Пример #1
    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls._inputDir = getenv('DDFACET_TEST_DATA_DIR', './') + "/"
        cls._outputDir = getenv('DDFACET_TEST_OUTPUT_DIR', '/tmp/') + "/"
        cls._inputParsetFilename = cls._inputDir + cls.__name__ + ".parset.cfg"
        cls._outputParsetFilename = cls._outputDir + cls.__name__ + ".run.parset.cfg"
        if not path.isfile(cls._inputParsetFilename):
            raise RuntimeError("Default parset file %s does not exist" %
        p = Parset(cls._inputParsetFilename)
        cls._defaultParset = p
        cls._imagePrefix = cls._outputDir + cls.__name__ + ".run"

        # set up path to each ms relative to environment variable
        if type(p.DicoPars["Data"]["MS"]) is list:
            for ms in p.DicoPars["Data"]["MS"]:
                if path.dirname(ms) != "":
                    raise RuntimeError("Expected only measurement set name, "
                                       "not relative or absolute path in %s" %
            abs_ms = [cls._inputDir + ms for ms in p.DicoPars["Data"]["MS"]]
            cls._ms_list = abs_ms
            cls.setParsetOption("Data", "MS", "[" + (",".join(abs_ms)) + "]")
            ms = p.DicoPars["Data"]["MS"]
            if path.dirname(ms) != "":
                raise RuntimeError("Expected only measurement set name, "
                                   "not relative or absolute path in %s" % ms)
            abs_ms = cls._inputDir + ms
            cls._ms_list = [abs_ms]
            cls.setParsetOption("Data", "MS", abs_ms)

        ms = p.DicoPars["Predict"]["FromImage"]
        abs_skymodel = cls._inputDir + ms
        cls.setParsetOption("Predict", "FromImage", abs_skymodel)

        ms = p.DicoPars["Beam"]["FITSFile"]
        abs_beam = cls._inputDir + ms
        cls.setParsetOption("Beam", "FITSFile", abs_beam)

        # write out parset file to output directory
        fOutputParset = open(cls._outputParsetFilename, mode='w')
Пример #2
    def setUp(self):
        cname = self.__class__.__name__
        self._input_dir = os.getenv('DDFACET_TEST_DATA_DIR', '/') + "/"
        self._output_dir = os.getenv('DDFACET_TEST_OUTPUT_DIR', '/tmp/') + "/"
        self._image_prefix = ''.join((self._output_dir, cname, ".run"))
        self._input_parset_filename = ''.join(
            (self._input_dir, cname, '.parset.cfg'))
        self._output_parset_filename = ''.join(
            (self._output_dir, cname, '.run.parset.cfg'))
        self._stdout_filename = ''.join(
            (self._output_dir, cname, ".run.out.log"))
        self._stderr_filename = ''.join(
            (self._output_dir, cname, ".run.err.log"))

        if not os.path.isfile(self._input_parset_filename):
            raise RuntimeError("Parset file %s does not exist" %

        self._parset = Parset(self._input_parset_filename)
Пример #3
    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls._inputDir = getenv('DDFACET_TEST_DATA_DIR', './') + "/"
        cls._outputDir = getenv('DDFACET_TEST_OUTPUT_DIR', '/tmp/') + "/"
        cls._refHDUList = []
        cls._outHDUList = []

