Пример #1
def execute(polarity):
    option_files = "$APPCONFIGOPTS/Brunel/DataType-2015.py;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Brunel/MC-WithTruth.py;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Persistency/Compression-ZLIB-1.py"
    option_files = option_files.split(";")
    for option in option_files:


    LHCbApp().Simulation = True
    LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "dddb-20140729"
    LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "sim-20140730-vc-m%s100" % polarity

    Brunel().DatasetName = "EarlyEvents-Extended-L0-Turbo-Moore-Brunel"
    HistogramPersistencySvc().OutputFile = 'EarlyEvents-BrunelHistos.root'
Пример #2
from Configurables import Brunel
from Configurables import CondDB
from Configurables import CondDBAccessSvc
from Configurables import L0Conf
from Gaudi.Configuration import GaudiSequencer

Brunel().InputType = "DIGI"
Brunel().WithMC = True
CondDB().Upgrade = True
Brunel().Detectors = ['VP', 'UT', 'FT', 'Rich1Pmt', 'Rich2Pmt', 'Ecal', 'Hcal', 'Muon', 'Magnet', 'Tr']
Brunel().DataType = "Upgrade"
Brunel().OutputType = 'XDST'

# As we haven't ran Moore
L0Conf().EnsureKnownTCK = False

GaudiSequencer("CheckPatSeq").Members = [

CondDB().addLayer(dbFile="check_positions/DDDB.db", dbName="DDDB")
CondDB().addLayer(dbFile="check_positions/SIMCOND.db", dbName="SIMCOND")
alignment_conditions = CondDBAccessSvc("AlignmentConditions")
alignment_conditions.ConnectionString = "sqlite_file:check_positions/Alignment_SIMCOND.db/SIMCOND"
Пример #3
from GaudiKernel.ProcessJobOptions import importOptions
from Gaudi.Configuration import *
from Configurables import Brunel, LHCbApp, DDDBConf
from Configurables import LoKi__Hybrid__MCParticleSelector as LoKiMCSelector

Brunel().InputType = "DST"
Brunel().WithMC = False
Brunel().Simulation = False
Brunel().OutputType = "DST"
Brunel().DataType = "2016"
Brunel().EvtMax = -1
Brunel().PrintFreq = 1
Brunel().DatasetName = "test"
Brunel().SplitRawEventInput = 4.2

def doItBetter():

    from Configurables import PatLongLivedTracking

    from Configurables import OutputStream
    OutputStream("DstWriter").ItemList = [
        '/Event/Rec/Header#1', '/Event/Rec/Status#1', '/Event/Rec/Summary#1',
        '/Event/pRec/Track/Best#1', '/Event/pRec/Vertex/Primary#1',
        '/Event/pRec/Track/FittedHLT1VeloTracks#1', '/Event/pRec/Rich/PIDs#1',
        '/Event/pRec/Muon/MuonPID#1', '/Event/pRec/Calo/Electrons#1',
        '/Event/pRec/Calo/Photons#1', '/Event/pRec/Calo/MergedPi0s#1',
        '/Event/pRec/Calo/SplitPhotons#1', '/Event/pRec/ProtoP/Charged#1',
        '/Event/pRec/ProtoP/Neutrals#1', '/Event/pRec/Vertex/V0#1',
        '/Event/pRec/Track/Muon#1', '/Event/Calo/RawEvent#1',
        '/Event/HC/RawEvent#1', '/Event/Tracker/RawEvent#1',
Пример #4

from GaudiConf import IOHelper


from Configurables import Brunel, AuditorSvc, OutputStream

ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc.insert(0, AuditorSvc())
Brunel().EvtMax = 10
Brunel().OutputType = 'DST'
Brunel().Persistency = 'ROOT'
Brunel().OutputLevel = 4
MessageSvc().OutputLevel = 4
    'DstWriter').Output = "DATAFILE='PFN:someFile.dst' TYP='ROOT' OPT='REC'"

def fixstuff():
    for stream in IOHelper().activeStreams():
        if IOHelper().detectStreamType(stream) == "FSR":
            stream.Output = stream.Output.replace("SVC='RootCnvSvc'",
Пример #5
# Syntax is:
#   gaudirun.py Brunel-Default.py <someDataFiles>.py

from Configurables import Brunel

from Gaudi.Configuration import *

# Set here any steering options.
# Available steering options and defaults are documented in
# $BRUNELROOT/python/Brunel/Configuration.py

