def makeDefault(name,inputSel) : """ B --> 4 mu selection should become inclusive bb-->4 mu selection ?? """ from Configurables import OfflineVertexFitter Detached4mu = CombineParticles("Combine"+name) Detached4mu.DecayDescriptor = "B_s0 -> mu+ mu- mu+ mu-" # Set the OfflineVertexFitter to keep the 4 tracks and not the J/Psi Kstar: Detached4mu.addTool( OfflineVertexFitter() ) Detached4mu.VertexFitters.update( { "" : "OfflineVertexFitter"} ) Detached4mu.OfflineVertexFitter.useResonanceVertex = False Detached4mu.ReFitPVs = True Detached4mu.DaughtersCuts = { "mu+" : "(TRCHI2DOF < 2.5 ) "\ " & (MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY)> 9.)"} Detached4mu.CombinationCut = "(ADAMASS('B_s0')<1000*MeV) "\ "& (AMAXDOCA('')<0.3*mm)" Detached4mu.MotherCut = "(VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF)<9) "\ "& (BPVDIRA > 0) "\ "& (BPVVDCHI2>100)"\ " & (M>4366.3) & (M<6366.3)"\ "& (BPVIPCHI2()< 25) " return Selection (name, Algorithm = Detached4mu, RequiredSelections = inputSel)
def makeNoMuID(name): """ default K0s2mumu selection object starts from Phys/StdNoPIDsMuons Please contact Diego Martinez Santos if you think of prescaling this line! Arguments: name : name of the Selection. """ from Configurables import OfflineVertexFitter K0s2MuMuNoMuID = CombineParticles("Comine" + name) K0s2MuMuNoMuID.DecayDescriptor = "KS0 -> pi+ pi-" # Set the OfflineVertexFitter to keep the 4 tracks and not the J/Psi Kstar: K0s2MuMuNoMuID.addTool(OfflineVertexFitter) K0s2MuMuNoMuID.VertexFitters.update({"": "OfflineVertexFitter"}) K0s2MuMuNoMuID.OfflineVertexFitter.useResonanceVertex = False K0s2MuMuNoMuID.ReFitPVs = True K0s2MuMuNoMuID.DaughtersCuts = { "pi+": "(MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY)> 100.)&(TRCHI2DOF < 5 )" } K0s2MuMuNoMuID.CombinationCut = "(ADAMASS('KS0')<100*MeV)"\ "& (AMAXDOCA('')<0.3*mm)" K0s2MuMuNoMuID.MotherCut = "((BPVDIRA>0) & ((BPVVDSIGN*M/P) > 0.1*89.53*2.9979e-01) & (MIPDV(PRIMARY)<0.4*mm) & (M>400) & (M<600))" _stdNoPIDsPions = DataOnDemand(Location="Phys/StdNoPIDsPions/Particles") return Selection(name, Algorithm=K0s2MuMuNoMuID, RequiredSelections=[_stdNoPIDsPions])
def makeDefault(name): """ default Bs2mumu selection object (tighter selection a la roadmap) starts from Phys/StdNoPIDsMuons Please contact Johannes Albrecht if you think of prescaling this line! Arguments: name : name of the Selection. """ from Configurables import OfflineVertexFitter Bs2MuMuNoMuID = CombineParticles("Comine" + name) Bs2MuMuNoMuID.DecayDescriptor = "B_s0 -> mu+ mu-" # Set the OfflineVertexFitter to keep the 4 tracks and not the J/Psi Kstar: Bs2MuMuNoMuID.addTool(OfflineVertexFitter()) Bs2MuMuNoMuID.VertexFitters.update({"": "OfflineVertexFitter"}) Bs2MuMuNoMuID.OfflineVertexFitter.useResonanceVertex = False Bs2MuMuNoMuID.ReFitPVs = True Bs2MuMuNoMuID.DaughtersCuts = { "mu+": "(MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY)> 25.)&(TRCHI2DOF < 4 )" } Bs2MuMuNoMuID.CombinationCut = "(ADAMASS('B_s0')<600*MeV)"\ "& (AMAXDOCA('')<0.3*mm)" Bs2MuMuNoMuID.MotherCut = "(VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF)<9) "\ "& (ADMASS('B_s0') < 600*MeV )"\ "& (BPVDIRA > 0) "\ "& (BPVVDCHI2> 225)"\ "& (BPVIPCHI2()< 25) " _stdNoPIDsMuons = DataOnDemand(Location="Phys/StdNoPIDsMuons/Particles") return Selection(name, Algorithm=Bs2MuMuNoMuID, RequiredSelections=[_stdNoPIDsMuons])
def makeDetachedJPsi(name): """ detached JPsi selection for B--> JPsi X calibration and normalization channels. Please contact Flavio Archilli if you think of prescaling this line! Arguments: name : name of the Selection. """ from Configurables import OfflineVertexFitter DetachedJPsi = CombineParticles("Combine" + name) DetachedJPsi.DecayDescriptor = "J/psi(1S) -> e+ e-" DetachedJPsi.addTool(OfflineVertexFitter) DetachedJPsi.ParticleCombiners.update({"": "OfflineVertexFitter"}) DetachedJPsi.OfflineVertexFitter.useResonanceVertex = False DetachedJPsi.ReFitPVs = True DetachedJPsi.DaughtersCuts = { "e+" : "(TRCHI2DOF < 3 ) "\ "& (MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY)> 25.) "\ "& (PIDe > 2) "} DetachedJPsi.CombinationCut = "(ADAMASS('J/psi(1S)')<1000*MeV) "\ "& (AMAXDOCA('')<0.3*mm)" DetachedJPsi.MotherCut = "(VFASPF(VCHI2)<9) "\ "& (ADMASS('J/psi(1S)') < 1000*MeV )"\ "& (BPVDIRA > 0) "\ "& (BPVVDCHI2>169)" _stdLooseElectrons = DataOnDemand( Location="Phys/StdLooseElectrons/Particles") return Selection(name, Algorithm=DetachedJPsi, RequiredSelections=[_stdLooseElectrons])
def makeBu(name): """ detached Bu-->JPsiK selection. Please contact Flavio Archilli if you think of prescaling this line! Arguments: name : name of the Selection. """ from Configurables import OfflineVertexFitter SelDJPsi = makeDetachedJPsi(name) PreselBu2JPsiKCommon = CombineParticles("PreselBu2JPsiKCommon") PreselBu2JPsiKCommon.DecayDescriptor = " [B+ -> J/psi(1S) K+]cc " PreselBu2JPsiKCommon.addTool(OfflineVertexFitter) PreselBu2JPsiKCommon.ParticleCombiners.update({"": "OfflineVertexFitter"}) PreselBu2JPsiKCommon.OfflineVertexFitter.useResonanceVertex = False PreselBu2JPsiKCommon.ReFitPVs = True PreselBu2JPsiKCommon.DaughtersCuts = { "K+": "(ISLONG) & (TRCHI2DOF < 3 ) &(MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY)>25)& (PT>250*MeV) & (TRGHOSTPROB<0.3) " } PreselBu2JPsiKCommon.CombinationCut = "(ADAMASS('B+') < 600*MeV)" PreselBu2JPsiKCommon.MotherCut = "(BPVIPCHI2()< 25)& (VFASPF(VCHI2)<45) " _kaons = DataOnDemand(Location='Phys/StdNoPIDsKaons/Particles') return Selection("SelBu2KJPsiee", Algorithm=PreselBu2JPsiKCommon, RequiredSelections=[SelDJPsi, _kaons])
def makeK0s2mm(name): """ K0s2mumu selection object with muon Id and wide mass window starts from Phys/StdLooseMuons Please contact Diego Martinez Santos if you think of prescaling this line! Arguments: name : name of the Selection. """ from Configurables import OfflineVertexFitter K0s2MuMu = CombineParticles("Combine" + name) K0s2MuMu.DecayDescriptor = "KS0 -> mu+ mu-" K0s2MuMu.addTool(OfflineVertexFitter) K0s2MuMu.VertexFitters.update({"": "OfflineVertexFitter"}) K0s2MuMu.OfflineVertexFitter.useResonanceVertex = False K0s2MuMu.ReFitPVs = True K0s2MuMu.DaughtersCuts = { "mu+": "(MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY)> 100.)&(TRCHI2DOF < 5 )" } K0s2MuMu.CombinationCut ="(ADAMASS('KS0')<1000*MeV)"\ "& (AMAXDOCA('')<0.3*mm)" K0s2MuMu.MotherCut = "((BPVDIRA>0) & ((BPVVDSIGN*M/P) > 0.1*89.53*2.9979e-01) & (MIPDV(PRIMARY)<0.4*mm) & (M>450))" _stdLooseMuons = DataOnDemand(Location="Phys/StdLooseMuons/Particles") return Selection(name, Algorithm=K0s2MuMu, RequiredSelections=[_stdLooseMuons])
