Пример #1
def pformat_results ( pyomo_instance, pyomo_result, options ):
	from pyomo.core import Objective, Var, Constraint

	output = StringIO()

	m = pyomo_instance            # lazy typist
	result = pyomo_result

	soln = result['Solution']
	solv = result['Solver']      # currently unused, but may want it later
	prob = result['Problem']     # currently unused, but may want it later

	optimal_solutions = (
	  'feasible', 'globallyOptimal', 'locallyOptimal', 'optimal'
	if str(soln.Status) not in optimal_solutions:
		output.write( 'No solution found.' )
		return output

	objs = list(m.component_data_objects( Objective ))
	if len( objs ) > 1:
		msg = '\nWarning: More than one objective.  Using first objective.\n'
		SE.write( msg )

	Cons = soln.Constraint

	def collect_result_data( cgroup, clist, epsilon):
		# cgroup = "Component group"; i.e., Vars or Cons
		# clist = "Component list"; i.e., where to store the data
		# epsilon = absolute value below which to ignore a result
		results = defaultdict(list)
		for name, data in cgroup.iteritems():
			if not (abs( data['Value'] ) > epsilon ): continue

			# name looks like "Something[some,index]"
			group, index = name[:-1].split('[')
			results[ group ].append( (name.replace("'", ''), data['Value']) )
		clist.extend( t for i in sorted( results ) for t in sorted(results[i]))

	#Create a dictionary in which to store "solved" variable values
	svars = defaultdict( lambda: defaultdict( float ))   
	con_info = list()
	epsilon = 1e-9   # threshold for "so small it's zero"

	emission_keys = { (i, t, v, o) : set() for e, i, t, v, o in m.EmissionActivity }
	for e, i, t, v, o in m.EmissionActivity:
		emission_keys[(i, t, v, o)].add(e)
	P_0 = min( m.time_optimize )
	GDR = value( m.GlobalDiscountRate )
	MLL = m.ModelLoanLife
	MPL = m.ModelProcessLife
	LLN = m.LifetimeLoanProcess
	x   = 1 + GDR    # convenience variable, nothing more

	# Extract optimal decision variable values related to commodity flow:
	for p, s, d, t, v in m.V_Activity:
		val = value( m.V_Activity[p, s, d, t, v] )
		if abs(val) < epsilon: continue

		svars['V_Activity'][p, s, d, t, v] = val

		#Added to output storage values
	for p, s, d, t in m.V_HourlyStorage:
		val = value( m.V_HourlyStorage[p, s, d, t] )
		if abs(val) < epsilon: continue

		svars['V_HourlyStorage'][p, s, d, t] = val		
	for p, t, v in m.V_ActivityByPeriodAndProcess:
		val = value( m.V_ActivityByPeriodAndProcess[p, t, v] )
		if abs(val) < epsilon: continue

		svars['V_ActivityByPeriodAndProcess'][p, t, v] = val

	for p, s, d, i, t, v, o in m.V_FlowIn:
		val = value( m.V_FlowIn[p, s, d, i, t, v, o] )
		if abs(val) < epsilon: continue

		svars['V_FlowIn'][p, s, d, i, t, v, o] = val

	for p, s, d, i, t, v, o in m.V_FlowOut:
		val = value( m.V_FlowOut[p, s, d, i, t, v, o] )
		if abs(val) < epsilon: continue

		svars['V_FlowOut'][p, s, d, i, t, v, o] = val

		if (i, t, v, o) not in emission_keys: continue

		emissions = emission_keys[i, t, v, o]
		for e in emissions:
			evalue = val * m.EmissionActivity[e, i, t, v, o]
			svars[ 'V_EmissionActivityByPeriodAndProcess' ][p, e, t, v] += evalue

	# Extract optimal decision variable values related to capacity:
	for t, v in m.V_Capacity:
		val = value( m.V_Capacity[t, v] )
		if abs(val) < epsilon: continue

		svars['V_Capacity'][t, v] = val

	for p, t in m.V_CapacityAvailableByPeriodAndTech:
		val = value( m.V_CapacityAvailableByPeriodAndTech[p, t] )
		if abs(val) < epsilon: continue
		svars['V_CapacityAvailableByPeriodAndTech'][p, t] = val

