Пример #1
def customizeHLTforCMSSW(process, menuType="GRun"):

    # if the gpu modifier is enabled, make the Pixel, ECAL and HCAL reconstruction offloadable to a GPU
    from HLTrigger.Configuration.customizeHLTforPatatrack import customizeHLTforPatatrack

    # add call to action function in proper order: newest last!
    # process = customiseFor12718(process)

    return process
Пример #2
# The following comments couldn't be translated into the new config version:


import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms

from SimGeneral.HepPDTESSource.pythiapdt_cfi import *
# Random numbers initialization service
# pick it up directly
from IOMC.RandomEngine.IOMC_cff import *
#an "intermediate layer" remains, just in case somebody is using it...
# from Configuration.StandardSequences.SimulationRandomNumberGeneratorSeeds_cff import *
from DQMServices.Core.DQMStore_cfg import *

# Add CUDAServices when using gpu Modifier is enabled
from Configuration.ProcessModifiers.gpu_cff import gpu
def _addCUDAServices(theProcess):

modifyConfigurationStandardSequencesServicesAddCUDAServices_ = gpu.makeProcessModifier( _addCUDAServices )