self.the_content['features']:

          properties = {}

          for property_ in feature:
            if property_ != 'geometry':
              properties[property_] = feature[property_]

          arguments = {
            'geometry': feature.get('geometry', None),
            'id': feature.get('id', None),
            'properties': properties

            this_feature = Feature(**arguments)
          except Exception, e:
            logger.warning("Couldn't create object for GeoJSON %s > %s", feature.get('id', None), arguments)
            this_feature = None


        arguments = {
          'properties': self.extras

        response = jsonify(FeatureCollection(features, **arguments))
Пример #18
  def permission_create(self, template_id, user_id, request_object):

    Before we get the User permissions for this template, we need to make sure that
    the user requesting them is authenticated and has the `is_admin` permission for the
    template_id being requested.
    allowed_templates = self.allowed_templates('is_admin')

    if not template_id in allowed_templates:
      logger.warning('User %d tried to access Users for Template %d', \
          self.current_user.id, template_id)
      return status_.status_401('You are not allowed to view this User\'s permissions because you are not an administrator of this Template'), 401

    permissions_ = json.loads(request_object.data)

    Add the new application to the database
    new_permissions = {
      'user_id': user_id,
      'template_id': template_id,
      'read': sanitize.sanitize_boolean(permissions_.get('read', '')),
      'write': sanitize.sanitize_boolean(permissions_.get('write', '')),
      'is_moderator': sanitize.sanitize_boolean(permissions_.get('is_moderator', '')),
      'is_admin': sanitize.sanitize_boolean(permissions_.get('is_admin', ''))

    permission_object = UserTemplates(**new_permissions)


    return {
      'read': permission_object.read,
      'write': permission_object.write,
      'is_moderator': permission_object.is_moderator,
      'is_admin': permission_object.is_admin
Пример #19
    def field_delete(self, template_id, field_id):

        Fields are directly tied to Templates and really have no life of their
        own outside of Templates. Because of that we need to instantiate a
        Template object that we can work with
        allowed_templates = self.allowed_fields(template_id=template_id,permission_type='is_admin')

        if not template_id in allowed_templates:
          logger.warning('User %d with Templates %s tried to access Template Fields %d', \
              self.current_user.id, allowed_templates, template_id)
          return status_.status_401('You can\'t delete this Field because it\'s Template is not yours'), 401

        allowed_fields = self.allowed_fields(permission_type='is_admin')

        if not field_id in allowed_fields:
          logger.warning('User %d with Fields %s tried to delete Field %d', \
              self.current_user.id, allowed_fields, field_id)
          return status_.status_401('You can\'t delete this Field because it\'s not yours'), 401

        template_ = Template.query.get(template_id)
        field_ = Field.query.get(field_id)


        We only want to call the next method, if and when the field actually
        exists in the Storage database table. In the case of some special
        fields, such as the `fieldset` tag, the column doesn't exist in the
        database table for the Storage, only in the Field table.
        if not 'fieldset' in field_.data_type:
          self.delete_storage_field(template_, field_)

        return True
Пример #20
  def create(self):

    today = datetime.utcnow()

    expires_ = self.extras.get('expires', today + timedelta(+364))
    max_age_ = self.extras.get('max_age', 'max-age=2592000')
    last_modified_ = self.extras.get('last_modified', today)

    logger.warning('Extras %s %s', self.extras, self.extras.get('expires', expires_))

    content = {}

    for property_ in self.the_content:
      content[property_] = self.the_content[property_]

    response = jsonify({
      "response": content,
      "properties": self.extras

    Make sure we're caching the responses for 30 days to speed things up,
    then setting modification and expiration dates appropriately
    response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
    response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Authorization, Accept, Content-Type, X-Requested-With, Origin, Access-Control-Request-Method, Access-Control-Request-Headers, Cache-Control, Expires, Set-Cookie')
    response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', True)
    response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, OPTIONS, DELETE')

    response.headers.add('Last-Modified', last_modified_)
    response.headers.add('Expires', expires_)
    response.headers.add('Pragma', max_age_)
    response.headers.add('Cache-Control', max_age_)

    return response
Пример #21
  def permission_get(self, application_id, user_id):
    Before we get the User permissions for this application, we need to make sure that
    the user requesting them is authenticated and has the `is_admin` permission for the
    application_id being requested.
    allowed_applications = self.allowed_applications('is_admin')

    if not application_id in allowed_applications:
      logger.warning('User %d with Applications %s tried to access Users for Application %d', \
          self.current_user.id, allowed_applications, application_id)
      return status_.status_401('You are not allowed to view this User\'s permissions because you are not an administrator of this Application'), 401

    permissions = UserApplications.query.filter_by(application_id=application_id,user_id=user_id).first()

    if not permissions:
      return status_.status_404('We couldn\'t find the user permissions you were looking for. This user may have been removed from the Application or the Application may have been deleted.'), 404

    return {
      'read': permissions.read,
      'write': permissions.write,
      'is_admin': permissions.is_admin
Пример #22
  def template_create(self, request_object, application_id):