def makeXibc (localname, _RequiredSelections ,config=default_config['CONFIG']): _xibcLc = CombineParticles(localname + "Xibc2LcJpsiAlgorithm") _xibcLc.DecayDescriptor = "[Xi_bc+ -> J/psi(1S) Lambda_c+]cc" _xibcLc.CombinationCut = ("(ADAMASS('Xi_bc+') < %(Xibc_MassWindow)s) " # "(AMAXCHILD(TRGHP, ISBASIC) < %(GlobalGhostProb_Max)s)" ) % config _xibcLc.MotherCut = ("(VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF)<%(Xibc_ENDVERTEXCHI2)s)" + " & (MIPDV(PRIMARY) < %(Xibc_MINPVIP)s)") % config #MINIPCUT disabled return Selection (name = localname+'XibcLcSelection', Algorithm = _xibcLc, RequiredSelections = _RequiredSelections)
def makeXibc0(localname, _RequiredSelections, config=default_name): _xibc = CombineParticles(localname + "xibc2xijpsi") _xibc.DecayDescriptor = "[Xi_bc0 -> Xi_c0 J/psi(1S)]cc" _xibc.CombinationCut = "ADAMASS('Xi_bc0') < %(Xibc0_MassWindow)s" % config _xibc.MotherCut = ( "(VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF)< %(Xibc0_ENDVERTEXCHI2)s)") % config #Selection return Selection(localname + "SelLooseXibc0", Algorithm=_xibc, RequiredSelections=_RequiredSelections)
def makeDetachedDimuons(name, config, inputSel): """ KS0->mumu selection """ comboCuts = LoKiCuts(['ASUMPT', 'AMAXDOCA'], config).code() momCuts = LoKiCuts(['VCHI2DOF', 'BPVVDCHI2'], config).code() KS2MuMu = CombineParticles("Combine" + name) KS2MuMu.DecayDescriptor = 'KS0 -> mu+ mu-' KS2MuMu.CombinationCut = comboCuts KS2MuMu.MotherCut = momCuts return Selection(name, Algorithm=KS2MuMu, RequiredSelections=inputSel)
def makeDiJet(self, _name): DiJet = CombineParticles("Combine" + _name) DiJet.DecayDescriptor = "[H+ -> CELLjet CELLjet mu+]cc" DiJet.ParticleCombiners = {"": "LoKi::VertexFitter"} DiJet.addTool(LoKi__VertexFitter, name="LoKi::VertexFitter") vfitter = getattr(DiJet, "LoKi::VertexFitter") vfitter.Jets = "" DiJet.DaughtersCuts = { "CELLjet": " (PT > %(min_jet_pT)s * GeV ) " % self._config } DiJet.Preambulo = [ "from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import degree", "eta_1 = ACHILDFUN(1,ETA)", "eta_2 = ACHILDFUN(2,ETA)", "eta_3 = ACHILDFUN(3,ETA)", "phi_1 = ACHILDFUN(1,PHI)", "phi_2 = ACHILDFUN(2,PHI)", "phi_3 = ACHILDFUN(3,PHI)", ## "deta_13 = eta_1 - eta_3", "deta_23 = eta_2 - eta_3", ## "dphi_13 = phi_1 - phi_3 ", "dphi_23 = phi_2 - phi_3", ## "dphi_13 = switch ( dphi_13 > 180 * degree , dphi_13 - 180 * degree , dphi_13 ) ", "dphi_13 = switch ( dphi_13 < -180 * degree , dphi_13 + 180 * degree , dphi_13 ) ", "dphi_23 = switch ( dphi_23 > 180 * degree , dphi_23 - 180 * degree , dphi_23 ) ", "dphi_23 = switch ( dphi_23 < -180 * degree , dphi_23 + 180 * degree , dphi_23 ) ", ## "dr_13 = sqrt(deta_13**2 + dphi_13**2)", "dr_23 = sqrt(deta_23**2 + dphi_23**2)", ] DiJet.CombinationCut = "AALLSAMEBPV "\ "& ( dr_13 > %(dr_lepton_jet)s )"\ "& ( dr_23 > %(dr_lepton_jet)s )" %self._config DiJet.MotherCut = "ALL" requiredSelections = [self.sel_Wmu, StdJets] return Selection("Sel" + _name, Algorithm=DiJet, RequiredSelections=requiredSelections)
def _create_dijets(self, inputs, cut1=-1, cut2=-1, cut3=-1, cut4=-1, PT=25 * GeV, LeadingPT=0): pre = ["COSDPHI = cos(ACHILD(PHI,1) - ACHILD(PHI,2))"] cmb_cuts = "(abs(ACHILD(BPV(VZ),1)-ACHILD(BPV(VZ),2))<1e-6) & (COSDPHI < %s) " % self._config[ "DIJET"]["MAX_COSDPHI"] label = "" if (cut1 > -1 or cut2 > -1): cmb_cuts += "& (( (ACHILD(PINFO(9990,0),1)>" + str( cut1) + ") & (ACHILD(PINFO(9990,0),2)>" + str( cut2) + ")) | ((ACHILD(PINFO(9990,0),2)>" + str( cut1) + ") & (ACHILD(PINFO(9990,0),1)>" + str( cut2) + "))) " label += "T" if (cut3 > -1 or cut4 > -1): cmb_cuts += "& (( (ACHILD(PINFO(9991,0),1)>" + str( cut3) + ") & (ACHILD(PINFO(9991,0),2)>" + str( cut4) + ")) | ((ACHILD(PINFO(9991,0),2)>" + str( cut3) + ") & (ACHILD(PINFO(9991,0),1)>" + str( cut4) + "))) " label += "PS" if (cut3 > -1 and cut1 > -1): cmb_cuts += "& (( (ACHILD(PINFO(9990,0),1)>" + str( cut1) + ") & (ACHILD(PINFO(9991,0),2)>" + str( cut3) + ")) | ((ACHILD(PINFO(9990,0),2)>" + str( cut3) + ") & (ACHILD(PINFO(9991,0),1)>" + str( cut1) + "))) " label += "TPS" dijets = CombineParticles( "DiJetCreatation" + str(PT) + str(LeadingPT) + str(cut1) + str(cut2) + str(cut3) + str(cut4), ParticleCombiners={"": "LoKi::VertexFitter"}, DecayDescriptor="H_10 -> CELLjet CELLjet", DaughtersCuts={"CELLjet": "(PT > " + str(PT) + ")"}, # % self._config["JET"]["MIN_PT"]}, Preambulo=pre, CombinationCut=cmb_cuts, MotherCut="INTREE((ABSID=='CELLjet')&(PT>" + str(LeadingPT) + "))") dijets.addTool(LoKi__VertexFitter, name="LoKi::VertexFitter") vfitter = getattr(dijets, "LoKi::VertexFitter") vfitter.Jets = "" return Selection(self._name + label + "PT" + str(PT).split('*')[0] + "LePT" + str(LeadingPT).split('*')[0] + "Selection", Algorithm=dijets, RequiredSelections=inputs)
def makeKPiPiPiMassMeas(name, config): """ Line for the selection of K+ -> pi+ pi+ pi-, Before prescaling this line, please contact the authors listed above Arguments: name : name of the Selection. config : dictionary of tunable cuts """ from Configurables import OfflineVertexFitter KPiPiPi = CombineParticles("Combine" + name) KPiPiPi.DecayDescriptor = "[K+ -> pi+ pi+ pi-]cc" KPiPiPi.addTool(OfflineVertexFitter) KPiPiPi.ParticleCombiners.update({"": "OfflineVertexFitter"}) KPiPiPi.OfflineVertexFitter.useResonanceVertex = False KPiPiPi.DaughtersCuts = { "pi+": "(P>1000) & (MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY) > 25.0) & (TRCHI2DOF<5) & (TRGHOSTPROB < 0.3)" } KPiPiPi.CombinationCut = "(ADAMASS('K+') < %(KMassWinMassMeas)s *MeV) & (AMAXDOCA('')< %(KMaxDOCAMassMeas)s *mm)" % config KPiPiPi.MotherCut ="(PT> %(KMinPTMassMeas)s) & (ADMASS('K+') < %(KMassWinMassMeas)s *MeV) & (BPVDIRA > %(KMinDIRAMassMeas)s)"\ "& (VFASPF(VCHI2) < %(KVtxChi2MassMeas)s) & (BPVVDCHI2 > %(KMinVDChi2MassMeas)s) & (BPVIPCHI2()< %(KMaxIpChi2MassMeas)s )"%config _stdAllLoosePions = DataOnDemand( Location="Phys/StdAllLoosePions/Particles") return Selection(name, Algorithm=KPiPiPi, RequiredSelections=[_stdAllLoosePions])
def makeDimuon(name,inputSel) : """ dimuon selection """ from Configurables import OfflineVertexFitter Dimuon = CombineParticles("Combine"+name) Dimuon.DecayDescriptor = "[J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-]cc" Dimuon.addTool( OfflineVertexFitter() ) Dimuon.VertexFitters.update( { "" : "OfflineVertexFitter"} ) Dimuon.DaughtersCuts = { "mu+" : "(TRCHI2DOF < 2.0 ) "\ " & (MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY)> 4.)"\ " & (P> 3000.*MeV)"} Dimuon.CombinationCut = " (AMAXDOCA('')<0.3*mm) " Dimuon.MotherCut = "(VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF)<12.) "\ "& (BPVVDZ > 0.) " \ "& (M < 2500.)" return Selection (name, Algorithm = Dimuon, RequiredSelections = inputSel)
