def visit_assignment(self, lhs, rhs): if (isinstance(rhs, ExprNodes.IntNode) and isinstance(lhs, ExprNodes.NameNode) and Utils.long_literal(rhs.value)): entry = lhs.entry or self.env.lookup( if entry: entry.might_overflow = True
def get_int_const(self, str_value, longness=False): longness = bool(longness or Utils.long_literal(str_value)) try: c = self.int_const_index[(str_value, longness)] except KeyError: c = self.new_int_const(str_value, longness) return c
def generate_int_constants(self): consts = [(len(c.value), c.value, c.is_long, c) for c in self.int_const_index.values()] consts.sort() decls_writer =["decls"] for _, value, longness, c in consts: cname = c.cname decls_writer.putln("static PyObject *%s;" % cname) if longness: function = '%s = PyLong_FromString((char *)"%s", 0, 0); %s;' elif Utils.long_literal(value): function = '%s = PyInt_FromString((char *)"%s", 0, 0); %s;' else: function = "%s = PyInt_FromLong(%s); %s;" init_globals =["init_globals"] init_globals.putln(function % (cname, value, init_globals.error_goto_if_null(cname, self.module_pos)))