Пример #1
def main():
    c = 3082489874584540355861976440154957444349802968606358209180310319846045010290428219945114844043901302597650924982910286231671337430936664185809669066762817535499514756463968189674472801536320141026694560204079394058935377378137004712487812117718010360346278762378192809353855702825349327607244514852447790414426389507325928721778099789473656709278135098915643867190345991798884214391389207351837734104494534915592459046635480167584016281186038004020937047971991512996625468347184973943467542720967761335734799148698672931984386755418194996569343120441376243026639952906891084792796113007934063427372263145841708494015
    e = 65537
    n = 4835750187736017002199910402633824276307631898091000077771942652114774929553132338780864979244300002934950340799255707706719068807452407480611171357191437808195657961280485410190950021251938036710663784185407986885413060120305830667265752106891991907683349203859430029804970061705163529856022394765039070626284349963490115392327176993981111921903099443600754324722527818078282290124479202829123212555658572674854964849787146566576353289029751920324001899153487870430173605050309512383603908334958874100463419711909679461073160404554664143408055364570826428967757690953156967295496007885336849722190950712736684455537
    factor_list = fermat_factorization(n)
    [X1, Y1] = factor_list[0]
    [X2, Y2] = factor_list[1]
    assert X1 * Y1 == n    
    assert X2 * Y2 == n

    #p1 = GCD(X1, X2)
    #p2 = X1 / p1
    #q1 = GCD(Y1, Y2)
    #q2 = Y1 / q1

    p1 = GCD(X1,X2)
    q1 = X1//p1
    p2 = GCD(Y1,Y2)
    q2 = Y1//p2

    phi = (p1 - 1) * (q1 - 1) * (p2 - 1) * (q2 - 1)
    d = inverse(e, phi)
    flag = l2b(pow(c, d, n))

Пример #2
    def generate_keypair(self):
        # https://www.swarthmore.edu/NatSci/echeeve1/Ref/BinaryMath/BinaryMath.html
        p_size = self.security // 2
        q_size = self.security - p_size
        p, q = int(getPrime(p_size)), int(getPrime(q_size))

        if p == q:
            raise ValueError('p and q cannot be equal')
        # n = pq
        n = p * q

        # Totient of n
        phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)

        # Choose an integer e such that e and phi(n) are coprime
        e = random.randrange(1, phi)
        if self.echo: print("Klucz publiczny: \n", e)

        # Use Euclid's Algorithm to verify that e and phi(n) are comprime
        g = GCD(e, phi)
        while g != 1:
            e = random.randrange(1, phi)
            g = GCD(e, phi)
        if self.echo: print("Test e*d == 1 OK")

        # Use Extended Euclid's Algorithm to generate the private key
        d = inverse(e, phi)
        if self.echo: print("Klucz prywatny: \n", d)

        # Return public and private keypair
        # Public key is (e, n) and private key is (d, n)
        self.public = namedtuple('public_key', ['e', 'n'])(e=e, n=n)
        self.private = namedtuple('private_key', ['d', 'n'])(d=d, n=n)
Пример #3
def main():
    c = 5333020300559057627358629150444779517927607675346073210522985591749203153560945527905471617055390862832090724275674301850841328746015818539999254106959583022492771703624475944141387595460858005483478153896882057074736219148307775833908988111821196571444363406298895482129627722808797729608415039516568435053064741173178431954979628184113077609472474158501321140759120865933591449468716625271915315192237652960416609140093720936411488882176262245872088399590046010317722025560167003681009206835834580085250672176381127010208394234527481235534697123574687573506314887709574961111534684456158044614521548036760981001130
    e = 65537
    n = 7661893861079288704612324056824281971553256849386803241531603299789846141029329254547934930958439426559413588181586850979797598156981380154181904473913556755982046171992133300178070732688527462379925496142741944410278173915503007594075131197019636352126219973024134086516300904590025630353490746964989205729428932590318185431652353310237407006739807162337887502047657095011822728581616805184689818928930804574318013115689430260450572839060904176023480504876807310962105063058782417722431654669730509157358979892491644691833798706704808468441748166558510311296180338934849110001861689206816856832238128874896790516637
    factor_list = fermat_factorization(n)
    [X1, Y1] = factor_list[0]
    [X2, Y2] = factor_list[1]
    assert X1 * Y1 == n
    assert X2 * Y2 == n