def makeBs2Kst_0Kst_0(name, Kst_0sel, BMassWin, BVCHI2, BDOCA, BIPCHI2, BFDistanceCHI2, SumPT, BDIRA): """ Create and return a Bs -> Kstar_0(1430)(Kpi) anti-Kstar_0(1430)(Kpi) Selection object. Arguments: name : name of the Selection. Kst_0sel : Kst_0(1430) -> K+pi- Selection object. BMassWin : Bs invariant mass window around PDG mass value (MeV). BVCHI2 : Maximum Bs vertex chi2 per degree of freedom. BDOCA : Maximum Bs DOCA. BFDistanceCHI2 : Minimum Bs Flight Distance chi2. SumPT : Sum|pT| of the daughters. """ _motherCuts = " (VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF) < %(BVCHI2)s) & (MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY)< %(BIPCHI2)s) & (BPVVDCHI2 > %(BFDistanceCHI2)s) & (BPVDIRA > %(BDIRA)s)" % locals( ) _combinationCut = "(ADAMASS('B_s0') < %(BMassWin)s *MeV) & (AMAXDOCA('')< %(BDOCA)s *mm) "\ "& ( (AMINCHILD(PT,ID=='K+') + AMINCHILD(PT,ID=='K-') + AMINCHILD(PT,ID=='pi-') + AMINCHILD(PT,ID=='pi+'))> %(SumPT)s *MeV)" % locals() _Bs = CombineParticles('_' + name) _Bs.DecayDescriptor = "B_s0 -> K*_0(1430)0 K*_0(1430)~0" _Bs.CombinationCut = _combinationCut _Bs.MotherCut = _motherCuts _Bs.ReFitPVs = True _Bs.addTool(OfflineVertexFitter) # _Bs.VertexFitters.update( { "" : "OfflineVertexFitter"} ) _Bs.ParticleCombiners.update({"": "OfflineVertexFitter" }) # Fix for DaVinci v32r0 by A.Poluektov _Bs.OfflineVertexFitter.useResonanceVertex = False return Selection(name, Algorithm=_Bs, RequiredSelections=[Kst_0sel])
def ChiC(self, name, inputSelJPsi, inputSelGamma, mMinChiCRaw, mMaxChiCRaw, mMinChiCFit, mMaxChiCFit): combCut = "(AM > %(mMinChiCRaw)s *GeV) & (AM < %(mMaxChiCRaw)s*GeV)" % locals() motherCut = "(MM > %(mMinChiCFit)s *GeV) & (MM < %(mMaxChiCFit)s*GeV)" % locals() ChiC = CombineParticles("ChiC"+name) ChiC.DecayDescriptor = "chi_c1(1P) -> J/psi(1S) gamma" ChiC.CombinationCut = combCut ChiC.MotherCut = motherCut ChiC.ParticleCombiners.update( { "" : "OfflineVertexFitter:PUBLIC"} ) ChiCSel = Selection(name+"_ChiCSel", Algorithm = ChiC, RequiredSelections = [inputSelJPsi, inputSelGamma]) return ChiCSel
def makeB2TauMu(name): """ Please contact Johannes Albrecht if you think of prescaling this line! Arguments: name : name of the Selection. """ from Configurables import OfflineVertexFitter Bs2TauMu = CombineParticles("Combine"+name) Bs2TauMu.DecayDescriptors = ["[B_s0 -> tau+ mu-]cc","[B_s0 -> tau+ mu+]cc"] # Set the OfflineVertexFitter to keep the 4 tracks and not the J/Psi Kstar: Bs2TauMu.addTool( OfflineVertexFitter ) Bs2TauMu.ParticleCombiners.update( { "" : "OfflineVertexFitter"} ) Bs2TauMu.OfflineVertexFitter.useResonanceVertex = False #Bs2TauMu.ReFitPVs = True Bs2TauMu.DaughtersCuts = { "mu+" : "(MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY)> 25.)&(TRCHI2DOF < 3 ) & (TRGHOSTPROB<0.3)"} Bs2TauMu.CombinationCut = "(ADAMASS('B_s0')<1200*MeV)"\ "& (AMAXDOCA('')<0.3*mm)" Bs2TauMu.MotherCut = "(VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF)<9) "\ "& (ADMASS('B_s0') < 1200*MeV )"\ "& (BPVDIRA > 0) "\ "& (BPVVDCHI2> 225)"\ "& (BPVIPCHI2()< 25) " from CommonParticles import StdLooseDetachedTau, StdLooseDipion _stdLooseMuons = DataOnDemand(Location = "Phys/StdLooseMuons/Particles") _stdLooseDetachedTaus= DataOnDemand(Location = "Phys/StdLooseDetachedTau3pi/Particles") return Selection (name, Algorithm = Bs2TauMu, RequiredSelections = [ _stdLooseMuons,_stdLooseDetachedTaus])
def makeBs2KstKst(name, Kstsel, BMassWin, BVCHI2, BDOCA, BIPCHI2): """ Create and return a Bs -> Kstar (Kpi) anti-Kstar (Kpi) Selection object. Arguments: name : name of the Selection. Kstsel : Kst -> K+pi- Selection object. BMassWin : Bs invariant mass window around PDG mass value (MeV). BVCHI2 : Maximum Bs vertex chi2 per degree of freedom. BDOCA : Maximum Bs DOCA. """ _motherCuts = " (VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF) < %(BVCHI2)s) & (MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY)< %(BIPCHI2)s)" % locals( ) _combinationCut = "(ADAMASS('B_s0') < %(BMassWin)s *MeV) & (AMAXDOCA('')< %(BDOCA)s *mm)" % locals( ) _Bs = CombineParticles('_' + name) _Bs.DecayDescriptor = "B_s0 -> K*(892)0 K*(892)~0" _Bs.CombinationCut = _combinationCut _Bs.MotherCut = _motherCuts _Bs.ReFitPVs = True _Bs.addTool(OfflineVertexFitter) # _Bs.VertexFitters.update( { "" : "OfflineVertexFitter"} ) _Bs.ParticleCombiners.update({"": "OfflineVertexFitter" }) # Fix for DaVinci v32r0 by A.Poluektov _Bs.OfflineVertexFitter.useResonanceVertex = False return Selection(name, Algorithm=_Bs, RequiredSelections=[Kstsel])
def makeBd2JPsiKst(name, JPsisel, Kstsel, BMassWin, BVCHI2, BDOCA, BIPCHI2): """ Create and return a Bd -> JPsi(mumu) Kstar (Kpi) Selection object. Arguments: name : name of the Selection. JPsisel : JPsi -> mu+ mu- Selection object. Kstsel : Kst -> K+pi- Selection object. BMassWin : Bd invariant mass window around PDG mass value (MeV). BVCHI2 : Maximum Bd vertex chi2 per degree of freedom. BDOCA : Maximum Bd DOCA. """ _motherCuts = " (VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF) < %(BVCHI2)s) & (MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY)< %(BIPCHI2)s)" % locals( ) _combinationCut = "(ADAMASS('B_s0') < %(BMassWin)s *MeV) & (AMAXDOCA('')< %(BDOCA)s *mm)" % locals( ) _Bd = CombineParticles('_' + name) _Bd.DecayDescriptor = "[B0 -> J/psi(1S) K*(892)0]cc" _Bd.CombinationCut = _combinationCut _Bd.MotherCut = _motherCuts _Bd.ReFitPVs = True _Bd.addTool(OfflineVertexFitter) # _Bd.VertexFitters.update( { "" : "OfflineVertexFitter"} ) _Bd.ParticleCombiners.update({"": "OfflineVertexFitter" }) # Fix for DaVinci v32r0 by A.Poluektov _Bd.OfflineVertexFitter.useResonanceVertex = False return Selection(name, Algorithm=_Bd, RequiredSelections=[JPsisel, Kstsel])
def makeSidebandRegion(self, name): """ K0s2pi0mumu selection object in sideband region. Arguments: name : name of the Selection """ from Configurables import OfflineVertexFitter K0s2Pi0MuMu2 = CombineParticles("Combine" + name) K0s2Pi0MuMu2.DecayDescriptor = "KS0 -> pi0 J/psi(1S)" K0s2Pi0MuMu2.addTool(OfflineVertexFitter) K0s2Pi0MuMu2.ParticleCombiners.update({"": "OfflineVertexFitter"}) K0s2Pi0MuMu2.OfflineVertexFitter.useResonanceVertex = False K0s2Pi0MuMu2.ReFitPVs = True K0s2Pi0MuMu2.CombinationCut = " (AM > %(KSsidebminMass)s * MeV)"\ "& (AM < %(KSsidebmaxMass)s * MeV)" %self.config K0s2Pi0MuMu2.MotherCut = "((BPVDIRA> %(KSdira)s ) "\ "& ((BPVVDSIGN*M/P) > %(KSlife)s*2.9979e-01) "\ "& (MIPDV(PRIMARY)<%(KSip)s*mm) "\ "& (M> %(KSsidebminMass)s * MeV) "\ "& ( (M< %(KSsidebmaxMass)s * MeV) ))" %self.config return Selection( name, Algorithm=K0s2Pi0MuMu2, RequiredSelections=[self.PseudoJPsiSel, self._stdLoosePi0s])
