Пример #1
def my_configure_pgun(self, seq):
    from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import GeV, rad
    from Configurables import ParticleGun
    pgun = ParticleGun("ParticleGun")
    pgun.EventType = 53210205
    from Configurables import MomentumRange
    pgun.addTool(MomentumRange, name="MomentumRange")
    pgun.ParticleGunTool = "MomentumRange"
    from Configurables import FlatNParticles
    pgun.addTool(FlatNParticles, name="FlatNParticles")
    pgun.NumberOfParticlesTool = "FlatNParticles"
    pgun.FlatNParticles.MinNParticles = 1
    pgun.FlatNParticles.MaxNParticles = 1
    pgun.MomentumRange.PdgCodes = [-11]
    pgun.MomentumRange.MomentumMin = 2.0 * GeV
    pgun.MomentumRange.MomentumMax = 100.0 * GeV
    pgun.MomentumRange.ThetaMin = 0.015 * rad
    pgun.MomentumRange.ThetaMax = 0.300 * rad
    seq += [pgun]
Пример #2
# options.
#  @author : G.Corti
#  @date   : last modified on 2009-11-04

#from Gaudi.Configuration import *
from Configurables import ParticleGun
from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import *

# Set up ParticleGun
ParticleGun = ParticleGun("ParticleGun")

# Control of the ParticleGun
# Event type is set as described in LHCb-2005-034 : G=5! (Def = 0)
ParticleGun.EventType = 53210205

# Pick the type of particle gun generator
from Configurables import MaterialEval
ParticleGun.addTool(MaterialEval, name="MaterialEval")
ParticleGun.ParticleGunTool = "MaterialEval"

# Set fixed number of particles to produce in an event (default = 10) and
# their PDG code (default = 2221111)
from Configurables import FlatNParticles
ParticleGun.addTool(FlatNParticles, name="FlatNParticles")
ParticleGun.NumberOfParticlesTool = "FlatNParticles"
ParticleGun.FlatNParticles.MinNParticles = 100
ParticleGun.FlatNParticles.MaxNParticles = 100
ParticleGun.MaterialEval.PdgCode = -2212
Пример #3
# Set up particle gun
from Gaudi.Configuration import *
from Configurables import ParticleGun
from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import *

partgun = ParticleGun("ParticleGun")

# Event type is set as described in LHCb-2005-034 : G=5! (Def = 0)
partgun.EventType = 53210205;

# Add the beamshape gun
from Configurables import BeamShape
partgun.addTool(BeamShape, name="BeamShape")
partgun.ParticleGunTool = "BeamShape"
guntool = partgun.BeamShape

# Beam centroid
guntool.xCenter = 0*mm          # Beam position
guntool.yCenter = 0*mm          # Beam position
guntool.zCenter = -1000*mm      # Generation point
guntool.BeamDirection = 1       # Beam 1: 1, Beam 2: -1 
guntool.ThetaCenter = 0*rad     # Inclination angle (angle to z)
guntool.PhiCenter = 0*rad       # Azimuth angle 

# Beam parameters
guntool.Momentum = 450*GeV      # Beam particle momentum
guntool.PdgCode = 2212          # Particle PDG ID
guntool.xEmmitance = 7.82e-9*m  # Transverse emmitance
guntool.yEmmitance = 7.82e-9*m  # Transverse emmitance
guntool.xBeta = 10.0*m          # Optical beta function
guntool.yBeta = 10.0*m          # Optical beta function
Пример #4
from Configurables import ParticleGun
pgun = ParticleGun("ParticleGun")
pgun.SignalPdgCode = 521

from Configurables import ToolSvc
from Configurables import EvtGenDecay
).EvtGenDecay.UserDecayFile = "$DECFILESROOT/dkfiles/Bu_Kee=MS,DecProdCut.dec"

pgun.DecayTool = "EvtGenDecay"
pgun.GenCutTool = "DaughtersInLHCb"

from Configurables import FlatNParticles
pgun.NumberOfParticlesTool = "FlatNParticles"
pgun.addTool(FlatNParticles, name="FlatNParticles")

from Configurables import MomentumSpectrum
pgun.ParticleGunTool = "MomentumSpectrum"
pgun.addTool(MomentumSpectrum, name="MomentumSpectrum")
pgun.MomentumSpectrum.PdgCodes = [521, -521]
pgun.MomentumSpectrum.InputFile = "$PGUNSDATAROOT/data/Ebeam6500GeV/MomentumSpectrum_521.root"
pgun.MomentumSpectrum.BinningVariables = "pteta"
pgun.MomentumSpectrum.HistogramPath = "h_pteta"

from Configurables import BeamSpotSmearVertex
pgun.addTool(BeamSpotSmearVertex, name="BeamSpotSmearVertex")
pgun.VertexSmearingTool = "BeamSpotSmearVertex"
pgun.EventType = 12123002
Пример #5
def setup_Targets_pguns(projID, projEng, targMat, targThick):

    from Configurables import ParticleGun
    from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import mm, GeV, rad