    #p1 = GCD(X1, X2)
    #p2 = X1 / p1
    #q1 = GCD(Y1, Y2)
    #q2 = Y1 / q1

    p1 = GCD(X1, X2)
    q1 = X1 / p1
    p2 = GCD(Y1, Y2)
    q2 = Y1 / p2

    phi = (p1 - 1) * (q1 - 1) * (p2 - 1) * (q2 - 1)
    d = inverse(e, phi)
    flag = l2b(pow(c, d, n))

Пример #4
def genrsa(s):
    e = 65537
    while True:
        r = randint(0, 4**s)
        p = next_prime(r)
        q = next_prime(r + randint(1, 2**s))
        if GCD(p - 1, e) == GCD(q - 1, e) == 1:
            return p * q, 2 * e
Пример #5
def getCoprimes(e = 65537):
    bitSize = 512
    p1, p2 = -1, -1
    while p1 == p2:
        p1 = getStrongPrime(bitSize, e)
        p2 = getStrongPrime(bitSize, e)
    assert(GCD(e, p1 - 1) == 1)
    assert(GCD(e, p2 - 1) == 1)
    return p1, p2
Пример #6
def solve_key():
    global RES, MOD, LST
    cnt = 0
    while True:
        cnt += 1
        print("cnt:", cnt)
        # myy^2 = myx^3 - 3 myx + b (in secp256r1)
        # myy^2 = myx^3 - 3 myx + ?? (in "secp224r1")
        # that curve must have small order

        u = rand.randint(0, 1 << 223)
        v = rand.randint(0, 1 << 223)

        b = (v * v - u * u * u + 3 * u) % p224
        E = EllipticCurve(GF(p224), [-3, b])

        ORD = E.order()

        for i in range(300, 1000):
            if isPrime(i) and MOD % i != 0 and ORD % i == 0:
                GG = None
                while True:
                    G = E.random_point()
                    GG = (ORD // i) * G
                    if GG != GG + GG:
                myx = int(crt(X256, int(GG.xy()[0]), p256, p224))
                myy = int(crt(Y256, int(GG.xy()[1]), p256, p224))
                params = []
                for j in range(1, i // 2 + 1):
                    CC = j * GG
                    shared = int(CC.xy()[0])
                    params.append((myx, myy, shared, j))
                ex = False
                pool = mp.Pool(12)
                for result in pool.imap_unordered(run_session_brute, params):
                    if result != None:
                        ex = True
                        RES = int(crt(RES, result, MOD, i))
                        MOD = MOD * i // GCD(MOD, i)
                        LST.append((result, i))
                if ex == False:
                    RES = int(crt(RES, 0, MOD, i))
                    MOD = MOD * i // GCD(MOD, i)
                    LST.append((0, i))

        if MOD >= (1 << 224):
Пример #7
def gen_key(bits=2048):
    x = RSA.generate(bits)
    n = x.n
    n2 = pow(n, 2)
    while True:
        g = getRandomInteger((n.bit_length() * 2) - 1)
        lm = ((x.p - 1) * (x.q - 1)) // GCD(x.p - 1, x.q - 1)
        glm = pow(g, lm, n2)
        a = (glm - 1) // n
        if GCD(a, n) == 1:
            mu = inverse(a, n)
            public_key = (n, g)
            secret_key = (lm, mu)
            return public_key, secret_key
Пример #8
def extract_pq_from_edn(e, d, n):
    k = d * e - 1
    t = 0
    r = k
    while r % 2 != 1:
        r //= 2
        t += 1
        if t == 0:
            return None, None
    for i in range(100):
        FIN = 0
        g = random.randint(0, n - 1)
        y = pow(g, r, n)
        if y == 1 or y == n - 1:
        for j in range(t):
            x = pow(y, 2, n)
            if x == 1:
                FIN = 2
            if x == n - 1:
                FIN = 1
            y = x
        if FIN == 1:
        if FIN == 2:
        x = pow(y, 2, n)
        if x == 1:
    p = GCD(y - 1, n)
    q = n // p
    return p, q
Пример #9
 def _encrypt(self, data):
     p = int(self.key.p)
     while 1:
         k = random.randint(1, p - 1)
         if GCD(k, p - 1) == 1: break
     encrypted = [self.key.publickey().encrypt(i, k) for i in data]
     return encrypted
Пример #10
def check_secret(secret):
    assert secret.bits == 512
    assert secret.p.bit_length() == secret.bits
    assert secret.q.bit_length() == secret.bits
    assert secret.e < secret.bits
    assert isPrime(secret.p) and isPrime(secret.q)
    assert GCD(secret.e, (secret.p - 1) * (secret.q - 1)) == 1
Пример #11
    def sign(self, m):
        p, q, u = 1, 1, 1
        while p * q != self.n:
            p = self._db.load('p')
            q = self._db.load('q')

