def showSqlQueryReport(self, report_type): self.model = UseSqlQuery(self.db, self.query, self.reports[report_type][REPORT_COLUMNS]) self.delegates = ConfigureTableView( self.table_view, self.model, self.reports[report_type][REPORT_COLUMNS])
def configure(self, i): model = UseSqlTable(self.parent.db, self.table_names[i], self.table_view_columns[i], relations=self.table_relations[i]) if self.views[i]: delegates = ConfigureTableView(self.views[i], model, self.table_view_columns[i]) self.delegates_storage.append(delegates) self.views[i].show() if self.widget_mappers[i]: self.mappers[i] = ConfigureDataMappers(model, self.widget_mappers[i], MapperDelegate) else: self.mappers[i] = None
class Reports(QObject): report_failure = Signal(str) def __init__(self, db, report_table_view): super().__init__() self.db = db self.table_view = report_table_view self.delegates = [] self.current_report = None self.query = None self.dataframe = None self.model = None self.reports = { ReportType.IncomeSpending: (self.prepareIncomeSpendingReport, self.showPandasReport, []), ReportType.ProfitLoss: (self.prepareProfitLossReport, self.showSqlQueryReport, [("period", "Period", ColumnWidth.FOR_DATETIME, None, ReportsYearMonthDelegate), ("transfer", "In / Out", None, None, ReportsFloat2Delegate), ("assets", "Assets value", None, None, ReportsFloat2Delegate), ("result", "Total result", None, None, ReportsFloat2Delegate), ("profit", "Profit / Loss", None, None, ReportsProfitDelegate), ("dividend", "Returns", None, None, ReportsFloat2Delegate), ("tax_fee", "Taxes & Fees", None, None, ReportsFloat2Delegate)]), ReportType.Deals: (self.prepareDealsReport, self.showSqlQueryReport, [("asset", "Asset", 300, None, None), ("open_timestamp", "Open Date", ColumnWidth.FOR_DATETIME, None, ReportsTimestampDelegate), ("close_timestamp", "Close Date", ColumnWidth.FOR_DATETIME, None, ReportsTimestampDelegate), ("open_price", "Open Price", None, None, ReportsFloat4Delegate), ("close_price", "Close Price", None, None, ReportsFloat4Delegate), ("qty", "Qty", None, None, ReportsFloatDelegate), ("fee", "Fee", None, None, ReportsFloat2Delegate), ("profit", "P/L", None, None, ReportsProfitDelegate), ("rel_profit", "P/L, %", None, None, ReportsProfitDelegate)]), ReportType.ByCategory: (self.prepareCategoryReport, self.showSqlQueryReport, [("timestamp", "Timestamp", ColumnWidth.FOR_DATETIME, None, ReportsTimestampDelegate), ("account", "Account", 200, None, None), ("name", "Peer Name", 200, None, None), ("sum", "Amount", 200, None, ReportsFloat2Delegate), ("note", "Note", -1, None, None)]) } def runReport(self, report_type, begin=0, end=0, account_id=0, group_dates=0): if self.reports[report_type][PREPARE_REPORT_QUERY](begin, end, account_id, group_dates): self.reports[report_type][SHOW_REPORT](report_type) def showSqlQueryReport(self, report_type): self.model = UseSqlQuery(self.db, self.query, self.reports[report_type][REPORT_COLUMNS]) self.delegates = ConfigureTableView( self.table_view, self.model, self.reports[report_type][REPORT_COLUMNS]) def showPandasReport(self, report_type): self.model = PandasModel(self.dataframe) self.table_view.setModel(self.model) self.delegates = [] for column in range(self.model.columnCount()): if column == 0: self.table_view.setColumnWidth(column, 300) else: self.table_view.setColumnWidth(column, 100) self.delegates.append(ReportsPandasDelegate(self.table_view)) self.table_view.setItemDelegateForColumn(column, self.delegates[-1]) font = self.table_view.horizontalHeader().font() font.setBold(True) self.table_view.horizontalHeader().setFont(font) def saveReport(self): filename, filter = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( None, g_tr('Reports', "Save report to:"), ".", g_tr('Reports', "Excel files (*.xlsx)")) if filename: if filter == g_tr( 'Reports', "Excel files (*.xlsx)") and filename[-5:] != '.xlsx': filename = filename + '.xlsx' else: return workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(filename=filename) formats = xslxFormat(workbook) sheet = workbook.add_worksheet(name=g_tr('Reports', "Report")) model = self.table_view.model() headers = {} for col in range(model.columnCount()): headers[col] = (model.headerData(col, Qt.Horizontal), formats.ColumnHeader()) xlsxWriteRow(sheet, 0, headers) for row in range(model.rowCount()): data_row = {} for col in range(model.columnCount()): data_row[col] = (, col)), formats.Text(row)) xlsxWriteRow(sheet, row + 1, data_row) try: workbook.close() except: logging.error( g_tr('Reports', "Can't save report into file ") + f"'{filename}'") def prepareIncomeSpendingReport(self, begin, end, account_id, group_dates): _ = executeSQL(self.db, "DELETE FROM t_months") _ = executeSQL(self.db, "DELETE FROM t_pivot") _ = executeSQL( self.db, "INSERT INTO t_months (month, asset_id, last_timestamp) " "SELECT strftime('%s', datetime(timestamp, 'unixepoch', 'start of month') ) " "AS month, asset_id, MAX(timestamp) AS last_timestamp " "FROM quotes AS q " "LEFT JOIN assets AS a ON " "WHERE a.type_id=:asset_money " "GROUP BY month, asset_id", [(":asset_money", PredefinedAsset.Money)]) _ = executeSQL( self.db, "INSERT INTO t_pivot (row_key, col_key, value) " "SELECT strftime('%s', datetime(t.timestamp, 'unixepoch', 'start of month') ) AS row_key, " "t.category_id AS col_key, sum(-t.amount * coalesce(q.quote, 1)) AS value " "FROM ledger AS t " "LEFT JOIN t_months AS d ON row_key = d.month AND t.asset_id = d.asset_id " "LEFT JOIN quotes AS q ON d.last_timestamp = q.timestamp AND t.asset_id = q.asset_id " "WHERE (t.book_account=:book_costs OR t.book_account=:book_incomes) " "AND t.timestamp>=:begin AND t.timestamp<=:end " "GROUP BY row_key, col_key", [(":book_costs", BookAccount.Costs), (":book_incomes", BookAccount.Incomes), (":begin", begin), (":end", end)]) self.db.commit() self.query = executeSQL( self.db, "SELECT, c.level, c.path, " "strftime('%Y', datetime(p.row_key, 'unixepoch')) AS year, " "strftime('%m', datetime(p.row_key, 'unixepoch')) AS month, p.value " "FROM categories_tree AS c " "LEFT JOIN t_pivot AS p ON " "ORDER BY c.path, year, month") table = [] while id, level, category, year, month, value = readSQLrecord(self.query) turnover = value if value != '' else 0 table.append({ 'category': category, 'Y': year, 'M': month, 'turnover': turnover }) data = pd.DataFrame(table) data = pd.pivot_table(data, index=['category'], columns=['Y', 'M'], values=['turnover'], aggfunc=sum, fill_value=0.0, margins=True, margins_name=g_tr('Reports', "TOTAL")) if data.columns[0][ 1] == '': # if some categories have no data and we have null 1st column data = data.drop(columns=[data.columns[0]]) # Calculate sub-totals from bottom to top totals = {} prev_level = 0 for index, row in data[::-1].iterrows(): if index == g_tr('Reports', "TOTAL"): continue level = index.count(TREE_LEVEL_SEPARATOR) if level > prev_level: totals[level] = row['turnover'] prev_level = level elif level == prev_level: try: totals[level] = totals[level] + row['turnover'] except KeyError: totals[level] = row['turnover'] elif level < prev_level: try: totals[level] = totals[level] + totals[prev_level] + row[ 'turnover'] except KeyError: totals[level] = totals[prev_level] + row['turnover'] sub_total = totals.pop(prev_level, None) data.loc[index, :] = sub_total.values prev_level = level self.dataframe = data return True def prepareDealsReport(self, begin, end, account_id, group_dates): if account_id == 0: self.report_failure.emit( g_tr('Reports', "You should select account to create Deals report")) return False if group_dates == 1: self.query = executeSQL( self.db, "SELECT asset, " "strftime('%s', datetime(open_timestamp, 'unixepoch', 'start of day')) as open_timestamp, " "strftime('%s', datetime(close_timestamp, 'unixepoch', 'start of day')) as close_timestamp, " "SUM(open_price*qty)/SUM(qty) as