Пример #1
def _karma(bot, event, *args):
    username = '******'.join(args)
    username = username.replace('@', '')
    add = username.count("+")
    sub = username.count("-")
    if add > 6:
        add = 6
    if sub > 6:
        sub = 6
    username = username.replace("+", "")
    username = username.replace("-", "")
    username = username.lower()
    for u in sorted(event.conv.users, key=lambda x: x.full_name.split()[-1]):
        if username not in u.full_name.lower():
        if u.id_ == event.user.id_:
            bot.send_message(event.conv, "Your Karma changes with actions upon others, not actions upon oneself.")

        new_karma = None
        if add >= 2 and sub == 0:
            new_karma = UtilBot.change_karma(u.id_[0], add - 1)
        elif sub >= 2 and add == 0:
            new_karma = UtilBot.change_karma(u.id_[0], (sub - 1) * -1)
        if new_karma is not None:
            bot.send_message(event.conv, "{}'s karma is now {}".format(u.full_name, new_karma))

    yield from bot._client.settyping(event.conv_id, schemas.TypingStatus.STOPPED)