        while u * p % q != 1:
            u = self._db.load('u')

        while True:
            dp = self._db.load('dp')
            dq = self._db.load('dq')

            s1 = pow(m, dp, p)
            s2 = pow(m, dq, q)

            h = s2 - s1
            if h < 0:
                h = h + q

            h = h * u % q
            s = h * p + s1

            # Avoid fault
            if GCD(pow(s, self.e, self.n) - m, self.n) not in [p, q]:
                return s
Пример #12
def main(args):
    pubkey1 = RSA.import_key(args.k1.read())
    pubkey2 = RSA.import_key(args.k2.read())
    c1 = b64decode(args.c1.read())
    c1 = bytes_to_long(c1)
    c2 = b64decode(args.c2.read())
    c2 = bytes_to_long(c2)

    # We first check that the modulus N of both public keys are equal
    if pubkey1.n != pubkey2.n:
            "[ERROR] The modulus of both public keys must be the same\n")
    if GCD(pubkey1.e, pubkey2.e) != 1:
            "[ERROR] The greatest common denominator between the exponent of each keys should be 1\n"
    deciphered_message = common_modulus(pubkey1.e, pubkey2.e, pubkey1.n, c1,
    deciphered_bytes = long_to_bytes(deciphered_message)

    print("[+] Recovered message:")
    print("[+] Recovered bytes:")

    if args.o:
Пример #13
 def sign(self, m):
     *Step-1*: Calculate hash of the message to be signed
     e = sha256(m).digest()
     *Step-2*: Compute `z` as the `Ln` left most bits of `e`,
               `Ln` is the bit length of group order `n`
     Ln = len(bin(self.n)[2:])
     z = bytes_to_long(slice_string(e, Ln))
     *Step-3*: Generate a random number `k` from [1, n-1]
     k = gen_rand(1, self.n - 1)
     *Step-4*: Calculate r as the x-coordinate of result of scalar
               multiplication of `k` with generator point `G`
     r = (k * self.G).x()
     GCD of `k` and order of subgroup generated by `G` ie. n,
     should be 1 to be able to calculate inverse of `k` over mod `n`
     assert GCD(k, self.n) == 1
     *Step-5*: Calculate signature s = (k^{-1}*(z + k*d)) % n
     s = (inverse(k, self.n) * (z + r * self.d)) % self.n
     return (r, s)
Пример #14
def pollard_brute(N):
    For one of N's prime p,
        1. If (p-1) is a K-smooth number. (k is small)
        2. When all (p-1)'s factor were iterated by b
    Then it can be factorization by pollard_pm1.
    a = 2
    b = 1
    factors = []
    if isPrime(N) : return N
    try :
        while True:
            a = pow(a, b, N)
            p = GCD(a - 1, N)
            if 1 < p < N:
                print(f"factor found: {p}")
                q = N // p
                if isPrime(q) :
                    print(f"factor found: {q}")
                    return factors
            b += 1
        return factors
Пример #15
def crt(list_a, list_m):
    Reference: https://crypto.stanford.edu/pbc/notes/numbertheory/crt.html
    Returns the output after computing Chinese Remainder Theorem on
    x = a_1 mod m_1
    x = a_2 mod m_2
    x = a_n mod m_n
    input parameter list_a = [a_1, a_2, ..., a_n]
    input parameter list_m = [m_1, m_2, ..., m_n]
    Returns -1 if the operation is unsuccessful due to some exceptions
    for i in range(len(list_m)):
        for j in range(len(list_m)):
            if GCD(list_m[i], list_m[j]) != 1 and i != j:
                raise Exception("Moduli should be pairwise co-prime")