def makeD2MuMuMuMu(name, inputSel): """ D --> 4 mu selection """ from Configurables import OfflineVertexFitter D2MuMuMuMu = CombineParticles("Combine" + name) D2MuMuMuMu.DecayDescriptor = "D0 -> mu+ mu- mu+ mu-" D2MuMuMuMu.addTool(OfflineVertexFitter) D2MuMuMuMu.ParticleCombiners.update({"": "OfflineVertexFitter"}) D2MuMuMuMu.DaughtersCuts = { "mu+" : "(TRCHI2DOF < 3.0 ) "\ " & (MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY)> 4.)"\ " & (TRGHOSTPROB<0.3) "\ " & (P> 3000.*MeV)"} D2MuMuMuMu.CombinationCut = "(ADAMASS('D0')<300*MeV) "\ "& (AMAXDOCA('')<0.2*mm) " D2MuMuMuMu.MotherCut = "(VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF)<12.) "\ "& (BPVVDZ > 0.) " \ "& (MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY) < 25. )" return Selection(name, Algorithm=D2MuMuMuMu, RequiredSelections=inputSel)
def makeB2ee(name): """ Please contact Johannes Albrecht if you think of prescaling this line! Arguments: name : name of the Selection. """ from Configurables import OfflineVertexFitter Bs2ee = CombineParticles("Combine" + name) Bs2ee.DecayDescriptor = "B_s0 -> e+ e-" # Set the OfflineVertexFitter to keep the 4 tracks and not the J/Psi Kstar: Bs2ee.addTool(OfflineVertexFitter()) Bs2ee.VertexFitters.update({"": "OfflineVertexFitter"}) Bs2ee.OfflineVertexFitter.useResonanceVertex = False #Bs2ee.ReFitPVs = True Bs2ee.DaughtersCuts = {"e+": "(MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY)> 25.)&(TRCHI2DOF < 4 )"} Bs2ee.CombinationCut = "(ADAMASS('B_s0')<600*MeV)"\ "& (AMAXDOCA('')<0.3*mm)" Bs2ee.MotherCut = "(VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF)<9) "\ "& (ADMASS('B_s0') < 600*MeV )"\ "& (BPVDIRA > 0) "\ "& (BPVVDCHI2> 225)"\ "& (BPVIPCHI2()< 25) " _stdLooseElectrons = DataOnDemand( Location="Phys/StdLooseElectrons/Particles") return Selection(name, Algorithm=Bs2ee, RequiredSelections=[_stdLooseElectrons])
def makeBs2PhiKst(name, Phisel, Kstsel, BMassWin, BVCHI2, BDOCA): """ Create and return a Bs -> Phi (KK) Kstar (Kpi) Selection object. Arguments: name : name of the Selection. Phisel : Phi -> K+K- Selection object. Kstsel : Kst -> K+pi- Selection object. BMassWin : Bs invariant mass window around PDG mass value (MeV). BVCHI2 : Maximum Bs vertex chi2 per degree of freedom. BDOCA : Maximum Bs DOCA. """ _motherCuts = "(VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF) < %(BVCHI2)s)" % locals() _combinationCut = "(ADAMASS('B_s0') < %(BMassWin)s *MeV) & (AMAXDOCA('')< %(BDOCA)s *mm)" % locals( ) _Bs = CombineParticles('_' + name) _Bs.DecayDescriptor = "[B_s0 -> phi(1020) K*(892)~0]cc" _Bs.CombinationCut = _combinationCut _Bs.MotherCut = _motherCuts _Bs.ReFitPVs = True _Bs.addTool(OfflineVertexFitter()) _Bs.VertexFitters.update({"": "OfflineVertexFitter"}) _Bs.OfflineVertexFitter.useResonanceVertex = False return Selection(name, Algorithm=_Bs, RequiredSelections=[Phisel, Kstsel])
def makeB2LpDDMVA( self, name, config ): """ Select B -> Lambda~0 p+ event by MVA selcetion """ from Configurables import CombineParticles as CP #Selection _B = CP("B2LpDDMVA") _daugPtSumCut = "(APT1>%s*MeV)" % config['B_DD_PTMin'] _maxDocaChi2Cut = "(ACUTDOCACHI2(%s,''))" % config['BDaug_DD_maxDocaChi2'] _daugMaxPtIPCut = "(AVAL_MAX(MIPDV(PRIMARY),PT)>%s)" % config['BDaug_MaxPT_IP'] #_B.DecayDescriptors = [ "B- -> p~- ( Lambda0 -> p+ pi- )", "B+ -> p+ ( Lambda~0 -> p~- pi+ )" ] _B.DecayDescriptors = [ "B- -> p~- Lambda0", "B+ -> p+ Lambda~0" ] _B.CombinationCut = "(ADAMASS('B-')<500*MeV)&"+_maxDocaChi2Cut+'&'+_daugPtSumCut+'&'+_daugMaxPtIPCut _B.MotherCut = "VALUE('LoKi::Hybrid::DictValue/MVAResponse')> %s" % config['MVAResponseDD'] #_B.MotherCut = 'ALL' # get the Lambda's to filter _stdLambdaDD = DataOnDemand(Location = "Phys/StdLooseLambdaDD/Particles") # make the filter _filterLambdaDD = FilterDesktop( Code = "ALL" ) #Configure tool from MVADictHelpers import addTMVAclassifierValue xmldir = "$TMVAWEIGHTSROOT/data/" #xmldir = "./" Vars = {"log(B_LoKi_VCHI2NDOF)" : "log(VFASPF(VCHI2))", "log(B_LoKi_BPVIPCHI2)" : "log(MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY))", "B_LoKi_BPVDIRA" : "BPVDIRA", "log(B_LoKi_FDwrtPV)" : "log(VFASPF(VMINVDDV(PRIMARY)))", "log(B_LoKi_FDChi2)" : "log(BPVVDCHI2)", "log(B_LoKi_PT)" : "log(PT)", "log(pB_LoKi_PT)" : "log(CHILD(PT,1))", "log(pL_LoKi_PT)" : "log(CHILD( CHILD(PT,1) ,2))", "log(L_LoKi_P)" : "log(CHILD(P,2))", "log(L_LoKi_Mass)" : "log(ADMASS('Lambda0'))", "log(L_LoKi_VtxChi2)" : "log(CHILD(VFASPF(VCHI2),2))", "log(L_LoKi_FDChi2)" : "log(CHILD(BPVVDCHI2,2))", "log(pL_LoKi_TrkChi2)" : "log(CHILD(CHILD(TRCHI2DOF,2),2))", "log(pi_LoKi_TrkChi2)" : "log(CHILD(CHILD(TRCHI2DOF,1),2))", } addTMVAclassifierValue(Component = _B , XMLFile = xmldir+"B2pLambda_DD_BDT_v1r4.xml", Variables = Vars, ToolName = "MVAResponse", ) return Selection (name, Algorithm = _B, RequiredSelections = [_stdLambdaDD, StdLooseProtons ])
def build_mc_unbiased_selection(decayDesc, arrow = '==>') : preamble = [ "from LoKiPhysMC.decorators import *" , "from LoKiPhysMC.functions import mcMatch" ] decayDesc.set_carets(False) decayDescCC = decayDesc.copy() = True algname = decayDesc.get_full_alias() + '_MCSel' if algname in selections : return selections[algname] if not decayDesc.daughters : alg = FilterDesktop(algname + '_Filter') if in mcbasicinputs : inputsel = mcbasicinputs[] else : conj = decayDesc.conjugate() if in mcbasicinputs : inputsel = mcbasicinputs[] else : raise ValueError("Can't find MC basic input for particle " + repr( alg.Code = 'mcMatch({0!r})'.format(decayDescCC.to_string(arrow)) alg.Preambulo = preamble sel = Selection(algname, Algorithm = alg, RequiredSelections = [inputsel]) selections[algname] = sel return sel inputs = [] daughtercuts = {} for daughter in decayDescCC.daughters : originaldaughtercc = = True sel = build_mc_unbiased_selection(daughter, arrow) = originaldaughtercc inputs.append(sel) #daughter.caret = True #daughtercuts[] = 'mcMatch({0!r})'.format(decayDescCC.to_string(arrow)) #daughter.caret = False #comb = nCombiners[len(decayDesc.daughters)](algname + '_Comb') comb = CombineParticles(algname + '_Comb') # CombineParticles uses small cc, so set ishead = False comb.DecayDescriptors = [decayDesc.to_string(depth = 1, ishead = False)] comb.MotherCut = 'mcMatch({0!r})'.format(decayDescCC.to_string(arrow)) comb.Preambulo = preamble comb.DaughtersCuts = daughtercuts sel = Selection(algname, Algorithm = comb, RequiredSelections = inputs) selections[algname] = sel return sel
