Пример #1
def deactivate_alertset(alert_id):
    """Deactivates an alert set"""

    #Today's Date and DateTime are set to variables
    date = datetime.date.today()
    dt_now = datetime.datetime.now()

    #The alert is queried and today's date is combined with the alert's time
    alert = Alert.query.filter_by(alert_id=alert_id).one()
    dt = datetime.datetime.combine(date, alert.time)

    #The alert object is updated and session is commited
        "Scheduled Alert has been Deactivated"

    #The Variable "note" is created, which includes the text of the log entry
    note = "Check In " + str(alert.a_name) + " For " + str(
        alert.time.strftime("%I:%M %p")) + " Deactivated" + "."

    #The log note is saved to the database
    add_log_note(alert.user_id, dt_now, "Deactivation", note, alert.message,
    return redirect("/bs_alerts")
Пример #2
def activate_alertset(alert_id):
    """Activates an alert set"""

    #The alert set in question is queried
    alert = Alert.query.filter_by(alert_id=alert_id).one()

    #Variables set to the current date, time, and datetime are created for convenience
    time = datetime.datetime.now().time()
    date = (datetime.datetime.today())
    dt = datetime.datetime.now()

    #An empty list is created to store the datetimes of the alerts associated with the alert set
    dt_list = []

    #If there is no start date, the start date is set to today
    if alert.date == None:
            {'date': date})

    #The alert datetime is updated added to the the alert datetime
    dtime = datetime.datetime.combine(date, alert.time)
        "Active With No Check-Ins so Far"

    #The Variable "note" is created, which includes the text of the log entry
    note = "Check In " + str(alert.a_name) + " For " + str(
        alert.time.strftime("%I:%M %p")) + " Activated. "

    #If there is a message included in the alert, it is included in the log entry
    if alert.message:
        note += "The user included the following message: " + alert.message + "."

    #The log note is saved to the database
    add_log_note(alert.user_id, dt, "Activation", note, alert.message,
    #Session is Commited

    #The alert datetime list is sorted and the earliest time is then sent back to the page
    alarm_dt = dtime.strftime("%I:%M %p, %m/%d/%Y")
    return str(alarm_dt)
Пример #3
def add_new_checkin():
    """Using POST, a new check-in is added from the check-in page"""
    print("Request Form: ", request.form)
    #sets variable dt as equal to the current datetime
    dt = datetime.datetime.now()
    #Get's the check-in details from the form on the page and runs the check_in helper-function
    text = request.form['check_text']
    user = User.query.filter_by(email=session['current_user']).one()
    add_log_note(user.user_id, dt, "Check-In", text)
    #Use's the helper function check_in()
    check_in(user.user_id, text)

    #Queries the active and all alerts
    alerts = Alert.query.filter(Alert.user_id == user.user_id, Alert.active == True).all()
    all_alerts = Alert.query.filter(Alert.user_id == user.user_id).all()

    #Creates and empty list which is then filled with datetimes from the active alerts
    alert_datetimes = []
    for alert in alerts:
        if alert.datetime:

    #The List of Datetimes is sorted

    #If there is at least one active alert, a message is created with that info
    if len(alert_datetimes) > 0:
        diff = datetime.datetime.now() - alert_datetimes[0]
        minutes = (diff.total_seconds()) / 60
        time = alert_datetimes[0].time()
        check_time = (alert_datetimes[0] - datetime.timedelta(hours=1)).time()
        message = "Your Check-In has been received! Your next alarm is due in " + str(minutes) + " minutedt = datetime.datetime.now()s, so you must check in between " + str(check_time) + " and " + str(time) + "."

    #Otherwise a message is created explaining that there are no active alerts
        message = "Your check-in has been received! You don't have any alerts currently active."

