def getBootOptions(self, value=None): self.container = Console() if path.isdir(self.mountDir) and path.ismount(self.mountDir): self.getImagesList() else: if not path.isdir(self.mountDir): mkdir(self.mountDir) self.container.ePopen( "mount %s %s" % (SystemInfo["MBbootdevice"], self.mountDir), self.getImagesList)
def getMBbootdevice(): if not path.isdir(Imagemount): mkdir(Imagemount) for device in ('/dev/block/by-name/bootoptions', '/dev/mmcblk0p1', '/dev/mmcblk1p1', '/dev/mmcblk0p3', '/dev/mmcblk0p4'): if path.exists(device): Console().ePopen("mount %s %s" % (device, Imagemount)) if path.isfile(path.join(Imagemount, "STARTUP")): print('[Multiboot] Startupdevice found:', device) return device Console().ePopen("umount %s" % Imagemount) if not path.ismount(Imagemount): rmdir(Imagemount)
def __init__(self, callback): if SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"]: self.slots = sorted(list(SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"].keys())) self.callback = callback self.imagelist = {} if not path.isdir(Imagemount): mkdir(Imagemount) self.container = Console() self.phase = self.MOUNT else: callback({})
def getMultibootslots(): bootslots = {} if SystemInfo["MBbootdevice"]: if not path.isdir(Imagemount): mkdir(Imagemount) Console().ePopen("/bin/mount %s %s" % (SystemInfo["MBbootdevice"], Imagemount)) for file in glob.glob(path.join(Imagemount, "STARTUP_*")): if "STARTUP_RECOVERY" in file: SystemInfo["RecoveryMode"] = True print "[multiboot] [getMultibootslots] RecoveryMode is set to:%s" % SystemInfo[ "RecoveryMode"] slotnumber = file.rsplit("_", 3 if "BOXMODE" in file else 1)[1] if slotnumber.isdigit() and slotnumber not in bootslots: slot = {} for line in open(file).readlines(): # print "Multiboot getMultibootslots readlines = %s " %line if "root=" in line: line = line.rstrip("\n") device = getparam(line, "root") if path.exists(device): slot["device"] = device slot["startupfile"] = path.basename(file) if "sda" in line: slot["kernel"] = "/dev/sda%s" % line.split( "sda", 1)[1].split(" ", 1)[0] slot["rootsubdir"] = None else: slot["kernel"] = "%sp%s" % (device.split( "p")[0], int(device.split("p")[1]) - 1) if "rootsubdir" in line: SystemInfo["HasRootSubdir"] = True print "[multiboot] [getMultibootslots] HasRootSubdir is set to:%s" % SystemInfo[ "HasRootSubdir"] slot["rootsubdir"] = getparam( line, "rootsubdir") slot["kernel"] = getparam(line, "kernel") break if slot: bootslots[int(slotnumber)] = slot print "[multiboot1] getMultibootslots bootslots = %s" % bootslots Console().ePopen("umount %s" % Imagemount) if not path.ismount(Imagemount): rmdir(Imagemount) return bootslots
class EmptySlot(): MOUNT = 0 UNMOUNT = 1 def __init__(self, Contents, callback): if SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"]: self.slots = sorted(SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"].keys()) self.callback = callback self.imagelist = {} self.slot = Contents if not path.isdir(Imagemount): mkdir(Imagemount) self.container = Console() self.phase = self.MOUNT else: callback({}) def run(self): if self.phase == self.UNMOUNT: self.container.ePopen("umount %s" % Imagemount, self.appClosed) else: self.container.ePopen( "mount %s %s" % (SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"][self.slot]["device"], Imagemount), self.appClosed) def appClosed(self, data="", retval=0, extra_args=None): if retval == 0 and self.phase == self.MOUNT: if SystemInfo["HasRootSubdir"] and SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"][ self.slot]["rootsubdir"] != None: imagedir = ( '%s/%s' % (Imagemount, SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"][self.slot]["rootsubdir"])) else: imagedir = Imagemount if path.isfile("%s/usr/bin/enigma2" % imagedir): rename("%s/usr/bin/enigma2" % imagedir, "%s/usr/bin/enigmax.bin" % imagedir) rename("%s/etc" % imagedir, "%s/etcx" % imagedir) self.phase = self.UNMOUNT else: self.container.killAll() if not path.ismount(Imagemount): rmdir(Imagemount) self.callback()
