def __init__( self, vertices, faces, euler_init, translation_init, cregu=2000, inertia=0.96, damping=0.05, ): self.cregu = cregu self.inertia = inertia self.damping = damping self.step_factor_vertices = 0.0005 self.step_max_vertices = 0.5 self.step_factor_quaternion = 0.00006 self.step_max_quaternion = 0.1 self.step_factor_translation = 0.00005 self.step_max_translation = 0.1 self.mesh = TriMesh( faces.copy() ) # we do a copy to avoid negative stride not support by pytorch objectCenter = vertices.mean(axis=0)+translation_init objectRadius = np.max(np.std(vertices, axis=0)) self.cameraCenter = objectCenter + np.array([-0.5, 0, 5]) * objectRadius self.scene = Scene3DPytorch() self.scene.setMesh(self.mesh) self.rigidEnergy = LaplacianRigidEnergy(self.mesh, vertices, cregu) self.vertices_init = torch.tensor(copy.copy(vertices)) self.Hfactorized = None self.Hpreconditioner = None self.setMeshTransformInit(euler=euler_init, translation=translation_init) self.reset()
def __init__( self, vertices, faces, euler_init, translation_init, defaultColor, defaultLight, cregu=2000, inertia=0.96, damping=0.05, updateLights=True, updateColor=True, ): self.cregu = cregu self.inertia = inertia self.damping = damping self.step_factor_vertices = 0.0005 self.step_max_vertices = 0.5 self.step_factor_quaternion = 0.00006 self.step_max_quaternion = 0.05 self.step_factor_translation = 0.00005 self.step_max_translation = 0.1 self.defaultColor = defaultColor self.defaultLight = defaultLight self.updateLights = updateLights self.updateColor = updateColor self.mesh = TriMesh(faces[:, ::-1].copy()) objectCenter = vertices.mean(axis=0) objectRadius = np.max(np.std(vertices, axis=0)) self.cameraCenter = objectCenter + np.array([0, 0, 9]) * objectRadius self.scene = Scene3D() self.scene.setMesh(self.mesh) self.rigidEnergy = LaplacianRigidEnergy(self.mesh, vertices, cregu) self.vertices_init = copy.copy(vertices) self.Hfactorized = None self.Hpreconditioner = None self.setMeshTransformInit(euler=euler_init, translation=translation_init) self.reset()
class MeshRGBFitterWithPose: def __init__( self, vertices, faces, euler_init, translation_init, defaultColor, defaultLight, cregu=2000, inertia=0.96, damping=0.05, updateLights=True, updateColor=True, ): self.cregu = cregu self.inertia = inertia self.damping = damping self.step_factor_vertices = 0.0005 self.step_max_vertices = 0.5 self.step_factor_quaternion = 0.00006 self.step_max_quaternion = 0.05 self.step_factor_translation = 0.00005 self.step_max_translation = 0.1 self.defaultColor = defaultColor self.defaultLight = defaultLight self.updateLights = updateLights self.updateColor = updateColor self.mesh = TriMesh(faces[:, ::-1].copy()) objectCenter = vertices.mean(axis=0) objectRadius = np.max(np.std(vertices, axis=0)) self.cameraCenter = objectCenter + np.array([0, 0, 9]) * objectRadius self.scene = Scene3D() self.scene.setMesh(self.mesh) self.rigidEnergy = LaplacianRigidEnergy(self.mesh, vertices, cregu) self.vertices_init = copy.copy(vertices) self.Hfactorized = None self.Hpreconditioner = None self.setMeshTransformInit(euler=euler_init, translation=translation_init) self.reset() def setBackgroundColor(self, backgroundColor): self.scene.setBackground( np.tile(backgroundColor[None, None, :], (self.SizeH, self.SizeW, 1))) def setMeshTransformInit(self, euler, translation): self.transformQuaternionInit = scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation.from_euler( "zyx", euler).as_quat() self.transformTranslationInit = translation def reset(self): self.vertices = copy.copy(self.vertices_init) self.speed_vertices = np.zeros(self.vertices.shape) self.transformQuaternion = copy.copy(self.transformQuaternionInit) self.transformTranslation = copy.copy(self.transformTranslationInit) self.speed_translation = np.zeros(3) self.speed_quaternion = np.zeros(4) self.handColor = copy.copy(self.defaultColor) self.ligthDirectional = copy.copy(self.defaultLight["directional"]) self.ambiantLight = copy.copy(self.defaultLight["ambiant"]) self.speed_ligthDirectional = np.zeros(self.ligthDirectional.shape) self.speed_ambiantLight = np.zeros(self.ambiantLight.shape) self.speed_handColor = np.zeros(self.handColor.shape) def setImage(self, handImage, focal=None): self.SizeW = handImage.shape[1] self.SizeH = handImage.shape[0] assert handImage.ndim == 3 self.handImage = handImage if focal is None: focal = 2 * self.SizeW R = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, -1]]) T = self.CameraMatrix = np.array([[focal, 0, self.SizeW / 2], [0, focal, self.SizeH / 2], [0, 0, 1]]).dot(np.column_stack((R, T))) self.iter = 0 def render(self): q_normalized = normalize( self.transformQuaternion ) # that will lead to a gradient that is in the tangeant space vertices_transformed = (qrot(q_normalized, self.vertices) + self.transformTranslation) self.mesh.setVertices(vertices_transformed) self.scene.setLight(ligthDirectional=self.ligthDirectional, ambiantLight=self.ambiantLight) self.mesh.setVerticesColors(np.tile(self.handColor, (self.mesh.nbV, 1))) Abuffer = self.scene.render(self.CameraMatrix, resolution=(self.SizeW, self.SizeH)) return Abuffer def render_backward(self, Abuffer_b): self.scene.clear_gradients() self.scene.render_backward(Abuffer_b) self.handColor_b = np.sum(self.mesh.verticesColors_b, axis=0) self.ligthDirectional_b = self.scene.lightDirectional_b self.ambiantLight_b = self.scene.ambiantLight_b vertices_transformed_b = self.scene.mesh.vertices_b self.transformTranslation_b = np.sum(vertices_transformed_b, axis=0) q_normalized = normalize(self.transformQuaternion) q_normalized_b, self.vertices_b = qrot_backward( q_normalized, self.vertices, vertices_transformed_b) self.transformQuaternion_b = normalize_backward( self.transformQuaternion, q_normalized_b ) # that will lead to a gradient that is in the tangeant space return def step(self): self.vertices = self.vertices - np.mean(self.vertices, axis=0)[None, :] Abuffer = self.render() diffImage = np.sum((Abuffer - self.handImage)**2, axis=2) Abuffer_b = 2 * (Abuffer - self.handImage) EData = np.sum(diffImage) E_rigid, grad_rigidity, approx_hessian_rigidity = self.rigidEnergy.eval( self.vertices) Energy = EData + E_rigid print("Energy=%f : EData=%f E_rigid=%f" % (Energy, EData, E_rigid)) self.render_backward(Abuffer_b) self.vertices_b = self.vertices_b - np.mean(self.vertices_b, axis=0)[None, :] # update v G = self.vertices_b + grad_rigidity def mult_and_clamp(x, a, t): return np.minimum(np.maximum(x * a, -t), t) inertia = self.inertia # update vertices step_vertices = mult_and_clamp(-G, self.step_factor_vertices, self.step_max_vertices) self.speed_vertices = (1 - self.damping) * (self.speed_vertices * inertia + (1 - inertia) * step_vertices) self.vertices = self.vertices + self.speed_vertices # update rotation step_quaternion = mult_and_clamp( -self.transformQuaternion_b, self.step_factor_quaternion, self.step_max_quaternion, ) self.speed_quaternion = (1 - self.damping) * ( self.speed_quaternion * inertia + (1 - inertia) * step_quaternion) self.transformQuaternion = self.transformQuaternion + self.speed_quaternion self.transformQuaternion = self.transformQuaternion / np.linalg.norm( self.transformQuaternion) # update translation step_translation = mult_and_clamp( -self.transformTranslation_b, self.step_factor_translation, self.step_max_translation, ) self.speed_translation = ( 1 - self.damping) * (self.speed_translation * inertia + (1 - inertia) * step_translation) self.transformTranslation = self.transformTranslation + self.speed_translation # update directional light step = -self.ligthDirectional_b * 0.0001 self.speed_ligthDirectional = (1 - self.damping) * ( self.speed_ligthDirectional * inertia + (1 - inertia) * step) self.ligthDirectional = self.ligthDirectional + self.speed_ligthDirectional # update ambiant light step = -self.ambiantLight_b * 0.0001 self.speed_ambiantLight = (1 - self.damping) * ( self.speed_ambiantLight * inertia + (1 - inertia) * step) self.ambiantLight = self.ambiantLight + self.speed_ambiantLight # update hand color step = -self.handColor_b * 0.00001 self.speed_handColor = (1 - self.damping) * ( self.speed_handColor * inertia + (1 - inertia) * step) self.handColor = self.handColor + self.speed_handColor self.iter += 1 return Energy, Abuffer, diffImage
class MeshDepthFitter: def __init__( self, vertices, faces, euler_init, translation_init, cregu=2000, inertia=0.96, damping=0.05, ): self.cregu = cregu self.inertia = inertia self.damping = damping self.step_factor_vertices = 0.0005 self.step_max_vertices = 0.5 self.step_factor_quaternion = 0.00006 self.step_max_quaternion = 0.1 self.step_factor_translation = 0.00005 self.step_max_translation = 0.1 self.mesh = TriMesh(faces[:, ::-1].copy( )) # we do a copy to avoid negative stride not support by pytorch objectCenter = vertices.mean(axis=0) objectRadius = np.max(np.std(vertices, axis=0)) self.cameraCenter = objectCenter + np.array([-0.5, 0, 5 ]) * objectRadius self.scene = Scene3D() self.scene.setMesh(self.mesh) self.rigidEnergy = LaplacianRigidEnergy(self.mesh, vertices, cregu) self.vertices_init = copy.copy(vertices) self.Hfactorized = None self.Hpreconditioner = None self.setMeshTransformInit(euler=euler_init, translation=translation_init) self.reset() def setMeshTransformInit(self, euler, translation): self.transformQuaternionInit = scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation.from_euler( "zyx", euler).as_quat() self.transformTranslationInit = translation def reset(self): self.vertices = copy.copy(self.vertices_init) self.speed_vertices = np.zeros(self.vertices_init.shape) self.transformQuaternion = copy.copy(self.transformQuaternionInit) self.transformTranslation = copy.copy(self.transformTranslationInit) self.speed_translation = np.zeros(3) self.speed_quaternion = np.zeros(4) def setMaxDepth(self, maxDepth): self.scene.maxDepth = maxDepth self.scene.setBackground( np.full((self.SizeH, self.SizeW, 1), maxDepth, dtype=np.float)) def setDepthScale(self, depthScale): self.depthScale = depthScale def setImage(self, handImage, focal=None): self.SizeW = handImage.shape[1] self.SizeH = handImage.shape[0] assert handImage.ndim == 2 self.handImage = handImage if focal is None: focal = 2 * self.SizeW R = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, -1]]) T = self.CameraMatrix = np.array([[focal, 0, self.SizeW / 2], [0, focal, self.SizeH / 2], [0, 0, 1]]).dot(np.column_stack((R, T))) self.iter = 0 def render(self): q_normalized = normalize( self.transformQuaternion ) # that will lead to a gradient that is in the tangeant space vertices_transformed = (qrot(q_normalized, self.vertices) + self.transformTranslation) self.mesh.setVertices(vertices_transformed) self.DepthNotCliped = self.scene.renderDepth( self.CameraMatrix, resolution=(self.SizeW, self.SizeH), depth_scale=self.depthScale, ) Depth = np.clip(self.DepthNotCliped, 0, self.scene.maxDepth) return Depth def