Пример #1
def recompile(modulename):
    """	recompile module from modulename

    ### modulename is file type
    if os.path.exists(modulename):
        zf = ZipManager.Zip(modulename)
        return zf.Recompile()
        ### first, see if the module can be imported at all...
        tmp = __import__(modulename, globals(), locals(), fromlist=[modulename.split(".")[-1]])
        ### Use the imported module to determine its actual path
        pycfile = tmp.__file__
        modulepath = string.replace(pycfile, ".pyc", ".py")

        ### Try to open the specified module as a file
        code = open(modulepath, "rU").read()

        ### see if the file we opened can compile.  If not, return the error that it gives.
        ### if compile() fails, the module will not be replaced.
            compile(code, modulename, "exec")
            return (
                "Error in compilation: "
                + str(sys.exc_info()[0])
                + "\r\n"
                + Utilities.listf(format_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback))

            ### Ok, it compiled.  But will it execute without error?
            except Exception:
                # return "Error '%s' happened on line %d" % (info[0], info[1][1])
                return (
                    "Error in execution: "
                    + str(sys.exc_info()[0])
                    + "\r\n"
                    + Utilities.listf(format_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback))


                ### at this point, the code both compiled and ran without error.  Load it up
                ### replacing the original code.
                return reload(sys.modules[modulename])
Пример #2
def recompile(modulename):
	"""	recompile module from modulename

	### modulename is file type
	if os.path.exists(modulename):
		zf = ZipManager.Zip(modulename)
		return zf.Recompile()
		### first, see if the module can be imported at all...
		tmp = __import__(modulename, globals(), locals(), fromlist=[modulename.split('.')[-1]])
		### Use the imported module to determine its actual path
		pycfile = tmp.__file__
		modulepath = string.replace(pycfile, ".pyc", ".py")

		### Try to open the specified module as a file
		code = open(modulepath, 'rU').read()

		### see if the file we opened can compile.  If not, return the error that it gives.
		### if compile() fails, the module will not be replaced.
			compile(code, modulename, "exec")
			return "Error in compilation: " + str(sys.exc_info()[0]) + "\r\n" + Utilities.listf(format_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback))

			### Ok, it compiled.  But will it execute without error?	
			except Exception:
				#return "Error '%s' happened on line %d" % (info[0], info[1][1])
				return "Error in execution: " + str(sys.exc_info()[0]) + "\r\n" + Utilities.listf(format_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback))


				### at this point, the code both compiled and ran without error.  Load it up
				### replacing the original code.
				return reload(sys.modules[modulename])
Пример #3
class Zip:
	def __init__(self, fn, files=None):
		""" Constructor
		if not files: files = []
		### local copy
		self.fn = fn

		if files:

	def Create(self, add_files=None):
		if not add_files: add_files = []
		dir_name, base_name = os.path.split(self.fn)
		name, ext = os.path.splitext(base_name)

		### output zip file
		zout = zipfile.ZipFile(self.fn, "w")

		### for all files wich could be added
		for fn in filter(lambda f: os.path.exists(f) or zipfile.is_zipfile(os.path.dirname(f)), add_files):
			fn_dir_name, fn_base_name = os.path.split(fn)
			fn_name, fn_ext = os.path.splitext(fn_base_name)
			### if adding file is compressed, we decompress and add it
			if zipfile.is_zipfile(fn_dir_name):
				zin = zipfile.ZipFile(fn_dir_name, 'r')
				buffer = zin.read(fn_base_name)
				### if not .dat file and the name of file is not the same with the zip file
				#if fn_ext == '.py':
				#zout.writestr("%s%s"%(name,fn_ext), buffer)
				zout.writestr(fn_base_name, buffer)
				zout.write(fn, fn_base_name)


	def Update(self, replace_files=None):
		""" Update zip archive with the new replace file names
		if not replace_files: replace_files = []

		### delete empty fileName
		replace_files = filter(lambda f: f != '', replace_files)

		# call this function because : http://www.digi.com/wiki/developer/index.php/Error_messages

		zin = zipfile.ZipFile(self.fn, 'r')
		zout = zipfile.ZipFile("new_arch.zip", 'w')

		exclude_file = []

		### write all replace file in the new archive
		for fn in replace_files:
			dir_name, base_name = os.path.split(fn)
			if zipfile.is_zipfile(dir_name):
				#print '1'
				z = zipfile.ZipFile(dir_name, 'r')
				data = z.read(base_name)
				### this line is in comment because is zip file contain image file we can not encode it.
				zout.writestr(base_name, data.encode('utf-8'))
				#zout.writestr(base_name, data)
				#print '11'
				#sys.stdout.write("update %s from compressed %s\n"%(base_name, fn))
			elif os.path.exists(fn):
				#print '2'
				zout.write(fn, base_name)
				#print '22'
				#sys.stdout.write("update %s from %s\n"%(base_name, fn))
			elif os.path.exists(base_name) and dir_name != "":
				#print '3'
				zout.write(base_name, fn)
				#print '33'
				#sys.stdout.write("update %s from %s\n"%(fn, base_name))
				#sys.stdout.write("%s unknown\n"%(fn))