def __init__(self, session): Screen.__init__(self, session) self.skinName = "Standby" self.avswitch = AVSwitch() self.oldService = self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceOrGroup() print "[Standby] enter standby" SystemInfo["StandbyState"] = True if os.path.exists("/usr/script/"): Console().ePopen("/usr/script/ &") self["actions"] = ActionMap( ["StandbyActions"], { "power": self.Power, "power_make": self.Power_make, "power_break": self.Power_break, "power_long": self.Power_long, "power_repeat": self.Power_repeat, "discrete_on": self.Power }, -1) globalActionMap.setEnabled(False) self.ignoreKeyBreakTimer = eTimer() self.standbyStopServiceTimer = eTimer() self.standbyStopServiceTimer.callback.append(self.stopService) self.timeHandler = None #mute adc self.setMute() self.stopService() if SystemInfo["Display"] and SystemInfo["LCDMiniTV"]: # set LCDminiTV off setLCDModeMinitTV("0") elif SystemInfo["Display"] and SystemInfo["LCDMiniTV4k"]: # set LCDminiTV off setLCDModeMinitTV4k("disable") self.paused_service = None self.prev_running_service = None if self.session.current_dialog: if self.session.current_dialog.ALLOW_SUSPEND == Screen.SUSPEND_STOPS: #get currently playing service reference self.prev_running_service = self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceOrGroup( ) #stop actual played dvb-service self.session.nav.stopService() elif self.session.current_dialog.ALLOW_SUSPEND == Screen.SUSPEND_PAUSES: self.paused_service = self.session.current_dialog self.paused_service.pauseService() if not self.paused_service: self.timeHandler = eDVBLocalTimeHandler.getInstance() if self.timeHandler.ready(): if self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceOrGroup(): self.stopService() else: self.standbyStopServiceTimer.startLongTimer(5) self.timeHandler = None else: self.timeHandler.m_timeUpdated.get().append(self.stopService) if self.session.pipshown: from Screens.InfoBar import InfoBar InfoBar.instance and hasattr( InfoBar.instance, "showPiP") and InfoBar.instance.showPiP() #set input to vcr scart if SystemInfo["ScartSwitch"]: self.avswitch.setInput("SCART") else: self.avswitch.setInput("AUX") gotoShutdownTime = int(config.usage.standby_to_shutdown_timer.value) print "goto deep2" if gotoShutdownTime: print "goto deep3" self.standbyTimeoutTimer = eTimer() self.standbyTimeoutTimer.callback.append(self.standbyTimeout) self.standbyTimeoutTimer.startLongTimer(gotoShutdownTime) if (getBrandOEM() in ('fulan', 'clap', 'dinobot') or getMachineBuild() in ('gbmv200', 'sf8008', 'sf8008m', 'ustym4kpro')): try: open("/proc/stb/hdmi/output", "w").write("off") except: pass self.onFirstExecBegin.append(self.__onFirstExecBegin) self.onClose.append(self.__onClose)
def cancel(self, value=None): self.container = Console() self.container.ePopen("umount %s" % self.mountDir, boundFunction(self.unmountCallback, value))
class MultiBootSelector(Screen, HelpableScreen): skinTemplate = """ <screen title="MultiBoot Image Selector" position="center,center" size="%d,%d"> <widget name="config" position="%d,%d" size="%d,%d" font="Regular;%d" itemHeight="%d" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" /> <widget source="options" render="Label" position="%d,e-160" size="%d,%d" font="Regular;%d" halign="center" valign="center" /> <widget source="description" render="Label" position="%d,e-90" size="%d,%d" font="Regular;%d" /> <widget source="key_red" render="Label" position="%d,e-50" size="%d,%d" backgroundColor="key_red" font="Regular;%d" foregroundColor="key_text" halign="center" noWrap="1" valign="center" /> <widget source="key_green" render="Label" position="%d,e-50" size="%d,%d" backgroundColor="key_green" font="Regular;%d" foregroundColor="key_text" halign="center" noWrap="1" valign="center" /> </screen>""" scaleData = [ 800, 485, 10, 10, 780, 306, 24, 34, 10, 780, 60, 20, 10, 780, 30, 22, 10, 140, 40, 20, 160, 140, 40, 20 ] skin = None def __init__(self, session, *args): Screen.__init__(self, session) HelpableScreen.