def listContestByPriv(request, ccId, pageId='1'): """ view used to list all contest a user can manage, course_class restricted """ try: u = User.getSessionUser(request.session) if not u:, u'请先登录') return render(request, 'newtpl/contest/contestListByPriv.html') cc = CourseClass.getById(ccId) if not Contest.hasPriv(cc, u): raise Exception(Const.NOT_PVLG) contestList = Contest.getByCourseClass(cc) now = for c in contestList: c.course_class_name = unicode(c.course_class.getFullName()) c.title = unicode(c.contest_title) if c.start_time+timedelta(minutes=c.length)<now: c.status = 'ended' elif c.start_time > now: c.status = 'scheduled' else: c.status = 'running' paginator = Paginator(contestList, Const.CONTEST_PER_PAGE) pageId = min(max(int(pageId), 1), paginator.num_pages) return render(request, 'newtpl/contest/contestListByPriv.html', {'contest_list':, 'course_class': cc, 'tpl':{'has_priv': True, 'nav_act':'contest',}}) except Exception as e: return render(request, Const.ERROR_PAGE, {'errmsg': unicode(e), })
def getByAdmin(cls, user): cList = [] ccList = CourseClass.getAllManagedClasses(user) map(cList.extend, [Contest.getByCourseClass(cc) for cc in ccList]) cList = list(set(cList)) return sorted(cList, key=lambda contest: contest.start_time, reverse=True)
def addContest(request, ccId): try: u = User.getSessionUser(request.session) if not u: raise Err(request, 'not login') try: cc = CourseClass.getById(ccId) except: raise Err(request, 'no resource') try: Contest.canAddContest(cc, u) except: raise Err(request, 'no priv') recentProblem = Problem.problemListByAuthor(u) if request.method == 'POST': form = contestForm(request.POST) pIdList = request.POST.getlist('problem_id') #pIdList = Problem.problemList(u) pTitleList = request.POST.getlist('problem_title_custom') pCnt = len(pIdList) if form.is_valid(): for i in xrange(pCnt): p = Problem.getById(pIdList[i]) if not p.canViewProblem(u): raise Err(request, 'no problem priv') pInfos = [(pIdList[i], pTitleList[i], chr(65+i)) for i in xrange(pCnt)] cTitle = form.cleaned_data['title'] cDesc = form.cleaned_data['desc'] cStartDate = form.cleaned_data['start_date'] cStartTime = form.cleaned_data['start_time'] cLength = form.cleaned_data['length'] cBoardStop = form.cleaned_data['board_stop'] cType = form.cleaned_data['contest_type'] cBoardType = form.cleaned_data['board_type'] permitLang = reduce(add, [Const.LANG_MASK[lang] for lang in form.cleaned_data['lang_limit']]) c = Contest.addContest(u, cc, cTitle, pInfos, datetime.combine(cStartDate, cStartTime), cDesc, cLength, cBoardStop, cType, cBoardType, permitLang) return redirect('Contest:show_contest', c.cid) else: problemList = [{'pid': pIdList[x], 'title': pTitleList[x], 'origTitle':Problem.getById(pIdList[x]).prob_title} for x in xrange(pCnt)] return render(request, 'newtpl/contest/addContest.html', {'cc':cc, 'form': form, 'recent_problem': recentProblem, 'problem_list': problemList, 'tpl':{'has_priv': True, 'sp': True, }}) else: form = contestForm() return render(request, 'newtpl/contest/addContest.html', {'cc':cc, 'form': form, 'recent_problem': recentProblem, 'tpl':{'has_priv': True, 'sp': True, }}) except Exception as e:, unicode(e)) return render(request, Err.ERROR_PAGE)
def getByStudent(cls, user): cList = [] map(cList.extend, [ Contest.getByCourseClass(cc) for cc in CourseClass.getByStudent(user) ]) cList = list(set(cList)) return sorted(cList, key=lambda contest: contest.start_time, reverse=True)
def canAddCourseProblem(cls, cs, u): if cs.canBeManaged(u): return True try: for css in CourseClass.getByCourse(cs): if css.canBeManaged(u): return True return False except Exception as e: raise e
