def totalSilence ( lst = [ 'RootCnvSvc' , 'IOManagerSvc' , 'RootHistSvc' , 'LHCb::RawDataCnvSvc' , 'HcalDet.Quality' , 'EcalDet.Quality' , 'MagneticFieldSvc' , 'PropertyConfigSvc' , 'ToolSvc.L0DUConfig' , 'ToolSvc.L0CondDBProvider' , 'L0MuonFromRaw' , 'IntegrateBeamCrossing' ] , dod = True ) : from Configurables import MessageSvc, DataOnDemandSvc, ToolSvc from Configurables import Gaudi__RootCnvSvc as RootCnvSvc from Configurables import Gaudi__IODataManager as IODataManager from Configurables import LHCb__RawDataCnvSvc as RawDataCnvSvc msg = MessageSvc() msg.OutputLevel = 5 ToolSvc ( OutputLevel = 5 ) RootCnvSvc ( "RootCnvSvc" , OutputLevel = 6 ) RawDataCnvSvc ( OutputLevel = 6 ) IODataManager ( 'IODataManager' , OutputLevel = 6 , AgeLimit = 1 , UseGFAL = False ) if dod : DataOnDemandSvc ( Dump = True ) else : DataOnDemandSvc ( Dump = False , OutputLevel = 6 ) msg.setError += [ 'DataOnDemandSvc' ] msg.setError += lst
def _action(): """ Reset all DaVinci sequences """ from Gaudi.Configuration import allConfigurables from Gaudi.Configuration import getConfigurable for seq in ('DaVinciInitSeq', 'DaVinciMainSequence', 'DaVinciSequence', 'MonitoringSequence', 'FilteredEventSeq'): if not seq in allConfigurables: continue cSeq = getConfigurable(seq) if cSeq and hasattr(cSeq, 'Members'):'Reset the sequence %s' % cSeq.Members = [] ## reset the list of top-level algorithms from Configurables import ApplicationMgr a = ApplicationMgr() a.TopAlg = [] a.OutputLevel = options.OutputLevel from Configurables import MessageSvc m = MessageSvc(OutputLevel=options.OutputLevel) from GaudiConf import IOHelper ioh = IOHelper() ioh.setupServices()
def configureInput(self): # No events are read as input ApplicationMgr().EvtSel = 'NONE' # Delegate handling of max. number of events to ApplicationMgr self.setOtherProps(ApplicationMgr(), ["EvtMax"]) # Transient store setup EventDataSvc().ForceLeaves = True EventDataSvc().RootCLID = 1 # Suppress warning message from EventLoopMgr from Configurables import MessageSvc MessageSvc().setError += ['EventLoopMgr']
def silence ( lst = [ 'HcalDet.Quality' , 'EcalDet.Quality' , 'MagneticFieldSvc' , 'PropertyConfigSvc' , 'IntegrateBeamCrossing' , 'ToolSvc.L0DUConfig' , 'ConfigCDBAccessSvc' , 'ToolSvc.L0CondDBProvider' , 'L0MuonFromRaw' ] ) : """ Suppress some unnesessary printout from Gaudi """ # ( 'Suppress some unnesessary Gaudi prints' ) if isinstance ( lst , str ) : lst = [ lst ] if not isinstance ( lst , list ) : lst = list ( lst ) # def _silent_action_ () : from Gaudi.Configuration import allConfigurables from Gaudi.Configuration import getConfigurable keys = allConfigurables.keys() s1 = set( keys ) s2 = set( lst ) s = s1.intersection() for i in s : c = getConfigurable( i ) if c and hasattr ( c , 'OutputLevel' ) : c.OutputLevel = 4 from GaudiPython.Bindings import _gaudi if not _gaudi : ## use configurables from Configurables import MessageSvc msg = MessageSvc() from Gaudi.Configuration import appendPostConfigAction appendPostConfigAction ( _silent_action_ ) else : ## use GaudiPython msg = _gaudi.service('MessageSvc') # msg.setWarning += lst
