Пример #1
def size_format(uinput):
    Format file size utility, it converts file size into KB, MB, GB, TB, PB units
    if  not (float_number_pattern.match(str(uinput)) or \
        return 'N/A'
        num = float(uinput)
    except Exception as exc:
        return "N/A"
    base = 1000. # power of 10, or use 1024. for power of 2
    for xxx in ['', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB']:
        if  num < base: 
            return "%3.1f%s" % (num, xxx)
        num /= base
Пример #2
    def parse(self, query):
        "Parse input query"
        spec = {}
        filters = {}
        aggregators = []
        fields = []
        keys = []
        pipe = []
        relaxed_query = relax(query, self.operators).split()
        if  self.verbose:
            print("\n### input query=%s, relaxed=%s" % (query, relaxed_query))
        tot = len(relaxed_query)
        idx = 0
        while idx < tot:
            item = relaxed_query[idx]
            if  self.verbose > 1:
                print("parse item", item)
            if  item == '|':
                step = self.parse_pipe(relaxed_query[idx:], filters, aggregators)
                idx += step
            if  item == ',':
                idx += 1
            next_elem = relaxed_query[idx+1] if idx+1 < tot else None
            next_next_elem = relaxed_query[idx+2] if idx+2 < tot else None
            if  self.verbose > 1:
                print("### parse items", item, next_elem, next_next_elem)
            if  next_elem and (next_elem == ',' or next_elem in self.daskeys):
                if  item in self.daskeys:
                idx += 1
            elif next_elem in self.operators:
                oper = next_elem
                if  item not in self.daskeys+self.specials:
                    error(relaxed_query, idx, 'Wrong DAS key')
                if  next_next_elem.startswith('['):
                    val, step = parse_array(relaxed_query[idx:], next_elem, item)
                    spec.update(spec_entry(item, next_elem, val))
                    idx += step
                elif next_elem in ['in', 'beetween'] and \
                     not next_next_elem.startswith('['):
                    msg = '"%s" operator ' % next_elem
                    msg += 'should be followed by square bracket value'
                    error(relaxed_query, idx, msg)
                elif next_next_elem.startswith('"'):
                    val, step = parse_quotes(relaxed_query[idx:], '"')
                    spec.update(spec_entry(item, next_elem, val))
                    idx += step
                elif next_next_elem.startswith("'"):
                    val, step = parse_quotes(relaxed_query[idx:], "'")
                    spec.update(spec_entry(item, next_elem, val))
                    idx += step
                    if  float_number_pattern.match(next_next_elem):
                        next_next_elem = float(next_next_elem)
                    elif int_number_pattern.match(next_next_elem) and \
                        not date_yyyymmdd_pattern.match(next_next_elem):
                        next_next_elem = int(next_next_elem)
                    elif next_next_elem in self.daskeys:
                        msg = 'daskey operator daskey structure is not allowed'
                        error(relaxed_query, idx, msg)
                    spec.update(spec_entry(item, next_elem, next_next_elem))
                    idx += 3
            elif item == '|':
                step = self.parse_pipe(relaxed_query[idx:], filters, aggregators)
                idx += step
            elif not next_elem and not next_next_elem:
                if  item in self.daskeys:
                    idx += 1
                    error(relaxed_query, idx, 'Not a DAS key')
                error(relaxed_query, idx)
        out = {}
        for word in ['instance', 'system']:
            if  word in spec:
                out[word] = spec.pop(word)
        if  not fields:
            fields = [k for k in spec.keys() if k in self.daskeys]
            if  len(fields) > 1:
                fields = None # ambiguous spec, we don't know which field to look-up
        if  fields and not spec:
            error(relaxed_query, 0, 'No conditition specified')
        out['fields'] = fields
        out['spec'] = spec
        # perform cross-check of filter values
        for key, item in filters.items():
            if  key not in ['grep', 'sort']:
            for val in item:
                daskeyvalue_check(query, val, self.daskeys)
        # perform cross-check of aggregator values
        for _, val in aggregators:
            daskeyvalue_check(query, val, self.daskeys)
        if  filters:
            out['filters'] = filters
        if  aggregators:
            out['aggregators'] = aggregators

        if  self.verbose:
            print("MongoDB query: %s" % out)
        return out
Пример #3
def parse_filter(spec, flt):
    Parse given filter and return MongoDB key/value dictionary.
    Be smart not to overwrite spec condition of DAS query.