# Just instantiate the configurable...
theApp = Brunel()
theApp.DataType = "2015"
theApp.InputType = "MDF"
theApp.EvtMax = 100000
theApp.PrintFreq = 100
theApp.Simulation = False
theApp.OutputType = "NONE"

#theApp.RecoSequence = [ "Decoding", "VELO", "TT", "IT", "OT", "Tr", "Vertex" ]
from Configurables import RecMoniConf

RecMoniConf().setProp("MoniSequence", ["OT"])

theApp.DDDBtag = "dddb-20150526"
theApp.CondDBtag = "cond-20150601"
Пример #6
# Config for performance testing 
from Gaudi.Configuration import *


from Configurables import Brunel

Пример #7
# Run faster over dsts
from Configurables import DstConf
ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += ["DataOnDemandSvc"]
DstConf().EnableUnpack = ["Reconstruction"]

from Configurables import RichRecSysConf
rConf = RichRecSysConf("RichOfflineRec")

##faster photon reconstruction
rConf.richTools().photonReco().FindUnambiguousPhotons = [False, False, False]
#rConf.richTools().PhotonRecoType = "EstiFromRadius"#use for faster photon reconstruction!!

#Brunel options
Brunel().DataType = "2011"
Brunel().EvtMax = -1
Brunel().PrintFreq = 1
Brunel().OutputType = "None"
Brunel().InitSequence = ["Brunel"]
Brunel().RecoSequence = ["RICH"]
Brunel().Histograms = "OfflineExpress"
LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "head-20110914"
LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "head-20111111"

from Configurables import RecMoniConf
RecMoniConf().MoniSequence = ["RICH"]

from Configurables import HistogramPersistencySvc
HistogramPersistencySvc().OutputFile = "Histos-2011-Collisions.root"
Пример #8
from GaudiKernel.ProcessJobOptions import importOptions
from Gaudi.Configuration import *
from Configurables import Brunel, LHCbApp, DDDBConf
from Configurables import NTupleSvc

# Brunel Settings
Brunel().EvtMax = 50000
Brunel().PrintFreq = 1
Brunel().DataType = "2015"
Brunel().WithMC = True
Brunel().Simulation = True
Brunel().OutputType = "NONE"
Brunel().InputType = "DIGI"
Brunel().DatasetName = "test"
#Brunel().Histograms = "Expert"
#Brunel().SkipEvents = 3000

# DDDB Settings
#from Configurables import CondDB
#CondDB().Upgrade     = True

# New DDDB Settings, 07/09/2013
#LHCbApp().DDDBtag     = "dddb-20130806"
#LHCbApp().CondDBtag   = "sim-20130722-vc-md100"
## New Geometry
CondDB.LocalTags = {
Пример #9
#EventClockSvc( InitialTime = 1319155200000000000 ) # 21st Octo 2011
#EventClockSvc( InitialTime = 1341100800000000000 ) # 1st July 2012
#EventClockSvc( InitialTime = 1350259200000000000 ) # 15th Octo 2012
#EventClockSvc( InitialTime = 1351123200000000000 ) # 25th Octo 2012
#EventClockSvc( InitialTime = 1351645200000000000 ) # 31st Octo 2012
#EventClockSvc( InitialTime = 1352764800000000000 ) # 13th Nov 2012
#EventClockSvc( InitialTime = 1354233600000000000 ) # 30th Nov 2012
#EventClockSvc( InitialTime = 1355533200000000000 ) # 15th Dec 2012
#EventClockSvc( InitialTime = 1359072000000000000 ) # 25th Jan 2013
EventClockSvc(InitialTime=1433635200000000000)  # 7th June 2015

