def is_present(mpkt): hdrs = mpkt.cfields.get('dissector.http.headers', None) if not hdrs: return False if 'cookie' in hdrs: for cstr in hdrs['cookie']: cookie = SimpleCookie() cookie.load(cstr) for k, mar in cookie.items(): cookies[k].append(mar.value) return True elif 'set-cookie' in hdrs: for cstr in hdrs['set-cookie']: cookie = SimpleCookie() cookie.load(cstr) for k, mar in cookie.items(): cookies[k].append(mar.value) return True return False
def parseStrToCookies(self, cookieStr): SC = SimpleCookie() SC.load(cookieStr) cookies = {} for key, morsel in SC.items(): cookies[key] = morsel.value return cookies
def cookies(self): """Returns a dictionary mapping cookie names to their values.""" if self._cookies is None: c = SimpleCookie(self.environ.get('HTTP_COOKIE')) self._cookies = dict([(k.decode('utf-8'), v.value.decode('utf-8')) for k, v in c.items()]) return self._cookies
def get_cookies(str): cookie = SimpleCookie() cookie.load(str) cookies = {} for key, morsel in cookie.items(): cookies[key] = morsel.value return cookies
def cookies(self, rawdata): """Set Response Cookies. :param rawdata: (str or dict). List of `cookielib.Cookie`. """ sc = SimpleCookie() sc.load(rawdata) self._cookies = sc.items()
def get_cookies_ignore_origin(response): cookies = dict_from_cookiejar(response.cookies) if 0 == len(cookies) and SET_COOKIE_KEY in response.headers: simple_cookie = SimpleCookie(response.headers[SET_COOKIE_KEY]) for key, morsel in simple_cookie.items(): cookies[key] = morsel.value return cookies
def __retrieve_cookie_values(self, raw_string): cookies = {} cookie = SimpleCookie() cookie.load(raw_string) for key, morsel in cookie.items(): if any(name.lower() in key.lower() for name in Scanner.cookie_keys): cookies[key] = morsel.value return cookies
def read_sparo_html(url): import requests coockie = {} cookies = { 'sucuri_cloudproxy_uuid_53a9650e8': '6c3d2f947083eaa2a62370d6c90b4495', 'laravel_session': 'xC5WAE2yuuU0L8k8pCYUQZGh6YMbsv0vjYNvhGBN', 'XSRF-TOKEN': 'eyJpdiI6IjB3OHhLaUNzTEpSXC83ZUtZYnBQVUtnPT0iLCJ2YWx1ZSI6ImtNQWM4b2ZLSE4yN3l0VHFCNEIyMVNmQ2s5THdNdW8zS21tQmluVFVZNDFSNlpZM3UwRkptd1wvMWxnMHBVT09PM3BlMTU1TVVRdm02S3pCUXZlVjU4Zz09IiwibWFjIjoiYzcxZTM4MDU4ZmMxMGE5NjljMTdiMzBjZDI0ODcyOTEzNDc1NDBjNmU5MGQwN2JiZTZiMmNjNjZkOGUwMjhlMSJ9', } headers = { 'Host': Domain, 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:57.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/57.0', 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8', 'Accept-Language': 'he,he-IL;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1', 'Pragma': 'no-cache', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', } x = requests.get(url, headers=headers).content if 'var s={}' in x: coockie2, token = (get_c(x)) cookie = SimpleCookie() cookie.load(str(coockie2)) # Even though SimpleCookie is dictionary-like, it internally uses a Morsel object # which is incompatible with requests. Manually construct a dictionary instead. cookies = {} for key, morsel in cookie.items(): cookies[key] = morsel.value cookies['XSRF-TOKEN'] = str(token) cookies['max-age'] = '86400' #cookies['X-CSRF-TOKEN'] = "wYZBYILaf7Dbw0TZDKjJ3udNO8aPUa7Bns3EQcUe" #cookies['XSRF-TOKEN'] = "eyJpdiI6IkVZSmViYXpCdWZwMThjSmJ6dVwvRUhRPT0iLCJ2YWx1ZSI6IkpPQkE5QW83QWc1NzMxY2VwbGR1NkM3RlRDOTJ3dGpXaFF6Q29GWENlY0NOQ3NzSTBTK2ZRN2xPeDJ6dnh5TVlnNEQwbGgweHkwXC85djllSkZ0WTVOQT09IiwibWFjIjoiNTg5Y2U1OTIzY2E0YTM5ZTYxMTY2NjBhOTI4NjhjN2MyMGU1ZDJmM2U0MmEzNDBkYThmNDQ4YzU1M2NkODY5ZCJ9" #cookies['laravel_session'] = "xC5WAE2yuuU0L8k8pCYUQZGh6YMbsv0vjYNvhGBN" x = requests.get(url, headers=headers, cookies=cookies) x.encoding = 'utf-8' x = x.content return x
def test_get_json(yahoo_response, cookies): response = yahoo_response('v2/groups/groupname/files/a/2?param1=c¶m2=4', {'result': 'returned data'}) yga = YahooGroupsAPI('groupname', cookies) json = yga.get_json('files', 'a', 2, param1='c', param2=4) request = response.calls[0].request request_cookies = SimpleCookie() request_cookies.load(request.headers['Cookie']) assert dict(cookies) == {k: v.value for k, v in request_cookies.items()} assert json == {'result': 'returned data'}
