Пример #1
 def qualityAssuranceTest2(self, parent):
     Test the top level config file for valid and invalid inputs
     # from QALib.QAUtil import QAUtil
     # util = QAUtil()
     # Create a top level config file
     import tempfile
     from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser as parser
     # Create the module file
     modParser = parser()
     testDict = {"GUI":[("widget", "ctkCollapsibleButton"),
                        ("name", "test1"),
                        ("text", "Test1"),
                        ("layout", "vertical"),
                        ("children", "child1, child2, child3")],
                 "child1":[("widget", "QFrame"),
                           ("layout", "horizontal"),
                           ("children", "child11, child12")],
                 "child2":[("widget", "QFrame"),
                           ("layout", "vertical"),
                           ("children", "child21, child21, child12")],
                 "child3":[("widget", "QPushButton"),
                           ("text", "child3"),
                           ("name", "child3"),
                           ("clicked", "printButton('%(name)s')")],
                 "child11":[("widget", "QPushButton"),
                           ("text", "child11"),
                           ("name", "child11"),
                           ("clicked", "printButton('%(name)s')")],
                 "child12":[("widget", "QFrame"),
                           ("layout", "vertical"),
                           ("children", "child3, child3, child3")],
                 "child21":[("widget", "QFrame"),
                           ("layout", "form"),
                           ("children", "child3, child3, child3, child3")]}
     for section, options in testDict.items():
         for option, value in options:
             modParser.set(section, option, value)
     with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as modTemp:
         modFile = modTemp.name
     print modFile
     # Create top file
     topParser = parser()
     section = "Module1"
     topParser.set(section, "Name", "Supercalafragalisticexpialidoshous")
     topParser.set(section, "Module", modFile)
     topParser.set(section, "Database", "test1_schema.ini")
     topParser.set(section, "Logic", "test1.py")
     with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as topTemp:
         topFile = topTemp.name
     print topFile
     # Create the widget
     widget = QualityAssuranceWidget(parent, topFile)
Пример #2
#!/usr/bin/env python
	Author:		osa开源团队
	Description:	osa_alert.ini文件解析模块
	Create Date:	2011-07-20

from __future__ import with_statement
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser as parser

_parser = parser()

class osaParser(object):
	@ osa .ini文件解析类
    def __init__(self, ini, oparser=_parser):
        with open(ini) as fobj:

        self._ini = ini
        self._oparser = oparser

    def getValue(self, sec='global', key=None):

        if self._oparser.has_option(sec, key):
            return self._oparser.get(sec, key)

        return self._oparser.get('global', key)
Пример #3
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Demonstrate 'import as'"""
import re as regex
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser as parser

print "regex:", regex.__file__
print "parser:", parser()

Пример #4
#!/usr/bin/env python

	Author:		osa开源团队
	Description:	osa_alert.ini文件解析模块
	Create Date:	2011-07-20

from __future__ import with_statement
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser as parser

_parser = parser()

class osaParser(object):
	@ osa .ini文件解析类

	def __init__(self, ini, oparser = _parser):
		with open(ini) as fobj:
		self._ini = ini
		self._oparser = oparser

	def getValue(self, sec='global', key=None):
		if self._oparser.has_option(sec, key):
			return self._oparser.get(sec, key)
Пример #5
def parse_ini(inpt = "./settings/main.ini" ):
    :param inpt:

    out = {}

    p = parser()


    indata = p['indata']

    out["working_directory"] = indata.get("working_directory",".")
    field_name = indata.get("field_name","")
    if not field_name: raise ValueError("input field_name is mandatory")
    else: out["field_name"]=field_name

    data_extraction = p['data_extraction']
    out["mean"] = data_extraction.getboolean("mean", False)
    #the band combinations to use in format [(1,2),(1,3),....]; use * for all combinations; [] for no combinations
    out["band_combinations"] = data_extraction.get("band_combinations","[]")
    # a percentage of pixels to consider during polygons to raster intersection (>0); use 100 if no subset
    pixel_subset = data_extraction.getint("pixel_subset", 100)
    if pixel_subset == 100:
        pixel_subset = None
    else: out["pixel_subset"] = pixel_subset
    # the single band combination to use for charting the NDI in format [(1,2)]; only one combination is now possible
    out["NDI_chart_combinations"] = data_extraction.get("NDI_chart_combinations" , "[(7,5)]")

    #the nodatavalue to assign when polygons falls outside the raster (this works when mean == True)
    out["nodatavalue"] =  data_extraction.get("nodatavalue", None)

    #this is not necessary anymore because now the heralick paths are in thejson file
    #haralick = p['haralick']
    #folder tha will contain the input image for heralick
    #out["hara_dir"] = haralick.get("hara_dir","." )
    # heralick image suffix format (comma separated list)
    #out["haralick_format"] = haralick.get("haralick_format","tif")
    #simple, advanced, higher?
    #out["haralick_image_type"] = haralick.get("haralick_image_type","simple")
    #folder tha will contain the input ndi images for heralick
    #out["hara_ndi_dir"] =  haralick.get("hara_ndi_dir" ,"." )
    # heralick ndi image suffix format (comma separated list)
    #out["haralick_ndi_format"] =haralick.get("haralick_ndi_format" , "tif")
    #simple, advanced, higher?
    #out["haralick_ndi_type"] = haralick.get("haralick_ndi_type","simple")

    skll = p['skll']
    out["skll_dir"] = skll.get("skll_dir","." )

    boruta = p['boruta']
    out["boruta_dir"] = boruta.get("boruta_dir","." )

    classification = p['classification']
    #percentage of validation data
    out["validation_data"] = classification.getint("validation_data", 25)
    # classified raster name prefix
    out["out_name"] =   classification.get("out_name", "classify.tif")
    #tile size used during classification
    out["tile_size"] = classification.getint("tile_size", 1024)

    ipyparallel = p['ipyparallel']
    out["parallelize"] = ipyparallel.getboolean('parallelize', False)
    out["engine_messages"] = ipyparallel.getboolean('engine_messages', False)
    out["max_processes"] = ipyparallel.getint("max_processes", 4)

    return out