# Timestamps in messages
LHCbApp().TimeStamp = True

# No output files
Brunel().OutputType = "None"

# Only tracking and RICH reco
# Run1
#Brunel().RecoSequence = ["Decoding","VELO","TT","IT","OT","Tr","Vertex","RICH"]
# Run2
Brunel().RecoSequence = [
    "Decoding", "VELO", "TT", "IT", "OT", "TrHLT1", "Vertex", "TrHLT2", "RICH"

from Configurables import RichRecSysConf
rConf = RichRecSysConf("RichOfflineRec")

# Which radiators
rConf.Radiators = ["Rich1Gas", "Rich2Gas"]
from GaudiKernel.ProcessJobOptions import importOptions
from Configurables import ApplicationMgr, NTupleSvc, GaudiSequencer
from Configurables import Velo__VeloTrackMonitorNT, VeloClusterPosition,TrackEventFitter,     DecodeVeloRawBuffer, Velo__VeloIPResolutionMonitorNT,  Velo__VeloIPResolutionMonitor,  PVResolution,TrackVertexMonitor
importOptions( '$STDOPTS/RootHist.opts' )
from Configurables import RootHistCnv__PersSvc
RootHistCnv__PersSvc( 'RootHistCnv' ).ForceAlphaIds = True
from Configurables import Brunel, CondDB, DigiConf, RecMoniConf,RecSysConf

# Set here any steering options.
# Available steering options and defaults are documented in
# $BRUNELROOT/python/Brunel/Configuration.py

# Just instantiate the configurable...
app = Brunel()
app.CondDBtag = "MC2011-20120727-vc-md100"
app.DDDBtag = "MC2011-20120727"
CondDB().LocalTags["SIMCOND"] = ["velo-20120515"]
CondDB().LocalTags["DDDB"] = ["velo-20120821"]

app.EvtMax =500
app.OutputType= "NONE"
app.Histograms="OfflineFull" # Type of histograms

Пример #11
from Gaudi.Configuration import EventSelector
from Configurables import Brunel

Brunel().DataType = "2010"
Brunel().DatasetName = "bigEvents-2010"

from GaudiConf.IOHelper import IOHelper
# file of selected large events
Пример #12
    "Others": [
        "FT_StereoAngle%s" % stereo, "Muon_NoM1", "Calo_NoSPDPRS"
LHCbApp().DDDBtag = t['DDDB']
LHCbApp().CondDBtag = t['CondDB']
CondDB().AllLocalTagsByDataType = t['Others']

RecMoniConf().MoniSequence = []

Brunel().RecoSequence = ["L0", "HLT"]
Brunel().MCLinksSequence = ["Unpack", "Tr"]
Brunel().MCCheckSequence = ["Pat"]
Brunel().OutputType = "NONE"
Brunel().DataType = "Upgrade"
Brunel().InputType = "DIGI"
Brunel().WithMC = True
Brunel().PrintFreq = 100
Brunel().Simulation = True
Brunel().EvtMax = 200 * 5
Brunel().DatasetName = "seeding-%i%s" % (stereo, "-XOnly" if x_only else "")
Brunel().Detectors = [
    'VP', 'UT', 'FT', 'Rich1Pmt', 'Rich2Pmt', 'Spd', 'Prs', 'Ecal', 'Hcal',
    'Muon', 'Magnet', 'Tr'
Пример #13
# File for producing .rdst with default settings
# (real data, field on, default database tags)
# Syntax is:
#   gaudirun.py Brunel-Rdst.py <someDataFiles>.py

from Configurables import Brunel

Brunel().OutputType = "RDST"

from GaudiKernel.Constants import *
Brunel().OutputLevel = WARNING

# I/O datasets are defined in a separate file, see examples in 2008-Files.py
Пример #14
from Configurables import (Brunel, NTupleSvc)