	# Calculate model costs:	
	# This is a generic workaround.  Not sure how else to automatically discover 
    # the objective name
	obj_name, obj_value = objs[0].cname(True), value( objs[0] )	
	svars[ 'Objective' ]["('"+obj_name+"')"] = obj_value

	for t, v in m.CostInvest.sparse_iterkeys():   # Returns only non-zero values
		icost = value( m.V_Capacity[t, v] )
		if abs(icost) < epsilon: continue
		icost *= value( m.CostInvest[t, v] )
		svars[	'Costs'	][ 'V_UndiscountedInvestmentByProcess', t, v] += icost 

		icost *= value( m.LoanAnnualize[t, v] )
		icost *= (
		  value( LLN[t, v] ) if not GDR else
		    (x **(P_0 - v + 1) * (1 - x **(-value( LLN[t, v] ))) / GDR)

		svars[	'Costs'	][ 'V_DiscountedInvestmentByProcess', t, v] += icost
	for t, v in m.CostInvest.sparse_iterkeys():   # Returns only non-zero values
		svalue = (-1)*value( m.V_Capacity[t, v] )
		if abs(svalue) < epsilon: continue
		svalue *= value( m.CostInvest[t, v] )
		svalue *= value( m.SalvageRate[t, v] )
		svars[	'Costs'	][ 'V_UndiscountedSalvageByProcess', t, v] += svalue

		svalue /= (
		  1 if not GDR else
		    (1 + GDR)**(m.time_future.last() - m.time_future.first() - 1)

		svars[	'Costs'	][ 'V_DiscountedSalvageByProcess', t, v] += svalue

	for p, t, v in m.CostFixed.sparse_iterkeys():
		fcost = value( m.V_Capacity[t, v] )
		if abs(fcost) < epsilon: continue

		fcost *= value( m.CostFixed[p, t, v] )
		svars[	'Costs'	][ 'V_UndiscountedFixedCostsByProcess', t, v] += fcost
		fcost *= (
		  value( MPL[p, t, v] ) if not GDR else
		    (x **(P_0 - p + 1) * (1 - x **(-value( MPL[p, t, v] ))) / GDR)

		svars[	'Costs'	][ 'V_DiscountedFixedCostsByProcess', t, v] += fcost
	for p, t, v in m.CostVariable.sparse_iterkeys():
		vcost = value( m.V_ActivityByPeriodAndProcess[p, t, v] )
		if abs(vcost) < epsilon: continue

		vcost *= value( m.CostVariable[p, t, v] )
		svars[	'Costs'	][ 'V_UndiscountedVariableCostsByProcess', t, v] += vcost

		vcost *= (
		  value( MPL[p, t, v] ) if not GDR else
		    (x **(P_0 - p + 1) * (1 - x **(-value( MPL[p, t, v] ))) / GDR)
		svars[	'Costs'	][ 'V_DiscountedVariableCostsByProcess', t, v] += vcost

	collect_result_data( Cons, con_info, epsilon=1e-9 )

	msg = ( 'Model name: %s\n'
	   'Objective function value (%s): %s\n'
	   'Non-zero variable values:\n'
	output.write( msg % (m.name, obj_name, obj_value) )

	def make_var_list ( variables ):
		var_list = []
		for vgroup, values in sorted( variables.iteritems() ):
			for vindex, val in sorted( values.iteritems() ):
				if isinstance( vindex, tuple ):
					vindex = ','.join( str(i) for i in vindex )
				var_list.append(( '{}[{}]'.format(vgroup, vindex), val ))
		return var_list

	if svars:
		stringify_data( make_var_list(svars), output )
		output.write( '\nAll variables have a zero (0) value.\n' )

	if len( con_info ) > 0:
		output.write( '\nBinding constraint values:\n' )
		stringify_data( con_info, output )
		del con_info
		# Since not all Coopr solvers give constraint results, must check
		msg = '\nSelected Coopr solver plugin does not give constraint data.\n'
		output.write( msg )

	output.write( '\n\nIf you use these results for a published article, '
	  "please run Temoa with the '--how_to_cite' command line argument for "
	  'citation information.\n')

	# -----------------------------------------------------------------
	# Write outputs stored in dictionary to the user-specified database 
	# -----------------------------------------------------------------