def chooseCourseClass(request): try: u = User.getSessionUser(request.session) if not u: raise Err(request, 'not login') if u.isStudent(): raise Err(request, 'no priv') cc_list = CourseClass.getAllManagedClasses(u) return render(request,'newtpl/contest/chooseCourseClass.html',{'list': cc_list, 'tpl':{'sp':True}}) except Exception as e: return render(request, Err.ERROR_PAGE)
def chooseCourseClass(request): try: u = User.getSessionUser(request.session) if not u: raise Err(request, 'not login') if u.isStudent(): raise Err(request, 'no priv') cc_list = CourseClass.getAllManagedClasses(u) return render(request, 'newtpl/contest/chooseCourseClass.html', { 'list': cc_list, 'tpl': { 'sp': True } }) except Exception as e: return render(request, Err.ERROR_PAGE)
def listContestByPriv(request, ccId, pageId='1'): """ view used to list all contest a user can manage, course_class restricted """ try: u = User.getSessionUser(request.session) if not u:, u'请先登录') return render(request, 'newtpl/contest/contestListByPriv.html') cc = CourseClass.getById(ccId) if not Contest.hasPriv(cc, u): raise Exception(Const.NOT_PVLG) contestList = Contest.getByCourseClass(cc) now = for c in contestList: c.course_class_name = unicode(c.course_class.getFullName()) c.title = unicode(c.contest_title) if c.start_time + timedelta(minutes=c.length) < now: c.status = 'ended' elif c.start_time > now: c.status = 'scheduled' else: c.status = 'running' paginator = Paginator(contestList, Const.CONTEST_PER_PAGE) pageId = min(max(int(pageId), 1), paginator.num_pages) return render( request, 'newtpl/contest/contestListByPriv.html', { 'contest_list':, 'course_class': cc, 'tpl': { 'has_priv': True, 'nav_act': 'contest', } }) except Exception as e: return render(request, Const.ERROR_PAGE, { 'errmsg': unicode(e), })
def getByStudent(cls, user): cList = [] map(cList.extend, [Contest.getByCourseClass(cc) for cc in CourseClass.getByStudent(user)]) cList = list(set(cList)) return sorted(cList, key=lambda contest: contest.start_time, reverse=True)
def addContest(request, ccId): try: u = User.getSessionUser(request.session) if not u: raise Err(request, 'not login') try: cc = CourseClass.getById(ccId) except: raise Err(request, 'no resource') try: Contest.canAddContest(cc, u) except: raise Err(request, 'no priv') recentProblem = Problem.problemListByAuthor(u) if request.method == 'POST': form = contestForm(request.POST) pIdList = request.POST.getlist('problem_id') pTitleList = request.POST.getlist('problem_title_custom') pCnt = len(pIdList) if form.is_valid(): for i in xrange(pCnt): p = Problem.getById(pIdList[i]) if not p.canManageProblem(u): raise Err(request, 'no problem priv') pInfos = [(pIdList[i], pTitleList[i], chr(65 + i)) for i in xrange(pCnt)] cTitle = form.cleaned_data['title'] cDesc = form.cleaned_data['desc'] cStartDate = form.cleaned_data['start_date'] cStartTime = form.cleaned_data['start_time'] cLength = form.cleaned_data['length'] cBoardStop = form.cleaned_data['board_stop'] cType = form.cleaned_data['contest_type'] cBoardType = form.cleaned_data['board_type'] permitLang = reduce(add, [ Const.LANG_MASK[lang] for lang in form.cleaned_data['lang_limit'] ]) c = Contest.addContest( u, cc, cTitle, pInfos, datetime.combine(cStartDate, cStartTime), cDesc, cLength, cBoardStop, cType, cBoardType, permitLang) return redirect('Contest:show_contest', c.cid) else: problemList = [{ 'pid': pIdList[x], 'title': pTitleList[x], 'origTitle': Problem.getById(pIdList[x]).prob_title } for x in xrange(pCnt)] return render( request, 'newtpl/contest/addContest.html', { 'cc': cc, 'form': form, 'recent_problem': recentProblem, 'problem_list': problemList, 'tpl': { 'has_priv': True, 'sp': True, } }) else: form = contestForm() return render( request, 'newtpl/contest/addContest.html', { 'cc': cc, 'form': form, 'recent_problem': recentProblem, 'tpl': { 'has_priv': True, 'sp': True, } }) except Exception as e: return render(request, Err.ERROR_PAGE)