Пример #1
	def getlog(self):
		if not path.exists('/tmp/' + self.logtype + '-git.log'):
			import urllib
			sourcefile = 'http://enigma2.world-of-satellite.com/feeds/' + about.getImageVersionString() + '/' + self.logtype + '-git.log'
			sourcefile,headers = urllib.urlretrieve(sourcefile)
			rename(sourcefile,'/tmp/' + self.logtype + '-git.log')
		fd = open('/tmp/' + self.logtype + '-git.log', 'r')
		releasenotes = fd.read()
		releasenotes = releasenotes.replace('\nopenvix: build',"\n\nopenvix: build")
		releasenotes = releasenotes.split('\n\n')
		releasever = releasenotes[int(ver)].split('\n')
		releasever = releasever[0].split(' ')
		releasever = releasever[2].replace(':',"")
		while int(releasever) > int(about.getBuildVersionString()):
			viewrelease += releasenotes[int(ver)]+'\n\n'
			ver += 1
			releasever = releasenotes[int(ver)].split('\n')
			releasever = releasever[0].split(' ')
			releasever = releasever[2].replace(':',"")
		summarytext = viewrelease.split(':\n')
Пример #2
 def getlog(self):
     if not path.exists('/tmp/' + self.logtype + '-git.log'):
         import urllib
         sourcefile = 'http://enigma2.world-of-satellite.com/feeds/' + about.getImageVersionString(
         ) + '/' + self.logtype + '-git.log'
         sourcefile, headers = urllib.urlretrieve(sourcefile)
         rename(sourcefile, '/tmp/' + self.logtype + '-git.log')
     fd = open('/tmp/' + self.logtype + '-git.log', 'r')
     releasenotes = fd.read()
     releasenotes = releasenotes.replace('\nopenvix: build',
                                         "\n\nopenvix: build")
     releasenotes = releasenotes.split('\n\n')
     ver = 0
     releasever = releasenotes[int(ver)].split('\n')
     releasever = releasever[0].split(' ')
     releasever = releasever[2].replace(':', "")
     viewrelease = ""
     while int(releasever) > int(about.getBuildVersionString()):
         viewrelease += releasenotes[int(ver)] + '\n\n'
         ver += 1
         releasever = releasenotes[int(ver)].split('\n')
         releasever = releasever[0].split(' ')
         releasever = releasever[2].replace(':', "")
     summarytext = viewrelease.split(':\n')
         self['title_summary'].setText(summarytext[0] + ':')
Пример #3
 def createSatellitesXMLfile(self, tp_list, save_xml_dir):
     pos = self.orb_position
     if pos > 1800:
         pos -= 3600
     if pos < 0:
         pos_name = '%dW' % (abs(int(pos)) / 10)
         pos_name = '%dE' % (abs(int(pos)) / 10)
     location = '%s/blindscan_%s_%s.xml' % (save_xml_dir, pos_name,
     tuner = ['A', 'B', 'C']
     polarisation = [
         'horizontal', 'vertical', 'circular left', 'circular right',
         'vertical and horizontal', 'circular right and circular left'
     adjacent = [
         'no', 'up to 1 degree', 'up to 2 degrees', 'up to 3 degrees'
     known_txp = 'no'
     if self.filter_off_adjacent_satellites.value:
         known_txp = 'yes'
     xml = ['<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>\n\n']
     xml.append('	File created on %s\n' %
                (strftime("%A, %d of %B %Y, %H:%M:%S")))
     xml.append('	using %s receiver running VIX image, version %s,\n' %
                (config.misc.boxtype.value, about.getImageVersionString()))
         '	build %s, with the blindscan plugin updated by Huevos\n\n' %
     xml.append('	Search parameters:\n')
     xml.append('		Tuner: %s\n' % (tuner[self.feid]))
     xml.append('		Satellite: %s\n' % (self.sat_name))
     xml.append('		Start frequency: %dMHz\n' %
     xml.append('		Stop frequency: %dMHz\n' %
     xml.append('		Polarization: %s\n' %
     xml.append('		Lower symbol rate: %d\n' %
                (self.blindscan_start_symbol.value * 1000))
     xml.append('		Upper symbol rate: %d\n' %
                (self.blindscan_stop_symbol.value * 1000))
     xml.append('		Only save unknown tranponders: %s\n' % (known_txp))
     xml.append('		Filter out adjacent satellites: %s\n' %
     xml.append('	<sat name="%s" flags="0" position="%s">\n' %
                (self.sat_name, self.orb_position))
     for tp in tp_list:
             '		<transponder frequency="%d" symbol_rate="%d" polarization="%d" fec_inner="%d" system="%d" modulation="%d"/>\n'
             % (tp.frequency, tp.symbol_rate, tp.polarisation, tp.fec,
                tp.system, tp.modulation))
     xml.append('	</sat>\n')
     open(location, "w").writelines(xml)
     return location
Пример #4
	def getlog(self):
			sourcefile = 'http://enigma2.world-of-satellite.com/feeds/' + about.getImageVersionString() + '/' + self.logtype + '-git.log'
			sourcefile,headers = urllib.urlretrieve(sourcefile)
			rename(sourcefile,'/tmp/' + self.logtype + '-git.log')
			fd = open('/tmp/' + self.logtype + '-git.log', 'r')
			releasenotes = fd.read()
			releasenotes = '404 Not Found'
		if releasenotes.find('404 Not Found') == -1:
			releasenotes = releasenotes.replace('\nopenvix: build',"\n\nopenvix: build")
			releasenotes = releasenotes.split('\n\n')
			ver = -1
			releasever = ""
			while not releasever.isdigit():
				ver += 1
				releasever = releasenotes[int(ver)].split('\n')
				releasever = releasever[0].split(' ')
				releasever = releasever[2].replace(':',"")

