Пример #1
 def create_or_link_slaves(how: ImportHow, session: Session,
                           object_head_to_write, object_fields_to_write,
                           image_to_write) -> int:
         Create, link or update slave entities, i.e. head, fields, image.
         Also update them... TODO: Split/fork the def
         :returns the number of new records
     if object_head_to_write.orig_id in how.existing_objects:
         # Set the objid which will be copied for storing the image, the object itself
         # will not be stored due to returned value.
         objid = how.existing_objects[object_head_to_write.orig_id]
         object_head_to_write.objid = objid
         if how.can_update_only:
             # noinspection DuplicatedCode
             for a_cls, its_pk, an_upd in zip(
                 [ObjectHeader, ObjectFields], ['objid', 'objfid'],
                 [object_head_to_write, object_fields_to_write]):
                 filter_for_id = text("%s=%d" % (its_pk, objid))
                 # Fetch the record to update
                 obj = session.query(a_cls).filter(filter_for_id).first()
                 if a_cls == ObjectHeader:
                     # Eventually refresh sun position
                     if an_upd.nb_fields_from(USED_FIELDS_FOR_SUNPOS) > 0:
                         # Give the bean enough data for computation
                         for a_field in USED_FIELDS_FOR_SUNPOS.difference(
                             an_upd[a_field] = getattr(obj, a_field)
                 updates = TSVFile.update_orm_object(obj,
                                                     an_upd)  # type: ignore
                 if len(updates) > 0:
                     logger.info("Updating '%s' using %s", filter_for_id,
             ret = 0  # nothing to write
             # 'Simply' a line with a complementary image
             logger.info("One more image for %s:%s ",
                         object_head_to_write.orig_id, image_to_write)
             ret = 1  # just a new image
         if how.can_update_only:
             # No objects creation while updating
             logger.info("Object %s not found while updating ",
             ret = 0
             # or create it
             # object_head_to_write.projid = how.prj_id
             object_head_to_write.random_value = random.randint(1, 99999999)
             # Below left NULL @see self.update_counts_and_img0
             # object_head_to_write.img0id = XXXXX
             ret = 3  # new image + new object_head + new object_fields
     return ret
Пример #2
 def create_parent(session: Session, dict_to_write, prj_id: ProjectIDT,
         Create the SQLAlchemy wrapper for Sample, Acquisition or Process.
     :return: The created DB wrapper.
     # noinspection PyCallingNonCallable
     parent = parent_class(**dict_to_write)
     # Link with project
     parent.projid = prj_id
     return parent
Пример #3
    def update_parent_objects(how: ImportHow, session: Session,
                              dicts_for_update: Mapping[str, Dict]):
            Update of Sample, Acquisition & Process.
            For locating the records, we tolerate the lack of orig_id like during creation.
        assert how.can_update_only
        upper_level_pk = how.prj_id
        # Loop up->down, i.e. Sample to Process
        parent_class: ParentTableClassT
        for alias, parent_class in GlobalMapping.PARENT_CLASSES.items():
            # The data from TSV, to update with. Eventually just an empty dict, but still a dict.
            dict_for_update = dicts_for_update[alias]

            if parent_class != Process:
                # Locate using Sample & Acquisition orig_id
                parent_orig_id = dict_for_update.get("orig_id")
                if parent_orig_id is None:
                    # No orig_id for parent object in provided dict
                    # Default with present parent's parent technical ID
                    parent_orig_id = '__DUMMY_ID__%d__' % upper_level_pk
                # Look for the parent by its (eventually amended) orig_id
                parents_for_obj: Dict[
                    str, ParentTableT] = how.existing_parents[alias]
                parent = parents_for_obj.get(parent_orig_id)
                if parent is None:
                    # No parent found to update, thus we cannot locate children, as there
                    # is an implicit relationship just by the fact that the 3 are on the same line
                # Collect the PK for children in case we need to use a __DUMMY
                upper_level_pk = parent.pk()
                # Fetch the process from DB
                parent = session.query(Process).get(upper_level_pk)
                assert parent is not None

            # OK we have something to update
            # Update the DB line using sqlalchemy
            updates = TSVFile.update_orm_object(parent, dict_for_update)
            if len(updates) > 0:
                logger.info("Updating %s '%s' using %s", alias, parent.orig_id,