Пример #1
smeartool = GaussSmearVertex(xVertexMean=0. * units.mm,
                             xVertexSigma=0.5 * units.mm,
                             yVertexMean=0 * units.mm,
                             yVertexSigma=0.5 * units.mm,
                             zVertexMean=0 * units.mm,
                             zVertexSigma=70 * units.mm,
                             tVertexMean=0 * units.picosecond,
                             tVertexSigma=30 * units.picosecond)

pileuptool = ConstPileUp(numPileUpEvents=2)
pileupreader = HepMCFileReader(

from Configurables import PythiaInterface, GenAlg
### PYTHIA algorithm
pythia8gentool = PythiaInterface("Pythia8Interface", Filename=pythiafile)
pythia8gen = GenAlg("Pythia8",
pythia8gen.PileUpTool = pileuptool
pythia8gen.hepmc.Path = "hepmcevent"

from Configurables import HepMCToEDMConverter
### Reads an HepMC::GenEvent from the data service and writes a collection of EDM Particles
hepmc_converter = HepMCToEDMConverter("Converter")
hepmc_converter.hepmc.Path = "hepmcevent"
hepmc_converter.hepmcStatusList = []  # convert particles with all statuses
hepmc_converter.genparticles.Path = "all_genparticles"
hepmc_converter.genvertices.Path = "all_genvertices"
Пример #2
from Gaudi.Configuration import *

from Configurables import ApplicationMgr, FCCDataSvc

#example of pythia configuration file to generate events
pythiafile = "config/Pythia_standard.cmd"

#example of pythia configuration file to read LH event file

albersevent = FCCDataSvc("EventDataSvc")

from Configurables import PythiaInterface
# PythiaInterface parameter
#pythia8gen = PythiaInterface("Pythia8Interface",Filename="main03.cmnd")
pythia8gen = PythiaInterface(Filename=pythiafile)
# write the HepMC::GenEvent to the data service
pythia8gen.Outputs.hepmc.Path = "hepmc"

from Configurables import HepMCConverter
# reads an HepMC::GenEvent from the data service and writes
# a collection of EDM Particles
hepmc_converter = HepMCConverter("Converter")
# the input product name matches the output product name of the previous module
hepmc_converter.Inputs.hepmc.Path = "hepmc"
hepmc_converter.Outputs.genparticles.Path = "all_genparticles"

from Configurables import GenParticleFilter
genfilter = GenParticleFilter("StableParticles")
genfilter.Inputs.genparticles.Path = "all_genparticles"
genfilter.Outputs.genparticles.Path = "genparticles"
if simargs.singlePart:
    pgun_tool = ConstPtParticleGun(PdgCodes=[pdg],
    genalg = GenAlg("Pythia8",
    genalg.hepmc.Path = "hepmc"
    from Configurables import PythiaInterface, GenAlg, GaussSmearVertex

    pythia8gentool = PythiaInterface("Pythia8", Filename=card)
    genalg = GenAlg("Pythia8",
    genalg.hepmc.Path = "hepmc"

from Configurables import HepMCToEDMConverter
hepmc_converter = HepMCToEDMConverter("Converter")
hepmc_converter.hepmc.Path = "hepmc"
hepmc_converter.genparticles.Path = "allGenParticles"
hepmc_converter.genvertices.Path = "GenVertices"
from Configurables import GenParticleFilter
### Filters generated particles
# accept is a list of particle statuses that should be accepted
genfilter = GenParticleFilter("StableParticles", accept=[1], OutputLevel=DEBUG)
genfilter.allGenParticles.Path = "allGenParticles"
Пример #4
genJetSaveTool = DelphesSaveGenJets("genJets",
apply_paths(genJetSaveTool, out_names["genJets"])

jetSaveTool = DelphesSaveJets("jets", delphesArrayName="JetEnergyScale/jets")
apply_paths(jetSaveTool, out_names["jets"])

metSaveTool = DelphesSaveMet("met",
apply_paths(metSaveTool, out_names["met"])

## Pythia generator
from Configurables import PythiaInterface

pythia8gen = PythiaInterface(Filename=pythiaConfFile,
## Write the HepMC::GenEvent to the data service
pythia8gen.DataOutputs.hepmc.Path = "hepmc"