			while int(releasever) > int(about.getBuildVersionString()):
				viewrelease += releasenotes[int(ver)]+'\n\n'
				ver += 1
				releasever = releasenotes[int(ver)].split('\n')
				releasever = releasever[0].split(' ')
				releasever = releasever[2].replace(':',"")
			summarytext = viewrelease.split(':\n')
			self['text_summary'].setText(_("Error downloading change log."))
			self['text'].setText(_("Error downloading change log."))
Пример #5
	def createSatellitesXMLfile(self, tp_list, save_xml_dir) :
		pos = self.orb_position
		if pos > 1800 :
			pos -= 3600
		if pos < 0 :
			pos_name = '%dW' % (abs(int(pos))/10)
		else :
			pos_name = '%dE' % (abs(int(pos))/10)
		location = '%s/blindscan_%s_%s.xml' %(save_xml_dir, pos_name, strftime("%d-%m-%Y_%H-%M-%S"))
		tuner = ['A', 'B', 'C']
		polarisation = ['horizontal', 'vertical', 'circular left', 'circular right', 'vertical and horizontal', 'circular right and circular left']
		adjacent = ['no', 'up to 1 degree', 'up to 2 degrees', 'up to 3 degrees']
		known_txp = 'no'
		if self.filter_off_adjacent_satellites.value :
			known_txp ='yes'
		xml = ['<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>\n\n']
		xml.append('	File created on %s\n' % (strftime("%A, %d of %B %Y, %H:%M:%S")))
		xml.append('	using %s receiver running Enigma2 image, version %s,\n' % (getBoxType(), about.getImageVersionString()))
		xml.append('	build %s, with the blindscan plugin updated by Huevos\n\n' % (about.getBuildVersionString()))
		xml.append('	Search parameters:\n')
		xml.append('		Tuner: %s\n' % (tuner[self.feid]))
		xml.append('		Satellite: %s\n' % (self.sat_name))
		xml.append('		Start frequency: %dMHz\n' % (self.blindscan_start_frequency.value))
		xml.append('		Stop frequency: %dMHz\n' % (self.blindscan_stop_frequency.value))
		xml.append('		Polarization: %s\n' % (polarisation[self.scan_sat.polarization.value]))
		xml.append('		Lower symbol rate: %d\n' % (self.blindscan_start_symbol.value * 1000))
		xml.append('		Upper symbol rate: %d\n' % (self.blindscan_stop_symbol.value * 1000))
		xml.append('		Only save unknown tranponders: %s\n' % (known_txp))
		xml.append('		Filter out adjacent satellites: %s\n' % (adjacent[self.filter_off_adjacent_satellites.value]))
		xml.append('	<sat name="%s" flags="0" position="%s">\n' % (self.sat_name.replace('&', '&amp;'), self.orb_position))
		for tp in tp_list :
			xml.append('		<transponder frequency="%d" symbol_rate="%d" polarization="%d" fec_inner="%d" system="%d" modulation="%d"/>\n' % (tp.frequency, tp.symbol_rate, tp.polarisation, tp.fec, tp.system, tp.modulation))
		xml.append('	</sat>\n')
		open(location, "w").writelines(xml)
		return location
Пример #6
	def __init__(self, session, parent):
		Screen.__init__(self, session, parent = parent)
		self["selected"] = StaticText("ViX:" + about.getImageVersionString())

