Пример #1
    def decrypt(input_cipher_string, key, mac_key=None):
        Decrypt the inputted cipher text based on the encryption type.
        Decrypted plain text will be unpadded before it is returned.

            :param input_cipher_string: Cipher text to decrypt
            :param key: Decryption key
            :param mac_key: (Default = None) MAC key for MAC verification

            InvalidMACException: If the cipher string MAC and the calculated
            MAC do not match, this exception will be raised

            bytes: Decrypted plain text in a bytes string
        cipher_string = CipherString.parseString(input_cipher_string)
        init_vector = base64.b64decode(cipher_string.init_vector)
        cipher_text = base64.b64decode(cipher_string.cipher_text)

        mac = None
        if(cipher_string.mac is not None):
            mac = base64.b64decode(cipher_string.mac)

        # AES-CBC-256
        if(cipher_string.type is CipherString.TYPE_AESCBC256_B64):
            cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv=init_vector)
            plain_text = cipher.decrypt(cipher_text)

            plain_text = Padding.unpad(
                plain_text, AES.block_size

        # AES-CBC-256 + HMAC-SHA256
        elif(cipher_string.type is CipherString.TYPE_AESCBC256_HMACSHA256_B64):
            # Verify HMAC first
            calc_mac = Hash.HMAC.new(
                mac_key, msg=(init_vector + cipher_text),

            if(not Bitwarden.doubleHMACVerify(mac_key, mac, calc_mac)):
                # These MACs are not the same
                raise InvalidMACException(mac, calc_mac)

            # Now decrypt cipher text
            cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv=init_vector)
            plain_text = cipher.decrypt(cipher_text)

            plain_text = Padding.unpad(
                plain_text, AES.block_size

        # Other Cipher Types
            # TODO: Implement other cipher types
            plain_text = cipher_string

        return plain_text
Пример #2
def test_aes(ctx):
    m = swig.opa_math_common_swig
    c = swig.opa_crypto_swig

    BS = 16
    for i in range(100):

        key = os.urandom(BS)
        a = os.urandom(random.randint(0, BS - 1))
        a1_pad = Padding.pad(a, BS)
        a2_pad = c.pkcs7(a, BS)

        c1 = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB).encrypt(a1_pad)
        c2 = c.Aes(key, True).encrypt_raw(a2_pad)

        assert c1 == c2

    for i in range(100):

        key = os.urandom(BS)
        a = os.urandom(random.randint(60, 100))
        a1_pad = Padding.pad(a, BS)
        a2_pad = c.pkcs7(a, BS)

        c1 = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB).encrypt(a1_pad)
        c2 = c.Aes(key, True).encrypt_ecb(a2_pad)

        assert c1 == c2
        m2_pad = c.Aes(key, False).decrypt_ecb(c2)
        m2, ok = c.rpkcs7(m2_pad, BS)
        assert c1 == c2
        print(m2, a, m2_pad)
        assert m2 == a

    for i in range(100):
        iv = os.urandom(BS)

        key = os.urandom(BS)
        a = os.urandom(random.randint(60, 100))
        a1_pad = Padding.pad(a, BS)
        a2_pad = c.pkcs7(a, BS)

        c1 = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv=iv).encrypt(a1_pad)
        c2 = c.Aes(key, True).encrypt_cbc(a2_pad, iv)

        assert c1 == c2
        m2_pad = c.Aes(key, False).decrypt_cbc(c2, iv)
        m2, ok = c.rpkcs7(m2_pad, BS)
        assert c1 == c2
        print(m2, a, m2_pad)
        assert m2 == a
Пример #3
    def encrypt(self, raw, key, iv):
        enc_key = SHA256.new(key.encode()).digest()

        cipher = AES.new(enc_key, self.mode, iv)
        if type(raw) == str:
            data = Padding.pad(raw.encode('utf-8'), AES.block_size,
            data = Padding.pad(raw, AES.block_size, self.padding_alg)
        bin_encrypted = cipher.encrypt(data)
        return bin_encrypted
Пример #4
 def enkripcija(self, ulaz):
     ulaz = Padding.pad(ulaz, self.velicina_bloka)  # popuni blok
     izlaz = ''
     for i in range(len(ulaz) // self.velicina_bloka):  # posebno svaki blok
         izlaz += self.x.encrypt(ulaz[i * self.velicina_bloka:(i + 1) *
     return izlaz
def encrypt(msg, encrypt_key, hash_key):
    Encrypt and hash a message.