    M = 1
    for i in list_m:
        M *= i
    list_b = [M // i for i in list_m]
    assert len(list_b) == len(list_m)
        list_b_inv = [
            inverse(list_b[i], list_m[i]) for i in range(len(list_m))
        raise Exception(
            "Encountered an unusual error while calculating inverse")

    x = 0
    for i in range(len(list_m)):
        x += list_a[i] * list_b[i] * list_b_inv[i]
    return x % M
Пример #16
 def generate(bits, e):
     p, q = getPrime(bits), getPrime(bits)
     n = p * q
     phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
     assert GCD(e, phi) == 1
     d = inverse(e, phi)
     return RSA((n, e, d))
Пример #17
def PollardProcess(a, N):
    for j in range(1, N):
        a = pow(a, j, N)
        d = GCD(a - 1, N)
        if 1 < d and d < N:
            return d
    return 1
Пример #18
def rsa_compatible(n, phi):
    phi = long(phi)
    while True:
        e = StrongRandom().randint(1, phi - 1)
        if GCD(e, phi) == 1:
    return RSAKey(mpz(n), mpz(e), None, None, None, 1024)
Пример #19
def keygen(sz):
    phi = lambda p, q: (p - 1) * (q - 1)
    while (True):
        p, q = (getPrime(sz) for i in range(2))
        if GCD(p * q, phi(p, q)) == 1:
    return publickey(p * q), privatekey(p, q)
Пример #20
    def generate(self, algorithm, mode):
        algorithm = algorithm.get()
        modes = mode.get()
        mode = get_mode(mode.get())
        sim_key = self.HexToByte(get_data(self.sim_key_path, 'Secret key'))

        if (algorithm.split('-')[0].upper() == 'AES'):
            iv = Random.new().read(AES.block_size)
            cipher = AES.new(sim_key, mode, iv)
            iv = Random.new().read(DES3.block_size)
            cipher = DES3.new(sim_key, mode, iv)
        data = get_data(self.input_path, 'Data')
        if len(data) % cipher.block_size != 0:
            data += ' ' * (cipher.block_size - len(data) % cipher.block_size)
        encoded = cipher.encrypt(data)
        encoded = b64encode(encoded)

        modulus = int(int(get_data(self.public_key_path, 'Modulus'), 16))
        public_exp = int(
            int(get_data(self.public_key_path, 'Public exponent').strip(), 16))
        asimmetric_alg = get_data(self.public_key_path, 'Method')
        if asimmetric_alg != 'RSA':
            generator = int(
                int(get_data(self.public_key_path, 'Generator'), 16))

        if (asimmetric_alg == 'RSA'):
            RSAEncryptor = RSA.construct((modulus, public_exp))
            encrypted_key = RSAEncryptor.encrypt(sim_key, '')
            encrypted_key = encrypted_key[0]
            ElGamalEncryptor = ElGamal.construct(
                (modulus, generator, public_exp))
            while 1:
                k = random.StrongRandom().randint(1, modulus - 1)
                if GCD(k, modulus - 1) == 1: break
            encrypted_key = ElGamalEncryptor.encrypt(sim_key, int(k))
            k = encrypted_key[1]
            encrypted_key = encrypted_key[0]