## Delphes simulator -> define objects to be written out
from Configurables import DelphesSimulation
delphessim = DelphesSimulation(DelphesCard=delphesCard,
Пример #5
ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += ["RndmGenSvc"]

#### Data service
from Configurables import k4DataSvc
podioevent = k4DataSvc("EventDataSvc")
ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += [podioevent]

from Configurables import GaussSmearVertex
smeartool = GaussSmearVertex()
smeartool.xVertexSigma = 0.5 * units.mm
smeartool.yVertexSigma = 0.5 * units.mm
smeartool.zVertexSigma = 40.0 * units.mm
smeartool.tVertexSigma = 180.0 * units.picosecond

from Configurables import PythiaInterface
pythia8gentool = PythiaInterface()
### Example of pythia configuration file to generate events
# take from $K4GEN if defined, locally if not
path_to_pythiafile = os.environ.get("K4GEN", "")
pythiafilename = "Pythia_standard.cmd"
pythia8gentool.pythiacard = os.path.join(path_to_pythiafile, pythiafilename)
pythia8gentool.doEvtGenDecays = False
pythia8gentool.printPythiaStatistics = True

from Configurables import GenAlg
pythia8gen = GenAlg("Pythia8")
pythia8gen.SignalProvider = pythia8gentool
pythia8gen.VertexSmearingTool = smeartool
pythia8gen.hepmc.Path = "hepmc"
ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += [pythia8gen]
Пример #6
from Configurables import ApplicationMgr

ApplicationMgr().EvtSel = 'NONE'
ApplicationMgr().EvtMax = 100

# Data event model based on Podio
from Configurables import FCCDataSvc

podioEvent = FCCDataSvc("EventDataSvc")
ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += [podioEvent]
ApplicationMgr().OutputLevel = INFO

# Pythia generator
from Configurables import PythiaInterface

pythia8gentool = PythiaInterface()
pythia8gentool.Filename = "Pythia_ee_ZH_Htautau.cmd"

# Write the HepMC::GenEvent to the data service
from Configurables import GenAlg

pythia8gen = GenAlg()
pythia8gen.SignalProvider = pythia8gentool
pythia8gen.hepmc.Path = "hepmc"
ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += [pythia8gen]

# Reads an HepMC::GenEvent from the data service and writes a collection of EDM Particles
from Configurables import HepMCToEDMConverter

hepmc_converter = HepMCToEDMConverter("Converter")
hepmc_converter.hepmc.Path = "hepmc"
Пример #7
ApplicationMgr().OutputLevel = INFO

#### Data service
from Configurables import FCCDataSvc
podioevent = FCCDataSvc("EventDataSvc")
ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += [podioevent]

from Configurables import GaussSmearVertex
smeartool = GaussSmearVertex()
smeartool.xVertexSigma =   0.5*units.mm
smeartool.yVertexSigma =   0.5*units.mm
smeartool.zVertexSigma =  40.0*units.mm
smeartool.tVertexSigma = 180.0*units.picosecond

from Configurables import PythiaInterface
pythia8gentool = PythiaInterface()
### Example of pythia configuration file to generate events
pythiafilename = "Generation/data/Pythia_standard.cmd"
path_to_pythiafile = os.environ.get("FCCSW_SHARE_DIR", "")
pythiafile = os.path.join(path_to_pythiafile, pythiafilename)
# Example of pythia configuration file to read LH event file
pythia8gentool.Filename = pythiafile
pythia8gentool.doEvtGenDecays = False
pythia8gentool.printPythiaStatistics = True

from Configurables import GenAlg
pythia8gen = GenAlg("Pythia8")
pythia8gen.SignalProvider = pythia8gentool
pythia8gen.VertexSmearingTool = smeartool
pythia8gen.hepmc.Path = "hepmc"
Пример #8
### Example of pythia configuration file to generate events
# Example of pythia configuration file to read LH event file

from Configurables import FCCDataSvc
#### Data service
podioevent = FCCDataSvc("EventDataSvc")

from Configurables import ConstPileUp

pileuptool = ConstPileUp(numPileUpEvents=2, Filename="Generation/data/Pythia_minbias_pp_100TeV.cmd")

from Configurables import PythiaInterface
### PYTHIA algorithm
pythia8gen = PythiaInterface("Pythia8Interface", Filename=pythiafile)
pythia8gen.PileUpTool = pileuptool
pythia8gen.DataOutputs.hepmc.Path = "hepmcevent"

from Configurables import HepMCConverter
### Reads an HepMC::GenEvent from the data service and writes a collection of EDM Particles
hepmc_converter = HepMCConverter("Converter")

from Configurables import GenParticleFilter
### Filters generated particles
genfilter = GenParticleFilter("StableParticles")
genfilter.DataInputs.genparticles.Path = "all_genparticles"
Пример #9
podioevent = FCCDataSvc("EventDataSvc")