def use_credentials(self, credentials): fetch_arguments = build_fetch_arguments("/") credentials(fetch_arguments) # Selenium doesn't support arbitrary headers (afaik), so we only # support cookies for now. if "Cookie" in fetch_arguments.headers: cookie = SimpleCookie() cookie.load(fetch_arguments.headers["Cookie"]) for morsel_name, morsel in cookie.items(): self._driver.add_cookie({ "name": morsel_name, "value": morsel.value })
def get_dict_cookies(self, rawdata): '''Returnt dict from cookies raw text''' try: from Cookie import SimpleCookie cookie = SimpleCookie() cookie.load(rawdata) cookies = {} for key, morsel in cookie.items(): cookies[key] = morsel.value except: logging.error('Cannot get cookies from raw text', exc_info=True) cookies = {} return cookies
def _make_request(self, step, **kwargs): request_metadata = self._get_step_metadata(step) log.debug('kwargs are : ' + str(kwargs)) data = None if not request_metadata: return None if 'data' in request_metadata: data = request_metadata['data'] if 'method' in request_metadata: method = request_metadata['method'] else: method = 'GET' if not data else 'POST' if 'redirect' in request_metadata: redirect = request_metadata['redirect'] else: redirect = True headers = {} if 'csrf_token' in self.cookies and self.cookies['csrf_token']: headers['X-CSRF-Token'] = self.cookies['csrf_token'] log.debug('setting csrf header to ' + self.cookies['csrf_token']) if self.cookies: cookie_str = "; ".join( [str(x) + "=" + str(y) for x, y in self.cookies.items()]) headers['Cookie'] = cookie_str request_params = { 'url': self._get_step_url(step, **kwargs), 'method': method, 'allow_redirects': redirect, 'headers': headers, 'verify': False } if (data): if isinstance(data, dict): data = { k: v(self, **kwargs) if callable(v) else v for k, v in data.items() } log.debug('posting data : ' + str(data)) request_params['data'] = json.dumps(data) headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' else: request_params['data'] = data r = web.request(**request_params) if (r.status_code >= 200 and r.status_code <= 400 and 'set-cookie' in r.headers): cookies = SimpleCookie() cookies.load(r.headers['Set-Cookie']) for key, value in cookies.items(): self.cookies[key] = value.value return r
def middleware(environ, start_response): request = Request(environ).copy() response = request.get_response(django) if response.status_int != 305: return response(environ, start_response) data = json.loads(response.body) proxy = RemoteProxy([data['base_url']], rewrite_links=True) request.environ.pop("HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING", None) request.environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = str(data['script_name']).rstrip("/") request.environ['PATH_INFO'] = "/" + str(data['path_info'].lstrip("/") ) from Cookie import SimpleCookie as Cookie orig_cookie = cookie = request.environ.get('HTTP_COOKIE') if cookie: cookie = Cookie(cookie) for key in data['cookie_blacklist']: cookie.pop(key, None) cookiestr = [] for key, value in cookie.items(): cookiestr.append(value.OutputString()) cookiestr = "; ".join(cookiestr) request.environ['HTTP_COOKIE'] = cookiestr request.environ['HTTP_X_THING_THEME'] = data['theme'] filter = deliverance(proxy) def per_project_theme(environ): return "%(wsgi.url_scheme)s://%(HTTP_HOST)s%(HTTP_X_THING_THEME)s" % environ filter.default_theme = per_project_theme filter.rule_getter = TemplateRuleGetter(data['deliverance_rules']) filter.use_internal_subrequest = lambda *args, **kw: False base_subrequest = filter.build_external_subrequest def build_external_subrequest(url, orig_req, log): subreq = base_subrequest(url, orig_req, log) if url.endswith("/theme/") and orig_cookie: subreq.environ['HTTP_COOKIE'] = orig_cookie return subreq filter.build_external_subrequest = build_external_subrequest resp = request.get_response(filter) return resp(request.environ, start_response)
