Пример #1
    def route(self, frm_pin, to_pin, gc=None):
        self._logger.debug("Begin routing. Set cursor")

        frm = frm_pin.getPosition()
        to  = to_pin.getPosition()

        todo_stack = InsortList()
        back_track = CanvasCostmap( (0,0) )
        mod_list = self.getObjects(gModule)
        def pinHit( coord ):
            if coord == frm or coord == to:
                self._logger.debug("hit but start/end")
                return False
            for mod in mod_list:
                if isinstance(mod.hitTest( coord ), gPin):
                    self._logger.debug("PinHit! at %s (%s<->%s)"%(coord, frm, to))
                    return True
            return False

        todo_stack.insert( self._cost_map.get(frm), (frm, frm, self._cost_map.get(frm)) )
        back_track.add( frm, self._cost_map.get(frm))
        while True:
            (ccost, (cur, prev, csum)) = todo_stack.pop()
            cx,cy = cur
            px,py = prev
            # SOUTH
            if cx+1 <= 1000 and back_track.getPure( (cx+1,cy) )==0:      # FIXME cx+1<=max_x
                if px == cx: cost = self._cost_map.get((cx+1,cy))+self._corner_cost
                elif pinHit( (cx+1,cy) ): cost = sys.maxint
                else: cost = self._cost_map.get((cx+1,cy))
                todo_stack.insert(cost, ((cx+1,cy), cur, csum+cost))
                back_track.add( (cx+1, cy), cost+csum )
            # NORTH
            if cx-1 >= 0 and back_track.getPure( (cx-1,cy) )==0:
                if px == cx: cost = self._cost_map.get((cx-1,cy))+self._corner_cost
                elif pinHit( (cx-1,cy) ): cost = sys.maxint
                else: cost = self._cost_map.get((cx-1,cy))
                todo_stack.insert(cost, ((cx-1,cy), cur, csum+cost))
                back_track.add( (cx-1, cy), cost+csum )
            # EAST
            if cy+1 <= 1000 and back_track.getPure( (cx,cy+1) )==0:    # FIXME
                if py == cy: cost = self._cost_map.get((cx,cy+1))+self._corner_cost
                elif pinHit( (cx,cy+1) ): cost = sys.maxint
                else: cost = self._cost_map.get((cx,cy+1))
                todo_stack.insert(cost, ((cx,cy+1), cur, csum+cost) )
                back_track.add( (cx,cy+1), cost+csum )
            # WEST
            if cy-1 >= 0 and back_track.getPure( (cx,cy-1) )==0:
                if py == cy: cost = self._cost_map.get((cx,cy-1))+self._corner_cost
                elif pinHit( (cx,cy-1) ): cost = sys.maxint
                else: cost = self._cost_map.get((cx,cy-1))
                todo_stack.insert(cost, ((cx,cy-1), cur, csum+cost))
                back_track.add( (cx,cy-1), cost+csum )
            if cur == to: break # yeah found!
            if len(todo_stack)==0:
                raise Exception("No route found from %s to %s"%(frm,to))

        return self._back_route(frm, to, back_track, gc)