## N-events
from FWCore.joboptions import parse_standard_job_options
args = parse_standard_job_options()
if args.nevents is not None:
    nEvents = args.nevents

from Configurables import PoissonPileUp

pileuptool = PoissonPileUp(numPileUpEvents=pileupconf['numPileUpEvents'], Filename="Generation/data/Pythia_minbias_pp_100TeV.cmd")

from Configurables import PythiaInterface
### PYTHIA algorithm
pythia8gen = PythiaInterface("Pythia8Interface", Filename="Generation/data/Pythia_minbias_pp_100TeV.cmd")
pythia8gen.PileUpTool = pileuptool
pythia8gen.DataOutputs.hepmc.Path = "hepmcevent"

from Configurables import HepMCConverter
### Reads an HepMC::GenEvent from the data service and writes a collection of EDM Particles
hepmc_converter = HepMCConverter("Converter")

from Configurables import GenParticleFilter
### Filters generated particles
genfilter = GenParticleFilter("StableParticles")
genfilter.DataInputs.genparticles.Path = "all_genparticles"
Пример #10
from Gaudi.Configuration import *

# Workflow Steering
from Configurables import ApplicationMgr
ApplicationMgr().EvtSel = 'NONE'
ApplicationMgr().EvtMax = 100

## Data event model based on Podio
from Configurables import FCCDataSvc
podioEvent = FCCDataSvc("EventDataSvc")
ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += [podioEvent]
ApplicationMgr().OutputLevel = INFO

## Pythia generator
from Configurables import PythiaInterface
pythia8gentool = PythiaInterface()
pythia8gentool.Filename = os.path.join(os.environ.get("FCCSWSHAREDIR", ""),"Generation/data/Pythia_ttbar.cmd")

## Write the HepMC::GenEvent to the data service
from Configurables import GenAlg
pythia8gen = GenAlg()
pythia8gen.SignalProvider = pythia8gentool
pythia8gen.hepmc.Path = "hepmc"
ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += [pythia8gen]

### Reads an HepMC::GenEvent from the data service and writes a collection of EDM Particles
from Configurables import HepMCToEDMConverter
hepmc_converter = HepMCToEDMConverter("Converter")
hepmc_converter.hepmc.Path = "hepmc"
hepmc_converter.genparticles.Path = "genParticles"
hepmc_converter.genvertices.Path = "genVertices"
Пример #11
delphesRootOutFile = "DelphesOutput.root"

## Data event model based on Albers
albersEvent = FCCDataSvc("EventDataSvc")

# Configure individual modules (algorithms)

## Pythia generator
from Configurables import PythiaInterface

pythia8gen = PythiaInterface(Filename=pythiaConfFile, OutputLevel=INFO)
## Write the HepMC::GenEvent to the data service
pythia8gen.Outputs.hepmc.Path = "hepmc"

## Delphes simulator
from Configurables import DelphesSimulation
delphessim = DelphesSimulation(DelphesCard=delphesCard,
delphessim.Inputs.hepmc.Path = "hepmc"
delphessim.Outputs.allParticles.Path = "allParticles"
delphessim.Outputs.genPartons.Path = "genPartons"
delphessim.Outputs.genStableParticles.Path = "genStableParticles"
Пример #12
from GaudiKernel import SystemOfUnits as units
from Gaudi.Configuration import *