def _configureOnlineMessageSvc(self): # setup the message service from Configurables import LHCb__FmcMessageSvc as MessageSvc if 'MessageSvc' in allConfigurables: del allConfigurables['MessageSvc'] msg = MessageSvc('MessageSvc') app = ApplicationMgr() app.MessageSvcType = msg.getType() app.SvcOptMapping.append(msg.getFullName()) msg.LoggerOnly = True if 'LOGFIFO' not in os.environ: os.environ['LOGFIFO'] = '/tmp/logGaudi.fifo' log.warning('# WARNING: LOGFIFO was not set -- now set to ' + os.environ['LOGFIFO']) msg.fifoPath = os.environ['LOGFIFO'] import OnlineEnv msg.OutputLevel = OnlineEnv.OutputLevel #msg.OutputLevel = '2' msg.doPrintAlways = False
def configMsgSvc(app, msgLevel=None): import os if 'LOGFIFO' not in os.environ: print '# WARNING: LOGFIFO was not set -- not configuring FMCMessageSvc.' return from Gaudi.Configuration import allConfigurables # setup the message service from Configurables import LHCb__FmcMessageSvc as MessageSvc if 'MessageSvc' in allConfigurables: del allConfigurables['MessageSvc'] msg = MessageSvc('MessageSvc') app.MessageSvcType = msg.getType() app.SvcOptMapping.append(msg.getFullName()) msg.LoggerOnly = True msg.fifoPath = os.environ['LOGFIFO'] OnlineEnv = importOnline() msg.OutputLevel = msgLevel if msgLevel != None else OnlineEnv.OutputLevel msg.doPrintAlways = False
def configureOutput(self, seq): # ROOT persistency for histograms ApplicationMgr().HistogramPersistency = "ROOT" # Set histogram file name. histoFile = "Kepler-histos.root" if (self.isPropertySet("HistogramFile") and self.getProp("HistogramFile") != ""): histoFile = self.getProp("HistogramFile") HistogramPersistencySvc().OutputFile = histoFile # Set tuple file name. tupleFile = "Kepler-tuple.root" if (self.isPropertySet('TupleFile') and self.getProp("TupleFile") != ""): tupleFile = self.getProp("TupleFile") ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += [NTupleSvc()] tupleStr = "FILE1 DATAFILE='%s' TYP='ROOT' OPT='NEW'" % tupleFile NTupleSvc().Output += [tupleStr] from Configurables import MessageSvc MessageSvc().setWarning += ['RFileCnv', 'RCWNTupleCnv'] # If requested add TbTupleWriter to the output sequence if self.getProp("WriteTuples") == True: from Configurables import TbTupleWriter seq.Members += [TbTupleWriter()]
tupleConfiguration[ecattag] = TupleConfig ( Decay = "[B+]cc -> ^(J/psi(1S) -> ^e+ ^e-) ^([K+]cc)" , InputLines = ["Hlt2PIDB2KJPsiEE{}TaggedTurboCalib".format(ecat['TagCharge'])] , Calibration = ecat['HistName'] , Filter = FilterCut(ecat['Cut']) , Branches = { "B" : Branch("^([B+]cc -> (J/psi(1S) -> e+ e-) [ K+]cc)", Type='H') , "Jpsi" : Branch("[B+]cc -> ^(J/psi(1S) -> e+ e-) [ K+]cc", Type='I') , "probe": Branch(EBranch[ecat['ProbeCharge']], Type='T', isAlso = ['e']) , "tag" : Branch(EBranch[ecat['TagCharge']] , Type='T', isAlso = ['e']) , "K" : Branch("[B+]cc -> (J/psi(1S) -> e+ e-) ^([K+]cc)", Type='T') } ) from Configurables import MessageSvc MessageSvc().Format = "% F%60W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M" dv = DaVinci ( InputType = "MDST" , Turbo = True , RootInTES = "/Event/Turbo" # , DataType = "2017" #added by me just for this test , EvtMax = -1 , Lumi = True , TupleFile = "pidcalib.root" # , Input = [ #'root://', #'root://', #'root://', #'root://', #'root://',