		AboutText = ""
		model = None

		if getBoxType() == 'vuuno':
			model = "Vu+ Uno"
		elif getBoxType() == 'vuultimo':
			model = "Vu+ Ultimo"
		elif getBoxType() == 'vusolo':
			model = "Vu+ Solo"
		elif getBoxType() == 'vusolo2':
			model = "Vu+ Solo" + chr(178)
		elif getBoxType() == 'vuduo':
			model = "Vu+ Duo"
		elif getBoxType() == 'vuduo2':
			model = "Vu+ Duo" + chr(178)
		elif getBoxType() == 'et5x00':
			model = "Xtrend ET5x00 Series"
		elif getBoxType() == 'et6x00':
			model = "Xtrend ET6x00 Series"
		elif getBoxType() == 'et9x00':
			model = "Xtrend ET9x00 Series"
		elif getBoxType() == 'odinm9':
			model = "Odin M9"
		elif getBoxType() == 'gb800solo':
			model = "GigaBlue HD 800 Solo"
		elif getBoxType() == 'gb800se':
			model = "GigaBlue HD 800SE"
		elif getBoxType() == 'gb800ue':
			model = "GigaBlue HD 800UE"
		elif getBoxType() == 'gbquad':
			model = "GigaBlue HD Quad"
		elif getBoxType() == 'ventonhdx':
			model = "Venton Unibox HDx"
		elif getBoxType() == 'ixussone':
			model = "Ixuss One"
			model = getBoxType()

		if model:
			AboutText += _("Model: %s") % model + "\n"

		if path.exists('/proc/stb/info/chipset'):
			chipset = open('/proc/stb/info/chipset', 'r').read()
			AboutText += _("Chipset: BCM%s") % chipset.replace('\n','') + "\n"

		AboutText += _("Kernel: %s") % about.getKernelVersionString() + "\n"
		AboutText += _("Drivers: %s") % about.getDriversString() + "\n"
		AboutText += _("Version: %s") % about.getImageVersionString() + "\n"
		AboutText += _("Build: %s") % about.getBuildVersionString() + "\n"
		AboutText += _("Last update: %s") % about.getLastUpdateString() + "\n\n"

		tempinfo = ""
		if path.exists('/proc/stb/sensors/temp0/value'):
			tempinfo = open('/proc/stb/sensors/temp0/value', 'r').read()
		elif path.exists('/proc/stb/fp/temp_sensor'):
			tempinfo = open('/proc/stb/fp/temp_sensor', 'r').read()
		if tempinfo and int(tempinfo.replace('\n','')) > 0:
			mark = str('\xc2\xb0')
			AboutText += _("System temperature: %s") % tempinfo.replace('\n','') + mark + "C\n\n"