        #Read and override default parset
        cls._inputParsetFilename = cls._inputDir + cls.__name__ + ".parset.cfg"
        cls._outputParsetFilename = cls._outputDir + cls.__name__ + ".run.parset.cfg"
        cls._inputLog = cls._inputDir + cls.__name__ + ".log"
        cls._outputLog = cls._outputDir + cls.__name__ + ".run.log"
        if not path.isfile(cls._inputParsetFilename):
            raise RuntimeError("Default parset file %s does not exist" %
        p = Parset(cls._inputParsetFilename)
        cls._defaultParset = p
        cls._imagePrefix = cls._outputDir + cls.__name__ + ".run"
        cls.setParsetOption("Output", "Name", cls._imagePrefix)
        # set up path to each ms relative to environment variable
        if type(p.DicoPars["Data"]["MS"]) is list:
            #MSdir can actually contain strange directives to select fields and DDIDs... so may appear invalid
            #for ms in p.DicoPars["Data"]["MS"]:
            #if path.dirname(ms) != "":
            #    raise RuntimeError("Expected only measurement set name, "
            #                       "not relative or absolute path in %s" % ms)
            abs_ms = [cls._inputDir + ms for ms in p.DicoPars["Data"]["MS"]]

            cls.setParsetOption("Data", "MS", "[" + (",".join(abs_ms)) + "]")
            ms = p.DicoPars["Data"]["MS"]
            #MSdir can actually contain strange directives to select fields and DDIDs... so may appear invalid
            #if path.dirname(ms) != "":
            #   raise RuntimeError("Expected only measurement set name, "
            #                        "not relative or absolute path in %s" % ms)
            abs_ms = cls._inputDir + ms
            cls.setParsetOption("Data", "MS", abs_ms)

        mask_name = p.DicoPars.get("Mask", {}).get("External", None)
        if mask_name:
            cls.setParsetOption("Mask", "External", cls._inputDir + mask_name)

        fOutputParset = open(cls._outputParsetFilename, mode='w')

        #Build dictionary of HDUs
        for ref_id in cls.defineImageList():
            fname = cls._inputDir + cls.__name__ + "." + ref_id + ".fits"
            if not path.isfile(fname):
                raise RuntimeError("Reference image %s does not exist" % fname)
            fitsHDU = fits.open(fname)

        #Setup test constants
        cls._maxSqErr = cls.defineMaxSquaredError()
        cls._thresholdMSE = cls.defMeanSquaredErrorLevel()

        #Run DDFacet with desired setup. Crash the test if DDFacet gives a non-zero exit code:
        cls._stdoutLogFile = cls._outputDir + cls.__name__ + ".run.out.log"
        cls._stderrLogFile = cls._outputDir + cls.__name__ + ".run.err.log"

        args = [
            #'--Debug-APPVerbose=2', #enable if you ever need verbose logs
            '--Output-Name=%s' % cls._imagePrefix,

        #not necessary
        #stdout_file = open(cls._stdoutLogFile, 'w')
        #stderr_file = open(cls._stderrLogFile, 'w')

        #with stdout_file, stderr_file:

        p = Popen(args, env=os.environ.copy())
        #not necessary
        #          stdout=stdout_file,
        #         stderr=stderr_file)
        x = cls.timeoutsecs()
        delay = 1.0
        timeout = int(x / delay)
        while p.poll() is None and timeout > 0:
            timeout -= delay
        #timeout reached, kill process if it is still rolling
        ret = p.poll()
        if ret is None:
            ret = 99

        if ret == 99:
            raise RuntimeError("Test timeout reached. Killed process.")
        elif ret != 0:
            raise RuntimeError("DDF exited with non-zero return code %d" % ret)

        #Finally open up output FITS files for testing and build a dictionary of them
        for ref_id in cls.defineImageList():
            fname = cls._outputDir + cls.__name__ + ".run." + ref_id + ".fits"
            if not path.isfile(fname):
                raise RuntimeError("Reference image %s does not exist" % fname)
            fitsHDU = fits.open(fname)

        #Save diffmaps for later use:
        for ref_id in cls.defineImageList():
            fname = cls._inputDir + cls.__name__ + "." + ref_id + ".fits"
            compfname = cls._outputDir + cls.__name__ + ".run." + ref_id + ".fits"
            difffname = cls._outputDir + cls.__name__ + ".diff." + ref_id + ".fits"
            args = [
                "fitstool.py", "-f", "--diff", "--output", difffname, fname,
            subprocess.check_call(args, env=os.environ.copy())