Пример #1
async def random(client, message):
    random: The random query for sdvx, obtains a random song and sends it as an embed
    :param client: Not used, sent by default from commands
    :param message: The message to reply to
    :return: N/A
    # If the message just wants a random song
    if message.content == '!sdvxin random':
        song = await sdvx.fetch_random()
        # If there's a song
        if song is not None:
            await message.channel.send(embed=embeds.song(song))

            await message.channel.send(embed=embeds.search_not_found())

    # Otherwise, if it is a certain level the user wants
        level = re.search(regex.random, message.content)
        # If a level even exists in this query
        if level is not None:
            level = level.group(1)
            song = await sdvx.fetch_random(level)
            # If there's a song
            if song is not None:
                await message.channel.send(embed=embeds.song(song))

                await message.channel.send(embed=embeds.search_not_found())

        # If not, kick it over to default, in the case that it's a default song
            await search(message)
Пример #2
async def search(message):
    search: Helper function for default, so that it can be used with random as a fallback
            Otherwise, it would kick saying the function is NoneType
    :param message: The message to reply to
    :return: N/A
    # Fetch the query and attempt to search for it
    query = re.search(regex.query, message.content).group(2)

    if query is not None:
        # If a song_id was passed, fetch the song and send the embed if it exists.
        # If it doesn't exist, continue down to main query
        if re.search(regex.song_id, message.content) is not None:
            song_id = re.search(regex.song_id, message.content).group(0)
            song = await sdvx.search_song_id(song_id)

            if song is not None:
                await message.channel.send(embed=embeds.song(song))

        # If a link was passed, fetch the song and send the embed if it exists.
        # If it doesn't exist, continue down to main query
        elif re.search(regex.link, message.content) is not None:
            link = re.search(regex.link, message.content).group(0)
            song = await sdvx.search_song_link(link)

            if song is not None:
                await message.channel.send(embed=embeds.song(song))

        # Main query searching
        # Fetch a song_list based on the query
        song_list = await sdvx.search_song(query)

        # If there's only one song, just simply return the only existing song
        if len(song_list) == 1:
            await message.channel.send(embed=embeds.song(song_list[0]))

        # If no songs were found, send the not found embed
        elif len(song_list) == 0:
            await message.channel.send(embed=embeds.search_not_found())

        # If less than 10 errors were found, send a list of songs found
        elif len(song_list) < 10:
            await message.channel.send(embed=embeds.search_list(song_list))

        # Otherwise, too many songs were found, send the too many songs found
            await message.channel.send(embed=embeds.search_too_many())
Пример #3
async def update(client, message):
    update: For the request to update the database
    :param client: Client to update game status
    :param message: The message to reply to
    :return: N/A
    global sdvx_db_update

    # If there already is an update going on
    if await ongoing_update(message):

    await client.change_presence(activity=discord.Game(name='Updating SDVX DB'))

    # If the message is requesting a light update (nothing after update)
    if message.content == '!sdvxin update':
        # Send the update message, start updating the database, and then edit the message to be be the completed embed
        message_update = await message.channel.send(embed=embeds.db_update_start())

        sdvx_db_update = True
        errors = await sdvx.update()
        sdvx_db_update = False

        await error_check(errors, message_update)

    # Otherwise, find the song the user is trying to manually update
        # If the passed value is a url
        if re.search(regex.link, message.content) is not None:
            # Search for the song given the url
            link = re.search(regex.link, message.content).group(0)
            song = await sdvx.search_song_link(link)

            # If the song exists, update it
            if song is not None:
                await update_song(song, message)

            # If the song does not exist, add it
                message_update = await message.channel.send(embed=embeds.db_update_song_start(name=link))

                # Attempt to update
                sdvx_db_update = True
                song_id = re.search(regex.song_id, message.content).group(0)
                errors = await sdvx.add_song(song_id)
                sdvx_db_update = False

                song = await sdvx.search_song_id(song_id)
                await error_check(errors, message_update, song)

        # If the passed value is a song_id
        elif re.search(regex.song_id, message.content) is not None:
            # Attempt to update the song based on song_id
            song_id = re.search(regex.song_id, message.content).group(0)
            song = await sdvx.search_song_id(song_id)

            # Send the proper embeds
            # If the song exists
            if song is not None:
                await update_song(song, message)

            # If it does not exist, return a song not found
            # Would prefer not to do song adds by id by user in the case the song is just all numbers (444 gets close)
                await message.channel.send(embed=embeds.search_not_found())

        # Otherwise, treat it as a general update query
            query = re.search(regex.update, message.content).group(2)
            song_list = await sdvx.search_song(query)

            # If there has only one song that has been found then go ahead and update it
            if len(song_list) == 1:
                song = song_list[0]
                await update_song(song, message)

            # If there are less than 10, send an embed listing them off
            elif len(song_list) < 10:
                await message.channel.send(embed=embeds.search_list(song_list))

            # Otherwise, there are too many found, send an embed saying too many were found
                await message.channel.send(embed=embeds.search_too_many())

    await client.change_presence(activity=None)