## ## Static Configuration ## from Gaudi.Configuration import * from Configurables import (ApplicationMgr, CondDB, HistogramPersistencySvc, DaVinci, MessageSvc, GaudiSequencer, ANNDispatchSvc, HltDecReportsDecoder, HltSelReportsDecoder) CondDB(UseOracle=False, DisableLFC=True) ## More space for output MessageSvc().Format = "% F%30W%S%15W%R%T %0W%M" ## mDST paths locationRoot = '/Event' selectionPath = 'SingleCandidate' particlePath = selectionPath + '/Particles' #pvLocation = 'Rec/Vertex/Primary' p2PVLocation = selectionPath + '/Particle2VertexRelations' mDST = True if mDST: mDSTName = 'SwimmingMDST' p2PVLocation = '%s/BestPV_%s_P2PV' % (selectionPath, mDSTName) from MicroDSTConf.TriggerConfUtils import configureL0AndHltDecoding locationRoot += '/' + mDSTName configureL0AndHltDecoding(locationRoot) from Gaudi.Configuration import * from Configurables import (DaVinci, MessageSvc, FilterDesktop)
from Configurables import EventNodeKiller, ApplicationMgr appConf = ApplicationMgr() appConf.ExtSvc += ['DataOnDemandSvc'] enk = EventNodeKiller('KillTrigRawEvent') enk.Nodes = [ "Hlt", "Hlt1", "Hlt2", "Trig", "Raw", "Trigger/RawEvent", "Trigger" ] appConf.TopAlg.insert(0, enk.getFullName()) from Configurables import L0App L0App().TCK = '0x0044' L0App().ReplaceL0Banks = True L0App().EvtMax = -1 L0App().DataType = '2012' L0App().DDDBtag = 'dddb-20130929-1' ## latest strip20 tags as of Jan2013 L0App().CondDBtag = 'sim-20131023-vc-md100' L0App().Simulation = True L0App().outputFile = '/tmp/ikomarov/With_new_L0.dst' from Configurables import EventSelector EventSelector().PrintFreq = 3 from Configurables import MessageSvc MessageSvc().OutputLevel = 3 from GaudiConf import IOHelper IOHelper().inputFiles(["/tmp/ikomarov/Rewrited.dst"]) from Configurables import RootCnvSvc RootCnvSvc().OutputLevel = 3
from Configurables import MessageSvc width = 30 MessageSvc().Format = '% F%{0}W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M'.format(width)
Brunel().MCLinksSequence = ["Unpack", "Tr"] Brunel().MCCheckSequence = ["Pat"] Brunel().OutputType = "NONE" Brunel().DataType = "Upgrade" Brunel().InputType = "DIGI" Brunel().WithMC = True Brunel().PrintFreq = 100 Brunel().Simulation = True Brunel().EvtMax = 200 * 5 Brunel().DatasetName = "seeding-%i%s" % (stereo, "-XOnly" if x_only else "") Brunel().Detectors = [ 'VP', 'UT', 'FT', 'Rich1Pmt', 'Rich2Pmt', 'Spd', 'Prs', 'Ecal', 'Hcal', 'Muon', 'Magnet', 'Tr' ] MessageSvc().Format = '% F%20W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M' GaudiSequencer("RecoHLTSeq").Members = ["GaudiSequencer/SeedingSeq"] seed_seq = GaudiSequencer("SeedingSeq") decs = [] decs.extend(decodersForBank(DecoderDB, "VP")) #decs.extend(decodersForBank(DecoderDB,"UT")) decs.extend(decodersForBank(DecoderDB, "FTCluster")) createUTLiteClusters = decodersForBank(DecoderDB, "UT") seed_seq.Members += [d.setup() for d in createUTLiteClusters] UT = STOfflinePosition('ToolSvc.UTClusterPosition') UT.DetType = "UT"
def configure(config, colors=False): """Configure the application from parser data """ # if config.OutputLevel <= 3 and not config.Quiet: _vars = vars(config) _keys = _vars.keys() _keys.sort()'Configuration:') for _k in _keys:' %15s : %-s ' % (_k, _vars[_k])) ## redefine output level for 'quiet'-mode if config.OutputLevel > 5: config.OutputLevel = 5'set OutputLevel to be %s ' % config.OutputLevel) if config.OutputLevel < 0: config.OutputLevel = 0'set OutputLevel to be %s ' % config.OutputLevel) if config.Quiet and 4 > config.OutputLevel: config.OutputLevel = 4'set OutputLevel to be %s ' % config.OutputLevel) from BenderTools.Utils import silence silence() # ## use coherent C++/Python logging levels setLogging(config.OutputLevel) # # some sanity actions: # config.RootInTES = config.RootInTES.strip() config.files = [i.strip() for i in config.files if i.strip()] # ## start the actual