def makeLambdac2PHH(self, name, inputSel, decDescriptors): """Return a Selection instance for a Lambda_c+ -> p+ h- h+ decay. Keyword arguments: name -- Name to give the Selection instance inputSel -- List of inputs passed to Selection.RequiredSelections decDescriptors -- List of decay descriptors for CombineParticles """ lclPreambulo = ['from math import cos'] combCuts = ("(ADAMASS('Lambda_c+') < {0[Comb_ADAMASS_WIN]})" '& (AMAXCHILD(PT) > {0[Daug_1of3_PT_MIN]})' '& (AMAXCHILD(BPVIPCHI2()) > {0[Daug_1of3_BPVIPCHI2_MIN]})' '& (ANUM(PT > {0[Daug_2of3_PT_MIN]}) >= 2)' '& (ANUM(BPVIPCHI2() > {0[Daug_2of3_BPVIPCHI2_MIN]}) >= 2)' "& (ACUTDOCA({0[Comb_ADOCAMAX_MAX]}, ''))").format( self.config) lambdacCuts = ( '(VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF) < {0[Lambdac_VCHI2VDOF_MAX]})' '& ({0[Lambdac_PVDispCut]})' '& (BPVDIRA > cos({0[Lambdac_acosBPVDIRA_MAX]}))').format( self.config) _Lambdac = CombineParticles(name='Combine{0}'.format(name), DecayDescriptors=decDescriptors, Preambulo=lclPreambulo, CombinationCut=combCuts, MotherCut=lambdacCuts) return Selection(name, Algorithm=_Lambdac, RequiredSelections=inputSel)
def LbMaker(_combName,config,_RequiredSelections,_decayDescriptors): preambulo = ['PXLC = ACHILD(PX,1)', 'PYLC = ACHILD(PY,1)', 'PZLC = ACHILD(PZ,1)', 'ELC = ACHILD(E,1)', 'PXPIPI = ACHILD(CHILD(PX,2),2)', 'PYPIPI = ACHILD(CHILD(PY,2),2)', 'PZPIPI = ACHILD(CHILD(PZ,2),2)', 'EPIPI = ACHILD(CHILD(E,2),2)', 'MLCPIPI = sqrt((EPIPI+ELC)**2 - (PXPIPI+PXLC)**2 - (PYPIPI+PYLC)**2 - (PZPIPI+PZLC)**2)', 'DELTA_MASS_LC = MLCPIPI - ACHILD(M,1)'] comb = CombineParticles(name="Comb"+_combName, DecayDescriptors = _decayDescriptors, Preambulo = preambulo, CombinationCut = "(DELTA_MASS_LC < %(Lc2Kpi_DeltaMass_MAX)s *MeV)"\ "& (AM > %(Lc2Kpi_B_MASS_MIN)s *MeV) & (AM < %(Lc2Kpi_B_MASS_MAX)s *MeV)"\ "& (ACUTDOCACHI2(%(Lc2Kpi_B_DOCACHI2_MAX)s,''))" % config, MotherCut = "(M > %(Lc2Kpi_B_MASS_MIN)s *MeV) & (M < %(Lc2Kpi_B_MASS_MAX)s *MeV)"\ "& (MINTREE((ABSID=='Lambda_c+'),VFASPF(VZ)) - MINTREE((ABSID=='K*(892)-'),VFASPF(VZ)) > %(Lc2Kpi_DZ)s *mm )"\ "& (VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF) < %(Lc2Kpi_B_VCHI2NDF_MAX)s)" "& (BPVDIRA> %(Lc2Kpi_B_DIRA_MIN)s)"\ "& (BPVVDCHI2 > %(Lc2Kpi_B_FDCHI2_MIN)s)" %config) sel = Selection("Sel"+_combName, Algorithm = comb, RequiredSelections = _RequiredSelections) if config["Lc2Kpi_REQUIRE_TOS"] == True: sel_Hlt1TOS = TOSFilter( "Sel"+_combName+"_Hlt1TOS" ,sel ,"Hlt1.*Decision%TOS") sel_Hlt2TOS = TOSFilter( "Sel"+_combName+"_Hlt2TOS" ,sel_Hlt1TOS ,"Hlt2.*Decision%TOS") return sel_Hlt2TOS else: return sel
def makeDiJetGamma(self, _name, loose=0): DiJetGamma = CombineParticles("Combine" + _name) DiJetGamma.DecayDescriptor = "H_20 -> H_10 gamma" DiJetGamma.ParticleCombiners = {'': 'LoKi::VertexFitter:PUBLIC'} DiJetGamma.MotherCut = "ALL" if loose: requiredSelections = [self.sel_PhotonLoose, self.sel_DiJetLoose] else: requiredSelections = [self.sel_Photon, self.sel_DiJet] return Selection("Sel" + _name, Algorithm=DiJetGamma, RequiredSelections=requiredSelections)
def makeXic2KLam(name, inputSel, Daug_All_PT_MIN, Daug_1of3_PT_MIN, Daug_P_MIN, Daug_TRCHI2DOF_MAX, Proton_PIDp_MIN, K_IPCHI2_MIN, Comb_MASS_MIN, Comb_MASS_MAX, Comb_ADOCAMAX_MAX, Xic_PT_MIN, Xic_BPVDIRA_MIN, Xic_BPVLTIME_MAX, Xic_BPVLTIME_MIN, decDescriptors=["[Lambda_c+ -> K+ Lambda0]cc"]): combCuts = "(AM > %(Comb_MASS_MIN)s)" \ "& (AM < %(Comb_MASS_MAX)s)" \ "& (AMAXCHILD(PT) > %(Daug_1of3_PT_MIN)s)" % locals() xicCuts = "(PT > %(Xic_PT_MIN)s)" % locals() _XicLam = CombineParticles(DecayDescriptors=decDescriptors, CombinationCut=combCuts, MotherCut=xicCuts) return Selection(name, Algorithm=_XicLam, RequiredSelections=inputSel)
def makeEtap(self, name, config): _massCut = "(ADAMASS('eta_prime')<%s*MeV)" % config[ 'eta_prime_MassWindow'] _PTCut = "(PT>%s*MeV)" % config['eta_prime_PT'] _vtxCut = "(VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF)<%s)" % config['eta_prime_vtxChi2'] _docaCut = "(ACUTDOCA(%s,''))" % config['eta_prime_DOCA'] _track_PT = "(PT>%s*MeV)" % config['Trk_PT'] _track_Chi2 = "(TRCHI2DOF<%s)" % config['Trk_Chi2'] _track_GPCut = "(TRGHOSTPROB<%s)" % config['Trk_GP'] _allCuts = _PTCut + '&' + _vtxCut _trackCuts = _track_PT + '&' + _track_Chi2 + '&' + _track_GPCut _combCuts = _massCut + '&' + _docaCut _etap = CombineParticles("etap", DecayDescriptors=[ "eta_prime -> gamma pi+ pi-", "eta_prime -> eta pi+ pi-" ], CombinationCut=_combCuts, MotherCut=_allCuts, DaughtersCuts={ "pi+": _trackCuts, "pi-": _trackCuts }, ParticleCombiners={'': "LoKi::VertexFitter"}) self.selEtap = Selection(name, Algorithm=_etap, RequiredSelections=[self.daughters])
def makeTheta2PKS0(name, inputSel, Daug_All_PT_MIN, Daug_1of3_PT_MIN, Daug_P_MIN, Daug_TRCHI2DOF_MAX, Proton_PIDp_MIN, K_IPCHI2_MIN, Comb_MASS_MIN, Comb_MASS_MAX, Comb_ADOCAMAX_MAX, Xic_PT_MIN, Xic_BPVDIRA_MIN, Xic_BPVLTIME_MAX, Xic_BPVLTIME_MIN, decDescriptors=["[Lambda_c+ -> p+ KS0]cc"]): combCuts = "(((AM > %(Comb_MASS_MIN)s)" \ "& (AM < 1600 * MeV))" \ "| ((AM > 2242 * MeV)" \ "& (AM < %(Comb_MASS_MAX)s)))" \ "& (AMAXCHILD(PT) > %(Daug_1of3_PT_MIN)s)" % locals() thetaCuts = "(PT > %(Xic_PT_MIN)s) & (MIPDV(PRIMARY)< 0.4 * mm)" % locals() _ThetaKS0 = CombineParticles(DecayDescriptors=decDescriptors, CombinationCut=combCuts, MotherCut=thetaCuts) return Selection(name, Algorithm=_ThetaKS0, RequiredSelections=inputSel)
def makeSigmac2LambdacPi(self, name, inputSel, decDescriptors): """Return a Selection instance for a Sigma_c -> Lambda_c+ pi decay. The selection is motivated in precisely the same way as a D*+ -> D0 pi+ selection, i.e. take a Lambda_c+, attach a pion, and make some vertex quality requirement. Keyword arguments: name -- Name to give the Selection instance inputSel -- List of inputs passed to Selection.RequiredSelections decDescriptors -- List of decay descriptors for CombineParticles """ combCuts = '((AM - AM1) < {0[Sigmac_AMDiff_MAX]})'.format(self.config) dstarCuts = '(VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF) < {0[Sigmac_VCHI2VDOF_MAX]})'.format( self.config ) _Sigmac = CombineParticles( name='Combine{0}'.format(name), DecayDescriptors=decDescriptors, CombinationCut=combCuts, MotherCut=dstarCuts ) return Selection(name, Algorithm=_Sigmac, RequiredSelections=inputSel)