Brunel().InputType = "DIGI"  # implies also Brunel().Simulation = True
Brunel().WithMC = True  # implies also Brunel().Simulation = True
Brunel().OutputType = "NONE"
Brunel().Histograms = "Expert"
Brunel().RecoSequence = ["VELO"]
Brunel().MoniSequence = ["VELO"]
Brunel().MCLinksSequence = []
Brunel().MCCheckSequence = ["Fit"]

NTupleSvc().Output = ["FILE1 DATAFILE='~/w0/track.root' TYP='ROOT' OPT='NEW'"]

from Configurables import LHCbApp

LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "head-20090330"
LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "sim-20090402-vc-mu100"

#-- GAUDI jobOptions generated on Wed Aug 19 13:24:16 2009
#-- Contains event types :
#--   30000000 - 13 files - 239981 events - 130.61 GBytes

from Gaudi.Configuration import *

EventSelector().Input = [
    "   DATAFILE='PFN:castor:/castor/cern.ch/grid/lhcb/MC/MC09/XDST/00004918/0000/00004918_00000001_1.xdst' TYP='POOL_ROOTTREE' OPT='READ'",
    "   DATAFILE='PFN:castor:/castor/cern.ch/grid/lhcb/MC/MC09/XDST/00004918/0000/00004918_00000002_1.xdst' TYP='POOL_ROOTTREE' OPT='READ'",
    "   DATAFILE='PFN:castor:/castor/cern.ch/grid/lhcb/MC/MC09/XDST/00004918/0000/00004918_00000003_1.xdst' TYP='POOL_ROOTTREE' OPT='READ'",
    "   DATAFILE='PFN:castor:/castor/cern.ch/grid/lhcb/MC/MC09/XDST/00004918/0000/00004918_00000004_1.xdst' TYP='POOL_ROOTTREE' OPT='READ'",
    "   DATAFILE='PFN:castor:/castor/cern.ch/grid/lhcb/MC/MC09/XDST/00004918/0000/00004918_00000005_1.xdst' TYP='POOL_ROOTTREE' OPT='READ'",
    "   DATAFILE='PFN:castor:/castor/cern.ch/grid/lhcb/MC/MC09/XDST/00004918/0000/00004918_00000006_1.xdst' TYP='POOL_ROOTTREE' OPT='READ'",
Пример #15
# Pathological events from 2012 that caused huge processing times in Stripping21.
from Gaudi.Configuration import FileCatalog
from Configurables import Brunel

#-- File catalogs. First one is read-write
FileCatalog().Catalogs = [ "xmlcatalog_file:MyCatalog.xml" ]

#-- Use latest 2012 database tags for real data
Brunel().DataType = "2012"
Brunel().InputType = "DST"

#-- Twelve events with huge processing times in Reco14/Stripping21 draft.
from GaudiConf.IOHelper import IOHelper
IOHelper().inputFiles( [
  "DATAFILE='$QMTESTFILESROOT/data/12Events_Stripping21Reco14_SlowEvents.dst'" ] )
from Brunel.Configuration import *



from Configurables import Brunel

Brunel().EvtMax = -1
Brunel().PrintFreq = 100
Пример #17
    def run(self):
        from Configurables import Brunel
        ## Brunel parameters
        Brunel().Detectors   = ['Spd', 'Prs', 'Ecal', 'Hcal' ]
        Brunel().DataType    = "2015"
        Brunel().InputType   = "MDF"
        Brunel().OutputType  = "DST"
        Brunel().EvtMax      = self.__nevt
        Brunel().WriteFSR    = False
        Brunel().Histograms  = "Online"
        Brunel().OnlineMode  = True
        Brunel().PrintFreq   = 1000
        Brunel().DatasetName = self.__dsname