        param msg: Bytes to encrypt
        param encrypt_key: Base64 encoded encryption key
        param hash_key: Base64 encoded hash key

        Base 64 encoded message
    encrypt_key = base64.b64decode(encrypt_key)
    hash_key = base64.b64decode(hash_key)

    padded_msg = Padding.pad(msg, BLOCK_SIZE, style="pkcs7")

    cipher = AES.new(encrypt_key, AES.MODE_CBC)
    encrypted_msg = cipher.encrypt(padded_msg)

    msg_hash = hmac.new(hash_key,
                        cipher.iv + encrypted_msg,

    return base64.b64encode(cipher.iv + encrypted_msg + msg_hash)
Пример #6
 def encryptionAES(self, data, nonce):
     password = "******"
     key = hasher.sha256(password.encode('utf-8')).digest()
     data = Padding.pad(data.encode('utf-8'), 16)
     encryptor = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, IV=nonce)
     ciphertext = encryptor.encrypt(data)
     return ciphertext
def _get_authentication_key_data(file_path, pin):
    """Open the auth key file"""
    from resources.lib.kodi import ui
    # Keep these imports within the method otherwise if the packages are not installed,
    # the addon crashes and the user does not read the warning message
    try:  # The crypto package depends on the library installed (see Wiki)
        from Crypto.Cipher import AES
        from Crypto.Util import Padding
    except ImportError:
        from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES
        from Cryptodome.Util import Padding
        file_content = load_file(file_path)
        iv = '\x00' * 16
        cipher = AES.new((pin + pin + pin + pin).encode("utf-8"), AES.MODE_CBC, iv.encode("utf-8"))
        decoded = Padding.unpad(padded_data=cipher.decrypt(base64.b64decode(file_content)),
        return json.loads(decoded.decode('utf-8'))
    except ValueError:
        # ValueError should always means wrong decryption due to wrong key
        ui.show_ok_dialog(get_local_string(30342), get_local_string(30106))
        return ''
    except Exception as exc:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
        LOG.warn('Exception raised: {}', exc)
        ui.show_ok_dialog(get_local_string(30342), get_local_string(30343))
    return None
Пример #8
    def getDES3(self,
        :param key: 秘钥key
        :param data: 未加密数据
        :param mode: 加密模式
            :var MODE_ECB: :ref:`Electronic Code Book (ECB) <ecb_mode>`
            :var MODE_CBC: :ref:`Cipher-Block Chaining (CBC) <cbc_mode>`
            :var MODE_CFB: :ref:`Cipher FeedBack (CFB) <cfb_mode>`
            :var MODE_OFB: :ref:`Output FeedBack (OFB) <ofb_mode>`
            :var MODE_CTR: :ref:`CounTer Mode (CTR) <ctr_mode>`
            :var MODE_OPENPGP:  :ref:`OpenPGP Mode <openpgp_mode>`
            :var MODE_EAX: :ref:`EAX Mode <eax_mode>`

        :param block_size: 填充block大小:默认为8
        :param style: 填充算法:‘pkcs7’(default),‘iso7816’or‘x923’
        :return: 加密结果 byte string
        data = Padding.pad(data.encode('utf-8'),
        cipher = DES3.new(key.encode('utf-8'), mode=mode)
        return cipher.encrypt(data)
Пример #9
def decode(salted_ciphertext_bytes, key):
    Decrypts an AES256 enciphered String via provided key & 128bit salt

    Keyword Parameter:
    salted_ciphertext_bytes  -- Bytes, representing a randomly generated
      (one-time-use) 128bit long AES Initialization Vector & an AES256
      encyphered String which was salted with the one-time IV. The first
      128bits of 'salted_ciphertext_bytes' represent the salt, with
      remainder containing the encoded cyphertext.
    key  -- Bytes, representing an 256bit AES private key.