        file = open(self.envelope_path, 'w')
        file.write('---BEGIN OS2 CRYPTO DATA---\n')
        file.write('Description:\n    Envelope\n\n')
        file.write('File name:\n    ')
        file.write('\n\nMethod:\n    ' + algorithm.split('-')[0].upper() +
                   '\n    ' + asimmetric_alg + '\n\n')
        if asimmetric_alg != 'RSA':
            file.write('Secret number:\n    ')
            write_to_file(file, self.ByteToHex(k))
        file.write('\n\nCrypt Method:\n    ' + modes + '\n\n')
        file.write('Initialization vector:\n    ' + str(self.ByteToHex(iv)))
        file.write('\n\nKey length:\n    ' +
                   str(hex(len(sim_key) * 8)).replace('0x', '') + '\n    ')
        file.write(get_data(self.public_key_path, 'Key length'))
        file.write('\n\nEnvelope data:\n    ')
        write_to_file(file, encoded.decode())
        file.write('\n\nEnvelope crypt key:\n    ')
        write_to_file(file, self.ByteToHex(encrypted_key))
        file.write('\n\n---END OS2 CRYPTO DATA---')
Пример #21
 def gen_ed(self, bits):
     while True:
         d = getRandomNBitInteger(int(bits*0.4))
         if GCD(d, self.lbd) == 1:
             e = inverse(d, self.lbd)
             self.e, self.d = e, d
Пример #22
def sign_hash(pub_algorithm_type, secret_key, hash_, k=None):
    if pub_algorithm_type in (1, 3):
        # RSA
        sig_string = PKCS1_v1_5.new(secret_key).sign(hash_)
        return (bytes_to_long(sig_string), )
    elif pub_algorithm_type == 20:
        # ELG
        # TODO: Should only be allowed for test purposes
        if k is None:
            while 1:
                # This can be pretty darn slow
                k = random.StrongRandom().randint(1, secret_key.p - 1)
                if GCD(k, secret_key.p - 1) == 1:
        # TODO: Remove dependence on undocumented method
        sig_string = PKCS1_v1_5.EMSA_PKCS1_V1_5_ENCODE(hash_,
        return secret_key.sign(sig_string, k)
    elif pub_algorithm_type == 17:
        q = secret_key.q
        qbits = int(math.floor(float(math.log(q, 2)))) + 1
        qbytes = int(math.ceil(qbits / 8.0))
        if k is None:
            k = random.StrongRandom().randint(1, q - 1)

        digest = hash_.digest()[:qbytes]
        return secret_key.sign(bytes_to_long(digest), k)
        # TODO: complete
        raise ValueError
Пример #23
def elgamal():
    random_generator = Random.new().read
    #生成elgamal Key
    elgKey = ElGamal.generate(256, random_generator)
    while 1:
        alpha = random.StrongRandom().randint(1, elgKey.p - 1)
        if GCD(alpha, elgKey.p - 1) == 1:

    h = mod(elgKey.g, alpha, elgKey.p)
    message = [33, 14, 22, 62, 00, 17, 4, 62, 24, 14, 20, 66]
    print('message: ', message)
    y = random.StrongRandom().randint(1, elgKey.p - 1)
    c1 = mod(elgKey.g, y, elgKey.p)
    s = mod(h, y, elgKey.p)
    ciphertext = [(m * s) % (elgKey.p) for m in message]
    print('ciphetext: ', ciphertext)