def execute(simulation=True, turbo=True, decay_descriptor="J/psi(1S) -> mu- mu+"): # Configure all the unpacking, algorithms, tags and input files appConf = ApplicationMgr() appConf.ExtSvc+= ['ToolSvc', 'DataOnDemandSvc', LoKiSvc()] ConfigTarFileAccessSvc().File = 'config.tar' dv = DaVinci() dv.DataType = "2012" lhcbApp = LHCbApp() lhcbApp.Simulation = simulation CondDB().Upgrade = False dtt = DecayTreeTuple("Early2015") if turbo: tesla_prefix = "Hlt2DiMuonJPsi" dtt.Inputs = ["/Event/"+tesla_prefix+"/Particles"] dtt.InputPrimaryVertices = "/Event/"+tesla_prefix+"/Primary" dtt.WriteP2PVRelations = False else: LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "dddb-20140729" polarity = "u" LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "sim-20140730-vc-m%s100"%polarity muons = AutomaticData(Location="Phys/StdAllLooseMuons/Particles") jpsi = CombineParticles('MyJPsi') jpsi.DecayDescriptors = [decay_descriptor] jpsi.CombinationCut = "(AM < 7100.0 *GeV)" jpsi.DaughtersCuts = {"": "ALL", "mu+": "ALL", "mu-": "ALL"} jpsi.MotherCut = "(VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF) < 999999.0)" code = """ ('J/psi(1S)' == ID) & in_range(2.990*GeV, M, 3.210*GeV) & DECTREE('%s') & CHILDCUT(1, HASMUON & ISMUON) & CHILDCUT(2, HASMUON & ISMUON) & (MINTREE('mu+' == ABSID, PT) > 700*MeV) & (MAXTREE(ISBASIC & HASTRACK, TRCHI2DOF) < 5) & (MINTREE(ISBASIC & HASTRACK, CLONEDIST) > 5000) & (VFASPF(VPCHI2) > 0.5/100) & (abs(BPV(VZ)) < 0.5*meter) & (BPV(vrho2) < (10*mm)**2) """%(decay_descriptor) # similar to the HLT2 line code = """ (ADMASS('J/psi(1S)')< 120*MeV) & DECTREE('%s') & (PT>0*MeV) & (MAXTREE('mu-'==ABSID,TRCHI2DOF) < 4) & (MINTREE('mu-'==ABSID,PT)> 0*MeV) & (VFASPF(VCHI2PDOF)< 25) """%(decay_descriptor) filter_jpsi = FilterDesktop("MyFilterJPsi", Code=code, Preambulo=["vrho2 = VX**2 + VY**2"], ReFitPVs=True, #IgnoreP2PVFromInputLocations=True, #WriteP2PVRelations=True ) jpsi_sel = Selection("SelMyJPsi", Algorithm=jpsi, RequiredSelections=[muons]) filter_jpsi_sel = Selection("SelFilterMyJPsi", Algorithm=filter_jpsi, RequiredSelections=[jpsi_sel]) jpsi_seq = SelectionSequence("SeqMyJPsi", TopSelection=filter_jpsi_sel) dtt.Inputs = [jpsi_seq.outputLocation()] # Overwriting default list of TupleTools dtt.ToolList = ["TupleToolKinematic", "TupleToolPid", "TupleToolEventInfo", "TupleToolMCBackgroundInfo", "TupleToolMCTruth", #"MCTupleToolHierarchy", #"MCTupleToolPID", "TupleToolGeometry", "TupleToolTISTOS", # with turbo this crashes #"TupleToolTrackInfo", "TupleToolTrigger", ] tlist = ["L0HadronDecision", "L0MuonDecision", "L0DiMuonDecision", "L0ElectronDecision", "L0PhotonDecision", "Hlt1DiMuonHighMassDecision", "Hlt1DiMuonLowMassDecision", "Hlt1TrackMuonDecision", "Hlt1TrackAllL0Decision", "Hlt2DiMuonJPsiDecision", "Hlt2SingleMuonDecision", ] dtt.addTool(TupleToolTrigger, name="TupleToolTrigger") dtt.addTool(TupleToolTISTOS, name="TupleToolTISTOS") # Get trigger info dtt.TupleToolTrigger.Verbose = True dtt.TupleToolTrigger.TriggerList = tlist dtt.TupleToolTISTOS.Verbose = True dtt.TupleToolTISTOS.TriggerList = tlist from Configurables import TupleToolMCTruth, MCTupleToolHierarchy dtt.addTool(TupleToolMCBackgroundInfo, name="TupleToolMCBackgroundInfo") dtt.TupleToolMCBackgroundInfo.Verbose = True dtt.addTool(MCTupleToolHierarchy, name="MCTupleToolHierarchy") dtt.MCTupleToolHierarchy.Verbose = True dtt.addTool(TupleToolMCTruth, name="TupleToolMCTruth") dtt.TupleToolMCTruth.Verbose = True if turbo: assoc_seq = TeslaTruthUtils.associateSequence(tesla_prefix, False) ChargedPP2MC(tesla_prefix+"ProtoAssocPP").OutputLevel = 1 assoc_seq.Members.insert(0, PatLHCbID2MCParticle()) from Configurables import MuonCoord2MCParticleLink muon_coords = MuonCoord2MCParticleLink("TeslaMuonCoordLinker") assoc_seq.Members.insert(1, muon_coords) TrackAssociator("TeslaAssocTr").DecideUsingMuons = True relations = TeslaTruthUtils.getRelLoc(tesla_prefix) else: relations = "Relations/Rec/ProtoP/Charged" TeslaTruthUtils.makeTruth(dtt, relations, ["MCTupleToolKinematic", "MCTupleToolHierarchy", "MCTupleToolPID", ] ) dtt.Decay = mark(2, mark(3, decay_descriptor)) #"J/psi(1S) -> ^mu- ^mu+" dtt.addBranches({"X": "^(%s)"%(decay_descriptor), "muplus": mark(3, decay_descriptor),#"J/psi(1S) -> mu- ^mu+", "muminus": mark(2, decay_descriptor),#"J/psi(1S) -> ^mu- mu+", }) x_preamble = ["DZ = VFASPF(VZ) - BPV(VZ)", ] x_vars = {"ETA": "ETA", "Y": "Y", "PHI": "PHI", "VPCHI2": "VFASPF(VPCHI2)", "DELTAZ": "DZ", # DZ * M / PZ / c with c in units of mm/s # XXX should this be the PDG mass or measured mass? #"TZ": "DZ*M / PZ / 299792458000.0", #seconds "TZ": "DZ*3096.916 / PZ/299792458000.0*(10**12)", #ps "minpt": "MINTREE('mu+' == ABSID, PT)", "minclonedist": "MINTREE(ISBASIC & HASTRACK, CLONEDIST)", "maxtrchi2dof": "MAXTREE(ISBASIC & HASTRACK, TRCHI2DOF)", } muon_vars = {"ETA": "ETA", "Y": "Y", "PHI": "PHI", "CHARGE": "Q", "CLONEDIST": "CLONEDIST", "TRCHI2DOF": "TRCHI2DOF", } loki_X = dtt.X.addTupleTool("LoKi::Hybrid::TupleTool/LoKi_X") loki_X.Variables = x_vars loki_X.Preambulo = x_preamble loki_mup = dtt.muplus.addTupleTool("LoKi::Hybrid::TupleTool/LoKi_MuPlus") loki_mup.Variables = muon_vars #dtt.muplus.addTupleTool("TupleToolGeometry") loki_mum = dtt.muminus.addTupleTool("LoKi::Hybrid::TupleTool/LoKi_MuMinus") loki_mum.Variables = muon_vars #dtt.muminus.addTupleTool("TupleToolGeometry") dv.TupleFile = "DVNtuples.root" if turbo: dv.UserAlgorithms = [assoc_seq, dtt] else: assocpp = ChargedPP2MC("TimsChargedPP2MC") assocpp.OutputLevel = 1 dv.UserAlgorithms = [jpsi_seq.sequence(), assocpp, dtt]
pion_list= FilterInTrees( 'pion_list', Code = "'pi+'==ABSID") pion_Sel = Selection ( "pion_Sel" , Algorithm =pion_list , RequiredSelections = [ AutomaticData(Location = location) ] ) pion_Seq = SelectionSequence("pion_Seq", TopSelection = pion_Sel) from StandardParticles import StdLooseAllPhotons PhotonFilter = FilterDesktop("PhotonFilter", Code="(PT > 300.*MeV) & (CL > 0.1)") PhotonSel = Selection('PhotonSel', Algorithm=PhotonFilter, RequiredSelections=[StdLooseAllPhotons]) my_etap = CombineParticles("my_etap") my_etap.DecayDescriptor = "eta_prime -> rho(770)0 gamma" my_etap.MotherCut = "(ADMASS('eta_prime') < 100.*MeV)" # & (PT > 1500.*MeV) & (P > 4000.*MeV) " #& (VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF) < 9.)" # "ALL" # my_etap_Sel = Selection("my_etap_Sel", Algorithm = my_etap, # RequiredSelections = [rho_Sel,StdLooseAllPhotons]) RequiredSelections = [rho_Sel,PhotonSel]) #my_etap_Seq = SelectionSequence("my_etap_Seq", TopSelection = my_etap_Sel) preambulo=[ "rho_px= CHILD (PX,1,1 ) " , "rho_py=CHILD (PY,1,1 )" , "rho_pz=CHILD (PZ,1,1 ) ", "rho_E= CHILD (E,1,1 ) " ,