    >>> key = (b'\\x02\\xd2d\\xfb\\x84Q\\xed?\\x92\\xda\\xcd\\x9a/)'
    ...        b'\\x15\\xdc\\xb5~\\\\\\x03\\xeby\\xa7\\xfb&#\\xb8'
    ...        b'\\xd1y+a\\x86')
    >>> ciphertext = (b'\\x94\\x99$y\\x83B\\x85N\\x94E\\x01L\\xe5\\xba'
    ...               b'\\xea\\xdf\\t\\xbc\\x84\\xf8L\\xd5adz\\x1bl'
    ...               b'\\x9f\\x9c\\x1db\\xb1')
    >>> decode(ciphertext, key)
    'Hello, World!'
    assert len(key) >= 256 / 8, "Private key must be 256bit, minimum"
    # per convention for this Module, the first 128 ciphertext bits represent
    # the randomly generated Initialization Vector used during encryption
    salt_byte_length = int(128 / 8)
    salt = salted_ciphertext_bytes[:salt_byte_length]
    ciphertext = salted_ciphertext_bytes[salt_byte_length:]
    #per dlitz.net/software/pycrypto/api/current/Crypto.Cipher.AES-module.html
    aes256_cbc = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, IV=salt)
    padded_plaintext_bytes = aes256_cbc.decrypt(ciphertext)
    plaintext_bytes = Padding.unpad(padded_plaintext_bytes, 16, style='pkcs7')
    return plaintext_bytes.decode('utf-8')
Пример #10
def encode(plaintext_string, key, salt):
    AES256 encrypts a string, using provided key & 128bit salt

    The first 128bits of the returned ciphertext is an exact copy of the
    provided salt (to facilitate decryption). To store salt separately
    from the actual ciphertext, simply split off the first 128bits.

    Keyword Parameter:
    plaintext_string  -- String to be enciphered.
    key  -- Bytes, representing an 256bit AES private key.
    salt  -- Bytes, representing a randomly generated (one-time-use),
      128bit long AES Initialization Vector which will be used to salt
      the resulting ciphertext.

    >>> key = (b'\\x02\\xd2d\\xfb\\x84Q\\xed?\\x92\\xda\\xcd\\x9a/)'
    ...        b'\\x15\\xdc\\xb5~\\\\\\x03\\xeby\\xa7\\xfb&#\\xb8'
    ...        b'\\xd1y+a\\x86')
    >>> s = b'\\x94\\x99$y\\x83B\\x85N\\x94E\\x01L\\xe5\\xba\\xea\\xdf'
    >>> encode("Hello, World!", key, s)
    assert len(key) >= 256 / 8, "Private key must be 256bit, minimum"
    assert len(salt) == 128 / 8, "Expected (exactly) 128bit long salt"
    #per dlitz.net/software/pycrypto/api/current/Crypto.Cipher.AES-module.html
    aes256_cbc = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, IV=salt)
    # PKCS#7 CMS pad the input(AES requires input length as multiple of 16 bit)
        plaintext_bytes = plaintext_string.encode('utf-8')
    except AttributeError:
        plaintext_bytes = plaintext_string  #Seems like it's already bytes
    padded_plaintext = Padding.pad(plaintext_bytes, 16, style='pkcs7')
    ciphertext = aes256_cbc.encrypt(padded_plaintext)
    # store our known-length iv for reuse,by simply prepending to ciphertext
    return salt + ciphertext  #(safe to do) salt just stops rainbow table
Пример #11
 def decrypt(self, cipherPacket, key):
     iv, cipherText = self._splitCipherBytes(cipherPacket)
     aesCipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv=iv)
     decipheredText = aesCipher.decrypt(cipherText)
     plainText = Padding.unpad(decipheredText, 16).decode()
     return plainText
Пример #12
 def decrypt(self, raw):
         decoded = base64.b64decode(raw)
         decrypted = self.cipher.decrypt(decoded)
         return str(Padding.unpad(decrypted, self.bs), 'utf-8')
     except (TypeError, ValueError):
         raise ValueError('Dữ liệu không hợp lệ')
Пример #13
def protect_firmware(infile, outfile, version, message):
    with open(infile, 'rb') as f:  #gets firmware
        fw = f.read()

    metadata = struct.pack(
        "<HH", version,
        len(fw))  #packs metadata: version, length  of unencrypted firmware
    fw = fw + message.encode() + b'\00'  #adds message to end of firmware