	# Table dictionary below maps variable names to database table names
	tables = { "V_FlowIn"   : "Output_VFlow_In",  \
			   "V_FlowOut"  : "Output_VFlow_Out", \
			   "V_Capacity" : "Output_V_Capacity",       \
			   "V_CapacityAvailableByPeriodAndTech"   : "Output_CapacityByPeriodAndTech",  \
			   "V_EmissionActivityByPeriodAndProcess" : "Output_Emissions", \
			   "Objective"  : "Output_Objective", \
			   "Costs"      : "Output_Costs", \
			   "V_HourlyStorage"   :  "Output_HourlyStorage"}
	db_tables = ['time_periods', 'time_season', 'time_of_day', 'technologies', 'commodities',\
				'LifetimeTech', 'LifetimeProcess', 'Efficiency', 'EmissionActivity', 'ExistingCapacity']

	if isinstance(options, TemoaConfig):	
		if not options.output:
			if options.saveTEXTFILE or options.keepPyomoLP:
				for inpu in options.dot_dat:
					print inpu
					file_ty = re.search(r"\b([\w-]+)\.(\w+)\b", inpu)
				new_dir = options.path_to_db_io+os.sep+file_ty.group(1)+'_'+options.scenario+'_model'
				if os.path.exists( new_dir ):
					rmtree( new_dir )
			print "No Output File specified."
			return output
		if not os.path.exists(options.output) :
			print "Please put the "+options.output+" file in the right Directory"
			return output

		con = sqlite3.connect(options.output)
		cur = con.cursor()   # A database cursor enables traversal over DB records
		con.text_factory = str # This ensures data is explored with UTF-8 encoding

		### Copy tables from Input File to DB file.
		# IF output file is empty database.
		cur.execute("SELECT * FROM technologies")
		is_db_empty = False #False for empty db file
		for elem in cur:
			is_db_empty = True #True for non-empty db file
		if is_db_empty: #This file could be schema with populated results from previous run. Or it could be a normal db file.
			cur.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='input_file';")
			does_input_file_table_exist = False
			for i in cur: # This means that the 'input_file' table exists in db.
				does_input_file_table_exist = True
			if does_input_file_table_exist: #This block distinguishes normal database from schema.
				#This is schema file. 
				cur.execute("SELECT file FROM input_file WHERE id is '1';")
				for i in cur:
					tagged_file = i[0]
				tagged_file = re.sub('["]', "", tagged_file)

				if tagged_file == options.dot_dat[0]:
					#If Input_file name matches, add output and check tech/comm
					dat_to_db(options.dot_dat[0], con)
					#If not a match, delete output tables and update input_file. Call dat_to_db
					for i in db_tables:
						cur.execute("DELETE FROM "+i+";")
					for i in tables.keys():
						cur.execute("DELETE FROM "+tables[i]+";")
					for i in options.dot_dat:
						cur.execute("DELETE FROM input_file WHERE id=1;")
						cur.execute("INSERT INTO input_file VALUES(1, '"+i+"');")
					dat_to_db(i, con)
		else: #empty schema db file
			cur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS input_file ( id integer PRIMARY KEY, file varchar(30));")
			for i in tables.keys():
				cur.execute("DELETE FROM "+tables[i]+";")
			for i in options.dot_dat:
				cur.execute("DELETE FROM input_file WHERE id=1;")
				cur.execute("INSERT INTO input_file(id, file) VALUES(?, ?);", (1,  '"'+i+'"'))
			dat_to_db(i, con)

		for table in svars.keys() :
			if table in tables :
				cur.execute("SELECT DISTINCT scenario FROM '"+tables[table]+"'")
				for val in cur : 
					if options.scenario == val[0]: # If scenario exists, delete
						cur.execute("DELETE FROM "+tables[table]+" \
									WHERE scenario is '"+options.scenario+"'") 
				if table == 'Objective' : # Only table without sector info
					for key in svars[table].keys():
						key_str = str(key) # only 1 row to write
						key_str = key_str[1:-1] # Remove parentheses
						cur.execute("INSERT INTO "+tables[table]+" \
									VALUES('"+options.scenario+"',"+key_str+", \

				else : # First add 'NULL' for sector then update
					for key in svars[table].keys() : # Need to loop over keys (rows)
						key_str = str(key)
						key_str = key_str[1:-1] # Remove parentheses
						cur.execute("INSERT INTO "+tables[table]+ \
									" VALUES('"+options.scenario+"','NULL', \
					cur.execute("UPDATE "+tables[table]+" SET sector = \
								(SELECT technologies.sector FROM technologies \
								WHERE "+tables[table]+".tech = technologies.tech);")
		if options.saveEXCEL or options.saveTEXTFILE or options.keepPyomoLP:
			for inpu in options.dot_dat:
				file_ty = re.search(r"\b([\w-]+)\.(\w+)\b", inpu)
			new_dir = options.path_to_db_io+os.sep+file_ty.group(1)+'_'+options.scenario+'_model'
			if os.path.exists( new_dir ):
				rmtree( new_dir )
			if options.saveEXCEL:
				file_type = re.search(r"([\w-]+)\.(\w+)\b", options.output)
				file_n = file_type.group(1)
				from DB_to_Excel import make_excel
				temp_scenario = set()
				make_excel(options.output, new_dir+os.sep+options.scenario, temp_scenario)
				#os.system("python db_io"+os.sep+"DB_to_Excel.py -i \
				#		  ""+options.output+" \
				#		  " -o db_io"+os.sep+options.scenario+" -s "+options.scenario)
	return output
Пример #2
def pformat_results(pyomo_instance, pyomo_result, options):
    from pyomo.core import Objective, Var, Constraint