def process_cookie(self, cookie, host): parsed = SimpleCookie(str(cookie)) for key, c in parsed.items(): if b"domain" in c: host = c['domain'] url = self.create_url(host) host_tld = self.tld_parse(url) self.send_cookie_to_listeners( CookieData(name=c.key, value=c.value, domain="." + host_tld, url=url, expiry=self.default_expiry))
def decompose_incoming_envelope(self, ctx, message): assert message == FlatDictDocument.REQUEST ctx.transport.itself.decompose_incoming_envelope(self, ctx, message) if self.parse_cookie: cookies = ctx.in_header_doc.get('cookie', []) for cookie_string in cookies: cookie = SimpleCookie() cookie.load(cookie_string) for k,v in cookie.items(): l = ctx.in_header_doc.get(k, []) l.append(v.coded_value) ctx.in_header_doc[k] = l logger.debug('\theader : %r' % (ctx.in_header_doc)) logger.debug('\tbody : %r' % (ctx.in_body_doc))
def process_request(self, request, spider): """Process a request using the selenium driver if applicable""" # print 'SeleniumMiddleware process_request: request ' + str(request) if not request.meta.get('enable_selenium', False): return None cookie = SimpleCookie() cookie.load(request.headers.getlist('Cookie')[0]) driver = self.generate_webdriver() for cookie_name, morsel in cookie.items(): driver.add_cookie({'name': cookie_name, 'value': morsel.value}) driver.get(request.url) # wait til page loads # print driver.find_element_by_tag_name( # 'title').get_attribute( # 'innerHTML') + ', ' + request.meta['title'] # print 'compare: ' + str(driver.find_element_by_tag_name( # 'title').get_attribute( # 'innerHTML') == request.meta['title']) # print EC.text_to_be_present_in_element( # (By.TAG_NAME, 'title'), request.meta['title']) try: element = WebDriverWait( driver, 10).until(lambda x: driver.find_element_by_tag_name('title'). get_attribute('innerHTML') == request.meta['title']) except TimeoutException: raise IgnoreRequest('Cannot open: ' + request.url) # print 'waiting ends: ' + request.meta['title'] body = driver.page_source # Expose the driver via the "meta" attribute request.meta.update({'driver': driver}) # print 'send response: ' + str(request) return HtmlResponse(request.url, body=body, encoding='utf-8', request=request)
def probe_securecookie(self): """Something that looks like a securecookie was detected""" rv = self.make_request(self.config.url) setcookie = rv.headers.get('set-cookie') if setcookie is None: return False if not '; Path=' in setcookie: return False cookie = SimpleCookie(setcookie) for key, morsel in cookie.items(): if not '?' in morsel.value: continue try: morsel.value.split('?')[0].decode('base64') return True except Exception: return False return False
def build(resp): response = Response() # Pass settings over. response.config = self.config if resp: # Fallback to None if there's no staus_code, for whatever reason. response.status_code = getattr(resp, 'status', None) # Make headers case-insensitive. response.headers = CaseInsensitiveDict( getattr(resp, 'headers', None)) # Start off with our local cookies. cookies = self.cookies or dict() # Add new cookies from the server. if 'set-cookie' in response.headers: cookie_header = response.headers['set-cookie'] c = SimpleCookie() c.load(cookie_header) for k, v in c.items(): cookies.update({k: v.value}) # Save cookies in Response. response.cookies = cookies # Save original resopnse for later. response.raw = resp if is_error: response.error = resp response.url = self.full_url return response