    if  flt.find('=') != -1 and flt.find('!=') == -1 and\
       (flt.find('<') == -1 and flt.find('>') == -1):
        key, val = flt.split('=')
        if  int_number_pattern.match(str(val)):
            val = int(val)
        elif float_number_pattern.match(str(val)):
            val = float(val)
        elif isinstance(val, str) or isinstance(val, unicode):
            if  val.find('*') != -1:
                val = re.compile('%s' % val.replace('*', '.*'))
            val = parse_filter_string(val)
        return {key:val}
    elif flt.find('!=') != -1 and \
       (flt.find('<') == -1 and flt.find('>') == -1):
        key, val = flt.split('!=')
        if  int_number_pattern.match(str(val)):
            val = int(val)
        elif float_number_pattern.match(str(val)):
            val = float(val)
        elif isinstance(val, str) or isinstance(val, unicode):
            if  val.find('*') != -1:
#                val = re.compile('%s' % val.replace('*', '.*'))
                val = re.compile('^(?:(?!%s).)*$' % val.replace('*', '.*'))
                val = re.compile('^(?:(?!%s).)*$' % val)
            val = parse_filter_string(val)
            return {key: val}
        return {key: {'$ne': val}}
    elif  flt.find('<=') != -1:
        key, val = flt.split('<=')
        if  int_number_pattern.match(str(val)):
            val = int(val)
        if  float_number_pattern.match(str(val)):
            val = float(val)
        return {key: {'$lte': val}}
    elif  flt.find('<') != -1:
        key, val = flt.split('<')
        if  int_number_pattern.match(str(val)):
            val = int(val)
        if  float_number_pattern.match(str(val)):
            val = float(val)
        return {key: {'$lt': val}}
    elif  flt.find('>=') != -1:
        key, val = flt.split('>=')
        if  int_number_pattern.match(str(val)):
            val = int(val)
        if  float_number_pattern.match(str(val)):
            val = float(val)
        return {key: {'$gte': val}}
    elif  flt.find('>') != -1:
        key, val = flt.split('>')
        if  int_number_pattern.match(str(val)):
            val = int(val)
        if  float_number_pattern.match(str(val)):
            val = float(val)
        return {key: {'$gt': val}}
        if  not spec.get(flt, None) and flt != 'unique':
            return {flt:{'$exists':True}}
    return {}
Пример #4
    def parse_helper(self, query):
        "Parse input query"
        spec = {}
        filters = {}
        aggregators = []
        fields = []
        keys = []
        pipe = []
        relaxed_query = relax(query, self.operators).split()
        if self.verbose:
            print("\n### input query=%s, relaxed=%s" % (query, relaxed_query))
        tot = len(relaxed_query)
        idx = 0
        while idx < tot:
            item = relaxed_query[idx]
            if self.verbose > 1:
                print("parse item", item)
            if item == '|':
                step = self.parse_pipe(relaxed_query[idx:], filters,
                idx += step
            if item == ',':
                idx += 1
            next_elem = relaxed_query[idx + 1] if idx + 1 < tot else None
            next_next_elem = relaxed_query[idx + 2] if idx + 2 < tot else None
            if self.verbose > 1:
                print("### parse items", item, next_elem, next_next_elem)
            if next_elem and (next_elem == ',' or next_elem in self.daskeys):
                if item in self.daskeys:
                idx += 1
            elif next_elem in self.operators:
                oper = next_elem
                if item not in self.daskeys + self.specials:
                    error(relaxed_query, idx, 'Wrong DAS key')
                if next_next_elem.startswith('['):
                    val, step = parse_array(relaxed_query[idx:], next_elem,
                    spec.update(spec_entry(item, next_elem, val))
                    idx += step
                elif next_elem in ['in', 'beetween'] and \
                     not next_next_elem.startswith('['):
                    msg = '"%s" operator ' % next_elem
                    msg += 'should be followed by square bracket value'
                    error(relaxed_query, idx, msg)
                elif next_next_elem.startswith('"'):
                    val, step = parse_quotes(relaxed_query[idx:], '"')
                    spec.update(spec_entry(item, next_elem, val))
                    idx += step
                elif next_next_elem.startswith("'"):
                    val, step = parse_quotes(relaxed_query[idx:], "'")
                    spec.update(spec_entry(item, next_elem, val))
                    idx += step
                    if float_number_pattern.match(next_next_elem):
                        next_next_elem = float(next_next_elem)
                    elif int_number_pattern.match(next_next_elem) and \
                        not date_yyyymmdd_pattern.match(next_next_elem):
                        next_next_elem = int(next_next_elem)
                    elif next_next_elem in self.daskeys:
                        msg = 'daskey operator daskey structure is not allowed'
                        error(relaxed_query, idx, msg)
                    spec.update(spec_entry(item, next_elem, next_next_elem))
                    idx += 3
            elif item == '|':
                step = self.parse_pipe(relaxed_query[idx:], filters,
                idx += step
            elif not next_elem and not next_next_elem:
                if item in self.daskeys:
                    idx += 1
                    error(relaxed_query, idx, 'Not a DAS key')
                error(relaxed_query, idx)
        out = {}
        for word in ['instance', 'system']:
            if word in spec:
                out[word] = spec.pop(word)
        if not fields:
            fields = [k for k in spec.keys() if k in self.daskeys]
            if len(fields) > 1:
                fields = None  # ambiguous spec, we don't know which field to look-up
        if fields and not spec:
            error(relaxed_query, 0, 'No conditition specified')
        out['fields'] = fields
        out['spec'] = spec
        # perform cross-check of filter values
        for key, item in filters.items():
            if key not in ['grep', 'sort']:
            for val in item:
                daskeyvalue_check(query, val, self.daskeys)
        # perform cross-check of aggregator values
        for _, val in aggregators:
            daskeyvalue_check(query, val, self.daskeys)
        if filters:
            out['filters'] = filters
        if aggregators:
            out['aggregators'] = aggregators

        if self.verbose:
            print("MongoDB query: %s" % out)
        return out