		self["AboutText"] = StaticText(AboutText)
Пример #7
	def populate(self):
		self["lab1"] = StaticText(_("Virtuosso Image Xtreme"))
		self["lab2"] = StaticText(_("By Team ViX"))
		model = None
		AboutText = ""
		if getBoxType() == 'vuuno':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.vuplus-support.co.uk")
			model = "Vu+ Uno"
		elif getBoxType() == 'vuultimo':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.vuplus-support.co.uk")
			model = "Vu+ Ultimo"
		elif getBoxType() == 'vusolo':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.vuplus-support.co.uk")
			model = "Vu+ Solo\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'vusolo2':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.vuplus-support.co.uk")
			model = "Vu+ Solo" + chr(178)
		elif getBoxType() == 'vuduo':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.vuplus-support.co.uk")
			model = "Vu+ Duo"
		elif getBoxType() == 'vuduo2':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.vuplus-support.co.uk")
			model = "Vu+ Duo" + chr(178)
		elif getBoxType() == 'et5x00':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.xtrend-support.co.uk")
			model = "Xtrend ET5x00 Series"
		elif getBoxType() == 'et6x00':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.xtrend-support.co.uk")
			model = "Xtrend ET6x00 Series"
		elif getBoxType() == 'et9x00':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.xtrend-support.co.uk")
			model = "Xtrend ET9x00 Series"
		elif getBoxType() == 'odinm9':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.odin-support.co.uk")
			model = "Odin M9"
		elif getBoxType() == 'gb800solo':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.world-of-satellite.co.uk")
			model = "GigaBlue HD 800 Solo"
		elif getBoxType() == 'gb800se':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.world-of-satellite.co.uk")
			model = "GigaBlue HD 800SE"
		elif getBoxType() == 'gb800ue':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.world-of-satellite.co.uk")
			model = "GigaBlue HD 800UE"
		elif getBoxType() == 'gbquad':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.world-of-satellite.co.uk")
			model = "GigaBlue HD Quad"
		elif getBoxType() == 'ventonhdx':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.world-of-satellite.co.uk")
			model = "Venton Unibox HDx"
		elif getBoxType() == 'ixussone':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.world-of-satellite.co.uk")
			model = "Ixuss One"			
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.world-of-satellite.co.uk")
			model = getBoxType()

		if model:
			AboutText += _("Model: %s") % model + "\n"

		if path.exists('/proc/stb/info/chipset'):
			chipset = open('/proc/stb/info/chipset', 'r').read()
			AboutText += _("Chipset: BCM%s") % chipset.replace('\n','') + "\n"

		AboutText += _("Kernel: %s") % about.getKernelVersionString() + "\n"
		AboutText += _("Drivers: %s") % about.getDriversString() + "\n"
		# self["ImageType"] = StaticText(_("Image:") + " " + about.getImageTypeString())
		# AboutText += _("Image: %s") % about.getImageTypeString() + "\n"
		AboutText += _("Version: %s") % about.getImageVersionString() + "\n"
		AboutText += _("Build: %s") % about.getBuildVersionString() + "\n"
		AboutText += _("Last update: %s") % about.getLastUpdateString() + "\n\n"

		fp_version = getFPVersion()
		if fp_version is None:
			fp_version = ""
		elif fp_version != 0:
			fp_version = _("Frontprocessor version: %d") % fp_version
			AboutText += fp_version + "\n"

		tempinfo = ""
		if path.exists('/proc/stb/sensors/temp0/value'):
			tempinfo = open('/proc/stb/sensors/temp0/value', 'r').read()
		elif path.exists('/proc/stb/fp/temp_sensor'):
			tempinfo = open('/proc/stb/fp/temp_sensor', 'r').read()
		if tempinfo and int(tempinfo.replace('\n','')) > 0:
			mark = str('\xc2\xb0')
			AboutText += _("System temperature: %s") % tempinfo.replace('\n','') + mark + "C\n\n"

		AboutText += _("Translation:") + "\n"

		# don't remove the string out of the _(), or it can't be "translated" anymore.
		# TRANSLATORS: Add here whatever should be shown in the "translator" about screen, up to 6 lines (use \n for newline)
		info = _("TRANSLATOR_INFO")

		if info == _("TRANSLATOR_INFO"):
			info = ""

		infolines = _("").split("\n")
		infomap = {}
		for x in infolines:
			l = x.split(': ')
			if len(l) != 2:
			(type, value) = l
			infomap[type] = value

		translator_name = infomap.get("Language-Team", "none")
		if translator_name == "none":
			translator_name = infomap.get("Last-Translator", "")