    with open("secret_build_output.txt", 'rb') as sec_output:
        aes_key = sec_output.read(16)  #get symmetric key
        rsa_key = RSA.import_key(sec_output.read())  #get private key

    cipher = AES.new(aes_key, AES.MODE_CBC)  #creates AES object

    encrypted_fw = cipher.encrypt(Padding.pad(
        fw, AES.block_size))  #encrypts firmware

    metadata += struct.pack(
        len(encrypted_fw))  #adds the length of encrypted firmware to metadata

    hashed_fw = SHA256.new(
        data=metadata + cipher.iv +
        encrypted_Fw)  #hashes the metadata, IV, and encrypted firmware

    signature = pkcs1_15.new(rsa_key).sign(
        hashed_fw)  #signs the hashed firmware

    fw_blob = signature + metadata + cipher.iv + encrypted_fw  #creates blob to be sent to bootloader

    with open(outfile, "w+b") as out:  #writes firmware blob to another file
    return 0
Пример #14
def decode_files(mode, key, files):
        total_files = len(files)
        for i, file_path in enumerate(files, start=1):
            print("{}/{}: Decoding {} ...".format(i, total_files, file_path))
            with open(file_path, mode='rb') as file:
                file_bytes = file.read()
                nonce, ciphertext = file_bytes.split(SEPARATOR, maxsplit=1)
                if mode in IV_MODES:
                    iv = nonce
                    nonce = None
                    iv = None
                plain = decode(mode, key, ciphertext, iv=iv, nonce=nonce)
            output_path = file_path.replace('.aes', '')
            with open(output_path, mode='wb') as file:
                        Padding.unpad(plain, AES.block_size, style='iso7816'))
                except ValueError:
            print("Successfully decoded into {}".format(output_path))
    except ValueError as e:
            "There was problem with decryption: {}, make sure proper key and mode of operation is provided, "
            "program will now close".format(e))
    except FileNotFoundError as e:
        print("File '{}' not found, program will now close".format(e.filename))
Пример #15
 def decrypt(self, message):
     cipher = AES.new(self.key, self.mode, self.key)
     plain_text = cipher.decrypt(message)
         return Padding.unpad(plain_text, 16)
     except ValueError:
         return plain_text
Пример #16
    def _encrypt_data(self, data):
        """Make data secure."""
        if not self._key or data is None:
            return data

        return b64encode(self._aes.encrypt(Padding.pad(data.encode(),
Пример #17
def recv_stream_transfer(file_path, chunk_size, connection):
    '''Receive file using stream protocol. Recieves chunks of size X using
    connection, and then writes them to new file at file_path. The end is
    total_length = chunk_size + 32
    aes_key = get_random_bytes(24)
    share_key(aes_key, connection)
    with open(file_path, mode='wb') as local_file:
        while True:
            message = connection.recv(total_length)
            aes_nonce = message[:16]
            tag = message[16:32]
            message = message[32:]
            aes_cipher = AES.new(aes_key, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce=aes_nonce)
            decrypted_msg = aes_cipher.decrypt_and_verify(message, tag)
            #decrypted_msg = b''
            #for chunk in range(round(chunk_size/16)):
            #    to_decrypt = message[chunk * 16: (chunk_size + 1) * 16]
            #    if chunk == 0:
            #        decrypted_msg += aes_cipher.decrypt_and_verify(to_decrypt, tag)
            #    else:
            #        decrypted_msg += aes_cipher.decrypt(to_decrypt)
            if message != b'0':
                local_file.write(Padding.unpad(decrypted_msg, 16))
            if len(message) < 512:
Пример #18
 def DecryptStringForNCX(self, s: str):
     cipher = AES.new(b'libcckeylibcckey',
                      iv=b'libcciv libcciv ')
     padded_plaintext = cipher.decrypt(bytes.fromhex(s))
     return Padding.unpad(padded_plaintext, AES.block_size,
Пример #19
def encrypt(file, key_receiver):
	 FUNCION: encrypt(file, key_receiver)
	 ARGS_IN: file - nombre del fichero a encriptar
	 		  key_receiver - clave publica del receptor
	 DESCRIPCION: cifra un fichero dado por el metodo basado en RSA establecido
	 ARGS_OUT: contenido cifrado (clave, iv, info cifrada - util en enc_sign)
    status = 'OK'
    # Creacion clave simetrica (de sesion) y vector de inicializacion
    key_simetric = get_random_bytes(AES_KEY_LEN)
    init_vector = get_random_bytes(IV_LEN)