        ## use the conditions database
        ## configuration for online
        from Configurables import CondDB
        CondDB().Simulation = False
        CondDB().UseDBSnapshot = True
        CondDB().DBSnapshotDirectory = "/group/online/hlt/conditions"
        CondDB().EnableRunChangeHandler = True
        CondDB().Tags["ONLINE"] = 'fake'
        CondDB().setProp("IgnoreHeartBeat", True)
        CondDB().Online = True

            import AllHlt1
        except ImportError:
            rd = '/group/online/hlt/conditions/RunChangeHandler'
            import AllHlt1

        import AllHlt1
        CondDB().RunChangeHandlerConditions = AllHlt1.ConditionMap

        Online = importOnline()
        Brunel().CondDBtag = Online.CondDBTag
        Brunel().DDDBtag   = Online.DDDBTag

        Messages in the online get redirected.
        Setup here the FMC message service
        @author M.Frank
        #Configs.AuditorSvc().Auditors = []
        app.MessageSvcType = 'LHCb::FmcMessageSvc'
        if Gaudi.allConfigurables.has_key('MessageSvc'):
            del Gaudi.allConfigurables['MessageSvc']
        msg = Configs.LHCb__FmcMessageSvc('MessageSvc')
        msg.fifoPath      = os.environ['LOGFIFO']
        msg.LoggerOnly    = True
        msg.doPrintAlways = False
        msg.OutputLevel   = MSG_INFO # Online.OutputLevel

        from GaudiConf import IOHelper

        from GaudiPython.Bindings import AppMgr    
        gaudi = AppMgr()
Пример #18
from Configurables import Brunel
from PRConfig import TestFileDB


Brunel().EvtMax = 16
Brunel().DatasetName = "2015pbpb"
Brunel().Monitors = ["SC", "FPE"]

Brunel().Hlt1FilterCode = ""
Brunel().Hlt2FilterCode = "HLT_PASS_RE('Hlt2BBPassThroughDecision')"
Пример #19
from Configurables import Brunel, NTupleSvc, TrackSys, RecMoniConf

Brunel().InputType = "DIGI" # implies also Brunel().Simulation = True
Brunel().WithMC    = True   # implies also Brunel().Simulation = True
Brunel().OutputType   = "NONE"
Brunel().Histograms   = "Expert"
TrackSys().TrackPatRecAlgorithms = [ "Truth", "FastVelo" ]
Brunel().RecoSequence = ["Decoding", "Truth", "VELO" ]
RecMoniConf().MoniSequence = [ ]
Brunel().MCLinksSequence = [ "Tr" ]
Brunel().MCCheckSequence = [ "Fit" ]

from Configurables import DDDBConf
DDDBConf().DbRoot = "/afs/cern.ch/user/o/ogruenbe/public/FT_upgrade/static_DDDB_FT_v4/lhcb.xml"
Brunel().DDDBtag   = "MC11-20111102"
Brunel().CondDBtag = "sim-20111111-vc-md100"

NTupleSvc().Output = ["FILE1 DATAFILE='~/w0/track.root' TYP='ROOT' OPT='NEW'"]

from Configurables import LHCbApp

from Gaudi.Configuration import * 
from GaudiConf import IOHelper

Brunel().EvtMax     = 1000

def doMyChanges():
   from Configurables import GaudiSequencer
   GaudiSequencer("CaloBankHandler").Members = []
   GaudiSequencer("RecoDecodingSeq").Members = [ "DecodeVeloRawBuffer/DecodeVeloClusters", "FTRawBankDecoder" ]
Пример #20
# Example 2008 Cosmics files for Brunel.