action: # from Configurables import DaVinci # ## get the file type for the file extension # from BenderTools.Parser import dataType pyfiles = [i for i in config.files if len(i) == 3 + i.rfind('.py')] files = [i for i in config.files if i not in pyfiles] from BenderTools.Parser import fileList for f in config.FileList: files += fileList(f) if not files and not config.ImportOptions: raise AttributeError('No data files are specified!') ## get some info from file names/extensision dtype, simu, ext = None, None, None if files: dtype, simu, ext = dataType(files) logger.debug('DataType,Simu&extension:"%s",%s,"%s" (from files)' % (dtype, simu, ext)) elif config.ImportOptions: from Bender.DataUtils import evtSelInput ifiles = evtSelInput(config.ImportOptions) dtype, simu, ext = dataType(ifiles) logger.debug( 'DataType,Simu&extension:"%s",%s&"%s" (from EventSelector)' % (dtype, simu, ext)) if '2013' == dtype:'Data type 2013 is redefined to be 2012') dtype = '2012' # if ext in ('gen', 'xgen', 'GEN', 'XGEN', 'ldst', 'LDST') and not simu: simu = True if dtype and dtype != config.DataType:'Redefine DataType from %s to %s ' % (config.DataType, dtype)) config.DataType = dtype if simu and not config.Simulation:'Redefine Simulation from %s to %s ' % (config.Simulation, simu)) config.Simulation = simu if config.Simulation and config.Lumi:'suppress Lumi for Simulated data') config.Lumi = False ## summary information (when available) from Configurables import LHCbApp LHCbApp().XMLSummary = 'summary.xml' daVinci = DaVinci( DataType=config.DataType, Simulation=config.Simulation, Lumi=config.Lumi, ) if hasattr(config, 'TupleFile') and config.TupleFile:'Define TupleFile to be %s' % config.TupleFile) daVinci.TupleFile = config.TupleFile if hasattr(config, 'HistoFile') and config.HistoFile:'Define HistogramFile to be %s' % config.HistoFile) daVinci.HistogramFile = config.HistoFile if config.MicroDST or 'mdst' == ext or 'MDST' == ext or 'uDST' == ext:'Define input type as micro-DST') daVinci.InputType = 'MDST' # ## try to guess RootInTES # from BenderTools.Parser import hasInFile if hasInFile(files, 'CHARM.MDST') and not config.RootInTES: config.RootInTES = '/Event/Charm''RootInTES is set according to CHARM.MDST') daVinci.InputType = 'MDST' elif hasInFile(files, 'LEPTONIC.MDST') and not config.RootInTES: config.RootInTES = '/Event/Leptonic''RootInTES is set according to LEPTONIC.MDST') daVinci.InputType = 'MDST' elif hasInFile(files, 'BHADRON.MDST') and not config.RootInTES: config.RootInTES = '/Event/Bhadron''RootInTES is set according to BHADRON.MDST') daVinci.InputType = 'MDST' elif hasInFile(files, 'PID.MDST') and not config.RootInTES: config.RootInTES = '/Event/PID''RootInTES is set according to PID.MDST') daVinci.InputType = 'MDST' elif hasInFile(files, 'PSIX.MDST') and not config.RootInTES: config.RootInTES = '/Event/PSIX''RootInTES is set according to PSIX.MDST') daVinci.InputType = 'MDST' elif hasInFile(files, 'PSIX0.MDST') and not config.RootInTES: config.RootInTES = '/Event/PSIX0''RootInTES is set according to PSIX0.MDST') daVinci.InputType = 'MDST' elif hasInFile(files, 'BOTTOM.MDST') and not config.RootInTES: config.RootInTES = '/Event/BOTTOM''RootInTES is set according to BOTTOM.MDST') daVinci.InputType = 'MDST' elif hasInFile(files, 'TURBO.MDST') and not config.RootInTES: config.RootInTES = '/Event/Turbo''RootInTES is set according to TURBO.MDST') daVinci.InputType = 'MDST' elif hasInFile(files, 'ALLSTREAMS.MDST') and not config.RootInTES: config.RootInTES = '/Event/AllStreams''RootInTES is set according to ALLSTREAMS.MDST') daVinci.InputType = 'MDST' if config.RootInTES and 0 != config.RootInTES.find('/Event'): config.RootInTES = '/Event/' + config.RootInTES if config.RootInTES and '/' == config.RootInTES[-1]: config.RootInTES = config.RootInTES[:-1] if config.RootInTES and '/Event' != config.RootInTES: daVinci.RootInTES = config.RootInTES # ## check for Grid-access # if config.Grid: from Bender.DataUtils import hasGridProxy if not hasGridProxy(): logger.warning( 'GRID proxy is not available, switch off GRID-lookup') config.Grid = '' ## SWITCH OFF Grid-lookup if not config.Simulation and config.DataType in ('2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '2015'): # ## try to use the latest available tags: # from Configurables import CondDB ## CondDB ( UseLatestTags = [ options.DataType ] ) ##'Use latest tags for %s' % options.DataType ) CondDB(LatestGlobalTagByDataType=config.DataType)'Use latest global tag for data type %s' % config.DataType) if config.Simulation: # ## try to get the tags from Rec/Header from BenderTools.GetDBtags import useDBTagsFromData tags = useDBTagsFromData(files, castor=config.Castor, grid=config.Grid, daVinci=daVinci, importOpts=config.ImportOptions, catalogs=config.XmlCatalogs) if config.IgnoreDQFlags:'DataQuality flags will be ignored') daVinci.IgnoreDQFlags = config.IgnoreDQFlags ## specific action for (x)gen files if ext in ('gen', 'xgen', 'GEN', 'XGEN'): from BenderTools.GenFiles import genAction genAction(ext) ## prepare to copy good/marked/tagged evenst if hasattr(config, 'OutputFile') and config.OutputFile: from BenderTools.GoodEvents import copyGoodEvents if 0 <= config.OutputFile.find('.'): copyGoodEvents(config.OutputFile) else: copyGoodEvents("%s.%s" % (config.OutputFile, ext)) ## OutptuLevel from Configurables import MessageSvc msgSvc = MessageSvc(OutputLevel=config.OutputLevel) ## import options (if specified) for i in config.ImportOptions:"Import options from file %s'" % i) from Gaudi.Configuration import importOptions importOptions(i) if colors: logger.debug('Add colorization to MessageSvc') from Configurables import MessageSvc msgsvc = MessageSvc( useColors=True, errorColorCode=['yellow', 'red'], warningColorCode=['red'], fatalColorCode=['blue', 'red'], ) def _color_pre_start_action_(): logger.debug('Add colorization to MessageSvc') from GaudiPython.Bindings import AppMgr _g = AppMgr() if not _g: return _s = _g.service('MessageSvc') if not _s: return _s.useColors = True _s.errorColorCode = ['yellow', 'red'] _s.warningColorCode = ['red'] _s.fatalColorCode = ['blue', 'red'] ##_s.alwaysColorCode = [ 'blue' ] ##_s.infoColorCode = [ 'green' ] del _g, _s from Bender.Utils import addPreInitAction addPreInitAction(_color_pre_start_action_) ## set input data from Bender.Utils import setData setData( files, config.XmlCatalogs, ## XML-catalogues config.Castor, ## use Castor/EOS lookup config.Grid) ## Use GRID to locate files return pyfiles