		AboutText += translator_name + "\n\n"
		AboutText += info

		self["AboutScrollLabel"] = ScrollLabel(AboutText)
Пример #8
	def __init__(self, session, parent):
		Screen.__init__(self, session, parent = parent)
		if about.getImageTypeString() == 'Release':
			self["selected"] = StaticText("ViX:" + about.getImageVersionString() + ' (R)')
		elif about.getImageTypeString() == 'Experimental':
			self["selected"] = StaticText("ViX:" + about.getImageVersionString() + ' (B)')
		if getBoxType() == 'vuuno':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Uno")
		elif getBoxType() == 'vuultimo':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Ultimo")
		elif getBoxType() == 'vusolo':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Solo")
		elif getBoxType() == 'vuduo':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Duo")
		elif getBoxType() == 'et5x00':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Xtrend ET5x00 Series")
		elif getBoxType() == 'et6x00':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Xtrend ET6x00 Series")
		elif getBoxType() == 'et9x00':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Xtrend ET9x00 Series")
		elif getBoxType() == 'odin':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Odin")
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " " + getBoxType())
		self["KernelVersion"] = StaticText(_("Kernel:") + " " + about.getKernelVersionString())
		self["ImageType"] = StaticText(_("Image:") + " " + about.getImageTypeString())
		self["ImageVersion"] = StaticText(_("Version:") + " " + about.getImageVersionString() + "   " + _("Build:") + " " + about.getBuildVersionString())
		self["EnigmaVersion"] = StaticText(_("Last Update:") + " " + about.getLastUpdateString())
Пример #9
	def populate(self):
		self["lab1"] = StaticText(_("Virtuosso Image Xtreme"))
		self["lab2"] = StaticText(_("By Team ViX"))
		if getBoxType() == 'vuuno':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.vuplus-support.co.uk")
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Uno")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Uno\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'vuultimo':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.vuplus-support.co.uk")
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Ultimo")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Ultimo\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'vusolo':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.vuplus-support.co.uk")
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Solo")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Solo\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'vuduo':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.vuplus-support.co.uk")
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Duo")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Duo\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'et5x00':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.xtrend-support.co.uk")
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Xtrend ET5x00 Series")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + "  Xtrend ET5x00 Series\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'et6x00':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.xtrend-support.co.uk")
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Xtrend ET6x00 Series")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + "  Xtrend ET6x00 Series\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'et9x00':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.xtrend-support.co.uk")
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Xtrend ET9x00 Series")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Xtrend ET9x00 Series\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'odin':
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.odin-support.co.uk")
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Odin")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Odin\n"
			self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.world-of-satellite.co.uk")
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " " + getBoxType())
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " " + getBoxType() + "\n"

		self["KernelVersion"] = StaticText(_("Kernel:") + " " + about.getKernelVersionString())
		AboutText += _("Kernel:") + " " + about.getKernelVersionString() + "\n"
		self["DriversVersion"] = StaticText(_("Drivers:") + " " + about.getDriversString())
		AboutText += _("Drivers:") + " " + about.getDriversString() + "\n"
		self["ImageType"] = StaticText(_("Image:") + " " + about.getImageTypeString())
		AboutText += _("Image:") + " " + about.getImageTypeString() + "\n"
		self["ImageVersion"] = StaticText(_("Version:") + " " + about.getImageVersionString())
		AboutText += _("Version:") + " " + about.getImageVersionString() + "\n"
		self["BuildVersion"] = StaticText(_("Build:") + " " + about.getBuildVersionString())
		AboutText += _("Build:") + " " + about.getBuildVersionString() + "\n"
		self["EnigmaVersion"] = StaticText(_("Last Update:") + " " + about.getLastUpdateString())
		AboutText += _("Last Update:") + " " + about.getLastUpdateString() + "\n\n"

		fp_version = getFPVersion()
		if fp_version is None:
			fp_version = ""
		elif fp_version != 0:
			fp_version = _("Frontprocessor version: %d") % fp_version
			AboutText += fp_version + "\n"
		self["FPVersion"] = StaticText(fp_version)

		self["TranslationHeader"] = StaticText(_("Translation:"))
		AboutText += _("Translation:") + "\n"