def configure ( inputdata , ## the list of input files catalogs = [] , ## xml-catalogs (filled by GRID) castor = False , ## use the direct access to castor/EOS ? params = {} ) : ## configure Track <--> MC relation table import LoKiPhysMC.Track2MC_Configuration import LoKiMC.MC ## import DaVinci from Configurables import DaVinci, GaudiSequencer ## delegate the actual configurtaion to DaVinci dv = DaVinci ( DataType = '2011' , InputType = 'MDST', Lumi = True, Simulation = True, DDDBtag="MC11-20111102", CondDBtag="sim-20111111-vc-md100", HistogramFile = "mcd02kpi_tracks7_histo.root", TupleFile = "mcd02kpi_tracks7_ntuple.root", PrintFreq = 1000) from Configurables import DecayTreeTuple, FilterDesktop, TupleToolGeometry, CombineParticles from Configurables import MCDecayTreeTuple, TupleToolMCTruth, MCTupleToolHierarchy from PhysSelPython.Wrappers import AutomaticData, Selection, SelectionSequence, DataOnDemand from Configurables import CheckPV # First using CombineParticle to create the D0 ################################################################################ #from StandardParticles import StdAllNoPIDsPions, StdAllNoPIDsKaons _pions = DataOnDemand(Location='Phys/StdAllNoPIDsPions/Particles') _kaons = DataOnDemand(Location='Phys/StdAllNoPIDsKaons/Particles') _d2kpi = CombineParticles("d2kpi") _d2kpi.DecayDescriptor = "[D0 -> K- pi+]cc" _d2kpi.DaughtersCuts = { "K-" : "(PT > 500.0) & (0.0 < PIDK)", "pi+" : "(PT > 500.0) & (5.0 > PIDK)", "K+" : "(PT > 500.0) & (0.0 < PIDK)", "pi-" : "(PT > 500.0) & (5.0 > PIDK) " } _d2kpi.MotherCut = "(VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF)<10)" _d2kpi.CombinationCut = "(ADAMASS('D0') < 50.0)" _d2kpi.Preambulo = [ "from LoKiPhysMC.decorators import *" , "from PartProp.Nodes import CC" ] #_d2kpi.ReFitPVs = True SelD2KPi = Selection( "SelD2KPi", Algorithm= _d2kpi, RequiredSelections=[_pions,_kaons] ) SeqD2KPi = SelectionSequence('SeqD2KPi',TopSelection = SelD2KPi) # Now the CheckPV method to filter algorithms c = CheckPV("OnePV") c.MinPVs = 1 # And a sequencer to put them together gseq = GaudiSequencer() gseq.Members = [ c, SeqD2KPi.sequence() ] ## define the input data setData ( inputdata , catalogs , castor ) ## get/create application manager gaudi = appMgr() # ## modify/update the configuration: # ## (1) create the algorithm alg = TrackFilter( 'TrackFilter' ) #seq = createSequencer() ## (2) replace the list of top level algorithm by # new list, which contains only *THIS* algorithm gaudi.setAlgorithms( [ gseq, alg ] ) return SUCCESS
GaudiPersistency() importOptions("") #Truth matched commonparticles: _kaons = DataOnDemand(Location='Phys/StdMCKaons/Particles') _pions = DataOnDemand(Location='Phys/StdMCPions/Particles') # # MC matching # matchD2KKPi = "(mcMatch('[D_s+ ==> K- K+ pi+]CC'))" #matchKaons = "(mcMatch('[K+]cc'))" #matchPions = "(mcMatch('[pi+]cc'))" _d2kkpi = CombineParticles("d2kkpi") _d2kkpi.DecayDescriptor = "D_s- -> K- K+ pi-" #_d2kkpi.DaughtersCuts = { "pi+" : matchPions, "K+" : matchKaons} _d2kkpi.MotherCut = matchD2KKPi _d2kkpi.Preambulo = [ "from LoKiPhysMC.decorators import *", "from PartProp.Nodes import CC" ] SelD2KKPi = Selection( "SelD2KKPi", Algorithm = _d2kkpi, RequiredSelections=[_kaons,_pions]) dumpAlg = DumpAddr(OutputFile='eventaddr.txt', ObjectPath='/Event') SeqD2KKPi = SelectionSequence('MCFilter',TopSelection = SelD2KKPi, PostSelectionAlgs=[dumpAlg]) tuple = DecayTreeTuple("out")
from Configurables import CombineParticles, DecayTreeTuple from PhysSelPython.Wrappers import Selection, SelectionSequence, DataOnDemand #Truth matched commonparticles: _mainkaons = DataOnDemand(Location='Phys/StdMCKaons/Particles') _mainpions = DataOnDemand(Location='Phys/StdMCPions/Particles') # # MC matching # matchD2KKPi = "(mcMatch('D_s+ ==> K- K+ pi+'))" #matchKaons = "(mcMatch('[K+]cc'))" #matchPions = "(mcMatch('[pi+]cc'))" _maind2kkpi = CombineParticles("d2kkpiMain") _maind2kkpi.DecayDescriptor = "D_s+ -> K+ K- pi+" #_d2kkpi.DaughtersCuts = { "pi+" : matchPions, "K+" : matchKaons} _maind2kkpi.MotherCut = matchD2KKPi _maind2kkpi.Preambulo = [ "from LoKiPhysMC.decorators import *", "from PartProp.Nodes import CC" ] selD2KKPiMain = Selection( "DsPlusCandidates", Algorithm = _maind2kkpi, RequiredSelections=[_mainkaons, _mainpions]) seqD2KKPiMain = SelectionSequence('MCFilterMain',TopSelection = selD2KKPiMain) maintuple = DecayTreeTuple("out") maintuple.Decay = "[D_s+ -> K- K+ pi+]CC"
from Configurables import CombineParticles, DecayTreeTuple from PhysSelPython.Wrappers import Selection, SelectionSequence, DataOnDemand # Selection for other loop _otherKaons = DataOnDemand(Location='/Event/NewEvent/Phys/OtherAllKaons/Particles') _otherPions = DataOnDemand(Location='/Event/NewEvent/Phys/OtherAllPions/Particles') _otherd2kkpi = CombineParticles("otherd2kkpi", InputPrimaryVertices="/Event/NewEvent/Rec/Vertex/Primary") _otherd2kkpi.DecayDescriptor = "D_s- -> K- K+ pi-" _otherd2kkpi.MotherCut = "(mcMatch('D_s- ==> K- K+ pi-', ['/Event/NewEvent/Relations/NewEvent/Rec/ProtoP/Charged'], '/Event/NewEvent/MC/Particles'))" _otherd2kkpi.Preambulo = [ "from LoKiPhysMC.decorators import *", "from PartProp.Nodes import CC" ] selD2KKPiOther = Selection("DsMinusCandidates", Algorithm = _otherd2kkpi, RequiredSelections=[_otherKaons, _otherPions], OutputBranch="NewEvent/Phys") #selD2KKPiOther.OutputLevel = 1 seqD2KKPiOther = SelectionSequence('MCFilterOther', TopSelection = selD2KKPiOther) othertuple = DecayTreeTuple("Ds2KKPiTuple", RootInTES='/Event/NewEvent') othertuple.Decay = "[D_s+ -> K- K+ pi+]CC" #othertuple.Inputs = [seqD2KKPi.outputLocation()] othertuple.Inputs = ['Phys/SelD2KKPiOther/Particles'] othertuple.ToolList = [] from Configurables import MCMatchObjP2MCRelator othertuple.addTupleTool('TupleToolKinematic')
evtPreselectors.append(prescaler) ############### # Stripping filter strippingFilter = LoKi__HDRFilter( 'StripPassFilter', Code="HLT_PASS('Stripping"+line+"Decision')", Location="/Event/Strip/Phys/DecReports" ) evtPreselectors.append(strippingFilter) # Muons and kaons looseMuons = DataOnDemand(Location = 'Phys/StdLooseMuons/Particles') looseKaons = DataOnDemand(Location = 'Phys/StdLooseKaons/Particles') loosePions = DataOnDemand(Location = 'Phys/StdLoosePions/Particles') # Select Phi recoPhi = CombineParticles("Phi2KK") recoPhi.DecayDescriptor = 'phi(1020) -> K+ K-' recoPhi.DaughtersCuts = {"K+": "(ISLONG) & (TRCHI2DOF < 3 ) & (TRGHOSTPROB<0.3) & ( BPVIPCHI2 () > 9 ) & (PT>300*MeV) & (PIDK > 5)", "K-": "(ISLONG) & (TRCHI2DOF < 3 ) & (TRGHOSTPROB<0.3) & ( BPVIPCHI2 () > 9 ) & (PT>300*MeV) & (PIDK > 5)"} recoPhi.CombinationCut = "(ADAMASS('phi(1020)')<10*MeV)" recoPhi.MotherCut = " ( VFASPF(VCHI2) < 10 ) & (MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY)> 16.)" # Very loose version for testing # recoPhi = CombineParticles("Phi2KK") # recoPhi.DecayDescriptor = 'phi(1020) -> K+ K-' # recoPhi.DaughtersCuts = {"K+": "(ISLONG) & (TRCHI2DOF < 3 ) & (TRGHOSTPROB<0.3) & ( BPVIPCHI2 () > 9 ) & (PT>300*MeV) & (PIDK > -5)", # "K-": "(ISLONG) & (TRCHI2DOF < 3 ) & (TRGHOSTPROB<0.3) & ( BPVIPCHI2 () > 9 ) & (PT>300*MeV) & (PIDK > -5)"} # recoPhi.CombinationCut = "(ADAMASS('phi(1020)')<35*MeV)" # recoPhi.MotherCut = " ( VFASPF(VCHI2) < 25 ) & (MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY)> 4.)"