    # Set up ParticleGun
    ParticleGun = ParticleGun("ParticleGun")

    # Control of the ParticleGun
    # Event type is set as described in LHCb-2005-034 : G=5! (Def = 0)
    ParticleGun.EventType = 53210205

    # Pick the type of particle gun generator
    from Configurables import MaterialEval
    ParticleGun.addTool(MaterialEval, name="MaterialEval")
    ParticleGun.ParticleGunTool = "MaterialEval"

    # Set fixed number of particles to produce in an event (default = 10) and
    # their PDG code (default = 2221111)
    from Configurables import FlatNParticles
    ParticleGun.addTool(FlatNParticles, name="FlatNParticles")
    ParticleGun.NumberOfParticlesTool = "FlatNParticles"
    ParticleGun.FlatNParticles.MinNParticles = 1
    ParticleGun.FlatNParticles.MaxNParticles = 1
    ParticleGun.MaterialEval.PdgCode = particles[projID]

    # The vertex of each particle gun is produced in a single point of given
    # coordinates. Default is 0.0*mm for all.
    # distribution within the given limits, when min=max the vertex is in the
    # given point.
    #ParticleGun.MaterialEval.Xorig = 0*mm
    #ParticleGun.MaterialEval.Yorig = 0*mm
    ParticleGun.MaterialEval.Zorig = Zorig[targMat][targThick] * mm

    # The abs(P) of the particle if fixed at the given value (default = 500 GeV)
    ParticleGun.MaterialEval.ModP = projEng * GeV

    # The particle can be generated uniformly (randomly or in a grid) in eta-phi
    # rather than x-y (default is false, i.e. x-y)
    ParticleGun.MaterialEval.EtaPhi = True

    # The boundary limits of the x-y or eta-phi planes have to given.
    # The following options are for the x-y plane, to specify the position
    # and size of the "target rectangle". The default plane is at z = 10*m,
    # with -3.2*m < x < 3.2*m and -2.6*m < y < -2.6*m, i.e. a little more
    # than the LHCb acceptance
    ParticleGun.MaterialEval.ZPlane = Zplane[targMat][targThick] * mm
    #ParticleGun.MaterialEval.Xmin   = -15*m
    #ParticleGun.MaterialEval.Ymin   = -15*m
    #ParticleGun.MaterialEval.Xmax   =  15*m
    #ParticleGun.MaterialEval.Ymax   =  15*m

    # The follwing control the parameters for the generation in eta-phi.
    # The defaults are 2.1 < eta < 4.9 and phi over 2pi, i.e. a little more
    # than scanning the LHCb acceptance
    ParticleGun.MaterialEval.MinEta = 10.
    ParticleGun.MaterialEval.MaxEta = 10.
    ParticleGun.MaterialEval.MinPhi = 0.0 * rad
    ParticleGun.MaterialEval.MaxPhi = 0.0 * rad

    # A regular grid of given steps can be used instead of a randomly uniform
    # distribution (default = false)
    ParticleGun.MaterialEval.UseGrid = False
Пример #6
from Configurables import ParticleGun
pgun = ParticleGun("ParticleGun")
pgun.SignalPdgCode = 511

from Configurables import ToolSvc
from Configurables import EvtGenDecay
).EvtGenDecay.UserDecayFile = "$DECFILESROOT/dkfiles/Bd_K+pi-pi0=DecProdCut,sqDalitz.dec"

pgun.DecayTool = "EvtGenDecay"
pgun.GenCutTool = "DaughtersInLHCb"

from Configurables import FlatNParticles
pgun.NumberOfParticlesTool = "FlatNParticles"
pgun.addTool(FlatNParticles, name="FlatNParticles")

from Configurables import MomentumSpectrum
pgun.ParticleGunTool = "MomentumSpectrum"
pgun.addTool(MomentumSpectrum, name="MomentumSpectrum")
pgun.MomentumSpectrum.PdgCodes = [511, -511]
pgun.MomentumSpectrum.InputFile = "$PGUNSDATAROOT/data/Ebeam6500GeV/MomentumSpectrum_521.root"
pgun.MomentumSpectrum.BinningVariables = "pteta"
pgun.MomentumSpectrum.HistogramPath = "h_pteta"

