def UnloadSoundTuneCache(self): print("ContentManager.UnloadSoundTuneCache : Clearing FrequencyGenerator Cache...") self.SoundTuneCache_Cache.clear() self.SoundTuneCache_Names.clear() Utils.GarbageCollector_Collect() del self.SoundTuneCache_Cache del self.SoundTuneCache_Names Utils.GarbageCollector_Collect() self.SoundTuneCache_Cache = list() self.SoundTuneCache_Names = list() Utils.GarbageCollector_Collect() print("ContentManager.UnloadSoundTuneCache : Done")
def Shape_Line(DISPLAY, Color, startX, startY, endX, endY, LineWidth, FoldLine=True): """ Draw a Line :param DISPLAY:Surface to be drawn :param Color:Color (RGB) :param startX:Line StartX :param startY:Line StartY :param endX:Line EndX :param endY:Line EndY :param LineWidth:Line Width :param FoldLine:Fold the line when getting offscreen :return: """ # -- Fix the Color Range -- # Color = Utils.FixColorRange(Color) if FoldLine: if endX > DISPLAY.get_width(): endX = DISPLAY.get_width() if endY > DISPLAY.get_height(): endY = DISPLAY.get_height() if startX < 0: startX = 0 if startY < 0: startY = 0 pygame.draw.line(DISPLAY, Color, (startX, startY), (endX, endY), LineWidth)
def Shape_Rectangle(DISPLAY, Color, Rectangle, BorderWidth=0, BorderRadius=0, Border_TopLeft_Radius=0, Border_TopRight_Radius=0, Border_BottomLeft_Radius=0, Border_BottomRight_Radius=0, DrawLines=False): """ Draw a Rectangle :param DISPLAY:Surface to be drawn\n :param Color:Color (RGB)\n :param Rectangle:Rectangle Rectangle\n :param BorderWidth:Border Width\n :param BorderRadius:Border Radius\n :param Border_TopLeft_Radius:Only apply border to TopLeft\n :param Border_TopRight_Radius:Only apply border to TopRight\n :param Border_BottomLeft_Radius:Only apply border to BottomLeft\n :param Border_BottomRight_Radius:Only apply border to BottomRight\n :param DrawLines:Draw only rectangle line\n :return: """ if CntMng.RectangleRenderingDisabled: return if Rectangle[0] <= DISPLAY.get_width() and Rectangle[0] >= 0 - Rectangle[2] and Rectangle[1] <= DISPLAY.get_height() and Rectangle[1] >= 0 - Rectangle[3]: # -- Fix the Color Range -- # Color = Utils.FixColorRange(Color) # -- Border Radius-- # if BorderRadius > 0 and Border_TopRight_Radius == 0 and Border_TopLeft_Radius == 0 and Border_BottomLeft_Radius == 0 and Border_BottomRight_Radius == 0: Border_TopRight_Radius = BorderRadius Border_TopLeft_Radius = BorderRadius Border_BottomRight_Radius = BorderRadius Border_BottomLeft_Radius = BorderRadius # -- Render the Rectangle -- # if not DrawLines: pygame.draw.rect(DISPLAY, Color, Rectangle, BorderWidth, BorderRadius, Border_TopLeft_Radius, Border_TopRight_Radius, Border_BottomLeft_Radius, Border_BottomRight_Radius) else: gFxdraw.rectangle(DISPLAY, Rectangle, Color)
def FontRender(self, DISPLAY, FontFileLocation, Size, Text, ColorRGB, X, Y, antialias=True, Opacity=255): """ Render a Text using a font loaded into Taiyou Font Cache :param DISPLAY:Surface Name :param FontFileLocation:Font Resource Name [starting with /] :param Size:Font Size :param Text:Text to be Rendered :param ColorRGB:Color in RGB Format [R, G, B] :param X:X Location :param Y:Y Location :param antialias:Smooth Pixels [This option can decrea se peformace] :return: """ if not FontRenderingDisabled: # -- Get the FontFileObject, required for all functions here -- # FontFileObject = self.GetFont_object(FontFileLocation, Size) ColorRGB = Utils.FixColorRange(ColorRGB) if X <= DISPLAY.get_width() and Y <= DISPLAY.get_height() and X >= -FontFileObject.render(Text, antialias, ColorRGB).get_width() and Y >= -FontFileObject.render(Text, antialias, ColorRGB).get_height() and not Text == "": # -- Fix Opacity Range -- # if Opacity < 0: Opacity = 0 if Opacity > 255: Opacity = 255 # -- Render Multiple Lines -- # for i, l in enumerate(Text.splitlines()): # FontSurface Object FontSurface = FontFileObject.render(l, antialias, ColorRGB) # Set Font Opacity FontSurface.set_alpha(Opacity) # Blit Font Surface DISPLAY.blit(FontSurface, (X, Y + Size * i))