def build(resp): response = Response() # Pass settings over. response.config = self.config if resp: # Fallback to None if there's no staus_code, for whatever reason. response.status_code = getattr(resp, 'status', None) # Make headers case-insensitive. response.headers = CaseInsensitiveDict(getattr(resp, 'headers', None)) # Start off with our local cookies. cookies = self.cookies or dict() # Add new cookies from the server. if 'set-cookie' in response.headers: cookie_header = response.headers['set-cookie'] c = SimpleCookie() c.load(cookie_header) for k,v in c.items(): cookies.update({k: v.value}) # Save cookies in Response. response.cookies = cookies # Save original resopnse for later. response.raw = resp if is_error: response.error = resp response.url = self.full_url return response
class AbstractCookiesTransport: """An Transport subclass that retains cookies over its lifetime and has the ability to store/load cookies in a file. Taken from and modified to implement cookie file save/load functionality. """ def __init__(self, cookiefile=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.cookiefile = cookiefile self.cookies = SimpleCookie() self.load_cookies() def load_cookies(self, cookiefile=None): cookiefile = cookiefile or self.cookiefile if os.path.isfile(cookiefile): with open(cookiefile) as fd: self.cookies.load( def save_cookies(self, cookiefile=None): cookiefile = cookiefile or self.cookiefile with open(cookiefile, 'w') as fd: fd.write(self.cookies.output(header="", sep="\n")) def send_headers(self, connection, headers): if self.cookies: cookies = [ "{}={}".format(k,v.value) for k,v in self.cookies.items() ] cookie_str = "; ".join(cookies) connection.putheader("Cookie", cookie_str) super().send_headers(connection, headers) def parse_response(self, response): cookies = response.msg.get_all("Set-Cookie") or [] for cookie in cookies: self.cookies.load(cookie) # Add or replace cookie self.save_cookies() return super().parse_response(response)
def requester(target, cookie, user_agent, proxy, match, filename): try: url = target + filename proxy_dict = {} cookie_dict = {} if proxy != "": proxy_dict = {"http": proxy, "https": proxy} # If the user specified a cookie convert it to a requests acceptable dict if cookie != "": cookie_dict = SimpleCookie() cookie_dict.load(cookie) cookie = {} for key, morse1 in cookie_dict.items(): cookie[key] = morse1.value # If the user want to match a specific string in the response if match != "": req = requests.get(url, cookies=cookie, headers={"User-Agent": user_agent}, proxies=proxy_dict, verify=False) requester.q.put([url, req.status_code, req.content]) else: req = requests.head(url, cookies=cookie, headers={"User-Agent": user_agent}, proxies=proxy_dict, verify=False) requester.q.put([url, req.status_code]) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w')
#convert cookies from Cookie import SimpleCookie Cookie11 = 'Cookie: akavpau_p6=1492510799~id=bad5a5f677b9c92fd22ae7ce69a953d7; search.perf.metric=timerPromiseAll=404ms|timerHeaderAction=53ms|timerSearchAction=404ms|timerFooterAction=26ms|timerPreso=402ms; akavpau_p3=1492510790~id=d7334d155b9d5313f20c6c8b19e356d7; AID=wmlspartner%3D0%3Areflectorid%3D0000000000000000000000%3Alastupd%3D1492510198882; DL=98105%2C47.66059875488281%2C-122.29190063476562%2Cip%2C98105%2CUSA%2CWA; prefper=PREFSTORE~13098~2PREFCITY~1Bellevue~2PREFFULLSTREET~115063%20Main%20St~2PREFSTATE~1WA~2PREFZIP~198105; bstc=ZYcj-sZzb56LzolJAq24WY; NSID=3098.8-5939.8-5678.13-2594.13-2516.13-2317.16-5195.16-3053.18-5272.18-2325.19-5628.21-5073.22-2571.23-2385.25-3794.25-3801.29-2595.29-4137.30-3537.34-3757.34; vtc=ZYcj-sZzb56LzolJAq24WY; exp-ck=vOXNpEqkz0MWIxT; exp=0%2B1492510198%2BZYcj-sZzb56LzolJAq24WY%2B0%2BCcvJB.vOXNp|K8foX.Eqkz0|VxHIY.MWIxT; com.wm.reflector="reflectorid:0000000000000000000000@lastupd:1492510198883@firstcreate:1492510198883"' output = {'akavpau_p6':'1492510799~id=bad5a5f677b9c92fd22ae7ce69a953d7', 'search.perf.metric':'timerPromiseAll=404ms|timerHeaderAction=53ms|timerSearchAction=404ms|timerFooterAction=26ms|timerPreso=402ms', 'akavpau_p3':'1492510790~id=d7334d155b9d5313f20c6c8b19e356d7', 'AID':'wmlspartner%3D0%3Areflectorid%3D0000000000000000000000%3Alastupd%3D1492510198882', 'DL':'98105%2C47.66059875488281%2C-122.29190063476562%2Cip%2C98105%2CUSA%2CWA', 