__init__(self) if is None: # The skin template is designed for a HD screen so the scaling factor is 720. = MultiBootSelector.skinTemplate % tuple([ x * getDesktop(0).size().height() / 720 for x in MultiBootSelector.scaleData ]) Screen.setTitle(self, _("MultiBoot Image Selector")) self["config"] = ChoiceList(list=[ ChoiceEntryComponent("", ( (_("Retrieving image slots - Please wait...")), "Queued")) ]) self["options"] = StaticText( _("Mode 1 suppports Kodi, PiP may not work.\nMode 12 supports PiP, Kodi may not work." ) if SystemInfo["canMode12"] else "") self["description"] = StaticText( _("Use the cursor keys to select an installed image and then Reboot button." )) self["key_red"] = StaticText(_("Cancel")) self["key_green"] = StaticText(_("Reboot")) self["actions"] = HelpableActionMap( self, [ "OkCancelActions", "ColorActions", "DirectionActions", "KeyboardInputActions", "MenuActions" ], { "red": (boundFunction(self.close, None), _("Cancel the image selection and exit")), "green": (self.reboot, _("Select the highlighted image and reboot")), "ok": (self.reboot, _("Select the highlighted image and reboot")), "cancel": (boundFunction(self.close, None), _("Cancel the image selection and exit")), "up": (self.keyUp, _("Move up a line")), "down": (self.keyDown, _("Move down a line")), "left": (self.keyLeft, _("Move up a line")), "right": (self.keyRight, _("Move down a line")), "upRepeated": (self.keyUp, _("Move up a line")), "downRepeated": (self.keyDown, _("Move down a line")), "leftRepeated": (self.keyLeft, _("Move up a line")), "rightRepeated": (self.keyRight, _("Move down a line")), "menu": (boundFunction(self.close, True), _("Cancel the image selection and exit all menus")) }, -1, description=_("MultiBootSelector Actions")) imagedict = [] self.getImageList = None self.mountDir = "/tmp/startupmount" self.callLater(self.getBootOptions) def cancel(self, value=None): self.container = Console() self.container.ePopen("umount %s" % self.mountDir, boundFunction(self.unmountCallback, value)) def unmountCallback(self, value, data=None, retval=None, extra_args=None): self.container.killAll() if not path.ismount(self.mountDir): rmdir(self.mountDir) self.close(value) def getBootOptions(self, value=None): self.container = Console() if path.isdir(self.mountDir) and path.ismount(self.mountDir): self.getImagesList() else: if not path.isdir(self.mountDir): mkdir(self.mountDir) self.container.ePopen( "mount %s %s" % (SystemInfo["MBbootdevice"], self.mountDir), self.getImagesList) def getImagesList(self, data=None, retval=None, extra_args=None): self.container.killAll() self.getImageList = GetImagelist(self.getImagelistCallback) def getImagelistCallback(self, imagedict): list = [] mode = GetCurrentImageMode() or 0 currentimageslot = GetCurrentImage() print "[MultiBootSelector] reboot1 slot:", currentimageslot current = " %s" % _("(current image)") slotSingle = _("Slot %s: %s%s") slotMulti = _("Slot %s: %s - Mode %d%s") if imagedict: indextot = 0 for index, x in enumerate(sorted(imagedict.keys())): if imagedict[x]["imagename"] != _("Empty slot"): if SystemInfo["canMode12"]: list.insert( index, ChoiceEntryComponent( "", (slotMulti % (x, imagedict[x]["imagename"], 1, current if x == currentimageslot and mode != 12 else ""), x))) list.append( ChoiceEntryComponent("", ( slotMulti % (x, imagedict[x]["imagename"], 12, current if x == currentimageslot and mode == 12 else ""), x + 12))) indextot = index + 1 else: list.append( ChoiceEntryComponent( "", (slotSingle % (x, imagedict[x]["imagename"], current if x == currentimageslot else ""), x))) if SystemInfo["canMode12"]: list.insert(indextot, " ") else: list.append( ChoiceEntryComponent("", ((_("No images found")), "Waiter"))) self["config"].setList(list) def reboot(self): self.currentSelected = self["config"].l.getCurrentSelection() self.slot = self.currentSelected[0][1] if self.currentSelected[0][1] != "Queued": print "[MultiBootSelector] reboot2 rebootslot = %s, " % self.slot print "[MultiBootSelector] reboot3 slotinfo = %s" % SystemInfo[ "canMultiBoot"] if self.slot < 12: copyfile( path.join( self.mountDir, SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"][self.slot]["startupfile"]), path.join(self.mountDir, "STARTUP")) else: self.slot -= 12 startupfile = path.join( self.mountDir, SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"][self.slot] ["startupfile"].replace("BOXMODE_1", "BOXMODE_12")) print "[MultiBootSelector] reboot5 startupfile = %s" % startupfile if "BOXMODE" in startupfile: copyfile(startupfile, path.join(self.mountDir, "STARTUP")) else: f = open(startupfile, "r").read().replace( "boxmode=1'", "boxmode=12'").replace( "%s" % SystemInfo["canMode12"][0], "%s" % SystemInfo["canMode12"][1]) open(path.join(self.mountDir, "STARTUP"), "w").write(f), QUIT_REBOOT), QUIT_REBOOT) def selectionChanged(self): currentSelected = self["config"].l.getCurrentSelection() def keyLeft(self): self["config"].instance.moveSelection(self["config"].instance.moveUp) self.selectionChanged() def keyRight(self): self["config"].instance.moveSelection(self["config"].instance.moveDown) self.selectionChanged() def keyUp(self): self["config"].instance.moveSelection(self["config"].instance.moveUp) self.selectionChanged() def keyDown(self): self["config"].instance.moveSelection(self["config"].instance.moveDown) self.selectionChanged()
class GetImagelist(): MOUNT = 0 UNMOUNT = 1 def __init__(self, callback): if SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"]: self.slots = sorted(list(SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"].keys())) self.callback = callback self.imagelist = {} if not path.isdir(Imagemount): mkdir(Imagemount) self.container = Console() self.phase = self.MOUNT else: callback({}) def run(self): if self.phase == self.UNMOUNT: self.container.ePopen("umount %s" % Imagemount, self.appClosed) else: self.slot = self.slots.pop(0) self.container.ePopen("mount %s %s" % (SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"][self.slot]["device"], Imagemount), self.appClosed) def appClosed(self, data="", retval=0, extra_args=None): BuildVersion = " " Build = " " # ViX Build No. Dev = " " # ViX Dev No. Creator = " " # Openpli Openvix Openatv etc Date = " " BuildType = " " # release etc if retval: self.imagelist[self.slot] = {"imagename": _("Empty slot")} if retval == 0 and self.phase == self.MOUNT: if SystemInfo["HasRootSubdir"] and SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"][self.slot]["rootsubdir"] != None: imagedir = ('%s/%s' %(Imagemount, SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"][self.slot]["rootsubdir"])) else: imagedir = Imagemount if path.isfile("%s/usr/bin/enigma2" % imagedir): Creator = open("%s/etc/issue" % imagedir).readlines()[-2].capitalize().strip()[:-6].replace("-release", " rel") if Creator.startswith("Openvix"): reader = boxbranding_reader(imagedir) BuildType = reader.getImageType() Build = reader.getImageBuild() Dev = BuildType != "release" and " %s" % reader.getImageDevBuild() or "" BuildVersion = "%s %s %s %s" % (Creator, BuildType[0:3], Build, Dev) else: try: from datetime import datetime date = datetime.fromtimestamp(stat(path.join(imagedir, "var/lib/opkg/status")).st_mtime).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if date.startswith("1970"): date = datetime.fromtimestamp(stat(path.join(imagedir, "usr/share/bootlogo.mvi")).st_mtime).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") date = max(date, datetime.fromtimestamp(stat(path.join(imagedir, "usr/bin/enigma2")).st_mtime).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) except Exception: date = _("Unknown") BuildVersion = "%s (%s)" % (open(path.join(imagedir, "etc/issue")).readlines()[-2].capitalize().strip()[:-6], date) self.imagelist[self.slot] = {"imagename": "%s" % BuildVersion} else: self.imagelist[self.slot] = {"imagename": _("Empty slot")} if self.slots and SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"][self.slot]["device"] == SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"][self.slots[0]]["device"]: self.slot = self.slots.pop(0) self.appClosed() else: self.phase = self.UNMOUNT elif self.slots: self.phase = self.MOUNT else: self.container.killAll() if not path.ismount(Imagemount): rmdir(Imagemount) self.callback(self.imagelist)