def LoadSoundsInFolder(self): """ Load all sounds on the specified folder\n :param FolderName:Folder Path Name :return: """ if SoundDisabled: return if self.Sound_Path == "": raise Exception("Sound Path was not set.") FolderName = self.Sound_Path self.InitSoundSystem() temp_sound_files = Utils.Directory_FilesList(FolderName) index = -1 print("ContentManager.LoadSoundsInFolder : Loading Sounds") for x in temp_sound_files: try: index += 1 print("\nContentManager.LoadSoundsInFolder : File[" + x + "] detected; Index[" + str(index) + "]") CorrectKeyName = x.replace(FolderName, "") self.AllLoadedSounds[CorrectKeyName] = (pygame.mixer.Sound(x)) except pygame.error: break print("ContentManager.LoadSoundsInFolder : ItemAdded[" + CorrectKeyName + "]; Index[" + str(index) + "]\n") print("ContentManager.LoadSoundsInFolder : Operation Completed")
def UnloadImage(self): """ Unload all loaded sprites :return: """ print("Image.Unload : Unloading Images...") Utils.GarbageCollector_Collect() del self.Images_Data del self.Images_Name del CurrentLoadedFonts_Name Utils.GarbageCollector_Collect() self.Images_Data = list() self.Images_Name = list() print("Image.Unload : Done")
def LoadRegKeysInFolder(self): """ Load all keys on Specified Folder :param reg_dir:Specified Folder :return: """ if self.Reg_Path == "": raise Exception("Registry Path was not set.") reg_dir = self.Reg_Path # -- FIX for working on Windows -- # self.Reg_Path = self.SourceFolder + reg_dir.replace(self.SourceFolder, "") self.Reg_Path = self.Reg_Path.replace("/", tge.TaiyouPath_CorrectSlash) start_time = time.time() # -- Unload the Registry -- # self.UnloadRegistry() print("Taiyou.ContentManager.LoadRegistry : Loading Registry...") temp_reg_keys = Utils.Directory_FilesList(reg_dir) index = -1 for x in temp_reg_keys: index += 1 CorrectKeyName = x.replace(reg_dir, "").replace(".data", "") file = open(x, "r") CurrentLine = AllData = "" for x in CurrentLine: if not x.startswith("#"): AllData += x + "\n" # -- Format the Text -- # AllData = AllData.rstrip().replace("%n", "\n").replace("%t", "\t").replace("%s", " ") self.reg_keys.append(CorrectKeyName) self.reg_contents.append(AllData) print("Taiyou.ContentManager.LoadRegistry : KeyLoaded[" + CorrectKeyName + "]") print("Taiyou.ContentManager.LoadRegistry : Total of {0} registry keys loaded. In {1} seconds.".format(str(len(self.reg_keys)), Utils.FormatNumber(time.time() - start_time, 4))) Utils.GarbageCollector_Collect()
def GenerateCrashLog(): print("Generating crash log...") # Create the directory for the Crash Logs CrashLogsDir = "./Logs/".replace("/", tge.TaiyouPath_CorrectSlash) Utils.Directory_MakeDir(CrashLogsDir) try: FilePath = CrashLogsDir + SystemFault_ProcessObject.NAME + ".txt" except: FilePath = CrashLogsDir + "unknow_process_name.txt" ProcessInformation = " --- PROCESS INFORMATION ---\n" ProcessInformation += "Name:" try: ProcessInformation += SystemFault_ProcessObject.NAME + "\n" except: ProcessInformation += "Error while parsing\n" ProcessInformation += "PID:" try: ProcessInformation += SystemFault_ProcessObject.PID + "\n" except: ProcessInformation += "Error while parsing\n" ProcessInformation += "ModulePath:" try: ProcessInformation += SystemFault_ProcessObject.ROOT_MODULE + "\n" except: ProcessInformation += "Error while parsing\n" ProcessInformation += "IsFullscreen:" try: ProcessInformation += SystemFault_ProcessObject.FULLSCREEN + "\n" except: ProcessInformation += "Error while parsing\n" ProcessInformation += "HasFocus:" try: ProcessInformation += SystemFault_ProcessObject.APPLICATION_HAS_FOCUS + "\n" except: ProcessInformation += "Error while parsing\n" ProcessInformation += "TitlebarText:" try: ProcessInformation += SystemFault_ProcessObject.TITLEBAR_TEXT + "\n" except: ProcessInformation += "Error while parsing\n" ProcessInformation += "\nAny field with 'Error while parsing' was because the process does not actualy have the variable\n\n --- ERROR TRACEBACK ---" FileWrite = open(FilePath, "w") FileWrite.write(ProcessInformation) FileWrite.write(SystemFault_Traceback) FileWrite.close() print("Crash log completed")
def ReloadRegistry(self): """ Reload all Registry Keys :return: """ print("Taiyou.ContentManager.ReloadRegistry : Reloading Registry...") self.UnloadRegistry() self.LoadRegKeysInFolder() Utils.GarbageCollector_Collect()