'prefper':'PREFSTORE~13098~2PREFCITY~1Bellevue~2PREFFULLSTREET~115063%20Main%20St~2PREFSTATE~1WA~2PREFZIP~198105', 'bstc':'ZYcj-sZzb56LzolJAq24WY', 'NSID':'3098.8-5939.8-5678.13-2594.13-2516.13-2317.16-5195.16-3053.18-5272.18-2325.19-5628.21-5073.22-2571.23-2385.25-3794.25-3801.29-2595.29-4137.30-3537.34-3757.34', 'vtc':'ZYcj-sZzb56LzolJAq24WY', 'exp-ck':'vOXNpEqkz0MWIxT', 'exp':'0%2B1492510198%2BZYcj-sZzb56LzolJAq24WY%2B0%2BCcvJB.vOXNp|K8foX.Eqkz0|VxHIY.MWIxT', 'com.wm.reflector':'"reflectorid:0000000000000000000000@lastupd:1492510198883@firstcreate:1492510198883"'} cookie = SimpleCookie() cookie.load(Cookie11) cookies12 = {} for key, morsel in cookie.items(): cookies12[key] = morsel.value print cookies12
def check_truth(injection_string): global data if config.request_method == "POST": url = config.injection_url post_params = deepcopy(config.post_params) for key in post_params: if "INJECTION_STRING" in post_params[key]: post_params[key] = post_params[key].replace('INJECTION_STRING', injection_string) else: url = "%s and (%s)" % (config.injection_url, injection_string) args = {} if config.cookies: from Cookie import SimpleCookie cookie = SimpleCookie() cookie.load(config.cookies) cookies = {} for key, morsel in cookie.items(): cookies[key] = morsel.value args["cookies"] = cookies if config.headers: args["headers"] = config.headers if config.proxies: args["proxies"] = config.proxies if config.request_method == "POST": args["data"] = post_params # print injection_string, args['data'] if config.parameter_needs_quote: url = "%s' and (%s)-- j" % (config.injection_url, injection_string) if injection_string in data: return data[injection_string] try: if config.request_method == "POST": response =, allow_redirects=False, **args) else: response = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=False, **args) if config.truth_check == "STATUS_CODE": if response.status_code == config.truth_status: lock.acquire() data[injection_string] = True add_to_cache(injection_string, True) lock.release() return True elif config.truth_check == "RESPONSE_HEADER" and response.status_code == 302: if response.headers[config.truth_response_header_name] == config.truth_response_header_value: lock.acquire() data[injection_string] = True add_to_cache(injection_string, True) lock.release() return True elif config.truth_check == "CONTENT_STRING": content = response.content if config.truth_string in content: lock.acquire() data[injection_string] = True add_to_cache(injection_string, True) lock.release() return True except: traceback.print_exc() raise Exception("Error occurred while requesting the url '''%s'''!" % url) lock.acquire() data[injection_string] = False add_to_cache(injection_string, False) lock.release() return False
def do_request(self, req, status, expect_errors): """ Executes the given request (``req``), with the expected ``status``. Generally ``.get()`` and ``.post()`` are used instead. To use this:: resp = app.do_request(webtest.TestRequest.blank( 'url', ...args...)) Note you can pass any keyword arguments to ``TestRequest.blank()``, which will be set on the request. These can be arguments like ``content_type``, ``accept``, etc. """ __tracebackhide__ = True errors = StringIO() req.environ['wsgi.errors'] = errors if self.cookies: cookie_header = ''.join([ '%s=%s; ' % (name, cookie_quote(value)) for name, value in self.cookies.items()]) req.environ['HTTP_COOKIE'] = cookie_header req.environ['paste.testing'] = True req.environ['paste.testing_variables'] = {} app = lint.middleware( old_stdout = sys.stdout out = CaptureStdout(old_stdout) try: sys.stdout = out start_time = time.time() ## FIXME: should it be an option to not catch exc_info? res = req.get_response(app, catch_exc_info=True) end_time = time.time() finally: sys.stdout = old_stdout = app res.test_app = self # We do this to make sure the app_iter is exausted: res.body res.errors = errors.getvalue() total_time = end_time - start_time for name, value in req.environ['paste.testing_variables'].items(): if hasattr(res, name): raise ValueError( "paste.testing_variables contains the variable %r, but " "the response object already has an attribute by that " "name" % name) setattr(res, name, value) if not expect_errors: self._check_status(status, res) self._check_errors(res) res.cookies_set = {} for header in res.headers.getall('set-cookie'): try: c = SimpleCookie(header) except CookieError, e: raise CookieError( "Could not parse cookie header %r: %s" % (header, e)) for key, morsel in c.items(): self.cookies[key] = morsel.value res.cookies_set[key] = morsel.value
parser.add_option("-p", "--proxy", dest="proxy") parser.add_option("-s", "--sleep", dest="seconds_to_sleep") parser.add_option("-d", "--delay", dest="delay") parser.add_option("-c", "--cookies", dest="cookies") options, args = parser.parse_args() target_url = options.target_url seconds_to_sleep = float(options.seconds_to_sleep) delay = float(options.delay) if options.cookies: raw_cookies = options.cookies simple_cookies = SimpleCookie() simple_cookies.load(raw_cookies) cookies = {} for key, morsel in simple_cookies.items(): cookies[key] = morsel.value else: cookies = { "1337": "1337" } if options.proxy: proxy = { "http": "%s" % options.proxy, "https": "%s" % options.proxy } else: proxy = { "http": "None" } # ASCII character ranges, ordered by probability upper_underscore = list(range(65,90)) upper_underscore.append(95) upper_lower_numeric_symbols = list(range(32,126))
class BrowserPythonNetlocData: def __init__(self, browser, netloc): # Remove standard port number from netloc string # Allowed by HTTP W3C and make some web-apps happy if ':' in netloc: nl = netloc.split(':') if nl[1] == '80' or nl[1] == '443': netloc = nl[0] self.browser = browser self.netloc = netloc self.cookies = SimpleCookie() self.httpool = {} self.lock = Lock() self.header = {} self.header[ 'User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0 PYTHON' self.header['Connection'] = 'keep-alive' self.header[ 'Accept'] = 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8' self.header['Accept-Language'] = 'en-US,en;q=0.5' self.header['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' self.header['Host'] = self.netloc def _get_http_pool(self, scheme): if scheme not in self.httpool: loc = "%s://%s" % (scheme, self.netloc) self.browser.log_debug("allocating connection pool to %s" % loc) self.httpool[scheme] = HTTPPool("%s" % loc) return self.httpool[scheme] def __del__(self): for pool in self.httpool.values(): pool.clear() def set_cookie(self, url, key, val=None, path=None): self.browser.log_debug("set cookie: %s, %s=%s" % (url, key, str(val))) scheme, netloc, path = parse_url(url) with self.lock: if type(key) == 'dict': c = key self.cookies[c['name']] = c elif val: self.cookies[key] = val if path: self.cookies[key]["path"] = path elif path in self.cookies: del self.cookies[key] def set_header(self, key, val): self.browser.log_debug("set header: %s=%s" % (key, val)) with self.lock: if val is not None: self.header[key] = val elif key in self.header: del self.header[key] def get_cookies_str(self, url): """ get_cookies_str() returns only the cookies applicable to given *url* """ _, _, path = parse_url(url) path_cookies = {} for key, morsel in self.cookies.items(): p = morsel["path"] if morsel["path"] else "/" if key not in path_cookies: path_cookies[key] = {} path_cookies[key][p] = morsel.value cookies = {} for key, paths in path_cookies.items(): # sort by string length: ["/home/path", "/home", "/"] for p in sorted(paths.keys(), lambda x: len(x), reverse=True): if path.startswith(p): cookies[key] = paths[p] break return "; ".join("%s=%s" % (key, val) for key, val in cookies.items()) def _get_redirected_request(self, req, response): new_req = None if req.status in [301, 302, 303]: new_req = req.duplicate() new_req.method = 'GET' new_req.params = None new_req.url = response.getheader('location') elif self.browser.js_redirects: page_actions = httputils.PageActionsExtractor( redirect = page_actions.get_action() if redirect: new_req = req.duplicate() new_req.method = redirect.method new_req.params = redirect.get_params() new_req.url = redirect.url new_req.header[ 'Cookie'] = self.browser.browser_get_cookies_str(req.url) req.page_actions = page_actions if new_req: new_req.validator = None new_req.header['Cookie'] = self.browser.browser_get_cookies_str( req.url) if not new_req.url.startswith('http'): new_req.update_netloc(req.url) _, new_req.header['Host'], _ = parse_url(new_req.url) return new_req return None def _execute_page_request(self, pool, page, req, path_with_args): assert (req.method == 'POST' or not req.params) # only POST request may have params with pool.borrow() as (conn, is_new): # conn.set_debuglevel(1) conn.request(req.method, path_with_args, req.params, req.header) self.header['Referer'] = req.url response = conn.getresponse() req.status = response.status = self.browser.log_debug(" req %s HTTP response: %s, headers: %s" % (, req.status, response.getheaders())) # handle new cookies for cookie in extract_cookies(response): if sys.version_info[0] < 3 and isinstance(cookie, unicode): cookie = cookie.encode('ascii', 'ignore') self.cookies.load(cookie) # handle redirection new_req = self._get_redirected_request(req, response) if new_req: self.browser.log_debug(" req %s, redirect to %s" % (, new_req.url)) page.add_request(new_req) # FIXME: # 1. _get_netloc_data is private method of the browser. self.browser._get_netloc_data( new_req.url).execute_page_request(page, new_req) req.status = new_req.status = if req.valid_statuses and req.status not in req.valid_statuses: raise BrowserExc(' req %s, %s %s status %d' (, req.method, req.url, req.status)) if self.browser.validation: req.validate_response( req.complete() return def execute_page_request(self, page, req): scheme, netloc, path_with_args = parse_url(req.url, args=True) if scheme not in ("http", "https", "ftp"): msg = "Can't execute request on URL with unsupported scheme: %s, %s" % ( scheme, netloc) self.browser.log_error(msg) raise BrowserExc(msg) req.start() pool = self._get_http_pool(scheme) # 10 - is technological retry count to handle closed keep-alive connections for loop in range(10): try: self._execute_page_request(pool, page, req, path_with_args) return except pool.temporary_errors as ex: raise # aandreev # usually it means server has closed keep-alive connection due to timeout. lets retry self.browser.log_debug( "HTTP Exception: %s %s: %s %s, connection closed? retrying" % (req.method, req.url, type(ex), str(ex))) req.status = str(type(ex)) time.sleep(0.1 * loop) except pool.fatal_errors as ex: req.status = str(type(ex)) req.complete() self.browser.log_error( "HTTP Exception: %s %s: %s %s" % (req.method, req.url, type(ex), str(ex))) return req.complete() self.browser.log_error("HTTPException: %s %s, all retries failed" % (req.method, req.url)) def execute_page_request_parallel(self, page, reqs, parallel=8): if not len(reqs): return if len(reqs) == 1: self.execute_page_request(page, reqs[0]) return def execute(arg): global data page, req = arg try: self.execute_page_request(page, req) except RuntimeError: import traceback self.browser.log_error("traceback:\n" + traceback.format_exc()) return 0 args = [(page, req) for req in reqs] if parallel > len(reqs): parallel = len(reqs) pool = ThreadPool(parallel), args) pool.close() pool.join()