" & (BPVDIRA > %(KS_DD_DIRA_MIN)s)" %config KsLL = Selection( "Sel_KsLL", Algorithm = FilterDesktop(name = "KsLLFilter", Code = KsLLCuts ), RequiredSelections = [StdLooseKsLL]) #RequiredSelections = [DataOnDemand(Location = 'Phys/StdLooseKsLL/Particles')]) KsDD = Selection( "Sel_KsDD", Algorithm = FilterDesktop(name = "KsDDFilter", Code = KsDDCuts ), RequiredSelections = [StdLooseKsDD]) #RequiredSelections = [DataOnDemand(Location = 'Phys/StdLooseKsDD/Particles')]) Ks = MergedSelection("Ks", RequiredSelections = [KsLL, KsDD]) Phi = CombineParticles("Phi2KsKs") Phi.DecayDescriptor = 'phi(1020) -> KS0 KS0' #Cuts from the stripping line Phi.CombinationCut = "( (ACHILDCUT(CHILDCUT(ISLONG,1),1)) | (ACHILDCUT(CHILDCUT(ISLONG,1),2)) ) & (APT > %(Phi_PT_MIN)s *MeV) & (ADAMASS('phi(1020)')<%(Phi_MASS_RANGE)s +30*MeV) & (ACUTDOCACHI2(%(Phi_DOCACHI2_MAX)s,''))" %config Phi.MotherCut = "(ADMASS('phi(1020)')<%(Phi_MASS_RANGE)s*MeV) & (VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF) < %(Phi_VCHI2NDOF_MAX)s)" %config Phi_Sel = Selection(name = "Sel_Phi2KsKs", Algorithm = Phi, RequiredSelections = [Ks])#[StdLooseKsDD,StdLooseKsLL]) Ds = CombineParticles("Ds2PhiPi") Ds.DecayDescriptor = '[D_s+ -> phi(1020) pi+]cc'
" & (BPVDIRA > %(KS_DD_DIRA_MIN)s)" %config KsLL = Selection( "Sel_KsLL", Algorithm = FilterDesktop(name = "KsLLFilter", Code = KsLLCuts ), RequiredSelections = [StdLooseKsLL]) #RequiredSelections = [DataOnDemand(Location = 'Phys/StdLooseKsLL/Particles')]) KsDD = Selection( "Sel_KsDD", Algorithm = FilterDesktop(name = "KsDDFilter", Code = KsDDCuts ), RequiredSelections = [StdLooseKsDD]) #RequiredSelections = [DataOnDemand(Location = 'Phys/StdLooseKsDD/Particles')]) Ks = MergedSelection("Ks", RequiredSelections = [KsLL, KsDD]) Phi = CombineParticles("Phi2KsKs") Phi.DecayDescriptor = 'phi(1020) -> KS0 KS0' #Cuts from the stripping line Phi.CombinationCut = "( (ACHILDCUT(CHILDCUT(ISLONG,1),1)) | (ACHILDCUT(CHILDCUT(ISLONG,1),2)) ) & (APT > %(Phi_PT_MIN)s *MeV) & (AM < %(Phi_MASS_MAX)s + 30*MeV) & (ACUTDOCACHI2(%(Phi_DOCACHI2_MAX)s,''))" %config Phi.MotherCut = "(M < %(Phi_MASS_MAX)s *MeV) & (VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF) < %(Phi_VCHI2NDOF_MAX)s) & (MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY) < %(Phi_IPCHI2_MAX)s)" %config Phi_Sel = Selection(name = "Sel_Phi2KsKs", Algorithm = Phi, RequiredSelections = [Ks])#[StdLooseKsDD,StdLooseKsLL]) Ds = CombineParticles("Ds2PhiPi") Ds.DecayDescriptor = '[D_s+ -> phi(1020) pi+]cc' Ds.CombinationCut = " (APT > %(Dp_PT_MIN)s *MeV) & (ADAMASS(1920*MeV) < %(Dp_MASS_WIN)s + 30*MeV) & (ACUTDOCACHI2(%(Dp_DOCACHI2_MAX)s,''))" %config#"( (ACHILDCUT(CHILDCUT(ISLONG,1),1)) | (ACHILDCUT(CHILDCUT(ISLONG,1),2)) ) &"
# Build CombineParticles for Lambda_c decay, then Lambda_b decay lc_decay_template = "[Lambda_c+ -> p+ {0} {1}]cc" lc_mother_template = "(mcMatch('[Lambda_c+ ==> p+ {0} {1}]CC'))" lc_daughters_template = { "p+": "mcMatch('[Lambda_c+ ==> ^p+ {0} {1}]CC')", "h1": "mcMatch('[Lambda_c+ ==> p+ ^{0} {1}]CC')", "h2": "mcMatch('[Lambda_c+ ==> p+ {0} ^{1}]CC')" } lc_combine_template = CombineParticles( "CombineCheatedLcpTophh", Preambulo=[ "from LoKiPhysMC.decorators import *" , "from LoKiPhysMC.functions import mcMatch" ], DecayDescriptor=lc_decay_template, Inputs=[ "Phys/StdAllNoPIDsPions", "Phys/StdAllNoPIDsKaons", "Phys/StdAllNoPIDsProtons" ], DaughtersCuts=lc_daughters_template, CombinationCut="AALL", MotherCut=lc_mother_template ) # Lambda_b templates lb_decay_template = "[Lambda_b0 -> Lambda_c+ {0}]cc" lb_mother_template = "(mcMatch('[Lambda_b0 --> Lambda_c+ {0} ...]CC'))" lb_daughters_template = { "mu+": "(mcMatch('[Lambda_b0 --> Lambda_c+ ^{0} ...]CC'))" } lb_combine_template = CombineParticles( "CombineCheatedLb0ToLcpmu",
from os import environ import GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits as Units from Gaudi.Configuration import * from Configurables import CombineParticles, PhysDesktop from Configurables import LoKi__Hybrid__PlotTool as PlotTool importOptions("$DAVINCIROOT/options/DaVinciCommon.opts") ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += ["GaudiSequencer/TutorialSeq"] jpsi2mumu = CombineParticles("Jpsi2MuMu") jpsi2mumu.addTool(PhysDesktop()) jpsi2mumu.PhysDesktop.InputLocations = ["Phys/StdLooseMuons"] jpsi2mumu.DecayDescriptor = "J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-" jpsi2mumu.DaughtersCuts = {"mu+": "ALL", "mu-": "ALL"} jpsi2mumu.CombinationCut = "ADAMASS('J/psi(1S)')<30" jpsi2mumu.MotherCut = "(VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF)<100)" GaudiSequencer("TutorialSeq").Members.append(jpsi2mumu) phi2kk = CombineParticles("Phi2KK") phi2kk.addTool(PhysDesktop()) phi2kk.PhysDesktop.InputLocations = ["Phys/StdLooseKaons"] phi2kk.DecayDescriptor = "phi(1020) -> K+ K-" phi2kk.CombinationCut = "ADAMASS('phi(1020)')<50" phi2kk.MotherCut = "(VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF)<100)" GaudiSequencer("TutorialSeq").Members.append(phi2kk) bs2jpsiphi = CombineParticles("Bs2JpsiPhi") bs2jpsiphi.addTool(PhysDesktop()) bs2jpsiphi.PhysDesktop.InputLocations = ["Phys/Jpsi2MuMu", "Phys/Phi2KK"] bs2jpsiphi.DecayDescriptor = "B_s0 -> phi(1020) J/psi(1S)"
###################################################################################################### # central settings # simulation = False year = "2016" magnetPolarity = "Down" ###################################################################################################### # if you are setting something wrong, it should die here... if year not in [ "2016" ]: raise RuntimeError(year + " is not a valid year") if magnetPolarity not in ["Up", "Down"]: raise RuntimeError(magnetPolarity + " is not a valid magnet polarity") ###################################################################################################### from Configurables import CombineParticles KsPiPi= CombineParticles("KsPiPi") KsPiPi.DecayDescriptor = "KS0 -> pi+ pi-" KsPiPi.CombinationCut = "ADAMASS('KS0')<100*MeV" KsPiPi.MotherCut = "(VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF)<10)" KsPiPi.DaughtersCuts = { "pi+" : "ALL", "pi-" : "ALL" } KsPiPi.MotherCut = "(M > 400) & (M < 600) & (BPVVDCHI2 > 100.) & (VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF) < 10)" from PhysSelPython.Wrappers import Selection from StandardParticles import StdNoPIDsDownPions, StdLoosePions LooseKsPiPi = Selection("SelLooseKsPiPi", Algorithm = KsPiPi, RequiredSelections = [StdNoPIDsDownPions ]) #RequiredSelections = [StdLoosePions]) from PhysSelPython.Wrappers import SelectionSequence SeqKsPiPi = SelectionSequence('SeqKsPiPi', TopSelection = LooseKsPiPi)
mergedKaons = NoPIDsParticleMaker('MergedKaons' , Particle = "kaon" , Input = "MergedEvent/Rec/ProtoP/Charged" , Output = "Phys/MergedKaons/Particles" , WriteP2PVRelations = False , InputPrimaryVertices = "Rec/Vertex/Primary" ) createEvent.Members.append(mergedPions) createEvent.Members.append(mergedKaons) _kaons = DataOnDemand(Location='/Event/Phys/MergedPions/Particles') _pions = DataOnDemand(Location='/Event/Phys/MergedKaons/Particles') combineA = CombineParticles('CombineA') combineA.DecayDescriptor = "D_s+ -> K+ K- pi+" combineA.MotherCut = "(mcMatch('D_s+ ==> K+ K- pi+', ['/Event/MergedEvent/Relations/MergedEvent/Rec/ProtoP/Charged'], '/Event/MergedEvent/MC/Particles'))" combineA.Preambulo = [ "from LoKiPhysMC.decorators import *", "from PartProp.Nodes import CC" ] combineB = CombineParticles('CombineB') combineB.DecayDescriptor = "D_s- -> K- K+ pi-" combineB.MotherCut = "(mcMatch('D_s- ==> K- K+ pi-', ['/Event/MergedEvent/Relations/MergedEvent/Rec/ProtoP/Charged'], '/Event/MergedEvent/MC/Particles'))" combineB.Preambulo = [ "from LoKiPhysMC.decorators import *", "from PartProp.Nodes import CC" ] #combineB.OutputLevel = 1 combineAB = CombineParticles('CombineAB')