Пример #1
def continuum_normalization(continuum_orbitals,
    continuum orbitals are normalized such that asymptotically their radial part behaves

            S(r) = 1/r sin(k*r + delta)

    To find the factor by which the unnormalized continuum orbitals have to be multiplied,
    we integrate the modulus squared over one wavelength 2*pi/k starting at a large radius
                 /pi           /2 pi  /R+2pi/k   2                2
       I(wfn) =  | sin(th) dth | dph  |   dr    r   |wfn(r,th,ph)|        
                 /0            /0     /R        
    and compare with the corresponding integral for the asymptotic form S(r)

               /R+2pi/k     2
       I(S) =  |  dr     sin (k*r+delta)  = pi / k

    The wavefunction is then normalized as 

       wfn(normalized) = sqrt(I(S)/I(wfn)) * wfn(unnormalized)

    continuum_orbitals: list of unnormalized continuum orbitals, instances of 
                        LinearCombinationWavefunction or AtomicBasisFunction
    energy            : energy of continuum orbital (in Hartree), E=1/2 k^2
    rmax              : radius (in bohr) at which the integration states
    npts_r            : number of points in quadrature rule for radial integration on interval [rmax,rmax+2pi/k]
    lebedev_order     : order of Lebedev grid for angular integral

    scaling_factors   : list of scaling factors sqrt(I(S)/I(wfn)) 
    # wavenumber
    k = np.sqrt(2 * energy)
    # angular grid
    Lmax, (th, ph, angular_weights) = select_angular_grid(lebedev_order)
    sc = np.sin(th) * np.cos(ph)
    ss = np.sin(th) * np.sin(ph)
    c = np.cos(th)
    # radial grid
    # sample points and weights for Gauss-Legendre quadrature on the interval [-1,1]
    leggauss_pts, leggauss_weights = legendre.leggauss(npts_r)
    # For Gaussian quadrature the integral [-1,1] has to be changed into [rmax,rmax+2pi/k].
    # new endpoints of interval
    a = rmax
    b = rmax + 2.0 * np.pi / k
    # transformed sampling points and weights
    r = 0.5 * (b - a) * leggauss_pts + 0.5 * (a + b)
    radial_weights = 0.5 * (b - a) * leggauss_weights
    # cartesian coordinates of grid
    x = outerN(r, sc).flatten()
    y = outerN(r, ss).flatten()
    z = outerN(r, c).flatten()
    r2 = x * x + y * y + z * z

    weights = outerN(radial_weights, 4.0 * np.pi * angular_weights).flatten()

    # desired integral I(S) for asymptotic orbital
    Is = np.pi / k

    # For each continuum orbital, we compute I(wfn) and the scaling factor
    scaling_factors = np.zeros(len(continuum_orbitals))
    for iw, wfn in enumerate(continuum_orbitals):
        # integral I(wfn)
        I = np.sum(r2 * abs(wfn.amp(x, y, z))**2 * weights)
        # scaling factor
        scaling_factors[iw] = np.sqrt(Is / I)

    return scaling_factors
Пример #2
def continuum_overlap(bfs, E, rlarge=50000.0):
    Continuum orbitals cannot be normalized, but a quantity equivalent to the
    overlap matrix may be defined by integrating the product of two continuum
    wavefunctions over one wavelength at a large distance R away from the

               /R+lambda /2pi  /pi              2    *
        S   =  |  dr     | dph | sin(th) dth   r  phi (r,th,ph)   phi (r,th,ph)
         ij    /R        /     /0                    i               j

    where lambda = 2pi/k = 2 pi / sqrt(2*E) is the wavelength

    bfs        :  list of callables, continuum basis functions with energy E
    E          :  float, energy E in Hartree

    rlarge     :  float, radius R in bohr where the integration starts
    # number of basis functions
    Nbfs = len(bfs)
    # 'overlap' matrix
    S = np.zeros((Nbfs, Nbfs))

    # angular grid
    Lmax, (th, ph,
           angular_weights) = select_angular_grid(settings.lebedev_order)
    Nang = len(th)
    sc = np.sin(th) * np.cos(ph)
    ss = np.sin(th) * np.sin(ph)
    c = np.cos(th)

    # wavelength
    k = np.sqrt(2 * E)
    lamb = 2.0 * np.pi / k
    print("k = %s" % k)

    # radial grid on the interval [rlarge,rlarge+lambda]
    Nr = 1000
    r = np.linspace(rlarge, rlarge + lamb, Nr)
    # r^2 dr
    radial_weights = r**2 * np.ediff1d(r, to_end=r[-1] - r[-2])