render_backward(self, Depth_b): self.scene.clear_gradients() Depth_b[self.DepthNotCliped < 0] = 0 Depth_b[self.DepthNotCliped > self.scene.maxDepth] = 0 self.scene.renderDepth_backward(Depth_b) vertices_transformed_b = self.scene.mesh.vertices_b self.transformTranslation_b = np.sum(vertices_transformed_b, axis=0) q_normalized = normalize(self.transformQuaternion) q_normalized_b, self.vertices_b = qrot_backward( q_normalized, self.vertices, vertices_transformed_b) self.transformQuaternion_b = normalize_backward( self.transformQuaternion, q_normalized_b ) # that will lead to a gradient that is in the tangeant space return def step(self): self.vertices = self.vertices - np.mean(self.vertices, axis=0)[None, :] Depth = self.render() diffImage = np.sum((Depth - self.handImage[:, :, None])**2, axis=2) EData = np.sum(diffImage) Depth_b = 2 * (Depth - self.handImage[:, :, None]) self.render_backward(Depth_b) self.vertices_b = self.vertices_b - np.mean(self.vertices_b, axis=0)[None, :] GradData = self.vertices_b # update v E_rigid, grad_rigidity, approx_hessian_rigidity = self.rigidEnergy.eval( self.vertices) Energy = EData + E_rigid print("Energy=%f : EData=%f E_rigid=%f" % (Energy, EData, E_rigid)) # update v G = GradData + grad_rigidity def mult_and_clamp(x, a, t): return np.minimum(np.maximum(x * a, -t), t) inertia = self.inertia # update vertices step_vertices = mult_and_clamp(-G, self.step_factor_vertices, self.step_max_vertices) self.speed_vertices = ( 1 - self.damping) * (self.speed_vertices * self.inertia + (1 - self.inertia) * step_vertices) self.vertices = self.vertices + self.speed_vertices # update rotation step_quaternion = mult_and_clamp( -self.transformQuaternion_b, self.step_factor_quaternion, self.step_max_quaternion, ) self.speed_quaternion = (1 - self.damping) * ( self.speed_quaternion * inertia + (1 - inertia) * step_quaternion) self.transformQuaternion = self.transformQuaternion + self.speed_quaternion self.transformQuaternion = self.transformQuaternion / np.linalg.norm( self.transformQuaternion) # update translation step_translation = mult_and_clamp( -self.transformTranslation_b, self.step_factor_translation, self.step_max_translation, ) self.speed_translation = ( 1 - self.damping) * (self.speed_translation * inertia + (1 - inertia) * step_translation) self.transformTranslation = self.transformTranslation + self.speed_translation self.iter += 1 return Energy, Depth[:, :, 0], diffImage
class MeshDepthFitter: def __init__( self, vertices, faces, euler_init, translation_init, cregu=2000, inertia=0.96, damping=0.05, ): self.cregu = cregu self.inertia = inertia self.damping = damping self.step_factor_vertices = 0.0005 self.step_max_vertices = 0.5 self.step_factor_quaternion = 0.00006 self.step_max_quaternion = 0.1 self.step_factor_translation = 0.00005 self.step_max_translation = 0.1 self.mesh = TriMesh( faces.copy() ) # we do a copy to avoid negative stride not support by pytorch objectCenter = vertices.mean(axis=0)+translation_init objectRadius = np.max(np.std(vertices, axis=0)) self.cameraCenter = objectCenter + np.array([-0.5, 0, 5]) * objectRadius self.scene = Scene3DPytorch() self.scene.setMesh(self.mesh) self.rigidEnergy = LaplacianRigidEnergy(self.mesh, vertices, cregu) self.vertices_init = torch.tensor(copy.copy(vertices)) self.Hfactorized = None self.Hpreconditioner = None self.setMeshTransformInit(euler=euler_init, translation=translation_init) self.reset() def setMeshTransformInit(self, euler, translation): self.transformQuaternionInit = scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation.from_euler( "zyx", euler ).as_quat() self.transformTranslationInit = translation def reset(self): self.vertices = copy.copy(self.vertices_init) self.speed_vertices = np.zeros(self.vertices_init.shape) self.transformQuaternion = copy.copy(self.transformQuaternionInit) self.transformTranslation = copy.copy(self.transformTranslationInit) self.speed_translation = np.zeros(3) self.speed_quaternion = np.zeros(4) def setMaxDepth(self, maxDepth): self.scene.maxDepth = maxDepth self.scene.setBackground( np.full((self.SizeH, self.SizeW, 1), maxDepth, dtype=np.float) ) def setDepthScale(self, depthScale): self.depthScale = depthScale def setImage(self, handImage, focal=None): self.SizeW = handImage.shape[1] self.SizeH = handImage.shape[0] assert handImage.ndim == 2 self.handImage = handImage if focal is None: focal = 2 * self.SizeW R = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, -1]]) T = self.CameraMatrix = np.array( [[focal, 0, self.SizeW / 2], [0, focal, self.SizeH / 2], [0, 0, 1]] ).dot(np.column_stack((R, T))) self.iter = 0 def step(self): self.vertices = self.vertices - torch.mean(self.vertices, dim=0)[None, :] # vertices_with_grad = self.vertices.clone().requires_grad(True) vertices_with_grad = self.vertices.clone().detach().requires_grad_(True) vertices_with_grad_centered = ( vertices_with_grad - torch.mean(vertices_with_grad, dim=0)[None, :] ) quaternion_with_grad = torch.tensor( self.transformQuaternion, dtype=torch.float64, requires_grad=True ) translation_with_grad = torch.tensor( self.transformTranslation, dtype=torch.float64, requires_grad=True ) q_normalized = ( quaternion_with_grad / quaternion_with_grad.norm() ) # that will lead to a gradient that is in the tangeant space vertices_with_grad_transformed = ( qrot(q_normalized, vertices_with_grad_centered) + translation_with_grad ) self.mesh.setVertices(vertices_with_grad_transformed) depth_scale = 1 * self.depthScale Depth = self.scene.renderDepth( self.CameraMatrix, resolution=(self.SizeW, self.SizeH), depth_scale=depth_scale, ) Depth = torch.clamp(Depth, 0, self.scene.maxDepth) diffImage = torch.sum( (Depth - torch.tensor(self.handImage[:, :, None])) ** 2, dim=2 ) loss = torch.sum(diffImage) loss.backward() EData = loss.detach().numpy() GradData = vertices_with_grad.grad.numpy() E_rigid, grad_rigidity, approx_hessian_rigidity = self.rigidEnergy.eval( self.vertices.numpy() ) Energy = EData + E_rigid print("Energy=%f : EData=%f E_rigid=%f" % (Energy, EData, E_rigid)) # update v G = GradData + grad_rigidity def mult_and_clamp(x, a, t): return np.minimum(np.maximum(x * a, -t), t) # update vertices step_vertices = mult_and_clamp( -G, self.step_factor_vertices, self.step_max_vertices ) self.speed_vertices = (1 - self.damping) * ( self.speed_vertices * self.inertia + (1 - self.inertia) * step_vertices ) self.vertices = self.vertices + torch.tensor(self.speed_vertices) # update rotation step_quaternion = mult_and_clamp( -quaternion_with_grad.grad.numpy(), self.step_factor_quaternion, self.step_max_quaternion, ) self.speed_quaternion = (1 - self.damping) * ( self.speed_quaternion * self.inertia + (1 - self.inertia) * step_quaternion ) self.transformQuaternion = self.transformQuaternion + self.speed_quaternion self.transformQuaternion = self.transformQuaternion / np.linalg.norm( self.transformQuaternion ) # update translation step_translation = mult_and_clamp( -translation_with_grad.grad.numpy(), self.step_factor_translation, self.step_max_translation, ) self.speed_translation = (1 - self.damping) * ( self.speed_translation * self.inertia + (1 - self.inertia) * step_translation ) self.transformTranslation = self.transformTranslation + self.speed_translation self.iter += 1 return Energy, Depth[:, :, 0].detach().numpy(), diffImage.detach().numpy()