		### try to rewrite not replaced files from original zip
		info_list = zin.infolist()
		for item in info_list:
			s = os.path.basename(item.filename)
			if s not in map(os.path.basename, replace_files) and info_list.index(item) not in exclude_file:
				buffer = zin.read(item.filename)
				zout.writestr(item, buffer)
				sys.stdout.write("%s rewrite\n" % item.filename)

		### close all files

		### remove and rename the zip file

	def Delete(self, delete_files=None):
		""" Remove file in zip archive
		if not delete_files: delete_files = []

		### delete empty fileName
		delete_files = filter(lambda f: f != '', delete_files)

		# call this function because : http://www.digi.com/wiki/developer/index.php/Error_messages

		zin = zipfile.ZipFile(self.fn, 'r')
		zout = zipfile.ZipFile("new_arch.zip", 'w')

		info_list = zin.infolist()
		for item in info_list:
			if item.filename not in delete_files:
				buffer = zin.read(item.filename)
				zout.writestr(item, buffer)
				##sys.stdout.write("%s rewrite\n"%(item.filename))

		### close all files

		### remove and rename the zip file

	def GetImage(self, scaleW=16, scaleH=16):
		""" Get image object from image file stored in zip file.
			scaleH and scaleW are used to rescale image

		zf = zipfile.ZipFile(self.fn, 'r')

		### find if python file has same name of model file
		L = filter(lambda f: f.endswith(('.jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'bmp')), zf.namelist())

		if L:
			f = zf.open(L.pop())
			buf = f.read()
			sbuf = StringIO.StringIO(buf)
			image = wx.ImageFromStream(sbuf)
			image.Rescale(scaleW, scaleH)
			return image
			return None

	def GetPluginFile(fn):
		""" TODO: comment
		### zipfile (amd or cmd)
		zf = zipfile.ZipFile(fn, 'r')
		nl = zf.namelist()

		L = filter(lambda a: a != [], map(lambda s: re.findall("^(plugins[/]?[\w]*.py)$", s), nl))
		return L.pop(0)[0] if L != [] else ""

	def HasPlugin(fn):
		""" TODO: comment

		### zipfile (amd or cmd)
		zf = zipfile.ZipFile(fn, 'r')
		nl = zf.namelist()
		### plugin file is plugins.pi in root of zipfile or in plugins zipedd directory
		return any(map(lambda s: re.search("^(plugins[/]*[\w]*.py)$", s), nl))

	# BDD Test----------------------------------------------------------------------
	def HasTests(fn):
		""" TODO: comment
		name = os.path.basename(getPythonModelFileName(fn)).split('.')[0]
		zf = zipfile.ZipFile(fn, 'r')
		nl = zf.namelist()
		return any(map(lambda s: re.search("^(BDD/[\w*/]*\.py|BDD/[\w*/]*\.feature)$", s), nl))

	def GetTests(fn):
		""" Return feature, steps and environment files from .amd
		zf = zipfile.ZipFile(fn, 'r')
		nl = zf.namelist()


		tests_files = filter(lambda a: a != [], map(lambda s: re.findall("^(BDD/[\w*/]*\.py|BDD/[\w*/]*\.feature)$", s), nl))
		tests_files = [a[0] for a in tests_files]

		return tests_files

		#### find feature and steps file
		#feat = None
		#steps = None
		#env = None
		#feat = filter(lambda t: t.endswith('.feature'), zf.namelist())[0]
		#if 'steps.py' in zf.namelist():
			#steps = "steps.py"
		#if 'environment.py' in zf.namelist():
			#env = "environment.py"
		#return feat, steps, env
	# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	def GetModule(self, rcp=False):
		""" Load module from zip file corresponding to the amd or cmd model.
			It used when the tree library is created.

		# get module name
			module_name = getPythonModelFileName(self.fn)
		except Exception, info:
			sys.stderr.write(_("Error in ZipManager class for GetModule: no python file in the archive\n"))
			return info

		# if necessary, recompile (for update after editing code source of model)
		#if rcp: recompile(module_name)

		# import module
			### clear to clean the import after exporting model (amd or cmd) and reload within the same instrance of DEVSimPy

			importer = zipimport.zipimporter(self.fn)
			module = importer.load_module(module_name.split('.py')[0])
			module.__name__ = Utilities.path_to_module(module_name)
		except Exception, info:
			sys.stderr.write(_("Error in execution: ") + str(sys.exc_info()[0]) + "\r\n" + Utilities.listf(
				format_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback)))
			return info