    output = StringIO()

    m = pyomo_instance  # lazy typist
    result = pyomo_result

    soln = result['Solution']
    solv = result['Solver']  # currently unused, but may want it later
    prob = result['Problem']  # currently unused, but may want it later

    optimal_solutions = ('feasible', 'globallyOptimal', 'locallyOptimal',
    if str(soln.Status) not in optimal_solutions:
        output.write('No solution found.')
        return output

    objs = list(m.component_data_objects(Objective))
    if len(objs) > 1:
        msg = '\nWarning: More than one objective.  Using first objective.\n'

    Cons = soln.Constraint

    def collect_result_data(cgroup, clist, epsilon):
        # cgroup = "Component group"; i.e., Vars or Cons
        # clist = "Component list"; i.e., where to store the data
        # epsilon = absolute value below which to ignore a result
        results = defaultdict(list)
        for name, data in cgroup.items():
            if not (abs(data['Value']) > epsilon): continue

            # name looks like "Something[some,index]"
            group, index = name[:-1].split('[')
            results[group].append((name.replace("'", ''), data['Value']))
        clist.extend(t for i in sorted(results) for t in sorted(results[i]))

    #Create a dictionary in which to store "solved" variable values
    svars = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(float))

    con_info = list()
    epsilon = 1e-9  # threshold for "so small it's zero"

    emission_keys = {(r, i, t, v, o): set()
                     for r, e, i, t, v, o in m.EmissionActivity}
    for r, e, i, t, v, o in m.EmissionActivity:
        emission_keys[(r, i, t, v, o)].add(e)
    P_0 = min(m.time_optimize)
    P_e = m.time_future.last()
    GDR = value(m.GlobalDiscountRate)
    MLL = m.ModelLoanLife
    MPL = m.ModelProcessLife
    LLN = m.LifetimeLoanProcess
    x = 1 + GDR  # convenience variable, nothing more

    if hasattr(options, 'file_location') and os.path.join(
            'temoa_model', 'config_sample_myopic') in options.file_location:
        original_dbpath = options.output
        con = sqlite3.connect(original_dbpath)
        cur = con.cursor()
        time_periods = cur.execute(
            "SELECT t_periods FROM time_periods WHERE flag='f'").fetchall()
        P_0 = time_periods[0][0]
        P_e = time_periods[-1][0]
        # We need to know if a myopic run is the last run or not.
        P_e_time_optimize = time_periods[-2][0]
        P_e_current = int(options.file_location.split("_")[-1])

    # Extract optimal decision variable values related to commodity flow:
    for r, p, s, d, t, v in m.V_StorageLevel:
        val = value(m.V_StorageLevel[r, p, s, d, t, v])
        if abs(val) < epsilon: continue

        svars['V_StorageLevel'][r, p, s, d, t, v] = val

    # vflow_in is defined only for storage techs
    for r, p, s, d, i, t, v, o in m.V_FlowIn:
        val_in = value(m.V_FlowIn[r, p, s, d, i, t, v, o])
        if abs(val_in) < epsilon: continue

        svars['V_FlowIn'][r, p, s, d, i, t, v, o] = val_in

    for r, p, s, d, i, t, v, o in m.V_FlowOut:
        val_out = value(m.V_FlowOut[r, p, s, d, i, t, v, o])
        if abs(val_out) < epsilon: continue

        svars['V_FlowOut'][r, p, s, d, i, t, v, o] = val_out

        if t not in m.tech_storage:
            val_in = value(m.V_FlowOut[r, p, s, d, i, t, v, o]) / value(
                m.Efficiency[r, i, t, v, o])
            svars['V_FlowIn'][r, p, s, d, i, t, v, o] = val_in

        if (r, i, t, v, o) not in emission_keys: continue

        emissions = emission_keys[r, i, t, v, o]
        for e in emissions:
            evalue = val_out * m.EmissionActivity[r, e, i, t, v, o]
            svars['V_EmissionActivityByPeriodAndProcess'][r, p, e, t,
                                                          v] += evalue