		# don't remove the string out of the _(), or it can't be "translated" anymore.
		# TRANSLATORS: Add here whatever should be shown in the "translator" about screen, up to 6 lines (use \n for newline)
		info = _("TRANSLATOR_INFO")

		if info == _("TRANSLATOR_INFO"):
			info = ""

		infolines = _("").split("\n")
		infomap = {}
		for x in infolines:
			l = x.split(': ')
			if len(l) != 2:
			(type, value) = l
			infomap[type] = value

		translator_name = infomap.get("Language-Team", "none")
		if translator_name == "none":
			translator_name = infomap.get("Last-Translator", "")

		self["TranslatorName"] = StaticText(translator_name)
		AboutText += translator_name + "\n\n"

		self["TranslationInfo"] = StaticText(info)
		AboutText += info

		self["AboutScrollLabel"] = ScrollLabel(AboutText)
Пример #10
from Components.Sources.StaticText import StaticText
from Components.Pixmap import Pixmap

from Tools.HardwareInfo import HardwareInfo
from Tools.Directories import resolveFilename

from enigma import eTimer, eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite, eComponentScan, eDVBSatelliteEquipmentControl, eDVBFrontendParametersTerrestrial, eDVBFrontendParametersCable, eConsoleAppContainer, eDVBResourceManager, getBoxType

	from enigma import getImageVersionString, getBuildVersionString
	versionstring = getImageVersionString()
	buildstring = getBuildVersionString()
	from Components.About import about
	versionstring = about.getImageVersionString()
	buildstring = about.getBuildVersionString()

def getDistro():
		from enigma import getDistro as e2_getDistro
		return e2_getDistro()
			file = open('/etc/image-version', 'r')
			lines = file.readlines()
			for x in lines:
				splitted = x.split('=')
				if splitted[0] == "comment":
					result =  splitted[1].replace('\n','')
Пример #11
	def __init__(self, session, parent):
		Screen.__init__(self, session, parent = parent)
		self.skinName = "AboutSummaryAAF"
		if about.getImageTypeString() == 'Release':
			self["selected"] = StaticText("AAF:" + about.getImageVersionString() + ' (R)')
		elif about.getImageTypeString() == 'Experimental':
			self["selected"] = StaticText("AAF:" + about.getImageVersionString() + ' (B)')
		if getBoxType() == 'vuuno':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Uno")
		elif getBoxType() == 'vuultimo':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Ultimo")
		elif getBoxType() == 'vusolo':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Solo")
		elif getBoxType() == 'vuduo':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Duo")
		elif getBoxType() == 'vusolo2':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Solo 2")
		elif getBoxType() == 'vuduo2':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Duo 2")			
		elif getBoxType() == 'et4x00':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Xtrend ET4x00 Series")	
		elif getBoxType() == 'et5x00':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Xtrend ET5x00 Series")
		elif getBoxType() == 'et6x00':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Xtrend ET6x00 Series")
		elif getBoxType() == 'et9x00':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Xtrend ET9x00 Series")
		elif getBoxType() == 'odinm9':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Odin M9")
		elif getBoxType() == 'odinm7':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Odin M7")			
		elif getBoxType() == 'gb800solo':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " GigaBlue HD 800SOLO")
		elif getBoxType() == 'gb800se':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " GigaBlue HD 800SE")
		elif getBoxType() == 'gb800ue':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " GigaBlue HD 800UE")
		elif getBoxType() == 'gbquad':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " GigaBlue HD QUAD")
		elif getBoxType() == 'ventonhdx':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Venton Unibox HDx")
		elif getBoxType() == 'ixussone':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Ixuss Onex")
		elif getBoxType() == 'xp1000':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " XP1000")
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " " + getBoxType())
		self["KernelVersion"] = StaticText(_("Kernel:") + " " + about.getKernelVersionString())
		self["ImageType"] = StaticText(_("Image:") + " " + about.getImageTypeString())
		self["ImageVersion"] = StaticText(_("Version:") + " " + about.getImageVersionString() + "   " + _("Build:") + " " + about.getBuildVersionString())
		self["EnigmaVersion"] = StaticText(_("Last Update:") + " " + about.getLastUpdateString())
Пример #12
	def populate(self):
		self["lab1"] = StaticText(_("openAAF"))
		self["lab2"] = StaticText(_("By AAF Image Team"))
		self["lab3"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + " www.aaf-digital.info")
		if getBoxType() == 'vuuno':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Uno")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Uno\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'vuultimo':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Ultimo")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Ultimo\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'vusolo':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Solo")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Solo\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'vuduo':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Duo")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Duo\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'vusolo2':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Solo 2")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Solo 2\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'vuduo2':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Duo 2")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Vu+ Duo 2\n"			
		elif getBoxType() == 'et4x00':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Xtrend ET4x00 Series")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + "  Xtrend ET4x00 Series\n"	
		elif getBoxType() == 'et5x00':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Xtrend ET5x00 Series")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + "  Xtrend ET5x00 Series\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'et6x00':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Xtrend ET6x00 Series")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + "  Xtrend ET6x00 Series\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'et9x00':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Xtrend ET9x00 Series")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Xtrend ET9x00 Series\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'odinm9':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Odin M9")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Odin M9\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'odinm7':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Odin M7")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Odin M7\n"			
		elif getBoxType() == 'gb800solo':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " GigaBlue HD 800SOLO")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " GigaBlue HD 800SOLO\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'gb800se':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " GigaBlue HD 800SE")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " GigaBlue HD 800SE\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'gb800ue':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " GigaBlue HD 800UE")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " GigaBlue HD 800UE\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'gbquad':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " GigaBlue HD QUAD")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " GigaBlue HD Quad\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'ventonhdx':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Venton Unibox HDx")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Venton Unibox HDx\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'ixussone':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " Ixuss One")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " Ixuss One\n"
		elif getBoxType() == 'xp1000':
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " MK Digital")
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " XP1000\n"			
			self["BoxType"] = StaticText(_("Hardware:") + " " + getBoxType())
			AboutText = _("Hardware:") + " " + getBoxType() + "\n"