# Work around for Turbo locations being included in the default list of # relations table locations, which triggers Turbo unpacking and seg. faults from Configurables import MCMatchObjP2MCRelator default_rel_locs = MCMatchObjP2MCRelator().getDefaultProperty('RelTableLocations') rel_locs = [loc for loc in default_rel_locs if 'Turbo' not in loc] MCTruth.addTool(MCMatchObjP2MCRelator) MCTruth.MCMatchObjP2MCRelator.RelTableLocations = rel_locs Jpsi2MuMuTuple.addTool(MCTruth) from Configurables import DaVinci DaVinci().EvtMax = -1 # Number of events DaVinci().HistogramFile = "DVHistos.root" DaVinci().DataType = "2016" DaVinci().InputType = "DST" DaVinci().Simulation = True DaVinci().TupleFile = "Tuple.root" # Ntuple DaVinci().UserAlgorithms = [ Jpsi2MuMuTuple ] # The algorithms # Get Luminosity DaVinci().Lumi = False from Configurables import MessageSvc MessageSvc().setWarning = [ 'RFileCnv' ] DaVinci().DDDBtag = "dddb-20170721-3" DaVinci().CondDBtag = "sim-20170721-2-vc-md100"
##################### from Configurables import MessageSvc DaVinci().InputType = 'DST' DaVinci().SkipEvents = 0 DaVinci().PrintFreq = 10000 DaVinci().Lumi = not DaVinci().Simulation # Debug options # DaVinci().EvtMax = 300 DaVinci().EvtMax = -1 if has_flag('TRACKER_ONLY'): MessageSvc().OutputLevel = 6 # Suppress L0 error output ################################### # Customize DaVinci main sequence # ################################### from Configurables import ChargedProtoParticleMaker from Configurables import NoPIDsParticleMaker from Configurables import TrackScaleState from Configurables import TrackSmearState from CommonParticles.Utils import trackSelector, updateDoD # Provide required information for VELO pions. ms_all_protos = ChargedProtoParticleMaker(name='MyProtoPMaker') ms_all_protos.Inputs = ['Rec/Track/Best'] ms_all_protos.Output = 'Rec/ProtoP/MyProtoPMaker/ProtoParticles'
def patchBrunel(true_online_version): """ Instantiate the options to run Brunel with raw data @author M.Frank """ import GaudiConf.DstConf import Brunel.Configuration from Configurables import CondDB, DstConf, HistogramPersistencySvc, EventLoopMgr, MessageSvc import OnlineEnv as Online brunel = Brunel.Configuration.Brunel() EventLoopMgr().OutputLevel = MSG_INFO try: dir(Online).index( "DDDBTag" ) except: print "DDDBTag not found, use default" else: brunel.DDDBtag = Online.DDDBTag try: dir(Online).index( "CondDBTag" ) except: print "CondDBTag not found, use default" else: brunel.CondDBtag = Online.CondDBTag MessageSvc().OutputLevel = MSG_INFO conddb = CondDB() conddb.IgnoreHeartBeat = True brunel.WriteFSR = False # This crashes Jaap's stuff EventLoopMgr().OutputLevel = MSG_INFO EventLoopMgr().Warnings = False if true_online_version: brunel.OutputLevel = 999 brunel.PrintFreq = -1 if processingType == 'Reprocessing': GaudiConf.DstConf.DstConf._doWriteMDF = packDST brunel.PackType = 'MDF' brunel.OutputType = 'RDST' brunel.WriteLumi = True brunel.Histograms = 'None' print '[WARN] Running brunel with histogram settings:None' sys.stdout.flush() else: #print '[WARN] Running GaudiSerialize!' from Configurables import Serialisation, ProcessPhase brunel.WriteLumi = False brunel.Histograms = 'Online' print '[WARN] Running brunel with histogram settings:Online' sys.stdout.flush() Brunel.Configuration.Brunel.configureOutput = dummy """ ProcessPhase("Output").DetectorList += [ 'DST' ] brunel.setProp( 'DatasetName', 'GaudiSerialize' ) DstConf().Writer = 'DstWriter' DstConf().DstType = 'DST' DstConf().PackType = 'NONE' Serialisation().Writer = 'Writer' ##Serialisation().Explorer = True Serialisation()._ConfigurableUser__addPassiveUseOf(DstConf()) """ HistogramPersistencySvc().OutputFile = "" HistogramPersistencySvc().OutputLevel = MSG_ERROR return brunel