    # Cifrado mensaje
    with open(file, 'r') as f:
        cipher_aes = AES.new(key_simetric, AES.MODE_CBC, init_vector)
        content = Padding.pad(f.read(), 16)
        ciphertext = cipher_aes.encrypt(content)

    # Cifrado clave de sesion
    key = RSA.importKey(key_receiver)
    cipher_rsa = PKCS1_OAEP.new(key)
    key_enc = cipher_rsa.encrypt(key_simetric)

    # Generacion fichero de salida
    f_name = 'enc_' + file
    with open(f_name, 'wb') as file_out:

    print 'Encriptando', file, '...', status
    return key_enc + init_vector + ciphertext
def ecb_enc(key, plaintext, ciphertext):  #define Encryption function
    from Crypto import Random
    from Crypto.Cipher import AES
    from Crypto.Util import Padding

    f1 = open(key, 'r')  #Opening the key.txt file in read mode
    sk_hex = f1.read()
    f1.close()  #Closing the key.txt file
    sk = int(sk_hex, 16).to_bytes(32, byteorder='big')
    #sk = (f1.read()).strip('\n') #Reading the Secret Key

    f2 = open(plaintext, 'r')  #Opening the plaintext.txt file in read mode
    message = (f2.readline()).strip('\n')  #Reading the PlainText/Message
    f2.close()  #Closing the plaintext.txt file

    obj = AES.new(sk, AES.MODE_ECB)
    padded_message = Padding.pad(str.encode(message), 16, 'pkcs7')

    cipher = obj.encrypt(padded_message)
    cipher_hex = hex(int.from_bytes(cipher, byteorder='big', signed=False))

    f4 = open(ciphertext, 'w')  #Opening the ciphertext.txt file in write mode
    f4.write(cipher_hex)  #Writing the CipherText
    f4.close()  #Closing the ciphertext.txt file
    print(cipher_hex)  #Printing the CipherText to command prompt
Пример #21
    def decrypt_string_003(self, string_to_decrypt, encryption_key, auth_key,
        components = string_to_decrypt.split(':')
        if len(components) == 6:
            version, auth_hash, local_uuid, IV, ciphertext, auth_params = components
            version, auth_hash, local_uuid, IV, ciphertext = components

        if local_uuid != uuid:
            print('UUID does not match. This could indicate tampering or '
                  'that something is wrong with the server. Exiting.')

        string_to_auth = ':'.join([version, uuid, IV, ciphertext])
        local_auth_hash = hmac.new(unhexlify(auth_key),
                                   string_to_auth.encode(), 'sha256').digest()

        auth_hash = unhexlify(auth_hash)
        if not hmac.compare_digest(local_auth_hash, auth_hash):
            print('Auth hash does not match. This could indicate tampering or '
                  'that something is wrong with the server. Exiting.')

        cipher = AES.new(unhexlify(encryption_key), AES.MODE_CBC,
        result = cipher.decrypt(b64decode(ciphertext))
        result = Padding.unpad(result, AES.block_size).decode()

        return result
Пример #22
 def decrypt(self, enc):
     enc = base64.b64decode(enc)
     iv = enc[:AES.block_size]
     cipher = AES.new(self.key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
     data = Padding.unpad(cipher.decrypt(enc[AES.block_size:]),
                          AES.block_size, 'pkcs7')
     return data.decode('utf-8')
Пример #23
 def _encrypt_request_data(self, data, second_key):
     key = b'B@41Ner2' + second_key
     decryptor = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB)
     data = data.encode('utf-8')
     data = Padding.pad(data, 16)
     enc = decryptor.encrypt(data)
     return base64.standard_b64encode(enc)
Пример #24
    def decrypt_aes_cbc(self, encrypted, key, iv):
        key = AESCipher.mk_bytes(key)
        iv = AESCipher.mk_bytes(iv)
        res = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv=iv).decrypt(encrypted)
        res = Padding.unpad(res, AES.block_size)

        return res
Пример #25
def cbc_encrypt(key, password):

    if len(key) != 16:
        print('Error: Key must be 16 bytes')

    if len(password) == 0:
        print('Error: Password is missing.')