def call_wsgi_app(wsgi_app, request, path_info): """ Call the ``wsgi_app`` with ``request`` and return its response. :param wsgi_app: The WSGI application to be run. :type wsgi_app: callable :param request: The Django request. :type request: :class:`twod.wsgi.handler.TwodWSGIRequest` :param path_info: The ``PATH_INFO`` to be used by the WSGI application. :type path: :class:`basestring` :raises twod.wsgi.exc.ApplicationCallError: If ``path_info`` is not the last portion of the ``PATH_INFO`` in ``request``. :return: The response from the WSGI application, turned into a Django response. :rtype: :class:`twod.wsgi.TwodResponse` """ new_request = request.copy() # Moving the portion of the path consumed by the current view, from the # PATH_INTO to the SCRIPT_NAME: if not request.path_info.endswith(path_info): raise ApplicationCallError("Path %s is not the last portion of the " "PATH_INFO in the original request (%s)" % (path_info, request.path_info)) consumed_path = request.path_info[:-len(path_info)] new_request.path_info = path_info new_request.script_name = request.script_name + consumed_path # If the user has been authenticated in Django, log him in the WSGI app: if request.user.is_authenticated(): new_request.remote_user = request.user.username # Cleaning the routing_args, if any. The application should have its own # arguments, without relying on any arguments from a parent application: if "wsgiorg.routing_args" in request.environ: del new_request.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'] # And the same for the WebOb ad-hoc attributes: if "webob.adhoc_attrs" in request.environ: del new_request.environ['webob.adhoc_attrs'] # Calling the WSGI application and getting its response: (status, headers, body) = new_request.call_application(wsgi_app) # Turning its response into a Django response: cookies = SimpleCookie() django_response = TwodResponse(body, status=status) for (header, value) in headers: if header.upper() == "SET-COOKIE": if isinstance(value, unicode): # It can't be Unicode: value = value.encode("us-ascii") cookies.load(value) else: django_response[header] = value # Setting the cookies from Django: for (cookie_name, cookie) in cookies.items(): cookie_attributes = { 'key': cookie_name, 'value': cookie.value, 'max_age': cookie.get("max-age"), 'expires': cookie.get("expires"), 'path': cookie.get("path", "/"), 'domain': cookie.get("domain"), } django_response.set_cookie(**cookie_attributes) return django_response
def _extract_response(page, encoding='utf8'): history = [] set_cookies = [] res = None try: for i, url in enumerate(page['history']): resource = page['resources'].pop(0) while resource['request']['url'] != url: resource = page['resources'].pop(0) if resource['error']: return resource['error'], None request = resource['request'] req = PreparedRequest() req.method = request['method'].encode(encoding) req.url = request['url'].encode(encoding) # Set Request Headers req.headers = CaseInsensitiveDict() for header in request['headers']: req.headers[header['name'].encode(encoding)] = header['value'].encode(encoding) # Set Request Cookies req._cookies = RequestsCookieJar() if set_cookies: if 'Cookie' not in req.headers: req.headers['Cookie'] = "" else: set_cookies.insert(0, '') req.headers['Cookie'] += "; ".join(set_cookies) if 'Cookie' in req.headers: cookies = SimpleCookie() cookies.load(req.headers['Cookie']) for key, cookie in cookies.items(): req._cookies.set(key, cookie.value) req.body = request.get('postData', None) if req.body: req.body = req.body.encode(encoding) response = resource['endReply'] or resource['startReply'] res = Response() res.encoding = encoding res.url = response['url'].encode(encoding) res.status_code = response['status'] for header in response['headers']: res.headers[header['name'].encode(encoding)] = header['value'].encode(encoding) if header['name'] == 'Set-Cookie': set_cookies.append(res.headers[header['name']].rsplit(';', 1)[0]) res.history = list(history) res.request = req history.append(res) res._content = re.sub( ( '<html><head></head><body>' '<pre style="word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap;">(.*?)</pre>' '</body></html>' ), r'\1', page['content'], flags=re.DOTALL ).encode(encoding) return None, res except IndexError: return {'errorCode': -1, 'errorString': 'An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host'}, None