from Configurables import BeamSpotSmearVertex
pgun.addTool(BeamSpotSmearVertex, name="BeamSpotSmearVertex")
pgun.VertexSmearingTool = "BeamSpotSmearVertex"
pgun.EventType = 11102432
Пример #7
from Configurables import ParticleGun
pgun = ParticleGun("ParticleGun")
pgun.SignalPdgCode = 511

from Configurables import ToolSvc
from Configurables import EvtGenDecay
).EvtGenDecay.UserDecayFile = "$DECFILESROOT/dkfiles/Bd_Kstgamma=DecProdCut.dec"

pgun.DecayTool = "EvtGenDecay"
pgun.GenCutTool = "DaughtersInLHCb"

from Configurables import FlatNParticles
pgun.NumberOfParticlesTool = "FlatNParticles"
pgun.addTool(FlatNParticles, name="FlatNParticles")

from Configurables import MomentumSpectrum
pgun.ParticleGunTool = "MomentumSpectrum"
pgun.addTool(MomentumSpectrum, name="MomentumSpectrum")
pgun.MomentumSpectrum.PdgCodes = [511, -511]
pgun.MomentumSpectrum.InputFile = "$PGUNSDATAROOT/data/Ebeam6500GeV/MomentumSpectrum_521.root"
pgun.MomentumSpectrum.BinningVariables = "pteta"
pgun.MomentumSpectrum.HistogramPath = "h_pteta"

from Configurables import BeamSpotSmearVertex
pgun.addTool(BeamSpotSmearVertex, name="BeamSpotSmearVertex")
pgun.VertexSmearingTool = "BeamSpotSmearVertex"
pgun.EventType = 11102201
Пример #8
from Gaudi.Configuration import *
from Configurables import ParticleGun
from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import *

# Set up ParticleGun
ParticleGun = ParticleGun("ParticleGun")

# Event type is set as described in LHCb-2005-034 : G=5! (Def = 0)
# gsdctnxu:
# g=type of process (5=particle gun)
# s=which particles are present and pass 400mrad w.r.t.beam cut; 2=mu
# d=decay; particle or antipart; 2=several particles (??)
# c=eta and p distribution : 2 (0=fix p, 1=flat eta, 2=flat xy, 3=mom range)
# tnxu = track parameters; if c=2 or 3, tn=00;
ParticleGun.EventType = 52220000

# Pick the type of particle gun generator
from Configurables import Cosmics
ParticleGun.addTool(Cosmics, name="Cosmics")
ParticleGun.ParticleGunTool = "Cosmics"

# Set min and max number of particles to produce in an event
# defaults are = 1, i.e. always one particle
from Configurables import FlatNParticles
ParticleGun.addTool(FlatNParticles, name="FlatNParticles")
ParticleGun.NumberOfParticlesTool = "FlatNParticles"
#ParticleGun.FlatNParticles.MinNParticles = 1
#ParticleGun.FlatNParticles.MaxNParticles = 1

# PDG code of a list of possible particles to be generated, default = {13,-13)
Пример #9
from Configurables import ParticleGun
pgun = ParticleGun("ParticleGun")
pgun.SignalPdgCode = 521

from Configurables import ToolSvc
from Configurables import EvtGenDecay
ToolSvc().addTool( EvtGenDecay )
#ToolSvc().EvtGenDecay.UserDecayFile = "$DECFILESROOT/dkfiles/Bd_K+pi-pi0=DecProdCut,sqDalitz.dec"
ToolSvc().EvtGenDecay.UserDecayFile = "$DECFILESROOT/dkfiles/Bu_K+pi0=DecProdCut.dec"

pgun.DecayTool = "EvtGenDecay"
pgun.GenCutTool = "DaughtersInLHCb"

from Configurables import FlatNParticles
pgun.NumberOfParticlesTool = "FlatNParticles"
pgun.addTool( FlatNParticles , name = "FlatNParticles" )

from Configurables import MomentumSpectrum
pgun.ParticleGunTool = "MomentumSpectrum"
pgun.addTool( MomentumSpectrum , name = "MomentumSpectrum" )
pgun.MomentumSpectrum.PdgCodes = [ 521,-521 ]
pgun.MomentumSpectrum.InputFile = "$PGUNSDATAROOT/data/Ebeam6500GeV/MomentumSpectrum_521.root"
pgun.MomentumSpectrum.BinningVariables = "pteta"
pgun.MomentumSpectrum.HistogramPath = "h_pteta"

from Configurables import BeamSpotSmearVertex
pgun.addTool(BeamSpotSmearVertex, name="BeamSpotSmearVertex")
pgun.VertexSmearingTool = "BeamSpotSmearVertex"
pgun.EventType = 12101401