def UnloadRegistry(self): """ Unload all registry keys :return: """ # -- Clear the Registry -- # print("Taiyou.ContentManager.UnloadRegistry : Unloading Registry") self.reg_keys = list() self.reg_contents = list() Utils.GarbageCollector_Collect()
def KillProcessByPID(PID): global ProcessListChanged Index = GetProcessIndexByPID(PID) ProcessList.pop(Index) ProcessList_PID.pop(Index) ProcessList_Names.pop(Index) Utils.GarbageCollector_Collect() print("Taiyou : Finished process index: " + str(Index)) ProcessListChanged = True
def LoadImage(self, ImagePath, Transparency=False): """ Load the Specified Image :param ImagePath:Path to the Specified Image :param Transparency:Bool Value to import with transparency or not :return: """ if Utils.Directory_Exists(ImagePath): self.Images_Name.append(tge.TaiyouPath_CorrectSlash + os.path.basename(ImagePath)) if Transparency: self.Images_Data.append(pygame.image.load(ImagePath).convert_alpha()) else: self.Images_Data.append(pygame.image.load(ImagePath).convert())
def SetDisplay(): global DISPLAY global ScreenWidth global ScreenHeight if not tge.RunInFullScreen: DISPLAY = pygame.display.set_mode( (ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight), pygame.DOUBLEBUF | pygame.HWACCEL | pygame.HWSURFACE) else: DISPLAY = pygame.display.set_mode( (ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight), pygame.DOUBLEBUF | pygame.HWACCEL | pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.FULLSCREEN) pygame.display.set_caption("Taiyou Framework v" + Utils.FormatNumber(tge.TaiyouGeneralVersion))
def Shape_Circle(DISPLAY, X, Y, Radius, Color, Width=0, draw_top_right=False, draw_top_left=False, draw_bottom_left=False, draw_bottom_right=False): """ Draw a Circle :param DISPLAY:Surface to draw :param X:Circle X :param Y:Circle Y :param Radius:Circle Radius :param Color:Color (RGB) :param Width:Circle Width :param draw_top_right:Draw top right :param draw_top_left:Draw top left :param draw_bottom_left:Draw bottom left :param draw_bottom_right:Draw bottom right :return: """ if X - Radius < DISPLAY.get_width() and Y - Radius < DISPLAY.get_height() and X > -Radius and Y > -Radius and Radius > 1: Color = Utils.FixColorRange(Color), Color, (X, Y), Radius, Width, draw_top_right, draw_top_left, draw_bottom_left, draw_bottom_right)
def CreateProcess(Path, ProcessName, pInitArgs=None, pPriority=0): """ Set the Game Object :param GameFolder:Folder Path :return: """ global ProcessList global ProcessList_Names global DISPLAY global ProcessListChanged global ProcessNextPID print("TaiyouFramework.CreateProcess : Creating Process: [" + ProcessName + "]") Path = Path.replace("/", tge.TaiyouPath_CorrectSlash) ProcessIndex = len(ProcessList_Names) print("ProcessIndex: " + str(ProcessIndex)) print("Path: " + Path) print("ProcessName: " + ProcessName) ProcessNextPID += 1 ProcessList_Names.append(ProcessName) Module = importlib.import_module(tge.Get_MainGameModuleName(Path)) ProcessList.append( Module.Process(ProcessNextPID, ProcessName, tge.Get_MainGameModuleName(Path), pInitArgs)) ProcessList_PID.append(ProcessNextPID) importlib.reload(Module) del Module if tge.Get_MainGameModuleName(Path) in sys.modules: sys.modules.pop(tge.Get_MainGameModuleName(Path)) Utils.GarbageCollector_Collect() # Inject Variables and Functions Index = ProcessList_PID.index(ProcessNextPID) ProcessList[Index].PROCESS_INDEX = ProcessIndex ProcessList[Index].WINDOW_DRAG_ENABLED = False ProcessList[Index].APPLICATION_HAS_FOCUS = True ProcessList[Index].EXECUTABLE_PATH = Path ProcessList[Index].PRIORITY = pPriority ProcessListChanged = True # Initialize try: # Intialize Process Code ProcessList[Index].Initialize() except Exception as ex: # Remove the last item from the lists print("TaiyouFramework.CreateProcess : Process: [" + ProcessName + "] thrown an error on while trying to initialize") del ProcessList[-1] del ProcessList_PID[-1] del ProcessList_Names[-1] Utils.GarbageCollector_Collect() raise ex print("TaiyouFramework.CreateProcess : Process: [" + ProcessName + "] created successfully.") return ProcessNextPID