		self["KernelVersion"] = StaticText(_("Kernel:") + " " + about.getKernelVersionString())
		AboutText += _("Kernel:") + " " + about.getKernelVersionString() + "\n"
		self["DriversVersion"] = StaticText(_("Drivers:") + " " + about.getDriversString())
		AboutText += _("Drivers:") + " " + about.getDriversString() + "\n"
		self["ImageType"] = StaticText(_("Image:") + " " + about.getImageTypeString())
		AboutText += _("Image:") + " " + about.getImageTypeString() + "\n"
		self["ImageVersion"] = StaticText(_("Version:") + " " + about.getImageVersionString())
		AboutText += _("Version:") + " " + about.getImageVersionString() + "\n"
		self["BuildVersion"] = StaticText(_("Build:") + " " + about.getBuildVersionString())
		AboutText += _("Build:") + " " + about.getBuildVersionString() + "\n"
		self["EnigmaVersion"] = StaticText(_("Last Update:") + " " + about.getEnigmaVersionString())
		AboutText += _("Last update:") + " " + about.getEnigmaVersionString() + "\n\n"

		fp_version = getFPVersion()
		if fp_version is None:
			fp_version = ""
		elif fp_version != 0:
			fp_version = _("Frontprocessor version: %d") % fp_version
			AboutText += fp_version + "\n"
		self["FPVersion"] = StaticText(fp_version)

		tempinfo = ""
		if path.exists('/proc/stb/sensors/temp0/value'):
			tempinfo = open('/proc/stb/sensors/temp0/value', 'r').read()
		elif path.exists('/proc/stb/fp/temp_sensor'):
			tempinfo = open('/proc/stb/fp/temp_sensor', 'r').read()
		if tempinfo and int(tempinfo.replace('\n','')) > 0:
			mark = str('\xc2\xb0')
			AboutText += _("System temperature:") + " " + tempinfo.replace('\n','') + mark + "C\n\n"

		self["TranslationHeader"] = StaticText(_("Translation:"))
		AboutText += _("Translation:") + "\n"

		# don't remove the string out of the _(), or it can't be "translated" anymore.
		# TRANSLATORS: Add here whatever should be shown in the "translator" about screen, up to 6 lines (use \n for newline)
		info = _("TRANSLATOR_INFO")

		if info == _("TRANSLATOR_INFO"):
			info = ""

		infolines = _("").split("\n")
		infomap = {}
		for x in infolines:
			l = x.split(': ')
			if len(l) != 2:
			(type, value) = l
			infomap[type] = value

		translator_name = infomap.get("Language-Team", "none")
		if translator_name == "none":
			translator_name = infomap.get("Last-Translator", "")

		self["TranslatorName"] = StaticText(translator_name)
		AboutText += translator_name + "\n\n"

		self["TranslationInfo"] = StaticText(info)
		AboutText += info

		self["AboutScrollLabel"] = ScrollLabel(AboutText)