open_price, SUM(close_price*qty)/SUM(qty) AS close_price, " "SUM(qty) as qty, SUM(fee) as fee, SUM(profit) as profit, " "coalesce(100*SUM(qty*(close_price-open_price)-fee)/SUM(qty*open_price), 0) AS rel_profit " "FROM deals_ext " "WHERE account_id=:account_id AND close_timestamp>=:begin AND close_timestamp<=:end " "GROUP BY asset, open_timestamp, close_timestamp " "ORDER BY close_timestamp, open_timestamp", [(":account_id", account_id), (":begin", begin), (":end", end)], forward_only=False) else: self.query = executeSQL( self.db, "SELECT asset, open_timestamp, close_timestamp, open_price, close_price, " "qty, fee, profit, rel_profit FROM deals_ext " "WHERE account_id=:account_id AND close_timestamp>=:begin AND close_timestamp<=:end", [(":account_id", account_id), (":begin", begin), (":end", end)], forward_only=False) return True def prepareProfitLossReport(self, begin, end, account_id, group_dates): if account_id == 0: self.report_failure.emit( g_tr('Reports', "You should select account to create Profit/Loss report")) return False _ = executeSQL(self.db, "DELETE FROM t_months") _ = executeSQL( self.db, "INSERT INTO t_months(asset_id, month, last_timestamp) " "SELECT DISTINCT(l.asset_id) AS asset_id, m.m_start, MAX(q.timestamp) AS last_timestamp " "FROM ledger AS l " "LEFT JOIN " "(WITH RECURSIVE months(m_start) AS " "( " " VALUES(CAST(strftime('%s', date(:begin, 'unixepoch', 'start of month')) AS INTEGER)) " " UNION ALL " " SELECT CAST(strftime('%s', date(m_start, 'unixepoch', '+1 month')) AS INTEGER) " " FROM months " " WHERE m_start < :end " ") " "SELECT m_start FROM months) AS m " "LEFT JOIN quotes AS q ON q.timestamp<=m.m_start AND q.asset_id=l.asset_id " "WHERE l.timestamp>=:begin AND l.timestamp<=:end AND l.account_id=:account_id " "GROUP BY m.m_start, l.asset_id " "ORDER BY m.m_start, l.asset_id", [(":account_id", account_id), (":begin", begin), (":end", end)]) self.db.commit() self.query = executeSQL( self.db, "SELECT DISTINCT(m.month) AS period, coalesce(t.transfer, 0) AS transfer, coalesce(a.assets, 0) AS assets, " "coalesce(p.result, 0) AS result, coalesce(o.profit, 0) AS profit, coalesce(d.dividend, 0) AS dividend, " "coalesce(f.tax_fee, 0) AS tax_fee " "FROM t_months AS m " "LEFT JOIN ( " " SELECT mt.month, SUM(-l.amount) AS transfer " " FROM t_months AS mt " " LEFT JOIN ledger AS l ON mt.month = " " CAST(strftime('%s', date(l.timestamp, 'unixepoch', 'start of month')) AS INTEGER) " " AND mt.asset_id=l.asset_id " " WHERE l.book_account=:book_transfers AND l.account_id=:account_id GROUP BY mt.month " ") AS t ON t.month = m.month " "LEFT JOIN ( " " SELECT ma.month, SUM(l.amount*q.quote) AS assets " " FROM t_months AS ma " " LEFT JOIN ledger AS l ON l.timestamp<=ma.month AND l.asset_id=ma.asset_id " " LEFT JOIN quotes AS q ON ma.last_timestamp=q.timestamp AND ma.asset_id=q.asset_id " " WHERE l.account_id = 76 AND (l.book_account=:book_money OR l.book_account=:book_assets) " " GROUP BY ma.month " ") AS a ON a.month = m.month " "LEFT JOIN ( " " SELECT CAST(strftime('%s', date(l.timestamp, 'unixepoch', 'start of month')) AS INTEGER) AS month," " SUM(-l.amount) as result" " FROM ledger AS l " " WHERE (l.book_account=:book_costs OR l.book_account=:book_incomes) AND l.account_id=:account_id " " GROUP BY month " ") AS p ON p.month = m.month " "LEFT JOIN ( " " SELECT CAST(strftime('%s', date(l.timestamp, 'unixepoch', 'start of month')) " " AS INTEGER) AS month, SUM(-l.amount) as profit " " FROM ledger AS l " " WHERE (l.book_account=:book_costs OR l.book_account=:book_incomes) " " AND category_id=9 AND l.account_id=:account_id " " GROUP BY month " ") AS o ON o.month = m.month " "LEFT JOIN ( " " SELECT CAST(strftime('%s', date(l.timestamp, 'unixepoch', 'start of month')) AS INTEGER) " " AS month, SUM(-l.amount) as dividend " " FROM ledger AS l " " WHERE (l.book_account=:book_costs OR