    # generate a random IV and encrypt it in ECB mode
    iv = Random.get_random_bytes(AES.block_size)

    cipher_ECB = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB)
    enc_iv = cipher_ECB.encrypt(iv)

    # create an AES-CBC cipher object
    cipher_CBC = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)

    # add padding
    padded_password = Padding.pad(password.encode('utf-8'), AES.block_size)

    # encrypt the plaintext
    encrypted_password = cipher_CBC.encrypt(padded_password)

    encrypted = enc_iv + encrypted_password

    return encrypted
Пример #26
def decrypt(key, encrypted_data):
    cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB)
    data_encrypted_decoded = base64.b64decode(encrypted_data)
    data_decrypted = cipher.decrypt(data_encrypted_decoded)
    data = Padding.unpad(data_decrypted, BLOCKSIZE)
    data = data.decode('utf-8')
    return data
Пример #27
def cbc_decrypt(key, encrypted):

    if len(key) == 0:
        print('Error: Enter key')

    if len(encrypted) == 0:
        print('Error: No password to decrypt')

    enc_iv = encrypted[:AES.block_size]

    encrypted_password = encrypted[AES.block_size:]

    # decrypt iv using AES_ECB
    cipher_ECB = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB)
    iv = cipher_ECB.decrypt(enc_iv)

    # create AES-CBC cipher object
    cipher_CBC = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)

    # decrypt ciphertext
    padded_password = cipher_CBC.decrypt(encrypted_password)
    password = Padding.unpad(padded_password, AES.block_size)
    password = password.decode('utf-8')

    return password
Пример #28
 def decrypt(self, cypher_text):
     # decypher = DES3.new(key, des_mode, iv)
     decrypted_output = b''
     for i in range(len(cypher_text) // self.block_size):
         decrypted_output += self.cypher.decrypt(
             cypher_text[i * self.block_size:(i + 1) * self.block_size])
     return Padding.unpad(decrypted_output, self.block_size)
Пример #29
 def encrypt(self, input):
     input = Padding.pad(input, self.block_size)
     output = b''
     for i in range(len(input) // self.block_size):
         output += self.cypher.encrypt(input[i * self.block_size:(i + 1) *
     return output
Пример #30
def decrypt_message(ifIncrease, msg, statefile, sharedkey, pubkey):
    rcv = read_state(statefile)
    ## If message number is not greater than the one in our state file, do not decrypt
    # Seperate parts of the message

    sqn = msg[0:4]
    signature = msg[4:4 + 256]
    nonce = msg[260:260 + AES.block_size]
    cipher_text = msg[260 + AES.block_size:]

    # Verify Sqn number
    if (verify_sqn(sqn, rcv) is False):
        return ("Sequence number verification failed")

    content = sqn + nonce + cipher_text
    is_verified = verify_signature(content, signature, pubkey)

    if (is_verified == False):
        print("Verification failed")

    # Create AES CIPHER
    cipher = AES.new(sharedkey, AES.MODE_CBC, nonce)

    # decrypt ciphertext
    plaintext = cipher.decrypt(cipher_text)
    plain = Padding.unpad(plaintext, AES.block_size, style='pkcs7')

    # plaintext = unpad(plaintext, AES.block_size)
    update_state(statefile, rcv)
    return (plain.decode('utf-8'))
Пример #31
 def encrypt(key, **kwargs):
     payload = kwargs.get('FRMPayload').encode()
     pld_len = len(payload) // 2
     payload = Padding.pad(payload, 16)
     k = math.ceil(pld_len / 16)
     cryptor = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB)
     S = b''
     for i in range(1, k + 1):
         kwargs['i'] = '{:0>2x}'.format(i)
         _A_each = DeviceOp._A(**kwargs)
         Ai = bytearray.fromhex(_A_each)
         Si = cryptor.encrypt(Ai)
         S += Si
     return b''.join(DeviceOp.bytes_xor(S, payload))[:pld_len * 2 + 1]