    Make sure that we have everything we need to created the
    template successfully, including things like a Name, an associated
    Application, and a Storage mechanism
    if not application_id:
      logger.error('User %d new Template request failed because they didn\'t submit an Application ID with their request', \
      return status_.status_400('You didn\'t include an Application to associated with the Template'), 400

    Make sure that some data was submitted before proceeding
    if not request_object.data:
      logger.error('User %d new Template request failed because they didn\'t submit any `data` with their request', \
      return status_.status_400('You didn\'t include any `data` with your request.'), 400

    Part 1: Make sure we can use the request data as json
    content_ = json.loads(request_object.data)

    allowed_applications = self.allowed_applications('read')

    if not application_id in allowed_applications:
      logger.warning('User %d with Applications %s tried to access Application %d', \
          self.current_user.id, allowed_applications, application_id)
      return status_.status_401(), 401

    Part 3: Make sure we have a table that has been created in the database
    to associate our Template features with
    storage_name = self.create_storage()

    Part X: Add the new application to the database
    new_template = {
      'name': sanitize.sanitize_string(content_.get('name', 'Untitled Template from %s' % (datetime.today()) )),
      'help': sanitize.sanitize_string(content_.get('help', '')),
      'storage': storage_name,
      'is_public': sanitize.sanitize_boolean(content_.get('is_public', True)),
      'is_crowdsourced': sanitize.sanitize_boolean(content_.get('is_crowdsourced', False)),
      'is_moderated': sanitize.sanitize_boolean(content_.get('is_moderated', False)),
      'is_listed': sanitize.sanitize_boolean(content_.get('is_listed', True)),
      'is_geospatial': sanitize.sanitize_boolean(content_.get('is_geospatial', True)),
      'is_community': sanitize.sanitize_boolean(content_.get('is_community', False)),
      'created': datetime.now(),
      'status': sanitize.sanitize_boolean(content_.get('status', True))

    template_ = Template(**new_template)


    Tell the system what user should have permission to
    access the newly created application
    permission = {
      'user_id': self.current_user.id,
      'template_id': template_.id,
      'read': True,
      'write': True,
      'is_moderator': True,
      'is_admin': True

    self.set_user_template_permissions(template_, permission, self.current_user)

    Tell the system what Application this template belongs to
    application_ = Application().query.get(application_id)
    self.set_application_template_relationship(template_, application_)

    Add an 'owner' field to the Storage engine here, because we can't
    do it in the 'create_storage' because of the User model stepping on
    itself and causing problems with permissions

    Once the new table is created, we can create a permissions table for this feature table

    return template_
Пример #23
def _trigger_feature_created(app, **data):
    logger.warning('SIGNAL: _trigger_feature_created')
    execute_notification('feature-created', app, **data)
Пример #24
def _trigger_feature_deleted(app, **data):
    logger.warning('SIGNAL: _trigger_feature_deleted')
Пример #25
    def field_update(self, request_object, template_id, field_id):

        Make sure that we have everything we need to created the
        template successfully, including things like a Name, an associated
        Application, and a Storage mechanism
        if not field_id:
          logger.error('User %d update Field request failed because they didn\'t submit a Field ID with their request', \
          return status_.status_400('You didn\'t include a Field ID to update this field with'), 400

        Fields are directly tied to Templates and really have no life of their
        own outside of Templates. Because of that we need to instantiate a
        Template object that we can work with
        allowed_fields = self.allowed_fields(permission_type='write')
        if not field_id in allowed_fields:
          logger.warning('User %d with Fields %s tried to access Field %d', \
              self.current_user.id, allowed_fields, field_id)
          return status_.status_401('You can\'t edit this Field because it\'s not yours'), 401

        Make sure that some data was submitted before proceeding
        if not request_object.data:
          logger.error('User %d update Field request failed because they didn\'t submit any `data` with their request', \
          return status_.status_400('You didn\'t include any `data` with your request.'), 400

        Convert our request object into usable data
        field_content = json.loads(request_object.data)

        Fields are directly tied to Templates and really have no life of their
        own outside of Templates. Because of that we need to instantiate a
        Template object that we can work with
        field_ = Field().query.get(field_id)

        Part 2: Update the fields that we have data for
        if hasattr(field_, 'label'):
          field_.label = sanitize.sanitize_string(field_content.get('label', field_.label))

        if hasattr(field_, 'help'):
          field_.help = sanitize.sanitize_string(field_content.get('help', field_.help))

        if hasattr(field_, 'is_listed'):
          field_.is_listed = sanitize.sanitize_boolean(field_content.get('is_listed', field_.is_listed))

        if hasattr(field_, 'is_searchable'):
          field_.is_searchable = sanitize.sanitize_boolean(field_content.get('is_searchable', field_.is_searchable))

        if hasattr(field_, 'is_required'):
          field_.is_required = sanitize.sanitize_boolean(field_content.get('is_required', field_.is_required))

        if hasattr(field_, 'weight'):
          field_.weight = sanitize.sanitize_integer(field_content.get('weight', field_.weight))

        if hasattr(field_, 'status'):
          field_.status = sanitize.sanitize_boolean(field_content.get('status', field_.status))

        if hasattr(field_, 'options'):
          field_.options = sanitize.sanitize_string(field_content.get('options', field_.options))