l.book_account=:book_incomes) " " AND (l.category_id=7 OR l.category_id=8) AND l.account_id=:account_id " " GROUP BY month " ") AS d ON d.month = m.month " "LEFT JOIN ( " " SELECT CAST(strftime('%s', date(l.timestamp, 'unixepoch', 'start of month')) " " AS INTEGER) AS month, SUM(-l.amount) as tax_fee " " FROM ledger AS l " " WHERE l.book_account=:book_costs AND l.category_id<>7 AND l.category_id<>8 AND l.account_id=:account_id " " GROUP BY month " ") AS f ON f.month = m.month", [(":account_id", account_id), (":book_costs", BookAccount.Costs), (":book_incomes", BookAccount.Incomes), (":book_money", BookAccount.Money), (":book_assets", BookAccount.Assets), (":book_transfers", BookAccount.Transfers)], forward_only=False) return True def prepareCategoryReport(self, begin, end, category_id, group_dates): if category_id == 0: self.report_failure.emit( g_tr( 'Reports', "You should select category to create By Category report")) return False self.query = executeSQL( self.db, "SELECT a.timestamp, AS account,, d.sum, d.note " "FROM actions AS a " "LEFT JOIN action_details AS d ON " "LEFT JOIN agents AS p ON " "LEFT JOIN accounts AS ac ON " "WHERE a.timestamp>=:begin AND a.timestamp<=:end " "AND d.category_id=:category_id", [(":category_id", category_id), (":begin", begin), (":end", end)], forward_only=False) return True
def __init__(self, db, table, columns, title='', search_field=None, toggle=None, tree_view=False, relations=None): QDialog.__init__(self) self.setupUi(self) self.selected_id = 0 self.p_selected_name = '' self.dialog_visible = False self.tree_view = tree_view self.parent = 0 self.last_parent = 0 self.group_id = None self.group_key_field = None self.group_key_index = None self.group_fkey_field = None self.toggle_state = False self.toggle_field = None self.search_text = "" self.search_field = search_field self.db = db self.table = table self.Model = UseSqlTable(self.db, self.table, columns, relations) self.delegates = ConfigureTableView(self.DataView, self.Model, columns) # Storage of delegates inside class is required to keep ownership and prevent SIGSEGV as # says: # Any existing column delegate for column will be removed, but not deleted. # QAbstractItemView does not take ownership of delegate. self.GroupLbl.setVisible(False) self.GroupCombo.setVisible(False) if relations is not None: for relation in relations: if relation[rel_idx.GROUP_NAME] is not None: self.GroupLbl.setVisible(True) self.GroupLbl.setText(relation[rel_idx.GROUP_NAME]) self.GroupCombo.setVisible(True) self.group_key_field = relation[rel_idx.KEY_FIELD] self.group_key_index = self.Model.fieldIndex( relation[rel_idx.KEY_FIELD]) self.group_fkey_field = relation[rel_idx.FOREIGN_KEY] relation_model = self.Model.relationModel( self.group_key_index) self.GroupCombo.setModel(relation_model) self.GroupCombo.setModelColumn( relation_model.fieldIndex( relation[rel_idx.LOOKUP_FIELD])) self.group_id = relation_model.index( 0, relation_model.fieldIndex(self.group_fkey_field))) self.Toggle.setVisible(False) if toggle: self.Toggle.setVisible(True) self.toggle_field = toggle[0] self.Toggle.setText(toggle[1]) self.setWindowTitle(title) if self.search_field is not None: self.SearchFrame.setVisible(True) else: self.SearchFrame.setVisible(False) self.UpBtn.setVisible(self.tree_view) self.SearchString.textChanged.connect(self.OnSearchChange) self.UpBtn.clicked.connect(self.OnUpClick) self.GroupCombo.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.OnGroupChange) self.Toggle.stateChanged.connect(self.OnToggleChange) self.AddBtn.clicked.connect(self.OnAdd) self.RemoveBtn.clicked.connect(self.OnRemove) self.CommitBtn.clicked.connect(self.OnCommit) self.RevertBtn.clicked.connect(self.OnRevert) self.DataView.clicked.connect(self.OnClicked) self.DataView.selectionModel().selectionChanged.connect( self.OnRowSelected) self.Model.dataChanged.connect(self.OnDataChanged) self.setFilter()