    de_s = mod(c1, alpha, elgKey.p)
    x, y, r = ex_gcd(elgKey.p, de_s)
    s_reverse = y % (elgKey.p)
    if s_reverse < 0:
        s_reverse += elgKey.p
    plaintext = [(m * s_reverse) % (elgKey.p) for m in ciphertext]
    print('plaintext: ', plaintext)
Пример #24
 def verify(self, signature, m):
         *Step-2*: Verify that `r`, `s` are integers in [1, n-1]
         r, s = signature
         assert GCD(s, self.n) == 1
         assert r >= 1
         return False
     *Step-3*: Calculate hash of message to be signed
     e = sha256(m).digest()
     *Step-4*: Compute the `Ln` left most bits of `e` as `z`
     Ln = len(bin(self.n)[2:])
     z = bytes_to_long(slice_string(e, Ln))
     *Step-5*: Compute `u_1` and `u_2` as:
                 `u_1` \equiv z*s^{-1} \mod n
                 `u_2` \equiv r*s^{-1} \mod n
     s_inv = inverse(s, self.n)
     u_1 = (s_inv * z) % self.n
     u_2 = (s_inv * r) % self.n
     *Step-6*: Calculate T = u_1*G + u_2*P
     T = u_1 * self.G + u_2 * self.P
     *Step-7*: Final check for signature verification
     return r == T.x()
def sol_ex(A, M, L, R):
    if L == 0 or L > R:
        return True
    g = GCD(A, M)
    if (L - 1) // g == R // g:
        return False
    return True
Пример #26
def rsa_construct(n, e, d=None, p=None, q=None, u=None):
    """Construct an RSAKey object"""
    assert isinstance(n, int)
    assert isinstance(e, int)
    assert isinstance(d, (int, type(None)))
    assert isinstance(p, (int, type(None)))
    assert isinstance(q, (int, type(None)))
    assert isinstance(u, (int, type(None)))
    obj = _RSAKey()
    obj.n = n
    obj.e = e
    if d is None:
        return obj
    obj.d = d
    if p is not None and q is not None:
        obj.p = p
        obj.q = q
        # Compute factors p and q from the private exponent d.
        # We assume that n has no more than two factors.
        # See 8.2.2(i) in Handbook of Applied Cryptography.
        ktot = d * e - 1
        # The quantity d*e-1 is a multiple of phi(n), even,
        # and can be represented as t*2^s.
        t = ktot
        while t % 2 == 0:
            t = divmod(t, 2)[0]
        # Cycle through all multiplicative inverses in Zn.
        # The algorithm is non-deterministic, but there is a 50% chance
        # any candidate a leads to successful factoring.
        # See "Digitalized Signatures and Public Key Functions as Intractable
        # as Factorization", M. Rabin, 1979
        spotted = 0
        a = 2
        while not spotted and a < 100:
            k = t
            # Cycle through all values a^{t*2^i}=a^k
            while k < ktot:
                cand = pow(a, k, n)
                # Check if a^k is a non-trivial root of unity (mod n)
                if cand != 1 and cand != (n - 1) and pow(cand, 2, n) == 1:
                    # We have found a number such that (cand-1)(cand+1)=0 (mod n).
                    # Either of the terms divides n.
                    obj.p = GCD(cand + 1, n)
                    spotted = 1
                k = k * 2
            # This value was not any good... let's try another!
            a = a + 2
        if not spotted:
            raise ValueError(
                "Unable to compute factors p and q from exponent d.")
        # Found !
        assert ((n % obj.p) == 0)
        obj.q = divmod(n, obj.p)[0]
    if u is not None:
        obj.u = u
        obj.u = inverse(obj.p, obj.q)
    return obj
Пример #27
 def decrypt_multi_cipher(self, crypto_list, pub_keys):
     p = int(self.key.p)
     g = int(self.key.g)
     x = int(self.key.x)
     while 1:
         k = random.randint(1, p - 1)
         if GCD(k, p - 1) == 1: break
     decrypted_list = []
     for cipher_pair in crypto_list:
         decrypted_pair = []
         for c in cipher_pair:
             c1 = int(c[0])
             c2 = int(c[1])
             c1_ = (c1 * pow(g, k, p)) % p
             prod = 1
             for y in pub_keys:
                 y = int(y)
                 prod *= pow(y, k, p)
                 prod %= p
             c1_pow = pow(c1, x, p)
             c2_ = (((c2 * prod) % p) * inverse(c1_pow, p)) % p
             decrypted_pair.append((c1_, c2_))
     return decrypted_list
Пример #28
def gcd_all(X):
       p = productTree(X)
       R = p.pop()
       while p:
         X = p.pop()
         R = [R[long(floor(i/2))] % X[i]**2 for i in range(len(X))]
       return [GCD(r/n,n) for r,n in zip(R,X)]
Пример #29
def crt(list_a, list_m):
        assert len(list_a) == len(list_m)
        print "[+] Length of list_a should be equal to length of list_m"
        return -1
    for i in range(len(list_m)):
        for j in range(len(list_m)):
            if GCD(list_m[i], list_m[j])!= 1 and i!=j:
                print "[+] Moduli should be pairwise co-prime"
                return -1
    M = 1
    for i in list_m:
        M *= i
    list_b = [M/i for i in list_m]
    assert len(list_b) == len(list_m)
        list_b_inv = [int(gmpy2.invert(list_b[i], list_m[i])) for i in range(len(list_m))]
        print "[+] Encountered an unusual error while calculating inverse using gmpy2.invert()"
        return -1
    x = 0
    for i in range(len(list_m)):
        x += list_a[i]*list_b[i]*list_b_inv[i]
    return x % M
Пример #30
def gen_key():
    while True:
        p = getPrime(512)
        q = getPrime(512)
        # p = getPrime(64)
        # q = getPrime(512)
        if GCD(p - 1, q - 1) == 2:
            return p, q