# Syntax is:
#   gaudirun.py Brunel-Cosmics.py 2008-Cosmic-Data.py
from Gaudi.Configuration import *
from Configurables import Brunel, LHCbApp

#-- File catalogs. First one is read-write
FileCatalog().Catalogs = ["xmlcatalog_file:MyCatalog.xml"]

#-- Use latest 2008 database tags for real data
Brunel().DataType = "2008"

# Latest cosmic run, with CALO, OT and (!!) RICH2 (35569 events)
datasetName = "035537_0000088110"
EventSelector().Input = [
    + datasetName + ".raw?svcClass=lhcbtape'  SVC='LHCb::MDFSelector'"

# Default output files names are set up using value Brunel().DatasetName property
Brunel().DatasetName = datasetName

# Redefine defaults by uncommenting one or more of options below

# Monitoring histograms
#HistogramPersistencySvc().OutputFile = "SomeFile.root"

#-- Dst or rDst file
#OutputStream("DstWriter").Output = "DATAFILE='PFN:someFile.dst' TYP='POOL_ROOTTREE' OPT='REC'"
# This is the initial setup of brunel for an IP ntupling job.

from Gaudi.Configuration import *
from Configurables import Brunel
from GaudiKernel.ProcessJobOptions import importOptions

# Instantiate the application.
app = Brunel()
# Don't save a DST
app.OutputType = 'NONE'

# Save a histo and ntuple file.
HistogramPersistencySvc().OutputFile = "allBrunelHisto.root"
NTupleSvc().Output=["FILE1 DATAFILE='allBrunelNtuple.root' TYP='ROOT' OPT='NEW'"]

# Configure the IP ntupling algo.
from Configurables import Velo__VeloIPResolutionMonitorNT

ipMoniAlgo = Velo__VeloIPResolutionMonitorNT( "VeloIPResolutionMonitorNT" )
ipMoniAlgo.RefitPVs = True
ipMoniAlgo.PrintToolProps = True

def killSequence(seqName) :
    if isinstance(seqName, list) :
        for name in seqName :
    else :
        GaudiSequencer(seqName).Members = []

# Add the IP monitoring algorithm to the Brunel sequence and remove all
# superflous algorithms, such as CALO and RICH reconstruction, and any
Пример #22
# File for running a Brunel initialisation test with default geometry

from Configurables import Brunel
from Gaudi.Configuration import *

Brunel().EvtMax    = 0
Brunel().DataType  = "2012" # Temporarily, until 2015 configuration is stable
Brunel().InputType = "MDF"
Brunel().Monitors  = ["FPE","SC"]

# Switch off output
ApplicationMgr().OutStream = []
Пример #23
from Gaudi.Configuration import *
from Configurables import (Brunel, GaudiSequencer, RichPIDQCConf)

# Enabled data-on-demand
ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += ["DataOnDemandSvc"]

# The sequencer to run all the PID monitoring in
seq = GaudiSequencer("PIDMoniSeq")

# Set up PID monitoring sequence
pidSeq = GaudiSequencer("RichPIDSelections")
seq.Members += [pidSeq]

# Set options
Brunel().setOtherProps(RichPIDQCConf(), ['OutputLevel', 'Context'])
RichPIDQCConf().setProp("CalibSequencer", pidSeq)

def addMonitors():
    # Append to processing
    GaudiSequencer("PhysicsSeq").Members += [seq]

Пример #24
from Configurables import Brunel
from Configurables import CondDB
from Configurables import LHCbApp
from Configurables import L0Conf
from Gaudi.Configuration import GaudiSequencer

Brunel().InputType = "DIGI"
Brunel().WithMC = True
CondDB().Upgrade = True
Brunel().Detectors = [
    'VP', 'UT', 'FT', 'Rich1Pmt', 'Rich2Pmt', 'Ecal', 'Hcal', 'Muon', 'Magnet',
Brunel().DataType = "Upgrade"
Brunel().OutputType = 'XDST'