    # cartesian coordinates of grid
    x = outerN(r, sc).flatten()
    y = outerN(r, ss).flatten()
    z = outerN(r, c).flatten()
    weights = outerN(radial_weights, 4.0 * np.pi * angular_weights).flatten()
    Npts = Nr * Nang

    for i in range(0, Nbfs):
        phi_i = bfs[i]
        for j in range(0, Nbfs):
            phi_j = bfs[j]
            # If the continuum orbitals are normalized such that the
            # radial functions have the form
            #          r->oo
            #  phi(r) --------> 1/r sin(kr + delta_l)
            # then the diagonal elements of the overlap matrix
            # should be
            #  S[i,i] = pi/k
            S[i, j] = np.sum(phi_i(x, y, z) * phi_j(x, y, z) * weights)

    print("overlap (unnormalized)")

    # For printing we normalize the overlap matrix
    # so that the diagonal elements are equal to 1.
    print("overlap (normalized)")
    print((S * k / np.pi))

    return S
Пример #3
def fvvm_matrix_elements(atomlist, bfs, potential, E, r0):
    compute matrix elements of eqns. (8) and (9) in Ref. [1] which are
    needed for the finite-volume variational method. The integration
    is limited to a sphere of radius r0 around the origin.

    atomlist     :  list of tuples (Z,[x,y,z]) with atomic numbers
                    and positions
    bfs          :  list of callables, `n` real basis functions 
    potential    :  callable, potential(x,y,z) evaluates effective potential
    E            :  float, energy of continuum orbital
    r0           :  float, radius of sphere which defines the integration volume

    A            :  n x n matrix
    D            :  n x n matrix
    S            :  n x n matrix with overlap in finite volume
    # number of basis functions
    nbfs = len(bfs)
    print " %d basis functions" % nbfs

    # volume integral
    #       __     __
    # A  = <\/chi |\/chi >   +  2 <chi |(V-E)|chi >
    #  ij        i      j V           i          j V
    A = np.zeros((nbfs, nbfs))
    # surface integral
    #  D  = <chi |chi >
    #   ij      i    j surface of V
    D = np.zeros((nbfs, nbfs))
    # overlap inside volume
    # S   = <chi |chi >
    #  ij       i    j V
    S = np.zeros((nbfs, nbfs))

    # angular grid for surface integral
    Lmax, (th, ph,
           angular_weights) = select_angular_grid(settings.lebedev_order)
    # cartesian coordinates of Lebedev points on sphere of
    # radius r0
    xS = r0 * np.sin(th) * np.cos(ph)
    yS = r0 * np.sin(th) * np.sin(ph)
    zS = r0 * np.cos(th)

    for i in range(0, nbfs):
        # basis function i
        chi_i = bfs[i]
        for j in range(i, nbfs):
            # basis function j
            print " integrals between basis functions i= %d and j= %d" % (
                i + 1, j + 1)
            chi_j = bfs[j]

            # volume integral A_ij
            grad_prod_func = gradient_product(atomlist, chi_i, chi_j)

            def integrand(x, y, z):
                # (grad chi_i).(grad chi_j)
                integ = grad_prod_func(x, y, z)
                # 2 * chi_i * chi_j (V-E)
                integ += 2 * chi_i(x, y, z) * chi_j(
                    x, y, z) * (potential(x, y, z) - E)
                # Outside the integration volume the integrand
                # is set to zero.
                r = np.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z)
                integ[r0 < r] = 0.0
                return integ

            A[i, j] = integral(atomlist, integrand)
            # A is symmetric
            A[j, i] = A[i, j]

            # surface integral D_ij
            D[i, j] = 4.0 * np.pi * r0**2 * np.sum(
                angular_weights * chi_i(xS, yS, zS) * chi_j(xS, yS, zS))
            # D is symmetric
            D[j, i] = D[i, j]

            # overlap integral S_ij inside the volume
            def integrand(x, y, z):
                integ = chi_i(x, y, z) * chi_j(x, y, z)
                # Outside the integration volume the integrand
                # is set to zero.
                r = np.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z)
                integ[r0 < r] = 0.0
                return integ

            S[i, j] = integral(atomlist, integrand)
            # S is symmetric
            S[j, i] = S[i, j]

    return A, D, S