    for r, p, i, t, v, o in m.V_FlowOutAnnual:
        for s in m.time_season:
            for d in m.time_of_day:
                val_out = value(m.V_FlowOutAnnual[r, p, i, t, v, o]) * value(
                    m.SegFrac[s, d])
                if abs(val_out) < epsilon: continue
                svars['V_FlowOut'][r, p, s, d, i, t, v, o] = val_out
                svars['V_FlowIn'][r, p, s, d, i, t, v, o] = val_out / value(
                    m.Efficiency[r, i, t, v, o])
                if (r, i, t, v, o) not in emission_keys: continue
                emissions = emission_keys[r, i, t, v, o]
                for e in emissions:
                    evalue = val_out * m.EmissionActivity[r, e, i, t, v, o]
                    svars['V_EmissionActivityByPeriodAndProcess'][r, p, e, t,
                                                                  v] += evalue

    for r, p, s, d, i, t, v, o in m.V_Curtailment:
        val = value(m.V_Curtailment[r, p, s, d, i, t, v, o])
        if abs(val) < epsilon: continue
        svars['V_Curtailment'][r, p, s, d, i, t, v, o] = val
            r, p, s, d, i, t, v,
            o] = (val + value(m.V_FlowOut[r, p, s, d, i, t, v, o])) / value(
                m.Efficiency[r, i, t, v, o])

        if (r, i, t, v, o) not in emission_keys: continue

        emissions = emission_keys[r, i, t, v, o]
        for e in emissions:
            evalue = val * m.EmissionActivity[r, e, i, t, v, o]
            svars['V_EmissionActivityByPeriodAndProcess'][r, p, e, t,
                                                          v] += evalue

    for r, p, i, t, v, o in m.V_FlexAnnual:
        for s in m.time_season:
            for d in m.time_of_day:
                val_out = value(m.V_FlexAnnual[r, p, i, t, v, o]) * value(
                    m.SegFrac[s, d])
                if abs(val_out) < epsilon: continue
                svars['V_Curtailment'][r, p, s, d, i, t, v, o] = val_out
                svars['V_FlowOut'][r, p, s, d, i, t, v, o] -= val_out

    for r, p, s, d, i, t, v, o in m.V_Flex:
        val_out = value(m.V_Flex[r, p, s, d, i, t, v, o])
        if abs(val_out) < epsilon: continue
        svars['V_Curtailment'][r, p, s, d, i, t, v, o] = val_out
        svars['V_FlowOut'][r, p, s, d, i, t, v, o] -= val_out

    # Extract optimal decision variable values related to capacity:
    if hasattr(options, 'file_location') and os.path.join(
            'config_sample_myopic') not in options.file_location:
        for r, t, v in m.V_Capacity:
            val = value(m.V_Capacity[r, t, v])
            if abs(val) < epsilon: continue
            svars['V_Capacity'][r, t, v] = val
        for r, t, v in m.V_Capacity:
            if v in m.time_optimize:
                val = value(m.V_Capacity[r, t, v])
                if abs(val) < epsilon: continue
                svars['V_Capacity'][r, t, v] = val

    for r, p, t in m.V_CapacityAvailableByPeriodAndTech:
        val = value(m.V_CapacityAvailableByPeriodAndTech[r, p, t])
        if abs(val) < epsilon: continue
        svars['V_CapacityAvailableByPeriodAndTech'][r, p, t] = val

    # Calculate model costs:
    if hasattr(options, 'file_location') and os.path.join(
            'config_sample_myopic') not in options.file_location:
        # This is a generic workaround.  Not sure how else to automatically discover
        # the objective name
        obj_name, obj_value = objs[0].getname(True), value(objs[0])
        svars['Objective']["('" + obj_name + "')"] = obj_value

        for r, t, v in m.CostInvest.sparse_iterkeys(
        ):  # Returns only non-zero values

            icost = value(m.V_Capacity[r, t, v])
            if abs(icost) < epsilon: continue
            icost *= value(m.CostInvest[r, t, v]) * (
                (1 - x**(-min(value(m.LifetimeProcess[r, t, v]), P_e - v))) /
                (1 - x**(-value(m.LifetimeProcess[r, t, v]))))
            svars['Costs']['V_UndiscountedInvestmentByProcess', r, t,
                           v] += icost

            icost *= value(m.LoanAnnualize[r, t, v])
            icost *= (value(LLN[r, t, v]) if not GDR else
                      (x**(P_0 - v + 1) * (1 - x**(-value(LLN[r, t, v]))) /

