def setupPushCmd(self): ''' called by TransferBase in order to create a push command ''' if self.ctl_file_path != None: try: os.remove(self.ctl_file_path) except: pass if self.rcpt_file_path != None: try: os.remove(self.rcpt_file_path) except: pass f = self.getFile() if not self.checkFileExists(self.config.get("") + "/" + f): return None if self.config.get("outgoing.target_uses_arrival_monitor"): item_name = f item_path = (os.path.join(self.config.get(""), os.path.basename(item_name))) ctl_file_name = (".%s.%s" % (item_name, self.config.get( "outgoing.control_file_extension"))) ctl_file_path = (os.path.join(self.config.get( ""), os.path.basename(ctl_file_name))) self.ctl_file_path = ctl_file_path item_size = os.path.getsize(item_path) item_cksum = TransferUtils.calcChecksum(item_path) ts = "%.2f" % time.time() rcpt_file_name = (".%s.%s.%s" % (item_name, ts, self.config.get( "outgoing.receipt_file_extension"))) ctl_file = ControlFile(ctl_file_path, can_overwrite=True) ctl_file.create(item_name, item_size, item_cksum, rcpt_file_name) self.rcpt_file_name = rcpt_file_name self.rcpt_file_path = (TransferUtils.getPathInDir(rcpt_file_name, self.config.get(""))) rsc = self.cmd + " -avz --password-file=" + self.passwordfile + " " if self.config.get("rsync_native.use_checksum") == True: rsc += " --checksum " if self.config.get("rsync_native.check_size") == True: rsc += " --size-only " if not self.config.get("outgoing.target_uses_arrival_monitor"): pushcmd = (rsc + self.config.get("") + "/" +f + " " + "rsync://" + self.config.get("rsync_native.username") + "@" + self.config.get("outgoing.target_host") + "/" + self.config.get("outgoing.target_dir") + "/" + f) else: pushcmd = (rsc + self.config.get("") + "/" +f + " " + self.config.get("") + "/" + ctl_file_name + " " + "rsync://" + self.config.get( "rsync_native.username") + "@" + self.config.get( "outgoing.target_host") + "/" + self.config.get( "outgoing.target_dir"))"setupPushCmd %s " % pushcmd) return pushcmd
def setupPushCmd(self): ''' called by TransferBase in order to create a push command ''' if self.ctl_file_path != None: try: os.remove(self.ctl_file_path) except: pass if self.rcpt_file_path != None: try: os.remove(self.rcpt_file_path) except: pass f = self.getFile() if not self.checkFileExists(self.config.get("") + "/" + f): return None # set up a control file if self.config.get("outgoing.target_uses_arrival_monitor"): # set up a control file item_name = self.getFile() item_path = (os.path.join(self.config.get(""), os.path.basename(item_name))) ctl_file_name = (".%s.%s" % (item_name, self.config.get( "outgoing.control_file_extension"))) ctl_file_path = (os.path.join(self.config.get( ""), os.path.basename(ctl_file_name))) self.ctl_file_path = ctl_file_path item_size = os.path.getsize(item_path) item_cksum = TransferUtils.calcChecksum(item_path) ts = "%.2f" % time.time() rcpt_file_name = (".%s.%s.%s" % (item_name, ts, self.config.get( "outgoing.receipt_file_extension"))) ctl_file = ControlFile(ctl_file_path, can_overwrite=True) ctl_file.create(item_name, item_size, item_cksum, rcpt_file_name) self.rcpt_file_name = rcpt_file_name self.rcpt_file_path = (TransferUtils.getPathInDir(rcpt_file_name, self.config.get(""))) f = self.getFile() gftp = self.cmd if self.config.get("outgoing.target_uses_arrival_monitor") == False: gftp += " -sync -sync-level 3" pushcmd = (gftp + " " + self.config.get("") + "/" + f + " gsiftp://" + self.config.get("outgoing.target_host") + ":" + str(self.config.get("gridftp_myproxy.port")) + "//" + self.config.get("outgoing.target_dir") + "/" + f) if self.config.get("outgoing.target_uses_arrival_monitor"): pushcmd += ("; " + gftp + " " + self.config.get( "") + "/" + ctl_file_name + " gsiftp://" + self.config.get("outgoing.target_host") + ":" + str(self.config.get("gridftp_myproxy.port")) + self.config.get("outgoing.target_dir") + "/" + ctl_file_name)"setupPushCmd %s " % pushcmd) return pushcmd
def setupPushCmd(self): ''' called by TransferBase in order to create a push command ''' if self.ctl_file_path != None: try: os.remove(self.ctl_file_path) except: pass if self.rcpt_file_path != None: try: os.remove(self.rcpt_file_path) except: pass # set up a control file item_name = self.getFile() if not self.checkFileExists(self.config.get("") + "/" + item_name): return None item_path = (os.path.join(self.config.get(""), os.path.basename(item_name))) ctl_file_name = (".%s.%s" % (item_name, self.config.get( "outgoing.control_file_extension"))) ctl_file_path = (os.path.join(self.config.get(""), os.path.basename(ctl_file_name))) self.ctl_file_path = ctl_file_path item_size = os.path.getsize(item_path) item_cksum = TransferUtils.calcChecksum(item_path) ts = "%.2f" % time.time() rcpt_file_name = (".%s.%s.%s" % (item_name, ts, self.config.get( "outgoing.receipt_file_extension"))) ctl_file = ControlFile(ctl_file_path, can_overwrite=True) ctl_file.create(item_name, item_size, item_cksum, rcpt_file_name) self.rcpt_file_name = rcpt_file_name self.rcpt_file_path = (TransferUtils.getPathInDir(rcpt_file_name, self.config.get(""))) # set up ftp transfer + control file tf, name = tempfile.mkstemp() (os.write(tf, "user " + self.config.get("ftp.username") + " " + self.config.get("ftp.password") + "\n")) os.write(tf, "cd " + self.config.get("outgoing.target_dir") + "\n") os.write(tf, "lcd " + self.config.get("") + "\n") os.write(tf, "put " + self.getFile() + "\n") if self.config.get("outgoing.target_uses_arrival_monitor"): os.write(tf, "put " + ctl_file_name + "\n") os.write(tf, "exit\n") os.fsync(tf) os.close(tf) pushcmd = ("/usr/bin/ftp -n " + self.config.get("outgoing.target_host") + " < " + name)"setupPushCmd %s" % pushcmd) self.pushtf = tf self.pushname = name return pushcmd