#### Data service
from Configurables import FCCDataSvc
podioevent = FCCDataSvc("EventDataSvc")

from Configurables import GaussSmearVertex
smeartool = GaussSmearVertex()
smeartool.xVertexSigma = 0.5 * units.mm
smeartool.yVertexSigma = 0.5 * units.mm
smeartool.zVertexSigma = 40.0 * units.mm
smeartool.tVertexSigma = 180.0 * units.picosecond

from Configurables import PythiaInterface
pythia8gentool = PythiaInterface()
### Example of pythia configuration file to generate events
pythiafile = "Generation/data/Pythia_standard.cmd"
# Example of pythia configuration file to read LH event file
pythia8gentool.Filename = pythiafile
#pythia8gentool.printPythiaStatistics = True
from Configurables import GenAlg
pythia8gen = GenAlg("Pythia8")
pythia8gen.SignalProvider = pythia8gentool
pythia8gen.VertexSmearingTool = smeartool
pythia8gen.hepmc.Path = "hepmc"

### Reads an HepMC::GenEvent from the data service and writes a collection of EDM Particles
from Configurables import HepMCToEDMConverter
hepmc_converter = HepMCToEDMConverter()
Пример #13
ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += ["RndmGenSvc"]

#### Data service
from Configurables import k4DataSvc
podioevent = k4DataSvc("EventDataSvc")
ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += [podioevent]

from Configurables import GaussSmearVertex
smeartool = GaussSmearVertex()
smeartool.xVertexSigma = 0.5 * units.mm
smeartool.yVertexSigma = 0.5 * units.mm
smeartool.zVertexSigma = 40.0 * units.mm
smeartool.tVertexSigma = 180.0 * units.picosecond

from Configurables import PythiaInterface
pythia8gentool = PythiaInterface()
### Example of pythia configuration file to generate events
# take from $K4GEN if defined, locally if not
path_to_pythiafile = os.environ.get("K4GEN", "")
pythiafilename = "Pythia_standard.cmd"
pythiafile = os.path.join(path_to_pythiafile, pythiafilename)
# Example of pythia configuration file to read LH event file
pythia8gentool.pythiacard = pythiafile
pythia8gentool.doEvtGenDecays = False
pythia8gentool.printPythiaStatistics = True
pythia8gentool.pythiaExtraSettings = [""]

from Configurables import GenAlg
pythia8gen = GenAlg("Pythia8")
pythia8gen.SignalProvider = pythia8gentool
Пример #14
to run example
> export PYTHIA8_XML=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/releases/LCG_68/MCGenerators/pythia8/186/x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt/xmldoc
> ./run gaudirun.py simple_pythia.py
from Gaudi.Configuration import *

from Configurables import ApplicationMgr, FCCDataSvc

albersevent = FCCDataSvc("EventDataSvc")

from Configurables import PythiaInterface
# PythiaInterface parameter
#pythia8gen = PythiaInterface("Pythia8Interface",Filename="main03.cmnd")
pythia8gen = PythiaInterface(Filename="main03.cmnd")
# write the HepMC::GenEvent to the data service
pythia8gen.Outputs.hepmc.Path = "hepmc"

from Configurables import HepMCConverter
# reads an HepMC::GenEvent from the data service and writes
# a collection of EDM Particles
hepmc_converter = HepMCConverter("Converter")
# the input product name matches the output product name of the previous module
hepmc_converter.Inputs.hepmc.Path = "hepmc"
hepmc_converter.Outputs.genparticles.Path = "all_genparticles"

from Configurables import GenParticleFilter
genfilter = GenParticleFilter("StableParticles")
genfilter.Inputs.genparticles.Path = "all_genparticles"
genfilter.Outputs.genparticles.Path = "genparticles"
Пример #15
apply_paths(jetSaveTool, out_names["jets"])

metSaveTool = DelphesSaveMet("met", delphesMETArrayName="MissingET/momentum", delphesSHTArrayName="ScalarHT/energy")
apply_paths(metSaveTool, out_names["met"])

## Pythia generator

from Configurables import PoissonPileUp

pileup = pileupconf['numPileUpEvents']
pileup = 180
pileuptool = PoissonPileUp(numPileUpEvents=pileup, Filename="Generation/data/Pythia_minbias_pp_100TeV.cmd")

from Configurables import PythiaInterface
### PYTHIA algorithm
pythia8gen = PythiaInterface(Filename=pythiaConfFile, OutputLevel=messageLevelPythia)
pythia8gen.PileUpTool = pileuptool
pythia8gen.DataOutputs.hepmc.Path = "hepmc"

## Delphes simulator -> define objects to be written out
from Configurables import DelphesSimulation
delphessim = DelphesSimulation(DelphesCard=delphesCard,