        # @todo
        #    We probably need to make the API capable of changing
        #    data_types, after all, PostgreSQL does it out of the box
        # @see
        #    http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/sql-altertable.html


        return field_
Пример #26
    def field_create(self, request_object, template_id):

        Make sure that we have everything we need to created the
        template successfully, including things like a Name, an associated
        Application, and a Storage mechanism
        if not template_id:
          logger.error('User %d new Field request failed because they didn\'t submit an Template ID with their request', \
          return status_.status_400('You didn\'t include a Template to add this field to ... or else you\'re not the admin of this Template'), 400

        Make sure that some data was submitted before proceeding
        if not request_object.data:
          logger.error('User %d new Field request failed because they didn\'t submit any `data` with their request', \
          return status_.status_400('You didn\'t include any `data` with your request.'), 400

        Convert our request object into usable data
        content_ = json.loads(request_object.data)

        Fields are directly tied to Templates and really have no life of their
        own outside of Templates. Because of that we need to instantiate a
        Template object that we can work with
        allowed_fields = self.allowed_fields(template_id)
        if not template_id in allowed_fields:
          logger.warning('User %d with Templates %s tried to access Template %d', \
              self.current_user.id, allowed_fields, template_id)
          return status_.status_401(), 401

        Template_ = Template().query.get(template_id)

        To create a Field you must at least provide a name for your field
        if not content_.get('name', ''):
          logger.error('User %d new Field request failed because they didn\'t submit any `name` in the `data` of their request', \
          return status_.status_400('You didn\'t include a `name` in the `data` of your request.'), 400

        To create a Field you must at least provide a data_type for your field
        if not content_.get('data_type', ''):
          logger.error('User %d new Field request failed because they didn\'t submit any `data_type` in the `data` of their request', \
          return status_.status_400('You didn\'t include a `data_type` in the `data` of your request.'), 400
        elif 'relationship' in content_.get('data_type', '') and not content_.get('relationship', ''):
          logger.error('User %d new Field request failed because they didn\'t submit any `data_type` in the `data` of their request', \
          return status_.status_400('You can\'t create a Relationship field without specifying the `relationship` ... this starts with type_'), 400

        user_defined_label = sanitize.sanitize_string(content_.get('name', ''))

        If someone's creating a relationship the storage string they've specified
        needs to belong to a template that they are allowed to access
        if content_.get('relationship', ''):

          relationship_storage = content_.get('relationship', '')
          storage_check = Template().query.filter_by(storage=relationship_storage).first()

          if not storage_check.id in allowed_fields:
            logger.error('User %d tried to add a Field to a Template %d which they do not own', \
                self.current_user.id, template_id)
            return status_.status_401('The Template `relationship` string you entered either doesn\'t exist or you don\'t have permission to use it'), 401

          Lastly, make sure that an identical relationship doesn't already exist.
          If the type_ and the template type_ already have a relationship it will
          cause bad things to happen when searching via the API
          duplicate_check = self.check_relationship_field_duplicate(Template_.fields, relationship_storage)
          if duplicate_check:
            logger.warning('User %d tried to add a duplicate relationship type', \
            return status_.status_400('You already defined a relationship with this Template, you cannot create two relationship fields with the same relationship table.'), 400

        new_field = {
          'label': user_defined_label,
          'name': self.generate_machine_name(user_defined_label),
          'help': sanitize.sanitize_string(content_.get('help', '')),
          'data_type': sanitize.sanitize_string(content_.get('data_type', 'text')),
          'relationship': sanitize.sanitize_string(content_.get('relationship', None)),
          'is_public': sanitize.sanitize_boolean(content_.get('is_public', False)),
          'is_visible': sanitize.sanitize_boolean(content_.get('is_visible', False)),
          'is_listed': sanitize.sanitize_boolean(content_.get('is_listed', False)),
          'is_searchable': sanitize.sanitize_boolean(content_.get('is_searchable', True)),
          'is_required': sanitize.sanitize_boolean(content_.get('is_required', False)),
          'weight': sanitize.sanitize_integer(content_.get('created', 1)),
          'status': sanitize.sanitize_boolean(content_.get('status', True)),
          'options': sanitize.sanitize_string(content_.get('options', '')),
          'templates': [Template_]

        logger.debug('Checking Field, %s', new_field)

        field_ = Field(**new_field)


        logger.warning('field %s', field_)

        Section 2: Relate the Template with the Field and the User with the Field
        permission = {
          'read': True,
          'write': True,
          'is_admin': True

        self.set_user_field_permissions(field_, permission, self.current_user)

        self.set_template_field_relationship(field_, Template_)

        Section 3: Create the Field in the Template Storage, if the field will
                   hold data. Some fields, like fieldset, are only for visual
                   and aesthetic purposes and do not need added to the Storage
        if not 'fieldset' in field_.data_type:
          field_storage = self.create_storage_field(Template_, field_)

          if 'relationship' in content_.get('data_type', 'text') or 'file' in content_.get('data_type', 'text'):
              field_.association = field_storage['association']
              field_.relationship = field_storage['relationship']

        return field_