            svars['Costs']['V_DiscountedInvestmentByProcess', r, t, v] += icost

        for r, p, t, v in m.CostFixed.sparse_iterkeys():
            fcost = value(m.V_Capacity[r, t, v])
            if abs(fcost) < epsilon: continue

            fcost *= value(m.CostFixed[r, p, t, v])
            svars['Costs']['V_UndiscountedFixedCostsByProcess', r, t,
                           v] += fcost * value(MPL[r, p, t, v])

            fcost *= (value(MPL[r, p, t, v]) if not GDR else
                      (x**(P_0 - p + 1) * (1 - x**(-value(MPL[r, p, t, v]))) /

            svars['Costs']['V_DiscountedFixedCostsByProcess', r, t, v] += fcost

        for r, p, t, v in m.CostVariable.sparse_iterkeys():
            if t not in m.tech_annual:
                vcost = sum(
                    value(m.V_FlowOut[r, p, S_s, S_d, S_i, t, v, S_o])
                    for S_i in m.processInputs[r, p, t, v]
                    for S_o in m.ProcessOutputsByInput[r, p, t, v, S_i]
                    for S_s in m.time_season for S_d in m.time_of_day)
                vcost = sum(
                    value(m.V_FlowOutAnnual[r, p, S_i, t, v, S_o])
                    for S_i in m.processInputs[r, p, t, v]
                    for S_o in m.ProcessOutputsByInput[r, p, t, v, S_i])
            if abs(vcost) < epsilon: continue

            vcost *= value(m.CostVariable[r, p, t, v])
            svars['Costs']['V_UndiscountedVariableCostsByProcess', r, t,
                           v] += vcost * value(MPL[r, p, t, v])
            vcost *= (value(MPL[r, p, t, v]) if not GDR else
                      (x**(P_0 - p + 1) * (1 - x**(-value(MPL[r, p, t, v]))) /
            svars['Costs']['V_DiscountedVariableCostsByProcess', r, t,
                           v] += vcost

        #update the costs of exchange technologies.
        #Assumption 1: If Ri-Rj appears in the cost tables but Rj-Ri does not,
        #then the total costs are distributed between the regions
        #Ri and Rj proportional to their use of the exchange technology connecting the
        #Assumption 2: If both the directional entries appear in the cost tables,
        #Assumption 1 is no longer applied and the costs are calculated as they
        #are entered in the cost tables.
        # assumption 3: Unlike other output tables in which Ri-Rj and Rj-Ri entries
        # are allowed in the region column, for the Output_Costs table the region
        #to the right of the hyphen sign gets the costs.
        for i in m.RegionalExchangeCapacityConstraint_rrtv.iterkeys():
            reg_dir1 = i[0] + "-" + i[1]
            reg_dir2 = i[1] + "-" + i[0]
            tech = i[2]
            vintage = i[3]
            key = (reg_dir1, tech, vintage)
                act_dir1 = value(
                    sum(m.V_FlowOut[reg_dir1, p, s, d, S_i, tech, vintage, S_o]
                        for p in m.time_optimize if p < vintage +
                        value(m.LifetimeProcess[reg_dir1, tech, vintage])
                        for s in m.time_season for d in m.time_of_day
                        for S_i in m.processInputs[reg_dir1, p, tech, vintage]
                        for S_o in m.ProcessOutputsByInput[reg_dir1, p, tech,
                                                           vintage, S_i]))
                act_dir2 = value(
                    sum(m.V_FlowOut[reg_dir2, p, s, d, S_i, tech, vintage, S_o]
                        for p in m.time_optimize if p < vintage +
                        value(m.LifetimeProcess[reg_dir2, tech, vintage])
                        for s in m.time_season for d in m.time_of_day
                        for S_i in m.processInputs[reg_dir2, p, tech, vintage]
                        for S_o in m.ProcessOutputsByInput[reg_dir2, p, tech,
                                                           vintage, S_i]))
                act_dir1 = value(
                    sum(m.V_FlowOutAnnual[reg_dir1, p, S_i, tech, vintage, S_o]
                        for p in m.time_optimize if p < vintage +
                        value(m.LifetimeProcess[reg_dir1, tech, vintage])
                        for S_i in m.processInputs[reg_dir1, p, tech, vintage]
                        for S_o in m.ProcessOutputsByInput[reg_dir1, p, tech,
                                                           vintage, S_i]))
                act_dir2 = value(
                    sum(m.V_FlowOutAnnual[reg_dir2, p, S_i, tech, vintage, S_o]
                        for p in m.time_optimize if p < vintage +
                        value(m.LifetimeProcess[reg_dir2, tech, vintage])
                        for S_i in m.processInputs[reg_dir2, p, tech, vintage]
                        for S_o in m.ProcessOutputsByInput[reg_dir2, p, tech,
                                                           vintage, S_i]))