    #The message is then sent back to the user as confirmation
    # if len(all_alerts) > 0:
    #     send_alert_user(all_alerts[0].alert_id, message)

    return redirect("/check_ins")
Пример #4
def delete_alert(alert_id):
    """Saves the edits to a recurring alert set"""
    #Relevant Alert is Queried
    alert = Alert.query.filter_by(alert_id=alert_id).one()

    #The variable "note" is set to what the log note will be
    note = "Alert " + alert.a_name + " Deleted"

    #The current datetime is queried
    dt_now = datetime.datetime.now()

    #The log note is saved to the database
    add_log_note(alert.user_id, dt_now, "Deleted Check-In", note,
                 alert.message, alert.time)
    #The alert associated with the alert set is then deleted

    #The user is then re-routed to the main besafe page
    return redirect("/bs_alerts")
Пример #5
def save_alert(alert_id):
    """Saves the edits to a recurring alert set"""
    """Adds a recurring Alert-Set to the dBase"""
    user = User.query.filter_by(email=session['current_user']).one()
    alerts_all = Alert.query.filter_by(user_id=user.user_id).all()

    #Gets the alert and alert set info from the form on the add a new rec set page
    name = request.form['a_name']
    desc = request.form['descri']
    interval = request.form['interval']
    contacts = request.form.getlist('contact')
    time = request.form['time']

    #If there is no alert name, it is set to the next sequential number of alerts
    if len(name) == 0:
        name = "Alert " + str(len(alerts_all))
    print("name2: ", name, type(name), len(name))
    #Queries the current user

    dt = datetime.datetime.now()

    if time == "":
        time = None
    if interval == "":
        interval = None

    #Initiates 3 contact variables, sets the first to the first contact and the next two to None
    contact1 = int(contacts[0])
    contact2 = None
    contact3 = None

    #If more than one contact is associated with the alert set, the following variables are set to them
    if len(contacts) > 1:
        contact2 = int(contacts[1])
    if len(contacts) > 2:
        contact3 = int(contacts[2])

    note = "Alert " + name + " Updated To " + str(time.strftime("%I:%M %p"))
    if desc:
        note += "The user included the following message: " + desc
    dt_now = datetime.datetime.now()

    #The log note is saved to the database
    add_log_note(alert.user_id, dt_now, "Deleted Check-In", note,
                 alert.message, alert.time)
    #The alert associated with the alert set is then updated and all of the changes are committed

    #The user is then re-routed to the main besafe page
    return redirect("/bs_alerts")
Пример #6
def add_alert():
    """Adds an alert to the dBase"""
    #The user is queried along with all associated alerts
    user = User.query.filter_by(email=session['current_user']).one()
    alerts_all = Alert.query.filter_by(user_id=user.user_id).all()

    #Gets the alert and alert set info from the form on the add a new rec set page
    name = request.form['a_name']
    desc = request.form['descri']
    interval = request.form['interval']
    contacts = request.form.getlist('contact')
    time = request.form['time']

    #If there is no interval, the variable is set to None
    if interval == "":
        interval = None

    #If no name is included, the name is set as the next sequential number
    if len(name) == 0:
        name = "Alert " + str(len(alerts_all))

    #Current DateTime is queried
    dt = datetime.datetime.now()

    #Initiates 3 contact variables, sets the first to the first contact and the next two to None
    contact1 = int(contacts[0])
    contact2 = None
    contact3 = None

    #If more than one contact is associated with the alert set, the following variables are set to them
    if len(contacts) > 1:
        contact2 = int(contacts[1])
    if len(contacts) > 2:
        contact3 = int(contacts[2])

    #A new alert (associated with the alert set) is created, added, and commited to the dBase
    new_alert = Alert(user_id=user.user_id,
                      status='Not Yet Activated')


    #The new alert is now queried
    alert = Alert.query.filter_by(a_name=name).order_by(

    #The Variable "note" is created, which includes the text of the log entry
    note = "Check In " + str(name) + " For " + str(
        alert.time.strftime("%I:%M %p")) + " Created. "

    #If there is a message included in the alert, it is included in the log entry
    if desc:
        note += "The user included the following message: " + str(desc) + "."
    add_log_note(user.user_id, dt, "Check-In Added", note, time)
    return redirect("/bs_alerts")