Пример #1
    beamDirection=0  # 1, 0, -1

from Configurables import HepMCToEDMConverter
hepmc2edm = HepMCToEDMConverter("Converter")

gen = GenAlg("ParticleGun", SignalProvider=pgun, VertexSmearingTool=smearTool)

from Configurables import GeoSvc
geoservice = GeoSvc("GeoSvc", detectors=['file:share/compact/DRcalo.xml'])

from Configurables import SimG4Svc, SimG4FastSimPhysicsList, SimG4FastSimOpFiberRegion, SimG4OpticalPhysicsList
regionTool = SimG4FastSimOpFiberRegion("fastfiber")
opticalPhysicsTool = SimG4OpticalPhysicsList("opticalPhysics",
physicslistTool = SimG4FastSimPhysicsList("Physics",

from Configurables import SimG4DRcaloActions
actionTool = SimG4DRcaloActions("SimG4DRcaloActions")

# Name of the tool in GAUDI is "XX/YY" where XX is the tool class name and YY is the given name
geantservice = SimG4Svc("SimG4Svc",

from Configurables import SimG4Alg, SimG4PrimariesFromEdmTool
# next, create the G4 algorithm, giving the list of names of tools ("XX/YY")
edmConverter = SimG4PrimariesFromEdmTool("EdmConverter")

from Configurables import SimG4SaveDRcaloHits, SimG4SaveDRcaloMCTruth
Пример #2
# DD4hep geometry service
from Configurables import GeoSvc
## parse the given xml file
geoservice = GeoSvc("GeoSvc",

# Geant4 service
# Configures the Geant simulation: geometry, physics list and user actions
from Configurables import SimG4Svc, SimG4FastSimPhysicsList, SimG4GflashHomoCalo, SimG4FastSimCalorimeterRegion
## create parametrisation of the calorimeter
gflash = SimG4GflashHomoCalo("gflash", material="G4_PbWO4")
regiontoolcalo = SimG4FastSimCalorimeterRegion("modelCalo",
## create overlay on top of FTFP_BERT physics list, attaching fast sim/parametrization process
physicslisttool = SimG4FastSimPhysicsList("Physics",
## attach those tools to the G4 service
geantservice = SimG4Svc("SimG4Svc",

# Geant4 algorithm
# Translates EDM to G4Event, passes the event to G4, writes out outputs via tools
from Configurables import SimG4Alg, SimG4SaveCalHits, SimG4PrimariesFromEdmTool
savecaltool = SimG4SaveCalHits("saveCalHits", readoutNames=["ECalHits"])
savecaltool.DataOutputs.positionedCaloHits.Path = "positionedCaloHits"
savecaltool.DataOutputs.caloHits.Path = "caloHits"
# next, create the G4 algorithm, giving the list of names of tools ("XX/YY")
particle_converter = SimG4PrimariesFromEdmTool("EdmConverter")
particle_converter.DataInputs.genParticles.Path = "allGenParticles"
geantsim = SimG4Alg("SimG4Alg",
Пример #3
from Configurables import SimG4GflashSamplingCalo
## create parametrisation of the calorimeter
gflash = SimG4GflashSamplingCalo("gflash")
gflash.materialActive = "G4_lAr"
gflash.materialPassive = "G4_Pb"
gflash.thicknessActive = 4
gflash.thicknessPassive = 2

from Configurables import SimG4FastSimCalorimeterRegion
regiontoolcalo = SimG4FastSimCalorimeterRegion("modelCalo")
regiontoolcalo.volumeNames = ["ECalBarrel"]
regiontoolcalo.parametrisation = gflash

from Configurables import SimG4FastSimPhysicsList
## create overlay on top of FTFP_BERT physics list, attaching fast sim/parametrization process
physicslisttool = SimG4FastSimPhysicsList("Physics")
physicslisttool.fullphysics = "SimG4FtfpBert"

from Configurables import SimG4Svc
## attach those tools to the G4 service
geantservice = SimG4Svc("SimG4Svc")
geantservice.physicslist = physicslisttool
geantservice.regions = [regiontooltracker, regiontoolcalo]
ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += [geantservice]

# Geant4 algorithm
# Translates EDM to G4Event, passes the event to G4, writes out outputs via tools
# first, create a tool that saves the smeared particles
# Name of that tool in GAUDI is "XX/YY" where XX is the tool class name ("SimG4SaveSmearedParticles")
# and YY is the given name ("saveSmearedParticles")
from Configurables import SimG4SaveSmearedParticles