# As we haven't ran Moore
L0Conf().EnsureKnownTCK = False

GaudiSequencer("CheckPatSeq").Members = [
    "PrChecker", "TrackIPResolutionChecker", "VPClusterMonitor"

LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "dddb-20170301"
LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "sim-20170301-vc-md100"
Пример #25
from Gaudi.Configuration import *

from Configurables import CondDB
#CondDB(UseOracle = True)

from Configurables import Brunel
Brunel().DataType = "2012"
Brunel().Simulation = False
Brunel().InputType = "MDF"

from Configurables import LHCbApp
LHCbApp().DDDBtag   = "default"
LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "default"

Brunel().EvtMax = 100
Brunel().PrintFreq = 1

from Configurables import TrajOTProjector
Projector = TrajOTProjector("OTProjector", UseDrift = True)

from TrackFitter.ConfiguredFitters import *
Fitter = ConfiguredMasterFitter("TrackMonFitter")
Fitter.Projector.OT = Projector
Fitter.MaxNumberOutliers = 2

from Configurables import ( GaudiSequencer, TrackHitAdder, TrackEventFitter, OTModuleClbrMon, TrackMon )
GaudiSequencer("MoniOTSeq").Members = [
#  TrackHitAdder(TrackLocation = "Rec/Track/Best"),
#  TrackEventFitter(TracksInContainer = "Rec/Track/Best", Fitter = Fitter),
# File for running Brunel without SPD/PRS

from Brunel.Configuration import *

from Configurables import LHCbApp, CondDB

CondDB().Upgrade = True

#if "Calo_NoSPDPRS" not in CondDB().AllLocalTagsByDataType:
#    CondDB().AllLocalTagsByDataType += ["Calo_NoSPDPRS"]
from Configurables import Brunel
for det in ["Spd", "Prs"]:
    if det in Brunel().Detectors:

Brunel().DataType = "Upgrade"

Пример #27
# Example 2010 collisions options for Brunel

# Syntax is:
#   gaudirun.py COLLISION10-Beam3500GeV-VeloClosed-MagUp.py
from Gaudi.Configuration import FileCatalog, EventSelector
from Configurables import Brunel

#-- File catalogs. First one is read-write
FileCatalog().Catalogs = ["xmlcatalog_file:MyCatalog.xml"]

#-- Use latest 2010 database tags for real data
Brunel().DataType = "2010"

from PRConfig import TestFileDB
Пример #28
# These options will set the flag necessary to have extended dst

from Configurables import Brunel

Brunel().OutputType = 'XDST'
# Syntax is:
#   gaudirun.py Brunel-Default.py <someDataFiles>.py

from Configurables import Brunel

from Gaudi.Configuration import *

# Set here any steering options.
# Available steering options and defaults are documented in
# $BRUNELROOT/python/Brunel/Configuration.py

# Just instantiate the configurable...
theApp = Brunel()
theApp.DataType = "2015"
theApp.InputType = "MDF"
theApp.EvtMax = 100
theApp.PrintFreq = 100
theApp.Simulation = False
theApp.OutputType = "NONE"

#theApp.RecoSequence = [ "Decoding", "VELO", "TT", "IT", "OT", "Tr", "Vertex" ]
from Configurables import RecMoniConf
RecMoniConf().setProp("MoniSequence", ["OT"])

theApp.DDDBtag = "dddb-20150526"
theApp.CondDBtag = "cond-20150601"

# Setup CondDB
Пример #30
from Configurables import PatPV3D, PVOfflineTool, LSAdaptPV3DFitter
from Configurables import PatPVOffline, LSAdaptPVFitter, PVSeed3DOfflineTool, VertexCompare
from Gaudi.Configuration import *
from Configurables import LHCbApp
from Configurables import Brunel
from Configurables import RecSysConf, RecMoniConf
from Configurables import L0Conf
from Configurables import TrackAssociator
from Brunel.Configuration import *
import GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits as Units