            for item in list(svars['Costs']):
                if item[2] == tech:
                    opposite_dir = item[1][item[1].find("-") +
                                           1:] + "-" + item[1][:item[1].
                    if (item[0], opposite_dir, item[2],
                            item[3]) in svars['Costs'].keys():
                        continue  #if both directional entries are already in svars[	'Costs'	], they're left intact.
                    if item[1] == reg_dir1:
                            item[0], reg_dir2, item[2],
                            item[3])] = svars['Costs'][item] * act_dir2 / (
                                act_dir1 + act_dir2)
                        svars['Costs'][item] = svars['Costs'][
                            item] * act_dir1 / (act_dir1 + act_dir2)

        #Remove Ri-Rj entries from being populated in the Outputs_Costs. Ri-Rj means a cost
        #for region Rj
        for item in list(svars['Costs']):
            if item[2] in m.tech_exchange:
                svars['Costs'][(item[0], item[1][item[1].find("-") + 1:],
                                item[2], item[3])] = svars['Costs'][item]
                del svars['Costs'][item]

    collect_result_data(Cons, con_info, epsilon=1e-9)

    msg = ('Model name: %s\n'
           'Objective function value (%s): %s\n'
           'Non-zero variable values:\n')
    if hasattr(options, 'file_location') and os.path.join(
            'config_sample_myopic') not in options.file_location:
        output.write(msg % (m.name, obj_name, obj_value))

    def make_var_list(variables):
        var_list = []
        for vgroup, values in sorted(variables.items()):
            for vindex, val in sorted(values.items()):
                if isinstance(vindex, tuple):
                    vindex = ','.join(str(i) for i in vindex)
                var_list.append(('{}[{}]'.format(vgroup, vindex), val))
        return var_list

    if svars:
        stringify_data(make_var_list(svars), output)
        output.write('\nAll variables have a zero (0) value.\n')

    if len(con_info) > 0:
        output.write('\nBinding constraint values:\n')
        stringify_data(con_info, output)
        del con_info
        # Since not all Coopr solvers give constraint results, must check
        msg = '\nSelected Coopr solver plugin does not give constraint data.\n'

        '\n\nIf you use these results for a published article, '
        "please run Temoa with the '--how_to_cite' command line argument for "
        'citation information.\n')

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
    # Write outputs stored in dictionary to the user-specified database
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    # Table dictionary below maps variable names to database table names
    tables = { "V_FlowIn"   : "Output_VFlow_In",  \
         "V_FlowOut"  : "Output_VFlow_Out", \
         "V_Curtailment"  : "Output_Curtailment", \
         "V_Capacity" : "Output_V_Capacity",       \
         "V_CapacityAvailableByPeriodAndTech"   : "Output_CapacityByPeriodAndTech",  \
         "V_EmissionActivityByPeriodAndProcess" : "Output_Emissions", \
         "Objective"  : "Output_Objective", \
         "Costs"      : "Output_Costs"

    db_tables = ['time_periods', 'time_season', 'time_of_day', 'technologies', 'commodities',\
       'LifetimeTech', 'LifetimeProcess', 'Efficiency', 'EmissionActivity', 'ExistingCapacity']

    if isinstance(options, TemoaConfig):
        if not options.output:
            if options.saveTEXTFILE or options.keepPyomoLP:
                for inpu in options.dot_dat:
                    file_ty = re.search(r"\b([\w-]+)\.(\w+)\b", inpu)
                new_dir = options.path_to_db_io + os.sep + file_ty.group(
                    1) + '_' + options.scenario + '_model'
                if os.path.exists(new_dir):
            print("No Output File specified.")
            return output

        if not os.path.exists(options.output):
            print("Please put the " + options.output +
                  " file in the right Directory")
            return output

        con = sqlite3.connect(options.output)
        cur = con.cursor(
        )  # A database cursor enables traversal over DB records
        con.text_factory = str  # This ensures data is explored with UTF-8 encoding

        ### Copy tables from Input File to DB file.
        # IF output file is empty database.
        cur.execute("SELECT * FROM technologies")
        is_db_empty = False  #False for empty db file
        for elem in cur:
            is_db_empty = True  #True for non-empty db file

        if is_db_empty:  #This file could be schema with populated results from previous run. Or it could be a normal db file.
                "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='input_file';"
            does_input_file_table_exist = False
            for i in cur:  # This means that the 'input_file' table exists in db.
                does_input_file_table_exist = True
            if does_input_file_table_exist:  #This block distinguishes normal database from schema.
                #This is schema file.
                cur.execute("SELECT file FROM input_file WHERE id is '1';")
                for i in cur:
                    tagged_file = i[0]
                tagged_file = re.sub('["]', "", tagged_file)

                if tagged_file == options.dot_dat[0]:
                    #If Input_file name matches, add output and check tech/comm
                    dat_to_db(options.dot_dat[0], con)
                    #If not a match, delete output tables and update input_file. Call dat_to_db
                    for i in db_tables:
                        cur.execute("DELETE FROM " + i + ";")

                    for i in tables.keys():
                        cur.execute("DELETE FROM " + tables[i] + ";")

                    for i in options.dot_dat:
                        cur.execute("DELETE FROM input_file WHERE id=1;")
                        cur.execute("INSERT INTO input_file VALUES(1, '" + i +
                    dat_to_db(i, con)

        else:  #empty schema db file
                "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS input_file ( id integer PRIMARY KEY, file varchar(30));"

            for i in tables.keys():
                cur.execute("DELETE FROM " + tables[i] + ";")

            for i in options.dot_dat:
                cur.execute("DELETE FROM input_file WHERE id=1;")
                cur.execute("INSERT INTO input_file(id, file) VALUES(?, ?);",
                            (1, '"' + i + '"'))
            dat_to_db(i, con)

        for table in svars.keys():
            if table in tables:
                cur.execute("SELECT DISTINCT scenario FROM '" + tables[table] +
                for val in cur:
                    # If scenario exists, delete unless it's a myopic run (for myopic, the scenario results are deleted
                    # before the run in temoa_config.py)
                    if hasattr(
                            options, 'file_location'
                    ) and options.scenario == val[0] and os.path.join(
                            'temoa_model', 'config_sample_myopic'
                    ) not in options.file_location:
                        cur.execute("DELETE FROM " + tables[table] + " \
									WHERE scenario is '" + options.scenario + "'")
                if table == 'Objective':  # Only table without sector info
                    for key in svars[table].keys():
                        key_str = str(key)  # only 1 row to write
                        key_str = key_str[1:-1]  # Remove parentheses
                        cur.execute("INSERT INTO " + tables[table] + " \
									VALUES('" + options.scenario + "'," + key_str + ", \
									" + str(svars[table][key]) + ");")
                else:  # First add 'NULL' for sector then update
                    for key in svars[table].keys(
                    ):  # Need to loop over keys (rows)
                        key_str = str(key)
                        key_str = key_str[1:-1]  # Remove parentheses
                        if table != 'Costs':
                            cur.execute("INSERT INTO "+tables[table]+ \
                               " VALUES('"+str(key[0])+"', '"+options.scenario+"','NULL', \
											"                                 +key_str[key_str.find(',')+1:]+","+str(svars[table][key])+");")
                            key_str = str((key[0], key[2], key[3]))
                            key_str = key_str[1:-1]  # Remove parentheses
                            cur.execute("INSERT INTO "+tables[table]+ \
                               " VALUES('"+str(key[1])+"', '"+options.scenario+"','NULL', \
										"                                +key_str+","+str(svars[table][key])+");")
                    cur.execute("UPDATE " + tables[table] + " SET sector = \
								(SELECT technologies.sector FROM technologies \
								WHERE " + tables[table] + ".tech = technologies.tech);")

        if options.saveEXCEL or options.saveTEXTFILE or options.keepPyomoLP:
            for inpu in options.dot_dat:
                file_ty = re.search(r"\b([\w-]+)\.(\w+)\b", inpu)
            new_dir = options.path_to_db_io + os.sep + file_ty.group(
                1) + '_' + options.scenario + '_model'
            if os.path.exists(new_dir):

            if options.saveEXCEL:
                file_type = re.search(r"([\w-]+)\.(\w+)\b", options.output)
                file_n = file_type.group(1)
                from DB_to_Excel import make_excel
                temp_scenario = set()
                make_excel(options.output, new_dir + os.sep + options.scenario,
                #os.system("python data_processing"+os.sep+"DB_to_Excel.py -i \
                #		  ""+options.output+" \
                #		  " -o data_files"+os.sep+options.scenario+" -s "+options.scenario)

    return output