#Brunel().CondDBtag = 'sim-20131023-vc-md100' # use the mu100 for MagUp data
#Brunel().DDDBtag = 'dddb-20130929-1'
from GaudiConf import IOHelper

Brunel().InputType = "DST"
Brunel().WithMC = True
Brunel().WriteFSR = False
Brunel().WriteLumi = False
Brunel().OutputType = "LDST"
Brunel().EvtMax = 10
Brunel().SkipEvents = 0
Brunel().Simulation = True
part = str(int(Brunel().SkipEvents))

Brunel().MCCheckSequence = ["MyChecks"]
#Brunel().MCLinksSequence =  ['Unpack']

from Configurables import Brunel, CondDB
CondDB().Upgrade = True
Пример #31
# Special options for processing TED data taken in September 2008
# Details of these datasets are at https://lbtwiki.cern.ch/bin/view/Computing/VeryFirstData

from Gaudi.Configuration import *
from Configurables import Brunel, LHCbApp

#-- File catalogs. First one is read-write
FileCatalog().Catalogs = [

#-- Main ('signal') event input
inputType = Brunel().getProp("InputType").upper()

if inputType == "MDF":
    #-- Use latest database tags for real data
    LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "default"
    LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "default"

    datasetName = "SeptTEDData"
    # friday night with the velo - prev2
    EventSelector().Input = [
        "DATAFILE='mdf:root://castorlhcb.cern.ch//castor/cern.ch/grid/lhcb/data/2008/RAW/LHCb/BEAM/32474/032474_0000081642.raw?svcClass=lhcbtape'  SVC='LHCb::MDFSelector'",
        "DATAFILE='mdf:root://castorlhcb.cern.ch//castor/cern.ch/grid/lhcb/data/2008/RAW/LHCb/BEAM/32476/032476_0000081643.raw?svcClass=lhcbtape'  SVC='LHCb::MDFSelector'",
        "DATAFILE='mdf:root://castorlhcb.cern.ch//castor/cern.ch/grid/lhcb/data/2008/RAW/LHCb/BEAM/32477/032477_0000081644.raw?svcClass=lhcbtape'  SVC='LHCb::MDFSelector'",
        "DATAFILE='mdf:root://castorlhcb.cern.ch//castor/cern.ch/grid/lhcb/data/2008/RAW/LHCb/BEAM/32479/032479_0000081647.raw?svcClass=lhcbtape'  SVC='LHCb::MDFSelector'",
        "DATAFILE='mdf:root://castorlhcb.cern.ch//castor/cern.ch/grid/lhcb/data/2008/RAW/LHCb/BEAM/32481/032481_0000081648.raw?svcClass=lhcbtape'  SVC='LHCb::MDFSelector'",
        "DATAFILE='mdf:root://castorlhcb.cern.ch//castor/cern.ch/grid/lhcb/data/2008/RAW/LHCb/BEAM/32484/032484_0000081651.raw?svcClass=lhcbtape'  SVC='LHCb::MDFSelector'",
        "DATAFILE='mdf:root://castorlhcb.cern.ch//castor/cern.ch/grid/lhcb/data/2008/RAW/LHCb/BEAM/32493/032493_0000081660.raw?svcClass=lhcbtape'  SVC='LHCb::MDFSelector'",
        "DATAFILE='mdf:root://castorlhcb.cern.ch//castor/cern.ch/grid/lhcb/data/2008/RAW/LHCb/BEAM/32498/032498_0000081699.raw?svcClass=lhcbtape'  SVC='LHCb::MDFSelector'",
# File for running Brunel with all Baseline Upgrade detectors as of May 2015

from Configurables import Brunel, CondDB

CondDB().Upgrade = True

Brunel().Detectors = [
    'VP', 'UT', 'FT', 'Rich1Pmt', 'Rich2Pmt', 'Ecal', 'Hcal', 'Muon', 'Magnet',
Brunel().DataType = "Upgrade"